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synced 2025-03-22 06:55:41 +01:00
Co-authored-by: Miguel Salomon <128310363+Migueldsc12@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Jeamhowards Montiel <106713677+Jeam-zx@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Snehashish Biswas <coderrx06@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Luis Pérez <luis.i.perez.0@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: henryg311 <55552582+henryg311@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: AnyaMarcanito <129221958+AnyaMarcanito@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Jeam Montiel <19-10234@usb.ve>
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412 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API
# Copyright (C) 2015-2024
# Leandro Toledo de Souza <devs@python-telegram-bot.org>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
# along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/].
import datetime as dtm
import pytest
from telegram import (
from telegram._utils.datetime import UTC, to_timestamp
from tests.auxil.slots import mro_slots
class BusinessTestBase:
id_ = "123"
user = User(123, "test_user", False)
user_chat_id = 123
date = dtm.datetime.now(tz=UTC).replace(microsecond=0)
can_reply = True
is_enabled = True
message_ids = (123, 321)
business_connection_id = "123"
chat = Chat(123, "test_chat")
title = "Business Title"
message = "Business description"
sticker = Sticker("sticker_id", "unique_id", 50, 50, True, False, Sticker.REGULAR)
address = "address"
location = Location(-23.691288, 46.788279)
opening_minute = 0
closing_minute = 60
time_zone_name = "Country/City"
opening_hours = [
BusinessOpeningHoursInterval(opening, opening + 60) for opening in (0, 24 * 60)
def business_connection():
return BusinessConnection(
def business_messages_deleted():
return BusinessMessagesDeleted(
def business_intro():
return BusinessIntro(
def business_location():
return BusinessLocation(
def business_opening_hours_interval():
return BusinessOpeningHoursInterval(
def business_opening_hours():
return BusinessOpeningHours(
class TestBusinessConnectionWithoutRequest(BusinessTestBase):
def test_slots(self, business_connection):
bc = business_connection
for attr in bc.__slots__:
assert getattr(bc, attr, "err") != "err", f"got extra slot '{attr}'"
assert len(mro_slots(bc)) == len(set(mro_slots(bc))), "duplicate slot"
def test_de_json(self):
json_dict = {
"id": self.id_,
"user": self.user.to_dict(),
"user_chat_id": self.user_chat_id,
"date": to_timestamp(self.date),
"can_reply": self.can_reply,
"is_enabled": self.is_enabled,
bc = BusinessConnection.de_json(json_dict, None)
assert bc.id == self.id_
assert bc.user == self.user
assert bc.user_chat_id == self.user_chat_id
assert bc.date == self.date
assert bc.can_reply == self.can_reply
assert bc.is_enabled == self.is_enabled
assert bc.api_kwargs == {}
assert isinstance(bc, BusinessConnection)
def test_de_json_localization(self, offline_bot, raw_bot, tz_bot):
json_dict = {
"id": self.id_,
"user": self.user.to_dict(),
"user_chat_id": self.user_chat_id,
"date": to_timestamp(self.date),
"can_reply": self.can_reply,
"is_enabled": self.is_enabled,
chat_bot = BusinessConnection.de_json(json_dict, offline_bot)
chat_bot_raw = BusinessConnection.de_json(json_dict, raw_bot)
chat_bot_tz = BusinessConnection.de_json(json_dict, tz_bot)
# comparing utcoffsets because comparing tzinfo objects is not reliable
date_offset = chat_bot_tz.date.utcoffset()
date_offset_tz = tz_bot.defaults.tzinfo.utcoffset(chat_bot_tz.date.replace(tzinfo=None))
assert chat_bot.date.tzinfo == UTC
assert chat_bot_raw.date.tzinfo == UTC
assert date_offset_tz == date_offset
def test_to_dict(self, business_connection):
bc_dict = business_connection.to_dict()
assert isinstance(bc_dict, dict)
assert bc_dict["id"] == self.id_
assert bc_dict["user"] == self.user.to_dict()
