"Connect other Telegram accounts and easily switch between them."
"AddExceptions": [
"Add exceptions"
"AddMasksInstalled": [
"New masks added"
"AddMasksInstalledInfo": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> has been added to your masks."
"AddPhoto": [
"Set New Photo or Video"
"AddProxy": [
"Add Proxy"
"AllAccounts": [
"All Accounts"
"AllowBackgroundActivity": [
"Allow background activity"
"AllowBackgroundActivityInfo": [
"This will improve reliability for incoming notifications and Telegram calls."
"AlternativeOptions": [
"Alternative options"
"AlwaysAllow": [
"Always Allow"
"AlwaysAllowPlaceholder": [
"Always allow..."
"AlwaysShareWith": [
"Always Share With"
"AlwaysShareWithPlaceholder": [
"Always share with users..."
"AlwaysShareWithTitle": [
"Always Share"
"AlwaysShowPopup": [
"Always show"
"AppName": [
"Application": [
"ApplyTheme": [
"ArchiveAndMute": [
"Archive and Mute"
"ArchiveAndMuteInfo": [
"Automatically archive and mute new chats, groups and channels from non-contacts."
"ArchiveStickerSetsAlertTitle": [
"Archive <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"ArchiveStickersAlertMessage": [
"Are you sure you want to archive the selected sticker sets?"
"ArchivedMasks": [
"Archived Masks"
"ArchivedMasksAlertInfo": [
"Some of your older mask sets have been archived. You can reactivate them in Masks Settings."
"ArchivedMasksAlertTitle": [
"Archived masks"
"ArchivedMasksEmpty": [
"No archived masks"
"ArchivedMasksInfo": [
"You can add up to 200 sets of masks.<br/>Unused sets are archived when you add more."
"ArchivedStickers": [
"Archived Stickers"
"ArchivedStickersEmpty": [
"No archived stickers"
"ArchivedStickersInfo": [
"You can have 200 active sticker sets.<br/>Unused sets are archived when you add more."
"AreYouSureClearDrafts": [
"Are you sure you want to delete all cloud drafts?"
"AreYouSureDeletePhoto": [
"Are you sure you want to delete this photo?"
"AreYouSureLogout": [
"Are you sure you want to log out?<br/><br/>This will cancel all your Secret Chats.<br/><br/>You can use Telegram on all your devices at once and use several accounts in the same app."
"AreYouSureSessions": [
"Are you sure you want to terminate all other sessions?"
"AreYouSureWebSessions": [
"Are you sure you want to disconnect all websites where you logged in with Telegram?"
"AskAQuestion": [
"Ask a Question"
"AskAQuestionInfo": [
"Please note that Telegram Support is done by volunteers. We try to respond as quickly as possible, but it may take a while.<br/><br/>Please take a look at the <markclass=\"token\"><![CDATA[<a href=\"</mark>https://telegram.org/faq#general-questions<markclass=\"token\">\"></mark>Telegram FAQ<markclass=\"token\"></a>]]></mark>: it has answers to most questions and important tips for <markclass=\"token\"><![CDATA[<a href=\"</mark>https://telegram.org/faq#troubleshooting<markclass=\"token\">\"></mark>troubleshooting<markclass=\"token\"></a>]]></mark>."
"AskButton": [
"Ask a volunteer"
"AuthAnotherClientInfo4": [
"Link *Telegram Desktop* or *Telegram Web* by scanning a QR code."
"AuthAnotherClientInfo5": [
"Go to *getdesktop.telegram.org* or *web.telegram.org* to get a QR code"
"AutoDeleteConfirm": [
"AutoDownloadAudioInfo": [
"Voice messages are tiny, so they're always downloaded automatically."
"AutoDownloadChannels": [
"AutoDownloadContacts": [
"AutoDownloadCustom": [
"AutoDownloadDataUsage": [
"Data usage"
"AutoDownloadFiles": [
"AutoDownloadFilesOn": [
"AutoDownloadFilesTitle": [
"Auto-download files and music"
"AutoDownloadGroups": [
"AutoDownloadHigh": [
"AutoDownloadLow": [
"AutoDownloadMaxFileSize": [
"Maximum file size"
"AutoDownloadMaxVideoSize": [
"Maximum video size"
"AutoDownloadMedia": [
"Auto-Download Media"
"AutoDownloadMedium": [
"AutoDownloadOff": [
"AutoDownloadOnAllChats": [
"On in all chats"
"AutoDownloadOnFor": [
"On for <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"AutoDownloadOnMobileData": [
"On Mobile Data"
"AutoDownloadOnMobileDataInfo": [
"Turn this ON if you want media to be automatically downloaded on mobile data."
"AutoDownloadOnRoamingData": [
"When Roaming"
"AutoDownloadOnRoamingDataInfo": [
"Turn this ON if you want media to be automatically downloaded when roaming."
"AutoDownloadOnUpToFor": [
"Up to <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> for <markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark>"
"AutoDownloadOnWiFiData": [
"On Wi-Fi"
"AutoDownloadOnWiFiDataInfo": [
"Turn this ON if you want media to be automatically downloaded on Wi-Fi."
"AutoDownloadPhotos": [
"AutoDownloadPhotosOn": [
"AutoDownloadPhotosTitle": [
"Auto-download photos"
"AutoDownloadPm": [
"AutoDownloadPreloadMusic": [
"Preload next track"
"AutoDownloadPreloadMusicInfo": [
"Start downloading the next track while you are listening to an audio file."
"AutoDownloadPreloadVideo": [
"Preload Larger Videos"
"AutoDownloadPreloadVideoInfo": [
"Preload the first few seconds (1-2 MB) of videos larger than <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> for instant playback."
"AutoDownloadTypes": [
"Types of media"
"AutoDownloadUpToOnAllChats": [
"Up to <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> in all chats"
"AutoDownloadVideos": [
"AutoDownloadVideosOn": [
"AutoDownloadVideosTitle": [
"Auto-download videos and GIFs"
"AutoLock": [
"AutoLockDisabled": [
"AutoLockInTime": [
"in <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"AutoLockInfo": [
"Require passcode if away for some time."
"AutoNightAdaptive": [
"AutoNightBrightness": [
"Brightness threshold"
"AutoNightBrightnessInfo": [
"Switch to your preferred night theme when ambient lighting falls below <markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark><markclass=\"token\">%%</mark>."
