mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 06:55:41 +01:00
* Allow for nested MessageEntities in Message._parse_markdown/html, adjust tests
* remove testing relict
* Use MessageEntitys new equality check (#1465)
* Remove unused variable
* Update to custom_title feature and slow_mode_delay option
- custom_title for ChatMember
- new method setChatAdministratorCustomTitle for Bot
- new slow_mode_delay for Chat
Update due to new API future `custom_title` from API 4.5 (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#december-31-2019)
* Minor typo fix
* Comply with Flake8
* Add new MessageEntities and MarkdownV2
* Added file_unique_id attrs from API 4.5 and updated tests for it
* Fixed test and checked using flake8
* Fixed ChatPhoto documentation
* Fix Flake8
* Add setChatAdminCstmTitle to Bot
* Rename MDV2 methods
* Change files id attrs to unique id
* correct id_attrs for chat_photo
* Revert "temporarily skip tests failing b/c missing api 4.5 (#1738)"
This reverts commit 7cde6ca268
* Fix text_markdown_v2 for monospace and text_links
* closing remarks from pieter
* Minor fix in escape_markdown, improve tests for it
* Fix offset bug in Message._parse_*
* Add test_chatphoto.py
* remove debug print from test_message.py
* try making codecov happy
* Update readme
* all hail codecov
* Improve Link handling for MarkdownV1 and adjust tests. Closes #1654
* Dont use beginning of pre-entity as language in _parse_markdown
* Remove debug print
* Dummy commit to try fix codecov
Co-authored-by: Hoi Dmytro <dmytro.hoi@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Dmytro Hoi <code@dmytrohoi.com>
Co-authored-by: poolitzer <25934244+poolitzer@users.noreply.github.com>
402 lines
16 KiB
402 lines
16 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API
# Copyright (C) 2015-2020
# Leandro Toledo de Souza <devs@python-telegram-bot.org>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
# along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/].
import os
from io import BytesIO
import pytest
from flaky import flaky
from telegram import Sticker, TelegramError, PhotoSize, InputFile
from telegram.utils.helpers import escape_markdown
def photo_file():
f = open(u'tests/data/telegram.jpg', 'rb')
yield f
def _photo(bot, chat_id):
with open('tests/data/telegram.jpg', 'rb') as f:
return bot.send_photo(chat_id, photo=f, timeout=50).photo
def thumb(_photo):
return _photo[0]
def photo(_photo):
return _photo[1]
class TestPhoto(object):
width = 800
height = 800
caption = u'<b>PhotoTest</b> - *Caption*'
photo_file_url = 'https://python-telegram-bot.org/static/testfiles/telegram_new.jpg'
file_size = 29176
def test_creation(self, thumb, photo):
# Make sure file has been uploaded.
assert isinstance(photo, PhotoSize)
assert isinstance(photo.file_id, str)
assert isinstance(photo.file_unique_id, str)
assert photo.file_id != ''
assert photo.file_unique_id != ''
assert isinstance(thumb, PhotoSize)
assert isinstance(thumb.file_id, str)
assert isinstance(thumb.file_unique_id, str)
assert thumb.file_id != ''
assert thumb.file_unique_id != ''
def test_expected_values(self, photo, thumb):
assert photo.width == self.width
assert photo.height == self.height
assert photo.file_size == self.file_size
assert thumb.width == 320
assert thumb.height == 320
assert thumb.file_size == 9331
@flaky(3, 1)
def test_send_photo_all_args(self, bot, chat_id, photo_file, thumb, photo):
message = bot.send_photo(chat_id, photo_file, caption=self.caption,
disable_notification=False, parse_mode='Markdown')
assert isinstance(message.photo[0], PhotoSize)
assert isinstance(message.photo[0].file_id, str)
assert isinstance(message.photo[0].file_unique_id, str)
assert message.photo[0].file_id != ''
assert message.photo[0].file_unique_id != ''
assert message.photo[0].width == thumb.width
assert message.photo[0].height == thumb.height
assert message.photo[0].file_size == thumb.file_size
assert isinstance(message.photo[1], PhotoSize)
assert isinstance(message.photo[1].file_id, str)
assert isinstance(message.photo[1].file_unique_id, str)
assert message.photo[1].file_id != ''
assert message.photo[1].file_unique_id != ''
assert message.photo[1].width == photo.width
assert message.photo[1].height == photo.height
assert message.photo[1].file_size == photo.file_size
assert message.caption == TestPhoto.caption.replace('*', '')
@flaky(3, 1)
def test_send_photo_parse_mode_markdown(self, bot, chat_id, photo_file, thumb, photo):
message = bot.send_photo(chat_id, photo_file, caption=self.caption,
assert isinstance(message.photo[0], PhotoSize)
assert isinstance(message.photo[0].file_id, str)
assert isinstance(message.photo[0].file_unique_id, str)
assert message.photo[0].file_id != ''
assert message.photo[0].file_unique_id != ''
