
643 lines
24 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API
# Copyright (C) 2015-2023
# Leandro Toledo de Souza <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
# along with this program. If not, see [].
import asyncio
import calendar
import datetime as dtm
import logging
import platform
import time
import pytest
from telegram.ext import ApplicationBuilder, CallbackContext, ContextTypes, Job, JobQueue
from telegram.warnings import PTBUserWarning
from tests.auxil.envvars import GITHUB_ACTION, TEST_WITH_OPT_DEPS
from tests.auxil.pytest_classes import make_bot
from tests.auxil.slots import mro_slots
import pytz
UTC = pytz.utc
import datetime
UTC = datetime.timezone.utc
class CustomContext(CallbackContext):
async def job_queue(app):
jq = JobQueue()
await jq.start()
yield jq
await jq.stop()
TEST_WITH_OPT_DEPS, reason="Only relevant if the optional dependency is not installed"
class TestNoJobQueue:
def test_init_job_queue(self):
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=r"python-telegram-bot\[job-queue\]"):
def test_init_job(self):
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=r"python-telegram-bot\[job-queue\]"):
not TEST_WITH_OPT_DEPS, reason="Only relevant if the optional dependency is installed"
bool(GITHUB_ACTION and platform.system() in ["Windows", "Darwin"]),
reason="On Windows & MacOS precise timings are not accurate.",
@pytest.mark.flaky(10, 1) # Timings aren't quite perfect
class TestJobQueue:
result = 0
job_time = 0
received_error = None
expected_warning = (
"Prior to v20.0 the `days` parameter was not aligned to that of cron's weekday scheme."
" We recommend double checking if the passed value is correct."
def _reset(self):
self.result = 0
self.job_time = 0
self.received_error = None
async def job_run_once(self, context):
if (
isinstance(context, CallbackContext)
and isinstance(context.job, Job)
and isinstance(context.update_queue, asyncio.Queue)
and is None
and context.chat_data is None
and context.user_data is None
and isinstance(context.bot_data, dict)
self.result += 1
async def job_with_exception(self, context):
raise Exception("Test Error")
async def job_remove_self(self, context):
self.result += 1
async def job_run_once_with_data(self, context):
self.result +=
async def job_datetime_tests(self, context):
self.job_time = time.time()
async def error_handler_context(self, update, context):
self.received_error = (
async def error_handler_raise_error(self, *args):
raise Exception("Failing bigly")
def test_slot_behaviour(self, job_queue):
for attr in job_queue.__slots__:
assert getattr(job_queue, attr, "err") != "err", f"got extra slot '{attr}'"
assert len(mro_slots(job_queue)) == len(set(mro_slots(job_queue))), "duplicate slot"
def test_application_weakref(self, bot):
jq = JobQueue()
application = ApplicationBuilder().token(bot.token).job_queue(None).build()
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="No application was set"):
assert jq.application is application
del application
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="no longer alive"):
async def test_run_once(self, job_queue):
job_queue.run_once(self.job_run_once, 0.1)
await asyncio.sleep(0.2)
assert self.result == 1
async def test_run_once_timezone(self, job_queue, timezone):
"""Test the correct handling of aware datetimes"""
# we're parametrizing this with two different UTC offsets to exclude the possibility
# of an xpass when the test is run in a timezone with the same UTC offset
when =
job_queue.run_once(self.job_run_once, when)
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
assert self.result == 1
async def test_job_with_data(self, job_queue):
job_queue.run_once(self.job_run_once_with_data, 0.1, data=5)
await asyncio.sleep(0.2)
assert self.result == 5
async def test_run_repeating(self, job_queue):
job_queue.run_repeating(self.job_run_once, 0.1)
await asyncio.sleep(0.25)
assert self.result == 2
async def test_run_repeating_first(self, job_queue):
job_queue.run_repeating(self.job_run_once, 0.5, first=0.2)
await asyncio.sleep(0.15)
assert self.result == 0
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
assert self.result == 1
async def test_run_repeating_first_timezone(self, job_queue, timezone):
"""Test correct scheduling of job when passing a timezone-aware datetime as ``first``"""
self.job_run_once, 0.5, + dtm.timedelta(seconds=0.2)
await asyncio.sleep(0.05)
assert self.result == 0
await asyncio.sleep(0.25)
assert self.result == 1
async def test_run_repeating_last(self, job_queue):
job_queue.run_repeating(self.job_run_once, 0.25, last=0.4)
await asyncio.sleep(0.3)
assert self.result == 1
await asyncio.sleep(0.4)
