2021-09-09 18:46:07 +00:00
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< p > Below you will find information on scheme changes. For more details on the use of layers, see < a href = "/api/invoking#layers" > Invoking API methods< / a > .< / p >
2021-09-10 16:27:56 +00:00
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-133" id = "layer-133" name = "layer-133" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=133" > Layer 133< / a > < / h3 >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme-changes" id = "scheme-changes" name = "scheme-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-methods" id = "new-methods" name = "new-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
2021-09-26 15:51:13 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.getMessageReadParticipants" > messages.getMessageReadParticipants< / a > - Get which users read a specific message< / li >
2021-09-10 16:27:56 +00:00
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-methods" id = "changed-methods" name = "changed-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Changed type of < strong > id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/method/auth.importAuthorization" > auth.importAuthorization< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > other_uids< / strong > from < strong > Vector< int> < / strong > to < strong > Vector< long> < / strong > in < a href = "/method/account.registerDevice" > account.registerDevice< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > other_uids< / strong > from < strong > Vector< int> < / strong > to < strong > Vector< long> < / strong > in < a href = "/method/account.unregisterDevice" > account.unregisterDevice< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > hash< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/method/account.getWallPapers" > account.getWallPapers< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > hash< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/method/contacts.getContactIDs" > contacts.getContactIDs< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > hash< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/method/contacts.getContacts" > contacts.getContacts< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > hash< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/method/messages.getDialogs" > messages.getDialogs< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > hash< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/method/messages.getHistory" > messages.getHistory< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > hash< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/method/messages.search" > messages.search< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > id< / strong > from < strong > Vector< int> < / strong > to < strong > Vector< long> < / strong > in < a href = "/method/messages.getChats" > messages.getChats< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > chat_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/method/messages.getFullChat" > messages.getFullChat< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > chat_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/method/messages.editChatTitle" > messages.editChatTitle< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > chat_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/method/messages.editChatPhoto" > messages.editChatPhoto< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > chat_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/method/messages.addChatUser" > messages.addChatUser< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > chat_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/method/messages.deleteChatUser" > messages.deleteChatUser< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > hash< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/method/messages.getStickers" > messages.getStickers< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > hash< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/method/messages.getAllStickers" > messages.getAllStickers< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > hash< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/method/channels.getParticipants" > channels.getParticipants< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > chat_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/method/messages.editChatAdmin" > messages.editChatAdmin< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > chat_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/method/messages.migrateChat" > messages.migrateChat< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > hash< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/method/messages.getSavedGifs" > messages.getSavedGifs< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > hash< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/method/contacts.getTopPeers" > contacts.getTopPeers< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > hash< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/method/messages.getFeaturedStickers" > messages.getFeaturedStickers< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > hash< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/method/messages.getRecentStickers" > messages.getRecentStickers< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > hash< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/method/messages.getMaskStickers" > messages.getMaskStickers< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > max_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/method/messages.getCommonChats" > messages.getCommonChats< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > except_ids< / strong > from < strong > Vector< int> < / strong > to < strong > Vector< long> < / strong > in < a href = "/method/messages.getAllChats" > messages.getAllChats< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > hash< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/method/messages.getFavedStickers" > messages.getFavedStickers< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > hash< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/method/messages.getRecentLocations" > messages.getRecentLocations< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > hash< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/method/messages.searchStickerSets" > messages.searchStickerSets< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > bot_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/method/account.getAuthorizationForm" > account.getAuthorizationForm< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > bot_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/method/account.acceptAuthorization" > account.acceptAuthorization< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > hash< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/method/messages.getScheduledHistory" > messages.getScheduledHistory< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > hash< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/method/account.getThemes" > account.getThemes< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > except_ids< / strong > from < strong > Vector< int> < / strong > to < strong > Vector< long> < / strong > in < a href = "/method/auth.exportLoginToken" > auth.exportLoginToken< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > hash< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/method/messages.getOldFeaturedStickers" > messages.getOldFeaturedStickers< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > hash< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/method/messages.getReplies" > messages.getReplies< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > chat_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/method/messages.deleteChat" > messages.deleteChat< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-constructors" id = "new-constructors" name = "new-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/inputBotInlineMessageID64" > inputBotInlineMessageID64< / a > - < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-constructors" id = "changed-constructors" name = "changed-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Changed type of < strong > chat_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/inputPeerChat" > inputPeerChat< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/peerUser" > peerUser< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > chat_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/peerChat" > peerChat< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/userEmpty" > userEmpty< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/chatEmpty" > chatEmpty< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/chat" > chat< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/chatForbidden" > chatForbidden< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/chatFull" > chatFull< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > , < strong > inviter_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/chatParticipant" > chatParticipant< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > chat_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/chatParticipantsForbidden" > chatParticipantsForbidden< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > chat_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/chatParticipants" > chatParticipants< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > via_bot_id< / strong > from < strong > flags.11?int< / strong > to < strong > flags.11?long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/message" > message< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/messageMediaContact" > messageMediaContact< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > users< / strong > from < strong > Vector< int> < / strong > to < strong > Vector< long> < / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/messageActionChatCreate" > messageActionChatCreate< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > users< / strong > from < strong > Vector< int> < / strong > to < strong > Vector< long> < / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/messageActionChatAddUser" > messageActionChatAddUser< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/messageActionChatDeleteUser" > messageActionChatDeleteUser< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/auth.exportedAuthorization" > auth.exportedAuthorization< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/contact" > contact< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/importedContact" > importedContact< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/contactStatus" > contactStatus< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updateUserTyping" > updateUserTyping< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > chat_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updateChatUserTyping" > updateChatUserTyping< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updateUserStatus" > updateUserStatus< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updateUserName" > updateUserName< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updateUserPhoto" > updateUserPhoto< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > , < strong > via_bot_id< / strong > from < strong > flags.11?int< / strong > to < strong > flags.11?long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updateShortMessage" > updateShortMessage< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > from_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > , < strong > chat_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > , < strong > via_bot_id< / strong > from < strong > flags.11?int< / strong > to < strong > flags.11?long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updateShortChatMessage" > updateShortChatMessage< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > admin_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > , < strong > participant_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/encryptedChatWaiting" > encryptedChatWaiting< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > admin_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > , < strong > participant_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/encryptedChatRequested" > encryptedChatRequested< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > admin_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > , < strong > participant_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/encryptedChat" > encryptedChat< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > chat_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > , < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > , < strong > inviter_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updateChatParticipantAdd" > updateChatParticipantAdd< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > chat_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > , < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updateChatParticipantDelete" > updateChatParticipantDelete< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > users< / strong > from < strong > Vector< int> < / strong > to < strong > Vector< long> < / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/privacyValueAllowUsers" > privacyValueAllowUsers< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > users< / strong > from < strong > Vector< int> < / strong > to < strong > Vector< long> < / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/privacyValueDisallowUsers" > privacyValueDisallowUsers< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updateUserPhone" > updateUserPhone< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > hash< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/messages.stickers" > messages.stickers< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > hash< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/messages.allStickers" > messages.allStickers< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > admin_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/chatInviteExported" > chatInviteExported< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > inviter_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/messageActionChatJoinedByLink" > messageActionChatJoinedByLink< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/user" > user< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/botInfo" > botInfo< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/inputPeerUser" > inputPeerUser< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/inputUser" > inputUser< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > channel_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/inputChannel" > inputChannel< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > channel_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/peerChannel" > peerChannel< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > channel_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/inputPeerChannel" > inputPeerChannel< / a > < / li >
< li > Removed < strong > version< / strong > parameter, changed type of < strong > id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/channel" > channel< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/channelForbidden" > channelForbidden< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > , < strong > migrated_from_chat_id< / strong > from < strong > flags.4?int< / strong > to < strong > flags.4?long< / strong > , < strong > linked_chat_id< / strong > from < strong > flags.14?int< / strong > to < strong > flags.14?long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/channelFull" > channelFull< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > channel_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updateChannelTooLong" > updateChannelTooLong< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > channel_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updateChannel" > updateChannel< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > channel_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updateReadChannelInbox" > updateReadChannelInbox< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > channel_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updateDeleteChannelMessages" > updateDeleteChannelMessages< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > channel_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updateChannelMessageViews" > updateChannelMessageViews< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/channelParticipant" > channelParticipant< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > , < strong > inviter_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/channelParticipantSelf" > channelParticipantSelf< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/channelParticipantCreator" > channelParticipantCreator< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/chatParticipantCreator" > chatParticipantCreator< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > , < strong > inviter_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/chatParticipantAdmin" > chatParticipantAdmin< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > chat_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > , < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updateChatParticipantAdmin" > updateChatParticipantAdmin< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > channel_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/messageActionChatMigrateTo" > messageActionChatMigrateTo< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > chat_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/messageActionChannelMigrateFrom" > messageActionChannelMigrateFrom< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > hash< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/messages.savedGifs" > messages.savedGifs< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updateBotInlineQuery" > updateBotInlineQuery< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updateBotInlineSend" > updateBotInlineSend< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updateBotCallbackQuery" > updateBotCallbackQuery< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updateInlineBotCallbackQuery" > updateInlineBotCallbackQuery< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/messageEntityMentionName" > messageEntityMentionName< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > channel_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updateReadChannelOutbox" > updateReadChannelOutbox< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > hash< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/messages.featuredStickers" > messages.featuredStickers< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > hash< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/messages.recentStickers" > messages.recentStickers< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/highScore" > highScore< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > channel_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updateChannelWebPage" > updateChannelWebPage< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > bot_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > , < strong > provider_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/payments.paymentForm" > payments.paymentForm< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > bot_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > , < strong > provider_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/payments.paymentReceipt" > payments.paymentReceipt< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updateBotShippingQuery" > updateBotShippingQuery< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updateBotPrecheckoutQuery" > updateBotPrecheckoutQuery< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > admin_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > , < strong > participant_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/phoneCallWaiting" > phoneCallWaiting< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > admin_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > , < strong > participant_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/phoneCallRequested" > phoneCallRequested< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > admin_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > , < strong > participant_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/phoneCallAccepted" > phoneCallAccepted< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > admin_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > , < strong > participant_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/phoneCall" > phoneCall< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > , < strong > inviter_id< / strong > from < strong > flags.1?int< / strong > to < strong > flags.1?long< / strong > , < strong > promoted_by< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/channelParticipantAdmin" > channelParticipantAdmin< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > kicked_by< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/channelParticipantBanned" > channelParticipantBanned< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEvent" > channelAdminLogEvent< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > hash< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/messages.favedStickers" > messages.favedStickers< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > channel_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updateChannelReadMessagesContents" > updateChannelReadMessagesContents< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > channel_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updateChannelAvailableMessages" > updateChannelAvailableMessages< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/recentMeUrlUser" > recentMeUrlUser< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > chat_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/recentMeUrlChat" > recentMeUrlChat< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > bot_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/webAuthorization" > webAuthorization< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > hash< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/messages.foundStickerSets" > messages.foundStickerSets< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > recent_voters< / strong > from < strong > flags.3?Vector< int> < / strong > to < strong > flags.3?Vector< long> < / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/pollResults" > pollResults< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > hash< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/account.wallPapers" > account.wallPapers< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/inputUserFromMessage" > inputUserFromMessage< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > channel_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/inputChannelFromMessage" > inputChannelFromMessage< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/inputPeerUserFromMessage" > inputPeerUserFromMessage< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > channel_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/inputPeerChannelFromMessage" > inputPeerChannelFromMessage< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > prev_value< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > , < strong > new_value< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventActionChangeLinkedChat" > channelAdminLogEventActionChangeLinkedChat< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > chats< / strong > from < strong > Vector< int> < / strong > to < strong > Vector< long> < / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/inputPrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants" > inputPrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > chats< / strong > from < strong > Vector< int> < / strong > to < strong > Vector< long> < / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/inputPrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants" > inputPrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > chats< / strong > from < strong > Vector< int> < / strong > to < strong > Vector< long> < / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/privacyValueAllowChatParticipants" > privacyValueAllowChatParticipants< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > chats< / strong > from < strong > Vector< int> < / strong > to < strong > Vector< long> < / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/privacyValueDisallowChatParticipants" > privacyValueDisallowChatParticipants< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > hash< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/account.themes" > account.themes< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > outbox_accent_color< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/inputThemeSettings" > inputThemeSettings< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > outbox_accent_color< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/themeSettings" > themeSettings< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updateMessagePollVote" > updateMessagePollVote< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/messageUserVote" > messageUserVote< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/messageUserVoteInputOption" > messageUserVoteInputOption< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/messageUserVoteMultiple" > messageUserVoteMultiple< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/statsGroupTopPoster" > statsGroupTopPoster< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/statsGroupTopAdmin" > statsGroupTopAdmin< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/statsGroupTopInviter" > statsGroupTopInviter< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > channel_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updateChannelMessageForwards" > updateChannelMessageForwards< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > channel_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > , < strong > broadcast_id< / strong > from < strong > flags.0?int< / strong > to < strong > flags.0?long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updateReadChannelDiscussionInbox" > updateReadChannelDiscussionInbox< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > channel_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updateReadChannelDiscussionOutbox" > updateReadChannelDiscussionOutbox< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > channel_id< / strong > from < strong > flags.0?int< / strong > to < strong > flags.0?long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/messageReplies" > messageReplies< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > channel_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updateChannelUserTyping" > updateChannelUserTyping< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > channel_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updatePinnedChannelMessages" > updatePinnedChannelMessages< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > users< / strong > from < strong > Vector< int> < / strong > to < strong > Vector< long> < / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/messageActionInviteToGroupCall" > messageActionInviteToGroupCall< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > chat_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updateChat" > updateChat< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > chat_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updateGroupCall" > updateGroupCall< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > chat_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > , < strong > actor_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > , < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updateChatParticipant" > updateChatParticipant< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > channel_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > , < strong > actor_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > , < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updateChannelParticipant" > updateChannelParticipant< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updateBotStopped" > updateBotStopped< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > user_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/chatInviteImporter" > chatInviteImporter< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > admin_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/chatAdminWithInvites" > chatAdminWithInvites< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > bot_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/updateBotCommands" > updateBotCommands< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme" id = "scheme" name = "scheme" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme< / h4 >
< div > < pre > < code > < a href = "/constructor/inputPeerChat" > inputPeerChat< / a > #35a95cb9 chat_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/peerUser" > peerUser< / a > #59511722 user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/peerChat" > peerChat< / a > #36c6019a chat_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/userEmpty" > userEmpty< / a > #d3bc4b7a id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/chatEmpty" > chatEmpty< / a > #29562865 id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/Chat" > Chat< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/chat" > chat< / a > #41cbf256 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > creator:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > kicked:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > left:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > deactivated:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > call_active:flags.23?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > call_not_empty:flags.24?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > photo:< a href = "/type/ChatPhoto" > ChatPhoto< / a > participants_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > version:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > migrated_to:flags.6?< a href = "/type/InputChannel" > InputChannel< / a > admin_rights:flags.14?< a href = "/type/ChatAdminRights" > ChatAdminRights< / a > default_banned_rights:flags.18?< a href = "/type/ChatBannedRights" > ChatBannedRights< / a > = < a href = "/type/Chat" > Chat< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/chatForbidden" > chatForbidden< / a > #6592a1a7 id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/Chat" > Chat< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/chatFull" > chatFull< / a > #4dbdc099 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > can_set_username:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > has_scheduled:flags.8?