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synced 2025-03-28 17:27:29 +01:00
* Fix conversationhandler As found by @nmlorg and described in #1031 closes #1031 * adding another test and definitely finish conversationhandler It seems another problem was when the job executed the timeout, it wasn;t removed from `self.conversation_timeouts` which made it still fail because job would be present in the handler dict, although it was already disabled. This should fix it properly.
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API
# Copyright (C) 2015-2018
# Leandro Toledo de Souza <devs@python-telegram-bot.org>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
# along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/].
import logging
from time import sleep
import pytest
from telegram import (CallbackQuery, Chat, ChosenInlineResult, InlineQuery, Message,
PreCheckoutQuery, ShippingQuery, Update, User)
from telegram.ext import (ConversationHandler, CommandHandler, CallbackQueryHandler)
def user1():
return User(first_name='Misses Test', id=123, is_bot=False)
def user2():
return User(first_name='Mister Test', id=124, is_bot=False)
class TestConversationHandler(object):
# State definitions
# At first we're thirsty. Then we brew coffee, we drink it
# and then we can start coding!
current_state, entry_points, states, fallbacks = None, None, None, None
group = Chat(0, Chat.GROUP)
second_group = Chat(1, Chat.GROUP)
# Test related
def reset(self):
self.current_state = dict()
self.entry_points = [CommandHandler('start', self.start)]
self.states = {
self.THIRSTY: [CommandHandler('brew', self.brew), CommandHandler('wait', self.start)],
self.BREWING: [CommandHandler('pourCoffee', self.drink)],
[CommandHandler('startCoding', self.code),
CommandHandler('drinkMore', self.drink),
CommandHandler('end', self.end)],
self.CODING: [
CommandHandler('keepCoding', self.code),
CommandHandler('gettingThirsty', self.start),
CommandHandler('drinkMore', self.drink)
self.fallbacks = [CommandHandler('eat', self.start)]
# State handlers
def _set_state(self, update, state):
self.current_state[update.message.from_user.id] = state
return state
# Actions
def start(self, bot, update):
return self._set_state(update, self.THIRSTY)
def end(self, bot, update):
return self._set_state(update, self.END)
def start_end(self, bot, update):
return self._set_state(update, self.END)
def brew(self, bot, update):
return self._set_state(update, self.BREWING)
def drink(self, bot, update):
return self._set_state(update, self.DRINKING)
def code(self, bot, update):
return self._set_state(update, self.CODING)
# Tests
def test_per_all_false(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="can't all be 'False'"):
ConversationHandler(self.entry_points, self.states, self.fallbacks,
per_chat=False, per_user=False, per_message=False)
def test_conversation_handler(self, dp, bot, user1, user2):
handler = ConversationHandler(entry_points=self.entry_points, states=self.states,
# User one, starts the state machine.
message = Message(0, user1, None, self.group, text='/start', bot=bot)
dp.process_update(Update(update_id=0, message=message))
assert self.current_state[user1.id] == self.THIRSTY
# The user is thirsty and wants to brew coffee.
message.text = '/brew'
dp.process_update(Update(update_id=0, message=message))
assert self.current_state[user1.id] == self.BREWING
# Lets see if an invalid command makes sure, no state is changed.
message.text = '/nothing'
dp.process_update(Update(update_id=0, message=message))
assert self.current_state[user1.id] == self.BREWING
# Lets see if the state machine still works by pouring coffee.
message.text = '/pourCoffee'
dp.process_update(Update(update_id=0, message=message))
assert self.current_state[user1.id] == self.DRINKING
# Let's now verify that for another user, who did not start yet,
# the state has not been changed.
message.from_user = user2
dp.process_update(Update(update_id=0, message=message))
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
def test_conversation_handler_end(self, caplog, dp, bot, user1):
handler = ConversationHandler(entry_points=self.entry_points, states=self.states,
message = Message(0, user1, None, self.group, text='/start', bot=bot)
dp.process_update(Update(update_id=0, message=message))
message.text = '/brew'
dp.process_update(Update(update_id=0, message=message))
message.text = '/pourCoffee'
dp.process_update(Update(update_id=0, message=message))
message.text = '/end'
with caplog.at_level(logging.ERROR):
dp.process_update(Update(update_id=0, message=message))
assert len(caplog.records) == 0
assert self.current_state[user1.id] == self.END
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
print(handler.conversations[(self.group.id, user1.id)])
def test_conversation_handler_fallback(self, dp, bot, user1, user2):
handler = ConversationHandler(entry_points=self.entry_points, states=self.states,
# first check if fallback will not trigger start when not started
message = Message(0, user1, None, self.group, text='/eat', bot=bot)
dp.process_update(Update(update_id=0, message=message))
