<metaproperty="og:description"content=" In this update, we launch Stories – with a unique dual camera mode, granular privacy settings, flexible duration options and much more.">
<ahref="/file/400780400119/1/TZGEP_ZGufI.550643/e92ffee959466e83f9"target="_blank"><imgsrc="/file/400780400325/1/hCLRKYoz818.284226/d9dc8363ab3e73a7be"srcset="/file/400780400119/1/TZGEP_ZGufI.550643/e92ffee959466e83f9, 1200w"title="117 major updates in 10 years = Piece of cake"alt="Stories and 10 Years of Telegram"/></a>
<p>Today, Telegram celebrates its <strong>10th birthday</strong>– with our biggest update yet. Over the past decade we’ve built <ahref="https://telegram.org/evolution">hundreds of new features</a> that are now used by over <strong>800 million people</strong>. In this update, we launch <strong>Stories</strong>– with a unique <strong>dual camera mode</strong>, granular <strong>privacy settings</strong>, flexible <strong>duration options</strong> and <em>much</em> more.</p>
<p><imgclass="emoji"src="//telegram.org/img/emoji/40/F09F9A80.png"width="20"height="20"alt="🚀"/><strong>September 2023:</strong> Telegram channels can also <strong>post stories</strong>, thanks to a new <strong>boost system</strong>. <ahref="https://telegram.org/blog/channel-stories">Read more »</a></p>
<p>Stories let you quickly share moments and see more from your friends – and they're <strong>now available on Telegram</strong>.</p>
<p>This was by far the <strong>most-requested feature</strong> in the history of Telegram – and we've spent several months innovating and refining the format. Telegram Stories have all the things you'd expect – and <strong>plenty more</strong> that have never been done before.</p>
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<p>Stories are displayed in an <strong>expandable section</strong> at the top of your screen – so you still see the <strong>full length</strong> of your chat list and folders.</p>
<p>When viewing a story, you can quickly tap to share, reply privately, or react –<strong>tap</strong> for a quick <imgclass="emoji"src="//telegram.org/img/emoji/40/E299A5.png"width="20"height="20"alt="♥️"/> or <strong>hold down</strong> to use <strong>hundreds more reactions</strong>.</p>
<p>By default, you'll see stories from all <strong>your contacts</strong> on your home page – and you can <strong>hide stories</strong> from specific contacts, sending them to your <strong>archived chats</strong>.</p>
<h3><aclass="anchor"name="dual-camera-mode"href="#dual-camera-mode"><iclass="anchor-icon"></i></a>Dual Camera Mode</h3>
<p>To capture scenes from every angle, stories can take photos or videos with both the <strong>front</strong> and <strong>rear camera</strong> of your device <strong>simultaneously</strong>– letting you choose which camera goes where, even <strong>while recording</strong>.</p>
<divclass="blog_video_player_wrap"style="max-width: 600px; margin: 20px auto 20px;">
<videoclass="blog_video_player tl_blog_vid_autoplay"onclick="videoTogglePlay(this)"autoplayloopcontrolsmutedposter="/file/400780400864/1/pGC6HQ07Loo.42102/82681e22aa2d701495"style="max-width: 600px;"title=""alt="Posting a story">
> To change the orientation of the cameras, tap the <imgclass="emoji"src="//telegram.org/img/emoji/40/F09F9484.png"width="20"height="20"alt="🔄"/> icon — or just **double tap** anywhere on the screen.
