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< p > Telegram apps support generating, sharing and synchronizing app themes.< / p >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#uploading-theme-files" id = "uploading-theme-files" name = "uploading-theme-files" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Uploading theme files< / h3 >
< pre > < code > < a href = '/constructor/document' > document< / a > #8fd4c4d8 flags:< a href = '/type/%23' > #< / a > id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > file_reference:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > date:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > mime_type:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > size:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > thumbs:flags.0?< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/PhotoSize' > PhotoSize< / a > > video_thumbs:flags.1?< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/VideoSize' > VideoSize< / a > > dc_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > attributes:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/DocumentAttribute' > DocumentAttribute< / a > > = < a href = '/type/Document' > Document< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/account.uploadTheme' > account.uploadTheme< / a > #1c3db333 flags:< a href = '/type/%23' > #< / a > file:< a href = '/type/InputFile' > InputFile< / a > thumb:flags.0?< a href = '/type/InputFile' > InputFile< / a > file_name:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > mime_type:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > = < a href = '/type/Document' > Document< / a > ;< / code > < / pre >
< p > < a href = "/themes" > Theme files< / a > can be uploaded using < a href = "/method/account.uploadTheme" > account.uploadTheme< / a > : optionally a JPEG thumbnail for the theme can also be provided to < code > thumb< / code > .< br >
The resulting document should be used when < a href = "#creating-themes" > creating< / a > or < a href = "#updating-themes" > updating< / a > themes.< / p >
< p > The actual content of the theme file depends on the formats supported by the theming engine of the client. < / p >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#creating-themes" id = "creating-themes" name = "creating-themes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Creating themes< / h3 >
< pre > < code > < a href = '/constructor/baseThemeClassic' > baseThemeClassic< / a > #c3a12462 = < a href = '/type/BaseTheme' > BaseTheme< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/baseThemeDay' > baseThemeDay< / a > #fbd81688 = < a href = '/type/BaseTheme' > BaseTheme< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/baseThemeNight' > baseThemeNight< / a > #b7b31ea8 = < a href = '/type/BaseTheme' > BaseTheme< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/baseThemeTinted' > baseThemeTinted< / a > #6d5f77ee = < a href = '/type/BaseTheme' > BaseTheme< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/baseThemeArctic' > baseThemeArctic< / a > #5b11125a = < a href = '/type/BaseTheme' > BaseTheme< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/inputWallPaper' > inputWallPaper< / a > #e630b979 id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > = < a href = '/type/InputWallPaper' > InputWallPaper< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/inputWallPaperSlug' > inputWallPaperSlug< / a > #72091c80 slug:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > = < a href = '/type/InputWallPaper' > InputWallPaper< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/inputWallPaperNoFile' > inputWallPaperNoFile< / a > #967a462e id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > = < a href = '/type/InputWallPaper' > InputWallPaper< / a > ;
2024-02-10 14:29:33 +00:00
< a href = '/constructor/wallPaperSettings' > wallPaperSettings< / a > #372efcd0 flags:< a href = '/type/%23' > #< / a > blur:flags.1?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > motion:flags.2?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > background_color:flags.0?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > second_background_color:flags.4?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > third_background_color:flags.5?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > fourth_background_color:flags.6?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > intensity:flags.3?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > rotation:flags.4?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > emoticon:flags.7?< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > = < a href = '/type/WallPaperSettings' > WallPaperSettings< / a > ;
2022-11-15 00:03:58 +00:00
< a href = '/constructor/inputThemeSettings' > inputThemeSettings< / a > #8fde504f flags:< a href = '/type/%23' > #< / a > message_colors_animated:flags.2?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > base_theme:< a href = '/type/BaseTheme' > BaseTheme< / a > accent_color:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > outbox_accent_color:flags.3?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > message_colors:flags.0?< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > > wallpaper:flags.1?< a href = '/type/InputWallPaper' > InputWallPaper< / a > wallpaper_settings:flags.1?< a href = '/type/WallPaperSettings' > WallPaperSettings< / a > = < a href = '/type/InputThemeSettings' > InputThemeSettings< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/theme' > theme< / a > #a00e67d6 flags:< a href = '/type/%23' > #< / a > creator:flags.0?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > default:flags.1?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > for_chat:flags.5?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > slug:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > title:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > document:flags.2?< a href = '/type/Document' > Document< / a > settings:flags.3?< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/ThemeSettings' > ThemeSettings< / a > > emoticon:flags.6?< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > installs_count:flags.4?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/Theme' > Theme< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/account.createTheme' > account.createTheme< / a > #652e4400 flags:< a href = '/type/%23' > #< / a > slug:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > title:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > document:flags.2?< a href = '/type/InputDocument' > InputDocument< / a > settings:flags.3?< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/InputThemeSettings' > InputThemeSettings< / a > > = < a href = '/type/Theme' > Theme< / a > ;< / code > < / pre >
< p > Use < a href = "/method/account.createTheme" > account.createTheme< / a > to create a theme, see the < a href = "/method/account.createTheme" > method page for more info about the parameters »< / a > .< / p >
< p > The resulting theme can be shared by generating a < a href = "/api/links#theme-links" > theme deep link »< / a > using either a user-provided < code > slug< / code > , or an autogenerated one by leaving the < code > slug< / code > parameter empty and using the returned < code > slug< / code > .< / p >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#updating-themes" id = "updating-themes" name = "updating-themes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Updating themes< / h3 >
