
383 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API
# Copyright (C) 2015-2022
# Leandro Toledo de Souza <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
# along with this program. If not, see [].
import re
from queue import Queue
import pytest
from telegram import Message, Update, Chat, Bot
from telegram.ext import CommandHandler, filters, CallbackContext, JobQueue, PrefixHandler
from tests.conftest import (
def is_match(handler, update):
Utility function that returns whether an update matched
against a specific handler.
:param handler: ``CommandHandler`` to check against
:param update: update to check
:return: (bool) whether ``update`` matched with ``handler``
check = handler.check_update(update)
return check is not None and check is not False
class BaseTest:
"""Base class for command and prefix handler test classes. Contains
utility methods an several callbacks used by both classes."""
test_flag = False
SRE_TYPE = type(re.match("", ""))
def reset(self):
self.test_flag = False
def response(self, dispatcher, update):
Utility to send an update to a dispatcher and assert
whether the callback was called appropriately. Its purpose is
for repeated usage in the same test function.
self.test_flag = False
return self.test_flag
def callback_basic(self, update, context):
test_bot = isinstance(, Bot)
test_update = isinstance(update, Update)
self.test_flag = test_bot and test_update
def make_callback_for(self, pass_keyword):
def callback(bot, update, **kwargs):
self.test_flag = kwargs.get(keyword) is not None
keyword = pass_keyword[5:]
return callback
def callback_context(self, update, context):
self.test_flag = (
isinstance(context, CallbackContext)
and isinstance(, Bot)
and isinstance(update, Update)
and isinstance(context.update_queue, Queue)
and isinstance(context.job_queue, JobQueue)
and isinstance(context.user_data, dict)
and isinstance(context.chat_data, dict)
and isinstance(context.bot_data, dict)
and isinstance(update.message, Message)
def callback_context_args(self, update, context):
self.test_flag = context.args == ['one', 'two']
def callback_context_regex1(self, update, context):
if context.matches:
types = all(type(res) is self.SRE_TYPE for res in context.matches)
num = len(context.matches) == 1
self.test_flag = types and num
def callback_context_regex2(self, update, context):
if context.matches:
types = all(type(res) is self.SRE_TYPE for res in context.matches)
num = len(context.matches) == 2
self.test_flag = types and num
def _test_context_args_or_regex(self, dp, handler, text):
update = make_command_update(text)
assert not self.response(dp, update)
update.message.text += ' one two'
assert self.response(dp, update)
def _test_edited(self, message, handler_edited, handler_not_edited):
Assert whether a handler that should accept edited messages
and a handler that shouldn't work correctly.
:param message: ``telegram.Message`` to check against the handlers
:param handler_edited: handler that should accept edited messages
:param handler_not_edited: handler that should not accept edited messages
update = make_command_update(message)
edited_update = make_command_update(message, edited=True)
assert is_match(handler_edited, update)
assert is_match(handler_edited, edited_update)
assert is_match(handler_not_edited, update)
assert not is_match(handler_not_edited, edited_update)
# ----------------------------- CommandHandler -----------------------------
class TestCommandHandler(BaseTest):
CMD = '/test'
def test_slot_behaviour(self, mro_slots):
handler = self.make_default_handler()
for attr in handler.__slots__:
assert getattr(handler, attr, 'err') != 'err', f"got extra slot '{attr}'"
assert len(mro_slots(handler)) == len(set(mro_slots(handler))), "duplicate slot"
def command(self):
return self.CMD
def command_message(self, command):
return make_command_message(command)
def command_update(self, command_message):
return make_command_update(command_message)
def make_default_handler(self, callback=None, **kwargs):
callback = callback or self.callback_basic
return CommandHandler(self.CMD[1:], callback, **kwargs)
def test_basic(self, dp, command):
"""Test whether a command handler responds to its command
and not to others, or badly formatted commands"""
handler = self.make_default_handler()
assert self.response(dp, make_command_update(command))
assert not is_match(handler, make_command_update(command[1:]))
assert not is_match(handler, make_command_update(f'/not{command[1:]}'))
assert not is_match(handler, make_command_update(f'not {command} at start'))
['way_too_longcommand1234567yes_way_toooooooLong', 'ïñválídletters', 'invalid #&* chars'],
ids=['too long', 'invalid letter', 'invalid characters'],
def test_invalid_commands(self, cmd):
with pytest.raises(
ValueError, match=f'`{re.escape(cmd.lower())}` is not a valid bot command'
CommandHandler(cmd, self.callback_basic)
def test_command_list(self):
"""A command handler with multiple commands registered should respond to all of them."""
