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#!/usr/bin/env python
# A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API
# Copyright (C) 2015-2023
# Leandro Toledo de Souza <devs@python-telegram-bot.org>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
# along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/].
import asyncio
import inspect
from dataclasses import dataclass
from http import HTTPStatus
import httpx
import pytest
from telegram import Bot
from telegram._utils.defaultvalue import DEFAULT_NONE
from telegram.ext import (
from telegram.ext._applicationbuilder import _BOT_CHECKS
from telegram.ext._baseupdateprocessor import SimpleUpdateProcessor
from telegram.request import HTTPXRequest
from telegram.warnings import PTBDeprecationWarning
from tests.auxil.constants import PRIVATE_KEY
from tests.auxil.envvars import TEST_WITH_OPT_DEPS
from tests.auxil.files import data_file
from tests.auxil.slots import mro_slots
def builder():
return ApplicationBuilder()
@pytest.mark.skipif(TEST_WITH_OPT_DEPS, reason="Optional dependencies are installed")
class TestApplicationBuilderNoOptDeps:
def test_init(self, builder):
app = builder.build()
assert app.job_queue is None
@pytest.mark.skipif(not TEST_WITH_OPT_DEPS, reason="Optional dependencies not installed")
class TestApplicationBuilder:
def test_slot_behaviour(self, builder):
for attr in builder.__slots__:
assert getattr(builder, attr, "err") != "err", f"got extra slot '{attr}'"
assert len(mro_slots(builder)) == len(set(mro_slots(builder))), "duplicate slot"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("get_updates", [True, False])
def test_all_methods_request(self, builder, get_updates):
arguments = inspect.signature(HTTPXRequest.__init__).parameters.keys()
prefix = "get_updates_" if get_updates else ""
for argument in arguments:
if argument == "self":
assert hasattr(builder, prefix + argument), f"missing method {prefix}{argument}"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("bot_class", [Bot, ExtBot])
def test_all_methods_bot(self, builder, bot_class):
arguments = inspect.signature(bot_class.__init__).parameters.keys()
for argument in arguments:
if argument == "self":
if argument == "private_key_password":
argument = "private_key" # noqa: PLW2901
assert hasattr(builder, argument), f"missing method {argument}"
def test_all_methods_application(self, builder):
arguments = inspect.signature(Application.__init__).parameters.keys()
for argument in arguments:
if argument == "self":
if argument == "update_processor":
argument = "concurrent_updates" # noqa: PLW2901
assert hasattr(builder, argument), f"missing method {argument}"
def test_job_queue_init_exception(self, monkeypatch):
def init_raises_runtime_error(*args, **kwargs):
raise RuntimeError("RuntimeError")
monkeypatch.setattr(JobQueue, "__init__", init_raises_runtime_error)
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="RuntimeError"):
def test_build_without_token(self, builder):
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="No bot token was set."):
def test_build_custom_bot(self, builder, bot):
app = builder.build()
assert app.bot is bot
assert app.updater.bot is bot
def test_default_values(self, bot, monkeypatch, builder):
class Client:
timeout: object
proxies: object
limits: object
http1: object
http2: object
transport: object = None
monkeypatch.setattr(httpx, "AsyncClient", Client)
app = builder.token(bot.token).build()
assert isinstance(app, Application)
assert isinstance(app.update_processor, SimpleUpdateProcessor)
assert app.update_processor.max_concurrent_updates == 1
assert isinstance(app.bot, ExtBot)
assert isinstance(app.bot.request, HTTPXRequest)
assert "api.telegram.org" in app.bot.base_url
assert bot.token in app.bot.base_url
assert "api.telegram.org" in app.bot.base_file_url
assert bot.token in app.bot.base_file_url
assert app.bot.private_key is None
assert app.bot.callback_data_cache is None
assert app.bot.defaults is None
assert app.bot.rate_limiter is None
assert app.bot.local_mode is False
get_updates_client = app.bot._request[0]._client
assert get_updates_client.limits == httpx.Limits(
max_connections=1, max_keepalive_connections=1
assert get_updates_client.proxies is None
assert get_updates_client.timeout == httpx.Timeout(
connect=5.0, read=5.0, write=5.0, pool=1.0
assert get_updates_client.http1 is True
assert not get_updates_client.http2
client = app.bot.request._client
assert client.limits == httpx.Limits(max_connections=256, max_keepalive_connections=256)
assert client.proxies is None
assert client.timeout == httpx.Timeout(connect=5.0, read=5.0, write=5.0, pool=1.0)
assert client.http1 is True
assert not client.http2
assert isinstance(app.update_queue, asyncio.Queue)
assert isinstance(app.updater, Updater)
assert app.updater.bot is app.bot
assert app.updater.update_queue is app.update_queue
assert isinstance(app.job_queue, JobQueue)
assert app.job_queue.application is app
assert app.persistence is None
assert app.post_init is None