"AutoNightDisabled": [
"AutoNightFrom": [
"AutoNightLocation": [
"Use Local Sunset & Sunrise"
"AutoNightPreferred": [
"Preferred night theme"
"AutoNightSchedule": [
"AutoNightScheduled": [
"AutoNightSystemDefault": [
"System Default"
"AutoNightTheme": [
"Auto-Night Mode"
"AutoNightTo": [
"AutoNightUpdateLocation": [
"Update Location"
"AutoNightUpdateLocationInfo": [
"Calculating sunset & sunrise times requires a one-time check of your approximate location. Note that this location is only stored locally on your device.<br/><br/>Sunset: <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark><br/>Sunrise: <markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark>"
"AutodownloadChannels": [
"AutodownloadContacts": [
"AutodownloadGroupChats": [
"Group Chats"
"AutodownloadPrivateChats": [
"Private Chats"
"AutodownloadSizeLimitUpTo": [
"up to <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"AutomaticMediaDownload": [
"Automatic media download"
"AutoplayGIF": [
"AutoplayMedia": [
"Autoplay media"
"AutoplayVideo": [
"Available": [
"BackgroundAnimateInfo": [
"Colors will move when you send messages"
"BackgroundBlurred": [
"BackgroundBrightness": [
"BackgroundColor": [
"BackgroundColorSinglePreviewLine1": [
"Press 'Set' to apply the background."
"BackgroundColorSinglePreviewLine2": [
"Enjoy the view."
"BackgroundHexColorCode": [
"Hex color code"
"BackgroundIntensity": [
"BackgroundMotion": [
"BackgroundPattern": [
"BackgroundPreview": [
"Background Preview"
"BackgroundPreviewLine1": [
"Hint: some background images look better with the blur effect."
"BackgroundPreviewLine2": [
"Woo-hoo! Thanks"
"BackgroundSearchColor": [
"BadgeNumber": [
"Badge Counter"
"BadgeNumberMutedChats": [
"Include Muted Chats"
"BadgeNumberShow": [
"Show Badge Icon"
"BadgeNumberUnread": [
"Count Unread Messages"
"Black": [
"BlockUser": [
"Block user"
"BlockUserChatsTitle": [
"BlockUserContactsTitle": [
"BlockUserMultiTitle": [
"Block User"
"BlockedEmpty": [
"BlockedUsers": [
"Blocked Users"
"BlockedUsersCount": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> blocked user",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> blocked users"
"BlockedUsersInfo": [
"Blocked users can't send you messages or add you to groups. They will not see your profile pictures, online and last seen status."
"Blue": [
"BlurInChat": [
"Blur in chat"
"Brown": [
"BrowseThemes": [
"Browse Themes"
"BubbleRadius": [
"Message corners"
"BuildMyOwnTheme": [
"Build my own theme"
"BuiltInThemes": [
"Built-in themes"
"BytesReceived": [
"Data received"
"BytesSent": [
"Data sent"
"CacheClear": [
"CacheEmpty": [
"CacheWasCleared": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%s</mark> freed on your device!"
"Calls": [
"CallsDataUsage": [
"CallsTotalTime": [
"Total time"
"Cancel": [
"CancelEmailQuestion": [
"Are you sure you want to abort recovery email setup?"
"CancelPasswordQuestion": [
"Are you sure you want to abort Two-Step Verification setup?"
"CancelPasswordReset": [
"Cancel the password reset process? If you request a new reset later, it will take another 7 days."
"CancelPasswordResetNo": [
"CancelPasswordResetYes": [
"CancelReset": [
"Cancel reset"
"Change": [
"ChangeChatBackground": [
"Change Chat Background"
"ChangeColorToColor": [
"Do you want to use your currently selected background or reset it to the default for this theme?"
"ChangePasscode": [
"Change Passcode"
"ChangePasscodeInfo": [
"When a passcode is set, a lock icon appears above your chat list. Tap it to lock your Telegram app.<br/><br/>Note: if you forget your passcode, you'll need to log out or reinstall the app. All secret chats will be lost."
"ChangePasscodeInfoShort": [
"When a passcode is set, a lock icon appears above your chat list. Tap it to lock your Telegram app."
"ChangePassword": [
"Change Password"
"ChangePhoneHelp": [
"We will send an SMS with a confirmation code to your new number."
"ChangePhoneNewNumber": [
"New Number"
"ChangePhoneNumber": [
"Change Phone Number"
"ChangePhoneNumberInfo": [
"Move your account, chats and media to a new number."
"ChangePhoneNumberOccupied": [
"The number <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> is already connected to a Telegram account. Please delete that account before using this number."
"ChangeRecoveryEmail": [
"Change Recovery Email"
"Channels": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> channel",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> channels"
"ChatBackground": [
"Chat Background"
"ChatList": [
"Chat list view"
"ChatListSwipeGesture": [
"Chat list swipe gesture"
"ChatSettings": [
"Chat Settings"
"ChatsException": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> chat",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> chats"
"CheckPhoneNumber": [
"Is <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> still your number?"
"CheckPhoneNumberInfo": [
"Keep your number up to date to ensure you can always log into Telegram. **Learn more**"
"Checking": [
"ChooseCountry": [
"Choose a country"
"ChooseLanguages": [
"Choose languages"
"ChooseTheme": [
"Choose theme"
"ChromeCustomTabs": [
"In-App Browser"
"ChromeCustomTabsInfo": [
"Open external links within the app"
"ClearButton": [
"Clear All"
"ClearCache": [
"Clear Cache"
"ClearCacheInfo": [
"Free up disk space on your device; your media will stay in the cloud."
"ClearLocalDatabase": [
"Clear Local Database"
"ClearMediaCache": [
"Clear Cache"
"ClearOtherSessionsHelp": [
"Logs out all devices except for this one."
"ClearOtherWebSessionsHelp": [
"You can log in on websites that support signing in with Telegram."
"ClearTelegramCache": [
"Clear Telegram Cache"
"Close": [
"CloseEditor": [
"Code": [
"ColorBlue": [
"ColorCyan": [
"ColorGreen": [
"ColorOrange": [
"ColorPickerReset": [
"ColorPink": [
"ColorRed": [
"ColorTheme": [
"Color theme"
"ColorThemes": [
"Color Themes"
"ColorViolet": [
"ColorWhite": [
"ColorYellow": [
"ConfirmCreatePasscode": [
"Re-enter your passcode"
"Connected": [
"Connecting": [
"ConnectingConnectProxy": [
"Connect Proxy"
"ConnectingToProxyDisable": [
"ConnectingToProxyDisableAlert": [
"Are you sure you want to disable proxy server <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>? You can reenable it later in Settings > Data and Storage."
"ConnectingToProxyEnable": [
"ConnectingToProxyTapToDisable": [
"Tap here to disable proxy..."