handler = CommandHandler(['test', 'star'], self.callback_basic)
assert is_match(handler, make_command_update('/test'))
assert is_match(handler, make_command_update('/star'))
assert not is_match(handler, make_command_update('/stop'))
def test_edited(self, command_message):
"""Test that a CH responds to an edited message if its filters allow it"""
handler_edited = self.make_default_handler()
handler_no_edited = self.make_default_handler(filters=~filters.UpdateType.EDITED_MESSAGE)
self._test_edited(command_message, handler_edited, handler_no_edited)
def test_directed_commands(self, bot, command):
"""Test recognition of commands with a mention to the bot"""
handler = self.make_default_handler()
assert is_match(handler, make_command_update(command + '@' + bot.username, bot=bot))
assert not is_match(handler, make_command_update(command + '@otherbot', bot=bot))
def test_with_filter(self, command):
"""Test that a CH with a (generic) filter responds if its filters match"""
handler = self.make_default_handler(filters=filters.ChatType.GROUP)
assert is_match(handler, make_command_update(command, chat=Chat(-23, Chat.GROUP)))
assert not is_match(handler, make_command_update(command, chat=Chat(23, Chat.PRIVATE)))
def test_newline(self, dp, command):
"""Assert that newlines don't interfere with a command handler matching a message"""
handler = self.make_default_handler()
update = make_command_update(command + '\nfoobar')
assert is_match(handler, update)
assert self.response(dp, update)
def test_other_update_types(self, false_update):
"""Test that a command handler doesn't respond to unrelated updates"""
handler = self.make_default_handler()
assert not is_match(handler, false_update)
def test_filters_for_wrong_command(self, mock_filter):
"""Filters should not be executed if the command does not match the handler"""
handler = self.make_default_handler(filters=mock_filter)
assert not is_match(handler, make_command_update('/star'))
assert not mock_filter.tested
def test_context(self, dp, command_update):
"""Test correct behaviour of CHs with context-based callbacks"""
handler = self.make_default_handler(self.callback_context)
assert self.response(dp, command_update)
def test_context_args(self, dp, command):
"""Test CHs that pass arguments through ``context``"""
handler = self.make_default_handler(self.callback_context_args)
self._test_context_args_or_regex(dp, handler, command)
def test_context_regex(self, dp, command):
"""Test CHs with context-based callbacks and a single filter"""
handler = self.make_default_handler(
self.callback_context_regex1, filters=filters.Regex('one two')
self._test_context_args_or_regex(dp, handler, command)
def test_context_multiple_regex(self, dp, command):
"""Test CHs with context-based callbacks and filters combined"""
handler = self.make_default_handler(
self.callback_context_regex2, filters=filters.Regex('one') & filters.Regex('two')
self._test_context_args_or_regex(dp, handler, command)
# ----------------------------- PrefixHandler -----------------------------
def combinations(prefixes, commands):
return (prefix + command for prefix in prefixes for command in commands)
class TestPrefixHandler(BaseTest):
# Prefixes and commands with which to test PrefixHandler:
PREFIXES = ['!', '#', 'mytrig-']
COMMANDS = ['help', 'test']
def test_slot_behaviour(self, mro_slots):
handler = self.make_default_handler()
for attr in handler.__slots__:
assert getattr(handler, attr, 'err') != 'err', f"got extra slot '{attr}'"
assert len(mro_slots(handler)) == len(set(mro_slots(handler))), "duplicate slot"
@pytest.fixture(scope='class', params=PREFIXES)
def prefix(self, request):
return request.param
@pytest.fixture(scope='class', params=[1, 2], ids=['single prefix', 'multiple prefixes'])
def prefixes(self, request):
return TestPrefixHandler.PREFIXES[: request.param]
@pytest.fixture(scope='class', params=COMMANDS)
def command(self, request):