assert app.post_shutdown is None
assert app.post_stop is None
("method", "description"), _BOT_CHECKS, ids=[entry[0] for entry in _BOT_CHECKS]
def test_mutually_exclusive_for_bot(self, builder, method, description):
# First test that e.g. `bot` can't be set if `request` was already set
# We pass the private key since `private_key` is the only method that doesn't just save
# the passed value
getattr(builder, method)(data_file("private.key"))
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=f"`bot` may only be set, if no {description}"):
# Now test that `request` can't be set if `bot` was already set
builder = builder.__class__()
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=f"`{method}` may only be set, if no bot instance"):
getattr(builder, method)(data_file("private.key"))
def test_mutually_exclusive_for_request(self, builder, method):
method_name = method.replace("proxy_url", "proxy")
with pytest.raises(
RuntimeError, match=f"`{method_name}` may only be set, if no request instance"
getattr(builder, method)(data_file("private.key"))
builder = ApplicationBuilder()
getattr(builder, method)(1)
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="`request` may only be set, if no"):
def test_mutually_exclusive_for_get_updates_request(self, builder, method):
method_name = method.replace("proxy_url", "proxy")
with pytest.raises(
match=f"`{method_name}` may only be set, if no get_updates_request instance",
getattr(builder, method)(data_file("private.key"))
builder = ApplicationBuilder()
getattr(builder, method)(1)
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="`get_updates_request` may only be set, if no"):
+ [entry[0] for entry in _BOT_CHECKS],
def test_mutually_exclusive_for_updater(self, builder, method):
method_name = method.replace("proxy_url", "proxy")
with pytest.raises(
match=f"`{method_name}` may only be set, if no updater",
getattr(builder, method)(data_file("private.key"))
builder = ApplicationBuilder()
getattr(builder, method)(data_file("private.key"))
method = method.replace("proxy_url", "proxy")
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=f"`updater` may only be set, if no {method}"):
+ [entry[0] for entry in _BOT_CHECKS],
def test_mutually_non_exclusive_for_updater(self, builder, method):
# If no updater is to be used, all these parameters should be settable
# Since the parameters themself are tested in the other tests, we here just make sure
# that no exception is raised
getattr(builder, method)(data_file("private.key"))
builder = ApplicationBuilder()
getattr(builder, method)(data_file("private.key"))
# We test with bot the new & legacy version to ensure that the legacy version still works
("proxy_method", "get_updates_proxy_method"),
[("proxy", "get_updates_proxy"), ("proxy_url", "get_updates_proxy_url")],
ids=["new", "legacy"],
def test_all_bot_args_custom(
self, builder, bot, monkeypatch, proxy_method, get_updates_proxy_method
# Only socket_options is tested in a standalone test, since that's easier
defaults = Defaults()
request = HTTPXRequest()
get_updates_request = HTTPXRequest()
rate_limiter = AIORateLimiter()
built_bot = builder.build().bot
# In the following we access some private attributes of bot and request. this is not
# really nice as we want to test the public interface, but here it's hard to ensure by
# other means that the parameters are passed correctly
assert built_bot.token == bot.token
assert built_bot.base_url == "base_url" + bot.token
assert built_bot.base_file_url == "base_file_url" + bot.token
assert built_bot.defaults is defaults
assert built_bot.request is request
assert built_bot._request[0] is get_updates_request
assert built_bot.callback_data_cache.maxsize == 42
assert built_bot.private_key
assert built_bot.rate_limiter is rate_limiter
assert built_bot.local_mode is True
class Client:
timeout: object
proxies: object
limits: object
http1: object
http2: object
transport: object = None
monkeypatch.setattr(httpx, "AsyncClient", Client)
builder = ApplicationBuilder().token(bot.token)
getattr(builder, proxy_method)("proxy")
app = builder.build()
client = app.bot.request._client
assert client.timeout == httpx.Timeout(pool=3, connect=2, read=4, write=5)
assert client.limits == httpx.Limits(max_connections=1, max_keepalive_connections=1)
assert client.proxies == "proxy"
assert client.http1 is True
assert client.http2 is False
builder = ApplicationBuilder().token(bot.token)
getattr(builder, get_updates_proxy_method)("get_updates_proxy")
app = builder.build()
client = app.bot._request[0]._client
assert client.timeout == httpx.Timeout(pool=3, connect=2, read=4, write=5)
assert client.limits == httpx.Limits(max_connections=1, max_keepalive_connections=1)
assert client.proxies == "get_updates_proxy"
assert client.http1 is True
assert client.http2 is False
def test_custom_socket_options(self, builder, monkeypatch, bot):
httpx_request_kwargs = []
httpx_request_init = HTTPXRequest.__init__
def init_transport(*args, **kwargs):
