mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 23:49:55 +01:00
414 lines
16 KiB
414 lines
16 KiB
(function(window) {
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Object.isSimpleObject = function(arg) {
return arg != null && typeof arg === 'object';
function isFunction(func) {
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var UA = window.navigator.userAgent || '';
var ScopeAliases = {
personal_details: 'pd',
passport: 'pp',
driver_license: 'dl',
identity_card: 'ic',
internal_passport: 'ip',
id_document: 'idd',
address: 'ad',
utility_bill: 'ub',
bank_statement: 'bs',
rental_agreement: 'ra',
passport_registration: 'pr',
temporary_registration: 'tr',
address_document: 'add',
phone_number: 'pn',
email: 'em',
function openDeepLink(url, tooltipToggle) {
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function packScope(scope) {
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function packScopeField(field) {
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scope.t = 1;
delete scope.translation;
if (scope.native_names) {
scope.n = 1;
delete scope.native_names;
return scope;
function passportAuth(options, tooltipToggle) {
if (!options.bot_id) {
throw new Error('bot_id is required');
if (!options.scope) {
throw new Error('scope is required');
if (!Object.isSimpleObject(options.scope)) {
throw new TypeError('scope should be an object');
if (!options.public_key) {
throw new Error('public_key is required');
if (!options.nonce) {
throw new Error('nonce is required');
if (options.payload) {
throw new Error('payload is deprecated, use nonce instead');
var is_android = /android/i.test(UA);
var url = (is_android ? 'tg:' : 'tg://') + 'resolve?domain=telegrampassport'
+ '&bot_id=' + encodeURIComponent(options.bot_id)
+ '&scope=' + encodeURIComponent(packScope(options.scope))
+ '&public_key=' + encodeURIComponent(options.public_key)
+ '&nonce=' + encodeURIComponent(options.nonce);
if (options.callback_url) {
url += '&callback_url=' + encodeURIComponent(options.callback_url);
url += '&payload=nonce'; // legacy for outdated apps
openDeepLink(url, tooltipToggle);
function createAuthButton(contEl, authDataOrFunc, options) {
contEl = getEl(contEl);
if (!contEl) {
return false;
options = options || {};
var btnText = options.text || 'Log In With Telegram';
var btnRadius = parseInt(options.radius, 10) || 23;
var tooltipText = options.tooltip_text || 'Please <u>install Telegram</u> to use this option.';
var tooltipForce = options.tooltip_force || false;
var tooltipPos = options.tooltip_position;
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var tooltipWrapClass = 'tooltip-left';
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var tooltipWrapClass = 'tooltip-right';
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var tooltipWrapClass = 'tooltip-bottom';
var btnStyle = ''
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+ 'cursor: pointer;'
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var tooltipClass = tooltipForce ? 'telegram-passport-tooltip telegram-passport-tooltip-shown' : 'telegram-passport-tooltip';
var btnHtml = ''
+ '<style>' + btnStyle + '</style>'
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btnContEl.className = 'telegram-passport';
btnContEl.innerHTML = btnHtml;
var buttonEl = btnContEl.getElementsByTagName('button')[0];
var tooltipEl = btnContEl.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
addEvent(buttonEl, 'click', function(e) {
var options = isFunction(authDataOrFunc) ? authDataOrFunc() : authDataOrFunc;
options = options || {};
var tooltipToggle = function(show) {
if (show) {
} else {
passportAuth(options, !tooltipForce ? tooltipToggle : null);
if (!window.Telegram) {
window.Telegram = {};
window.Telegram.Passport = {
auth: passportAuth,
createAuthButton: createAuthButton,