"<markclass=\"token\">un1</mark> revoked invite link <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"ActionRevokedInviteLinkClickable": [
"<markclass=\"token\">un1</mark> revoked invite link <markclass=\"token\">un2</mark>"
"ActionTTLChanged": [
"<markclass=\"token\">un1</mark> set messages to auto-delete in <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"ActionTTLDisabled": [
"<markclass=\"token\">un1</mark> disabled the auto-delete timer"
"ActionUserInvitedToChannel": [
"<markclass=\"token\">un1</mark> invited you to this channel"
"ActionUserInvitedToGroup": [
"<markclass=\"token\">un1</mark> invited you to this group"
"ActionUserScoredInGame": [
"<markclass=\"token\">un1</mark> scored <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> in <markclass=\"token\">un2</mark>"
"ActionUserWithinOtherRadius": [
"<markclass=\"token\">un1</mark> is now within <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> from <markclass=\"token\">un2</mark>."
"ActionUserWithinRadius": [
"<markclass=\"token\">un1</mark> is now within <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> from you"
"ActionUserWithinYouRadius": [
"You are now within <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> from <markclass=\"token\">un1</mark>"
"ActionYouAddUser": [
"You added <markclass=\"token\">un2</mark>"
"ActionYouChangedPhoto": [
"You changed the group photo"
"ActionYouChangedTitle": [
"You changed the group name to <markclass=\"token\">un2</mark>"
"ActionYouCreateGroup": [
"You created the group"
"ActionYouLeftUser": [
"You left the group"
"ActionYouRemovedPhoto": [
"You removed the group photo"
"ActionsChartTitle": [
"AddAdminErrorBlacklisted": [
"You can't add this user as an admin because they are in the Removed Users list and you are not allowed to unban them."
"AddAdminErrorNotAMember": [
"You can't add this user as an admin because they are not a member of this group and you are not allowed to add them."
"AddBannedErrorAdmin": [
"You can't ban this user because they are an admin in this group and you are not allowed to demote them."
"AddBotAsAdmin": [
"Bots can only be added to channels as admins."
"AddMember": [
"Add Members"
"AddMutual": [
"Add people to your channel"
"AddShortcut": [
"Add to Home screen"
"AddSubscriber": [
"Add subscriber"
"AddToChannel": [
"Add to Channel"
"AddToGroup": [
"Add to Group"
"AddToGroupOrChannel": [
"Add to Group or Channel"
"AdminWillBeRemoved": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> will be removed from admins if you restrict them."
"AndMoreTyping": [
"and <markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> more are typing",
"and <markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> more are typing"
"AndMoreTypingGroup": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> and <markclass=\"token\">%2$d</mark> more are typing",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> and <markclass=\"token\">%2$d</mark> more are typing"
"AnonymousQuizPoll": [
"Anonymous Quiz"
"AppName": [
"ApplyTheme": [
"ApproveNewMembers": [
"Request Admin Approval"
"ApproveNewMembersDescription": [
"Turn this on if you want users to join only after they are approved by an admin."
"AreTyping": [
"are typing..."
"AreTypingGroup": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> are typing..."
"AreYouSureClearHistoryWithChat": [
"Are you sure you want to clear the chat history in **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>**?"
"AreYouSureDeleteAndExit": [
"Are you sure you want to delete and leave the group?"
"AreYouSureDeleteAndExitChannel": [
"Do you want to delete and leave the channel?"
"AreYouSureDeleteFewMessagesMega": [
"Are you sure you want to delete these messages for everyone?"
"AreYouSureDeleteSingleMessageMega": [
"Are you sure you want to delete this message for everyone?"
"AttachGifRestricted": [
"The admins of this group have restricted your ability to send GIFs until <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>."
"AttachGifRestrictedForever": [
"The admins of this group have restricted your ability to send GIFs."
"AttachInlineRestricted": [
"The admins of this group have restricted your ability to send inline content until <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>."
"AttachInlineRestrictedForever": [
"The admins of this group have restricted your ability to send inline content."
"AttachLocation": [
"AttachMediaRestricted": [
"The admins of this group have restricted your ability to send media until <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>."
"AttachMediaRestrictedForever": [
"The admins of this group have restricted your ability to send media."
"AttachStickersRestricted": [
"The admins of this group have restricted your ability to send stickers until <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>."
"AttachStickersRestrictedForever": [
"The admins of this group have restricted your ability to send stickers."
"AutoDelete1Day": [
"1 day"
"AutoDelete1Hour": [
"1 hour"
"AutoDelete1Month": [
"1 month"
"AutoDelete24Hours": [
"24 hours"
"AutoDelete7Days": [
"1 week"
"AutoDeleteAfteTitle": [
"Auto-delete after..."
"AutoDeleteAlertChannelInfo": [
"Automatically delete new messages sent in this channel after a certain period of time."
"AutoDeleteAlertGroupInfo": [
"Automatically delete new messages sent in this group after a certain period of time."
"AutoDeleteAlertTitle": [
"Auto-delete messages"
"AutoDeleteCustom": [
"AutoDeleteDisable": [
"AutoDeletePopupDescription": [
"Automatically delete new messages sent in this chat after a certain period of time."
"AutoDeletePopupTitle": [
"AutoDeleteSet": [
"Set for this chat"
"AutoDeleteSetTimer": [
"Set auto-delete timer"
"AvailableReactions": [
"Available reactions"
"Back": [
"BlockAndDeleteReplies": [
"BlockUserMultiTitle": [
"Block User"
"BlockUserReplyAlert": [
"Do you want to block messages from **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>**?"
"Bot": [
"BotShare": [
"BroadcastGroup": [
"Broadcast Group"
"BroadcastGroupConvert": [
"Convert to Broadcast Group"
"BroadcastGroupConvertInfo": [
"Broadcast groups can have over 200,000 members, but only admins can send messages in them."
"BroadcastGroupConvertSuccess": [
"Your group can now have more than 200,000 members."
"CallVideoPin": [
"CallVideoPreviewTitle": [
"CallVideoUnpin": [
"CanJoin": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> can join",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> can join"
"Cancel": [
"ChangePermissions": [
"Change permissions"
"ChangePublicLimitReached": [
"You have reserved too many public links. Try revoking the link from an older group or channel, or create a private one instead."
"ChannelAddAdmin": [
"Add Admin"
"ChannelAddException": [
"Add Exception"
"ChannelAddSubscribers": [
"Add Subscribers"
"ChannelAddTo": [
"Add <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> to the channel?"
"ChannelAddToChannel": [
"Add to channel"
"ChannelAddToGroup": [
"Add to group"
"ChannelAddedByNotification": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> added you to the channel <markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark>"
"ChannelAdministrators": [
"ChannelAdminsInfo": [
"You can add admins to help you manage your channel. Press and hold to remove admins."
