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< h1 id = "dev_page_title" > Ringtones< / h1 >
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< p > The API allows uploading and synchronizing notification sounds associated to a specific chat.< / p >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#uploading-notification-sounds" id = "uploading-notification-sounds" name = "uploading-notification-sounds" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Uploading notification sounds< / h3 >
< p > Schema:< / p >
< pre > < code > < a href = '/constructor/account.savedRingtonesNotModified' > account.savedRingtonesNotModified< / a > #fbf6e8b1 = < a href = '/type/account.SavedRingtones' > account.SavedRingtones< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/account.savedRingtones' > account.savedRingtones< / a > #c1e92cc5 hash:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > ringtones:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/Document' > Document< / a > > = < a href = '/type/account.SavedRingtones' > account.SavedRingtones< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/updateSavedRingtones' > updateSavedRingtones< / a > #74d8be99 = < a href = '/type/Update' > Update< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/account.savedRingtone' > account.savedRingtone< / a > #b7263f6d = < a href = '/type/account.SavedRingtone' > account.SavedRingtone< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/account.savedRingtoneConverted' > account.savedRingtoneConverted< / a > #1f307eb7 document:< a href = '/type/Document' > Document< / a > = < a href = '/type/account.SavedRingtone' > account.SavedRingtone< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/account.uploadRingtone' > account.uploadRingtone< / a > #831a83a2 file:< a href = '/type/InputFile' > InputFile< / a > file_name:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > mime_type:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > = < a href = '/type/Document' > Document< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/account.saveRingtone' > account.saveRingtone< / a > #3dea5b03 id:< a href = '/type/InputDocument' > InputDocument< / a > unsave:< a href = '/type/Bool' > Bool< / a > = < a href = '/type/account.SavedRingtone' > account.SavedRingtone< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/account.getSavedRingtones' > account.getSavedRingtones< / a > #e1902288 hash:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > = < a href = '/type/account.SavedRingtones' > account.SavedRingtones< / a > ;< / code > < / pre >
< p > A notification sound file may be uploaded using < a href = "/method/account.uploadRingtone" > account.uploadRingtone< / a > .< br >
After upload, the document should be provided to < a href = "/method/account.saveRingtone" > account.saveRingtone< / a > to save the notification sound, returning a simple < a href = "/constructor/account.savedRingtone" > account.savedRingtone< / a > . < / p >
< p > Supported formats:< / p >
< ul >
< li > MP3< / li >
< li > OGG OPUS< / li >
< / ul >
< p > An existing voice message may also be passed directly to < a href = "/method/account.saveRingtone" > account.saveRingtone< / a > .< br >
When passing existing voice messages to < a href = "/method/account.saveRingtone" > account.saveRingtone< / a > an < a href = "/constructor/account.savedRingtoneConverted" > account.savedRingtoneConverted< / a > constructor will be returned containing the new document to use < strong > instead of< / strong > the original voice message document when < a href = "#removing-notification-sounds" > removing< / a > or < a href = "#setting-notification-sounds" > using< / a > notification sounds. < / p >
< p > The following ringtone limits are specified in the < a href = "/api/config#client-configuration" > client configuration< / a > :< / p >
< ul >
< li > < a href = "/api/config#ringtone-duration-max" > ringtone_duration_max< / a > - The maximum duration in seconds of uploaded ringtones< / li >
< li > < a href = "/api/config#ringtone-saved-count-max" > ringtone_saved_count_max< / a > - The maximum number of saveable ringtones< / li >
< li > < a href = "/api/config#ringtone-size-max" > ringtone_size_max< / a > - The maximum (post-conversion) filesize in bytes of uploadable ringtones< / li >
< / ul >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#removing-notification-sounds" id = "removing-notification-sounds" name = "removing-notification-sounds" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Removing notification sounds< / h3 >
< p > Schema:< / p >
< pre > < code > < a href = '/constructor/account.savedRingtone' > account.savedRingtone< / a > #b7263f6d = < a href = '/type/account.SavedRingtone' > account.SavedRingtone< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/account.saveRingtone' > account.saveRingtone< / a > #3dea5b03 id:< a href = '/type/InputDocument' > InputDocument< / a > unsave:< a href = '/type/Bool' > Bool< / a > = < a href = '/type/account.SavedRingtone' > account.SavedRingtone< / a > ;< / code > < / pre >
< p > Pass true to < code > unsave< / code > in < a href = "/method/account.saveRingtone" > account.saveRingtone< / a > to remove an uploaded notification sound. < / p >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#getting-notification-sounds" id = "getting-notification-sounds" name = "getting-notification-sounds" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Getting notification sounds< / h3 >
< p > Schema:< / p >