"ContactJoined": [
"Contact joined Telegram"
"ContactSupport": [
"Contact Support"
"ContactSupportInfo": [
"Tell us about any issues; logging out doesn't usually help."
"Contacts": [
"ContactsPermissionAlertNotNow": [
"Continue": [
"CountReceived": [
"CountSent": [
"CreateNewTheme": [
"Create a New Theme"
"CreateNewThemeAlert": [
"You can create your own theme by changing colors within the app.<br/><br/>You can always switch back to the default Telegram theme here."
"CreateNewThemeHelp": [
"Tap on the palette icon to view or edit the list of elements on each screen."
"CreateNewThemeInfo": [
"You can create your own theme by changing colors within the app. You can always switch back to the default Telegram theme here."
"CreateNewThemeMenu": [
"Create New Theme"
"CreatePasscode": [
"Create a passcode"
"CreatePasscodeInfoPIN": [
"Please enter any 4 digits that you will use to unlock your Telegram app."
"CreateTheme": [
"CurrentSession": [
"This device"
"CustomCallInfo": [
"These users will or will not be able to call you regardless of the settings above."
"CustomHelp": [
"You won't see Last Seen or Online statuses for people with whom you don't share yours. Approximate times will be shown instead (recently, within a week, within a month)."
"CustomNotifications": [
"Custom Notifications"
"CustomP2PInfo": [
"Peer-to-peer in calls will or will not be used with these users regardless of the settings above."
"CustomShareInfo": [
"These users will or will not be able to add you to groups and channels regardless of the settings above."
"CustomShareSettingsHelp": [
"You can add users or entire groups as exceptions that will override the settings above."
"CustomThemes": [
"Custom themes"
"DataSettings": [
"Data and Storage"
"Days": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> day",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> days"
"DebugClearLogs": [
"Clear Logs"
"DebugMenu": [
"Debug Menu"
"DebugMenuCallSettings": [
"Call settings"
"DebugMenuCheckAppUpdate": [
"Check app update"
"DebugMenuClearMediaCache": [
"Clear sent media cache"
"DebugMenuDisableCamera": [
"Disable In-App Camera"
"DebugMenuDisableLogs": [
"Disable Logs"
"DebugMenuDisablePauseMusic": [
"Disable pause music when recording"
"DebugMenuEnableLogs": [
"Enable Logs"
"DebugMenuEnablePauseMusic": [
"Enable pause music when recording"
"DebugMenuEnableWebViewDebug": [
"Enable WebView debug"
"DebugMenuImportContacts": [
"Import Contacts"
"DebugMenuReadAllDialogs": [
"Read all Chats"
"DebugMenuReloadContacts": [
"Reload Contacts"
"DebugMenuResetContacts": [
"Reset Imported Contacts"
"DebugMenuResetDialogs": [
"Reset Chats"
"DebugMenuWebViewDebugEnabled": [
"Debug enabled!"
"DebugSendLastLogs": [
"Send Last Logs"
"DebugSendLogs": [
"Send Logs"
"Default": [
"DefaultRingtone": [
"Delete": [
"DeleteAccountHelp": [
"If you do not come online at least once within this period, your account will be deleted along with all messages and contacts."
"DeleteAccountIfAwayFor3": [
"If away for"
"DeleteAccountTitle": [
"Self-Destruct if inactive for..."
"DeleteChatBackgroundsAlert": [
"Are you sure you want to delete the selected backgrounds?"
"DeleteLocalization": [
"Delete localization?"
"DeleteMyAccount": [
"Delete my account"
"DeletePhoto": [
"Remove Photo"
"DeleteProxy": [
"Delete Proxy?"
"DeleteStickerSetsAlertTitle": [
"Delete <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"DeleteStickersAlertMessage": [
"Are you sure you want to delete the selected sticker sets?"
"DeleteThemeAlert": [
"Are you sure you want to delete this theme?"
"DeleteTones": [
"Delete <markclass=\"token\">%d</mark> tone",
"Delete <markclass=\"token\">%d</mark> tones"
"DeleteTonesMessage": [
"Do you want to delete this notification tone?",
"Do you want to delete **<markclass=\"token\">%d</mark> notification tones**?"
"DeviceStorage": [
"Device storage"
"Devices": [
"DirectShare": [
"Direct Share"
"DirectShareInfo": [
"Show recent chats in Android share menu"
"Disable": [
"DisablePasscode": [
"Turn Passcode Off"
"DisablePasscodeConfirmMessage": [
"Are you sure you want to disable your passcode?"
"DisablePasscodeTurnOff": [
"Turn Off"
"DistanceUnits": [
"Distance Units"
"DistanceUnitsAutomatic": [
"DistanceUnitsKilometers": [
"DistanceUnitsMiles": [
"DistanceUnitsTitle": [
"Distance units"
"DoNotTranslate": [
"Do Not Translate"
"Done": [
"DoubleTapPreviewMessage": [
"I hope you're enjoying your day as much as I am."
"DoubleTapPreviewRational": [
"Double tap this message for a quick reaction."
"DoubleTapPreviewSenderName": [
"DoubleTapSetting": [
"Quick Reaction"
"Edit": [
"EditCurrentTheme": [
"Edit Current Theme"
"EditName": [
"Edit name"
"EditThemeTitle": [
"Edit Theme"
"EditWidgetContactsInfo": [
"Display shortcuts to your most important chats for quick access.<br/><br/>If nobody is selected, your most frequent contacts will be shown in this widget."
"EmailPasswordConfirmText": [
"Please follow these steps to complete Two-Step Verification Setup:<br/><br/>1. Check your email (don't forget the spam folder)<br/><markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark><br/><br/>2. Click on the validation link."
"EmailPasswordConfirmText2": [
"To complete Two-Step Verification Setup, check your email (don't forget the spam folder) and enter the code we just sent you."
"EmailPasswordConfirmText3": [
"To complete reсoverу email setup, check <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> (don't forget the spam folder) and enter the code we just sent you."
"Emoji": [
"EmpryUsersPlaceholder": [
"Add Users"
"EmptyExceptions": [
"EnableAllStreamingInfo": [
"When possible, Telegram will start playing videos and music right away, without waiting for the files to fully download."
"EnableAnimations": [
"Enable Animations"
"EnablePasscode": [
"Enable Passcode"
"EnableProxyAlert": [
"Are you sure you want to enable this proxy?"
"EnableProxyAlert2": [
"You can change your proxy server later in Settings > Data and Storage."
"EnableStreaming": [
"Stream Videos and Audio Files"
"EnabledPasswordText": [
"You have enabled Two-Step verification.<br/>You'll need the password you set up here to log in to your Telegram account."
