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#!/usr/bin/env python
# A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API
# Copyright (C) 2015-2021
# Leandro Toledo de Souza <devs@python-telegram-bot.org>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
# along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/].
"""This module contains helper functions."""
import datetime as dtm # dtm = "DateTime Module"
import re
import signal
import time
from collections import defaultdict
from html import escape
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (
from telegram.utils.types import JSONDict, FileInput
from telegram import Message, Update, TelegramObject, InputFile
# in PTB-Raw we don't have pytz, so we make a little workaround here
DTM_UTC = dtm.timezone.utc
import pytz
UTC = pytz.utc
except ImportError:
UTC = DTM_UTC # type: ignore[assignment]
import ujson as json
except ImportError:
import json # type: ignore[no-redef]
# From https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2549939/get-signal-names-from-numbers-in-python
_signames = {
v: k
for k, v in reversed(sorted(vars(signal).items()))
if k.startswith('SIG') and not k.startswith('SIG_')
def get_signal_name(signum: int) -> str:
"""Returns the signal name of the given signal number."""
return _signames[signum]
def is_local_file(obj: Optional[Union[str, Path]]) -> bool:
Checks if a given string is a file on local system.
obj (:obj:`str`): The string to check.
if obj is None:
return False
path = Path(obj)
return path.is_file()
except Exception:
return False
def parse_file_input(
file_input: Union[FileInput, 'TelegramObject'],
tg_type: Type['TelegramObject'] = None,
attach: bool = None,
filename: str = None,
) -> Union[str, 'InputFile', Any]:
Parses input for sending files:
* For string input, if the input is an absolute path of a local file,
adds the ``file://`` prefix. If the input is a relative path of a local file, computes the
absolute path and adds the ``file://`` prefix. Returns the input unchanged, otherwise.
* :class:`pathlib.Path` objects are treated the same way as strings.
* For IO and bytes input, returns an :class:`telegram.InputFile`.
* If :attr:`tg_type` is specified and the input is of that type, returns the ``file_id``
file_input (:obj:`str` | :obj:`bytes` | `filelike object` | Telegram media object): The
input to parse.
tg_type (:obj:`type`, optional): The Telegram media type the input can be. E.g.
attach (:obj:`bool`, optional): Whether this file should be send as one file or is part of
a collection of files. Only relevant in case an :class:`telegram.InputFile` is
filename (:obj:`str`, optional): The filename. Only relevant in case an
:class:`telegram.InputFile` is returned.
:obj:`str` | :class:`telegram.InputFile` | :obj:`object`: The parsed input or the untouched
:attr:`file_input`, in case it's no valid file input.
# Importing on file-level yields cyclic Import Errors
from telegram import InputFile # pylint: disable=C0415
if isinstance(file_input, str) and file_input.startswith('file://'):
return file_input
if isinstance(file_input, (str, Path)):
if is_local_file(file_input):
out = Path(file_input).absolute().as_uri()
out = file_input # type: ignore[assignment]
return out
if isinstance(file_input, bytes):
return InputFile(file_input, attach=attach, filename=filename)
if InputFile.is_file(file_input):
file_input = cast(IO, file_input)
return InputFile(file_input, attach=attach, filename=filename)
if tg_type and isinstance(file_input, tg_type):
return file_input.file_id # type: ignore[attr-defined]
return file_input
def escape_markdown(text: str, version: int = 1, entity_type: str = None) -> str:
Helper function to escape telegram markup symbols.
text (:obj:`str`): The text.
version (:obj:`int` | :obj:`str`): Use to specify the version of telegrams Markdown.
Either ``1`` or ``2``. Defaults to ``1``.
entity_type (:obj:`str`, optional): For the entity types ``PRE``, ``CODE`` and the link
part of ``TEXT_LINKS``, only certain characters need to be escaped in ``MarkdownV2``.
See the official API documentation for details. Only valid in combination with
``version=2``, will be ignored else.
if int(version) == 1:
escape_chars = r'_*`['
elif int(version) == 2:
if entity_type in ['pre', 'code']:
escape_chars = r'\`'
elif entity_type == 'text_link':
escape_chars = r'\)'
escape_chars = r'_*[]()~`>#+-=|{}.!'
raise ValueError('Markdown version must be either 1 or 2!')
return re.sub(f'([{re.escape(escape_chars)}])', r'\\\1', text)
# -------- date/time related helpers --------
def _datetime_to_float_timestamp(dt_obj: dtm.datetime) -> float:
Converts a datetime object to a float timestamp (with sub-second precision).