assert message.photo[0].width == thumb.width
assert message.photo[0].height == thumb.height
assert message.photo[0].file_size == thumb.file_size
assert isinstance(message.photo[1], PhotoSize)
assert isinstance(message.photo[1].file_id, str)
assert isinstance(message.photo[1].file_unique_id, str)
assert message.photo[1].file_id != ''
assert message.photo[1].file_unique_id != ''
assert message.photo[1].width == photo.width
assert message.photo[1].height == photo.height
assert message.photo[1].file_size == photo.file_size
assert message.caption == TestPhoto.caption.replace('*', '')
assert len(message.caption_entities) == 1
@flaky(3, 1)
def test_send_photo_parse_mode_html(self, bot, chat_id, photo_file, thumb, photo):
message = bot.send_photo(chat_id, photo_file, caption=self.caption,
assert isinstance(message.photo[0], PhotoSize)
assert isinstance(message.photo[0].file_id, str)
assert isinstance(message.photo[0].file_unique_id, str)
assert message.photo[0].file_id != ''
assert message.photo[0].file_unique_id != ''
assert message.photo[0].width == thumb.width
assert message.photo[0].height == thumb.height
assert message.photo[0].file_size == thumb.file_size
assert isinstance(message.photo[1], PhotoSize)
assert isinstance(message.photo[1].file_id, str)
assert isinstance(message.photo[1].file_unique_id, str)
assert message.photo[1].file_id != ''
assert message.photo[1].file_unique_id != ''
assert message.photo[1].width == photo.width
assert message.photo[1].height == photo.height
assert message.photo[1].file_size == photo.file_size
assert message.caption == TestPhoto.caption.replace('<b>', '').replace('</b>', '')
assert len(message.caption_entities) == 1
@flaky(3, 1)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('default_bot', [{'parse_mode': 'Markdown'}], indirect=True)
def test_send_photo_default_parse_mode_1(self, default_bot, chat_id, photo_file, thumb, photo):
test_string = 'Italic Bold Code'
test_markdown_string = '_Italic_ *Bold* `Code`'
message = default_bot.send_photo(chat_id, photo_file, caption=test_markdown_string)
assert message.caption_markdown == test_markdown_string
assert message.caption == test_string
@flaky(3, 1)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('default_bot', [{'parse_mode': 'Markdown'}], indirect=True)
def test_send_photo_default_parse_mode_2(self, default_bot, chat_id, photo_file, thumb, photo):
test_markdown_string = '_Italic_ *Bold* `Code`'
message = default_bot.send_photo(chat_id, photo_file, caption=test_markdown_string,
assert message.caption == test_markdown_string
assert message.caption_markdown == escape_markdown(test_markdown_string)
@flaky(3, 1)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('default_bot', [{'parse_mode': 'Markdown'}], indirect=True)
def test_send_photo_default_parse_mode_3(self, default_bot, chat_id, photo_file, thumb, photo):
test_markdown_string = '_Italic_ *Bold* `Code`'
message = default_bot.send_photo(chat_id, photo_file, caption=test_markdown_string,
assert message.caption == test_markdown_string
assert message.caption_markdown == escape_markdown(test_markdown_string)
@flaky(3, 1)
def test_get_and_download(self, bot, photo):
new_file = bot.getFile(photo.file_id)
assert new_file.file_size == photo.file_size
assert new_file.file_unique_id == photo.file_unique_id
assert new_file.file_path.startswith('https://') is True
assert os.path.isfile('telegram.jpg') is True
@flaky(3, 1)
def test_send_url_jpg_file(self, bot, chat_id, thumb, photo):
message = bot.send_photo(chat_id, photo=self.photo_file_url)
assert isinstance(message.photo[0], PhotoSize)
assert isinstance(message.photo[0].file_id, str)
assert isinstance(message.photo[0].file_unique_id, str)
assert message.photo[0].file_id != ''
assert message.photo[0].file_unique_id != ''
assert message.photo[0].width == thumb.width
assert message.photo[0].height == thumb.height
assert message.photo[0].file_size == thumb.file_size
assert isinstance(message.photo[1], PhotoSize)
assert isinstance(message.photo[1].file_id, str)
assert isinstance(message.photo[1].file_unique_id, str)
assert message.photo[1].file_id != ''
assert message.photo[1].file_unique_id != ''
assert message.photo[1].width == photo.width
assert message.photo[1].height == photo.height
assert message.photo[1].file_size == photo.file_size
@flaky(3, 1)
def test_send_url_png_file(self, bot, chat_id):
message = bot.send_photo(photo='http://dummyimage.com/600x400/000/fff.png&text=telegram',
photo = message.photo[-1]
assert isinstance(photo, PhotoSize)
assert isinstance(photo.file_id, str)
assert isinstance(photo.file_unique_id, str)
assert photo.file_id != ''
assert photo.file_unique_id != ''
@flaky(3, 1)
def test_send_url_gif_file(self, bot, chat_id):
