
451 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API
# Copyright (C) 2015-2024
# Leandro Toledo de Souza <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
# along with this program. If not, see [].
"""This module contains the classes that represent Telegram ChatBoosts."""
from datetime import datetime
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Final, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type
from telegram import constants
from telegram._chat import Chat
from telegram._telegramobject import TelegramObject
from telegram._user import User
from telegram._utils import enum
from telegram._utils.argumentparsing import parse_sequence_arg
from telegram._utils.datetime import extract_tzinfo_from_defaults, from_timestamp
from telegram._utils.types import JSONDict
from telegram import Bot
class ChatBoostAdded(TelegramObject):
This object represents a service message about a user boosting a chat.
Objects of this class are comparable in terms of equality.
Two objects of this class are considered equal, if their
:attr:`boost_count` are equal.
.. versionadded:: 21.0
boost_count (:obj:`int`): Number of boosts added by the user.
boost_count (:obj:`int`): Number of boosts added by the user.
__slots__ = ("boost_count",)
def __init__(
boost_count: int,
api_kwargs: Optional[JSONDict] = None,
) -> None:
self.boost_count: int = boost_count
self._id_attrs = (self.boost_count,)
class ChatBoostSource(TelegramObject):
Base class for Telegram ChatBoostSource objects. It can be one of:
* :class:`telegram.ChatBoostSourcePremium`
* :class:`telegram.ChatBoostSourceGiftCode`
* :class:`telegram.ChatBoostSourceGiveaway`
Objects of this class are comparable in terms of equality. Two objects of this class are
considered equal, if their :attr:`source` is equal.
.. versionadded:: 20.8
source (:obj:`str`): The source of the chat boost. Can be one of:
:attr:`~telegram.ChatBoostSource.PREMIUM`, :attr:`~telegram.ChatBoostSource.GIFT_CODE`,
or :attr:`~telegram.ChatBoostSource.GIVEAWAY`.
source (:obj:`str`): The source of the chat boost. Can be one of:
:attr:`~telegram.ChatBoostSource.PREMIUM`, :attr:`~telegram.ChatBoostSource.GIFT_CODE`,
or :attr:`~telegram.ChatBoostSource.GIVEAWAY`.
__slots__ = ("source",)
PREMIUM: Final[str] = constants.ChatBoostSources.PREMIUM
GIFT_CODE: Final[str] = constants.ChatBoostSources.GIFT_CODE
GIVEAWAY: Final[str] = constants.ChatBoostSources.GIVEAWAY
def __init__(self, source: str, *, api_kwargs: Optional[JSONDict] = None):
# Required by all subclasses:
self.source: str = enum.get_member(constants.ChatBoostSources, source, source)
self._id_attrs = (self.source,)
def de_json(
cls, data: Optional[JSONDict], bot: Optional["Bot"] = None
) -> Optional["ChatBoostSource"]:
"""See :meth:`telegram.TelegramObject.de_json`."""
data = cls._parse_data(data)
if not data:
return None
_class_mapping: Dict[str, Type[ChatBoostSource]] = {
cls.PREMIUM: ChatBoostSourcePremium,
cls.GIFT_CODE: ChatBoostSourceGiftCode,
cls.GIVEAWAY: ChatBoostSourceGiveaway,
if cls is ChatBoostSource and data.get("source") in _class_mapping:
return _class_mapping[data.pop("source")].de_json(data=data, bot=bot)
if "user" in data:
data["user"] = User.de_json(data.get("user"), bot)
return super().de_json(data=data, bot=bot)
class ChatBoostSourcePremium(ChatBoostSource):
The boost was obtained by subscribing to Telegram Premium or by gifting a Telegram Premium
subscription to another user.
.. versionadded:: 20.8
user (:class:`telegram.User`): User that boosted the chat.
source (:obj:`str`): The source of the chat boost. Always
user (:class:`telegram.User`): User that boosted the chat.
__slots__ = ("user",)
def __init__(self, user: User, *, api_kwargs: Optional[JSONDict] = None):
super().__init__(source=self.PREMIUM, api_kwargs=api_kwargs)
with self._unfrozen():
self.user: User = user
class ChatBoostSourceGiftCode(ChatBoostSource):
The boost was obtained by the creation of Telegram Premium gift codes to boost a chat. Each
such code boosts the chat 4 times for the duration of the corresponding Telegram Premium
.. versionadded:: 20.8
user (:class:`telegram.User`): User for which the gift code was created.
source (:obj:`str`): The source of the chat boost. Always
user (:class:`telegram.User`): User for which the gift code was created.