"English": [
"EnterCode": [
"Enter code"
"EnterCurrentPasscode": [
"Enter current passcode"
"EnterNewFirstPasscode": [
"Enter a passcode"
"EnterNewPasscode": [
"Enter new passcode"
"EnterPassword": [
"Enter password"
"EnterThemeName": [
"Enter theme name"
"Events": [
"Exception": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> exception",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> exceptions"
"ExportTheme": [
"FeaturedStickers": [
"Trending Stickers"
"FeaturedStickersInfo": [
"These stickers are currently trending on Telegram. You can add custom stickers via the @stickers bot."
"FilesDataUsage": [
"FilterAddingChats": [
"Adding chats"
"FilterAddingChatsInfo": [
"Please wait a few moments while we fill this folder for you..."
"FilterAllChats": [
"All Chats"
"FilterNoChatsToDisplay": [
"Folder is empty"
"FilterNoChatsToDisplayInfo": [
"No chats currently belong to this folder."
"Filters": [
"Chat Folders"
"FontSizePreviewLine1": [
"Do you know what time it is?"
"FontSizePreviewLine2": [
"It's morning in Tokyo <iclass=\"emoji\"style=\"background-image:url('//telegram.org/img/emoji/40/F09F988E.png')\"><b>😎</b></i>"
"If you forgot your passcode, please delete and reinstall the app.<br/><br/>All secret chats will be lost."
"ForgotPassword": [
"Forgot password?"
"ForwardedMessage": [
"Forwarded message"
"FromCamera": [
"From Camera"
"FromGalley": [
"From Gallery"
"FromYou": [
"General": [
"Gray": [
"Green": [
"Groups": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> group",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> groups"
"GroupsAndChannels": [
"Groups & Channels"
"GroupsAndChannelsHelp": [
"Choose who can add you to groups and channels."
"Hours": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> hour",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> hours"
"IfInactiveFor": [
"If inactive for"
"ImportContacts": [
"Import Contacts"
"InAppNotifications": [
"In-app notifications"
"InAppPreview": [
"In-App Preview"
"InAppSounds": [
"In-App Sounds"
"InAppVibrate": [
"In-App Vibrate"
"InChatSound": [
"In-Chat Sounds"
"IncomingCalls": [
"Incoming calls"
"Info": [
"InviteFriends": [
"Invite Friends"
"InviteToGroupByLink": [
"Invite to Group via Link"
"IpAddress": [
"IP address"
"KeepMedia": [
"Keep Media"
"KeepMediaForever": [
"KeepMediaInfo": [
"Photos, videos and other files from cloud chats that you have **not accessed** during this period will be removed from this device to save disk space.<br/><br/>All media will stay in the Telegram cloud and can be re-downloaded if you need it again."
"Language": [
"LanguageAlert": [
"You are about to apply a language pack (**<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>**) that is <markclass=\"token\">%2$d</mark><markclass=\"token\">%%</mark> complete.<br/><br/>This will translate the entire interface. You can suggest corrections via the [translation platform].<br/><br/>You can change your language back at any time in Settings."
"LanguageCustom": [
"LanguageCustomAlert": [
"You are about to apply a custom language pack (**<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>**) that is <markclass=\"token\">%2$d</mark><markclass=\"token\">%%</mark> complete.<br/><br/>This will translate the entire interface. You can suggest corrections via the [translation platform].<br/><br/>You can change your language back at any time in Settings."
"LanguageName": [
"LanguageNameInEnglish": [
"LanguageSame": [
"You are already using this language pack (**<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>**). You can change your language at any time in Settings."
"LanguageTitle": [
"Change language?"
"LanguageUnknownCustomAlert": [
"Unfortunately, this custom language pack (**<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>**) doesn't contain data for Telegram Android."
"LanguageUnknownTitle": [
"Insufficient data"
"LanguageUnsupportedError": [
"Language not found."
"Languages": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> Language",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> Languages"
"LargeEmoji": [
"Large Emoji"
"LastSeenContacts": [
"My Contacts"
"LastSeenContactsMinus": [
"My Contacts (-<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark>)"
"LastSeenContactsMinusPlus": [
"My Contacts (-<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark>, +<markclass=\"token\">%2$d</mark>)"
"LastSeenContactsPlus": [
"My Contacts (+<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark>)"
"LastSeenEverybody": [
"LastSeenEverybodyMinus": [
"Everybody (-<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark>)"
"LastSeenNobody": [
"LastSeenNobodyPlus": [
"Nobody (+<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark>)"
"LastSeenTitle": [
"Who can see my last seen time?"
"LedColor": [
"Light Color"
"LedDisabled": [
"LinkDesktopDevice": [
"Link Desktop Device"
"LoadingFullImage": [
"loading full image..."
"LocalAudioCache": [
"Voice & Video messages"
"LocalCache": [
"Other files"
"LocalDatabaseClear": [
"Clear cached text messages?"
"LocalDatabaseInfo": [
"Clearing the local database will delete the texts of cached messages and compress the database to save internal disk space. Telegram needs some data to work, so database size will not reach zero.<br/><br/>This operation can take a few minutes to complete."
"LocalDatabaseSize": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%s</mark> Telegram Local Database"
"LocalDocumentCache": [
"LocalGifCache": [
"LocalMusicCache": [
"LocalPhotoCache": [
"LocalVideoCache": [
"Location": [
"Location based on the IP address"
"LogOut": [
"Log Out"
"LogOutInfo": [
"Logging out deactivates all Secret Chats."
"LogOutTitle": [
"Log Out"
"LoginAttempts": [
"Incomplete login attempts"
"LoginAttemptsInfo": [
"The devices above have no access to your messages. The code was entered correctly, but no correct password was given."
"LoginPassword": [
"LoginPasswordText": [
"You have Two-Step Verification enabled, so your account is protected with an additional password."
"LoginPasswordTextShort": [
"Two-Step Verification enabled. Your account is protected with an additional password."
"LoopAnimatedStickers": [
"Loop Animated Stickers"
"MainProfilePhotoSetHint": [
"This is your main profile photo now."
"MainProfileVideoSetHint": [
"This is your main profile video now."
"MapPreviewProvider": [
"Map Preview Provider"
"MapPreviewProviderGoogle": [
"MapPreviewProviderNobody": [
"No Previews"
"MapPreviewProviderTelegram": [
"MapPreviewProviderTitle": [
"Map preview provider"
"Masks": [
"MasksArchived": [
"Masks archived."
"MasksArchivedInfo": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> has been moved to your archive."
