Poolitzer 099ab5d9fa
API 7.1 (#4118)
Co-authored-by: Hinrich Mahler <>
Co-authored-by: Harshil <>
2024-03-02 10:56:15 +01:00

183 lines
7.2 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API
# Copyright (C) 2015-2024
# Leandro Toledo de Souza <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
# along with this program. If not, see [].
"""This module contains exceptions to our API compared to the official API."""
from telegram import Animation, Audio, Document, PhotoSize, Sticker, Video, VideoNote, Voice
from tests.test_official.helpers import _get_params_base
IGNORED_OBJECTS = ("ResponseParameters",)
class ParamTypeCheckingExceptions:
# Types for certain parameters accepted by PTB but not in the official API
"photo": PhotoSize,
"video": Video,
"video_note": VideoNote,
"audio": Audio,
"document": Document,
"animation": Animation,
"voice": Voice,
"sticker": Sticker,
# Exceptions to the "Array of" types, where we accept more types than the official API
# key: parameter name, value: type which must be present in the annotation
"results": "InlineQueryResult", # + Callable
"commands": "BotCommand", # + tuple[str, str]
"keyboard": "KeyboardButton", # + sequence[sequence[str]]
"reaction": "ReactionType", # + str
# TODO: Deprecated and will be corrected (and removed) in next major PTB version:
"file_hashes": "List[str]",
# Special cases for other parameters that accept more types than the official API, and are
# too complex to compare/predict with official API:
{ # (param_name, is_class (i.e appears in a class?)): reduced form of annotation
("correct_option_id", False): int, # actual: Literal
("file_id", False): str, # actual: Union[str, objs_with_file_id_attr]
("invite_link", False): str, # actual: Union[str, ChatInviteLink]
("provider_data", False): str, # actual: Union[str, obj]
("callback_data", True): str, # actual: Union[str, obj]
("media", True): str, # actual: Union[str, InputMedia*, FileInput]
): str, # actual: Union[IdDocumentData, PersonalDetails, ResidentialAddress]
# param names ignored in the param type checking in classes for the `tg.Defaults` case.
# These classes' params are all ODVInput, so we ignore them in the defaults type checking.
# TODO: Remove this in v22 when it becomes a datetime (also remove from
# Arguments *added* to the official API
"send_contact": {"contact"},
"send_location": {"location"},
"(send_message|edit_message_text)": { # convenience parameters
r"(send|copy)_\w+": { # convenience parameters
"edit_message_live_location": {"location"},
"send_venue": {"venue"},
"answer_inline_query": {"current_offset"},
"send_media_group": {"caption", "parse_mode", "caption_entities"},
"send_(animation|audio|document|photo|video(_note)?|voice)": {"filename"},
"InlineQueryResult": {"id", "type"}, # attributes common to all subclasses
"ChatMember": {"user", "status"}, # attributes common to all subclasses
"BotCommandScope": {"type"}, # attributes common to all subclasses
"MenuButton": {"type"}, # attributes common to all subclasses
"PassportFile": {"credentials"},
"EncryptedPassportElement": {"credentials"},
"PassportElementError": {"source", "type", "message"},
"InputMedia": {"caption", "caption_entities", "media", "media_type", "parse_mode"},
"InputMedia(Animation|Audio|Document|Photo|Video|VideoNote|Voice)": {"filename"},
"InputFile": {"attach", "filename", "obj"},
"MaybeInaccessibleMessage": {"date", "message_id", "chat"}, # attributes common to all subcls
"ChatBoostSource": {"source"}, # attributes common to all subclasses
"MessageOrigin": {"type", "date"}, # attributes common to all subclasses
"ReactionType": {"type"}, # attributes common to all subclasses
"InputTextMessageContent": {"disable_web_page_preview"}, # convenience arg, here for bw compat
def ptb_extra_params(object_name: str) -> set[str]:
return _get_params_base(object_name, PTB_EXTRA_PARAMS)
# Arguments *removed* from the official API
# Mostly due to the value being fixed anyway
r"InlineQueryResult\w+": {"type"},
# TODO: Remove this in vNEXT.VERSION (API 7.1) when this can stop being optional
r"ChatAdministratorRights": {"can_post_stories", "can_edit_stories", "can_delete_stories"},
r"ChatMemberAdministrator": {"can_post_stories", "can_edit_stories", "can_delete_stories"},
r"ChatMember\w+": {"status"},
r"PassportElementError\w+": {"source"},
"ForceReply": {"force_reply"},
"ReplyKeyboardRemove": {"remove_keyboard"},
r"BotCommandScope\w+": {"type"},
r"MenuButton\w+": {"type"},
r"InputMedia\w+": {"type"},
"InaccessibleMessage": {"date"},
r"MessageOrigin\w+": {"type"},
r"ChatBoostSource\w+": {"source"},
r"ReactionType\w+": {"type"},
def ptb_ignored_params(object_name: str) -> set[str]:
return _get_params_base(object_name, PTB_IGNORED_PARAMS)
# Ignore these since there's convenience params in them (eg. Venue)
# <----
"send_location": {"latitude", "longitude"},
"edit_message_live_location": {"latitude", "longitude"},
"send_venue": {"latitude", "longitude", "title", "address"},
"send_contact": {"phone_number", "first_name"},
# ---->
def ignored_param_requirements(object_name: str) -> set[str]:
return _get_params_base(object_name, IGNORED_PARAM_REQUIREMENTS)
# Arguments that are optional arguments for now for backwards compatibility
BACKWARDS_COMPAT_KWARGS: dict[str, set[str]] = {
# TODO: Remove this in vNEXT.VERSION (API 7.1) when this can stop being optional
r"ChatAdministratorRights": {"can_post_stories", "can_edit_stories", "can_delete_stories"},
r"ChatMemberAdministrator": {"can_post_stories", "can_edit_stories", "can_delete_stories"},
def backwards_compat_kwargs(object_name: str) -> set[str]:
return _get_params_base(object_name, BACKWARDS_COMPAT_KWARGS)