mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 07:49:40 +01:00
* Change default handling, update signatures, get existing tests to pass. * Try running tests on ubuntu 18.04 * Roll back * Rework check_shortcut_call tests * Further improve check_shortcut_call tests * Start on defaults-checks for shortcuts, get it working for test_message * Add check_shortcut_defaults to all other shortcut tests * Some fine tuning * Add defaults checking for bot methods * Missing tests for TestCallbackQuery * Test edit_message_media with defaults & some comments * Fix cryptography requirement * drop debug prints * Remove debug prints * Another try * Try to fix coverage & logs * Rearrange test order * increase coverage * Try to fix coverage reports * address review * Adapt tests like in #2386 * fix CI * fix CI
387 lines
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387 lines
16 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API
# Copyright (C) 2015-2021
# Leandro Toledo de Souza <devs@python-telegram-bot.org>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
# along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/].
import os
import time
import datetime as dtm
from importlib import reload
from pathlib import Path
from unittest import mock
import pytest
from telegram import Sticker, InputFile, Animation
from telegram import Update
from telegram import User
from telegram import MessageEntity
from telegram.ext import Defaults
from telegram.message import Message
from telegram.utils import helpers
from telegram.utils.helpers import _datetime_to_float_timestamp
# sample time specification values categorised into absolute / delta / time-of-day
from tests.conftest import env_var_2_bool
DELTA_TIME_SPECS = [dtm.timedelta(hours=3, seconds=42, milliseconds=2), 30, 7.5]
dtm.time(12, 42, tzinfo=dtm.timezone(dtm.timedelta(hours=-7))),
dtm.time(12, 42),
This part is here for ptb-raw, where we don't have pytz (unless the user installs it)
Because imports in pytest are intricate, we just run
pytest -k test_helpers.py
with the TEST_NO_PYTZ environment variable set in addition to the regular test suite.
Because actually uninstalling pytz would lead to errors in the test suite we just mock the
import to raise the expected exception.
Note that a fixture that just does this for every test that needs it is a nice idea, but for some
reason makes test_updater.py hang indefinitely on GitHub Actions (at least when Hinrich tried that)
TEST_NO_PYTZ = env_var_2_bool(os.getenv('TEST_NO_PYTZ', False))
orig_import = __import__
def import_mock(module_name, *args, **kwargs):
if module_name == 'pytz':
raise ModuleNotFoundError('We are testing without pytz here')
return orig_import(module_name, *args, **kwargs)
with mock.patch('builtins.__import__', side_effect=import_mock):
class TestHelpers:
def test_helpers_utc(self):
# Here we just test, that we got the correct UTC variant
assert helpers.UTC is helpers.DTM_UTC
assert helpers.UTC is not helpers.DTM_UTC
def test_escape_markdown(self):
test_str = '*bold*, _italic_, `code`, [text_link](http://github.com/)'
expected_str = r'\*bold\*, \_italic\_, \`code\`, \[text\_link](http://github.com/)'
assert expected_str == helpers.escape_markdown(test_str)
def test_escape_markdown_v2(self):
test_str = 'a_b*c[d]e (fg) h~I`>JK#L+MN -O=|p{qr}s.t! u'
expected_str = r'a\_b\*c\[d\]e \(fg\) h\~I\`\>JK\#L\+MN \-O\=\|p\{qr\}s\.t\! u'
assert expected_str == helpers.escape_markdown(test_str, version=2)
def test_escape_markdown_v2_monospaced(self):
test_str = r'mono/pre: `abc` \int (`\some \`stuff)'
expected_str = 'mono/pre: \\`abc\\` \\\\int (\\`\\\\some \\\\\\`stuff)'
assert expected_str == helpers.escape_markdown(
test_str, version=2, entity_type=MessageEntity.PRE
assert expected_str == helpers.escape_markdown(
test_str, version=2, entity_type=MessageEntity.CODE
def test_escape_markdown_v2_text_link(self):
test_str = 'https://url.containing/funny)cha)\\ra\\)cter\\s'
expected_str = 'https://url.containing/funny\\)cha\\)\\\\ra\\\\\\)cter\\\\s'
assert expected_str == helpers.escape_markdown(
test_str, version=2, entity_type=MessageEntity.TEXT_LINK
def test_markdown_invalid_version(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
helpers.escape_markdown('abc', version=-1)
def test_to_float_timestamp_absolute_naive(self):
"""Conversion from timezone-naive datetime to timestamp.
Naive datetimes should be assumed to be in UTC.
datetime = dtm.datetime(2019, 11, 11, 0, 26, 16, 10 ** 5)
assert helpers.to_float_timestamp(datetime) == 1573431976.1
def test_to_float_timestamp_absolute_naive_no_pytz(self, monkeypatch):
"""Conversion from timezone-naive datetime to timestamp.