"MasksInfo": [
"You can add masks in the media editor when sending photos."
"MasksRemoved": [
"Masks removed."
"MessagePreview": [
"Show Message Previews"
"MessagesDataUsage": [
"Messages and other data"
"MigrateOldFolderButton": [
"Move Files Now"
"MigrateOldFolderDescription": [
"Due to a change made by **Google**, we need to move the files you downloaded using **Telegram** to a new folder.<br/><br/>This may take a few moments. You can continue using the app while the files are moved."
"MigrateOldFolderTitle": [
"Migrate Files to Scoped Storage"
"Minutes": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> minute",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> minutes"
"MobileUsage": [
"Mobile Data Usage"
"Months": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> month",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> months"
"MuteDisable": [
"NetworkUsage": [
"Data Usage"
"NetworkUsageMobile": [
"NetworkUsageMobileTab": [
"NetworkUsageRoaming": [
"NetworkUsageRoamingTab": [
"NetworkUsageSince": [
"Network usage since <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"NetworkUsageWiFi": [
"NetworkUsageWiFiTab": [
"NeverAllow": [
"Never Allow"
"NeverAllowPlaceholder": [
"Never allow..."
"NeverShareWith": [
"Never Share With"
"NeverShareWithPlaceholder": [
"Never share with users..."
"NeverShareWithTitle": [
"Never Share"
"NewChatsFromNonContacts": [
"New chats from unknown users"
"NewTheme": [
"New color theme"
"NoBlocked": [
"No blocked users yet"
"NoExceptions": [
"This section will list all chats with non-default notification settings.<br/><br/>You can customize notifications for a chat by opening its profile and choosing 'Notifications'."
"NoMasks": [
"No masks yet"
"NoMediaAutoDownload": [
"NoOtherSessions": [
"No other active sessions"
"NoOtherSessionsInfo": [
"You can log in to Telegram from other mobile, tablet and desktop devices, using the same phone number. All your data will be instantly synchronized."
"NoOtherWebSessions": [
"No active logins."
"NoOtherWebSessionsInfo": [
"You can log in on websites that support signing in with Telegram."
"NoPopup": [
"No popup"
"NoSound": [
"No sound"
"NotfificationsFrequencyTitle": [
"Notification frequency"
"Notifications": [
"NotificationsAddAnException": [
"Add an Exception"
"NotificationsAndSounds": [
"Notifications and Sounds"
"NotificationsChannels": [
"NotificationsCustom": [
"NotificationsDeleteAllException": [
"Delete All Exceptions"
"NotificationsDeleteAllExceptionAlert": [
"Are you sure you want to delete all exceptions?"
"NotificationsDeleteAllExceptionTitle": [
"Delete all exceptions"
"NotificationsExceptions": [
"NotificationsExceptionsAlert": [
"Please note that **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** are listed as exceptions and won't be affected by this change."
"NotificationsExceptionsSingleAlert": [
"Please note that **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** is listed as an exception and won't be affected by this change."
"NotificationsForChannels": [
"Notifications for channels"
"NotificationsForChats": [
"Notifications for chats"
"NotificationsForGroups": [
"Notifications for groups"
"NotificationsForPrivateChats": [
"Notifications for private chats"
"NotificationsFrequencyDivider": [
"NotificationsGroups": [
"NotificationsImportance": [
"NotificationsLed": [
"NotificationsLedColor": [
"NotificationsLedInfo": [
"Blinking light used to indicate new messages on some devices."
"NotificationsMuted": [
"NotificationsMutedForHint": [
"Notifications muted for <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>."
"NotificationsMutedHint": [
"Notifications muted."
"NotificationsNewException": [
"New Exception"
"NotificationsOff": [
"NotificationsOffUntil": [
"Off until <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"NotificationsOn": [
"NotificationsOther": [
"NotificationsPriority": [
"NotificationsPriorityDefault": [
"NotificationsPriorityHigh": [
"NotificationsPriorityLow": [
"NotificationsPriorityMax": [
"NotificationsPriorityMedium": [
"NotificationsPrioritySettings": [
"Same as in Settings"
"NotificationsPriorityUrgent": [
"NotificationsPrivateChats": [
"Private Chats"
"NotificationsService": [
"Keep-Alive Service"
"NotificationsServiceConnection": [
"Background Connection"
"NotificationsServiceConnectionInfo": [
"Keep a low-impact background connection to Telegram for reliable notifications."
"NotificationsServiceInfo": [
"Relaunch app when shut down. Enable for reliable notifications."
"NotificationsSound": [
"Notification Sound"
"NotificationsSoundChannels": [
"Channel Sound"
"NotificationsSoundGroup": [
"Group Sound"
"NotificationsUnmuted": [
"NotificationsUnmutedHint": [
"Notifications unmuted."
"NumberUnknown": [
"OK": [
"Online": [
"OnlyWhenScreenOff": [
"Only when screen \"off\""
"OnlyWhenScreenOn": [
"Only when screen \"on\""
"Orange": [
"OtherSessions": [
"Active sessions"
"OtherWebSessions": [
"Connected websites"
"OutgoingCalls": [
"Outgoing calls"
"P2PContacts": [
"My Contacts"
"P2PContactsMinus": [
"My Contacts (-<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark>)"
"P2PContactsMinusPlus": [
"My Contacts (-<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark>, +<markclass=\"token\">%2$d</mark>)"
"P2PContactsPlus": [
"My Contacts (+<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark>)"
"P2PEnabledWith": [
"Use peer-to-peer with"
"P2PEverybody": [
"P2PEverybodyMinus": [
"Everybody (-<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark>)"
"P2PNobody": [
"P2PNobodyPlus": [
"Nobody (+<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark>)"
"Passcode": [
"Passcode Lock"
"PasscodeDoNotMatch": [
"Passcodes do not match"
"PasscodePIN": [
"PasscodePassword": [
"PasscodeReinstallNotice": [
"If you forget your passcode, you'll need to **log out** or **reinstall** the app. All secret chats will be lost."
"PasscodeScreenHint": [
"Tap the lock icon above your chat list to lock the app."
"You can create an optional hint for your password."
"PasswordHintPlaceholder": [
"PasswordOff": [
"PasswordRecovery": [
"Password Recovery"
"PasswordReset": [
"Password deactivated"
"PaymentShippingEmailPlaceholder": [
"PermissionDrawAboveOtherApps": [
"Telegram needs access to draw above other apps to play videos in Picture-in-Picture mode."
"PermissionDrawAboveOtherAppsTitle": [
"PermissionNoAudioWithHint": [
"**Telegram** needs microphone access so that you can send voice messages. Tap Settings > Permissions, and turn **Microphone** on."