<h3><aclass="anchor"name="stickers-locations-and-captions"href="#stickers-locations-and-captions"><iclass="anchor-icon"></i></a>Stickers, Locations and Captions</h3>
<p>Stories use Telegram's powerful <strong>media editor</strong>– allowing you to add text, drawings, stickers or <strong>tag your location</strong>. For even more context, stories support <strong>captions</strong>– where you can include a <strong>longer text description</strong>, tag friends or add links.</p>
<p>You can add multiple images from your gallery – or use <strong>search</strong> to find GIFs and pictures from the web.</p>
<p>When posting a story, you can select from <strong>4 privacy settings</strong>: <em>Everyone</em>, <em>My Contacts</em>, <em>Close Friends</em> and <em>Selected Contacts</em>. Each option can be <strong>completely customized</strong>, allowing you to <strong>include</strong> or <strong>exclude any users</strong>.</p>
<p>You can also select a list of users who will <strong>never see your story</strong>– so your boss or grandma won't find out about your adventurous side. <imgclass="emoji"src="//telegram.org/img/emoji/40/F09F9889.png"width="20"height="20"alt="😉"/></p>
<p>To keep a story even more private, you can <strong>disable screenshots</strong> to prevent viewers from saving or sharing it.</p>
<h3><aclass="anchor"name="stories-in-profiles"href="#stories-in-profiles"><iclass="anchor-icon"></i></a>Stories in Profiles</h3>
<p>Stories can last for your choice of <strong>6, 12, 24 or 48 hours</strong>. You can also <strong>post them to your profile</strong>, arranged in a <strong>gorgeous grid</strong> — where both old contacts and new connections can see your highlight reel for <strong>as long as you want</strong>.</p>
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<videoclass="blog_video_player tl_blog_vid_autoplay"onclick="videoTogglePlay(this)"autoplayloopcontrolsmutedposter="/file/400780400161/1/GoAJchTRxOQ.46351/9237bb39a2774c5f2d"style="max-width: 600px;"title=""alt="Stories Posted to the Profile">
<p>Now when you meet people on Telegram, you'll see exciting snapshots of their life – not just a few profile photos.</p>
<p>Each story that you post to your profile has <strong>separate privacy settings</strong>– so you can always control which ones certain people are able to see.</p>
<p>For the first time in the history of social media, you can <strong>update any element</strong> of your story at <strong>any time</strong>– changing its <strong>visibility</strong>, <strong>caption</strong>, <strong>on-screen text</strong>, <strong>stickers</strong> or anything else – without having to delete and repost it from scratch.</p>
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<!-- To edit your story, open it on the **device you posted it from** and tap  or  > Edit Story.-->
<p>When a user opens a story, they appear in a <strong>list of viewers</strong> that is visible to the story's author – like a read receipt.</p>
<p>After you post a story, you can open it to see the list – which you can <strong>filter</strong> to show just your contacts, and sort by <strong>recent views</strong> first or <strong>reactions</strong> first. If you want to check if a specific user saw it, type their name into the <strong>search bar</strong>.</p>
<p>For more anonymity, Premium users can enable <strong>Stealth Mode</strong>– erasing their views from any stories they opened in <strong>the past 5 minutes</strong>, and hiding what they view for <strong>the next 25 minutes</strong>.</p>
<p>To see all the story features that couldn't fit in this blog post, check out this <ahref="https://telegram.org/tour/stories">detailed guide</a> to Telegram Stories.</p>
<p>Thank you all for 10 great years. If you feel like celebrating some more, check out <ahref="https://t.me/durov/216">our CEO’s thoughts</a> on the occasion <imgclass="emoji"src="//telegram.org/img/emoji/40/F09F8E82.png"width="20"height="20"alt="🎂"/></p>
<p>Meanwhile, we're already working on the next update, cake in hand.</p>
<ahref="https://t.me/share/url?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftelegram.org%2Fblog%2Fstories&text=%20In%20this%20update%2C%20we%20launch%20Stories%20%E2%80%93%20with%20a%20unique%20dual%20camera%20mode%2C%20granular%20privacy%20settings%2C%20flexible%20duration%20options%20and%20much%20more."class="tl_telegram_share_btn"id="tl_telegram_share_btn"data-text=" In this update, we launch Stories – with a unique dual camera mode, granular privacy settings, flexible duration options and much more."data-url="https://telegram.org/blog/stories"><iclass="tl_telegram_share_icon"></i><spanclass="tl_telegram_share_label"target="_blank">Forward</span></a>
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