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#!/usr/bin/env python
# A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API
# Copyright (C) 2015-2023
# Leandro Toledo de Souza <devs@python-telegram-bot.org>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
# along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/].
import datetime
import inspect
import pickle
import re
from copy import deepcopy
from pathlib import Path
from types import MappingProxyType
import pytest
from telegram import Bot, BotCommand, Chat, Message, PhotoSize, TelegramObject, User
from telegram.ext import PicklePersistence
from telegram.warnings import PTBUserWarning
from tests.auxil.files import data_file
from tests.auxil.slots import mro_slots
def all_subclasses(cls):
# Gets all subclasses of the specified object, recursively. from
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/3862957/9706202
# also includes the class itself
return (
.union([s for c in cls.__subclasses__() for s in all_subclasses(c)])
TO_SUBCLASSES = sorted(all_subclasses(TelegramObject), key=lambda cls: cls.__name__)
class TestTelegramObject:
class Sub(TelegramObject):
def __init__(self, private, normal, b):
self._private = private
self.normal = normal
self._bot = b
class ChangingTO(TelegramObject):
# Don't use in any tests, this is just for testing the pickle behaviour and the
# class is altered during the test procedure
def test_to_json(self, monkeypatch):
class Subclass(TelegramObject):
def __init__(self):
self.arg = "arg"
self.arg2 = ["arg2", "arg2"]
self.arg3 = {"arg3": "arg3"}
self.empty_tuple = ()
json = Subclass().to_json()
# Order isn't guarantied
assert '"arg": "arg"' in json
assert '"arg2": ["arg2", "arg2"]' in json
assert '"arg3": {"arg3": "arg3"}' in json
assert "empty_tuple" not in json
# Now make sure that it doesn't work with not json stuff and that it fails loudly
# Tuples aren't allowed as keys in json
d = {("str", "str"): "str"}
monkeypatch.setattr("telegram.TelegramObject.to_dict", lambda _: d)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
def test_de_json_api_kwargs(self, bot):
to = TelegramObject.de_json(data={"foo": "bar"}, bot=bot)
assert to.api_kwargs == {"foo": "bar"}
assert to.get_bot() is bot
def test_de_list(self, bot):
class SubClass(TelegramObject):
def __init__(self, arg: int, **kwargs):
self.arg = arg
self._id_attrs = (self.arg,)
assert SubClass.de_list([{"arg": 1}, None, {"arg": 2}, None], bot) == (
def test_api_kwargs_read_only(self):
tg_object = TelegramObject(api_kwargs={"foo": "bar"})
assert isinstance(tg_object.api_kwargs, MappingProxyType)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
tg_object.api_kwargs["foo"] = "baz"
with pytest.raises(AttributeError, match="can't be set"):
tg_object.api_kwargs = {"foo": "baz"}
@pytest.mark.parametrize("cls", TO_SUBCLASSES, ids=[cls.__name__ for cls in TO_SUBCLASSES])
def test_subclasses_have_api_kwargs(self, cls):
"""Checks that all subclasses of TelegramObject have an api_kwargs argument that is
kw-only. Also, tries to check that this argument is passed to super - by checking that
the `__init__` contains `api_kwargs=api_kwargs`
if issubclass(cls, Bot):
# Bot doesn't have api_kwargs, because it's not defined by TG
# only relevant for subclasses that have their own init
if inspect.getsourcefile(cls.__init__) != inspect.getsourcefile(cls):
# Ignore classes in the test directory
source_file = Path(inspect.getsourcefile(cls))
parents = source_file.parents
is_test_file = Path(__file__).parent.resolve() in parents
if is_test_file:
# check the signature first
signature = inspect.signature(cls)
assert signature.parameters.get("api_kwargs").kind == inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY
# Now check for `api_kwargs=api_kwargs` in the source code of `__init__`
if cls is TelegramObject:
# TelegramObject doesn't have a super class
assert "api_kwargs=api_kwargs" in inspect.getsource(
), f"{cls.__name__} doesn't seem to pass `api_kwargs` to `super().__init__`"
def test_de_json_arbitrary_exceptions(self, bot):
class SubClass(TelegramObject):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
raise TypeError("This is a test")
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="This is a test"):
SubClass.de_json({}, bot)
def test_to_dict_private_attribute(self):
class TelegramObjectSubclass(TelegramObject):
__slots__ = ("a", "_b") # Added slots so that the attrs are converted to dict
def __init__(self):
self.a = 1
self._b = 2
subclass_instance = TelegramObjectSubclass()
assert subclass_instance.to_dict() == {"a": 1}
def test_to_dict_api_kwargs(self):
to = TelegramObject(api_kwargs={"foo": "bar"})
assert to.to_dict() == {"foo": "bar"}
def test_to_dict_missing_attribute(self):
message = Message(
1, datetime.datetime.now(), Chat(1, "private"), from_user=User(1, "", False)
del message.chat
message_dict = message.to_dict()
assert "chat" not in message_dict
message_dict = message.to_dict(recursive=False)
assert message_dict["chat"] is None
def test_to_dict_recursion(self):
class Recursive(TelegramObject):
__slots__ = ("recursive",)
def __init__(self):
self.recursive = "recursive"
class SubClass(TelegramObject):
"""This class doesn't have `__slots__`, so has `__dict__` instead."""