assert self.result == 1
async def test_run_repeating_last_timezone(self, job_queue, timezone):
"""Test correct scheduling of job when passing a timezone-aware datetime as ``last``"""
self.job_run_once, 0.25, + dtm.timedelta(seconds=0.4)
await asyncio.sleep(0.3)
assert self.result == 1
await asyncio.sleep(0.4)
assert self.result == 1
async def test_run_repeating_last_before_first(self, job_queue):
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="'last' must not be before 'first'!"):
job_queue.run_repeating(self.job_run_once, 0.5, first=1, last=0.5)
async def test_run_repeating_timedelta(self, job_queue):
job_queue.run_repeating(self.job_run_once, dtm.timedelta(seconds=0.1))
await asyncio.sleep(0.25)
assert self.result == 2
async def test_run_custom(self, job_queue):
job_queue.run_custom(self.job_run_once, {"trigger": "interval", "seconds": 0.2})
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
assert self.result == 2
async def test_multiple(self, job_queue):
job_queue.run_once(self.job_run_once, 0.1)
job_queue.run_once(self.job_run_once, 0.2)
job_queue.run_repeating(self.job_run_once, 0.2)
await asyncio.sleep(0.55)
assert self.result == 4
async def test_disabled(self, job_queue):
j1 = job_queue.run_once(self.job_run_once, 0.1)
j2 = job_queue.run_repeating(self.job_run_once, 0.5)
j1.enabled = False
j2.enabled = False
await asyncio.sleep(0.6)
assert self.result == 0
j1.enabled = True
await asyncio.sleep(0.6)
assert self.result == 1
async def test_schedule_removal(self, job_queue):
j1 = job_queue.run_once(self.job_run_once, 0.3)
j2 = job_queue.run_repeating(self.job_run_once, 0.2)
await asyncio.sleep(0.25)
assert self.result == 1
await asyncio.sleep(0.4)
assert self.result == 1
async def test_schedule_removal_from_within(self, job_queue):
job_queue.run_repeating(self.job_remove_self, 0.1)
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
assert self.result == 1
async def test_longer_first(self, job_queue):
job_queue.run_once(self.job_run_once, 0.2)
job_queue.run_once(self.job_run_once, 0.1)
await asyncio.sleep(0.15)
assert self.result == 1
async def test_error(self, job_queue):
job_queue.run_repeating(self.job_with_exception, 0.1)
job_queue.run_repeating(self.job_run_once, 0.2)
await asyncio.sleep(0.3)
assert self.result == 1
async def test_in_application(self, bot_info):
app = ApplicationBuilder().bot(make_bot(bot_info)).build()
async with app:
assert not app.job_queue.scheduler.running
await app.start()
assert app.job_queue.scheduler.running
app.job_queue.run_repeating(self.job_run_once, 0.2)
await asyncio.sleep(0.3)
assert self.result == 1
await app.stop()
assert not app.job_queue.scheduler.running
await asyncio.sleep(1)
assert self.result == 1
async def test_time_unit_int(self, job_queue):
# Testing seconds in int
delta = 0.5
expected_time = time.time() + delta
job_queue.run_once(self.job_datetime_tests, delta)
await asyncio.sleep(0.6)
assert pytest.approx(self.job_time) == expected_time
async def test_time_unit_dt_timedelta(self, job_queue):
# Testing seconds, minutes and hours as datetime.timedelta object
# This is sufficient to test that it actually works.
interval = dtm.timedelta(seconds=0.5)
expected_time = time.time() + interval.total_seconds()
job_queue.run_once(self.job_datetime_tests, interval)
await asyncio.sleep(0.6)
assert pytest.approx(self.job_time) == expected_time
async def test_time_unit_dt_datetime(self, job_queue):
# Testing running at a specific datetime
delta, now = dtm.timedelta(seconds=0.5),
when = now + delta
expected_time = when.timestamp()
job_queue.run_once(self.job_datetime_tests, when)
await asyncio.sleep(0.6)
assert self.job_time == pytest.approx(expected_time)
async def test_time_unit_dt_time_today(self, job_queue):
# Testing running at a specific time today
delta, now = 0.5,
expected_time = now + dtm.timedelta(seconds=delta)
when = expected_time.time()
expected_time = expected_time.timestamp()
job_queue.run_once(self.job_datetime_tests, when)
await asyncio.sleep(0.6)
assert self.job_time == pytest.approx(expected_time)
async def test_time_unit_dt_time_tomorrow(self, job_queue):
# Testing running at a specific time that has passed today. Since we can't wait a day, we
# test if the job's next scheduled execution time has been calculated correctly
delta, now = -2,
when = (now + dtm.timedelta(seconds=delta)).time()
expected_time = (now + dtm.timedelta(seconds=delta, days=1)).timestamp()
job_queue.run_once(self.job_datetime_tests, when)
scheduled_time =[0].next_t.timestamp()
assert scheduled_time == pytest.approx(expected_time)
async def test_run_daily(self, job_queue):
delta, now = 1,