If the datetime object is timezone-naive, it is assumed to be in UTC.
if dt_obj.tzinfo is None:
dt_obj = dt_obj.replace(tzinfo=dtm.timezone.utc)
return dt_obj.timestamp()
def _localize(datetime: dtm.datetime, tzinfo: dtm.tzinfo) -> dtm.datetime:
Localize the datetime, where UTC is handled depending on whether pytz is available or not
if tzinfo is DTM_UTC:
return datetime.replace(tzinfo=DTM_UTC)
return tzinfo.localize(datetime) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
def to_float_timestamp(
time_object: Union[int, float, dtm.timedelta, dtm.datetime, dtm.time],
reference_timestamp: float = None,
tzinfo: dtm.tzinfo = None,
) -> float:
Converts a given time object to a float POSIX timestamp.
Used to convert different time specifications to a common format. The time object
can be relative (i.e. indicate a time increment, or a time of day) or absolute.
object objects from the :class:`datetime` module that are timezone-naive will be assumed
to be in UTC, if ``bot`` is not passed or ``bot.defaults`` is :obj:`None`.
time_object (:obj:`int` | :obj:`float` | :obj:`datetime.timedelta` | \
:obj:`datetime.datetime` | :obj:`datetime.time`):
Time value to convert. The semantics of this parameter will depend on its type:
* :obj:`int` or :obj:`float` will be interpreted as "seconds from ``reference_t``"
* :obj:`datetime.timedelta` will be interpreted as
"time increment from ``reference_t``"
* :obj:`datetime.datetime` will be interpreted as an absolute date/time value
* :obj:`datetime.time` will be interpreted as a specific time of day
reference_timestamp (:obj:`float`, optional): POSIX timestamp that indicates the absolute
time from which relative calculations are to be performed (e.g. when ``t`` is given as
an :obj:`int`, indicating "seconds from ``reference_t``"). Defaults to now (the time at
which this function is called).
If ``t`` is given as an absolute representation of date & time (i.e. a
:obj:`datetime.datetime` object), ``reference_timestamp`` is not relevant and so its
value should be :obj:`None`. If this is not the case, a ``ValueError`` will be raised.
tzinfo (:obj:`pytz.BaseTzInfo`, optional): If ``t`` is a naive object from the
:class:`datetime` module, it will be interpreted as this timezone. Defaults to
Only to be used by ``telegram.ext``.
:obj:`float` | :obj:`None`:
The return value depends on the type of argument ``t``.
If ``t`` is given as a time increment (i.e. as a :obj:`int`, :obj:`float` or
:obj:`datetime.timedelta`), then the return value will be ``reference_t`` + ``t``.
Else if it is given as an absolute date/time value (i.e. a :obj:`datetime.datetime`
object), the equivalent value as a POSIX timestamp will be returned.
Finally, if it is a time of the day without date (i.e. a :obj:`datetime.time`
object), the return value is the nearest future occurrence of that time of day.
TypeError: If ``t``'s type is not one of those described above.
ValueError: If ``t`` is a :obj:`datetime.datetime` and :obj:`reference_timestamp` is not
if reference_timestamp is None:
reference_timestamp = time.time()
elif isinstance(time_object, dtm.datetime):
raise ValueError('t is an (absolute) datetime while reference_timestamp is not None')
if isinstance(time_object, dtm.timedelta):
return reference_timestamp + time_object.total_seconds()
if isinstance(time_object, (int, float)):
return reference_timestamp + time_object
if tzinfo is None:
tzinfo = UTC
if isinstance(time_object, dtm.time):
reference_dt = dtm.datetime.fromtimestamp(
reference_timestamp, tz=time_object.tzinfo or tzinfo
reference_date = reference_dt.date()
reference_time = reference_dt.timetz()
aware_datetime = dtm.datetime.combine(reference_date, time_object)
if aware_datetime.tzinfo is None:
aware_datetime = _localize(aware_datetime, tzinfo)
# if the time of day has passed today, use tomorrow
if reference_time > aware_datetime.timetz():
aware_datetime += dtm.timedelta(days=1)
return _datetime_to_float_timestamp(aware_datetime)
if isinstance(time_object, dtm.datetime):
if time_object.tzinfo is None:
time_object = _localize(time_object, tzinfo)
return _datetime_to_float_timestamp(time_object)
raise TypeError(f'Unable to convert {type(time_object).__name__} object to timestamp')
def to_timestamp(
dt_obj: Union[int, float, dtm.timedelta, dtm.datetime, dtm.time, None],
reference_timestamp: float = None,
tzinfo: dtm.tzinfo = None,
) -> Optional[int]:
Wrapper over :func:`to_float_timestamp` which returns an integer (the float value truncated
down to the nearest integer).