def __init__(self):
self.subclass = Recursive()
to = SubClass()
to_dict_no_recurse = to.to_dict(recursive=False)
assert to_dict_no_recurse
assert isinstance(to_dict_no_recurse["subclass"], Recursive)
to_dict_recurse = to.to_dict(recursive=True)
assert to_dict_recurse
assert isinstance(to_dict_recurse["subclass"], dict)
assert to_dict_recurse["subclass"]["recursive"] == "recursive"
def test_slot_behaviour(self):
inst = TelegramObject()
for attr in inst.__slots__:
assert getattr(inst, attr, "err") != "err", f"got extra slot '{attr}'"
assert len(mro_slots(inst)) == len(set(mro_slots(inst))), "duplicate slot"
def test_meaningless_comparison(self, recwarn):
expected_warning = "Objects of type TGO can not be meaningfully tested for equivalence."
class TGO(TelegramObject):
a = TGO()
b = TGO()
assert a == b
assert len(recwarn) == 1
assert str(recwarn[0].message) == expected_warning
assert recwarn[0].category is PTBUserWarning
assert recwarn[0].filename == __file__, "wrong stacklevel"
def test_meaningful_comparison(self, recwarn):
class TGO(TelegramObject):
def __init__(self):
self._id_attrs = (1,)
a = TGO()
b = TGO()
assert a == b
assert len(recwarn) == 0
assert b == a
assert len(recwarn) == 0
def test_bot_instance_none(self):
tg_object = TelegramObject()
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
@pytest.mark.parametrize("bot_inst", ["bot", None])
def test_bot_instance_states(self, bot_inst):
tg_object = TelegramObject()
tg_object.set_bot("bot" if bot_inst == "bot" else bot_inst)
if bot_inst == "bot":
assert tg_object.get_bot() == "bot"
elif bot_inst is None:
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
def test_subscription(self):
# We test with Message because that gives us everything we want to test - easier than
# implementing a custom subclass just for this test
chat = Chat(2, Chat.PRIVATE)
user = User(3, "first_name", False)
message = Message(1, None, chat=chat, from_user=user, text="foobar")
assert message["text"] == "foobar"
assert message["chat"] is chat
assert message["chat_id"] == 2
assert message["from"] is user
assert message["from_user"] is user
with pytest.raises(KeyError, match="Message don't have an attribute called `no_key`"):
def test_pickle(self, bot):
chat = Chat(2, Chat.PRIVATE)
user = User(3, "first_name", False)
date = datetime.datetime.now()
photo = PhotoSize("file_id", "unique", 21, 21)
msg = Message(
api_kwargs={"api": "kwargs"},
# Test pickling of TGObjects, we choose Message since it's contains the most subclasses.
assert msg.get_bot()
unpickled = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(msg))
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
unpickled.get_bot() # There should be no bot when we pickle TGObjects
assert unpickled.chat == chat, f"{unpickled.chat._id_attrs} != {chat._id_attrs}"
assert unpickled.from_user == user
assert unpickled.date == date, f"{unpickled.date} != {date}"
assert unpickled.photo[0] == photo
assert isinstance(unpickled.api_kwargs, MappingProxyType)
assert unpickled.api_kwargs == {"api": "kwargs"}
def test_pickle_apply_api_kwargs(self):
"""Makes sure that when a class gets new attributes, the api_kwargs are moved to the
new attributes on unpickling."""
obj = self.ChangingTO(api_kwargs={"foo": "bar"})
pickled = pickle.dumps(obj)
self.ChangingTO.foo = None
obj = pickle.loads(pickled)
assert obj.foo == "bar"
assert obj.api_kwargs == {}
async def test_pickle_backwards_compatibility(self):
"""Test when newer versions of the library remove or add attributes from classes (which
the old pickled versions still/don't have).
# We use a modified version of the 20.0a5 Chat class, which
# * has an `all_members_are_admins` attribute,
# * a non-empty `api_kwargs` dict
# * does not have the `is_forum` attribute
# This specific version was pickled
# using PicklePersistence.update_chat_data and that's what we use here to test if
# * the (now) removed attribute `all_members_are_admins` was added to api_kwargs
# * the (now) added attribute `is_forum` does not affect the unpickling
pp = PicklePersistence(data_file("20a5_modified_chat.pickle"))
chat = (await pp.get_chat_data())[1]
assert chat.id == 1
assert chat.type == Chat.PRIVATE
assert chat.api_kwargs == {
"all_members_are_administrators": True,
"something": "Manually inserted",
with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
# removed attribute should not be available as attribute, only though api_kwargs
with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
# New attribute should not be available either as is always the case for pickle
# Ensure that loading objects that were pickled before attributes were made immutable
# are still mutable
chat.id = 7
assert chat.id == 7
def test_deepcopy_telegram_obj(self, bot):
chat = Chat(2, Chat.PRIVATE)
user = User(3, "first_name", False)
date = datetime.datetime.now()
photo = PhotoSize("file_id", "unique", 21, 21)
msg = Message(
1, date, chat, from_user=user, text="foobar", photo=[photo], api_kwargs={"foo": "bar"}
new_msg = deepcopy(msg)