nonlocal httpx_request_kwargs
# This is called once for request and once for get_updates_request, so we make
# it a list
httpx_request_init(*args, **kwargs)
monkeypatch.setattr(HTTPXRequest, "__init__", init_transport)
assert httpx_request_kwargs[0].get("socket_options") is None
assert httpx_request_kwargs[1].get("socket_options") is None
httpx_request_kwargs = []
ApplicationBuilder().token(bot.token).socket_options(((1, 2, 3),)).connection_pool_size(
).get_updates_socket_options(((4, 5, 6),)).get_updates_connection_pool_size(
for kwargs in httpx_request_kwargs:
if kwargs.get("connection_pool_size") == "request":
assert kwargs.get("socket_options") == ((1, 2, 3),)
assert kwargs.get("socket_options") == ((4, 5, 6),)
def test_custom_application_class(self, bot, builder):
class CustomApplication(Application):
def __init__(self, arg, **kwargs):
self.arg = arg
builder.application_class(CustomApplication, kwargs={"arg": 2}).token(bot.token)
app = builder.build()
assert isinstance(app, CustomApplication)
assert app.arg == 2
("concurrent_updates", "expected"),
(4, SimpleUpdateProcessor(4)),
(False, SimpleUpdateProcessor(1)),
(True, SimpleUpdateProcessor(256)),
def test_all_application_args_custom(
self, builder, bot, monkeypatch, concurrent_updates, expected
job_queue = JobQueue()
persistence = PicklePersistence("file_path")
update_queue = asyncio.Queue()
context_types = ContextTypes()
async def post_init(app: Application) -> None:
async def post_shutdown(app: Application) -> None:
async def post_stop(app: Application) -> None:
app = (
assert app.job_queue is job_queue
assert app.job_queue.application is app
assert app.persistence is persistence
assert app.persistence.bot is app.bot
assert app.update_queue is update_queue
assert app.updater.update_queue is update_queue
assert app.updater.bot is app.bot
assert app.context_types is context_types
assert isinstance(app.update_processor, SimpleUpdateProcessor)
assert app.update_processor.max_concurrent_updates == expected.max_concurrent_updates
assert app.concurrent_updates == app.update_processor.max_concurrent_updates
assert app.post_init is post_init
assert app.post_shutdown is post_shutdown
assert app.post_stop is post_stop
assert isinstance(app.bot.callback_data_cache, CallbackDataCache)
updater = Updater(bot=bot, update_queue=update_queue)
app = ApplicationBuilder().updater(updater).build()
assert app.updater is updater
assert app.bot is updater.bot
assert app.update_queue is updater.update_queue
app = (
assert app.update_processor is expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize("input_type", ["bytes", "str", "Path"])
def test_all_private_key_input_types(self, builder, bot, input_type):
private_key = data_file("private.key")
password = data_file("private_key.password")
if input_type == "bytes":
private_key = private_key.read_bytes()
password = password.read_bytes()
if input_type == "str":
private_key = str(private_key)
password = str(password)
bot = builder.build().bot
assert bot.private_key
def test_no_updater(self, bot, builder):
app = builder.token(bot.token).updater(None).build()
assert app.bot.token == bot.token
assert app.updater is None
assert isinstance(app.update_queue, asyncio.Queue)
assert isinstance(app.job_queue, JobQueue)
assert app.job_queue.application is app
def test_no_job_queue(self, bot, builder):
app = builder.token(bot.token).job_queue(None).build()
assert app.bot.token == bot.token
assert app.job_queue is None
assert isinstance(app.update_queue, asyncio.Queue)
assert isinstance(app.updater, Updater)
def test_proxy_url_deprecation_warning(self, bot, builder, recwarn):
assert len(recwarn) == 1
assert "`ApplicationBuilder.proxy_url` is deprecated" in str(recwarn[0].message)
assert recwarn[0].category is PTBDeprecationWarning
assert recwarn[0].filename == __file__, "wrong stacklevel"
def test_get_updates_proxy_url_deprecation_warning(self, bot, builder, recwarn):
assert len(recwarn) == 1
assert "`ApplicationBuilder.get_updates_proxy_url` is deprecated" in str(
assert recwarn[0].category is PTBDeprecationWarning
assert recwarn[0].filename == __file__, "wrong stacklevel"
("read_timeout", "timeout", "expected"),
(None, None, 0),
(1, None, 1),
(None, 1, 1),
(DEFAULT_NONE, None, 10),
(DEFAULT_NONE, 1, 11),
(1, 2, 3),
async def test_get_updates_read_timeout_value_passing(
self, bot, read_timeout, timeout, expected, monkeypatch, builder
# This test is a double check that ApplicationBuilder respects the changes of #3963 just
# like `Bot` does - see also the corresponding test in test_bot.py (same name)
caught_read_timeout = None
async def catch_timeouts(*args, **kwargs):
nonlocal caught_read_timeout
caught_read_timeout = kwargs.get("read_timeout")
return HTTPStatus.OK, b'{"ok": "True", "result": {}}'
monkeypatch.setattr(HTTPXRequest, "do_request", catch_timeouts)
bot = builder.get_updates_read_timeout(10).token(bot.token).build().bot
await bot.get_updates(read_timeout=read_timeout, timeout=timeout)
assert caught_read_timeout == expected