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > about:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > participants:< a href = "/type/ChatParticipants" > ChatParticipants< / a > chat_photo:flags.2?< a href = "/type/Photo" > Photo< / a > notify_settings:< a href = "/type/PeerNotifySettings" > PeerNotifySettings< / a > exported_invite:flags.13?< a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > bot_info:flags.3?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/BotInfo" > BotInfo< / a > > pinned_msg_id:flags.6?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > folder_id:flags.11?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > call:flags.12?< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > ttl_period:flags.14?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > groupcall_default_join_as:flags.15?< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > theme_emoticon:flags.16?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChatFull" > ChatFull< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/chatParticipant" > chatParticipant< / a > #c02d4007 user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > inviter_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChatParticipant" > ChatParticipant< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/chatParticipantsForbidden" > chatParticipantsForbidden< / a > #8763d3e1 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > chat_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > self_participant:flags.0?< a href = "/type/ChatParticipant" > ChatParticipant< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChatParticipants" > ChatParticipants< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/chatParticipants" > chatParticipants< / a > #3cbc93f8 chat_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > participants:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/ChatParticipant" > ChatParticipant< / a > > version:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChatParticipants" > ChatParticipants< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/message" > message< / a > #85d6cbe2 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > out:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > mentioned:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > media_unread:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > silent:flags.13?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > post:flags.14?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > from_scheduled:flags.18?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > legacy:flags.19?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > edit_hide:flags.21?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > pinned:flags.24?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > from_id:flags.8?< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > peer_id:< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > fwd_from:flags.2?< a href = "/type/MessageFwdHeader" > MessageFwdHeader< / a > via_bot_id:flags.11?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > reply_to:flags.3?< a href = "/type/MessageReplyHeader" > MessageReplyHeader< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > message:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > media:flags.9?< a href = "/type/MessageMedia" > MessageMedia< / a > reply_markup:flags.6?< a href = "/type/ReplyMarkup" > ReplyMarkup< / a > entities:flags.7?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/MessageEntity" > MessageEntity< / a > > views:flags.10?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > forwards:flags.10?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > replies:flags.23?< a href = "/type/MessageReplies" > MessageReplies< / a > edit_date:flags.15?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > post_author:flags.16?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > grouped_id:flags.17?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > restriction_reason:flags.22?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/RestrictionReason" > RestrictionReason< / a > > ttl_period:flags.25?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Message" > Message< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/messageMediaContact" > messageMediaContact< / a > #70322949 phone_number:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > first_name:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > last_name:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > vcard:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/MessageMedia" > MessageMedia< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/messageActionChatCreate" > messageActionChatCreate< / a > #bd47cbad title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > > = < a href = "/type/MessageAction" > MessageAction< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/messageActionChatAddUser" > messageActionChatAddUser< / a > #15cefd00 users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > > = < a href = "/type/MessageAction" > MessageAction< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/messageActionChatDeleteUser" > messageActionChatDeleteUser< / a > #a43f30cc user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/MessageAction" > MessageAction< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/auth.exportedAuthorization" > auth.exportedAuthorization< / a > #b434e2b8 id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > bytes:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > = < a href = "/type/auth.ExportedAuthorization" > auth.ExportedAuthorization< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/contact" > contact< / a > #145ade0b user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > mutual:< a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > = < a href = "/type/Contact" > Contact< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/importedContact" > importedContact< / a > #c13e3c50 user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > client_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/ImportedContact" > ImportedContact< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/contactStatus" > contactStatus< / a > #16d9703b user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > status:< a href = "/type/UserStatus" > UserStatus< / a > = < a href = "/type/ContactStatus" > ContactStatus< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/updateUserTyping" > updateUserTyping< / a > #c01e857f user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > action:< a href = "/type/SendMessageAction" > SendMessageAction< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updateChatUserTyping" > updateChatUserTyping< / a > #83487af0 chat_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > from_id:< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > action:< a href = "/type/SendMessageAction" > SendMessageAction< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updateUserStatus" > updateUserStatus< / a > #e5bdf8de user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > status:< a href = "/type/UserStatus" > UserStatus< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updateUserName" > updateUserName< / a > #c3f202e0 user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > first_name:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > last_name:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > username:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updateUserPhoto" > updateUserPhoto< / a > #f227868c user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > photo:< a href = "/type/UserProfilePhoto" > UserProfilePhoto< / a > previous:< a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updateShortMessage" > updateShortMessage< / a > #313bc7f8 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > out:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > mentioned:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > media_unread:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > silent:flags.13?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > message:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > pts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pts_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > fwd_from:flags.2?< a href = "/type/MessageFwdHeader" > MessageFwdHeader< / a > via_bot_id:flags.11?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > reply_to:flags.3?< a href = "/type/MessageReplyHeader" > MessageReplyHeader< / a > entities:flags.7?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/MessageEntity" > MessageEntity< / a > > ttl_period:flags.25?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updateShortChatMessage" > updateShortChatMessage< / a > #4d6deea5 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > out:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > mentioned:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > media_unread:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > silent:flags.13?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > from_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > chat_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > message:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > pts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pts_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > fwd_from:flags.2?< a href = "/type/MessageFwdHeader" > MessageFwdHeader< / a > via_bot_id:flags.11?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > reply_to:flags.3?< a href = "/type/MessageReplyHeader" > MessageReplyHeader< / a > entities:flags.7?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/MessageEntity" > MessageEntity< / a > > ttl_period:flags.25?