< pre > < code > < a href = '/constructor/inputTheme' > inputTheme< / a > #3c5693e9 id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > = < a href = '/type/InputTheme' > InputTheme< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/inputThemeSlug' > inputThemeSlug< / a > #f5890df1 slug:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > = < a href = '/type/InputTheme' > InputTheme< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/updateTheme' > updateTheme< / a > #8216fba3 theme:< a href = '/type/Theme' > Theme< / a > = < a href = '/type/Update' > Update< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/account.updateTheme' > account.updateTheme< / a > #2bf40ccc flags:< a href = '/type/%23' > #< / a > format:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > theme:< a href = '/type/InputTheme' > InputTheme< / a > slug:flags.0?< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > title:flags.1?< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > document:flags.2?< a href = '/type/InputDocument' > InputDocument< / a > settings:flags.3?< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/InputThemeSettings' > InputThemeSettings< / a > > = < a href = '/type/Theme' > Theme< / a > ;< / code > < / pre >
< p > A previously uploaded theme can be modified by the creator using < a href = "/method/account.updateTheme" > account.updateTheme< / a > , passing the same parameters used when < a href = "#creating-themes" > creating themes< / a > , along with an < a href = "/type/InputTheme" > InputTheme< / a > containing the ID and access hash parameters from the < a href = "/constructor/theme" > theme< / a > constructor returned by < a href = "/method/account.createTheme" > account.createTheme< / a > or < a href = "/method/account.getTheme" > account.getTheme< / a > . < / p >
< p > All users that have installed this theme will receive an < a href = "/constructor/updateTheme" > updateTheme< / a > with the updated theme. < / p >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#installing-themes" id = "installing-themes" name = "installing-themes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Installing themes< / h3 >
< pre > < code > < a href = '/constructor/inputTheme' > inputTheme< / a > #3c5693e9 id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > = < a href = '/type/InputTheme' > InputTheme< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/inputThemeSlug' > inputThemeSlug< / a > #f5890df1 slug:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > = < a href = '/type/InputTheme' > InputTheme< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/theme' > theme< / a > #a00e67d6 flags:< a href = '/type/%23' > #< / a > creator:flags.0?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > default:flags.1?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > for_chat:flags.5?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > slug:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > title:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > document:flags.2?< a href = '/type/Document' > Document< / a > settings:flags.3?< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/ThemeSettings' > ThemeSettings< / a > > emoticon:flags.6?< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > installs_count:flags.4?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/Theme' > Theme< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/themeSettings' > themeSettings< / a > #fa58b6d4 flags:< a href = '/type/%23' > #< / a > message_colors_animated:flags.2?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > base_theme:< a href = '/type/BaseTheme' > BaseTheme< / a > accent_color:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > outbox_accent_color:flags.3?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > message_colors:flags.0?< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > > wallpaper:flags.1?< a href = '/type/WallPaper' > WallPaper< / a > = < a href = '/type/ThemeSettings' > ThemeSettings< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/account.themesNotModified' > account.themesNotModified< / a > #f41eb622 = < a href = '/type/account.Themes' > account.Themes< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/account.themes' > account.themes< / a > #9a3d8c6d hash:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > themes:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/Theme' > Theme< / a > > = < a href = '/type/account.Themes' > account.Themes< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/account.saveTheme' > account.saveTheme< / a > #f257106c theme:< a href = '/type/InputTheme' > InputTheme< / a > unsave:< a href = '/type/Bool' > Bool< / a > = < a href = '/type/Bool' > Bool< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/account.installTheme' > account.installTheme< / a > #c727bb3b flags:< a href = '/type/%23' > #< / a > dark:flags.0?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > theme:flags.1?< a href = '/type/InputTheme' > InputTheme< / a > format:flags.2?< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > base_theme:flags.3?< a href = '/type/BaseTheme' > BaseTheme< / a > = < a href = '/type/Bool' > Bool< / a > ;
2023-05-22 12:44:44 +00:00
< a href = '/method/account.getTheme' > account.getTheme< / a > #3a5869ec format:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > theme:< a href = '/type/InputTheme' > InputTheme< / a > = < a href = '/type/Theme' > Theme< / a > ;
2022-11-15 00:03:58 +00:00
< a href = '/method/account.getThemes' > account.getThemes< / a > #7206e458 format:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > hash:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > = < a href = '/type/account.Themes' > account.Themes< / a > ;< / code > < / pre >
< p > Once you've < a href = "#creating-themes" > created your theme< / a > or received a < a href = "/api/links#theme-links" > theme deep link< / a > , it can be installed as follows. < / p >
2023-05-22 12:44:44 +00:00
< p > First of all, to get info about a theme from a < a href = "/api/links#theme-links" > theme deep link< / a > use < a href = "/method/account.getTheme" > account.getTheme< / a > with < a href = "/constructor/inputThemeSlug" > inputThemeSlug< / a > . < / p >
2022-11-15 00:03:58 +00:00
< p > The API keeps a list of theme that the user can apply.< br >
To fetch the list use < a href = "/method/account.getThemes" > account.getThemes< / a > .< br >
To save a theme to the list use < a href = "/method/account.saveTheme" > account.saveTheme< / a > with < code > unsave=false< / code > .< br >
To remove a theme from the list use < a href = "/method/account.saveTheme" > account.saveTheme< / a > with < code > unsave=true< / code > . < / p >
< p > When a client applies a theme, call < a href = "/method/account.installTheme" > account.installTheme< / a > to signal the installation to the server. < / p >
2023-05-22 12:44:44 +00:00
< p > In all methods, < code > format< / code > indicates the theme format, a string that identifies the theming engines supported by the client.< / p > < / div >
2022-11-15 00:03:58 +00:00
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