"ChannelAlertCreate2": [
"Create Channel"
"ChannelAlertText": [
"Channels are a one-to-many tool for broadcasting your messages to unlimited audiences."
"ChannelAlertTitle": [
"What is a Channel?"
"ChannelBlacklist": [
"Removed Users"
"ChannelBlockUser": [
"Remove User"
"ChannelBots": [
"ChannelBroadcast": [
"ChannelCantOpenBanned": [
"Unfortunately, you are banned from participating in public groups."
"ChannelCantOpenBannedByAdmin": [
"Sorry, you can't access this chat because you were banned by an admin."
"ChannelCantOpenPrivate": [
"Sorry, this chat is no longer accessible."
"ChannelContacts": [
"Contacts in this channel"
"ChannelCreator": [
"ChannelDelete": [
"Delete Channel"
"ChannelDeleteFromList": [
"Delete from this list"
"ChannelDeleteMenu": [
"Delete channel"
"ChannelDescriptionChanged": [
"Channel description updated."
"ChannelDiscuss": [
"ChannelEdit": [
"ChannelEditPermissions": [
"Edit permissions"
"ChannelInviteLinkTitle": [
"Invite Link"
"ChannelInviteViaLink": [
"Invite via Link"
"ChannelJoin": [
"ChannelJoinTo": [
"Do you want to join the channel '<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>'?"
"ChannelJoined": [
"You joined this channel"
"ChannelLeaveAlert": [
"Are you sure you want to leave this channel?"
"ChannelLinkInfo": [
"Anyone who has Telegram installed will be able to join your channel by following this link."
"ChannelLinkTitle": [
"Public link"
"ChannelMegaJoined": [
"You joined this group"
"ChannelMembers": [
"ChannelMembersInfo": [
"Only channel admins can see this list."
"ChannelMessageAudio": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> posted a voice message"
"ChannelMessageContact": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> posted a contact"
"ChannelMessageDocument": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> posted a file"
"ChannelMessageGIF": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> posted a GIF"
"ChannelMessageMap": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> posted a location"
"ChannelMessageNoText": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> posted a message"
"ChannelMessagePhoto": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> posted a photo"
"ChannelMessageRound": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> posted a video message"
"ChannelMessageSticker": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> posted a sticker"
"ChannelMessageStickerEmoji": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> posted a <markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark> sticker"
"ChannelMessageVideo": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> posted a video"
"ChannelMute": [
"ChannelNotifyMembersInfoOff": [
"Subscribers will receive a silent notification."
"ChannelNotifyMembersInfoOn": [
"Subscribers will be notified when you post."
"ChannelOtherMembers": [
"Other members"
"ChannelOtherSubscribers": [
"Other subscribers"
"ChannelPermissions": [
"ChannelPermissionsHeader": [
"What can members of this group do?"
"ChannelPhotoEditNotification": [
"Channel <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> updated its photo"
"ChannelPrivate": [
"Private Channel"
"ChannelPrivateInfo": [
"Private channels can only be joined via invite link."
"ChannelPublic": [
"Public Channel"
"ChannelPublicEmptyUsername": [
"Please choose a link for your public channel, so that people can find it in search and share with others.<br/><br/>If you're not interested, we suggest creating a private channel instead."
"ChannelPublicInfo": [
"Public channels can be found in search, anyone can join them."
"ChannelRemoveUser": [
"Remove from channel"
"ChannelRemoveUserAdmin": [
"Dismiss admin"
"ChannelSearchException": [
"Search Exceptions"
"ChannelSettings": [
"ChannelSettingsChangedAlert": [
"You have changed settings in this channel. Apply changes?"
"ChannelSettingsTitle": [
"Channel Settings"
"ChannelSignMessages": [
"Sign Messages"
"ChannelSignMessagesInfo": [
"Add names of admins to the messages they post"
"ChannelSilentBroadcast": [
"Silent Broadcast"
"ChannelSubscribers": [
"ChannelTitleChanged": [
"Channel name updated."
"ChannelTooMuchJoin": [
"Sorry, you are a member of too many groups and channels. Please leave one before joining another."
"ChannelType": [
"Channel Type"
"ChannelTypeHeader": [
"Channel type"
"ChannelUnmute": [
"ChannelUserAddLimit": [
"Sorry, you can only add the first 200 subscribers to a channel. Note that an unlimited number of people may join via the channel's link."
"ChannelUserCantAdd": [
"Sorry, you can't add this user to channels."
"ChannelUserCantAdmin": [
"Sorry, this channel has too many admins."
"ChannelUserCantBot": [
"Sorry, this channel has too many bots."
"ChannelUserLeftError": [
"If a person has left a channel in the past, you need to be in their Telegram contacts to add them back.<br/><br/>They can still join via an invite link as long as they are not on the Removed Users list."
"ChannelUsernameHelp": [
"If you set a public link, other people will be able to find and join your channel.<br/><br/>You can use a–z, 0–9 and underscores.<br/>Minimum length is 5 characters."
"ChannelUsernamePlaceholder": [
"Characters": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> character",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> characters"
"CharactersPerMessage": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%s</mark> per message"
"ChatAdmin": [
"ChatHistory": [
"Chat history for new members"
"ChatHistoryHidden": [
"ChatHistoryHiddenInfo": [
"New members won't see earlier messages."
"ChatHistoryVisible": [
"ChatHistoryVisibleInfo": [
"New members will see messages that were sent before they joined."
"ChatLocation": [
"ChatSetNewPhoto": [
"Set New Photo or Video"
"ChatSetPhotoOrVideo": [
"Set Photo or Video"
"ChatSetThisLocation": [
"Set this location"
"Chats": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> chat",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> chats"
"ChatsNearbyHeader": [
"Groups nearby"
"ChooseFromGallery": [
"Upload from Gallery"
"ChooseFromSearch": [
"Search web"
"ChoosePhoto": [
"Choose photo"
"ChooseStickerSet": [
"ChooseTakePhoto": [
"Take photo"
"ChooseTimeForMute": [
"Choose time"
"ClearHistory": [
"Clear history"
"Close": [
"Comment": [
"Comments": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> Comment",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> Comments"
"CommentsNoNumber": [
"CommentsTitle": [
"Contacts": [
"ContactsPermissionAlertNotNow": [
"ConvertGroup": [
"Convert to Supergroup"
"ConvertGroupInfo": [
"**Member limit reached.**<br/><br/>For more space and additional features, upgrade to a supergroup:<br/><br/>• Supergroups can hold up to <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark><br/>• New members can see the full message history<br/>• Deleted messages will disappear for all members<br/>• Admins can add a description to the group<br/>• Owner can set a public link for the group"
"ConvertGroupInfo2": [
"**In supergroups:**<br/><br/>• New members can see the full message history<br/>• Deleted messages will disappear for all members<br/>• Admins can add a description to the group<br/>• Creator can set a public link for the group"
"ConvertGroupInfo3": [
"**Note:** this action can't be undone."
