<p>The huge <ahref="/constructor/config">config</a> constructor contains lots of useful information, from chat and message size limitations, to privacy settings, online status refresh interval and timeout, VoIP configuration, default inline bot usernames for GIF, image and venue lookup, and lots of other global and user-specific information, check out the <ahref="/constructor/config">constructor page</a> for more information.</p>
While <ahref="/method/help.getConfig">help.getConfig</a> returns MTProto-specific configuration with information about server-side limitations and other MTProto-related information, <ahref="/method/help.getAppConfig">help.getAppConfig</a> returns configuration parameters useful for graphical Telegram clients.</p>
<p>Typical fields included in the resulting JSON object are: </p>
<li><code>emojies_animated_zoom</code> - <ahref="/api/animated-emojis">Animated emojis</a> and <ahref="/api/dice">animated dice</a> should be scaled by this factor before being shown to the user (float)</li>
<li><code>keep_alive_service</code> - Whether app clients should start a keepalive service to keep the app running and fetch updates even when the app is closed (boolean)</li>
<li><code>background_connection</code> - Whether app clients should start a background TCP connection for MTProto update fetching (boolean)</li>
<li><code>emojies_send_dice</code> - A list of supported <ahref="/api/dice">animated dice</a> stickers (array of strings).</li>
<li><code>emojies_send_dice_success</code> - For <ahref="/api/dice">animated dice</a> emojis other than the basic <imgclass="emoji"src="//telegram.org/img/emoji/40/F09F8EB2.png"width="20"height="20"alt="🎲"/>, indicates the winning dice value and the final frame of the animated sticker, at which to show the fireworks <imgclass="emoji"src="//telegram.org/img/emoji/40/F09F8E86.png"width="20"height="20"alt="🎆"/> (object with emoji keys and object values, containing <code>value</code> and <code>frame_start</code> float values)</li>
<li><code>emojies_sounds</code> - A map of soundbites to be played when the user clicks on the specified <ahref="/api/animated-emojis">animated emoji</a>; the <ahref="/api/file_reference">file reference field</a> should be base64-decoded before <ahref="/api/files">downloading the file</a> (map of <ahref="/api/files">file IDs</a>, with emoji string keys)</li>
<li><code>gif_search_branding</code> - Specifies the name of the service providing GIF search through <ahref="#mtproto-configuration">gif_search_username</a> (string)</li>
<li><code>gif_search_emojies</code> - Specifies a list of emojies that should be suggested as search term in a bar above the GIF search box (array of string emojis)</li>
<li><code>qr_login_camera</code> - Whether the Settings->Devices menu should show an option to scan a <ahref="/api/qr-login">QR login code</a> (boolean)</li>
<li><code>qr_login_code</code> - Whether the login screen should show a <ahref="/api/qr-login">QR code login option</a>, possibly as default login method (string, "disabled", "primary" or "secondary")</li>
<li><code>dialog_filters_enabled</code> - Whether clients should show an option for managing <ahref="/api/folders">dialog filters AKA folders</a> (boolean)</li>
<li><code>dialog_filters_tooltip</code> - Whether clients should actively show a tooltip, inviting the user to configure <ahref="/api/folders">dialog filters AKA folders</a>; typically this happens when the chat list is long enough to start getting cluttered. (boolean)</li>
<li><code>autoarchive_setting_available</code> - Whether clients <em>can</em> invoke <ahref="/method/account.setGlobalPrivacySettings">account.setGlobalPrivacySettings</a> with <ahref="/constructor/globalPrivacySettings"><code>globalPrivacySettings.archive_and_mute_new_noncontact_peers = boolTrue</code></a>, to automatically archive and mute new incoming chats from non-contacts. (boolean)</li>
<li><code>pending_suggestions</code> - Contains a list of suggestions that should be actively shown as a tooltip to the user. (Array of strings, possible values shown <ahref="#suggestions">in the suggestions section »</a>. </li>
A full list of these parameters can be seen in the <ahref="#client-configuration">Client Configuration section »</a>, but we're mostly interested in the <code>pending_suggestions</code> and <code>autoarchive_setting_available</code> fields of the returned JSON object: </p>
<li><code>autoarchive_setting_available</code> - Whether clients <em>can</em> invoke <ahref="/method/account.setGlobalPrivacySettings">account.setGlobalPrivacySettings</a> with <ahref="/constructor/globalPrivacySettings"><code>globalPrivacySettings.archive_and_mute_new_noncontact_peers = boolTrue</code></a>, to automatically archive and mute new incoming chats from non-contacts. (boolean)</li>
<li><code>pending_suggestions</code> - Contains a list of suggestions that should be actively shown as a tooltip to the user. Array of strings, possible values shown below:<ul>
<li><code>"AUTOARCHIVE_POPULAR"</code> - Users <em>should</em> invoke <ahref="/method/account.setGlobalPrivacySettings">account.setGlobalPrivacySettings</a> with <ahref="/constructor/globalPrivacySettings"><code>globalPrivacySettings.archive_and_mute_new_noncontact_peers = boolTrue</code></a>, to automatically archive and mute new incoming chats from non-contacts.</li>