Naive datetimes should be assumed to be in UTC.
monkeypatch.setattr(helpers, 'UTC', helpers.DTM_UTC)
datetime = dtm.datetime(2019, 11, 11, 0, 26, 16, 10 ** 5)
assert helpers.to_float_timestamp(datetime) == 1573431976.1
def test_to_float_timestamp_absolute_aware(self, timezone):
"""Conversion from timezone-aware datetime to timestamp"""
# we're parametrizing this with two different UTC offsets to exclude the possibility
# of an xpass when the test is run in a timezone with the same UTC offset
test_datetime = dtm.datetime(2019, 11, 11, 0, 26, 16, 10 ** 5)
datetime = timezone.localize(test_datetime)
assert (
== 1573431976.1 - timezone.utcoffset(test_datetime).total_seconds()
def test_to_float_timestamp_absolute_no_reference(self):
"""A reference timestamp is only relevant for relative time specifications"""
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
helpers.to_float_timestamp(dtm.datetime(2019, 11, 11), reference_timestamp=123)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('time_spec', DELTA_TIME_SPECS, ids=str)
def test_to_float_timestamp_delta(self, time_spec):
"""Conversion from a 'delta' time specification to timestamp"""
reference_t = 0
delta = time_spec.total_seconds() if hasattr(time_spec, 'total_seconds') else time_spec
assert helpers.to_float_timestamp(time_spec, reference_t) == reference_t + delta
def test_to_float_timestamp_time_of_day(self):
"""Conversion from time-of-day specification to timestamp"""
hour, hour_delta = 12, 1
ref_t = _datetime_to_float_timestamp(dtm.datetime(1970, 1, 1, hour=hour))
# test for a time of day that is still to come, and one in the past
time_future, time_past = dtm.time(hour + hour_delta), dtm.time(hour - hour_delta)
assert helpers.to_float_timestamp(time_future, ref_t) == ref_t + 60 * 60 * hour_delta
assert helpers.to_float_timestamp(time_past, ref_t) == ref_t + 60 * 60 * (24 - hour_delta)
def test_to_float_timestamp_time_of_day_timezone(self, timezone):
"""Conversion from timezone-aware time-of-day specification to timestamp"""
# we're parametrizing this with two different UTC offsets to exclude the possibility
# of an xpass when the test is run in a timezone with the same UTC offset
ref_datetime = dtm.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 12)
utc_offset = timezone.utcoffset(ref_datetime)
ref_t, time_of_day = _datetime_to_float_timestamp(ref_datetime), ref_datetime.time()
aware_time_of_day = timezone.localize(ref_datetime).timetz()
# first test that naive time is assumed to be utc:
assert helpers.to_float_timestamp(time_of_day, ref_t) == pytest.approx(ref_t)
# test that by setting the timezone the timestamp changes accordingly:
assert helpers.to_float_timestamp(aware_time_of_day, ref_t) == pytest.approx(
ref_t + (-utc_offset.total_seconds() % (24 * 60 * 60))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('time_spec', RELATIVE_TIME_SPECS, ids=str)
def test_to_float_timestamp_default_reference(self, time_spec):
"""The reference timestamp for relative time specifications should default to now"""
now = time.time()
assert helpers.to_float_timestamp(time_spec) == pytest.approx(
helpers.to_float_timestamp(time_spec, reference_timestamp=now)
def test_to_float_timestamp_error(self):
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match='Defaults'):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('time_spec', TIME_SPECS, ids=str)
def test_to_timestamp(self, time_spec):
# delegate tests to `to_float_timestamp`
assert helpers.to_timestamp(time_spec) == int(helpers.to_float_timestamp(time_spec))
def test_to_timestamp_none(self):
# this 'convenience' behaviour has been left left for backwards compatibility
assert helpers.to_timestamp(None) is None
def test_from_timestamp_none(self):
assert helpers.from_timestamp(None) is None
def test_from_timestamp_naive(self):
datetime = dtm.datetime(2019, 11, 11, 0, 26, 16, tzinfo=None)
assert helpers.from_timestamp(1573431976, tzinfo=None) == datetime
def test_from_timestamp_aware(self, timezone):
# we're parametrizing this with two different UTC offsets to exclude the possibility
# of an xpass when the test is run in a timezone with the same UTC offset
test_datetime = dtm.datetime(2019, 11, 11, 0, 26, 16, 10 ** 5)
datetime = timezone.localize(test_datetime)
assert (
1573431976.1 - timezone.utcoffset(test_datetime).total_seconds()
== datetime
def test_create_deep_linked_url(self):
username = 'JamesTheMock'
payload = "hello"
expected = f"https://t.me/{username}?start={payload}"
actual = helpers.create_deep_linked_url(username, payload)
assert expected == actual
