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#!/usr/bin/env python
# A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API
# Copyright (C) 2015-2022
# Leandro Toledo de Souza <devs@python-telegram-bot.org>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
# along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/].
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
"""This module contains the CallbackContext class."""
from typing import (
from telegram._callbackquery import CallbackQuery
from telegram._update import Update
from telegram.ext._extbot import ExtBot
from telegram.ext._utils.types import BD, BT, CD, UD # pylint: disable=unused-import
from asyncio import Queue
from telegram.ext import Application, Job, JobQueue
from telegram.ext._utils.types import CCT, JQ
class CallbackContext(Generic[BT, UD, CD, BD]):
This is a context object passed to the callback called by :class:`telegram.ext.BaseHandler`
or by the :class:`telegram.ext.Application` in an error handler added by
:attr:`telegram.ext.Application.add_error_handler` or to the callback of a
:class:`telegram.ext.Application` will create a single context for an entire update. This
means that if you got 2 handlers in different groups and they both get called, they will
receive the same :class:`CallbackContext` object (of course with proper attributes like
:attr:`matches` differing). This allows you to add custom attributes in a lower handler
group callback, and then subsequently access those attributes in a higher handler group
callback. Note that the attributes on :class:`CallbackContext` might change in the future,
so make sure to use a fairly unique name for the attributes.
Do not combine custom attributes with :paramref:`telegram.ext.BaseHandler.block` set to
:obj:`False` or :attr:`telegram.ext.Application.concurrent_updates` set to
:obj:`True`. Due to how those work, it will almost certainly execute the callbacks for an
update out of order, and the attributes that you think you added will not be present.
This class is a :class:`~typing.Generic` class and accepts four type variables:
1. The type of :attr:`bot`. Must be :class:`telegram.Bot` or a subclass of that class.
2. The type of :attr:`user_data` (if :attr:`user_data` is not :obj:`None`).
3. The type of :attr:`chat_data` (if :attr:`chat_data` is not :obj:`None`).
4. The type of :attr:`bot_data` (if :attr:`bot_data` is not :obj:`None`).
application (:class:`telegram.ext.Application`): The application associated with this
coroutine (:term:`coroutine function`): Optional. Only present in error handlers if the
error was caused by a coroutine run with :meth:`Application.create_task` or a handler
callback with :attr:`block=False <BaseHandler.block>`.
matches (List[:meth:`re.Match <re.Match.expand>`]): Optional. If the associated update
originated from a :class:`filters.Regex`, this will contain a list of match objects for
every pattern where ``re.search(pattern, string)`` returned a match. Note that filters
short circuit, so combined regex filters will not always be evaluated.
args (List[:obj:`str`]): Optional. Arguments passed to a command if the associated update
is handled by :class:`telegram.ext.CommandHandler`, :class:`telegram.ext.PrefixHandler`
or :class:`telegram.ext.StringCommandHandler`. It contains a list of the words in the
text after the command, using any whitespace string as a delimiter.
error (:exc:`Exception`): Optional. The error that was raised. Only present when passed
to an error handler registered with :attr:`telegram.ext.Application.add_error_handler`.
job (:class:`telegram.ext.Job`): Optional. The job which originated this callback.
Only present when passed to the callback of :class:`telegram.ext.Job` or in error
handlers if the error is caused by a job.
.. versionchanged:: 20.0
:attr:`job` is now also present in error handlers if the error is caused by a job.
DEFAULT_TYPE = CallbackContext[ # type: ignore[misc] # noqa: F821
ExtBot, Dict, Dict, Dict
# Somewhat silly workaround so that accessing the attribute
# doesn't only work while type checking
DEFAULT_TYPE = "CallbackContext[ExtBot, Dict, Dict, Dict]" # pylint: disable-all
"""Shortcut for the type annotation for the `context` argument that's correct for the
default settings, i.e. if :class:`telegram.ext.ContextTypes` is not used.
.. code:: python
async def callback(update: Update, context: CallbackContext.DEFAULT_TYPE):
.. versionadded: 20.0
__slots__ = (
def __init__(self: "CCT", application: "Application[BT, CCT, UD, CD, BD, JQ]"):
self._application = application
self._chat_id_and_data: Optional[Tuple[int, CD]] = None
self._user_id_and_data: Optional[Tuple[int, UD]] = None
self.args: Optional[List[str]] = None
self.matches: Optional[List[Match]] = None
self.error: Optional[Exception] = None
self.job: Optional["Job"] = None
self.coroutine: Optional[Coroutine] = None
def application(self) -> "Application[BT, CCT, UD, CD, BD, JQ]":
""":class:`telegram.ext.Application`: The application associated with this context."""
return self._application
def bot_data(self) -> BD:
""":obj:`ContextTypes.bot_data`: Optional. An object that can be used to keep any data in.
For each update it will be the same :attr:`ContextTypes.bot_data`. Defaults to :obj:`dict`.
return self.application.bot_data
def bot_data(self, value: object) -> NoReturn:
raise AttributeError(
f"You can not assign a new value to bot_data, see {_STORING_DATA_WIKI}"
def chat_data(self) -> Optional[CD]:
""":obj:`ContextTypes.chat_data`: Optional. An object that can be used to keep any data in.
For each update from the same chat id it will be the same :obj:`ContextTypes.chat_data`.
Defaults to :obj:`dict`.
When a group chat migrates to a supergroup, its chat id will change and the
``chat_data`` needs to be transferred. For details see our `wiki page
if self._chat_id_and_data:
return self._chat_id_and_data[1]
return None
def chat_data(self, value: object) -> NoReturn:
raise AttributeError(
f"You can not assign a new value to chat_data, see {_STORING_DATA_WIKI}"
def user_data(self) -> Optional[UD]:
""":obj:`ContextTypes.user_data`: Optional. An object that can be used to keep any data in.
