<metaproperty="og:description"content="Today, we are giving hundreds of millions of users complete control of any private conversation they have ever had. You can now choose to delete any message you have sent or received from both sides in any private chat. The messages will disappear for both you and the other person – without leaving a trace. ">
<ahref="/file/811140310/182b/ur_j6rtMFec.186986/9b4f0098dd29b1b4db"target="_blank"><imgsrc="/file/811140992/1d9f/HqBlZu_zpp0.66992/53a1a122140d122843"srcset="/file/811140310/182b/ur_j6rtMFec.186986/9b4f0098dd29b1b4db, 1200w"title="Unsending messages, anonymized forwarding, improved search and VoiceOver/TalkBack support"alt="Unsending messages, anonymized forwarding, improved search and VoiceOver/TalkBack support"/></a>
<p>For us, your private data is <strong>sacred</strong>. We never use your data to target ads. We never disclose your data to third parties. We store only what is absolutely necessary for Telegram to work. </p>
<p>In <strong>2013</strong>, we gave millions of people power over their data with end-to-end encryption.</p>
<p>Today, we are giving hundreds of millions of users <strong>complete control</strong> of any private conversation they have ever had. You can now choose to delete any message you have sent or received for both sides in <strong>any</strong> private chat. The messages will disappear for both you and the other person – without leaving a trace. </p>
<p>The “Unsend” feature we introduced 2 years ago was only available for messages sent by you and only for 48 hours. Now you can remove messages you have <strong>sent or received</strong>, and there is <strong>no time limit</strong>. You can also fully delete any private chat from both your and the other person's device in just two taps. </p>
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<videoclass="blog_video_player tl_blog_vid_autoplay"onclick="videoTogglePlay(this)"autoplayloopcontrolsmutedposter="/file/811140695/1947/Mc6JXlUuMPQ.58001/3107f1f4ed0eb44baf"style="max-width: 480px;"title="Unsend any message"alt="Unsend any message">
<p>To make your privacy complete, we’ve also introduced a way to restrict who can <strong>forward</strong> your messages. When this setting is enabled, messages you send that are forwarded by another user will no longer lead to your profile – instead they will show your display name in <strong>plain unlinked text</strong>. This way the messages you send can't be used to verify that you were their author.</p>
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<p>Since the Settings section keeps getting bigger, we’ve added a <strong>search tool</strong> that allows you to quickly find the settings you're looking for.</p>
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<h3><aclass="anchor"name="emoji-search-and-gifs"href="#emoji-search-and-gifs"><iclass="anchor-icon"></i></a>Emoji Search and GIFs</h3>
<p><strong>GIF</strong> and <strong>Sticker Search</strong> has been upgraded on all mobile platforms – with an updated interface that looks better (and finds more cats). You can press and hold to <strong>preview a GIF</strong> before sending.</p>
<p>Sticker packs now have <strong>unique icons</strong>, which makes it easier to select the right set. Large GIFs and video messages on Telegram are now <strong>streamed</strong>, so you can start watching them without waiting for them to fully download.</p>
<p>On Telegram for <strong>Android</strong>, you can now use keywords in many languages to find a <strong>specific emoji</strong>. If we are missing a keyword for an emoji, you’re welcome to suggest it <ahref="https://translations.telegram.org/en/emoji">here</a>– emoji search results will constantly update and improve in real time, without the need to update your Telegram app.</p>
<divclass="blog_video_player_wrap"style="max-width: 480px; margin: 20px auto 20px;">
<p>You’ll also see a list of related emoji when typing a message. If you like an emoji enough to send it without any accompanying text, the emoji will appear larger in the chat.</p>
<h3><aclass="anchor"name="voiceover-and-talkback"href="#voiceover-and-talkback"><iclass="anchor-icon"></i></a>VoiceOver and TalkBack</h3>
<p>We’ve added support for screen-reading features –<strong>VoiceOver</strong> on iOS and <strong>TalkBack</strong> on Android. These accessibility platforms give spoken feedback so that you can use Telegram without needing to see the screen.</p>
<p>Tell us what you think the <ahref="https://t.me/telegram/105">next update</a> should be.</p>
<ahref="https://t.me/share/url?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftelegram.org%2Fblog%2Funsend-privacy-emoji&text=Introducing%20a%20new%20age%20of%20private%20communication%3A%20unsend%20any%20message%2C%20anonymized%20forwarding%20and%20more%20"class="tl_telegram_share_btn"id="tl_telegram_share_btn"data-text="Introducing a new age of private communication: unsend any message, anonymized forwarding and more "data-url="https://telegram.org/blog/unsend-privacy-emoji"><iclass="tl_telegram_share_icon"></i><spanclass="tl_telegram_share_label"target="_blank">Forward</span></a>
<ahref="https://twitter.com/share"class="tl_twitter_share_btn"id="tl_twitter_share_btn"data-text="Introducing a new age of private communication: unsend any message, anonymized forwarding and more "data-url="https://telegram.org/blog/unsend-privacy-emoji"data-via="Telegram">Tweet <spanclass="tl_twitter_share_cnt"></span></a>
<h4class="dev_blog_card_title">Stories and 10 Years of Telegram</h4>
<divclass="dev_blog_card_lead">In this update, we launch Stories – with a unique dual camera mode, granular privacy settings, flexible duration options and much more.</div>
<h4class="dev_blog_card_title">Shareable Chat Folders, Custom Wallpapers and More</h4>
<divclass="dev_blog_card_lead">This update lets users share entire chat folders with one link, create custom wallpapers for individual chats, use web apps in any chat…</div>
<h4class="dev_blog_card_title">Power Saving Mode and More</h4>
<divclass="dev_blog_card_lead">This update brings a new power saving mode, optimizes Telegram for lower-end Android devices, adds even more playback speed options, and much more.</div>