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/encryptedChatWaiting" > encryptedChatWaiting< / a > #66b25953 id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > admin_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > participant_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/EncryptedChat" > EncryptedChat< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/encryptedChatRequested" > encryptedChatRequested< / a > #48f1d94c flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > folder_id:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > admin_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > participant_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > g_a:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > = < a href = "/type/EncryptedChat" > EncryptedChat< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/encryptedChat" > encryptedChat< / a > #61f0d4c7 id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > admin_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > participant_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > g_a_or_b:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > key_fingerprint:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/EncryptedChat" > EncryptedChat< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/updateChatParticipantAdd" > updateChatParticipantAdd< / a > #3dda5451 chat_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > inviter_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > version:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updateChatParticipantDelete" > updateChatParticipantDelete< / a > #e32f3d77 chat_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > version:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/privacyValueAllowUsers" > privacyValueAllowUsers< / a > #b8905fb2 users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > > = < a href = "/type/PrivacyRule" > PrivacyRule< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/privacyValueDisallowUsers" > privacyValueDisallowUsers< / a > #e4621141 users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > > = < a href = "/type/PrivacyRule" > PrivacyRule< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/updateUserPhone" > updateUserPhone< / a > #05492a13 user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > phone:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messages.stickers" > messages.stickers< / a > #30a6ec7e hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > stickers:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Document" > Document< / a > > = < a href = "/type/messages.Stickers" > messages.Stickers< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/messages.allStickers" > messages.allStickers< / a > #cdbbcebb hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > sets:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/StickerSet" > StickerSet< / a > > = < a href = "/type/messages.AllStickers" > messages.AllStickers< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/chatInviteExported" > chatInviteExported< / a > #b18105e8 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > revoked:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > permanent:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > link:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > admin_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > start_date:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > expire_date:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > usage_limit:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > usage:flags.3?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messageActionChatJoinedByLink" > messageActionChatJoinedByLink< / a > #031224c3 inviter_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/MessageAction" > MessageAction< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/user" > user< / a > #3ff6ecb0 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > self:flags.10?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > contact:flags.11?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > mutual_contact:flags.12?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > deleted:flags.13?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > bot:flags.14?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > bot_chat_history:flags.15?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > bot_nochats:flags.16?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > verified:flags.17?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > restricted:flags.18?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > min:flags.20?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > bot_inline_geo:flags.21?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > support:flags.23?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > scam:flags.24?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > apply_min_photo:flags.25?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > fake:flags.26?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > access_hash:flags.0?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > first_name:flags.1?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > last_name:flags.2?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > username:flags.3?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > phone:flags.4?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > photo:flags.5?< a href = "/type/UserProfilePhoto" > UserProfilePhoto< / a > status:flags.6?< a href = "/type/UserStatus" > UserStatus< / a > bot_info_version:flags.14?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > restriction_reason:flags.18?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/RestrictionReason" > RestrictionReason< / a > > bot_inline_placeholder:flags.19?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > lang_code:flags.22?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/botInfo" > botInfo< / a > #1b74b335 user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > description:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > commands:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/BotCommand" > BotCommand< / a > > = < a href = "/type/BotInfo" > BotInfo< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/inputPeerUser" > inputPeerUser< / a > #dde8a54c user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/inputUser" > inputUser< / a > #f21158c6 user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/InputUser" > InputUser< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/inputChannel" > inputChannel< / a > #f35aec28 channel_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/InputChannel" > InputChannel< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/peerChannel" > peerChannel< / a > #a2a5371e channel_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/inputPeerChannel" > inputPeerChannel< / a > #27bcbbfc channel_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/channel" > channel< / a > #8261ac61 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > creator:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > left:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > broadcast:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > verified:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > megagroup:flags.8?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > restricted:flags.9?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > signatures:flags.11?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > min:flags.12?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > scam:flags.19?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > has_link:flags.20?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > has_geo:flags.21?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > slowmode_enabled:flags.22?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > call_active:flags.23?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > call_not_empty:flags.24?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > fake:flags.25?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > gigagroup:flags.26?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > access_hash:flags.13?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > username:flags.6?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > photo:< a href = "/type/ChatPhoto" > ChatPhoto< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > restriction_reason:flags.9?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/RestrictionReason" > RestrictionReason< / a > > admin_rights:flags.14?< a href = "/type/ChatAdminRights" > ChatAdminRights< / a > banned_rights:flags.15?< a href = "/type/ChatBannedRights" > ChatBannedRights< / a > default_banned_rights:flags.18?< a href = "/type/ChatBannedRights" > ChatBannedRights< / a > participants_count:flags.17?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Chat" > Chat< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/channelForbidden" > channelForbidden< / a > #17d493d5 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > broadcast:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > megagroup:flags.8?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > until_date:flags.16?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Chat" > Chat< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/channelFull" > channelFull< / a > #e9b27a17 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > can_view_participants:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_set_username:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_set_stickers:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > hidden_prehistory:flags.10?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_set_location:flags.16?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > has_scheduled:flags.19?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_view_stats:flags.20?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > blocked:flags.22?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > about:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > participants_count:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > admins_count:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > kicked_count:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > banned_count:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > online_count:flags.13?