"PermissionNoCameraMicVideo": [
"**Telegram** needs camera and microphone access so that you can send video messages. Tap Settings > Permissions, and turn **Microphone** and **Camera** on."
"PermissionNoCameraWithHint": [
"**Telegram** needs camera access so that you can take photos and videos. Tap Settings > Permissions, and turn **Camera** on."
"PermissionNoContactsSharing": [
"**Telegram** needs access to contacts so that you can share them with your friends. Tap Settings > Permissions, and turn **Contacts** on."
"PermissionNoLocationFriends": [
"**Telegram** needs access to location so that you can share it with your friends. Tap Settings > Permissions, and turn **Location** on."
"PermissionNoLocationNavigation": [
"**Telegram** needs access to location so that you can get directions. Tap Settings > Permissions, and turn **Location** on."
"PermissionNoLocationPeopleNearby": [
"**Telegram** needs access to location so that you can find people nearby. Tap Settings > Permissions, and turn **Location** on."
"PermissionOpenSettings": [
"PermissionStorageWithHint": [
"**Telegram** needs storage access so you can send and save photos, videos, music and other documents. Tap Settings > Permissions, and turn **Files and media** on."
"PhoneHidden": [
"PhoneNumber": [
"Phone number"
"PhoneNumberAlert": [
"Users will see your new number if they have it in their address book or your privacy settings allow them to see it. You can modify this in Settings > Privacy and Security > Phone number."
"PhoneNumberChange2": [
"Change Number"
"PhoneNumberChangeTitle": [
"Change number"
"PhoneNumberHelp": [
"You can change your Telegram number here. Your account and all your cloud data — messages, media, contacts, etc. will be moved to the new number."
"PhoneNumberKeepButton": [
"Keep <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"Ping": [
"Ping: <markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> ms"
"Pink": [
"PinnedMessages": [
"Pinned Messages"
"PleaseEnterFirstPassword": [
"Enter a password"
"PleaseEnterNewFirstPassword": [
"Enter a new password"
"PopupDisabled": [
"PopupEnabled": [
"PopupNotification": [
"Popup Notification"
"PriorityInfo": [
"Higher priority notifications will work even in Do Not Disturb mode."
"PrivacyAdvanced": [
"PrivacyBots": [
"Bots and websites"
"PrivacyBotsInfo": [
"Websites where you've used Telegram to log in."
"PrivacyCallsP2PHelp": [
"Disabling peer-to-peer will relay all calls through Telegram servers to avoid revealing your IP address, but may decrease audio and video quality."
"PrivacyClearPayment": [
"Payment info"
"PrivacyClearShipping": [
"Shipping info"
"PrivacyFloodControlError": [
"Too many requests. Please wait before changing privacy settings again."
"PrivacyForwards": [
"Forwarded Messages"
"PrivacyForwardsContacts": [
"Link if allowed by the settings below"
"PrivacyForwardsEverybody": [
"Link to your account"
"PrivacyForwardsInfo": [
"Messages you send will not link back to your account when forwarded by other users."
"PrivacyForwardsInfo2": [
"You can add users or entire groups as exceptions that will override the settings above."
"PrivacyForwardsMessageLine": [
"Reinhardt, we need to find you some new tunes <iclass=\"emoji\"style=\"background-image:url('//telegram.org/img/emoji/40/F09F8EB6.png')\"><b>🎶</b></i>."
"PrivacyForwardsNobody": [
"Not a link to your account"
"PrivacyForwardsTitle": [
"Who can add a link to my account when forwarding my messages?"
"PrivacyLastSeen": [
"Last Seen & Online"
"PrivacyP2P": [
"Peer-to-Peer Calls"
"PrivacyP2P2": [
"Use Peer-to-Peer with"
"PrivacyP2PHeader": [
"PrivacyPaymentsClear": [
"Clear Payment and Shipping Info"
"PrivacyPaymentsClearAlert": [
"Delete your shipping info and instruct all payment providers to remove your saved credit cards? Note that Telegram never stores your credit card data."
"PrivacyPaymentsClearAlertText": [
"Are you sure you want to clear your payment and shipping info?"
"PrivacyPaymentsClearAlertTitle": [
"Clear payment info"
"PrivacyPhone": [
"Phone Number"
"PrivacyPhoneInfo": [
"Users who have your number saved in their contacts will also see it on Telegram."
"PrivacyPhoneInfo2": [
"You can add users or entire groups as exceptions that will override the settings above."
"PrivacyPhoneInfo3": [
"Users who add your number to their contacts will see it on Telegram only if they are your contacts."
"PrivacyPhoneInfo4": [
"This public link opens a chat with you:"
"PrivacyPhoneTitle": [
"Who can see my phone number?"
"PrivacyPhoneTitle2": [
"Who can find me by my number?"
"PrivacyPolicy": [
"Privacy Policy"
"PrivacyPolicyUrl": [
"PrivacyProfilePhoto": [
"Profile Photos & Videos"
"PrivacyProfilePhotoInfo": [
"You can restrict who can see your profile photo with granular precision."
"PrivacyProfilePhotoTitle": [
"Who can see my profile photos & videos?"
"PrivacySettings": [
"Privacy and Security"
"PrivacySettingsChangedAlert": [
"You have changed some privacy settings. Apply changes?"
"PrivacyTitle": [
"ProfilePopupNotification": [
"Popup notifications"
"ProfilePopupNotificationInfo": [
"New messages from this contact will appear on your screen when you are not using Telegram."
"Proxy": [
"ProxyConnections": [
"ProxyDetails": [
"Proxy Details"
"ProxySettings": [
"Proxy Settings"
"Purple": [
"QRCodePermissionNoCamera": [
"Telegram needs access to your camera so that you can scan QR codes."
"QRCodePermissionNoCameraWithHint": [
"**Telegram** needs camera access so that you can scan QR codes. Tap Settings > Permissions, and turn **Camera** on."
"QuickReplyDefault1": [
"Can't talk now. What's up?"
"QuickReplyDefault2": [
"I'll call you right back."
"QuickReplyDefault3": [
"I'll call you later."
"QuickReplyDefault4": [
"Can't talk now. Call me later?"
"RaiseToSpeak": [
"Raise to Speak"
"ReEnterPassword": [
"Re-enter password"
"ReEnterYourPasscode": [
"Re-enter your new passcode"
"Reactions": [
"RecoveryEmail": [
"Recovery email"
"RecoveryEmailTitle": [
"Recovery Email"
"Red": [
"RemoveFromListText": [
"Press and hold user to delete."