__slots__ = ("user",)
def __init__(self, user: User, *, api_kwargs: Optional[JSONDict] = None):
super().__init__(source=self.GIFT_CODE, api_kwargs=api_kwargs)
with self._unfrozen():
self.user: User = user
class ChatBoostSourceGiveaway(ChatBoostSource):
The boost was obtained by the creation of a Telegram Premium giveaway. This boosts the chat 4
times for the duration of the corresponding Telegram Premium subscription.
.. versionadded:: 20.8
giveaway_message_id (:obj:`int`): Identifier of a message in the chat with the giveaway;
the message could have been deleted already. May be 0 if the message isn't sent yet.
user (:class:`telegram.User`, optional): User that won the prize in the giveaway if any.
is_unclaimed (:obj:`bool`, optional): :obj:`True`, if the giveaway was completed, but
there was no user to win the prize.
source (:obj:`str`): Source of the boost. Always
giveaway_message_id (:obj:`int`): Identifier of a message in the chat with the giveaway;
the message could have been deleted already. May be 0 if the message isn't sent yet.
user (:class:`telegram.User`): Optional. User that won the prize in the giveaway if any.
is_unclaimed (:obj:`bool`): Optional. :obj:`True`, if the giveaway was completed, but
there was no user to win the prize.
__slots__ = ("giveaway_message_id", "is_unclaimed", "user")
def __init__(
giveaway_message_id: int,
user: Optional[User] = None,
is_unclaimed: Optional[bool] = None,
api_kwargs: Optional[JSONDict] = None,
super().__init__(source=self.GIVEAWAY, api_kwargs=api_kwargs)
with self._unfrozen():
self.giveaway_message_id: int = giveaway_message_id
self.user: Optional[User] = user
self.is_unclaimed: Optional[bool] = is_unclaimed
class ChatBoost(TelegramObject):
This object contains information about a chat boost.
Objects of this class are comparable in terms of equality. Two objects of this class are
considered equal, if their :attr:`boost_id`, :attr:`add_date`, :attr:`expiration_date`,
and :attr:`source` are equal.
.. versionadded:: 20.8
boost_id (:obj:`str`): Unique identifier of the boost.
add_date (:obj:`datetime.datetime`): Point in time when the chat was boosted.
expiration_date (:obj:`datetime.datetime`): Point in time when the boost
will automatically expire, unless the booster's Telegram Premium subscription is
source (:class:`telegram.ChatBoostSource`): Source of the added boost.
boost_id (:obj:`str`): Unique identifier of the boost.
add_date (:obj:`datetime.datetime`): Point in time when the chat was boosted.
expiration_date (:obj:`datetime.datetime`): Point in time when the boost
will automatically expire, unless the booster's Telegram Premium subscription is
prolonged. |datetime_localization|
source (:class:`telegram.ChatBoostSource`): Source of the added boost.
__slots__ = ("add_date", "boost_id", "expiration_date", "source")
def __init__(
boost_id: str,
add_date: datetime,
expiration_date: datetime,
source: ChatBoostSource,
api_kwargs: Optional[JSONDict] = None,
self.boost_id: str = boost_id
self.add_date: datetime = add_date
self.expiration_date: datetime = expiration_date
self.source: ChatBoostSource = source
self._id_attrs = (self.boost_id, self.add_date, self.expiration_date, self.source)
def de_json(
cls, data: Optional[JSONDict], bot: Optional["Bot"] = None
) -> Optional["ChatBoost"]:
"""See :meth:`telegram.TelegramObject.de_json`."""
data = cls._parse_data(data)
if not data:
return None
data["source"] = ChatBoostSource.de_json(data.get("source"), bot)
loc_tzinfo = extract_tzinfo_from_defaults(bot)
data["add_date"] = from_timestamp(data["add_date"], tzinfo=loc_tzinfo)
data["expiration_date"] = from_timestamp(data["expiration_date"], tzinfo=loc_tzinfo)
return super().de_json(data=data, bot=bot)
class ChatBoostUpdated(TelegramObject):
"""This object represents a boost added to a chat or changed.