"ConvertGroupMenu": [
"Convert to supergroup"
"CopyLink": [
"Copy Link"
"CreateGroupError": [
"Sorry, you can't create a group with these users because of their privacy settings."
"CreateLink": [
"Create Link"
"CreateLinkHeader": [
"CreateNewLink": [
"Create a New Link"
"CreateNewLinkHelp": [
"You can generate invite links that expire after they are used."
"You can provide an optional description for your channel."
"DescriptionOptionalPlaceholder": [
"Description (optional)"
"DescriptionPlaceholder": [
"DiscardSelectionAlertMessage": [
"Do you want to discard the selection?"
"DiscardSelectionAlertTitle": [
"Discard selection?"
"DiscussChannel": [
"Discussion": [
"DiscussionChannelGroupSetHelp": [
"A link to **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** is shown to all subscribers in the bottom panel."
"DiscussionChannelGroupSetHelp2": [
"**<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** is selected as the group that hosts comments for your channel."
"DiscussionChannelHelp": [
"Select a group chat for discussion that will be displayed in your channel."
"DiscussionChannelHelp2": [
"Everything you post in the channel will be forwarded to this group."
"DiscussionChannelHelp3": [
"Select a group chat that will host comments from your channel."
"DiscussionCreateGroup": [
"Create a New Group"
"DiscussionGroupHelp": [
"This group is linked as the discussion board for <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>."
"DiscussionGroupHelp2": [
"All new posts from this channel are forwarded to the group."
"DiscussionInfo": [
"Add a group chat for comments"
"DiscussionLinkGroup": [
"DiscussionLinkGroupAlertHistory": [
"\"Chat history for new members\" will be switched to Visible."
"DiscussionLinkGroupPrivateAlert": [
"Make **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** the discussion board for **<markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark>**?<br/><br/>Any member of this group will be able to see messages in the channel."
"DiscussionLinkGroupPublicAlert": [
"Make **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** the discussion group for **<markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark>**?"
"DiscussionLinkGroupPublicPrivateAlert": [
"Make **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** the discussion board for **<markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark>**?<br/><br/>Anyone from the channel will be able to see messages in this group."
"DiscussionStarted": [
"Discussion started"
"DiscussionUnlink": [
"DiscussionUnlinkChannel": [
"Unlink Channel"
"DiscussionUnlinkChannelAlert": [
"Are you sure you want to unlink **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** from this channel?"
"DiscussionUnlinkGroup": [
"Unlink Group"
"DiscussionUnlinkGroupAlert": [
"Are you sure you want to unlink **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** from this group?"
"Dismiss": [
"DismissRequest": [
"Dismiss request"
"Edit": [
"EditAdmin": [
"Admin Rights"
"EditAdminAddAdmins": [
"Add New Admins"
"EditAdminAddUsersViaLink": [
"Invite Users via Link"
"EditAdminBanUsers": [
"Ban Users"
"EditAdminChangeChannelInfo": [
"Change Channel Info"
"EditAdminChangeGroupInfo": [
"Change Group Info"
"EditAdminChannelTransfer": [
"Transfer Channel Ownership"
"EditAdminDeleteMessages": [
"Delete Messages of Others"
"EditAdminEditMessages": [
"Edit Messages of Others"
"EditAdminGroupDeleteMessages": [
"Delete Messages"
"EditAdminGroupTransfer": [
"Transfer Group Ownership"
"EditAdminPinMessages": [
"Pin Messages"
"EditAdminPostMessages": [
"Post Messages"
"EditAdminPromotedBy": [
"Promoted by <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"EditAdminRank": [
"Custom title"
"EditAdminRankInfo": [
"A title that members will see instead of '<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>'."
"EditAdminRemoveAdmin": [
"Dismiss Admin"
"EditAdminRights": [
"Edit admin rights"
"EditAdminSendAnonymously": [
"Remain Anonymous"
"EditAdminTransferAlertText": [
"You can transfer this group to **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** only if you:"
"EditAdminTransferAlertText1": [
"Enabled **Two-Step Verification** more than **7 days** ago."
"EditAdminTransferAlertText2": [
"Logged in on this device more than **24 hours** ago."
"EditAdminTransferAlertText3": [
"Please come back later."
"EditAdminTransferAlertTitle": [
"Security Check"
"EditAdminTransferChangeOwner": [
"Change Owner"
"EditAdminTransferChannelToast": [
"**<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** is now the owner of the channel."
"EditAdminTransferGroupToast": [
"**<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** is now the owner of the group."
"EditAdminTransferReadyAlertText": [
"This will transfer **full owner rights** for **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** to **<markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark>**. The new owner will be free to remove any of your admin privileges or even ban you."
"EditAdminTransferSetPassword": [
"Set Password"
"EditAdminWhatCanDo": [
"What can this admin do?"
"EditChannelAdminTransferAlertText": [
"You can transfer this channel to **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** only if you have:"
"EditLink": [
"Edit link"
"EnableAutoDelete": [
"Enable Auto-Delete"
"EnableReactions": [
"Enable Reactions"
"EnableReactionsChannelInfo": [
"Allow subscribers to react to channel posts."
"EnableReactionsGroupInfo": [
"Allow members to react to group messages."
"EnabledNotifications": [
"Enabled Notifications"
"EnterChannelName": [
"Channel name"
"EnterGroupNamePlaceholder": [
"Enter group name"
"ErrorRingtoneDurationTooLong": [
"Maximum length is <markclass=\"token\">%s</mark> seconds."
"ErrorSendRestrictedMediaAll": [
"Sorry, sending media is not allowed in this group."
"ErrorSendRestrictedPolls": [
"The admins of this group have restricted your ability to send polls."
"ErrorSendRestrictedPollsAll": [
"Sorry, sending polls is not allowed in this group."
"ErrorSendRestrictedStickers": [
"The admins of this group have restricted your ability to send stickers."
"ErrorSendRestrictedStickersAll": [
"Sorry, sending stickers is not allowed in this group."
"<markclass=\"token\">un1</mark> disabled the slow mode"
"EventLogToggledSlowmodeOn": [
"<markclass=\"token\">un1</mark> set the slow mode timer to <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"EventLogUnpinnedMessages": [
"<markclass=\"token\">un1</mark> unpinned a message"
"ExpireAfter": [
"Expire after"
"Expired": [
"FinalResults": [
"Final Results"
"FollowersChartTitle": [
"ForgotPassword": [
"Forgot password?"
"ForwardsRestrictedInfoChannel": [
"Сopying and forwarding is not allowed in this channel."
"ForwardsRestrictedInfoGroup": [
"Сopying and forwarding is not allowed in this group."
"GetQRCode": [
"Get QR code"
"GigagroupAlertLearnMore": [
"GigagroupAlertText": [
"Your group has reached the limit of **200,000** members.<br/><br/>You can increase this limit by converting the group to a **broadcast group** where only admins can post.<br/>Interested?"
