Updated Local Bot API Server (markdown)

Bibo-Joshi 2022-10-01 13:02:18 +02:00
parent 76220624f9
commit 252fff17a7

@ -9,9 +9,11 @@ Bot API 5.0 (and therefore local API server) is supported by PTB since v13.1.
* To make PTB aware that you're not using the official server, pass the following to your [`Application`](https://python-telegram-bot.readthedocs.io/en/latest/telegram.ext.applicationbuilder.html#telegram.ext.ApplicationBuilder.base_file_url) (or [`Bot`](https://python-telegram-bot.readthedocs.io/en/latest/telegram.bot.html#telegram.Bot.params.base_url)):
* `base_url='your-bot-api-server.com/bot'`
* If you are running a local bot API server without the `--local` flag, also pass:
* `local_mode=True`
* `base_file_url='your-bot-api-server.com/file/bot'`
### Working with files
* When running the server with the `--local` flag, `get_file` will give you the local file path as `file_path`. PTB detects that, so that `await get_file(…).download()` just returns the local file string instead of downloading it.
* When running the server with the `--local` flag, you can send files by passing `'file:///absolute/path/to/file'` instead of an URL or a file handler. Skipping the `'file://'` prefix, passing relative paths (without prefix) or even passing `pathlib.Path` objects is supported as well as a convenience feature by PTB.
* When running the server with the `--local` flag, you can send files by passing `'file:///absolute/path/to/file'` instead of an URL or a file handle.
* Passing relative paths (without prefix) or even passing `pathlib.Path` objects is supported as well, even if you're not running in `local` mode.
* When running the server *without* the `--local` flag, the Bot API server does *not* automatically serve the files obtained by `get_file()`. See [telegram-bot-api/#26](https://github.com/tdlib/telegram-bot-api/issues/26). So be aware that you have to run a web server which serves them, otherwise you will run into 404 errors.