message = bot.send_photo(photo='http://dummyimage.com/600x400/000/fff.png&text=telegram',
photo = message.photo[-1]
assert isinstance(photo, PhotoSize)
assert isinstance(photo.file_id, str)
assert isinstance(photo.file_unique_id, str)
assert photo.file_id != ''
assert photo.file_unique_id != ''
@flaky(3, 1)
def test_send_file_unicode_filename(self, bot, chat_id):
Regression test for https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot/issues/1202
with open(u'tests/data/测试.png', 'rb') as f:
message = bot.send_photo(photo=f, chat_id=chat_id)
photo = message.photo[-1]
assert isinstance(photo, PhotoSize)
assert isinstance(photo.file_id, str)
assert isinstance(photo.file_unique_id, str)
assert photo.file_id != ''
assert photo.file_unique_id != ''
@flaky(3, 1)
def test_send_bytesio_jpg_file(self, bot, chat_id):
file_name = 'tests/data/telegram_no_standard_header.jpg'
# raw image bytes
raw_bytes = BytesIO(open(file_name, 'rb').read())
input_file = InputFile(raw_bytes)
assert input_file.mimetype == 'application/octet-stream'
# raw image bytes with name info
raw_bytes = BytesIO(open(file_name, 'rb').read())
raw_bytes.name = file_name
input_file = InputFile(raw_bytes)
assert input_file.mimetype == 'image/jpeg'
# send raw photo
raw_bytes = BytesIO(open(file_name, 'rb').read())
message = bot.send_photo(chat_id, photo=raw_bytes)
photo = message.photo[-1]
assert isinstance(photo.file_id, str)
assert isinstance(photo.file_unique_id, str)
assert photo.file_id != ''
assert photo.file_unique_id != ''
assert isinstance(photo, PhotoSize)
assert photo.width == 1280
assert photo.height == 720
assert photo.file_size == 33372
def test_send_with_photosize(self, monkeypatch, bot, chat_id, photo):
def test(_, url, data, **kwargs):
return data['photo'] == photo.file_id
monkeypatch.setattr('telegram.utils.request.Request.post', test)
message = bot.send_photo(photo=photo, chat_id=chat_id)
assert message
@flaky(3, 1)
def test_resend(self, bot, chat_id, photo):
message = bot.send_photo(chat_id=chat_id, photo=photo.file_id)
thumb, photo = message.photo
assert isinstance(message.photo[0], PhotoSize)
assert isinstance(message.photo[0].file_id, str)
assert isinstance(message.photo[0].file_unique_id, str)
assert message.photo[0].file_id != ''
assert message.photo[0].file_unique_id != ''
assert message.photo[0].width == thumb.width
assert message.photo[0].height == thumb.height
assert message.photo[0].file_size == thumb.file_size
assert isinstance(message.photo[1], PhotoSize)
assert isinstance(message.photo[1].file_id, str)
assert isinstance(message.photo[1].file_unique_id, str)
assert message.photo[1].file_id != ''
assert message.photo[1].file_unique_id != ''
assert message.photo[1].width == photo.width
assert message.photo[1].height == photo.height
assert message.photo[1].file_size == photo.file_size
def test_de_json(self, bot, photo):
json_dict = {
'file_id': photo.file_id,
'file_unique_id': photo.file_unique_id,
'width': self.width,
'height': self.height,
'file_size': self.file_size
json_photo = PhotoSize.de_json(json_dict, bot)
assert json_photo.file_id == photo.file_id
assert json_photo.file_unique_id == photo.file_unique_id
assert json_photo.width == self.width
assert json_photo.height == self.height
assert json_photo.file_size == self.file_size
def test_to_dict(self, photo):
photo_dict = photo.to_dict()
assert isinstance(photo_dict, dict)
assert photo_dict['file_id'] == photo.file_id
assert photo_dict['file_unique_id'] == photo.file_unique_id
assert photo_dict['width'] == photo.width
assert photo_dict['height'] == photo.height
assert photo_dict['file_size'] == photo.file_size
@flaky(3, 1)
def test_error_send_empty_file(self, bot, chat_id):
with pytest.raises(TelegramError):
bot.send_photo(chat_id=chat_id, photo=open(os.devnull, 'rb'))
@flaky(3, 1)
def test_error_send_empty_file_id(self, bot, chat_id):
with pytest.raises(TelegramError):
bot.send_photo(chat_id=chat_id, photo='')
def test_error_without_required_args(self, bot, chat_id):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
def test_get_file_instance_method(self, monkeypatch, photo):
def test(*args, **kwargs):
return args[1] == photo.file_id
monkeypatch.setattr('telegram.Bot.get_file', test)
assert photo.get_file()
def test_equality(self, photo):
a = PhotoSize(photo.file_id, photo.file_unique_id, self.width, self.height)
b = PhotoSize('', photo.file_unique_id, self.width, self.height)
c = PhotoSize(photo.file_id, photo.file_unique_id, 0, 0)
d = PhotoSize('', '', self.width, self.height)
e = Sticker(photo.file_id, photo.file_unique_id, self.width, self.height, False)
assert a == b
assert hash(a) == hash(b)
assert a is not b
assert a == c
assert hash(a) == hash(c)
assert a != d
assert hash(a) != hash(d)
assert a != e
assert hash(a) != hash(e)