"GigagroupAlertTitle": [
"Limit reached"
"GigagroupConvertAlertConver": [
"GigagroupConvertAlertText": [
"Regular members of the group (non-admins) will **permanently** lose their right to send messages in the group.<br/><br/>This action **can't** be undone."
"GigagroupConvertAlertTitle": [
"Are you sure?"
"GigagroupConvertCancelButton": [
"Leave as regular group"
"GigagroupConvertInfo1": [
"No limit on the number of members."
"GigagroupConvertInfo2": [
"Only admins can send messages."
"GigagroupConvertInfo3": [
"Can't be turned back into a regular group."
"GigagroupConvertProcessButton": [
"Convert to Broadcast Group"
"GigagroupConvertTitle": [
"Broadcast Groups"
"GlobalAttachGifRestricted": [
"Sending GIFs is not allowed in this group."
"GlobalAttachInlineRestricted": [
"Sending inline content isn't allowed in this group."
"GlobalAttachMediaRestricted": [
"Sending media isn't allowed in this group."
"GlobalAttachStickersRestricted": [
"Stickers aren't allowed in this group."
"GlobalSendMessageRestricted": [
"Sending messages is not allowed in this group."
"GroupAddMembers": [
"Add Members"
"GroupContacts": [
"Contacts in this group"
"GroupDescription1": [
"Up to 200,000 members"
"GroupDescription2": [
"Persistent chat history"
"GroupDescription3": [
"Public links such as t.me/title"
"GroupDescription4": [
"Admins with different rights"
"GroupEmptyTitle1": [
"You created a **group**"
"GroupEmptyTitle2": [
"Groups can have:"
"GroupMembers": [
"GroupMembersChartTitle": [
"Group members"
"GroupName": [
"Group name"
"GroupPhotosHelp": [
"Group media into one message"
"GroupSettingsChangedAlert": [
"You have changed settings in this group. Apply changes?"
"GroupSettingsTitle": [
"Group Settings"
"GroupType": [
"Group Type"
"GroupTypeHeader": [
"Group type"
"GroupUserAddLimit": [
"Sorry, this group is full."
"GroupUserCantAdd": [
"Sorry, you can't add this user to groups."
"GroupUserCantAdmin": [
"Sorry, this group has too many admins."
"GroupUserCantBot": [
"There are too many bots in this group. Please remove some of the bots you're not using first."
"GroupUserLeftError": [
"If a person has left the group in the past, you need to be in their Telegram contacts to add them back.<br/><br/>They can still join via an invite link as long as they are not on the Removed Users list."
"GrowthChartTitle": [
"HasBeenAddedToChannel": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> has been added to the channel"
"HasBeenAddedToGroup": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> has been added to the group"
"HoursSchedule": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> hour",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> hours"
"InactiveChannelSignature": [
"channel, inactive for <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"InactiveChatSignature": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>, inactive for <markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark>"
"InactiveChats": [
"Inactive chats"
"InteractionsChartTitle": [
"InvLinkToChats": [
"Invite link sent to **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>**."
"InvLinkToGroup": [
"Invite link sent to **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>**."
"InvLinkToSavedMessages": [
"Invite link sent to **Saved Messages**."
"InvLinkToUser": [
"Invite link sent to **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>**."
"Invitations": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> invitation",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> invitations"
"InviteByQRCode": [
"Invite by QR Code"
"InviteLink": [
"Invite Link"
"InviteLinkCount": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> invite link",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> invite links"
"InviteLinks": [
"Invite Links"
"InviteRevokedHint": [
"The invite link has been revoked."
"InviteToChannelError": [
"Sorry, you can't add this user to channels because of their privacy settings."
"InviteToGroupByLink": [
"Invite to Group via Link"
"IsSendingAudio": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> is sending audio..."
"IsSendingFile": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> is sending a file..."
"IsSendingGame": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> is playing a game..."
"IsSendingVideo": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> is sending a video..."
"IsTyping": [
"is typing..."
"IsTypingGroup": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> is typing..."
"JoinByPeekChannelText": [
"This channel is private. Please join it to continue viewing its content."
"JoinByPeekChannelTitle": [
"Join Channel"
"JoinByPeekJoin": [
"JoinGroup": [
"JoinRequests": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> join request",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> join requests"
"JoinToGroupErrorFull": [
"Sorry, this group is already full."
"JoinedViaInviteLinkApproved": [
"<markclass=\"token\">un1</mark> joined via invite link <markclass=\"token\">un2</mark>, approved by <markclass=\"token\">un3</mark>"
"KMetersAway2": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> km away"
"KickFromGroup": [
"Remove from group"
"KickFromSupergroup": [
"Restrict user"
"LanguagesChartTitle": [
"Lately": [
"last seen recently"
"LeaveAComment": [
"Leave a comment"
"LeaveChannel": [
"Leave Channel"
"LeaveChats": [
"Leave <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"LimitByPeriod": [
"Limit by time period"
"LimitNumberOfUses": [
"Limit number of users"
"LimitReached": [
"Limit Reached"
"LinkActionCopy": [
"LinkActionShare": [
"LinkAvailable": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> is available."
"LinkChecking": [
"Checking name…"
"LinkCopied": [
"Link copied to clipboard."
"LinkCopiedPrivate": [
"Link copied to clipboard. This link will only work for members of this chat."
"LinkCopiedPrivateInfo": [
"This link will only work for members of this chat."
"LinkCreatedeBy": [
"Link created by"
"LinkExpiresIn": [
"The link expires <markclass=\"token\">%s</mark>"
"LinkExpiresInTime": [
"The link expires in <markclass=\"token\">%s</mark>"
"LinkHashExpired": [
"Link is no longer active"
"LinkInUse": [
"Sorry, this link is already taken."
"LinkInfo": [
"Anyone who has Telegram installed will be able to join your group by following this link."
"LinkInfoChannel": [
"Anyone who has Telegram installed will be able to join your channel by following this link."
"Unfortunately, you can't access this message. You aren't a member of the chat where it was posted."
"LinkedChannel": [
"Linked Channel"
"LinksCreatedByOtherAdmins": [
"Links created by other admins"
"Listening": [
"LiveLocationAlertGroup": [
"Choose for how long people in this chat will see your accurate location, including when the app is closed."
"LoadingStats": [
"Loading stats..."
"LoadingStatsDescription": [
"Please wait a few moments while we generate your stats."
"LocatedChannelsTooMuch": [
"Sorry, the target user owns too many location-based groups. Please ask them to delete or transfer an existing one first."
"LocationNotifiationButtonGroup": [
"Notify when someone is within <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"MainGroupProfilePhotoSetHint": [
"This is the main group photo now."
"MainGroupProfileVideoSetHint": [
"This is the main group video now."