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > read_inbox_max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > read_outbox_max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > unread_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > chat_photo:< a href = "/type/Photo" > Photo< / a > notify_settings:< a href = "/type/PeerNotifySettings" > PeerNotifySettings< / a > exported_invite:flags.23?< a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > bot_info:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/BotInfo" > BotInfo< / a > > migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pinned_msg_id:flags.5?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > stickerset:flags.8?< a href = "/type/StickerSet" > StickerSet< / a > available_min_id:flags.9?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > folder_id:flags.11?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > linked_chat_id:flags.14?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > location:flags.15?< a href = "/type/ChannelLocation" > ChannelLocation< / a > slowmode_seconds:flags.17?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > slowmode_next_send_date:flags.18?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > stats_dc:flags.12?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > call:flags.21?< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > ttl_period:flags.24?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pending_suggestions:flags.25?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > > groupcall_default_join_as:flags.26?< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > theme_emoticon:flags.27?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChatFull" > ChatFull< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/updateChannelTooLong" > updateChannelTooLong< / a > #108d941f flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > channel_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > pts:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updateChannel" > updateChannel< / a > #635b4c09 channel_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updateReadChannelInbox" > updateReadChannelInbox< / a > #922e6e10 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > folder_id:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > channel_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > still_unread_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updateDeleteChannelMessages" > updateDeleteChannelMessages< / a > #c32d5b12 channel_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > messages:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > > pts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pts_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updateChannelMessageViews" > updateChannelMessageViews< / a > #f226ac08 channel_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > views:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/channelParticipant" > channelParticipant< / a > #c00c07c0 user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChannelParticipant" > ChannelParticipant< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/channelParticipantSelf" > channelParticipantSelf< / a > #28a8bc67 user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > inviter_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChannelParticipant" > ChannelParticipant< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/channelParticipantCreator" > channelParticipantCreator< / a > #2fe601d3 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > admin_rights:< a href = "/type/ChatAdminRights" > ChatAdminRights< / a > rank:flags.0?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChannelParticipant" > ChannelParticipant< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/chatParticipantCreator" > chatParticipantCreator< / a > #e46bcee4 user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChatParticipant" > ChatParticipant< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/chatParticipantAdmin" > chatParticipantAdmin< / a > #a0933f5b user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > inviter_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChatParticipant" > ChatParticipant< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/updateChatParticipantAdmin" > updateChatParticipantAdmin< / a > #d7ca61a2 chat_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > is_admin:< a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > version:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messageActionChatMigrateTo" > messageActionChatMigrateTo< / a > #e1037f92 channel_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/MessageAction" > MessageAction< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/messageActionChannelMigrateFrom" > messageActionChannelMigrateFrom< / a > #ea3948e9 title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > chat_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/MessageAction" > MessageAction< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/messages.savedGifs" > messages.savedGifs< / a > #84a02a0d hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > gifs:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Document" > Document< / a > > = < a href = "/type/messages.SavedGifs" > messages.SavedGifs< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/updateBotInlineQuery" > updateBotInlineQuery< / a > #496f379c flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > query_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > query:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > geo:flags.0?< a href = "/type/GeoPoint" > GeoPoint< / a > peer_type:flags.1?< a href = "/type/InlineQueryPeerType" > InlineQueryPeerType< / a > offset:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updateBotInlineSend" > updateBotInlineSend< / a > #12f12a07 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > query:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > geo:flags.0?< a href = "/type/GeoPoint" > GeoPoint< / a > id:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > msg_id:flags.1?< a href = "/type/InputBotInlineMessageID" > InputBotInlineMessageID< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updateBotCallbackQuery" > updateBotCallbackQuery< / a > #b9cfc48d flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > query_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > msg_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > chat_instance:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > data:flags.0?< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > game_short_name:flags.1?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updateInlineBotCallbackQuery" > updateInlineBotCallbackQuery< / a > #691e9052 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > query_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > msg_id:< a href = "/type/InputBotInlineMessageID" > InputBotInlineMessageID< / a > chat_instance:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > data:flags.0?< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > game_short_name:flags.1?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messageEntityMentionName" > messageEntityMentionName< / a > #dc7b1140 offset:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > length:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/MessageEntity" > MessageEntity< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/updateReadChannelOutbox" > updateReadChannelOutbox< / a > #b75f99a9 channel_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messages.featuredStickers" > messages.featuredStickers< / a > #84c02310 hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > sets:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/StickerSetCovered" > StickerSetCovered< / a > > unread:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > > = < a href = "/type/messages.FeaturedStickers" > messages.FeaturedStickers< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/messages.recentStickers" > messages.recentStickers< / a > #88d37c56 hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > packs:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/StickerPack" > StickerPack< / a > > stickers:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Document" > Document< / a > > dates:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > > = < a href = "/type/messages.RecentStickers" > messages.RecentStickers< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/highScore" > highScore< / a > #73a379eb pos:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > score:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/HighScore" > HighScore< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/updateChannelWebPage" > updateChannelWebPage< / a > #2f2ba99f channel_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > webpage:< a href = "/type/WebPage" > WebPage< / a > pts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pts_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/payments.paymentForm" > payments.paymentForm< / a > #1694761b flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > can_save_credentials:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > password_missing:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > form_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > bot_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > invoice:< a href = "/type/Invoice" > Invoice< / a > provider_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > url:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > native_provider:flags.4?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > native_params:flags.4?< a href = "/type/DataJSON" > DataJSON< / a > saved_info:flags.0?< a href = "/type/PaymentRequestedInfo" > PaymentRequestedInfo< / a > saved_credentials:flags.1?< a href = "/type/PaymentSavedCredentials" > PaymentSavedCredentials< / a > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > > = < a href = "/type/payments.PaymentForm" > payments.PaymentForm< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/payments.paymentReceipt" > payments.paymentReceipt< / a > #70c4fe03 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > bot_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > provider_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > description:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > photo:flags.2?