For each update from the same user it will be the same :obj:`ContextTypes.user_data`.
Defaults to :obj:`dict`.
if self._user_id_and_data:
return self._user_id_and_data[1]
return None
def user_data(self, value: object) -> NoReturn:
raise AttributeError(
f"You can not assign a new value to user_data, see {_STORING_DATA_WIKI}"
async def refresh_data(self) -> None:
"""If :attr:`application` uses persistence, calls
:meth:`telegram.ext.BasePersistence.refresh_bot_data` on :attr:`bot_data`,
:meth:`telegram.ext.BasePersistence.refresh_chat_data` on :attr:`chat_data` and
:meth:`telegram.ext.BasePersistence.refresh_user_data` on :attr:`user_data`, if
Will be called by :meth:`telegram.ext.Application.process_update` and
.. versionadded:: 13.6
if self.application.persistence:
if self.application.persistence.store_data.bot_data:
await self.application.persistence.refresh_bot_data(self.bot_data)
if (
and self._chat_id_and_data is not None
await self.application.persistence.refresh_chat_data(*self._chat_id_and_data)
if (
and self._user_id_and_data is not None
await self.application.persistence.refresh_user_data(*self._user_id_and_data)
def drop_callback_data(self, callback_query: CallbackQuery) -> None:
Deletes the cached data for the specified callback query.
.. versionadded:: 13.6
Will *not* raise exceptions in case the data is not found in the cache.
*Will* raise :exc:`KeyError` in case the callback query can not be found in the cache.
callback_query (:class:`telegram.CallbackQuery`): The callback query.
KeyError | RuntimeError: :exc:`KeyError`, if the callback query can not be found in
the cache and :exc:`RuntimeError`, if the bot doesn't allow for arbitrary
callback data.
if isinstance(self.bot, ExtBot):
if not self.bot.arbitrary_callback_data:
raise RuntimeError(
"This telegram.ext.ExtBot instance does not use arbitrary callback data."
raise RuntimeError("telegram.Bot does not allow for arbitrary callback data.")
def from_error(
cls: Type["CCT"],
update: object,
error: Exception,
application: "Application[BT, CCT, UD, CD, BD, JQ]",
job: "Job" = None,
coroutine: Coroutine = None,
) -> "CCT":
Constructs an instance of :class:`telegram.ext.CallbackContext` to be passed to the error
.. seealso:: :meth:`telegram.ext.Application.add_error_handler`
.. versionchanged:: 20.0
Removed arguments ``async_args`` and ``async_kwargs``.
update (:obj:`object` | :class:`telegram.Update`): The update associated with the
error. May be :obj:`None`, e.g. for errors in job callbacks.
error (:obj:`Exception`): The error.
application (:class:`telegram.ext.Application`): The application associated with this
job (:class:`telegram.ext.Job`, optional): The job associated with the error.
.. versionadded:: 20.0
self = cls.from_update(update, application)
self.error = error
self.coroutine = coroutine
self.job = job
return self
def from_update(
cls: Type["CCT"],
update: object,
application: "Application[BT, CCT, UD, CD, BD, JQ]",
) -> "CCT":
Constructs an instance of :class:`telegram.ext.CallbackContext` to be passed to the
.. seealso:: :meth:`telegram.ext.Application.add_handler`
update (:obj:`object` | :class:`telegram.Update`): The update.
application (:class:`telegram.ext.Application`): The application associated with this
self = cls(application) # type: ignore[arg-type]
if update is not None and isinstance(update, Update):
chat = update.effective_chat
user = update.effective_user
if chat:
self._chat_id_and_data = (
application.chat_data[chat.id], # pylint: disable=protected-access
if user:
self._user_id_and_data = (
application.user_data[user.id], # pylint: disable=protected-access
return self
def from_job(
cls: Type["CCT"],
job: "Job",
application: "Application[BT, CCT, UD, CD, BD, JQ]",
) -> "CCT":
Constructs an instance of :class:`telegram.ext.CallbackContext` to be passed to a
job callback.
.. seealso:: :meth:`telegram.ext.JobQueue`
job (:class:`telegram.ext.Job`): The job.
application (:class:`telegram.ext.Application`): The application associated with this
self = cls(application) # type: ignore[arg-type]
self.job = job
if job.chat_id:
self._chat_id_and_data = (
application.chat_data[job.chat_id], # pylint: disable=protected-access
if job.user_id:
self._user_id_and_data = (
application.user_data[job.user_id], # pylint: disable=protected-access
return self
def update(self, data: Dict[str, object]) -> None:
"""Updates ``self.__slots__`` with the passed data.
data (Dict[:obj:`str`, :obj:`object`]): The data.
for key, value in data.items():
setattr(self, key, value)
def bot(self) -> BT:
""":class:`telegram.Bot`: The bot associated with this context."""
return self._application.bot
def job_queue(self) -> Optional["JobQueue"]:
:class:`telegram.ext.JobQueue`: The :class:`JobQueue` used by the
return self._application.job_queue
def update_queue(self) -> "Queue[object]":
:class:`asyncio.Queue`: The :class:`asyncio.Queue` instance used by the
:class:`telegram.ext.Application` and (usually) the :class:`telegram.ext.Updater`
associated with this context.
return self._application.update_queue
def match(self) -> Optional[Match[str]]:
:meth:`re.Match <re.Match.expand>`: The first match from :attr:`matches`.
Useful if you are only filtering using a single regex filter.
Returns :obj:`None` if :attr:`matches` is empty.
return self.matches[0] # type: ignore[index] # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
except (IndexError, TypeError):
return None