assert bc_dict["user_chat_id"] == self.user_chat_id
assert bc_dict["date"] == to_timestamp(self.date)
assert bc_dict["can_reply"] == self.can_reply
assert bc_dict["is_enabled"] == self.is_enabled
def test_equality(self):
bc1 = BusinessConnection(
self.id_, self.user, self.user_chat_id, self.date, self.can_reply, self.is_enabled
bc2 = BusinessConnection(
self.id_, self.user, self.user_chat_id, self.date, self.can_reply, self.is_enabled
bc3 = BusinessConnection(
"321", self.user, self.user_chat_id, self.date, self.can_reply, self.is_enabled
assert bc1 == bc2
assert hash(bc1) == hash(bc2)
assert bc1 != bc3
assert hash(bc1) != hash(bc3)
class TestBusinessMessagesDeleted(BusinessTestBase):
def test_slots(self, business_messages_deleted):
bmd = business_messages_deleted
for attr in bmd.__slots__:
assert getattr(bmd, attr, "err") != "err", f"got extra slot '{attr}'"
assert len(mro_slots(bmd)) == len(set(mro_slots(bmd))), "duplicate slot"
def test_to_dict(self, business_messages_deleted):
bmd_dict = business_messages_deleted.to_dict()
assert isinstance(bmd_dict, dict)
assert bmd_dict["message_ids"] == list(self.message_ids)
assert bmd_dict["business_connection_id"] == self.business_connection_id
assert bmd_dict["chat"] == self.chat.to_dict()
def test_de_json(self):
json_dict = {
"business_connection_id": self.business_connection_id,
"chat": self.chat.to_dict(),
"message_ids": self.message_ids,
bmd = BusinessMessagesDeleted.de_json(json_dict, None)
assert bmd.business_connection_id == self.business_connection_id
assert bmd.chat == self.chat
assert bmd.message_ids == self.message_ids
assert bmd.api_kwargs == {}
assert isinstance(bmd, BusinessMessagesDeleted)
def test_equality(self):
bmd1 = BusinessMessagesDeleted(self.business_connection_id, self.chat, self.message_ids)
bmd2 = BusinessMessagesDeleted(self.business_connection_id, self.chat, self.message_ids)
bmd3 = BusinessMessagesDeleted("1", Chat(4, "random"), [321, 123])
assert bmd1 == bmd2
assert hash(bmd1) == hash(bmd2)
assert bmd1 != bmd3
assert hash(bmd1) != hash(bmd3)
class TestBusinessIntroWithoutRequest(BusinessTestBase):
def test_slot_behaviour(self, business_intro):
intro = business_intro
for attr in intro.__slots__:
assert getattr(intro, attr, "err") != "err", f"got extra slot '{attr}'"
assert len(mro_slots(intro)) == len(set(mro_slots(intro))), "duplicate slot"
def test_to_dict(self, business_intro):
intro_dict = business_intro.to_dict()
assert isinstance(intro_dict, dict)
assert intro_dict["title"] == self.title
assert intro_dict["message"] == self.message
assert intro_dict["sticker"] == self.sticker.to_dict()
def test_de_json(self):
json_dict = {
"title": self.title,
"message": self.message,
"sticker": self.sticker.to_dict(),
intro = BusinessIntro.de_json(json_dict, None)
assert intro.title == self.title
assert intro.message == self.message
assert intro.sticker == self.sticker
assert intro.api_kwargs == {}
assert isinstance(intro, BusinessIntro)
def test_equality(self):
intro1 = BusinessIntro(self.title, self.message, self.sticker)
intro2 = BusinessIntro(self.title, self.message, self.sticker)
intro3 = BusinessIntro("Other Business", self.message, self.sticker)
assert intro1 == intro2
assert hash(intro1) == hash(intro2)
assert intro1 is not intro2
assert intro1 != intro3
assert hash(intro1) != hash(intro3)
class TestBusinessLocationWithoutRequest(BusinessTestBase):
def test_slot_behaviour(self, business_location):
inst = business_location
for attr in inst.__slots__:
assert getattr(inst, attr, "err") != "err", f"got extra slot '{attr}'"
assert len(mro_slots(inst)) == len(set(mro_slots(inst))), "duplicate slot"
def test_to_dict(self, business_location):
blc_dict = business_location.to_dict()
assert isinstance(blc_dict, dict)
assert blc_dict["address"] == self.address
assert blc_dict["location"] == self.location.to_dict()
def test_de_json(self):
json_dict = {
"address": self.address,
"location": self.location.to_dict(),