"MakeAdmin": [
"ManageChannel": [
"Manage Channel"
"ManageChannelMenu": [
"Manage channel"
"ManageGroup": [
"Manage Group"
"ManageGroupMenu": [
"Manage group"
"ManageInviteLinks": [
"Manage Invite Links"
"ManageLinksInfoHelp": [
"You can create additional invite links that have a limited time or number of users."
"MarkAsRead": [
"Mark as read"
"MegaAdminsInfo": [
"You can add admins to help you manage your group. Press and hold to remove them."
"MegaDeleteInfo": [
"You will lose all messages in this group."
"MegaPrivate": [
"Private Group"
"MegaPrivateInfo": [
"Private groups can only be joined if you were invited or have an invite link."
"MegaPrivateLinkHelp": [
"People can join your group by following this link. You can revoke the link at any time."
"MegaPublic": [
"Public Group"
"MegaPublicInfo": [
"Public groups can be found in search, chat history is available to everyone and anyone can join."
"MegaUsernameHelp": [
"If you set a public link, other people will be able to find and join your group.<br/><br/>You can use a–z, 0–9 and underscores.<br/>Minimum length is 5 characters."
"MemberRequests": [
"Join Requests"
"Members": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> member",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> members"
"MembersAreSpeakingToast": [
"<markclass=\"token\">un1</mark> is speaking",
"<markclass=\"token\">un1</mark> are speaking"
"MembersCount": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> of <markclass=\"token\">%2$d</mark> selected"
"MembersCountZero": [
"up to <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"MembersOverviewTitle": [
"Mention": [
"Message": [
"MessageScheduledVoteResults": [
"Poll results will become available after the message is published."
"Anyone close to this location (neighbors, co-workers, fellow students, event attendees) will be able to see your group in the People Nearby section."
"NearbyCreateGroupInfo2": [
"If you start an unrelated group at this location, you may lose the ability to create location-based groups."
"NearbyStartGroup": [
"Start Group"
"NewChannel": [
"New Channel"
"NewFollowersBySourceChartTitle": [
"New subscribers by source"
"NewGroup": [
"New Group"
"NewLink": [
"New Link"
"NewMembersBySourceChartTitle": [
"New members by source"
"NoBlockedChannel": [
"Banned users are removed from the channel and can only come back if added by an admin. Invite links don't work for them."
"NoBlockedChannel2": [
"Users removed from the channel by admins can't rejoin via invite links."
"NoBlockedGroup2": [
"Users removed from the group by admins can't rejoin via invite links."
"NoBlockedUsers": [
"No removed users"
"NoComments": [
"No comments here yet..."
"NoLimit": [
"No limit"
"NoRtmpStreamFromAppOwner": [
"**Oops!** Telegram doesn't see any stream coming from your streaming app.<br/><br/>Please make sure you entered the right Server URL and Stream Key in your app."
"NoRtmpStreamFromAppViewer": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> is currently not broadcasting live stream data to Telegram."
"NobodyLikesSpam2": [
"Sorry, you can only add mutual contacts to groups at the moment."
"NotificationActionPinnedContact": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> pinned a contact in the group <markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark>"
"NotificationActionPinnedFile": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> pinned a file in the group <markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark>"
"NotificationActionPinnedGame": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> pinned a game in the group <markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark>"
"NotificationActionPinnedGeo": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> pinned a map in the group <markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark>"
"NotificationActionPinnedGif": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> pinned a GIF in the group <markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark>"
"NotificationActionPinnedMusic": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> pinned an audio file in the group <markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark>"
"NotificationActionPinnedPhoto": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> pinned a photo in the group <markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark>"
"NotificationActionPinnedRound": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> pinned a video message in the group <markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark>"
"NotificationActionPinnedText": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> pinned \"<markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark>\" in the group <markclass=\"token\">%3$s</mark>"
"NotificationActionPinnedVideo": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> pinned a video in the group <markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark>"
"NotificationActionPinnedVoice": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> pinned a voice message in <markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark>"
"NotificationEditedGroupName": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> renamed the group <markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark>"
"NotificationEditedGroupPhoto": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> changed the group photo for <markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark>"
"NotificationGroupAddMember": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> invited <markclass=\"token\">%3$s</mark> to the group <markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark>"
"NotificationGroupEndedCall": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> ended the video chat in <markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark>"
"NotificationGroupKickMember": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> removed <markclass=\"token\">%3$s</mark> from the group <markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark>"
"NotificationMessageGroupNoText": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> sent a message to the group <markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark>"
"You paid **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** for **<markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark>**."
"PeopleCanJoinViaLink": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%s</mark> people can join via this link"
"PeopleCanJoinViaLinkCount": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%s</mark> person can join via this link.",
"<markclass=\"token\">%s</mark> people can join via this link."
"PeopleJoined": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> person joined",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> people joined"
"PeopleJoinedRemaining": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> remaining",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> remaining"
"PeopleNearby": [
"People Nearby"
"PeopleNearbyEmpty": [
"Looking for users around you..."
"PeopleNearbyHeader": [
"People nearby"
"PeopleNearbyInfo": [
"Ask your friend nearby to open this page to exchange phone numbers."
"Permanent": [
"Primary link"
"PermissionOpenSettings": [
"PinMessage": [
"PinMessageAlert": [
"Pin this message in the group?"
"PinMessageAlertTitle": [
"Pin message"
"PinNotify": [
"Notify all members"
"PinOldMessageAlert": [
"Do you want to pin an older message while leaving a more recent one pinned?"
"PinnedMessage": [
"Pinned Message"
"PleaseEnterCurrentPasswordTransfer": [
"Please enter your password to complete the transfer."
"PollSubmitVotes": [
"PollViewResults": [
"PostingMembers": [
"Posting Members"
"PrimaryLinkHelp": [
"Anyone on Telegram will be able to join your group by following this link."
"PrimaryLinkHelpChannel": [
"Anyone on Telegram will be able to join your channel by following this link."
"PrivateShares": [
"Private Shares"
"ProfileJoinChannel": [
"Join Channel"
"ProfileJoinGroup": [
"Join Group"
"ProximityTooltioGroup": [
"Alert when other members of the group are close."
"PublicLink": [
"Public link"
"PublicPoll": [
"PublicPollCantForward": [
"Sorry, polls with visible votes can’t be forwarded to channels."
"PublicSharesCount": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> public share",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> public shares"
"QRCodeLinkHelpChannel": [
"Everyone on Telegram can scan this code to join your channel."
"QRCodeLinkHelpGroup": [
"Everyone on Telegram can scan this code to join your group."
"QuizPoll": [
"Reactions": [
"ReactionsOff": [
"ReadAllMentions": [
"Read all mentions"
"ReadAllReactions": [
"Read all reactions"
"RecentPosts": [
"Recent posts"
"RemovedUser": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> removed user",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> removed users"
"Replies": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> Reply",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> Replies"
"RepliesChatInfo": [
"This chat helps you keep track of replies to your comments in Channels."
