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#!/usr/bin/env python
# pylint: disable=R0902,R0912,R0913
# A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API
# Copyright (C) 2015-2017
# Leandro Toledo de Souza <devs@python-telegram-bot.org>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
# along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/].
"""This module contains an object that represents a Telegram Message."""
import sys
from telegram import (Audio, Contact, Document, Chat, Location, PhotoSize, Sticker, TelegramObject,
User, Video, Voice, Venue, MessageEntity, Game, Invoice, SuccessfulPayment,
from telegram.utils.deprecate import warn_deprecate_obj
from telegram.utils.helpers import escape_html, escape_markdown, to_timestamp, from_timestamp
class Message(TelegramObject):
This object represents a message.
* In Python `from` is a reserved word, use `from_user` instead.
message_id (:obj:`int`): Unique message identifier inside this chat.
from_user (:class:`telegram.User`): Optional. Sender.
date (:class:`datetime.datetime`): Date the message was sent.
chat (:class:`telegram.Chat`): Conversation the message belongs to.
forward_from (:class:`telegram.User`): Optional. Sender of the original message.
forward_from_chat (:class:`telegram.Chat`): Optional. Information about the original
forward_from_message_id (:obj:`int`): Optional. Identifier of the original message in the
forward_date (:class:`datetime.datetime`): Optional. Date the original message was sent.
reply_to_message (:class:`telegram.Message`): Optional. The original message.
edit_date (:class:`datetime.datetime`): Optional. Date the message was last edited.
text (:obj:`str`): Optional. The actual UTF-8 text of the message.
entities (List[:class:`telegram.MessageEntity`]): Optional. Special entities like
usernames, URLs, bot commands, etc. that appear in the text. See
:attr:`Message.parse_entity` and :attr:`parse_entities` methods for how to use
audio (:class:`telegram.Audio`): Optional. Information about the file.
document (:class:`telegram.Document`): Optional. Information about the file.
game (:class:`telegram.Game`): Optional. Information about the game.
photo (List[:class:`telegram.PhotoSize`]): Optional. Available sizes of the photo.
sticker (:class:`telegram.Sticker`): Optional. Information about the sticker.
video (:class:`telegram.Video`): Optional. Information about the video.
voice (:class:`telegram.Voice`): Optional. Information about the file.
video_note (:class:`telegram.VideoNote`): Optional. Information about the video message.
new_chat_members (List[:class:`telegram.User`]): Optional. Information about new members to
the chat. (the bot itself may be one of these members).
caption (:obj:`str`): Optional. Caption for the document, photo or video, 0-200 characters.
contact (:class:`telegram.Contact`): Optional. Information about the contact.
location (:class:`telegram.Location`): Optional. Information about the location.
venue (:class:`telegram.Venue`): Optional. Information about the venue.
left_chat_member (:class:`telegram.User`): Optional. Information about the user that left
the group. (this member may be the bot itself).
new_chat_title (:obj:`str`): Optional. A chat title was changed to this value.
new_chat_photo (List[:class:`telegram.PhotoSize`]): Optional. A chat photo was changed to
this value.
delete_chat_photo (:obj:`bool`): Optional. The chat photo was deleted.
group_chat_created (:obj:`bool`): Optional. The group has been created.
supergroup_chat_created (:obj:`bool`): Optional. The supergroup has been created.
channel_chat_created (:obj:`bool`): Optional. The channel has been created.
migrate_to_chat_id (:obj:`int`): Optional. The group has been migrated to a supergroup with
the specified identifier.
migrate_from_chat_id (:obj:`int`): Optional. The supergroup has been migrated from a group
with the specified identifier.
pinned_message (:class:`telegram.message`): Optional. Specified message was pinned.
invoice (:class:`telegram.Invoice`): Optional. Information about the invoice.
successful_payment (:class:`telegram.SuccessfulPayment`): Optional. Information about the
bot (:class:`telegram.Bot`): Optional. The Bot to use for instance methods.