assert new_msg == msg
assert new_msg is not msg
# The same bot should be present when deepcopying.
assert new_msg.get_bot() == bot
assert new_msg.get_bot() is bot
assert new_msg.date == date
assert new_msg.date is not date
assert new_msg.chat == chat
assert new_msg.chat is not chat
assert new_msg.from_user == user
assert new_msg.from_user is not user
assert new_msg.photo[0] == photo
assert new_msg.photo[0] is not photo
assert new_msg.api_kwargs == {"foo": "bar"}
assert new_msg.api_kwargs is not msg.api_kwargs
# check that deepcopy preserves the freezing status
with pytest.raises(
AttributeError, match="Attribute `text` of class `Message` can't be set!"
new_msg.text = "new text"
new_message = deepcopy(msg)
new_message.text = "new text"
assert new_message.text == "new text"
def test_deepcopy_subclass_telegram_obj(self, bot):
s = self.Sub("private", "normal", bot)
d = deepcopy(s)
assert d is not s
assert d._private == s._private # Can't test for identity since two equal strings is True
assert d._bot == s._bot
assert d._bot is s._bot
assert d.normal == s.normal
def test_string_representation(self):
class TGO(TelegramObject):
def __init__(self, api_kwargs=None):
self.string_attr = "string"
self.int_attr = 42
self.to_attr = BotCommand("command", "description")
self.list_attr = [
BotCommand("command_1", "description_1"),
BotCommand("command_2", "description_2"),
self.dict_attr = {
BotCommand("command_1", "description_1"): BotCommand(
"command_2", "description_2"
self.empty_tuple_attrs = ()
self.empty_str_attribute = ""
# Should not be included in string representation
self.none_attr = None
expected_without_api_kwargs = (
"TGO(dict_attr={BotCommand(command='command_1', description='description_1'): "
"BotCommand(command='command_2', description='description_2')}, int_attr=42, "
"list_attr=[BotCommand(command='command_1', description='description_1'), "
"BotCommand(command='command_2', description='description_2')], "
"string_attr='string', to_attr=BotCommand(command='command', "
assert str(TGO()) == expected_without_api_kwargs
assert repr(TGO()) == expected_without_api_kwargs
expected_with_api_kwargs = (
"TGO(api_kwargs={'foo': 'bar'}, dict_attr={BotCommand(command='command_1', "
"description='description_1'): BotCommand(command='command_2', "
"description='description_2')}, int_attr=42, "
"list_attr=[BotCommand(command='command_1', description='description_1'), "
"BotCommand(command='command_2', description='description_2')], "
"string_attr='string', to_attr=BotCommand(command='command', "
assert str(TGO(api_kwargs={"foo": "bar"})) == expected_with_api_kwargs
assert repr(TGO(api_kwargs={"foo": "bar"})) == expected_with_api_kwargs
@pytest.mark.parametrize("cls", TO_SUBCLASSES, ids=[cls.__name__ for cls in TO_SUBCLASSES])
def test_subclasses_are_frozen(self, cls):
if cls is TelegramObject or cls.__name__.startswith("_"):
# Protected classes don't need to be frozen and neither does the base class
# instantiating each subclass would be tedious as some attributes require special init
# args. So we inspect the code instead.
source_file = inspect.getsourcefile(cls.__init__)
parents = Path(source_file).parents
is_test_file = Path(__file__).parent.resolve() in parents
if is_test_file:
# If the class is defined in a test file, we don't want to test it.
if source_file.endswith("telegramobject.py"):
f"{cls.__name__} does not have its own `__init__` "
"and can therefore not be frozen correctly"
source_lines, first_line = inspect.getsourcelines(cls.__init__)
# We use regex matching since a simple "if self._freeze() in source_lines[-1]" would also
# allo commented lines.
last_line_freezes = re.match(r"\s*self\.\_freeze\(\)", source_lines[-1])
uses_with_unfrozen = re.search(
r"\n\s*with self\.\_unfrozen\(\)\:", inspect.getsource(cls.__init__)
assert last_line_freezes or uses_with_unfrozen, f"{cls.__name__} is not frozen correctly"
def test_freeze_unfreeze(self):
class TestSub(TelegramObject):
def __init__(self):
self._protected = True
self.public = True
foo = TestSub()
foo._protected = False
assert foo._protected is False
with pytest.raises(
AttributeError, match="Attribute `public` of class `TestSub` can't be set!"
foo.public = False
with pytest.raises(
AttributeError, match="Attribute `public` of class `TestSub` can't be deleted!"
del foo.public
foo._protected = True
assert foo._protected is True
foo.public = False
assert foo.public is False
del foo.public
del foo._protected
assert not hasattr(foo, "public")
assert not hasattr(foo, "_protected")