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#!/usr/bin/env python
# A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API
# Copyright (C) 2015-2017
# Leandro Toledo de Souza <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
# along with this program. If not, see [].
""" This module contains the Filters for use with the MessageHandler class """
from telegram import Chat
str_type = base_string
except NameError:
str_type = str
class BaseFilter(object):
"""Base class for all Message Filters
Subclassing from this class filters to be combined using bitwise operators:
>>> (Filters.text & Filters.entity(MENTION))
>>> ( |
>>> ~ Filters.command
Also works with more than two filters:
>>> (Filters.text & (Filters.entity(URL) | Filters.entity(TEXT_LINK)))
>>> Filters.text & (~ Filters.forwarded)
If you want to create your own filters create a class inheriting from this class and implement
a `filter` method that returns a boolean: `True` if the message should be handled, `False`
otherwise. Note that the filters work only as class instances, not actual class objects
(so remember to initialize your filter classes).
def __call__(self, message):
return self.filter(message)
def __and__(self, other):
return MergedFilter(self, and_filter=other)
def __or__(self, other):
return MergedFilter(self, or_filter=other)
def __invert__(self):
return InvertedFilter(self)
def filter(self, message):
raise NotImplementedError
class InvertedFilter(BaseFilter):
"""Represents a filter that has been inverted.
f: The filter to invert
def __init__(self, f):
self.f = f
def filter(self, message):
return not self.f(message)
def __str__(self):
return "<telegram.ext.filters.InvertedFilter inverting {}>".format(self.f)
__repr__ = __str__
class MergedFilter(BaseFilter):
"""Represents a filter consisting of two other filters.
base_filter: Filter 1 of the merged filter
and_filter: Optional filter to "and" with base_filter. Mutually exclusive with or_filter.
or_filter: Optional filter to "or" with base_filter. Mutually exclusive with and_filter.
def __init__(self, base_filter, and_filter=None, or_filter=None):
self.base_filter = base_filter
self.and_filter = and_filter
self.or_filter = or_filter
def filter(self, message):
if self.and_filter:
return self.base_filter(message) and self.and_filter(message)
elif self.or_filter:
return self.base_filter(message) or self.or_filter(message)
def __str__(self):
return ("<telegram.ext.filters.MergedFilter consisting of"
" {} {} {}>").format(self.base_filter, "and" if self.and_filter else "or",
self.and_filter or self.or_filter)
__repr__ = __str__
class Filters(object):
Predefined filters for use with the `filter` argument of :class:`telegram.ext.MessageHandler`.
class _All(BaseFilter):
def filter(self, message):
return True
all = _All()
class _Text(BaseFilter):
def filter(self, message):
return bool(message.text and not message.text.startswith('/'))
text = _Text()
class _Command(BaseFilter):
def filter(self, message):
return bool(message.text and message.text.startswith('/'))
class _Reply(BaseFilter):
def filter(self, message):
return bool(message.reply_to_message)
reply = _Reply()
command = _Command()
class _Audio(BaseFilter):
def filter(self, message):
return bool(
audio = _Audio()
class _Document(BaseFilter):
def filter(self, message):
return bool(message.document)
document = _Document()
class _Photo(BaseFilter):
def filter(self, message):
return bool(
photo = _Photo()
class _Sticker(BaseFilter):
def filter(self, message):
return bool(message.sticker)
sticker = _Sticker()
class _Video(BaseFilter):
def filter(self, message):
return bool(
video = _Video()
class _Voice(BaseFilter):
def filter(self, message):
return bool(message.voice)
voice = _Voice()
class _Contact(BaseFilter):
def filter(self, message):
return bool(
contact = _Contact()
class _Location(BaseFilter):
def filter(self, message):
return bool(message.location)
location = _Location()
class _Venue(BaseFilter):
def filter(self, message):
return bool(message.venue)
venue = _Venue()
class _StatusUpdate(BaseFilter):
class _NewChatMembers(BaseFilter):
def filter(self, message):
return bool(message.new_chat_members)
new_chat_members = _NewChatMembers()
class _LeftChatMember(BaseFilter):
def filter(self, message):
return bool(message.left_chat_member)
left_chat_member = _LeftChatMember()
class _NewChatTitle(BaseFilter):
def filter(self, message):
return bool(message.new_chat_title)
new_chat_title = _NewChatTitle()
class _NewChatPhoto(BaseFilter):
def filter(self, message):
return bool(message.new_chat_photo)
new_chat_photo = _NewChatPhoto()
class _DeleteChatPhoto(BaseFilter):
def filter(self, message):
return bool(message.delete_chat_photo)
delete_chat_photo = _DeleteChatPhoto()
class _ChatCreated(BaseFilter):
def filter(self, message):
return bool(message.group_chat_created or message.supergroup_chat_created or
chat_created = _ChatCreated()
class _Migrate(BaseFilter):
def filter(self, message):
return bool(message.migrate_from_chat_id or message.migrate_to_chat_id)
migrate = _Migrate()
class _PinnedMessage(BaseFilter):
def filter(self, message):
return bool(message.pinned_message)
pinned_message = _PinnedMessage()
def filter(self, message):
return bool(self.new_chat_members(message) or self.left_chat_member(message) or
self.new_chat_title(message) or self.new_chat_photo(message) or
self.delete_chat_photo(message) or self.chat_created(message) or
self.migrate(message) or self.pinned_message(message))
status_update = _StatusUpdate()
class _Forwarded(BaseFilter):
def filter(self, message):
return bool(message.forward_date)
forwarded = _Forwarded()
class _Game(BaseFilter):
def filter(self, message):
return bool(
game = _Game()
class entity(BaseFilter):
"""Filters messages to only allow those which have a :class:`telegram.MessageEntity`
where their `type` matches `entity_type`.
entity_type: Entity type to check for. All types can be found as constants
in :class:`telegram.MessageEntity`.
Returns: function to use as filter
def __init__(self, entity_type):
self.entity_type = entity_type
def filter(self, message):
return any([entity.type == self.entity_type for entity in message.entities])
class _Private(BaseFilter):
def filter(self, message):
return == Chat.PRIVATE
private = _Private()
class _Group(BaseFilter):
def filter(self, message):
return in [Chat.GROUP, Chat.SUPERGROUP]
group = _Group()
class _Invoice(BaseFilter):
def filter(self, message):
return bool(message.invoice)
invoice = _Invoice()
class _SuccessfulPayment(BaseFilter):
def filter(self, message):
return bool(message.successful_payment)
successful_payment = _SuccessfulPayment()
class language(BaseFilter):
Filters messages to only allow those which are from users with a certain language code.
Note that according to telegrams documentation, every single user does not have the
language_code attribute.
lang (str|list): Which language code(s) to allow through. This will be matched using
.startswith meaning that 'en' will match both 'en_US' and 'en_GB'
def __init__(self, lang):
if isinstance(lang, str_type):
self.lang = [lang]
self.lang = lang
def filter(self, message):
return message.from_user.language_code and any(
[message.from_user.language_code.startswith(x) for x in self.lang])