Deprecated: 6.0
new_chat_member (:class:`telegram.User`): Replaced with :attr:`new_chat_members`
message_id (:obj:`int`): Unique message identifier inside this chat.
from_user (:class:`telegram.User`, optional): Sender, can be empty for messages sent
to channels.
date (:class:`datetime.datetime`): Date the message was sent in Unix time. Converted to
chat (:class:`telegram.Chat`): Conversation the message belongs to.
forward_from (:class:`telegram.User`, optional): For forwarded messages, sender of
the original message.
forward_from_chat (:class:`telegram.Chat`, optional): For messages forwarded from a
channel, information about the original channel.
forward_from_message_id (:obj:`int`, optional): For forwarded channel posts, identifier of
the original message in the channel.
forward_date (:class:`datetime.datetime`, optional): For forwarded messages, date the
original message was sent in Unix time. Converted to :class:`datetime.datetime`.
reply_to_message (:class:`telegram.Message`, optional): For replies, the original message.
Note that the Message object in this field will not contain further
``reply_to_message`` fields even if it itself is a reply.
edit_date (:class:`datetime.datetime`, optional): Date the message was last edited in Unix
time. Converted to :class:`datetime.datetime`.
text (str, optional): For text messages, the actual UTF-8 text of the message, 0-4096
characters. Also found as :attr:`telegram.constants.MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH`.
entities (List[:class:`telegram.MessageEntity`], optional): For text messages, special
entities like usernames, URLs, bot commands, etc. that appear in the text. See
attr:`parse_entity` and attr:`parse_entities` methods for how to use properly.
audio (:class:`telegram.Audio`, optional): Message is an audio file, information
about the file.
document (:class:`telegram.Document`, optional): Message is a general file, information
about the file.
game (:class:`telegram.Game`, optional): Message is a game, information about the game.
photo (List[:class:`telegram.PhotoSize`], optional): Message is a photo, available
sizes of the photo.
sticker (:class:`telegram.Sticker`, optional): Message is a sticker, information
about the sticker.
video (:class:`telegram.Video`, optional): Message is a video, information about the video.
voice (:class:`telegram.Voice`, optional): Message is a voice message, information about
the file.
video_note (:class:`telegram.VideoNote`, optional): Message is a video note, information
about the video message.
new_chat_members (List[:class:`telegram.User`], optional): New members that were added to
the group or supergroup and information about them (the bot itself may be one of these
caption (:obj:`str`, optional): Caption for the document, photo or video, 0-200 characters.
contact (:class:`telegram.Contact`, optional): Message is a shared contact, information
about the contact.
location (:class:`telegram.Location`, optional): Message is a shared location, information
about the location.
venue (:class:`telegram.Venue`, optional): Message is a venue, information about the venue.
left_chat_member (:class:`telegram.User`, optional): A member was removed from the group,
information about them (this member may be the bot itself).
new_chat_title (:obj:`str`, optional): A chat title was changed to this value.
new_chat_photo (List[:class:`telegram.PhotoSize`], optional): A chat photo was change to
this value.
delete_chat_photo (:obj:`bool`, optional): Service message: The chat photo was deleted.
group_chat_created (:obj:`bool`, optional): Service message: The group has been created.
supergroup_chat_created (:obj:`bool`, optional): Service message: The supergroup has been
created. This field can't be received in a message coming through updates, because bot
can't be a member of a supergroup when it is created. It can only be found in
:attr:`reply_to_message` if someone replies to a very first message in a directly
created supergroup.
channel_chat_created (:obj:`bool`, optional): Service message: The channel has been
created. This field can't be received in a message coming through updates, because bot
can't be a member of a channel when it is created. It can only be found in
attr:`reply_to_message` if someone replies to a very first message in a channel.
migrate_to_chat_id (:obj:`int`, optional): The group has been migrated to a supergroup with
the specified identifier. This number may be greater than 32 bits and some programming
languages may have difficulty/silent defects in interpreting it. But it is smaller than
52 bits, so a signed 64 bit integer or double-precision float type are safe for storing
this identifier.
migrate_from_chat_id (:obj:`int`, optional): The supergroup has been migrated from a group
with the specified identifier. This number may be greater than 32 bits and some
programming languages may have difficulty/silent defects in interpreting it. But it is
smaller than 52 bits, so a signed 64 bit integer or double-precision float type are
safe for storing this identifier.
pinned_message (:class:`telegram.message`, optional): Specified message was pinned. Note
that the Message object in this field will not contain further attr:`reply_to_message`
fields even if it is itself a reply.
invoice (:class:`telegram.Invoice`, optional): Message is an invoice for a payment,
information about the invoice.
successful_payment (:class:`telegram.SuccessfulPayment`, optional): Message is a service
message about a successful payment, information about the payment.