See the documentation for :func:`to_float_timestamp` for more details.
return (
int(to_float_timestamp(dt_obj, reference_timestamp, tzinfo))
if dt_obj is not None
else None
def from_timestamp(unixtime: Optional[int], tzinfo: dtm.tzinfo = UTC) -> Optional[dtm.datetime]:
Converts an (integer) unix timestamp to a timezone aware datetime object.
:obj:`None` s are left alone (i.e. ``from_timestamp(None)`` is :obj:`None`).
unixtime (:obj:`int`): Integer POSIX timestamp.
tzinfo (:obj:`datetime.tzinfo`, optional): The timezone to which the timestamp is to be
converted to. Defaults to UTC.
Timezone aware equivalent :obj:`datetime.datetime` value if ``unixtime`` is not
:obj:`None`; else :obj:`None`.
if unixtime is None:
return None
if tzinfo is not None:
return dtm.datetime.fromtimestamp(unixtime, tz=tzinfo)
return dtm.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(unixtime)
# -------- end --------
def mention_html(user_id: Union[int, str], name: str) -> str:
user_id (:obj:`int`): The user's id which you want to mention.
name (:obj:`str`): The name the mention is showing.
:obj:`str`: The inline mention for the user as HTML.
return f'<a href="tg://user?id={user_id}">{escape(name)}</a>'
def mention_markdown(user_id: Union[int, str], name: str, version: int = 1) -> str:
user_id (:obj:`int`): The user's id which you want to mention.
name (:obj:`str`): The name the mention is showing.
version (:obj:`int` | :obj:`str`): Use to specify the version of Telegram's Markdown.
Either ``1`` or ``2``. Defaults to ``1``.
:obj:`str`: The inline mention for the user as Markdown.
return f'[{escape_markdown(name, version=version)}](tg://user?id={user_id})'
def effective_message_type(entity: Union['Message', 'Update']) -> Optional[str]:
Extracts the type of message as a string identifier from a :class:`telegram.Message` or a
entity (:class:`telegram.Update` | :class:`telegram.Message`): The ``update`` or
``message`` to extract from.
:obj:`str`: One of ``Message.MESSAGE_TYPES``
# Importing on file-level yields cyclic Import Errors
from telegram import Message, Update # pylint: disable=C0415
if isinstance(entity, Message):
message = entity
elif isinstance(entity, Update):
message = entity.effective_message # type: ignore[assignment]
raise TypeError(f"entity is not Message or Update (got: {type(entity)})")
for i in Message.MESSAGE_TYPES:
if getattr(message, i, None):
return i
return None
def create_deep_linked_url(bot_username: str, payload: str = None, group: bool = False) -> str:
Creates a deep-linked URL for this ``bot_username`` with the specified ``payload``.
See https://core.telegram.org/bots#deep-linking to learn more.
The ``payload`` may consist of the following characters: ``A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _, -``
Works well in conjunction with
``CommandHandler("start", callback, filters = Filters.regex('payload'))``
``create_deep_linked_url(bot.get_me().username, "some-params")``
bot_username (:obj:`str`): The username to link to
payload (:obj:`str`, optional): Parameters to encode in the created URL
group (:obj:`bool`, optional): If :obj:`True` the user is prompted to select a group to
add the bot to. If :obj:`False`, opens a one-on-one conversation with the bot.
Defaults to :obj:`False`.