"RepliesTitle": [
"ReportChat": [
"ReportChatChild": [
"Child Abuse"
"ReportChatIllegalDrugs": [
"Illegal Drugs"
"ReportChatOther": [
"ReportChatPersonalDetails": [
"Personal Details"
"ReportChatPornography": [
"ReportChatSent": [
"Report sent."
"ReportChatSpam": [
"ReportChatViolence": [
"ReportHint": [
"Additional details..."
"ReportInfo": [
"Please enter any additional details relevant to your report."
"ReportSend": [
"Send Report"
"ReportSpamAlertChannel": [
"Are you sure you want to report spam from this channel?"
"ReportSpamAlertGroup": [
"Are you sure you want to report spam from this group?"
"ReportSpamAndLeave": [
"ReportSpamLocation": [
"ReportSpamTitle": [
"Report spam"
"ReportTitleChild": [
"Report Child Abuse"
"ReportTitleSpam": [
"Report Spam"
"ReportUnrelatedGroup": [
"Report unrelated group"
"ReportUnrelatedGroupText": [
"Please let us know if this group is not related to this location:<br/><br/>**<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>**"
"RequestToJoinChannel": [
"Request to Join Channel"
"RequestToJoinChannelApproved": [
"Your request to join the channel was approved"
"RequestToJoinChannelDescription": [
"This channel accepts new subscribers only after they are approved by its admins."
"RequestToJoinChannelSentDescription": [
"You will be added to the channel once its admins approve your request."
"RequestToJoinGroup": [
"Request to Join Group"
"RequestToJoinGroupApproved": [
"Your request to join the group was approved"
"RequestToJoinGroupDescription": [
"This group accepts new members only after they are approved by its admins."
"RequestToJoinGroupSentDescription": [
"You will be added to the group once an admin approves your request."
"RequestToJoinSent": [
"Join request sent"
"RequestedToJoinAt": [
"requested to join <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"RestrictSavingContent": [
"Restrict saving content"
"RestrictSavingContentInfoChannel": [
"Subscribers won't be able to copy, save and forward content from this channel."
"RestrictSavingContentInfoGroup": [
"Members won't be able to copy, save and forward content from this group."
"Restrictions": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> restriction",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> restrictions"
"RevokeAlert": [
"Are you sure you want to revoke this link? Once the link is revoked, no one will be able to join using it."
"RevokeAlertNewLink": [
"The previous invite link is now inactive. A new link has been generated."
"RevokeButton": [
"RevokeLink": [
"Revoke Link"
"RevokeLinkAlert": [
"Are you sure you want to revoke the link **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>**?<br/><br/>The group \"**<markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark>**\" will become private."
"RevokeLinkAlertChannel": [
"Are you sure you want to revoke the link **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>**?<br/><br/>The channel \"**<markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark>**\" will become private."
"RevokedLink": [
"Revoked Link"
"RevokedLinks": [
"Revoked Links"
"Save": [
"SaveForNotifications": [
"Save for Notifications"
"SaveLink": [
"Save Link"
"SaveLinkHeader": [
"SavingContentTitle": [
"Content protection"
"Search": [
"SearchForPeople": [
"Search for people..."
"SearchFrom": [
"SearchMemberRequests": [
"Search join requests"
"SearchMembers": [
"Search members"
"SelectContact": [
"Select Contact"
"SendAnonymously": [
"Send anonymously"
"SendLiveLocationFor15m": [
"for 15 minutes"
"SendLiveLocationFor1h": [
"for 1 hour"
"SendLiveLocationFor8h": [
"for 8 hours"
"SendMessage": [
"Send Message"
"SendMessageAsTitle": [
"Send message as..."
"SendMessageRestricted": [
"The admins of this group have restricted you from messaging until <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>."
"SendMessageRestrictedForever": [
"The admins of this group have restricted your ability to send messages."
"SendMessageTo": [
"Who would you like to add?"
"SetAdmins": [
"Add admins"
"SetAdminsAll": [
"All Members Are Admins"
"SetAdminsNotAllInfo": [
"Only admins can add and remove members, pin messages or edit group info."
"SetAdminsTitle": [
"Chat Admins"
"SetAsAdmin": [
"Promote to admin"
"SetTimeLimit": [
"Set Time Limit"
"Settings": [
"ShareLink": [
"Share Link"
"ShareQrCode": [
"Share QR Code"
"ShareVideo": [
"Share Camera Video"
"Shared": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> shared",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> shared"
"SharedMedia": [
"Shared Media"
"SharedToPrivateMessagesAndGroups": [
"to private messages and groups"
"Shares": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> share",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> shares"
"SharesPerPost": [
"Shares Per Post"
"SlowModeHint": [
"Slow Mode is active. You can send<br/>your next message in <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>."
"Slowmode": [
"Slow Mode"
"SlowmodeHours": [
"SlowmodeInfoOff": [
"Choose how long each member must wait before sending their next message."
"SlowmodeInfoSelected": [
"Members will be able to send only one message every <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>."
"SlowmodeMinutes": [
"SlowmodeOff": [
"SlowmodeSeconds": [
"SlowmodeSendError": [
"Slow Mode is active. You can't send more than one message at once."
"SlowmodeSendErrorTooLong": [
"This text is too long to send as one message.<br/><br/>Slow Mode is active. You can't send more than one message at once."
"SoftUserLimitAlert": [
"You will be able to add more members after you create the group."
"SoundAdded": [
"Sound added"
"SoundAddedSubtitle": [
"You can use this sound as a notification tone in your **custom notification settings**."
"Do you want to start a live stream in this channel?"
"StartVoipChannelTitle": [
"Live Stream"
"StartVoipChatPermission": [
"Manage Video Chats"
"StartVoipChatTitle": [
"Video Chat"
"StartsTodayAt": [
"'Starts today at' HH:mm"
"StatisticOpenProfile": [
"Open Profile"
"StatisticOverview": [
"StatisticSearchUserHistory": [
"View Messages"
"StatisticViews": [
"Statistics": [
"SubscribeRequests": [
"Join Requests"
"Subscribers": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> subscriber",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> subscribers"
"TapToAddBio": [
"tap to add a bio"
"TapToAddDescription": [
"tap to add description"
"TapToAddPhotoOrBio": [
"tap to add photo or bio"
"TapToAddPhotoOrDescription": [
"Tap to add photo or description"
"TimeLimitHelp": [
"You can make the link expire after a certain time."
"TimeLimitHint": [
"Set custom duration"
"TodayAt": [
"TodayAtFormattedWithToday": [
"today at <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"TooLongError": [
"Too long"
"TooManyCommunities": [
"Too Many Communities"
"TooManyCommunitiesHintEdit": [
"Sorry, you are a member of too many groups and channels. For technical reasons, you need to leave one before changing this setting."