def __init__(self,
# Required
self.message_id = int(message_id)
self.from_user = from_user
self.date = date
self.chat = chat
# Optionals
self.forward_from = forward_from
self.forward_from_chat = forward_from_chat
self.forward_date = forward_date
self.reply_to_message = reply_to_message
self.edit_date = edit_date
self.text = text
self.entities = entities or list()
self.audio = audio
self.game = game
self.document = document
self.photo = photo
self.sticker = sticker
self.video = video
self.voice = voice
self.video_note = video_note
self.caption = caption
self.contact = contact
self.location = location
self.venue = venue
self._new_chat_member = new_chat_member
self.new_chat_members = new_chat_members
self.left_chat_member = left_chat_member
self.new_chat_title = new_chat_title
self.new_chat_photo = new_chat_photo
self.delete_chat_photo = bool(delete_chat_photo)
self.group_chat_created = bool(group_chat_created)
self.supergroup_chat_created = bool(supergroup_chat_created)
self.migrate_to_chat_id = migrate_to_chat_id
self.migrate_from_chat_id = migrate_from_chat_id
self.channel_chat_created = bool(channel_chat_created)
self.pinned_message = pinned_message
self.forward_from_message_id = forward_from_message_id
self.invoice = invoice
self.successful_payment = successful_payment
self.bot = bot
self._id_attrs = (self.message_id,)
def chat_id(self):
:obj:`int`: Shortcut for :attr:`telegram.Chat.id` for :attr:`chat`.
return self.chat.id
def de_json(cls, data, bot):
if not data:
return None
data = super(Message, cls).de_json(data, bot)
data['from_user'] = User.de_json(data.get('from'), bot)
data['date'] = from_timestamp(data['date'])
data['chat'] = Chat.de_json(data.get('chat'), bot)
data['entities'] = MessageEntity.de_list(data.get('entities'), bot)
data['forward_from'] = User.de_json(data.get('forward_from'), bot)
data['forward_from_chat'] = Chat.de_json(data.get('forward_from_chat'), bot)
data['forward_date'] = from_timestamp(data.get('forward_date'))
data['reply_to_message'] = Message.de_json(data.get('reply_to_message'), bot)
data['edit_date'] = from_timestamp(data.get('edit_date'))
data['audio'] = Audio.de_json(data.get('audio'), bot)
data['document'] = Document.de_json(data.get('document'), bot)
data['game'] = Game.de_json(data.get('game'), bot)
data['photo'] = PhotoSize.de_list(data.get('photo'), bot)
data['sticker'] = Sticker.de_json(data.get('sticker'), bot)
data['video'] = Video.de_json(data.get('video'), bot)
data['voice'] = Voice.de_json(data.get('voice'), bot)
data['video_note'] = VideoNote.de_json(data.get('video_note'), bot)
data['contact'] = Contact.de_json(data.get('contact'), bot)
data['location'] = Location.de_json(data.get('location'), bot)
data['venue'] = Venue.de_json(data.get('venue'), bot)
data['new_chat_member'] = User.de_json(data.get('new_chat_member'), bot)
data['new_chat_members'] = User.de_list(data.get('new_chat_members'), bot)
data['left_chat_member'] = User.de_json(data.get('left_chat_member'), bot)
data['new_chat_photo'] = PhotoSize.de_list(data.get('new_chat_photo'), bot)
data['pinned_message'] = Message.de_json(data.get('pinned_message'), bot)
data['invoice'] = Invoice.de_json(data.get('invoice'), bot)
data['successful_payment'] = SuccessfulPayment.de_json(data.get('successful_payment'), bot)
return cls(bot=bot, **data)
def __getitem__(self, item):
if item in self.__dict__.keys():
return self.__dict__[item]
elif item == 'chat_id':
return self.chat.id
def to_dict(self):
data = super(Message, self).to_dict()
# Required
data['from'] = data.pop('from_user', None)
data['date'] = to_timestamp(self.date)
# Optionals
if self.forward_date:
data['forward_date'] = to_timestamp(self.forward_date)
if self.edit_date:
data['edit_date'] = to_timestamp(self.edit_date)
if self.photo:
data['photo'] = [p.to_dict() for p in self.photo]
if self.entities:
data['entities'] = [e.to_dict() for e in self.entities]
if self.new_chat_photo:
data['new_chat_photo'] = [p.to_dict() for p in self.new_chat_photo]
data['new_chat_member'] = data.pop('_new_chat_member', None)
if self.new_chat_members:
data['new_chat_members'] = [u.to_dict() for u in self.new_chat_members]
return data
def _quote(self, kwargs):
"""Modify kwargs for replying with or without quoting"""
if 'reply_to_message_id' in kwargs:
if 'quote' in kwargs:
del kwargs['quote']
elif 'quote' in kwargs:
if kwargs['quote']:
kwargs['reply_to_message_id'] = self.message_id
del kwargs['quote']
if self.chat.type != Chat.PRIVATE:
kwargs['reply_to_message_id'] = self.message_id
def reply_text(self, *args, **kwargs):
Shortcut for::
bot.send_message(update.message.chat_id, *args, **kwargs)
Keyword Args:
quote (:obj:`bool`, optional): If set to ``True``, the message is sent as an actual
reply to this message. If ``reply_to_message_id`` is passed in ``kwargs``, this
parameter will be ignored. Default: ``True`` in group chats and ``False`` in
private chats.