blc = BusinessLocation.de_json(json_dict, None)
assert blc.address == self.address
assert blc.location == self.location
assert blc.api_kwargs == {}
assert isinstance(blc, BusinessLocation)
def test_equality(self):
blc1 = BusinessLocation(self.address, self.location)
blc2 = BusinessLocation(self.address, self.location)
blc3 = BusinessLocation("Other Address", self.location)
assert blc1 == blc2
assert hash(blc1) == hash(blc2)
assert blc1 is not blc2
assert blc1 != blc3
assert hash(blc1) != hash(blc3)
class TestBusinessOpeningHoursIntervalWithoutRequest(BusinessTestBase):
def test_slot_behaviour(self, business_opening_hours_interval):
inst = business_opening_hours_interval
for attr in inst.__slots__:
assert getattr(inst, attr, "err") != "err", f"got extra slot '{attr}'"
assert len(mro_slots(inst)) == len(set(mro_slots(inst))), "duplicate slot"
def test_to_dict(self, business_opening_hours_interval):
bohi_dict = business_opening_hours_interval.to_dict()
assert isinstance(bohi_dict, dict)
assert bohi_dict["opening_minute"] == self.opening_minute
assert bohi_dict["closing_minute"] == self.closing_minute
def test_de_json(self):
json_dict = {
"opening_minute": self.opening_minute,
"closing_minute": self.closing_minute,
bohi = BusinessOpeningHoursInterval.de_json(json_dict, None)
assert bohi.opening_minute == self.opening_minute
assert bohi.closing_minute == self.closing_minute
assert bohi.api_kwargs == {}
assert isinstance(bohi, BusinessOpeningHoursInterval)
def test_equality(self):
bohi1 = BusinessOpeningHoursInterval(self.opening_minute, self.closing_minute)
bohi2 = BusinessOpeningHoursInterval(self.opening_minute, self.closing_minute)
bohi3 = BusinessOpeningHoursInterval(61, 100)
assert bohi1 == bohi2
assert hash(bohi1) == hash(bohi2)
assert bohi1 is not bohi2
assert bohi1 != bohi3
assert hash(bohi1) != hash(bohi3)
("opening_minute", "expected"),
[ # openings per docstring
(8 * 60, (0, 8, 0)),
(24 * 60, (1, 0, 0)),
(6 * 24 * 60, (6, 0, 0)),
def test_opening_time(self, opening_minute, expected):
bohi = BusinessOpeningHoursInterval(opening_minute, -0)
opening_time = bohi.opening_time
assert opening_time == expected
cached = bohi.opening_time
assert cached is opening_time
("closing_minute", "expected"),
[ # closings per docstring
(20 * 60 + 30, (0, 20, 30)),
(2 * 24 * 60 - 1, (1, 23, 59)),
(7 * 24 * 60 - 2, (6, 23, 58)),
def test_closing_time(self, closing_minute, expected):
bohi = BusinessOpeningHoursInterval(-0, closing_minute)
closing_time = bohi.closing_time
assert closing_time == expected
cached = bohi.closing_time
assert cached is closing_time
class TestBusinessOpeningHoursWithoutRequest(BusinessTestBase):
def test_slot_behaviour(self, business_opening_hours):
inst = business_opening_hours
for attr in inst.__slots__:
assert getattr(inst, attr, "err") != "err", f"got extra slot '{attr}'"
assert len(mro_slots(inst)) == len(set(mro_slots(inst))), "duplicate slot"
def test_to_dict(self, business_opening_hours):
boh_dict = business_opening_hours.to_dict()
assert isinstance(boh_dict, dict)
assert boh_dict["time_zone_name"] == self.time_zone_name
assert boh_dict["opening_hours"] == [opening.to_dict() for opening in self.opening_hours]
def test_de_json(self):
json_dict = {
"time_zone_name": self.time_zone_name,
"opening_hours": [opening.to_dict() for opening in self.opening_hours],
boh = BusinessOpeningHours.de_json(json_dict, None)
assert boh.time_zone_name == self.time_zone_name
assert boh.opening_hours == tuple(self.opening_hours)
assert boh.api_kwargs == {}
assert isinstance(boh, BusinessOpeningHours)
def test_equality(self):
boh1 = BusinessOpeningHours(self.time_zone_name, self.opening_hours)
boh2 = BusinessOpeningHours(self.time_zone_name, self.opening_hours)
boh3 = BusinessOpeningHours("Other/Timezone", self.opening_hours)
assert boh1 == boh2
assert hash(boh1) == hash(boh2)
assert boh1 is not boh2
assert boh1 != boh3
assert hash(boh1) != hash(boh3)