return request.param
@pytest.fixture(scope='class', params=[1, 2], ids=['single command', 'multiple commands'])
def commands(self, request):
return TestPrefixHandler.COMMANDS[: request.param]
def prefix_message_text(self, prefix, command):
return prefix + command
def prefix_message(self, prefix_message_text):
return make_message(prefix_message_text)
def prefix_message_update(self, prefix_message):
return make_message_update(prefix_message)
def make_default_handler(self, callback=None, **kwargs):
callback = callback or self.callback_basic
return PrefixHandler(self.PREFIXES, self.COMMANDS, callback, **kwargs)
def test_basic(self, dp, prefix, command):
"""Test the basic expected response from a prefix handler"""
handler = self.make_default_handler()
text = prefix + command
assert self.response(dp, make_message_update(text))
assert not is_match(handler, make_message_update(command))
assert not is_match(handler, make_message_update(prefix + 'notacommand'))
assert not is_match(handler, make_command_update(f'not {text} at start'))
def test_single_multi_prefixes_commands(self, prefixes, commands, prefix_message_update):
"""Test various combinations of prefixes and commands"""
handler = self.make_default_handler()
result = is_match(handler, prefix_message_update)
expected = prefix_message_update.message.text in combinations(prefixes, commands)
return result == expected
def test_edited(self, prefix_message):
handler_edited = self.make_default_handler()
handler_no_edited = self.make_default_handler(filters=~filters.UpdateType.EDITED_MESSAGE)
self._test_edited(prefix_message, handler_edited, handler_no_edited)
def test_with_filter(self, prefix_message_text):
handler = self.make_default_handler(filters=filters.ChatType.GROUP)
text = prefix_message_text
assert is_match(handler, make_message_update(text, chat=Chat(-23, Chat.GROUP)))
assert not is_match(handler, make_message_update(text, chat=Chat(23, Chat.PRIVATE)))
def test_other_update_types(self, false_update):
handler = self.make_default_handler()
assert not is_match(handler, false_update)
def test_filters_for_wrong_command(self, mock_filter):
"""Filters should not be executed if the command does not match the handler"""
handler = self.make_default_handler(filters=mock_filter)
assert not is_match(handler, make_message_update('/test'))
assert not mock_filter.tested
def test_edit_prefix(self):
handler = self.make_default_handler()
handler.prefix = ['?', '§']
assert handler._commands == list(combinations(['?', '§'], self.COMMANDS))
handler.prefix = '+'
assert handler._commands == list(combinations(['+'], self.COMMANDS))
def test_edit_command(self):
handler = self.make_default_handler()
handler.command = 'foo'
assert handler._commands == list(combinations(self.PREFIXES, ['foo']))
def test_basic_after_editing(self, dp, prefix, command):
"""Test the basic expected response from a prefix handler"""
handler = self.make_default_handler()
text = prefix + command
assert self.response(dp, make_message_update(text))
handler.command = 'foo'
text = prefix + 'foo'
assert self.response(dp, make_message_update(text))
def test_context(self, dp, prefix_message_update):
handler = self.make_default_handler(self.callback_context)
assert self.response(dp, prefix_message_update)
def test_context_args(self, dp, prefix_message_text):
handler = self.make_default_handler(self.callback_context_args)
self._test_context_args_or_regex(dp, handler, prefix_message_text)
def test_context_regex(self, dp, prefix_message_text):
handler = self.make_default_handler(
self.callback_context_regex1, filters=filters.Regex('one two')
self._test_context_args_or_regex(dp, handler, prefix_message_text)
def test_context_multiple_regex(self, dp, prefix_message_text):
handler = self.make_default_handler(
self.callback_context_regex2, filters=filters.Regex('one') & filters.Regex('two')
self._test_context_args_or_regex(dp, handler, prefix_message_text)