return self.bot.send_message(self.chat_id, *args, **kwargs)
def reply_photo(self, *args, **kwargs):
Shortcut for::
bot.send_photo(update.message.chat_id, *args, **kwargs)
Keyword Args:
quote (:obj:`bool`, optional): If set to ``True``, the photo is sent as an actual reply
to this message. If ``reply_to_message_id`` is passed in ``kwargs``, this parameter
will be ignored. Default: ``True`` in group chats and ``False`` in private chats.
:class:`telegram.Message`: On success, instance representing the message posted.
return self.bot.send_photo(self.chat_id, *args, **kwargs)
def reply_audio(self, *args, **kwargs):
Shortcut for::
bot.send_audio(update.message.chat_id, *args, **kwargs)
Keyword Args:
quote (:obj:`bool`, optional): If set to ``True``, the photo is sent as an actual reply
to this message. If ``reply_to_message_id`` is passed in ``kwargs``, this parameter
will be ignored. Default: ``True`` in group chats and ``False`` in private chats.
:class:`telegram.Message`: On success, instance representing the message posted.
return self.bot.send_audio(self.chat_id, *args, **kwargs)
def reply_document(self, *args, **kwargs):
Shortcut for::
bot.send_document(update.message.chat_id, *args, **kwargs)
Keyword Args:
quote (:obj:`bool`, optional): If set to ``True``, the photo is sent as an actual reply
to this message. If ``reply_to_message_id`` is passed in ``kwargs``, this parameter
will be ignored. Default: ``True`` in group chats and ``False`` in private chats.
:class:`telegram.Message`: On success, instance representing the message posted.
return self.bot.send_document(self.chat_id, *args, **kwargs)
def reply_sticker(self, *args, **kwargs):
Shortcut for::
bot.send_sticker(update.message.chat_id, *args, **kwargs)
Keyword Args:
quote (:obj:`bool`, optional): If set to ``True``, the photo is sent as an actual reply
to this message. If ``reply_to_message_id`` is passed in ``kwargs``, this parameter
will be ignored. Default: ``True`` in group chats and ``False`` in private chats.
:class:`telegram.Message`: On success, instance representing the message posted.
return self.bot.send_sticker(self.chat_id, *args, **kwargs)
def reply_video(self, *args, **kwargs):
Shortcut for::
bot.send_video(update.message.chat_id, *args, **kwargs)
Keyword Args:
quote (:obj:`bool`, optional): If set to ``True``, the photo is sent as an actual reply
to this message. If ``reply_to_message_id`` is passed in ``kwargs``, this parameter
will be ignored. Default: ``True`` in group chats and ``False`` in private chats.
:class:`telegram.Message`: On success, instance representing the message posted.
return self.bot.send_video(self.chat_id, *args, **kwargs)
def reply_video_note(self, *args, **kwargs):
Shortcut for::
bot.send_video_note(update.message.chat_id, *args, **kwargs)
Keyword Args:
quote (:obj:`bool`, optional): If set to ``True``, the photo is sent as an actual reply
to this message. If ``reply_to_message_id`` is passed in ``kwargs``, this parameter
will be ignored. Default: ``True`` in group chats and ``False`` in private chats.