"RepeatDisabled": [
"RepeatNotifications": [
"Repeat Notifications"
"RepeatNotificationsNever": [
"ResendCode": [
"Resend Code"
"ResendCodeInfo": [
"The verification code was sent to your email."
"Reset": [
"ResetAllNotifications": [
"Reset All Notifications"
"ResetAutomaticMediaDownload": [
"Reset Auto-Download Settings"
"ResetAutomaticMediaDownloadAlert": [
"Are you sure you want to reset auto-download settings?"
"ResetAutomaticMediaDownloadAlertTitle": [
"Reset settings"
"ResetChatBackgrounds": [
"Reset Chat Backgrounds"
"ResetChatBackgroundsAlert": [
"Are you sure you want to reset all chat backgrounds?"
"ResetChatBackgroundsAlertTitle": [
"Reset chat backgrounds"
"ResetChatBackgroundsInfo": [
"Remove all uploaded chat backgrounds and restore the pre-installed ones."
"ResetMyAccount": [
"ResetMyAccountText": [
"You will lose all your Telegram chats, messages, media and files if you proceed with resetting your account."
"ResetNotificationsAlert": [
"Are you sure you want to reset all notification settings to default?"
"ResetNotificationsText": [
"All notification settings reset to default"
"ResetPassword": [
"Reset password"
"ResetPasswordWait": [
"You recently requested a password reset that was canceled. Please wait <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> before making a new request."
"ResetStatistics": [
"Reset Statistics"
"ResetStatisticsAlert": [
"Do you want to reset your usage statistics?"
"ResetStatisticsAlertTitle": [
"Reset statistics"
"RestorePasswordNoEmailText2": [
"Since you didn’t provide a recovery email when setting up your password, your remaining options are either to remember your password or wait 7 days until your password is reset."
"RestorePasswordResetIn": [
"You can reset your password in <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>."
"RestorePasswordResetPasswordOk": [
"Your 2-Step Verification password was reset."
"RestorePasswordResetPasswordText": [
"Are you sure you want to reset your 2-Step Verification password?"
"Save": [
"SaveChangesAlertText": [
"Do you want to apply the new colors you chose?"
"SaveChangesAlertTitle": [
"Save changes?"
"SaveTheme": [
"SaveToGallery": [
"Save to Gallery"
"SaveToGallerySettings": [
"Save to Gallery"
"ScreenCaptureAlert": [
"This will hide the contents of your chats or chat list from the task switcher, but you will not be able to take screenshots on Telegram.<br/><br/>You may need to restart the app for this to take effect."
"ScreenCaptureHeader": [
"App Content in Task Switcher"
"ScreenCaptureInfo": [
"If disabled, chat content will be hidden in the task switcher but you won't be able to take screenshots in the app."
"ScreenCaptureShowContent": [
"Show Content"
"SearchBackgrounds": [
"Search Backgrounds"
"SearchByColor": [
"Search by color"
"SearchForPeople": [
"Search for people..."
"SearchForPeopleAndGroups": [
"Search for users and groups..."
"SearchInSettings": [
"Search Settings and FAQ"
"SecretChat": [
"Secret Chats"
"SecretWebPage": [
"Link Previews"
"SecretWebPageInfo": [
"Link previews will be generated on Telegram servers. We do not store any data about the links you send."
"SecurityTitle": [
"SelectChats": [
"Select Chats"
"SelectColor": [
"Select color"
"SelectColorTitle": [
"Select a Color"
"SelectContacts": [
"Select Contacts"
"SelectFromGallery": [
"Select from Gallery"
"SendByEnter": [
"Send with Enter"
"SessionsInfo": [
"Manage your sessions on all your devices."
"SessionsListInfo": [
"The official Telegram app is available for Android, iPhone, iPad, Windows, macOS and Linux."
"SessionsSelfDestruct": [
"Sessions self-destruct"
"SessionsTitle": [
"Set": [
"SetAdditionalPassword": [
"Set Additional Password"
"SetAdditionalPasswordInfo": [
"You can set a password that will be required when you log in on a new device in addition to the code you get via SMS."
"SetAsMain": [
"Set as Main"
"SetBackground": [
"SetColor": [
"Set a color"
"SetPasscode": [
"Set a Passcode"
"SetPasscodeInfo": [
"Lock the app with a passcode so that others can't open it."
"SetProfilePhoto": [
"Set Profile Photo"
"SetRecoveryEmail": [
"Set Recovery Email"
"SetUrlAvailable": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> is available."
"SetUrlChecking": [
"Checking link..."
"SetUrlInUse": [
"Sorry, this link is already taken."
"SetUrlInvalid": [
"Sorry, this link is invalid."
"SetUrlInvalidLong": [
"The link must not exceed 64 characters."
"SetUrlInvalidShort": [
"A link must have at least 5 characters."
"SetUrlInvalidStartNumber": [
"Sorry, the link can't start with a number."
"SetUrlPlaceholder": [
"Settings": [
"SettingsBrowseThemes": [
"Browse Themes"
"SettingsDebug": [
"SettingsFaqSearchTitle": [
"Frequently asked questions"
"SettingsHelp": [
"SettingsNoRecent": [
"No recent searches"
"SettingsNoResults": [
"No results found"
"SettingsRecent": [
"Recent searches"
"SettingsSearchFaq": [
"SettingsSwitchToDayMode": [
"Switch to Day Mode"
"SettingsSwitchToNightMode": [
"Switch to Night Mode"
"ShareFile": [
"ShowAllThemes": [
"Show all Themes"
"ShowNotificationsFor": [
"Show notifications from"
"ShowNotificationsForInfo": [
"Turn this off if you want to receive notifications only from the account you are currently using."
"ShowTranslateButton": [
"Show Translate Button"
"SmartNotifications": [
"Smart Notifications"
"SmartNotificationsAlert": [
"Sound Alert Frequency"
"SmartNotificationsDetail": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> within <markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark>"
"Reinhardt, we need to find you some new tunes <iclass=\"emoji\"style=\"background-image:url('//telegram.org/img/emoji/40/F09F8EB6.png')\"><b>🎶</b></i>."
"ThemePreviewLine2": [
"I can't even take you seriously right now."
"ThemePreviewLine3": [
"Ah, you kids today with techno music! You should enjoy the classics, like Hasselhoff!"
"ThemePreviewLine3Reply": [
"ThemePreviewLine4": [
"Bring it on! I LIVE for this!"