"TooManyCommunitiesHintJoin": [
"Sorry, you are a member of too many groups or channels. Please leave one before joining another."
"TopAdmins": [
"Top admins"
"TopDaysOfWeekChartTitle": [
"Top days of week"
"TopHoursChartTitle": [
"Views by hours (UTC)"
"TopInviters": [
"Top inviters"
"TopMembers": [
"Top members"
"TwoStepVerificationTitle": [
"Two-Step Verification"
"TypeLocationGroup": [
"Public Link"
"TypeLocationGroupEdit": [
"Tap to add a public link"
"TypeMessage": [
"TypePrivate": [
"TypePrivateGroup": [
"TypePrivateGroupRestrictedForwards": [
"Private restricted"
"TypePrivateRestrictedForwards": [
"Private restricted"
"TypePublic": [
"TypePublicGroup": [
"Unmute": [
"UnmuteNotifications": [
"UnpinMessage": [
"UnpinMessageAlert": [
"Are you sure you want to unpin this message for everyone?"
"UnpinMessageAlertTitle": [
"Unpin message"
"UpgradeGroup": [
"Upgrade to Supergroup"
"UseProxySponsorInfo": [
"This channel is shown by your proxy server. To remove this channel from your chat list, disable the proxy in Telegram Settings > Data and Storage."
"UserRemovedBy": [
"Removed by <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"UserRemovedFromChatHint": [
"**<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** removed from **<markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark>**"
"You have changed this user's rights in **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>**. Apply changes?"
"UserRestrictionsBlock": [
"Ban and remove from group"
"UserRestrictionsCanDo": [
"What can this user do?"
"UserRestrictionsCantModify": [
"Locked Option"
"UserRestrictionsCantModifyEnabled": [
"This action is enabled for all members. Please change it in Group Permissions."
"UserRestrictionsChangeInfo": [
"Change Chat Info"
"UserRestrictionsCustom": [
"UserRestrictionsDisabled": [
"This option is disabled for all members in Group Permissions"
"UserRestrictionsDuration": [
"UserRestrictionsEmbedLinks": [
"Embed Links"
"UserRestrictionsInviteUsers": [
"Add Users"
"UserRestrictionsNoChangeInfo": [
"can't change Info"
"UserRestrictionsNoEmbedLinks": [
"no embed links"
"UserRestrictionsNoInviteUsers": [
"can't add users"
"UserRestrictionsNoPinMessages": [
"no pinning"
"UserRestrictionsNoSend": [
"can't send messages"
"UserRestrictionsNoSendMedia": [
"no media"
"UserRestrictionsNoSendPolls": [
"no polls"
"UserRestrictionsNoSendStickers": [
"no stickers & GIFs"
"UserRestrictionsPinMessages": [
"Pin Messages"
"UserRestrictionsSend": [
"Send Messages"
"UserRestrictionsSendMedia": [
"Send Media"
"UserRestrictionsSendPolls": [
"Send Polls"
"UserRestrictionsSendStickers": [
"Send Stickers and GIFs"
"UserRestrictionsUntilForever": [
"UserSetAsAdminHint": [
"**<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** promoted to admin."
"UsesLimitHelp": [
"You can make the link work only for a certain number of users."
"UsesLimitHint": [
"Enter custom limit"
"VideoPreviewDesrciption": [
"Video from your camera will be shared with other members of this video chat"
"ViewChannelStats": [
"View Channel Stats"
"ViewDiscussion": [
"View Discussion"
"ViewInChat": [
"View in chat"
"ViewMessage": [
"Open Message"
"ViewMessageStatistic": [
"Message Statistics"
"ViewReplies": [
"View <markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> Reply",
"View <markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> Replies"
"ViewThread": [
"View Thread"
"ViewersWatching": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> viewer",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> viewers"
"ViewersWatchingNobody": [
"Nobody watching"
"ViewingMembers": [
"Viewing Members"
"Views": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> view",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> views"
"ViewsBySourceChartTitle": [
"Views by source"
"ViewsPerPost": [
"Views Per Post"
"VoipAddBio": [
"Add Bio"
"VoipAddDescription": [
"Add Description"
"VoipAudioRoutingHeadset": [
"VoipAudioRoutingPhone": [
"VoipAudioRoutingSpeaker": [
"VoipCamera": [
"VoipChannelCancelChat": [
"Cancel live stream"
"VoipChannelChatJoined": [
"**<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** joined the live stream."
"VoipChannelEditTitle": [
"Edit live stream title"
"VoipChannelEndAlertText": [
"Do you want to end this live stream?"
"VoipChannelEndAlertTitle": [
"End live stream"
"VoipChannelEndChat": [
"End live stream"
"VoipChannelRecordVoiceChat": [
"Record live stream"
"VoipChannelRecording": [
"Live stream is being recorded"
"VoipChannelRemoveMemberAlertText2": [
"Do you want to remove <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> from the live stream and ban them in <markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark>?"
"VoipChannelScheduleInfo": [
"Subscribers of the channel will be notified that the live stream starts in <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>."
"VoipChannelScheduleVoiceChat": [
"Schedule Live Stream"
"VoipChannelScheduledVoiceChat": [
"Scheduled Live Stream"
"VoipChannelStart2": [
"Subscribers of this channel will be notified once you start the live stream."
"VoipChannelStartVoiceChat": [
"Start Live Stream"
"VoipChannelStopRecordingText": [
"Do you want to stop recording this live stream?"
"VoipChannelTitle": [
"Live stream title"
"VoipChannelUserChanged": [
"Participants of this live stream will now see you as **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>**."
"VoipChannelUserJoined": [
"**<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** joined the live stream."
"VoipChannelVoiceChat": [
"Live Stream"
"VoipChatDisplayedAs": [
"You will be displayed as:"
"VoipChatLateBy": [
"Late by"
"VoipChatReminderHint": [
"We will notify you when it starts."
"VoipChatShare": [
"VoipChatStartScreenCapture": [
"Share screen"
"VoipChatStartsIn": [
"Starts in"
"VoipChatStopScreenCapture": [
"Stop sharing screen"
"VoipChatUserJoined": [
"**<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** joined the video chat."
"VoipEditDescription": [
"Edit description"
"VoipEditName": [
"Edit Name"
"VoipEditTitle": [
"Edit name"
"VoipEditTitleHint": [
"VoipGroupAllCanSpeak": [
"New participants can speak"
"VoipGroupAudio": [
"VoipGroupAudioRecordSaved": [
"Audio saved to **Saved Messages**."
"VoipGroupAudioRecordStarted": [
"Audio recording started."
"VoipGroupBioEditAlertText": [
"You can add a few lines about yourself. Everyone will see this text."