< pre > < code > < a href = '/constructor/updateSavedRingtones' > updateSavedRingtones< / a > #74d8be99 = < a href = '/type/Update' > Update< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/account.savedRingtonesNotModified' > account.savedRingtonesNotModified< / a > #fbf6e8b1 = < a href = '/type/account.SavedRingtones' > account.SavedRingtones< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/account.savedRingtones' > account.savedRingtones< / a > #c1e92cc5 hash:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > ringtones:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/Document' > Document< / a > > = < a href = '/type/account.SavedRingtones' > account.SavedRingtones< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/account.getSavedRingtones' > account.getSavedRingtones< / a > #e1902288 hash:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > = < a href = '/type/account.SavedRingtones' > account.SavedRingtones< / a > ;< / code > < / pre >
< p > < a href = "/method/account.getSavedRingtones" > account.getSavedRingtones< / a > can be used to obtain all saved notification sounds.< br >
The client will receive an < a href = "/constructor/updateSavedRingtones" > updateSavedRingtones< / a > update if the list is modified by the user on other clients, which should trigger a call to < a href = "/method/account.getSavedRingtones" > account.getSavedRingtones< / a > . < / p >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#setting-notification-sounds" id = "setting-notification-sounds" name = "setting-notification-sounds" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Setting notification sounds< / h3 >
< p > Schema:< / p >
< pre > < code > < a href = '/constructor/notificationSoundDefault' > notificationSoundDefault< / a > #97e8bebe = < a href = '/type/NotificationSound' > NotificationSound< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/notificationSoundNone' > notificationSoundNone< / a > #6f0c34df = < a href = '/type/NotificationSound' > NotificationSound< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/notificationSoundLocal' > notificationSoundLocal< / a > #830b9ae4 title:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > data:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > = < a href = '/type/NotificationSound' > NotificationSound< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/notificationSoundRingtone' > notificationSoundRingtone< / a > #ff6c8049 id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > = < a href = '/type/NotificationSound' > NotificationSound< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/inputNotifyPeer' > inputNotifyPeer< / a > #b8bc5b0c peer:< a href = '/type/InputPeer' > InputPeer< / a > = < a href = '/type/InputNotifyPeer' > InputNotifyPeer< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/inputNotifyUsers' > inputNotifyUsers< / a > #193b4417 = < a href = '/type/InputNotifyPeer' > InputNotifyPeer< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/inputNotifyChats' > inputNotifyChats< / a > #4a95e84e = < a href = '/type/InputNotifyPeer' > InputNotifyPeer< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/inputNotifyBroadcasts' > inputNotifyBroadcasts< / a > #b1db7c7e = < a href = '/type/InputNotifyPeer' > InputNotifyPeer< / a > ;
2024-02-10 14:29:33 +00:00
< a href = '/constructor/inputPeerNotifySettings' > inputPeerNotifySettings< / a > #cacb6ae2 flags:< a href = '/type/%23' > #< / a > show_previews:flags.0?< a href = '/type/Bool' > Bool< / a > silent:flags.1?< a href = '/type/Bool' > Bool< / a > mute_until:flags.2?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > sound:flags.3?< a href = '/type/NotificationSound' > NotificationSound< / a > stories_muted:flags.6?< a href = '/type/Bool' > Bool< / a > stories_hide_sender:flags.7?< a href = '/type/Bool' > Bool< / a > stories_sound:flags.8?< a href = '/type/NotificationSound' > NotificationSound< / a > = < a href = '/type/InputPeerNotifySettings' > InputPeerNotifySettings< / a > ;
2022-11-15 00:03:58 +00:00
< a href = '/method/account.updateNotifySettings' > account.updateNotifySettings< / a > #84be5b93 peer:< a href = '/type/InputNotifyPeer' > InputNotifyPeer< / a > settings:< a href = '/type/InputPeerNotifySettings' > InputPeerNotifySettings< / a > = < a href = '/type/Bool' > Bool< / a > ;< / code > < / pre >
< p > To set the notification sound to play when receiving messages from a specific peer or from a category of peers, use < a href = "/method/account.updateNotifySettings" > account.updateNotifySettings< / a > , populating the < code > ios_sound< / code > , < code > android_sound< / code > or < code > other_sound< / code > fields according to the platform where the sound should be played. < / p >
< p > The fields can be populated with the following constructors:< / p >
< ul >
< li > < a href = "/constructor/notificationSoundDefault" > notificationSoundDefault< / a > - The default notification sound should be played< / li >
< li > < a href = "/constructor/notificationSoundNone" > notificationSoundNone< / a > - No notification sound should be played< / li >
< li > < a href = "/constructor/notificationSoundRingtone" > notificationSoundRingtone< / a > - A previously < a href = "#uploading-notification-sounds" > uploaded< / a > notification sound identified by the uploaded/converted document < code > id< / code > should be played.< / li >
< li > < a href = "/constructor/notificationSoundLocal" > notificationSoundLocal< / a > - A local notification sound (possibly provided by the OS) identified by the client-specific < code > data< / code > payload should be played.< / li >
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