expected = f"https://t.me/{username}?startgroup={payload}"
actual = helpers.create_deep_linked_url(username, payload, group=True)
assert expected == actual
payload = ""
expected = f"https://t.me/{username}"
assert expected == helpers.create_deep_linked_url(username)
assert expected == helpers.create_deep_linked_url(username, payload)
payload = None
assert expected == helpers.create_deep_linked_url(username, payload)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
helpers.create_deep_linked_url(username, 'text with spaces')
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
helpers.create_deep_linked_url(username, '0' * 65)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
helpers.create_deep_linked_url(None, None)
with pytest.raises(ValueError): # too short username (4 is minimum)
helpers.create_deep_linked_url("abc", None)
def test_effective_message_type(self):
def build_test_message(**kwargs):
config = dict(
return Message(**config)
test_message = build_test_message(text='Test')
assert helpers.effective_message_type(test_message) == 'text'
test_message.text = None
test_message = build_test_message(
sticker=Sticker('sticker_id', 'unique_id', 50, 50, False)
assert helpers.effective_message_type(test_message) == 'sticker'
test_message.sticker = None
test_message = build_test_message(new_chat_members=[User(55, 'new_user', False)])
assert helpers.effective_message_type(test_message) == 'new_chat_members'
test_message = build_test_message(left_chat_member=[User(55, 'new_user', False)])
assert helpers.effective_message_type(test_message) == 'left_chat_member'
test_update = Update(1)
test_message = build_test_message(text='Test')
test_update.message = test_message
assert helpers.effective_message_type(test_update) == 'text'
empty_update = Update(2)
assert helpers.effective_message_type(empty_update) is None
def test_mention_html(self):
expected = '<a href="tg://user?id=1">the name</a>'
assert expected == helpers.mention_html(1, 'the name')
def test_mention_markdown(self):
expected = '[the name](tg://user?id=1)'
assert expected == helpers.mention_markdown(1, 'the name')
def test_mention_markdown_2(self):
expected = r'[the\_name](tg://user?id=1)'
assert expected == helpers.mention_markdown(1, 'the_name')
('tests/data/game.gif', True),
('tests/data', False),
(str(Path.cwd() / 'tests' / 'data' / 'game.gif'), True),
(str(Path.cwd() / 'tests' / 'data'), False),
(Path.cwd() / 'tests' / 'data' / 'game.gif', True),
(Path.cwd() / 'tests' / 'data', False),
('https:/api.org/file/botTOKEN/document/file_3', False),
(None, False),
def test_is_local_file(self, string, expected):
assert helpers.is_local_file(string) == expected
('tests/data/game.gif', (Path.cwd() / 'tests' / 'data' / 'game.gif').as_uri()),
('tests/data', 'tests/data'),
('file://foobar', 'file://foobar'),
str(Path.cwd() / 'tests' / 'data' / 'game.gif'),
(Path.cwd() / 'tests' / 'data' / 'game.gif').as_uri(),
(str(Path.cwd() / 'tests' / 'data'), str(Path.cwd() / 'tests' / 'data')),
Path.cwd() / 'tests' / 'data' / 'game.gif',
(Path.cwd() / 'tests' / 'data' / 'game.gif').as_uri(),
(Path.cwd() / 'tests' / 'data', Path.cwd() / 'tests' / 'data'),
def test_parse_file_input_string(self, string, expected):
assert helpers.parse_file_input(string) == expected
def test_parse_file_input_file_like(self):
with open('tests/data/game.gif', 'rb') as file:
parsed = helpers.parse_file_input(file)
assert isinstance(parsed, InputFile)
assert not parsed.attach
assert parsed.filename == 'game.gif'
with open('tests/data/game.gif', 'rb') as file:
parsed = helpers.parse_file_input(file, attach=True, filename='test_file')
assert isinstance(parsed, InputFile)
assert parsed.attach
assert parsed.filename == 'test_file'
def test_parse_file_input_bytes(self):
with open('tests/data/text_file.txt', 'rb') as file:
parsed = helpers.parse_file_input(file.read())
assert isinstance(parsed, InputFile)
assert not parsed.attach
assert parsed.filename == 'application.octet-stream'
with open('tests/data/text_file.txt', 'rb') as file:
parsed = helpers.parse_file_input(file.read(), attach=True, filename='test_file')
assert isinstance(parsed, InputFile)
assert parsed.attach
assert parsed.filename == 'test_file'
def test_parse_file_input_tg_object(self):
animation = Animation('file_id', 'unique_id', 1, 1, 1)
assert helpers.parse_file_input(animation, Animation) == 'file_id'
assert helpers.parse_file_input(animation, MessageEntity) is animation
@pytest.mark.parametrize('obj', [{1: 2}, [1, 2], (1, 2)])
def test_parse_file_input_other(self, obj):
assert helpers.parse_file_input(obj) is obj