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< p > Users can edit and localize the profile picture, name, about text and description of < a href = "/api/bots" > bots< / a > they own; the same can be done by the bots themselves. < / p >
2024-02-10 14:29:33 +00:00
< pre > < code > < a href = '/constructor/user' > user< / a > #215c4438 flags:< a href = '/type/%23' > #< / a > self:flags.10?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > contact:flags.11?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > mutual_contact:flags.12?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > deleted:flags.13?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > bot:flags.14?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > bot_chat_history:flags.15?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > bot_nochats:flags.16?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > verified:flags.17?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > restricted:flags.18?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > min:flags.20?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > bot_inline_geo:flags.21?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > support:flags.23?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > scam:flags.24?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > apply_min_photo:flags.25?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > fake:flags.26?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > bot_attach_menu:flags.27?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > premium:flags.28?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > attach_menu_enabled:flags.29?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > flags2:< a href = '/type/%23' > #< / a > bot_can_edit:flags2.1?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > close_friend:flags2.2?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > stories_hidden:flags2.3?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > stories_unavailable:flags2.4?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > access_hash:flags.0?< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > first_name:flags.1?< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > last_name:flags.2?< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > username:flags.3?< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > phone:flags.4?< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > photo:flags.5?< a href = '/type/UserProfilePhoto' > UserProfilePhoto< / a > status:flags.6?< a href = '/type/UserStatus' > UserStatus< / a > bot_info_version:flags.14?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > restriction_reason:flags.18?< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/RestrictionReason' > RestrictionReason< / a > > bot_inline_placeholder:flags.19?< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > lang_code:flags.22?< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > emoji_status:flags.30?< a href = '/type/EmojiStatus' > EmojiStatus< / a > usernames:flags2.0?< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/Username' > Username< / a > > stories_max_id:flags2.5?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > color:flags2.8?< a href = '/type/PeerColor' > PeerColor< / a > profile_color:flags2.9?< a href = '/type/PeerColor' > PeerColor< / a > = < a href = '/type/User' > User< / a > ;
2023-05-22 12:54:47 +00:00
< a href = '/constructor/bots.botInfo' > bots.botInfo< / a > #e8a775b0 name:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > about:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > description:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > = < a href = '/type/bots.BotInfo' > bots.BotInfo< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/bots.getBotInfo' > bots.getBotInfo< / a > #dcd914fd flags:< a href = '/type/%23' > #< / a > bot:flags.0?< a href = '/type/InputUser' > InputUser< / a > lang_code:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > = < a href = '/type/bots.BotInfo' > bots.BotInfo< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/bots.setBotInfo' > bots.setBotInfo< / a > #10cf3123 flags:< a href = '/type/%23' > #< / a > bot:flags.2?< a href = '/type/InputUser' > InputUser< / a > lang_code:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > name:flags.3?< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > about:flags.0?< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > description:flags.1?< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > = < a href = '/type/Bool' > Bool< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/photos.uploadProfilePhoto' > photos.uploadProfilePhoto< / a > #388a3b5 flags:< a href = '/type/%23' > #< / a > fallback:flags.3?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > bot:flags.5?< a href = '/type/InputUser' > InputUser< / a > file:flags.0?< a href = '/type/InputFile' > InputFile< / a > video:flags.1?< a href = '/type/InputFile' > InputFile< / a > video_start_ts:flags.2?< a href = '/type/double' > double< / a > video_emoji_markup:flags.4?< a href = '/type/VideoSize' > VideoSize< / a > = < a href = '/type/photos.Photo' > photos.Photo< / a > ; < / code > < / pre >
< p > Bots may invoke < a href = "/method/bots.setBotInfo" > bots.setBotInfo< / a > set a localized version of their name, about text and description; < a href = "/method/bots.getBotInfo" > bots.getBotInfo< / a > may be used to obtain previously set values.< br >
Bots may also invoke < a href = "/method/photos.uploadProfilePhoto" > photos.uploadProfilePhoto< / a > as specified in the < a href = "/api/files#uploading-profile-or-chat-pictures" > files documentation »< / a > to set profile photos, videos or stickers. < / p >
< p > The same methods may be invoked by the user that owns the bot (bots owned by the current user have the < a href = "/constructor/user" > user< / a > .< code > bot_can_edit< / code > flag set) to modify the bot's information: to do so, specify the bot's peer information in the < code > bot< / code > parameter.< / p > < / div >
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