<li><code>"VALIDATE_PASSWORD"</code> - Users should make sure they still remember their <ahref="/api/srp">2-step verification password</a>.</li>
<li><code>"VALIDATE_PHONE_NUMBER"</code> - Users should check whether their <ahref="/api/auth">authorization phone number</a> is correct and change the phone number if it is inaccessible.</li>
<li><code>"NEWCOMER_TICKS"</code> - Show the user a hint about the meaning of one and two ticks on sent messages.</li>
<p>Some <ahref="/api/channel">channel/supergroup</a>-related suggestions can also be contained in the <code>pending_suggestions</code> field of the <ahref="/constructor/channelFull">channelFull</a> constructor, returned by <ahref="/method/channels.getFullChannel">channels.getFullChannel</a>.<br>
Here's a list of possible suggestions: </p>
<li><code>CONVERT_GIGAGROUP</code> - The <ahref="/api/channel">supergroup</a> has many participants: the admin should call <ahref="/method/channels.convertToGigaGroup">channels.convertToGigaGroup</a> to convert it to a gigagroup.</li>
Pass <ahref="/constructor/inputPeerEmpty">inputPeerEmpty</a> to <code>peer</code> for <ahref="#basic-suggestions">basic suggestions</a> and the <ahref="/api/channel">channel/supergroup</a>'s peer for <ahref="#channel-suggestions">channel suggestions</a>.</p>
<li><ahref="/method/help.getAppUpdate">help.getAppUpdate</a> - Get info about an application update, can contain the updated application binary in the attached document</li>
<li><ahref="/method/help.getAppChangelog">help.getAppChangelog</a> - Get a list of service messages with app-specific changelogs</li>
<li><ahref="/method/help.getInviteText">help.getInviteText</a> - Returns a localized invitation message that can be sent via SMS to contacts that haven't signed up to Telegram yet</li>
<p>These methods can be used for managing consent to Telegram's <ahref="https://telegram.org/tos">Terms Of Service</a>. </p>
<p>Typically, before a user <ahref="/api/auth#sign-insign-up">signs up</a> by invoking <ahref="/method/auth.signUp">auth.signUp</a>, apps should show a pop-up (if the <code>popup</code> flag of the <ahref="/constructor/help.termsOfService">help.termsOfService</a> method is set), asking the user to accept Telegram's terms of service; in case of denial, the user is to be returned to the initial page of the login flow. </p>
<p>When signing up for the first time, the <ahref="/constructor/help.termsOfService">help.termsOfService</a> is to be obtained from the <ahref="/constructor/auth.authorizationSignUpRequired">auth.authorizationSignUpRequired</a> constructor returned by the <ahref="/method/auth.signIn">auth.signIn</a>. </p>
<p>After signing up, or when logging in as an existing user, apps are supposed to call <ahref="/method/help.getTermsOfServiceUpdate">help.getTermsOfServiceUpdate</a> to check for any updates to the Terms of Service; this call should be repeated after <code>expires</code> seconds have elapsed.<br>
If an update to the Terms Of Service is available, clients are supposed to show a consent popup; if accepted, clients should call <ahref="/method/help.acceptTermsOfService">help.acceptTermsOfService</a>, providing the <ahref="/constructor/help.termsOfService">termsOfService <code>id</code> JSON object</a>; in case of denial, clients are to delete the account using <ahref="/method/account.deleteAccount">account.deleteAccount</a>, providing <code>Decline ToS update</code> as deletion <code>reason</code>. </p>
<h3><aclass="anchor"href="#telegram-support-info"id="telegram-support-info"name="telegram-support-info"><iclass="anchor-icon"></i></a>Telegram support info</h3>
<p>These methods can be used for fetching info about Telegram's support user, that users can use to get support and ask questions about the app. </p>
<li><ahref="/method/help.getSupport">help.getSupport</a> - Will return the <ahref="/constructor/user">user</a> object that can be used for contacting support.</li>
<li><ahref="/method/help.getSupportName">help.getSupportName</a> - Will return a localized name for the support chat.</li>
<h3><aclass="anchor"href="#country-information-and-login-phone-patterns"id="country-information-and-login-phone-patterns"name="country-information-and-login-phone-patterns"><iclass="anchor-icon"></i></a>Country information and login phone patterns</h3>
<p><ahref="/method/help.getCountriesList">help.getCountriesList</a> can be used to fetch a list of localized names for all available countries and phone code patterns for logging in. </p>
<p>The phone code pattern should be used when showing the <ahref="/api/auth">login</a> screen, or when changing phone number: for example, a pattern value of <code>XXX XXX XXX</code> with <code>country_code</code><code>+39</code> indicates that the phone field for login should accept a spaced pattern like <code>+39 123 456 789</code>.<br>
Also, the beginning of the national part of the phone number (<code>123 456 789</code>) should match one of the <code>prefixes</code>, if any were returned. </p></div>