:class:`telegram.Message`: On success, instance representing the message posted.
return self.bot.send_video_note(self.chat_id, *args, **kwargs)
def reply_voice(self, *args, **kwargs):
Shortcut for::
bot.send_voice(update.message.chat_id, *args, **kwargs)
Keyword Args:
quote (:obj:`bool`, optional): If set to ``True``, the photo is sent as an actual reply
to this message. If ``reply_to_message_id`` is passed in ``kwargs``, this parameter
will be ignored. Default: ``True`` in group chats and ``False`` in private chats.
:class:`telegram.Message`: On success, instance representing the message posted.
return self.bot.send_voice(self.chat_id, *args, **kwargs)
def reply_location(self, *args, **kwargs):
Shortcut for::
bot.send_location(update.message.chat_id, *args, **kwargs)
Keyword Args:
quote (:obj:`bool`, optional): If set to ``True``, the photo is sent as an actual reply
to this message. If ``reply_to_message_id`` is passed in ``kwargs``, this parameter
will be ignored. Default: ``True`` in group chats and ``False`` in private chats.
:class:`telegram.Message`: On success, instance representing the message posted.
return self.bot.send_location(self.chat_id, *args, **kwargs)
def reply_venue(self, *args, **kwargs):
Shortcut for::
bot.send_venue(update.message.chat_id, *args, **kwargs)
Keyword Args:
quote (:obj:`bool`, optional): If set to ``True``, the photo is sent as an actual reply
to this message. If ``reply_to_message_id`` is passed in ``kwargs``, this parameter
will be ignored. Default: ``True`` in group chats and ``False`` in private chats.
:class:`telegram.Message`: On success, instance representing the message posted.
return self.bot.send_venue(self.chat_id, *args, **kwargs)
def reply_contact(self, *args, **kwargs):
Shortcut for::
bot.send_contact(update.message.chat_id, *args, **kwargs)
Keyword Args:
quote (:obj:`bool`, optional): If set to ``True``, the photo is sent as an actual reply
to this message. If ``reply_to_message_id`` is passed in ``kwargs``, this parameter
will be ignored. Default: ``True`` in group chats and ``False`` in private chats.
:class:`telegram.Message`: On success, instance representing the message posted.
return self.bot.send_contact(self.chat_id, *args, **kwargs)
def forward(self, chat_id, disable_notification=False):
Shortcut for::
:class:`telegram.Message`: On success, instance representing the message forwarded.
return self.bot.forward_message(
def edit_text(self, *args, **kwargs):
Shortcut for::
You can only edit messages that the bot sent itself,
therefore this method can only be used on the
return value of the ``bot.send_*`` family of methods..
:class:`telegram.Message`: On success, instance representing the edited message.
return self.bot.edit_message_text(
chat_id=self.chat_id, message_id=self.message_id, *args, **kwargs)
def edit_caption(self, *args, **kwargs):
Shortcut for::
You can only edit messages that the bot sent itself,
therefore this method can only be used on the
return value of the ``bot.send_*`` family of methods.
:class:`telegram.Message`: On success, instance representing the edited message.
return self.bot.edit_message_caption(
chat_id=self.chat_id, message_id=self.message_id, *args, **kwargs)
def edit_reply_markup(self, *args, **kwargs):
Shortcut for::
You can only edit messages that the bot sent itself,
therefore this method can only be used on the
return value of the ``bot.send_*`` family of methods.
:class:`telegram.Message`: On success, instance representing the edited message.
return self.bot.edit_message_reply_markup(
chat_id=self.chat_id, message_id=self.message_id, *args, **kwargs)
def delete(self, *args, **kwargs):
Shortcut for::
:obj:`bool`: On success, ``True`` is returned.
return self.bot.delete_message(
chat_id=self.chat_id, message_id=self.message_id, *args, **kwargs)
def parse_entity(self, entity):
Returns the text from a given :class:`telegram.MessageEntity`.
This method is present because Telegram calculates the offset and length in
UTF-16 codepoint pairs, which some versions of Python don't handle automatically.
(That is, you can't just slice ``Message.text`` with the offset and length.)
entity (:class:`telegram.MessageEntity`): The entity to extract the text from. It must
be an entity that belongs to this message.
str: The text of the given entity
# Is it a narrow build, if so we don't need to convert
if sys.maxunicode == 0xffff:
return self.text[entity.offset:entity.offset + entity.length]
entity_text = self.text.encode('utf-16-le')
entity_text = entity_text[entity.offset * 2:(entity.offset + entity.length) * 2]
return entity_text.decode('utf-16-le')
def parse_entities(self, types=None):
Returns a :obj:`dict` that maps :class:`telegram.MessageEntity` to :obj:`str`.