"ThemePreviewSongPerformer": [
"David Hasselhoff"
"ThemePreviewSongTitle": [
"True Survivor"
"ThemeResetToDefaults": [
"Reset to default"
"ThemeResetToDefaultsText": [
"Are you sure you want to reset text size and color settings?"
"ThemeResetToDefaultsTitle": [
"Reset settings"
"ThemeSetUrl": [
"Set link"
"ThemeSetUrlHelp": [
"You can use a-z, 0-9 and underscores.<br/>Minimum length is 5 characters."
"ThemeUrl": [
"Theme Link"
"Times": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> time",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> times"
"TotalDataUsage": [
"TotalDeviceFreeSize": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%s</mark> Free"
"TotalDeviceSize": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%s</mark> Other Apps"
"TranslateMessages": [
"Translate Messages"
"TranslateMessagesInfo1": [
"The ‘Translate’ button will appear when you make a single tap on a text message."
"TranslateMessagesInfo2": [
"Google may have access to the messages you translate."
"TurnPasswordOff": [
"Turn Password Off"
"TurnPasswordOffQuestion": [
"Are you sure you want to disable your password?"
"TurnPasswordOffQuestionTitle": [
"Disable password"
"TwoStepVerification": [
"Two-Step Verification"
"TwoStepVerificationPasswordReturnSettings": [
"Return to Settings"
"TwoStepVerificationPasswordSet": [
"Password Set!"
"TwoStepVerificationPasswordSetInfo": [
"This password will be required when you log in on a new device in addition to the code you get in the SMS."
"TwoStepVerificationTitle": [
"Two-Step Verification"
"Unavailable": [
"Unblock": [
"Unblock user"
"UnblockText": [
"Press and hold user to unblock."
"UndoAllCustom": [
"Undo all custom notification settings for your contacts, groups and channels."
"UnlockFingerprint": [
"Unlock with Fingerprint"
"UnofficialApp": [
"unofficial app"
"UploadSound": [
"Upload sound"
"UseLessDataAlways": [
"UseLessDataNever": [
"UseLessDataOnMobile": [
"Only on mobile data"
"UseLessDataOnRoaming": [
"Only while roaming"
"UseProxyAddress": [
"UseProxyForCalls": [
"Use Proxy for Calls"
"UseProxyForCallsInfo": [
"Proxy servers may degrade the quality of your calls."
"UseProxyInfo": [
"SOCKS5 proxy settings."
"UseProxyPassword": [
"UseProxyPort": [
"UseProxySecret": [
"UseProxySettings": [
"Use Proxy"
"UseProxySocks5": [
"SOCKS5 Proxy"
"UseProxyTelegram": [
"MTProto Proxy"
"UseProxyTelegramInfo": [
"MTProto proxy settings."
"UseProxyTelegramInfo2": [
"This proxy may display a sponsored channel in your chat list. This doesn't reveal any of your Telegram traffic."
"UseProxyUsername": [
"UserBio": [
"UserBioDetail": [
"Add a few words about yourself"
"UserRestrictionsApplyChanges": [
"Unsaved Changes"
"Username": [
"UsernameAvailable": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> is available."
"UsernameChecking": [
"Checking username..."
"UsernameEmpty": [
"UsernameHelp": [
"You can choose a username on **Telegram**. If you do, people will be able to find you by this username and contact you without needing your phone number.<br/><br/>You can use **a–z**, **0–9** and underscores. Minimum length is **5** characters."
"UsernameHelpLink": [
"This link opens a chat with you:<br/><markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"UsernameInUse": [
"This username is already taken."
"UsernameInvalid": [
"This username is invalid."
"UsernameInvalidLong": [
"Username can't exceed 32 characters."
"UsernameInvalidShort": [
"Usernames must have at least 5 characters."
"UsernameInvalidStartNumber": [
"Usernames can't start with a number."
"UsernamePlaceholder": [
"Your Username"
"Users": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> user",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> users"
"VerificationCode": [
"Verification Code"
"Vibrate": [
"VibrationDefault": [
"ViewExceptions": [
"View Exceptions"
"VoipNeedMicCameraPermissionWithHint": [
"**Telegram** needs camera and microphone access so that you can make video calls. Tap Settings > Permissions, and turn **Microphone** and **Camera** on."
"VoipNeedMicPermissionWithHint": [
"**Telegram** needs microphone access so that you can make calls. Tap Settings > Permissions, and turn **Microphone** on."
"VoipNotificationSettings": [
"VoipQuickReplies": [
"Respond with Text"
"VoipQuickRepliesExplain": [
"These options can be used as quick responses to incoming calls. Change them to say anything you like."
"VoipRingtoneInfo": [
"You can customize the ringtone used when this contact calls you on Telegram."
"VoipSettingsRingtone": [
"VoipUseLessData": [
"Use Less Data for Calls"
"WebSessionsTitle": [
"Logged In with Telegram"
"Weeks": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> week",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> weeks"
"WhenConnectedOnWiFi": [
"When connected to Wi-Fi"
"WhenRoaming": [
"When roaming"
"WhenUsingMobileData": [
"When using mobile data"
"White": [
"WhoCanAddMe": [
"Who can add me to group chats?"
"WhoCanAddMeInfo": [
"You can restrict who can add you to groups and channels with granular precision."
"WhoCanCallMe": [
"Who can call me?"
"WhoCanCallMeInfo": [
"Choose exactly who can and can't call you."
"WidgetPasscode2": [
"Warning: Your widgets will show all recent messages, but your passcode will be required to open the app and reply."
"WidgetPasscodeEnable": [
"<br/><br/>Your passcode **will not affect** widgets added to homescreen."
"WidgetPreview": [
"Preview of the widget"
"WidgetShortcuts": [
"WillUnmuteIn": [
"In <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"Years": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> year",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> years"
"Yellow": [
"YourEmail": [
"Your email"
"YourEmailAlmostThere": [
"Almost there!"
"YourEmailAlmostThereText": [
"Please check your email (don't forget the spam folder) to complete Two-Step Verification setup."
"YourEmailInfo": [
"Please add your valid email. It is the only way to recover a forgotten password."
"YourEmailSkip": [
"YourEmailSkipWarning": [
"YourEmailSkipWarningText": [
"No, seriously.<br/><br/>If you forget your password, you will lose access to your Telegram account. There will be no way to restore it."
"YourEmailSuccessChangedText": [
"Your recovery email for Two-Step Verification has been changed."
"YourEmailSuccessText": [
"Your recovery email for Two-Step Verification is now active."
"YourPassword": [
"Your Password"
"YourPasswordHeader": [
"Your password"
"YourPasswordRemember": [
"Your account is protected by 2-Step Verification.<br/>Do you still remember your password?"