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<h1 id="dev_page_title">Scheduled Messages, Reminders, Custom Cloud Themes and More Privacy</h1>
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<img src="/file/464001052/1/HbXrd_3yyYg.20769.gif/2b0cee4abdbb26005b" class="blog_side_image"/>
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<a href="/file/464001458/1/89YiOevR9G8.150216/4d5c2d103062a98952" target="_blank"><img src="/file/464001892/1/oEk06NFuzv8.58627/8e74baf674331878f0" srcset="/file/464001458/1/89YiOevR9G8.150216/4d5c2d103062a98952, 1200w" title="Were you reading our update announcements? Or were you looking at the woman in the red dress?" alt="Introducing Scheduled Messages, Reminders, Custom Cloud Themes and More Privacy"/></a>
<p>In our previous update, we added a <a href="">handy menu</a> when you hold the send button. Today we&#39;re populating this menu with a new option that helps you plan ahead.</p>
<p>Hold the <em>Send</em> button in any chat and select <strong>Schedule Message</strong> to automatically send things at a specified time in the future (DeLorean not included).</p>
<div class="blog_video_player_wrap" style="max-width: 400px; margin: 20px auto 20px;">
<video class="blog_video_player tl_blog_vid_autoplay" onclick="videoTogglePlay(this)" autoplay loop controls muted poster="/file/464001071/1/hNWoUyfsgy4.72853/9e4c605e40eec6f2ed" style="max-width: 400px;" title="It's like a message in a bottle except this bottle was coded by a highly caffeinated team of developers." alt="Demo: Type some text, press and hold the send button, choose 'Schedule Message' and select the time when it will be sent.">
<source src="/file/464001257/1/QQ9SUZZGFEw.1373320.mp4/429964d0eb57c7849f" type="video/mp4">
<p>Scheduling also works in your <em>Saved Messages</em> chat, turning your planned posts into <strong>reminders</strong>. Be your own time-travelling secretary whether it&#39;s about a dentist appointment next week, or waking up in time for pizza delivery.</p>
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<video class="blog_video_player tl_blog_vid_autoplay" onclick="videoTogglePlay(this)" autoplay loop controls muted poster="/file/464001290/1/RuDeKb00hXc.59265/82506bad6aaec271f9" style="max-width: 400px;" title="Who let Grandma into my Saved Messages again?" alt="Demo: Scheduling a message in your 'Saved Messages' chat creates a reminder. When the time comes, you get a notification from Telegram with the message you chose.">
<source src="/file/464001582/1/H7KX-3IIYPA.1187154.mp4/5fb4a6a8cd4aec3450" type="video/mp4">
<p>Whenever a scheduled message or reminder is sent, you get a special <strong>notification</strong> marked with a <img class="emoji" src="//" width="20" height="20" alt="📅" />, so you don&#39;t get caught off-guard by messages you planned in the past.</p>
<h3><a class="anchor" name="custom-cloud-themes" href="#custom-cloud-themes"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Custom Cloud Themes</h3>
<p>You could first <strong>customize Telegram&#39;s appearance</strong> way back in <a href="">2017</a>. Today&#39;s update makes this easier than ever across all platforms, including our native desktop apps.</p>
<p>Choose a pre-set <strong>accent color</strong> or pick something unique from the <strong>color wheel</strong>, and the app will adjust all elements accordingly. See how it looks in your favorite color, blue no, <a href="">yellow!</a></p>
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<video class="blog_video_player tl_blog_vid_autoplay" onclick="videoTogglePlay(this)" autoplay loop controls muted poster="/file/464001442/1/FRvKgvTrym8.55755/3a956086cd2603d8d5" style="max-width: 400px;" title="And for the next miracle, I'm going to turn this water into FUNK!" alt="Video showing the different new accent colors in the ' Mono' theme for Android">
<source src="/file/464001209/1/Oj-VNwoMWqc.1800077.mp4/8eafd6a91c1cef700d" type="video/mp4">
<p>You can now easily <strong>create new themes</strong> based on your color and wallpaper choices, then fine-tune them manually or share right away. Each theme has a <strong>sharing link</strong> which allows anyone to <strong>switch</strong> to your theme and wallpaper in just two taps.</p>