It contains entities from this message filtered by their
:attr:`telegram.MessageEntity.type` attribute as the key, and the text that each entity
belongs to as the value of the :obj:`dict`.
This method should always be used instead of the :attr:`entities` attribute, since it
calculates the correct substring from the message text based on UTF-16 codepoints.
See :attr:`parse_entity` for more info.
types (List[:obj:`str`], optional): List of :class:`telegram.MessageEntity` types as
strings. If the ``type`` attribute of an entity is contained in this list, it will
be returned. Defaults to a list of all types. All types can be found as constants
in :class:`telegram.MessageEntity`.
Dict[:class:`telegram.MessageEntity`, :obj:`str`]: A dictionary of entities mapped to
the text that belongs to them, calculated based on UTF-16 codepoints.
if types is None:
types = MessageEntity.ALL_TYPES
return {
entity: self.parse_entity(entity)
for entity in self.entities if entity.type in types
def text_html(self):
Creates an HTML-formatted string from the markup entities found in the message.
Use this if you want to retrieve the message text with the entities formatted as HTML.
:obj:`str`: Message text with entities formatted as HTML.
entities = self.parse_entities()
message_text = self.text
if not sys.maxunicode == 0xffff:
message_text = message_text.encode('utf-16-le')
markdown_text = ''
last_offset = 0
for entity, text in sorted(entities.items(), key=(lambda item: item[0].offset)):
text = escape_html(text)
if entity.type == MessageEntity.TEXT_LINK:
insert = '<a href="{}">{}</a>'.format(entity.url, text)
elif entity.type == MessageEntity.URL:
insert = '<a href="{0}">{0}</a>'.format(text)
elif entity.type == MessageEntity.BOLD:
insert = '<b>' + text + '</b>'
elif entity.type == MessageEntity.ITALIC:
insert = '<i>' + text + '</i>'
elif entity.type == MessageEntity.CODE:
insert = '<code>' + text + '</code>'
elif entity.type == MessageEntity.PRE:
insert = '<pre>' + text + '</pre>'
insert = text
if sys.maxunicode == 0xffff:
markdown_text += escape_html(message_text[last_offset:entity.offset]) + insert
markdown_text += escape_html(message_text[last_offset * 2:entity.offset * 2]
.decode('utf-16-le')) + insert
last_offset = entity.offset + entity.length
if sys.maxunicode == 0xffff:
markdown_text += escape_html(message_text[last_offset:])
markdown_text += escape_html(message_text[last_offset * 2:].decode('utf-16-le'))
return markdown_text
def text_markdown(self):
Creates an Markdown-formatted string from the markup entities found in the message.
Use this if you want to retrieve the message text with the entities formatted as Markdown.
:obj:`str`: Message text with entities formatted as Markdown.
entities = self.parse_entities()
message_text = self.text
if not sys.maxunicode == 0xffff:
message_text = message_text.encode('utf-16-le')
markdown_text = ''
last_offset = 0
for entity, text in sorted(entities.items(), key=(lambda item: item[0].offset)):
text = escape_markdown(text)
if entity.type == MessageEntity.TEXT_LINK:
insert = '[{}]({})'.format(text, entity.url)
elif entity.type == MessageEntity.URL:
insert = '[{0}]({0})'.format(text)
elif entity.type == MessageEntity.BOLD:
insert = '*' + text + '*'
elif entity.type == MessageEntity.ITALIC:
insert = '_' + text + '_'
elif entity.type == MessageEntity.CODE:
insert = '`' + text + '`'
elif entity.type == MessageEntity.PRE:
insert = '```' + text + '```'
insert = text
if sys.maxunicode == 0xffff:
markdown_text += escape_markdown(message_text[last_offset:entity.offset]) + insert
markdown_text += escape_markdown(message_text[last_offset * 2:entity.offset * 2]
.decode('utf-16-le')) + insert
last_offset = entity.offset + entity.length
if sys.maxunicode == 0xffff:
markdown_text += escape_markdown(message_text[last_offset:])
markdown_text += escape_markdown(message_text[last_offset * 2:].decode('utf-16-le'))
return markdown_text
def new_chat_member(self):
warn_deprecate_obj('new_chat_member', 'new_chat_members')
return self._new_chat_member