"VoipGroupBioEditTitle": [
"VoipGroupCancelRaiseHand": [
"Cancel request to speak"
"VoipGroupCancelReminder": [
"Cancel Reminder"
"VoipGroupContinueAs": [
"Continue as <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"VoipGroupCopyListenLink": [
"VoipGroupCopySpeakerLink": [
"VoipGroupDisplayAs": [
"Display me as..."
"VoipGroupEditPermissions": [
"Edit permissions"
"VoipGroupEditTitle": [
"Edit video chat title"
"VoipGroupEnd": [
"VoipGroupEndAlertText": [
"Are you sure you want to end this video chat?"
"VoipGroupEndAlertTitle": [
"End video chat"
"VoipGroupEndChat": [
"End video chat"
"VoipGroupExpandStream": [
"VoipGroupInviteCanSpeak": [
"Can speak"
"VoipGroupInviteListenOnly": [
"Listen only"
"VoipGroupInviteText": [
"Hey! Join our video chat: <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"VoipGroupJoinAnonymousAdmin": [
"Sorry, you can't join video chats as an anonymous administrator."
"VoipGroupJoinAnonymouseAlert": [
"Are you sure you want to appear in this video chat as your personal account?"
"VoipGroupJoinAsLinstener": [
"VoipGroupJoinAsSpeaker": [
"VoipGroupLeave": [
"VoipGroupLeaveAlertEndChat": [
"End video chat"
"VoipGroupLeaveAlertText": [
"Are you sure you want to leave this video chat?"
"VoipGroupLeaveAlertTitle": [
"Leave video chat"
"VoipGroupMinimizeStream": [
"VoipGroupMute": [
"VoipGroupMuteForMe": [
"Mute for me"
"VoipGroupMuteMemberAlertText": [
"Are you sure you want to mute **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** in this video chat?"
"VoipGroupMuteMemberAlertTitle": [
"Mute microphone"
"VoipGroupOnlyAdminsCanSpeak": [
"New participants are muted"
"VoipGroupOpenChannel": [
"Open Channel"
"VoipGroupOpenChat": [
"Open Chat"
"VoipGroupOpenProfile": [
"Open Profile"
"VoipGroupPersonalAccount": [
"personal account"
"VoipGroupRecordCall": [
"Start recording"
"VoipGroupRecording": [
"The audio stream is being recorded"
"VoipGroupRemoveMemberAlertText2": [
"Do you want to remove <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> from the video chat and ban them in <markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark>?"
"VoipGroupRemoveMemberAlertTitle2": [
"Remove participant"
"VoipGroupSaveFileHint": [
"Recording Title"
"VoipGroupScheduleInfo": [
"Members of the group will be notified that the video chat starts in <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>."
"VoipGroupScheduleVoiceChat": [
"Schedule Video Chat"
"VoipGroupScheduledVoiceChat": [
"Scheduled Video Chat"
"VoipGroupSetReminder": [
"Set Reminder"
"VoipGroupShareInviteLink": [
"Share invite link"
"VoipGroupShareLink": [
"Share Invite Link"
"VoipGroupStart2": [
"Members of this group will be notified once you start the video chat."
"VoipGroupStartAsInfo": [
"Choose whether you want to be displayed as your personal account or as your channel."
"VoipGroupStartNow": [
"Start Now"
"VoipGroupStartRecordingRtmpVideoText": [
"Do you want to start recording this chat and save the result into a video file?"
"VoipGroupStartRecordingText": [
"Record this chat and save the result into an audio file?<br/><br/>Participants will see that the chat is being recorded."
"VoipGroupStartRecordingTitle": [
"Start recording"
"VoipGroupStartRecordingVideoText": [
"Do you want to start recording this chat and save the result into a video file?<br/><br/>Other participants will see that the chat is being recorded."
"VoipGroupStartVoiceChat": [
"Start Video Chat"
"VoipGroupStopRecordCall": [
"Stop recording"
"VoipGroupStopRecordingTitle": [
"Stop recording"
"VoipGroupTitle": [
"Video chat title"
"VoipGroupUnmuteForMe": [
"Unmute for me"
"VoipGroupUserCanNowSpeakForYou": [
"**<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** is now unmuted for you."
"VoipGroupUserChanged": [
"Participants of this video chat will now see you as **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>**"
"VoipGroupUserRemove": [
"VoipGroupVideoRecordStarted": [
"Video recording started."
"VoipGroupViewVoiceChat": [
"VoipGroupVoiceChat": [
"Video Chat"
"VoipGroupYouCanNowSpeak": [
"You can now speak."
"VoipGroupYouCanNowSpeakIn": [
"You can now speak in **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>**."
"VoipHoldAndTalk": [
"or hold and speak<br/>"
"VoipMute": [
"VoipMutedByAdmin": [
"Muted by admin"
"VoipMutedByAdminInfo": [
"You are in Listen Only Mode"
"VoipMutedByAdminShort": [
"VoipMutedTapForSpeak": [
"tap if you want to speak"
"VoipMutedTapedForSpeak": [
"You asked to speak"
"VoipMutedTapedForSpeakInfo": [
"We let the speakers know"
"VoipNeedCameraPermission": [
"Telegram needs access to your camera so that you can make video calls.<br/><br/>Tap Settings > Permissions, and turn Camera on."
"VoipNoiseCancellation": [
"Noise suppression"
"VoipNoiseCancellationDisabled": [
"VoipNoiseCancellationEnabled": [
"VoipOngoingAlert2": [
"End call with **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** and start a video chat in **<markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark>**?"
"VoipOngoingAlertTitle": [
"Another call in progress"
"VoipOngoingChatAlert": [
"Leave video chat in **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** and start a new one in **<markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark>**?"
"VoipOngoingChatAlert2": [
"Leave video chat in **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>** and call **<markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark>**?"
"VoipOngoingChatAlertTitle": [
"Another video chat in progress"
"VoipRecordAudio": [
"VoipRecordLandscape": [
"VoipRecordPortrait": [
"VoipRecordStart": [
"Start Recording"
"VoipRecordVoiceChat": [
"Record video chat"
"VoipRecordVoiceChatInfo": [
"Choose how to record this chat"
"VoipSelectAudioOutput": [
"Select audio output"
"VoipSetNewPhoto": [
"Add Photo"
"VoipSpeaker": [
"VoipTapToMute": [
"You're Live"
"VoipUnmute": [
"VoipVideoNotAvailable": [
"To watch the video stream, update<br/>Telegram to the latest version."
"VoipVideoOnPause": [
"Video on Pause"
"VoipVideoScreenSharing": [
"You are sharing your screen"
"VoipVideoScreenStopSharing": [
"Vote": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> vote",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> votes"
"WantsToSpeak": [
"wants to speak"
"Weeks": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> week",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> weeks"
"WidgetPasscodeEnable2": [
"Your passcode **will not affect** widgets added to your homescreen."
"WillUnmuteIn": [
"In <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"YouBlockedUser": [
"Sorry, you can't add this user or bot to groups because you've blocked them. Please unblock to proceed."