"**<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** would like to open its web app to proceed.<br/><br/>It will be able to access your **IP address** and basic device info."
"BotOpenPageTitle": [
"Open page"
"BotPermissionGameAlert": [
"Allow <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> to pass your Telegram name and id (not your phone number) to pages you open with this bot?"
"BotRemoveFromMenu": [
"Remove **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** from the attachment menu?"
"BotRemoveFromMenuTitle": [
"Remove bot"
"BotRequestAttachPermission": [
"**<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** requests to be added as an option to your attachment menu so you can access it from any chat."
"Allow **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** to access your camera?<br/><br/>The developer of **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** will be able to access your camera when this web app is open."
"BotWebViewRequestCameraPermissionWithHint": [
"Allow **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** to access your camera?<br/><br/>The developer of **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** will be able to access your camera when this web app is open.<br/><br/>Enable camera access in Settings > Permissions > Camera."
"BotWebViewRequestDontAllow": [
"Don't Allow"
"BotWebViewRequestGeolocationPermission": [
"Allow **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** to access your location?<br/><br/>The developer of **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** will be able to access your location when this web app is open."
"Allow **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** to access your location?<br/><br/>The developer of **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** will be able to access your location when this web app is open.<br/><br/>Go to Settings > Permissions and turn **Location** on to share location data."
"BotWebViewRequestMicrophonePermission": [
"Allow **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** to access your microphone?<br/><br/>The developer of **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** will be able to access your microphone when this web app is open."
"Allow **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** to access to your microphone?<br/><br/>The developer of **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** will be able to access your microphone when this web app is open.<br/><br/>Enable microphone access in Settings > Permissions > Microphone."
"Cancel": [
"InvoiceCantForwardSecretChat": [
"Sorry, invoices can’t be forwarded to secret chats."
"InvoiceCantSendSecretChat": [
"Sorry, invoices can’t be sent to secret chats."
"MyChannels": [
"My Channels"
"MyGroups": [
"My Groups"
"OK": [
"OpenUrlAlert": [
"Open this link: <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>?"
"PaymentBillingAddress": [
"Billing address"
"PaymentCardCvv": [
"Security Code (CVV)"
"PaymentCardExpireDate": [
"PaymentCardInfo": [
"Payment info"
"PaymentCardName": [
"First and Last Name"
"PaymentCardNumber": [
"Card Number"
"PaymentCardSavePaymentInformation": [
"Save Payment Information"
"PaymentCardSavePaymentInformationInfoLine1": [
"You can save your payment info for future use. It will be stored directly with the payment provider. Telegram has no access to your credit card data."
"PaymentCardSavePaymentInformationInfoLine2": [
"Please *turn on Two-Step Verification* to enable this."
"PaymentCardTitle": [
"Payment card"
"PaymentCheckout": [
"PaymentCheckoutEmail": [
"Contact address"
"PaymentCheckoutMethod": [
"Payment method"
"PaymentCheckoutMethodNewCard": [
"New card"
"PaymentCheckoutName": [
"PaymentCheckoutPay": [
"PAY <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"PaymentCheckoutPhoneNumber": [
"Phone number"
"PaymentCheckoutProvider": [
"Payment provider"
"PaymentCheckoutShippingMethod": [
"Shipping method"
"PaymentConfirmationMessage": [
"Your card <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> is on file. To pay with this card, please enter your 2-Step-Verification password."
"Sorry, it is not possible to deliver to your address."
"PaymentPassword": [
"Password & Email"
"PaymentPasswordEmail": [
"Your email address"
"PaymentPasswordEmailInfo": [
"Please enter a valid email address. It is the only way to recover a forgotten password."
"PaymentPasswordEmailTitle": [
"Recovery email"
"PaymentPasswordEnter": [
"Enter a password"
"PaymentPasswordInfo": [
"Please create a password to protect your payment info. You'll be asked to enter it when you log in."
"PaymentPasswordReEnter": [
"Re-enter your password"
"PaymentPasswordTitle": [
"PaymentPhoneEmailToProvider": [
"Phone and email address will be passed to <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> as billing info."
"PaymentPrecheckoutFailed": [
"Sorry, the payment was cancelled by the bot."
"PaymentReceipt": [
"PaymentShippingAddress": [
"Shipping address"
"PaymentShippingAddress1Placeholder": [
"Address 1 (Street)"
"PaymentShippingAddress2Placeholder": [
"Address 2 (Street)"
"PaymentShippingCityPlaceholder": [
"PaymentShippingCountry": [
"PaymentShippingEmailPlaceholder": [
"PaymentShippingInfo": [
"Shipping Information"
"PaymentShippingMethod": [
"Shipping methods"
"PaymentShippingName": [
"Full Name"
"PaymentShippingPhoneNumber": [
"Phone Number"
"PaymentShippingReceiver": [
"PaymentShippingSave": [
"Save Shipping Information"
"PaymentShippingSaveInfo": [
"You can save your shipping info for future use."
"PaymentShippingStatePlaceholder": [
"PaymentShippingZipPlaceholder": [
"PaymentSuccessfullyPaid": [
"You successfully transferred <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> to <markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark> for <markclass=\"token\">%3$s</mark>"
"PaymentTestInvoice": [
"PaymentTip": [
"PaymentTipOptional": [
"Tip (Optional)"
"PaymentTransactionMessage": [
"Do you really want to transfer <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> to the <markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark> bot for <markclass=\"token\">%3$s</mark>?"
"PaymentTransactionReview": [
"Transaction Review"
"PaymentTransactionTotal": [
"PaymentWarning": [
"PaymentWarningText": [
"Neither Telegram, nor <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> will have access to your credit card information. Credit card details will be handled only by the payment system, <markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark>.<br/><br/>Payments will go directly to the developer of <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>. Telegram cannot provide any guarantees, so proceed at your own risk. In case of problems, please contact the developer of <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> or your bank."
"PermissionOpenSettings": [
"Points": [
"PrivacyClearPayment": [
"Payment info"
"PrivacyPaymentsClearAlert": [
"Delete your shipping info and instruct all payment providers to remove your saved credit cards? Note that Telegram never stores your credit card data."
"PrivacyPaymentsClearAlertTitle": [
"Clear payment info"
"PrivacyPaymentsPaymentInfoCleared": [
"Payment info cleared."
"PrivacyPaymentsPaymentShippingCleared": [
"Payment and shipping info cleared."
"PrivacyPaymentsShippingInfoCleared": [
"Shipping info cleared."
"Search": [
"SecretChatContextBotAlert": [
"Please note that inline bots are provided by third-party developers. For the bot to work, the symbols you type after the bot's username are sent to its respective developer."