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
# User starts the state machine.
message.text = '/start'
dp.process_update(Update(update_id=0, message=message))
assert self.current_state[user1.id] == self.THIRSTY
# The user is thirsty and wants to brew coffee.
message.text = '/brew'
dp.process_update(Update(update_id=0, message=message))
assert self.current_state[user1.id] == self.BREWING
# Now a fallback command is issued
message.text = '/eat'
dp.process_update(Update(update_id=0, message=message))
assert self.current_state[user1.id] == self.THIRSTY
def test_conversation_handler_per_chat(self, dp, bot, user1, user2):
handler = ConversationHandler(
# User one, starts the state machine.
message = Message(0, user1, None, self.group, text='/start', bot=bot)
dp.process_update(Update(update_id=0, message=message))
# The user is thirsty and wants to brew coffee.
message.text = '/brew'
dp.process_update(Update(update_id=0, message=message))
# Let's now verify that for another user, who did not start yet,
# the state will be changed because they are in the same group.
message.from_user = user2
message.text = '/pourCoffee'
dp.process_update(Update(update_id=0, message=message))
assert handler.conversations[(self.group.id,)] == self.DRINKING
def test_conversation_handler_per_user(self, dp, bot, user1):
handler = ConversationHandler(
# User one, starts the state machine.
message = Message(0, user1, None, self.group, text='/start', bot=bot)
dp.process_update(Update(update_id=0, message=message))
# The user is thirsty and wants to brew coffee.
message.text = '/brew'
dp.process_update(Update(update_id=0, message=message))
# Let's now verify that for the same user in a different group, the state will still be
# updated
message.chat = self.second_group
message.text = '/pourCoffee'
dp.process_update(Update(update_id=0, message=message))
assert handler.conversations[(user1.id,)] == self.DRINKING
def test_conversation_handler_per_message(self, dp, bot, user1, user2):
def entry(bot, update):
return 1
def one(bot, update):
return 2
def two(bot, update):
return ConversationHandler.END
handler = ConversationHandler(
states={1: [CallbackQueryHandler(one)],
2: [CallbackQueryHandler(two)]},
# User one, starts the state machine.
message = Message(0, user1, None, self.group, text='msg w/ inlinekeyboard', bot=bot)
cbq = CallbackQuery(0, user1, None, message=message, data='data', bot=bot)
dp.process_update(Update(update_id=0, callback_query=cbq))
assert handler.conversations[(self.group.id, user1.id, message.message_id)] == 1
dp.process_update(Update(update_id=0, callback_query=cbq))
assert handler.conversations[(self.group.id, user1.id, message.message_id)] == 2
# Let's now verify that for a different user in the same group, the state will not be
# updated
cbq.from_user = user2
dp.process_update(Update(update_id=0, callback_query=cbq))
assert handler.conversations[(self.group.id, user1.id, message.message_id)] == 2
def test_end_on_first_message(self, dp, bot, user1):
handler = ConversationHandler(
entry_points=[CommandHandler('start', self.start_end)], states={}, fallbacks=[])
# User starts the state machine and immediately ends it.
message = Message(0, user1, None, self.group, text='/start', bot=bot)
dp.process_update(Update(update_id=0, message=message))
assert len(handler.conversations) == 0
def test_end_on_first_message_async(self, dp, bot, user1):
start_end_async = (lambda bot, update: dp.run_async(self.start_end, bot, update))
handler = ConversationHandler(
entry_points=[CommandHandler('start', start_end_async)], states={}, fallbacks=[])
# User starts the state machine with an async function that immediately ends the
# conversation. Async results are resolved when the users state is queried next time.
message = Message(0, user1, None, self.group, text='/start', bot=bot)
dp.update_queue.put(Update(update_id=0, message=message))
# Assert that the Promise has been accepted as the new state
assert len(handler.conversations) == 1
message.text = 'resolve promise pls'
dp.update_queue.put(Update(update_id=0, message=message))