time_of_day = (now + dtm.timedelta(seconds=delta)).time()
expected_reschedule_time = (now + dtm.timedelta(seconds=delta, days=1)).timestamp()
job_queue.run_daily(self.job_run_once, time_of_day)
await asyncio.sleep(delta + 0.1)
assert self.result == 1
scheduled_time =[0].next_t.timestamp()
assert scheduled_time == pytest.approx(expected_reschedule_time)
async def test_run_daily_warning(self, job_queue, recwarn):
delta, now = 1,
time_of_day = (now + dtm.timedelta(seconds=delta)).time()
job_queue.run_daily(self.job_run_once, time_of_day)
assert len(recwarn) == 0
job_queue.run_daily(self.job_run_once, time_of_day, days=(0, 1, 2, 3))
assert len(recwarn) == 1
assert str(recwarn[0].message) == self.expected_warning
assert recwarn[0].category is PTBUserWarning
assert recwarn[0].filename == __file__, "wrong stacklevel"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("weekday", [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
async def test_run_daily_days_of_week(self, job_queue, recwarn, weekday):
delta, now = 1,
time_of_day = (now + dtm.timedelta(seconds=delta)).time()
# offset in days until next weekday
offset = (weekday + 6 - now.weekday()) % 7
offset = offset if offset > 0 else 7
expected_reschedule_time = (now + dtm.timedelta(seconds=delta, days=offset)).timestamp()
job_queue.run_daily(self.job_run_once, time_of_day, days=[weekday])
await asyncio.sleep(delta + 0.1)
scheduled_time =[0].next_t.timestamp()
assert scheduled_time == pytest.approx(expected_reschedule_time)
assert len(recwarn) == 1
assert str(recwarn[0].message) == self.expected_warning
assert recwarn[0].category is PTBUserWarning
assert recwarn[0].filename == __file__, "wrong stacklevel"
async def test_run_monthly(self, job_queue, timezone):
delta, now = 1,
expected_reschedule_time = now + dtm.timedelta(seconds=delta)
time_of_day = expected_reschedule_time.time().replace(tzinfo=timezone)
day =
this_months_days = calendar.monthrange(now.year, now.month)[1]
if now.month == 12:
next_months_days = calendar.monthrange(now.year + 1, 1)[1]
next_months_days = calendar.monthrange(now.year, now.month + 1)[1]
expected_reschedule_time += dtm.timedelta(this_months_days)
if day > next_months_days:
expected_reschedule_time += dtm.timedelta(next_months_days)
expected_reschedule_time = timezone.normalize(expected_reschedule_time)
# Adjust the hour for the special case that between now and next month a DST switch happens
expected_reschedule_time += dtm.timedelta(
hours=time_of_day.hour - expected_reschedule_time.hour
expected_reschedule_time = expected_reschedule_time.timestamp()
job_queue.run_monthly(self.job_run_once, time_of_day, day)
await asyncio.sleep(delta + 0.1)
assert self.result == 1
scheduled_time =[0].next_t.timestamp()
assert scheduled_time == pytest.approx(expected_reschedule_time, rel=1e-3)
async def test_run_monthly_non_strict_day(self, job_queue, timezone):
delta, now = 1,
expected_reschedule_time = now + dtm.timedelta(seconds=delta)
time_of_day = expected_reschedule_time.time().replace(tzinfo=timezone)
expected_reschedule_time += dtm.timedelta(
calendar.monthrange(now.year, now.month)[1]
) - dtm.timedelta(
# Adjust the hour for the special case that between now & end of month a DST switch happens
expected_reschedule_time = timezone.normalize(expected_reschedule_time)
expected_reschedule_time += dtm.timedelta(
hours=time_of_day.hour - expected_reschedule_time.hour
expected_reschedule_time = expected_reschedule_time.timestamp()
job_queue.run_monthly(self.job_run_once, time_of_day, -1)
scheduled_time =[0].next_t.timestamp()
assert scheduled_time == pytest.approx(expected_reschedule_time)
async def test_default_tzinfo(self, tz_bot):
# we're parametrizing this with two different UTC offsets to exclude the possibility
# of an xpass when the test is run in a timezone with the same UTC offset
app = ApplicationBuilder().bot(tz_bot).build()
jq = app.job_queue
await jq.start()
when = + dtm.timedelta(seconds=0.1)
jq.run_once(self.job_run_once, when.time())
await asyncio.sleep(0.15)
assert self.result == 1
await jq.stop()
async def test_get_jobs(self, job_queue):
callback = self.job_run_once
job1 = job_queue.run_once(callback, 10, name="name1")
await asyncio.sleep(0.03) # To stablize tests on windows
job2 = job_queue.run_once(callback, 10, name="name1")
await asyncio.sleep(0.03)
job3 = job_queue.run_once(callback, 10, name="name2")
await asyncio.sleep(0.03)
assert == (job1, job2, job3)
assert job_queue.get_jobs_by_name("name1") == (job1, job2)
assert job_queue.get_jobs_by_name("name2") == (job3,)
async def test_job_run(self, app):
job = app.job_queue.run_repeating(self.job_run_once, 0.02)
