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#!/usr/bin/env python
# A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API
# Copyright (C) 2015-2018
# Leandro Toledo de Souza <devs@python-telegram-bot.org>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
# along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/].
import pytest
from telegram import (Message, Update, Chat, Bot, User, CallbackQuery, InlineQuery,
ChosenInlineResult, ShippingQuery, PreCheckoutQuery)
from telegram.ext import CommandHandler, Filters, BaseFilter
message = Message(1, User(1, '', False), None, Chat(1, ''), text='test')
params = [
{'callback_query': CallbackQuery(1, User(1, '', False), 'chat', message=message)},
{'channel_post': message},
{'edited_channel_post': message},
{'inline_query': InlineQuery(1, User(1, '', False), '', '')},
{'chosen_inline_result': ChosenInlineResult('id', User(1, '', False), '')},
{'shipping_query': ShippingQuery('id', User(1, '', False), '', None)},
{'pre_checkout_query': PreCheckoutQuery('id', User(1, '', False), '', 0, '')},
{'callback_query': CallbackQuery(1, User(1, '', False), 'chat')}
ids = ('callback_query', 'channel_post', 'edited_channel_post', 'inline_query',
'chosen_inline_result', 'shipping_query', 'pre_checkout_query',
@pytest.fixture(scope='class', params=params, ids=ids)
def false_update(request):
return Update(update_id=1, **request.param)
def message(bot):
return Message(1, None, None, None, bot=bot)
class TestCommandHandler(object):
test_flag = False
def reset(self):
self.test_flag = False
def callback_basic(self, bot, update):
test_bot = isinstance(bot, Bot)
test_update = isinstance(update, Update)
self.test_flag = test_bot and test_update
def callback_data_1(self, bot, update, user_data=None, chat_data=None):
self.test_flag = (user_data is not None) or (chat_data is not None)
def callback_data_2(self, bot, update, user_data=None, chat_data=None):
self.test_flag = (user_data is not None) and (chat_data is not None)
def callback_queue_1(self, bot, update, job_queue=None, update_queue=None):
self.test_flag = (job_queue is not None) or (update_queue is not None)
def callback_queue_2(self, bot, update, job_queue=None, update_queue=None):
self.test_flag = (job_queue is not None) and (update_queue is not None)
def ch_callback_args(self, bot, update, args):
if update.message.text == '/test':
self.test_flag = len(args) == 0
elif update.message.text == '/test@{}'.format(bot.username):
self.test_flag = len(args) == 0
self.test_flag = args == ['one', 'two']
def test_basic(self, dp, message):
handler = CommandHandler('test', self.callback_basic)
message.text = '/test'
assert handler.check_update(Update(0, message))
dp.process_update(Update(0, message))
assert self.test_flag
message.text = '/nottest'
assert not handler.check_update(Update(0, message))
message.text = 'test'
assert not handler.check_update(Update(0, message))
message.text = 'not /test at start'
assert not handler.check_update(Update(0, message))
def test_command_list(self, message):
handler = CommandHandler(['test', 'start'], self.callback_basic)
message.text = '/test'
assert handler.check_update(Update(0, message))
message.text = '/start'
assert handler.check_update(Update(0, message))
message.text = '/stop'
assert not handler.check_update(Update(0, message))
def test_edited(self, message):
handler = CommandHandler('test', self.callback_basic, allow_edited=False)
message.text = '/test'
assert handler.check_update(Update(0, message))
assert not handler.check_update(Update(0, edited_message=message))
handler.allow_edited = True
assert handler.check_update(Update(0, message))
assert handler.check_update(Update(0, edited_message=message))
def test_directed_commands(self, message):
handler = CommandHandler('test', self.callback_basic)
message.text = '/test@{}'.format(message.bot.username)
assert handler.check_update(Update(0, message))
message.text = '/test@otherbot'
assert not handler.check_update(Update(0, message))
def test_with_filter(self, message):
handler = CommandHandler('test', self.callback_basic, Filters.group)
message.chat = Chat(-23, 'group')
message.text = '/test'
assert handler.check_update(Update(0, message))
message.chat = Chat(23, 'private')
assert not handler.check_update(Update(0, message))
def test_pass_args(self, dp, message):
handler = CommandHandler('test', self.ch_callback_args, pass_args=True)
message.text = '/test'
dp.process_update(Update(0, message=message))
assert self.test_flag
self.test_flag = False
message.text = '/test@{}'.format(message.bot.username)
dp.process_update(Update(0, message=message))
assert self.test_flag
self.test_flag = False
message.text = '/test one two'
dp.process_update(Update(0, message=message))
assert self.test_flag
self.test_flag = False
message.text = '/test@{} one two'.format(message.bot.username)
dp.process_update(Update(0, message=message))
assert self.test_flag
def test_newline(self, dp, message):
handler = CommandHandler('test', self.callback_basic)
message.text = '/test\nfoobar'
assert handler.check_update(Update(0, message))
dp.process_update(Update(0, message))
assert self.test_flag
def test_single_char(self, dp, message):
# Regression test for https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot/issues/871
handler = CommandHandler('test', self.callback_basic)
message.text = 'a'
assert not handler.check_update(Update(0, message))
def test_single_slash(self, dp, message):
# Regression test for https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot/issues/871
handler = CommandHandler('test', self.callback_basic)
message.text = '/'
assert not handler.check_update(Update(0, message))
message.text = '/ test'
assert not handler.check_update(Update(0, message))
def test_pass_user_or_chat_data(self, dp, message):
handler = CommandHandler('test', self.callback_data_1, pass_user_data=True)
message.text = '/test'
dp.process_update(Update(0, message=message))
assert self.test_flag
handler = CommandHandler('test', self.callback_data_1, pass_chat_data=True)
self.test_flag = False
dp.process_update(Update(0, message=message))
assert self.test_flag
handler = CommandHandler('test', self.callback_data_2, pass_chat_data=True,
self.test_flag = False
dp.process_update(Update(0, message=message))
assert self.test_flag
def test_pass_job_or_update_queue(self, dp, message):
handler = CommandHandler('test', self.callback_queue_1, pass_job_queue=True)
message.text = '/test'
dp.process_update(Update(0, message=message))
assert self.test_flag
handler = CommandHandler('test', self.callback_queue_1, pass_update_queue=True)
self.test_flag = False
dp.process_update(Update(0, message=message))
assert self.test_flag
handler = CommandHandler('test', self.callback_queue_2, pass_job_queue=True,
self.test_flag = False
dp.process_update(Update(0, message=message))
assert self.test_flag
def test_other_update_types(self, false_update):
handler = CommandHandler('test', self.callback_basic)
assert not handler.check_update(false_update)
def test_filters_for_wrong_command(self, message):
"""Filters should not be executed if the command does not match the handler"""
class TestFilter(BaseFilter):
def __init__(self):
self.tested = False
def filter(self, message):
self.tested = True
test_filter = TestFilter()
handler = CommandHandler('foo', self.callback_basic, filters=test_filter)
message.text = '/bar'
handler.check_update(Update(0, message=message))
assert not test_filter.tested