:obj:`str`: An URL to start the bot with specific parameters
if bot_username is None or len(bot_username) <= 3:
raise ValueError("You must provide a valid bot_username.")
base_url = f'https://t.me/{bot_username}'
if not payload:
return base_url
if len(payload) > 64:
raise ValueError("The deep-linking payload must not exceed 64 characters.")
if not re.match(r'^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$', payload):
raise ValueError(
"Only the following characters are allowed for deep-linked "
"URLs: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _ and -"
if group:
key = 'startgroup'
key = 'start'
return f'{base_url}?{key}={payload}'
def encode_conversations_to_json(conversations: Dict[str, Dict[Tuple, object]]) -> str:
"""Helper method to encode a conversations dict (that uses tuples as keys) to a
JSON-serializable way. Use :meth:`decode_conversations_from_json` to decode.
conversations (:obj:`dict`): The conversations dict to transform to JSON.
:obj:`str`: The JSON-serialized conversations dict
tmp: Dict[str, JSONDict] = {}
for handler, states in conversations.items():
tmp[handler] = {}
for key, state in states.items():
tmp[handler][json.dumps(key)] = state
return json.dumps(tmp)
def decode_conversations_from_json(json_string: str) -> Dict[str, Dict[Tuple, object]]:
"""Helper method to decode a conversations dict (that uses tuples as keys) from a
JSON-string created with :meth:`encode_conversations_to_json`.
json_string (:obj:`str`): The conversations dict as JSON string.
:obj:`dict`: The conversations dict after decoding
tmp = json.loads(json_string)
conversations: Dict[str, Dict[Tuple, object]] = {}
for handler, states in tmp.items():
conversations[handler] = {}
for key, state in states.items():
conversations[handler][tuple(json.loads(key))] = state
return conversations
def decode_user_chat_data_from_json(data: str) -> DefaultDict[int, Dict[object, object]]:
"""Helper method to decode chat or user data (that uses ints as keys) from a
data (:obj:`str`): The user/chat_data dict as JSON string.
:obj:`dict`: The user/chat_data defaultdict after decoding
tmp: DefaultDict[int, Dict[object, object]] = defaultdict(dict)
decoded_data = json.loads(data)
for user, user_data in decoded_data.items():
user = int(user)
tmp[user] = {}
for key, value in user_data.items():
key = int(key)
except ValueError:
tmp[user][key] = value
return tmp
DVType = TypeVar('DVType', bound=object)
OT = TypeVar('OT', bound=object)
class DefaultValue(Generic[DVType]):
"""Wrapper for immutable default arguments that allows to check, if the default value was set
explicitly. Usage::
DefaultOne = DefaultValue(1)
def f(arg=DefaultOne):
if arg is DefaultOne:
print('`arg` is the default')
arg = arg.value
print('`arg` was set explicitly')
print(f'`arg` = {str(arg)}')
This yields::
>>> f()
`arg` is the default
`arg` = 1
>>> f(1)
`arg` was set explicitly
`arg` = 1
>>> f(2)
`arg` was set explicitly
`arg` = 2
Also allows to evaluate truthiness::
default = DefaultValue(value)
if default:
is equivalent to::
default = DefaultValue(value)
if value:
``repr(DefaultValue(value))`` returns ``repr(value)`` and ``str(DefaultValue(value))`` returns
value (:obj:`obj`): The value of the default argument
value (:obj:`obj`): The value of the default argument
def __init__(self, value: DVType = None):
self.value = value
def __bool__(self) -> bool:
return bool(self.value)
def get_value(obj: 'DefaultValue[OT]') -> OT:
def get_value(obj: OT) -> OT:
def get_value(obj: Union[OT, 'DefaultValue[OT]']) -> OT:
Shortcut for::
return obj.value if isinstance(obj, DefaultValue) else obj
obj (:obj:`object`): The object to process
Same type as input, or the value of the input: The value
return obj.value if isinstance(obj, DefaultValue) else obj # type: ignore[return-value]
# This is mostly here for readability during debugging
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f'DefaultValue({self.value})'
# This is here to have the default instances nicely rendered in the docs
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return repr(self.value)
DEFAULT_NONE: DefaultValue = DefaultValue(None)
""":class:`DefaultValue`: Default :obj:`None`"""
DEFAULT_FALSE: DefaultValue = DefaultValue(False)
""":class:`DefaultValue`: Default :obj:`False`"""
DEFAULT_20: DefaultValue = DefaultValue(20)
""":class:`DefaultValue`: Default :obj:`20`"""