
262 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API
# Copyright (C) 2015-2024
# Leandro Toledo de Souza <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
# along with this program. If not, see [].
import asyncio
import inspect
import json
import re
import pytest
from telegram import Message, constants
from telegram._utils.enum import IntEnum, StringEnum
from telegram.error import BadRequest
from tests.auxil.build_messages import make_message
from tests.auxil.files import data_file
from tests.auxil.string_manipulation import to_snake_case
class StrEnumTest(StringEnum):
FOO = "foo"
BAR = "bar"
class IntEnumTest(IntEnum):
FOO = 1
BAR = 2
class TestConstantsWithoutRequest:
"""Also test _utils.enum.StringEnum on the fly because tg.constants is currently the only
place where that class is used."""
def test__all__(self):
expected = {
for key, member in constants.__dict__.items()
if (
not key.startswith("_")
# exclude imported stuff
and getattr(member, "__module__", "telegram.constants") == "telegram.constants"
and key not in ("sys", "datetime")
actual = set(constants.__all__)
assert (
actual == expected
), f"Members {expected - actual} were not listed in constants.__all__"
def test_message_attachment_type(self):
assert all(
getattr(constants.MessageType,, False) for x in constants.MessageAttachmentType
), "All MessageAttachmentType members should be in MessageType"
def test_to_json(self):
assert json.dumps(StrEnumTest.FOO) == json.dumps("foo")
assert json.dumps(IntEnumTest.FOO) == json.dumps(1)
def test_string_representation(self):
# test __repr__
assert repr(StrEnumTest.FOO) == "<StrEnumTest.FOO>"
# test __format__
assert f"{StrEnumTest.FOO} this {StrEnumTest.BAR}" == "foo this bar"
assert f"{StrEnumTest.FOO:*^10}" == "***foo****"
# test __str__
assert str(StrEnumTest.FOO) == "foo"
def test_int_representation(self):
# test __repr__
assert repr(IntEnumTest.FOO) == "<IntEnumTest.FOO>"
# test __format__
assert f"{IntEnumTest.FOO}/0 is undefined!" == "1/0 is undefined!"
assert f"{IntEnumTest.FOO:*^10}" == "****1*****"
# test __str__
assert str(IntEnumTest.FOO) == "1"
def test_string_inheritance(self):
assert isinstance(StrEnumTest.FOO, str)
assert StrEnumTest.FOO + StrEnumTest.BAR == "foobar"
assert StrEnumTest.FOO.replace("o", "a") == "faa"
assert StrEnumTest.FOO == StrEnumTest.FOO
assert StrEnumTest.FOO == "foo"
assert StrEnumTest.FOO != StrEnumTest.BAR
assert StrEnumTest.FOO != "bar"
assert object() != StrEnumTest.FOO
assert hash(StrEnumTest.FOO) == hash("foo")
def test_int_inheritance(self):
assert isinstance(IntEnumTest.FOO, int)
assert IntEnumTest.FOO + IntEnumTest.BAR == 3
assert IntEnumTest.FOO == IntEnumTest.FOO
assert IntEnumTest.FOO == 1
assert IntEnumTest.FOO != IntEnumTest.BAR
assert IntEnumTest.FOO != 2
assert object() != IntEnumTest.FOO
assert hash(IntEnumTest.FOO) == hash(1)
def test_bot_api_version_and_info(self):
assert str(constants.BOT_API_VERSION_INFO) == constants.BOT_API_VERSION
assert (
tuple(int(x) for x in constants.BOT_API_VERSION.split("."))
def test_bot_api_version_info(self):
vi = constants.BOT_API_VERSION_INFO
assert isinstance(vi, tuple)
assert repr(vi) == f"BotAPIVersion(major={vi[0]}, minor={vi[1]})"
assert vi == (vi[0], vi[1])
assert not (vi < (vi[0], vi[1]))
assert vi < (vi[0], vi[1] + 1)
assert vi < (vi[0] + 1, vi[1])
assert vi < (vi[0] + 1, vi[1] + 1)
assert vi[0] == vi.major
assert vi[1] == vi.minor
def is_type_attribute(name: str) -> bool:
# Return False if the attribute doesn't generate a message type, i.e. only message
# metadata. Manually excluding a lot of attributes here is a bit of work, but it makes
# sure that we don't miss any new message types in the future.
patters = {
if any(re.match(pattern, name) for pattern in patters):
return False
return name not in {
for name, _ in inspect.getmembers(
make_message("test"), lambda x: not inspect.isroutine(x)
def test_message_type_completeness(self, attribute):
if attribute.startswith("_") or not self.is_type_attribute(attribute):
assert hasattr(constants.MessageType, attribute.upper()), (
f"Missing MessageType.{attribute}. Please also check if this should be present in "
@pytest.mark.parametrize("member", constants.MessageType)
def test_message_type_completeness_reverse(self, member):
assert self.is_type_attribute(
), f"Additional member {member} in MessageType that should not be a message type"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("member", constants.MessageAttachmentType)
def test_message_attachment_type_completeness(self, member):
except ValueError:"Missing MessageType for {member}")
def test_message_attachment_type_completeness_reverse(self):
# Getting the type hints of a property is a bit tricky, so we instead parse the docstring
# for now
for match in re.finditer(r"`telegram.(\w+)`", Message.effective_attachment.__doc__):
name = to_snake_case(
if name == "photo_size":
name = "photo"
if name == "paid_media_info":
name = "paid_media"
except ValueError:"Missing MessageAttachmentType for {}")
class TestConstantsWithRequest:
async def test_max_message_length(self, bot, chat_id):
good_text = "a" * constants.MessageLimit.MAX_TEXT_LENGTH
bad_text = good_text + "Z"
tasks = asyncio.gather(
bot.send_message(chat_id, text=good_text),
bot.send_message(chat_id, text=bad_text),
good_msg, bad_msg = await tasks
if isinstance(good_msg, BaseException):
# handling xfails
raise good_msg
assert good_msg.text == good_text
assert isinstance(bad_msg, BadRequest)
assert "Message is too long" in str(bad_msg)
async def test_max_caption_length(self, bot, chat_id):
good_caption = "a" * constants.MessageLimit.CAPTION_LENGTH
bad_caption = good_caption + "Z"
tasks = asyncio.gather(
bot.send_photo(chat_id, data_file("telegram.png").read_bytes(), good_caption),
bot.send_photo(chat_id, data_file("telegram.png").read_bytes(), bad_caption),
good_msg, bad_msg = await tasks
if isinstance(good_msg, BaseException):
# handling xfails
raise good_msg
assert good_msg.caption == good_caption
assert isinstance(bad_msg, BadRequest)
assert "Message caption is too long" in str(bad_msg)