<metaproperty="og:description"content="Today's update lets you quote specific parts of messages when replying, send your replies to other chats, add quote formatting to any text, configure link previews, choose a color for your account, and much more.">
<ahref="/file/400780400514/1/LKLxbQxCW2s.568246/a069206e52b49f3132"target="_blank"><imgsrc="/file/400780400780/1/g_radu3Y0M8.287207/035dae82b433286e51"srcset="/file/400780400514/1/LKLxbQxCW2s.568246/a069206e52b49f3132, 1200w"title=""alt="Replies 2.0, Adjustable Link Previews, Name Colors and More"/></a>
<p>Today's update lets you <strong>quote specific parts of messages</strong> when replying, send your replies to <strong>other chats</strong>, add <strong>quote formatting</strong> to any text, configure <strong>link previews</strong>, choose a <strong>color for your account</strong>, and much more.</p>
<p>Telegram pioneered replies back in <ahref="https://telegram.org/evolution#march-2015-first-update">2015</a>, for the first time giving people an intuitive way of following complex conversations in chats. Other messaging apps have adopted Telegram's standard – and today we're pushing the boundaries further.</p>
<p>Now users can <strong>quote specific parts</strong> of any message, making their responses 100% precise. Tapping the quote focuses on the exact location in the original message with a <strong>beautiful animation</strong>.</p>
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<p>To quote a message, tap (on iOS, hold) the message, then hold and drag to select text and choose <em>'Quote'</em>.</p>
<p>Starting today, replies can also be <strong>sent to other chats</strong>– in case you want to <strong>reply privately</strong> or move the discussion to a <strong>different group</strong> or <strong>channel</strong>. Tapping the reply from another chat opens the message in its <strong>original chat</strong> if you are allowed to access it.</p>
<p>To reply in a different chat, tap the reply bar above the input field, select <em>'Reply in Another Chat'</em>, then choose where you'd like to send it.</p>
<p>Beyond quoting others directly, you can add <strong>quote formatting</strong> to <strong>any text</strong>, including <strong>multiple quotes</strong> in one reply.</p>
<p>We've also improved the context menu to make formatting options easier to access.</p>
<h3><aclass="anchor"name="adjustable-link-previews"href="#adjustable-link-previews"><iclass="anchor-icon"></i></a>Adjustable Link Previews</h3>
<p>In <ahref="https://telegram.org/evolution#april-2015">2015</a>, Telegram was also the first messaging app to add detailed <strong>link previews</strong>, showing a title, description and media for the page.</p>
<p>This update gives you unprecedented control over link previews in your messages. You can change the <strong>size of media</strong>, choose whether the preview appears <strong>above</strong> or <strong>below your message</strong> and select <strong>which link to preview</strong> if there are several.</p>
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<videoclass="blog_video_player tl_blog_vid_autoplay"onclick="videoTogglePlay(this)"autoplayloopcontrolsmutedposter="/file/400780400629/1/DYsagkEo7Gg.68412/1996c057ccb3d95b84"style="max-width: 600px;"title=""alt="Adjustable Link Previews">
<p><strong>Opening</strong> links has become easier since you can now <strong>tap anywhere</strong> in the preview area.</p>
<h3><aclass="anchor"name="reply-forwarding-and-link-settings"href="#reply-forwarding-and-link-settings"><iclass="anchor-icon"></i></a>Reply, Forwarding and Link Settings</h3>
<p>Whenever you're replying when forwarding messages, including links in a reply, or doing <strong>all three together</strong>, you can now access all settings using the new tabs in the menu.</p>
<divclass="blog_video_player_wrap"style="max-width: 600px; margin: 20px auto 20px;">
<videoclass="blog_video_player tl_blog_vid_autoplay"onclick="videoTogglePlay(this)"autoplayloopcontrolsmutedposter="/file/400780400827/1/h_6iZKp3x7k.139993/b75d4ea8cb0e94d951"style="max-width: 600px;"title=""alt="Reply, Forwarding and Link Settings">
<p>With Telegram Premium, you can customize your account further than ever by choosing a <strong>color</strong> or <strong>color combination</strong> for your account.</p>
<p>This changes the color of <strong>your name</strong> in all groups, any <strong>links you send</strong>, as well as <strong>replies</strong> to your messages.</p>
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<p>Additionally, you can <strong>choose an icon</strong> that will be used as a pattern, creating a <strong>unique background</strong> behind your messages when others <strong>quote</strong> or <strong>reply to you</strong>.</p>
<p>To set an account color on Android, go to <em>Settings > Chat Settings > Change Name Color</em>. On iOS, go to <em>Settings > Appearance > Your Name Color</em>.</p>
<p>These settings are also <strong>available for channels</strong> that have been <ahref="https://telegram.org/blog/channel-stories#stories-for-channels">boosted</a> to <strong>Level 5</strong> or higher.</p>
<p>Stories now let you <strong>fast-forward</strong> and <strong>rewind</strong> videos – simply hold down on the screen and then slide right or left.</p>
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<videoclass="blog_video_player tl_blog_vid_autoplay"onclick="videoTogglePlay(this)"autoplayloopcontrolsmutedposter="/file/400780400006/1/ENhaynGQND8.36958/865f98a6194773a066"style="max-width: 600px;"title=""alt="Fast Forward or Rewind Stories">
<p>For better, brighter selfies, you can use the <strong>front flash</strong>– with <strong>flexible settings</strong> for <strong>warmth</strong> and <strong>intensity</strong>.</p>
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<videoclass="blog_video_player tl_blog_vid_autoplay"onclick="videoTogglePlay(this)"autoplayloopcontrolsmutedposter="/file/400780400762/1/WMDq7BPU7X0.46895/a285103c4da0a00542"style="max-width: 600px;"title=""alt="Selfie-Camera Flash in Stories">
<p>To adjust the warmth and intensity of the flash, <strong>hold the <imgclass="emoji"src="//telegram.org/img/emoji/40/E29AA1.png"width="20"height="20"alt="⚡"/> icon</strong> when using the front-facing camera for a story.</p>
<p>Opening stories for the first time shows a quick <strong>tutorial</strong>, covering their basic browsing gestures.</p>
<p>That's all for today. We'll be <ahref="#reply-forwarding-and-link-settings">Linking Forward to your Replies</a> while we're working on the next update.</p>
<ahref="https://t.me/share/url?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftelegram.org%2Fblog%2Freply-revolution&text=Today%27s%20update%20lets%20you%20quote%20specific%20parts%20of%20messages%20when%20replying%2C%20send%20your%20replies%20to%20other%20chats%2C%20add%20quote%20formatting%20to%20any%20text%2C%20configure%20link%20previews%2C%20choose%20a%20color%20for%20your%20account%2C%20and%20much%20more."class="tl_telegram_share_btn"id="tl_telegram_share_btn"data-text="Today's update lets you quote specific parts of messages when replying, send your replies to other chats, add quote formatting to any text, configure link previews, choose a color for your account, and much more."data-url="https://telegram.org/blog/reply-revolution"><iclass="tl_telegram_share_icon"></i><spanclass="tl_telegram_share_label"target="_blank">Forward</span></a>
<ahref="https://twitter.com/share"class="tl_twitter_share_btn"id="tl_twitter_share_btn"data-text="Today's update lets you quote specific parts of messages when replying, send your replies to other chats, add quote formatting to any text, configure link previews, choose a color for your account, and much more."data-url="https://telegram.org/blog/reply-revolution"data-via="Telegram">Tweet <spanclass="tl_twitter_share_cnt"></span></a>
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