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<a href="/file/464001412/1/BVSCe06UlTY.35275/bb6bf51d827393ccdc" target="_blank"><img src="/file/464001093/1/L2CTXD9EFAc.88603/47185a9777b528bf1d" title="No, we won't let you change everything to white on white, sorry. Purple on purple, however..." alt="Creating a new theme on iOS" srcset="/file/464001412/1/BVSCe06UlTY.35275/bb6bf51d827393ccdc , 2x" /></a>
<p>When you change your theme, it gets <strong>updated</strong> for all its users. This way you can update your app&#39;s looks to evolve as Telegram <a href="">updates</a> or to change with the seasons.</p>
<p>To try out cloud themes, take a look at <a href="">Sky Blue</a> or <a href="">Desert</a>. These will work for both iOS and Android, and we solemnly swear to update them to acid green on orange when you least expect it.</p>
<h3><a class="anchor" name="redesigned-message-options" href="#redesigned-message-options"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Redesigned Message Options</h3>
<p>On iOS, we have condensed message options into a <strong>single menu</strong> for forwarding, replying and more. You can now also <strong>select any portion of the message</strong> to copy or share, instead of only the full text.</p>
<div class="blog_video_player_wrap" style="max-width: 400px; margin: 20px auto 20px;">
<video class="blog_video_player tl_blog_vid_autoplay" onclick="videoTogglePlay(this)" autoplay loop controls muted poster="/file/464001885/1/UgTi3wzAXFQ.64884/14dd51e166194a18fa" style="max-width: 400px;" title="We reserved this spot for a joke about God's Pliers from West Bromwich, but it looks like Google removed them from Street View. Check out these creepy lips instead: 12°2213.32″N, 23°1920.18″E" alt="Video showing the new options menu and text selection">
<source src="/file/464001311/1/6yMOG43EI_4.946970.mp4/d12cfc91dc56ffa053" type="video/mp4">
<h3><a class="anchor" name="new-privacy-settings" href="#new-privacy-settings"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>New Privacy Settings</h3>
<p>Telegram groups can be <strong>public</strong> and may hold up to <strong>200,000</strong> members each. When launching them, we were thinking of campuses, conventions and spaces where you could properly brag about your cats. However, Telegram communities are also increasingly used by people to organize themselves in the face of <a href="">oppression</a>.</p>
<p>We <a href="">believe</a> that all people have a right to <strong>express their opinions</strong> and communicate <strong>privately</strong>. To further protect these rights, were expanding Telegrams arsenal of <strong>Privacy Settings</strong> today.</p>
<p>If you set <em>Who Can See My Phone Number</em> to <em>Nobody</em>, a new option will appear below, allowing you to control your visibility for those who <strong>already have it</strong>. Setting <em>Who Can Find Me By My Number</em> to <em>My Contacts</em> will ensure that random users who add your number as a contact are <strong>unable to match</strong> your profile to that number.</p>
<p>If, like the majority of our users, you rely on uploading phone contacts to identify friends and family members on the app, this setting won&#39;t get in your way.</p>
<h3><a class="anchor" name="more-animated-emoji" href="#more-animated-emoji"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>More Animated Emoji</h3>
<p>Regardless of whether youre fighting for freedom or queuing for coffee, youll likely find a use for the new additions to our <strong>animated emoji</strong> family.</p>
<p>As <a href="">before</a>, send a single <img class="emoji" src="//" width="20" height="20" alt="😁" />, <img class="emoji" src="//" width="20" height="20" alt="😧" />, <img class="emoji" src="//" width="20" height="20" alt="😡" />, <img class="emoji" src="//" width="20" height="20" alt="💩" />, <img class="emoji" src="//" width="20" height="20" alt="😢" /> or <img class="emoji" src="//" width="20" height="20" alt="😮" /> to unleash their spirit in motion.</p>
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<source src="/file/464001277/1/764Dw_4E4eQ.772929.mp4/533006a308a2469c1d" type="video/mp4">
<p>And that&#39;s all, folks! While waiting for our next update, check out this <a href="">brief history of Telegram</a>. Or, if you&#39;re not into reading, run a bath and enjoy these animated <a href="">rubber duck</a> stickers.</p>
<p><em>September 5, 2019<br>The Telegram Team</em></p>
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