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<h1 id="dev_page_title">Web events</h1>
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<p>When interacting with HTML5 games and the websites of payment gateways, Telegram apps should expose APIs to allow receiving data and events from the websites.</p>
<h3><a class="anchor" href="#event-apis" id="event-apis" name="event-apis"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Event APIs</h3>
<p>Games and payment gateways can generate events that are meant to be received by the Telegram apps.
Typically events are generated by using the <code>postEvent</code> method of the <a href="">GamingCommunication library</a>.
The <code>postEvent</code> function will try sending the event to the Telegram app in a number of different ways.</p>
<h4><a class="anchor" href="#webviewproxy" id="webviewproxy" name="webviewproxy"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>WebviewProxy</h4>
<p>In mobile apps, the event receiver API should be typically exposed as a <code>window.TelegramWebviewProxy</code> object with a <code>postEvent</code> method.</p>
<pre><code>window.TelegramWebviewProxy.postEvent(eventType, eventData)</code></pre>
<h4><a class="anchor" href="#windowexternal" id="windowexternal" name="windowexternal"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>window.external</h4>
<p>Alternatively, a <code>window.external.notify</code> method can be exposed, accepting a string JSON payload with the event type and payload:</p>
<pre><code>window.external.notify(JSON.stringify({eventType: eventType, eventData: eventData}));</code></pre>
<h4><a class="anchor" href="#postmessage-api" id="postmessage-api" name="postmessage-api"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>postMessage API</h4>
<p>Finally, web MTProto clients that need to open a game or process a payment in an iframe can use the <a href="">postMessage API</a> to receive events from iframes.
The <a href="">GamingCommunication library</a> by defaultwill use <code>'*'</code> as <code>targetOrigin</code>, sending messages to parent pages regardless of the origin of the embedder.</p>
<pre><code>window.parent.postMessage(JSON.stringify({eventType: eventType, eventData: eventData}), targetOrigin);</code></pre>
<h4><a class="anchor" href="#event-types" id="event-types" name="event-types"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Event types</h4>
<p><code>eventType</code> is a simple string indicating the event type, and <code>eventData</code> is a payload with an object that will be parsed by the Telegram app.</p>
<table class="table">
<td>JSON object with <code>data</code> and <code>title</code> fields</td>
<td><code>title</code> is the censored credit card title.<br><code>data</code> is a service-specific JSON payload with information about the payment credentials provided by the user to the payment system.<br><strong>Neither Telegram, nor bots will have access to your credit card information.</strong><br>Credit card details will be handled only by the payment system.</td>
<td>Will be called by games when the user explicitly clicks on the <strong>share score</strong> button to share the game, along with his score.<br>Typically done by using <a href="/method/messages.forwardMessages">messages.forwardMessages</a> on the game message with the <code>with_my_score</code> flag.</td>
<td>Will be called by games when the user explicitly clicks on the <strong>share game</strong> button to share the game, without sharing his score.<br>Typically done by using <a href="/method/messages.forwardMessages">messages.forwardMessages</a> on the game message without the <code>with_my_score</code> flag, or by sharing the game's short URL.</td>
<td>Can be called by games when the user loses a game</td>
<td>Can be called by games once the game fully loads</td>
<td>JSON object with <code>height</code> field</td>
<td>Called by supported pages inside of <a href="">IV</a> iframe embeds, indicates the new size of the embed frame.</td>
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