<metaproperty="og:description"content="Google has just unveiled Android Wear 2.0, the latest in smartwatch platforms. It supports standalone apps, so today we're releasing Telegram for Android Wear 2.0.">
<p>Google has just unveiled <ahref="https://blog.google/products/android-wear/android-wear-20-make-most-every-minute/">Android Wear 2.0</a>, the latest in smartwatch platforms. It supports standalone apps, so today we're releasing <strong>Telegram for Android Wear 2.0.</strong> It‘s everything you’d want from a perfect watch app — compact, beautiful, and super-fast. </p>
<divclass="blog_video_player_wrap"style="max-width: 640px; margin: 20px auto 20px;">
<p>Using this tiny yet powerful app, you can browse your chats and quickly reply to messages with voice, text, emoji, or stickers. You can also view your contacts and even create groups right from your watch.</p>
<ahref="/file/811140855/2/QhPFxtrKQQU.204643/9a1dd613ab3f0a6307"target="_blank"><imgsrc="/file/811140855/2/QhPFxtrKQQU.204643/9a1dd613ab3f0a6307"title="Send voice, text messages, and stickers"/></a></div>
<ahref="/file/811140090/3/R2GWTvcOCto.156067/b322ddc88a5f3275d7"target="_blank"><imgsrc="/file/811140090/3/R2GWTvcOCto.156067/b322ddc88a5f3275d7"title="Browse your chats and get notifications"/></a></div>
<p>The smartwatch app also supports several themes in different colors. By the way, theme support is coming to our main Android app soon, so stay tuned.</p>
<p>Telegram for Android Wear 2.0 is available for download on Google Play. If you have Android Wear 2.0 installed on your watch, just search for Telegram in the store.</p>
<ahref="https://t.me/share/url?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftelegram.org%2Fblog%2Fandroid-wear-2-0&text=The%20new%20Telegram%20app%20for%20Android%20Wear%202.0%20is%20already%20out.%20It%27s%20compact%2C%20beautiful%2C%20and%20super-fast."class="tl_telegram_share_btn"id="tl_telegram_share_btn"data-text="The new Telegram app for Android Wear 2.0 is already out. It's compact, beautiful, and super-fast."data-url="https://telegram.org/blog/android-wear-2-0"><iclass="tl_telegram_share_icon"></i><spanclass="tl_telegram_share_label"target="_blank">Forward</span></a>
<ahref="https://twitter.com/share"class="tl_twitter_share_btn"id="tl_twitter_share_btn"data-text="The new Telegram app for Android Wear 2.0 is already out. It's compact, beautiful, and super-fast."data-url="https://telegram.org/blog/android-wear-2-0"data-via="Telegram">Tweet <spanclass="tl_twitter_share_cnt"></span></a>
<h4class="dev_blog_card_title">Stories for Channels, Your Music in Stories and More</h4>
<divclass="dev_blog_card_lead">Channels can unlock posting stories with a new boost system, while stories get upgraded with reaction stickers, music and more.</div>
<h4class="dev_blog_card_title">Stories and 10 Years of Telegram</h4>
<divclass="dev_blog_card_lead">In this update, we launch Stories – with a unique dual camera mode, granular privacy settings, flexible duration options and much more.</div>
<h4class="dev_blog_card_title">Shareable Chat Folders, Custom Wallpapers and More</h4>
<divclass="dev_blog_card_lead">This update lets users share entire chat folders with one link, create custom wallpapers for individual chats, use web apps in any chat…</div>
<h4class="dev_blog_card_title">Power Saving Mode and More</h4>
<divclass="dev_blog_card_lead">This update brings a new power saving mode, optimizes Telegram for lower-end Android devices, adds even more playback speed options, and much more.</div>