Objects of this class are comparable in terms of equality. Two objects of this class are
considered equal, if their :attr:`chat`, and :attr:`boost` are equal.
.. versionadded:: 20.8
chat (:class:`telegram.Chat`): Chat which was boosted.
boost (:class:`telegram.ChatBoost`): Information about the chat boost.
chat (:class:`telegram.Chat`): Chat which was boosted.
boost (:class:`telegram.ChatBoost`): Information about the chat boost.
__slots__ = ("boost", "chat")
def __init__(
chat: Chat,
boost: ChatBoost,
api_kwargs: Optional[JSONDict] = None,
super().__init__(api_kwargs=api_kwargs) Chat = chat
self.boost: ChatBoost = boost
self._id_attrs = (, self.boost)
def de_json(
cls, data: Optional[JSONDict], bot: Optional["Bot"] = None
) -> Optional["ChatBoostUpdated"]:
"""See :meth:`telegram.TelegramObject.de_json`."""
data = cls._parse_data(data)
if not data:
return None
data["chat"] = Chat.de_json(data.get("chat"), bot)
data["boost"] = ChatBoost.de_json(data.get("boost"), bot)
return super().de_json(data=data, bot=bot)
class ChatBoostRemoved(TelegramObject):
This object represents a boost removed from a chat.
Objects of this class are comparable in terms of equality. Two objects of this class are
considered equal, if their :attr:`chat`, :attr:`boost_id`, :attr:`remove_date`, and
:attr:`source` are equal.
chat (:class:`telegram.Chat`): Chat which was boosted.
boost_id (:obj:`str`): Unique identifier of the boost.
remove_date (:obj:`datetime.datetime`): Point in time when the boost was removed.
source (:class:`telegram.ChatBoostSource`): Source of the removed boost.
chat (:class:`telegram.Chat`): Chat which was boosted.
boost_id (:obj:`str`): Unique identifier of the boost.
remove_date (:obj:`datetime.datetime`): Point in time when the boost was removed.
source (:class:`telegram.ChatBoostSource`): Source of the removed boost.
__slots__ = ("boost_id", "chat", "remove_date", "source")
def __init__(
chat: Chat,
boost_id: str,
remove_date: datetime,
source: ChatBoostSource,
api_kwargs: Optional[JSONDict] = None,
super().__init__(api_kwargs=api_kwargs) Chat = chat
self.boost_id: str = boost_id
self.remove_date: datetime = remove_date
self.source: ChatBoostSource = source
self._id_attrs = (, self.boost_id, self.remove_date, self.source)
def de_json(
cls, data: Optional[JSONDict], bot: Optional["Bot"] = None
) -> Optional["ChatBoostRemoved"]:
"""See :meth:`telegram.TelegramObject.de_json`."""
data = cls._parse_data(data)
if not data:
return None
data["chat"] = Chat.de_json(data.get("chat"), bot)
data["source"] = ChatBoostSource.de_json(data.get("source"), bot)
loc_tzinfo = extract_tzinfo_from_defaults(bot)
data["remove_date"] = from_timestamp(data["remove_date"], tzinfo=loc_tzinfo)
return super().de_json(data=data, bot=bot)
class UserChatBoosts(TelegramObject):
"""This object represents a list of boosts added to a chat by a user.
Objects of this class are comparable in terms of equality. Two objects of this class are
considered equal, if their :attr:`boosts` are equal.
.. versionadded:: 20.8
boosts (Sequence[:class:`telegram.ChatBoost`]): List of boosts added to the chat by the
boosts (Tuple[:class:`telegram.ChatBoost`]): List of boosts added to the chat by the user.
__slots__ = ("boosts",)
def __init__(
boosts: Sequence[ChatBoost],
api_kwargs: Optional[JSONDict] = None,
self.boosts: Tuple[ChatBoost, ...] = parse_sequence_arg(boosts)
self._id_attrs = (self.boosts,)
def de_json(
cls, data: Optional[JSONDict], bot: Optional["Bot"] = None
) -> Optional["UserChatBoosts"]:
"""See :meth:`telegram.TelegramObject.de_json`."""
data = cls._parse_data(data)
if not data:
return None
data["boosts"] = ChatBoost.de_list(data.get("boosts"), bot)
return super().de_json(data=data, bot=bot)