"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> is using an older version of Telegram, so disappearing photos will be shown in compatibility mode.<br/><br/>Once <markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark> updates Telegram, photos with timers for 1 minute or less will start working in 'Press and hold to view' mode, and you will be notified whenever the other party takes a screenshot."
"ContactShare": [
"ConvertGroupAlert": [
"This action is irreversible. It is not possible to downgrade a supergroup to a regular group."
"ConvertGroupAlertWarning": [
"Copy": [
"CopyLink": [
"Copy Link"
"Delete": [
"DeleteAll": [
"Delete All"
"DeleteAllFrom": [
"Delete all from <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"DeleteAllMessagesAlert": [
"Warning! This will **delete all messages** in this chat for **both** participants."
"DeleteBanUser": [
"Ban user"
"DeleteChatUser": [
"Delete chat"
"DeleteForAll": [
"Delete for all members"
"DeleteFromRecent": [
"Remove from Recent"
"DeleteMessagesOptionAlso": [
"Also delete for <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"DeleteMessagesTitle": [
"Delete <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"DeleteReportSpam": [
"Report spam"
"DeleteSingleMessagesTitle": [
"Delete message"
"DeleteThisChat": [
"Delete this chat"
"DeletedFromYourContacts": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%s</mark> deleted from your contacts"
"DisappearingGif": [
"Disappearing GIF"
"DisappearingPhoto": [
"Disappearing Photo"
"DisappearingVideo": [
"Disappearing Video"
"DiscardVideoMessageDescription": [
"Are you sure you want to stop recording and discard your video message?"
"DiscardVideoMessageTitle": [
"Discard Video Message"
"DiscardVoiceMessageAction": [
"DiscardVoiceMessageDescription": [
"Are you sure you want to stop recording and discard your voice message?"
"DiscardVoiceMessageTitle": [
"Discard Voice Message"
"Done": [
"Edit": [
"EditMessageError": [
"Sorry, you can't edit this message."
"EditedMessage": [
"EncryptedDescription1": [
"Use end-to-end encryption"
"EncryptedDescription2": [
"Leave no trace on our servers"
"EncryptedDescription3": [
"Have a self-destruct timer"
"EncryptedDescription4": [
"Do not allow forwarding"
"EncryptedDescriptionTitle": [
"Secret chats:"
"EncryptedPlaceholderTitleIncoming": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%s</mark> invited you to join a secret chat."
"EncryptedPlaceholderTitleOutgoing": [
"You invited <markclass=\"token\">%s</mark> to join a secret chat."
"EncryptionKey": [
"Encryption Key"
"EncryptionKeyDescription": [
"This image and text were derived from the encryption key for this secret chat with **<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>**.<br/><br/>If they look the same on **<markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark>'s** device, end-to-end encryption is guaranteed.<br/><br/>Learn more at telegram.org"
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>,<br/>We detected a login to your account from a new device on <markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark><br/><br/>Device: <markclass=\"token\">%3$s</mark><br/>Location: <markclass=\"token\">%4$s</mark><br/><br/>If this wasn't you, you can go to Settings > Devices and terminate that session.<br/><br/>If you think that somebody logged in to your account against your will, you can enable Two-Step Verification in Privacy and Security settings.<br/><br/>Sincerely,<br/>The Telegram Team"
"NowInContacts": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> is now in your contacts."
"OK": [
"Online": [
"Open": [
"PinAlsoFor": [
"Also pin for <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark>"
"PinMessage": [
"PinMessageAlertChat": [
"Do you want to pin this message to the top of the chat?"
"PinMessageAlertTitle": [
"Pin message"
"ProximityAlertCancelled": [
"Proximity alert cancelled"
"ProximityAlertSet": [
"Proximity alert set"
"ProximityAlertSetInfoGroup2": [
"We will notify you once someone is within <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> from you."
"ProximityAlertSetInfoUser": [
"We will notify you once <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> is within <markclass=\"token\">%2$s</mark> from you."
"ProximityTooltioUser": [
"Alert when <markclass=\"token\">%1$s</mark> is close"
"RateCallDistorted": [
"Speech was distorted"
"RateCallDropped": [
"Call ended unexpectedly"
"RateCallEcho": [
"I heard my own voice"
"RateCallInterruptions": [
"The other side kept disappearing"
"RateCallNoise": [
"I heard background noise"
"RateCallSilentLocal": [
"I couldn't hear the other side"
"RateCallSilentRemote": [
"The other side couldn't hear me"
"RecentFiles": [
"Recent files"
"RecordingAudio": [
"recording voice message..."
"RecordingRound": [
"recording video message..."
"Regular": [
"RemindDayAt": [
"'Remind on' MMM d 'at' HH:mm"
"RemindDayYearAt": [
"'Remind on' MMM d yyyy 'at' HH:mm"
"RemindTodayAt": [
"'Remind today at' HH:mm"
"Reminders": [
"ReportSpam": [
"ReportSpamAlert": [
"Are you sure you want to report spam from this user?"
"ReportSpamUser": [
"ReturnToCall": [
"Satellite": [
"SavedMessages": [
"Saved Messages"
"SavedMessagesInfo": [
"Forward here to save"
"Schedule": [
"Search": [
"SearchGifsTitle": [
"Search GIFs"
"SearchImagesTitle": [
"Search web"
"SearchStickersHint": [
"Search sticker sets"
"Seconds": [
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> second",
"<markclass=\"token\">%1$d</mark> seconds"
"SecretChatTimerHours": [
"SecretChatTimerMinutes": [
"SecretChatTimerSeconds": [
"SecretLinkPreviewAlert": [
"Enable extended link previews in Secret Chats? Note that link previews are generated on Telegram servers."