await asyncio.sleep(0.05) # the job queue has not started yet
assert self.result == 0 # so the job will not run
await # but this will force it to run
assert self.result == 1
async def test_enable_disable_job(self, job_queue):
job = job_queue.run_repeating(self.job_run_once, 0.2)
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
assert self.result == 2
job.enabled = False
assert not job.enabled
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
assert self.result == 2
job.enabled = True
assert job.enabled
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
assert self.result == 4
async def test_remove_job(self, job_queue):
job = job_queue.run_repeating(self.job_run_once, 0.2)
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
assert self.result == 2
assert not job.removed
assert job.removed
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
assert self.result == 2
async def test_equality(self, job_queue):
job = job_queue.run_repeating(self.job_run_once, 0.2)
job_2 = job_queue.run_repeating(self.job_run_once, 0.2)
job_3 = Job(self.job_run_once, 0.2)
job_3._job = job.job
assert job == job
assert job != job_queue
assert job != job_2
assert job == job_3
assert hash(job) == hash(job)
assert hash(job) != hash(job_queue)
assert hash(job) != hash(job_2)
assert hash(job) == hash(job_3)
async def test_process_error_context(self, job_queue, app):
job = job_queue.run_once(self.job_with_exception, 0.1, chat_id=42, user_id=43)
await asyncio.sleep(0.15)
assert self.received_error[0] == "Test Error"
assert self.received_error[1] is job
self.received_error = None
assert self.received_error[0] == "Test Error"
assert self.received_error[1] is job
assert self.received_error[2] is app.user_data[43]
assert self.received_error[3] is app.chat_data[42]
# Remove handler
self.received_error = None
job = job_queue.run_once(self.job_with_exception, 0.1)
await asyncio.sleep(0.15)
assert self.received_error is None
assert self.received_error is None
async def test_process_error_that_raises_errors(self, job_queue, app, caplog):
with caplog.at_level(logging.ERROR):
job = job_queue.run_once(self.job_with_exception, 0.1)
await asyncio.sleep(0.15)
assert len(caplog.records) == 1
rec = caplog.records[-1]
assert "An error was raised and an uncaught" in rec.getMessage()
with caplog.at_level(logging.ERROR):
assert len(caplog.records) == 1
rec = caplog.records[-1]
assert "uncaught error was raised while handling" in rec.getMessage()
# Remove handler
self.received_error = None
with caplog.at_level(logging.ERROR):
job = job_queue.run_once(self.job_with_exception, 0.1)
await asyncio.sleep(0.15)
assert len(caplog.records) == 1
rec = caplog.records[-1]
assert "No error handlers are registered" in rec.getMessage()
with caplog.at_level(logging.ERROR):
assert len(caplog.records) == 1
rec = caplog.records[-1]
assert == "telegram.ext.Application"
assert "No error handlers are registered" in rec.getMessage()
async def test_custom_context(self, bot, job_queue):
application = (
context=CustomContext, bot_data=int, user_data=float, chat_data=complex
async def callback(context):
self.result = (
job_queue.run_once(callback, 0.1)
await asyncio.sleep(0.15)
assert self.result == (CustomContext, None, None, int)
async def test_attribute_error(self):
job = Job(self.job_run_once)
with pytest.raises(
AttributeError, match="nor 'apscheduler.job.Job' has attribute 'error'"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("wait", [True, False])
async def test_wait_on_shut_down(self, job_queue, wait):
ready_event = asyncio.Event()
async def callback(_):
await ready_event.wait()
await job_queue.start()
job_queue.run_once(callback, when=0.1)
await asyncio.sleep(0.15)
task = asyncio.create_task(job_queue.stop(wait=wait))
if wait:
assert not task.done()
await asyncio.sleep(0.1) # no CancelledError (see source of JobQueue.stop for details)
assert task.done()
await asyncio.sleep(0.1) # unfortunately we will get a CancelledError here
assert task.done()
async def test_from_aps_job(self, job_queue):
job = job_queue.run_once(self.job_run_once, 0.1, name="test_job")
aps_job = job_queue.scheduler.get_job(
tg_job = Job.from_aps_job(aps_job)
assert tg_job is job
assert tg_job.job is aps_job
async def test_from_aps_job_missing_reference(self, job_queue):
"""We manually create a ext.Job and an aps job such that the former has no reference to the
latter. Then we test that Job.from_aps_job() still sets the reference correctly.
job = Job(self.job_run_once)
aps_job = job_queue.scheduler.add_job(
args=(job_queue, job),
assert job.job is None
tg_job = Job.from_aps_job(aps_job)
assert tg_job is job
assert tg_job.job is aps_job