# Assert that the Promise has been resolved and the conversation ended.
assert len(handler.conversations) == 0
def test_per_chat_message_without_chat(self, bot, user1):
handler = ConversationHandler(
entry_points=[CommandHandler('start', self.start_end)], states={}, fallbacks=[])
cbq = CallbackQuery(0, user1, None, None, bot=bot)
update = Update(0, callback_query=cbq)
assert not handler.check_update(update)
def test_channel_message_without_chat(self, bot):
handler = ConversationHandler(entry_points=[CommandHandler('start', self.start_end)],
states={}, fallbacks=[])
message = Message(0, None, None, Chat(0, Chat.CHANNEL, 'Misses Test'), bot=bot)
update = Update(0, message=message)
assert not handler.check_update(update)
def test_all_update_types(self, dp, bot, user1):
handler = ConversationHandler(entry_points=[CommandHandler('start', self.start_end)],
states={}, fallbacks=[])
message = Message(0, user1, None, self.group, text='ignore', bot=bot)
callback_query = CallbackQuery(0, user1, None, message=message, data='data', bot=bot)
chosen_inline_result = ChosenInlineResult(0, user1, 'query', bot=bot)
inline_query = InlineQuery(0, user1, 'query', 0, bot=bot)
pre_checkout_query = PreCheckoutQuery(0, user1, 'USD', 100, [], bot=bot)
shipping_query = ShippingQuery(0, user1, [], None, bot=bot)
assert not handler.check_update(Update(0, callback_query=callback_query))
assert not handler.check_update(Update(0, chosen_inline_result=chosen_inline_result))
assert not handler.check_update(Update(0, inline_query=inline_query))
assert not handler.check_update(Update(0, message=message))
assert not handler.check_update(Update(0, pre_checkout_query=pre_checkout_query))
assert not handler.check_update(Update(0, shipping_query=shipping_query))
def test_conversation_timeout(self, dp, bot, user1):
handler = ConversationHandler(entry_points=self.entry_points, states=self.states,
fallbacks=self.fallbacks, conversation_timeout=0.5)
# Start state machine, then reach timeout
message = Message(0, user1, None, self.group, text='/start', bot=bot)
dp.process_update(Update(update_id=0, message=message))
assert handler.conversations.get((self.group.id, user1.id)) == self.THIRSTY
assert handler.conversations.get((self.group.id, user1.id)) is None
# Start state machine, do something, then reach timeout
dp.process_update(Update(update_id=1, message=message))
assert handler.conversations.get((self.group.id, user1.id)) == self.THIRSTY
message.text = '/brew'
dp.process_update(Update(update_id=2, message=message))
assert handler.conversations.get((self.group.id, user1.id)) == self.BREWING
assert handler.conversations.get((self.group.id, user1.id)) is None
def test_conversation_timeout_keeps_extending(self, dp, bot, user1):
handler = ConversationHandler(entry_points=self.entry_points, states=self.states,
fallbacks=self.fallbacks, conversation_timeout=0.5)
# Start state machine, wait, do something, verify the timeout is extended.
# t=0 /start (timeout=.5)
# t=.25 /brew (timeout=.75)
# t=.5 original timeout
# t=.6 /pourCoffee (timeout=1.1)
# t=.75 second timeout
# t=1.1 actual timeout
message = Message(0, user1, None, self.group, text='/start', bot=bot)
dp.process_update(Update(update_id=0, message=message))
assert handler.conversations.get((self.group.id, user1.id)) == self.THIRSTY
sleep(0.25) # t=.25
assert handler.conversations.get((self.group.id, user1.id)) == self.THIRSTY
message.text = '/brew'
dp.process_update(Update(update_id=0, message=message))
assert handler.conversations.get((self.group.id, user1.id)) == self.BREWING
sleep(0.35) # t=.6
assert handler.conversations.get((self.group.id, user1.id)) == self.BREWING
message.text = '/pourCoffee'
dp.process_update(Update(update_id=0, message=message))
assert handler.conversations.get((self.group.id, user1.id)) == self.DRINKING
sleep(.4) # t=1
assert handler.conversations.get((self.group.id, user1.id)) == self.DRINKING
sleep(.1) # t=1.1
assert handler.conversations.get((self.group.id, user1.id)) is None
def test_conversation_timeout_two_users(self, dp, bot, user1, user2):
handler = ConversationHandler(entry_points=self.entry_points, states=self.states,
fallbacks=self.fallbacks, conversation_timeout=0.5)
# Start state machine, do something as second user, then reach timeout
message = Message(0, user1, None, self.group, text='/start', bot=bot)
dp.process_update(Update(update_id=0, message=message))
assert handler.conversations.get((self.group.id, user1.id)) == self.THIRSTY
message.text = '/brew'
message.from_user = user2
dp.process_update(Update(update_id=0, message=message))
assert handler.conversations.get((self.group.id, user2.id)) is None
message.text = '/start'
dp.process_update(Update(update_id=0, message=message))
assert handler.conversations.get((self.group.id, user2.id)) == self.THIRSTY
assert handler.conversations.get((self.group.id, user1.id)) is None
assert handler.conversations.get((self.group.id, user2.id)) is None