< a href = "/type/WebDocument" > WebDocument< / a > invoice:< a href = "/type/Invoice" > Invoice< / a > info:flags.0?< a href = "/type/PaymentRequestedInfo" > PaymentRequestedInfo< / a > shipping:flags.1?< a href = "/type/ShippingOption" > ShippingOption< / a > tip_amount:flags.3?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > currency:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > total_amount:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > credentials_title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > > = < a href = "/type/payments.PaymentReceipt" > payments.PaymentReceipt< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/updateBotShippingQuery" > updateBotShippingQuery< / a > #b5aefd7d query_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > payload:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > shipping_address:< a href = "/type/PostAddress" > PostAddress< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updateBotPrecheckoutQuery" > updateBotPrecheckoutQuery< / a > #8caa9a96 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > query_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > payload:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > info:flags.0?< a href = "/type/PaymentRequestedInfo" > PaymentRequestedInfo< / a > shipping_option_id:flags.1?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > currency:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > total_amount:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/phoneCallWaiting" > phoneCallWaiting< / a > #c5226f17 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > video:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > admin_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > participant_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > protocol:< a href = "/type/PhoneCallProtocol" > PhoneCallProtocol< / a > receive_date:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/PhoneCall" > PhoneCall< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/phoneCallRequested" > phoneCallRequested< / a > #14b0ed0c flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > video:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > admin_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > participant_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > g_a_hash:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > protocol:< a href = "/type/PhoneCallProtocol" > PhoneCallProtocol< / a > = < a href = "/type/PhoneCall" > PhoneCall< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/phoneCallAccepted" > phoneCallAccepted< / a > #3660c311 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > video:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > admin_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > participant_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > g_b:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > protocol:< a href = "/type/PhoneCallProtocol" > PhoneCallProtocol< / a > = < a href = "/type/PhoneCall" > PhoneCall< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/phoneCall" > phoneCall< / a > #967f7c67 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > p2p_allowed:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > video:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > admin_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > participant_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > g_a_or_b:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > key_fingerprint:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > protocol:< a href = "/type/PhoneCallProtocol" > PhoneCallProtocol< / a > connections:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/PhoneConnection" > PhoneConnection< / a > > start_date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/PhoneCall" > PhoneCall< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/channelParticipantAdmin" > channelParticipantAdmin< / a > #34c3bb53 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > can_edit:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > self:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > inviter_id:flags.1?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > promoted_by:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > admin_rights:< a href = "/type/ChatAdminRights" > ChatAdminRights< / a > rank:flags.2?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChannelParticipant" > ChannelParticipant< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/channelParticipantBanned" > channelParticipantBanned< / a > #6df8014e flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > left:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > kicked_by:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > banned_rights:< a href = "/type/ChatBannedRights" > ChatBannedRights< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChannelParticipant" > ChannelParticipant< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEvent" > channelAdminLogEvent< / a > #1fad68cd id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > action:< a href = "/type/ChannelAdminLogEventAction" > ChannelAdminLogEventAction< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChannelAdminLogEvent" > ChannelAdminLogEvent< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messages.favedStickers" > messages.favedStickers< / a > #2cb51097 hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > packs:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/StickerPack" > StickerPack< / a > > stickers:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Document" > Document< / a > > = < a href = "/type/messages.FavedStickers" > messages.FavedStickers< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/updateChannelReadMessagesContents" > updateChannelReadMessagesContents< / a > #44bdd535 channel_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > messages:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updateChannelAvailableMessages" > updateChannelAvailableMessages< / a > #b23fc698 channel_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > available_min_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/recentMeUrlUser" > recentMeUrlUser< / a > #b92c09e2 url:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/RecentMeUrl" > RecentMeUrl< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/recentMeUrlChat" > recentMeUrlChat< / a > #b2da71d2 url:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > chat_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/RecentMeUrl" > RecentMeUrl< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/webAuthorization" > webAuthorization< / a > #a6f8f452 hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > bot_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > domain:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > browser:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > platform:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > date_created:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > date_active:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > ip:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > region:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/WebAuthorization" > WebAuthorization< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messages.foundStickerSets" > messages.foundStickerSets< / a > #8af09dd2 hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > sets:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/StickerSetCovered" > StickerSetCovered< / a > > = < a href = "/type/messages.FoundStickerSets" > messages.FoundStickerSets< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/pollResults" > pollResults< / a > #dcb82ea3 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > min:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > results:flags.1?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/PollAnswerVoters" > PollAnswerVoters< / a > > total_voters:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > recent_voters:flags.3?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > > solution:flags.4?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > solution_entities:flags.4?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/MessageEntity" > MessageEntity< / a > > = < a href = "/type/PollResults" > PollResults< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/account.wallPapers" > account.wallPapers< / a > #cdc3858c hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > wallpapers:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/WallPaper" > WallPaper< / a > > = < a href = "/type/account.WallPapers" > account.WallPapers< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/inputUserFromMessage" > inputUserFromMessage< / a > #1da448e2 peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > msg_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/InputUser" > InputUser< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/inputChannelFromMessage" > inputChannelFromMessage< / a > #5b934f9d peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > msg_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > channel_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/InputChannel" > InputChannel< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/inputPeerUserFromMessage" > inputPeerUserFromMessage< / a > #a87b0a1c peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > msg_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/inputPeerChannelFromMessage" > inputPeerChannelFromMessage< / a > #bd2a0840 peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > msg_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > channel_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventActionChangeLinkedChat" > channelAdminLogEventActionChangeLinkedChat< / a > #050c7ac8 prev_value:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > new_value:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChannelAdminLogEventAction" > ChannelAdminLogEventAction< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/inputPrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants" > inputPrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants< / a > #840649cf chats:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > > = < a href = "/type/InputPrivacyRule" > InputPrivacyRule< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/inputPrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants" > inputPrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants< / a > #e94f0f86 chats:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > > = < a href = "/type/InputPrivacyRule" > InputPrivacyRule< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/privacyValueAllowChatParticipants" > privacyValueAllowChatParticipants< / a > #6b134e8e chats:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > > = < a href = "/type/PrivacyRule" > PrivacyRule< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/privacyValueDisallowChatParticipants" > privacyValueDisallowChatParticipants< / a > #41c87565 chats:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > > = < a href = "/type/PrivacyRule" > PrivacyRule< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/account.themes" > account.themes< / a > #9a3d8c6d hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > themes:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Theme" > Theme< / a > > = < a href = "/type/account.Themes" > account.Themes< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/inputThemeSettings" > inputThemeSettings< / a > #8fde504f flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > message_colors_animated:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > base_theme:< a href = "/type/BaseTheme" > BaseTheme< / a > accent_color:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > outbox_accent_color:flags.3?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > message_colors:flags.0?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > > wallpaper:flags.1?< a href = "/type/InputWallPaper" > InputWallPaper< / a > wallpaper_settings:flags.1?< a href = "/type/WallPaperSettings" > WallPaperSettings< / a > = < a href = "/type/InputThemeSettings" > InputThemeSettings< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/themeSettings" > themeSettings< / a > #fa58b6d4 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > message_colors_animated:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > base_theme:< a href = "/type/BaseTheme" > BaseTheme< / a > accent_color:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > outbox_accent_color:flags.3?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > message_colors:flags.0?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > > wallpaper:flags.1?< a href = "/type/WallPaper" > WallPaper< / a > = < a href = "/type/ThemeSettings" > ThemeSettings< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/updateMessagePollVote" > updateMessagePollVote< / a > #106395c9 poll_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > options:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > > qts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messageUserVote" > messageUserVote< / a > #34d247b4 user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > option:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/MessageUserVote" > MessageUserVote< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/messageUserVoteInputOption" > messageUserVoteInputOption< / a > #3ca5b0ec user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/MessageUserVote" > MessageUserVote< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/messageUserVoteMultiple" > messageUserVoteMultiple< / a > #8a65e557 user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > options:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/MessageUserVote" > MessageUserVote< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/statsGroupTopPoster" > statsGroupTopPoster< / a > #9d04af9b user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > messages:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > avg_chars:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/StatsGroupTopPoster" > StatsGroupTopPoster< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/statsGroupTopAdmin" > statsGroupTopAdmin< / a > #d7584c87 user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > deleted:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > kicked:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > banned:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/StatsGroupTopAdmin" > StatsGroupTopAdmin< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/statsGroupTopInviter" > statsGroupTopInviter< / a > #535f779d user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > invitations:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/StatsGroupTopInviter" > StatsGroupTopInviter< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/updateChannelMessageForwards" > updateChannelMessageForwards< / a > #d29a27f4 channel_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > forwards:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updateReadChannelDiscussionInbox" > updateReadChannelDiscussionInbox< / a > #d6b19546 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > channel_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > top_msg_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > read_max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > broadcast_id:flags.0?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > broadcast_post:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updateReadChannelDiscussionOutbox" > updateReadChannelDiscussionOutbox< / a > #695c9e7c channel_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > top_msg_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > read_max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messageReplies" > messageReplies< / a > #83d60fc2 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > comments:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > replies:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > replies_pts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > recent_repliers:flags.1?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > > channel_id:flags.0?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > max_id:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > read_max_id:flags.3?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/MessageReplies" > MessageReplies< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/updateChannelUserTyping" > updateChannelUserTyping< / a > #8c88c923 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > channel_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > top_msg_id:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > from_id:< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > action:< a href = "/type/SendMessageAction" > SendMessageAction< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updatePinnedChannelMessages" > updatePinnedChannelMessages< / a > #5bb98608 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > pinned:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > channel_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > messages:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > > pts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pts_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messageActionInviteToGroupCall" > messageActionInviteToGroupCall< / a > #502f92f7 call:< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > > = < a href = "/type/MessageAction" > MessageAction< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/updateChat" > updateChat< / a > #f89a6a4e chat_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updateGroupCall" > updateGroupCall< / a > #14b24500 chat_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > call:< a href = "/type/GroupCall" > GroupCall< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updateChatParticipant" > updateChatParticipant< / a > #d087663a flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > chat_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > actor_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > prev_participant:flags.0?< a href = "/type/ChatParticipant" > ChatParticipant< / a > new_participant:flags.1?< a href = "/type/ChatParticipant" > ChatParticipant< / a > invite:flags.2?< a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > qts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updateChannelParticipant" > updateChannelParticipant< / a > #985d3abb flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > channel_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > actor_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > prev_participant:flags.0?< a href = "/type/ChannelParticipant" > ChannelParticipant< / a > new_participant:flags.1?< a href = "/type/ChannelParticipant" > ChannelParticipant< / a > invite:flags.2?< a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > qts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updateBotStopped" > updateBotStopped< / a > #c4870a49 user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > stopped:< a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > qts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/chatInviteImporter" > chatInviteImporter< / a > #0b5cd5f4 user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChatInviteImporter" > ChatInviteImporter< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/chatAdminWithInvites" > chatAdminWithInvites< / a > #f2ecef23 admin_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > invites_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > revoked_invites_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChatAdminWithInvites" > ChatAdminWithInvites< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/updateBotCommands" > updateBotCommands< / a > #4d712f2e peer:< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > bot_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > commands:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/BotCommand" > BotCommand< / a > > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/inputBotInlineMessageID64" > inputBotInlineMessageID64< / a > #b6d915d7 dc_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > owner_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/InputBotInlineMessageID" > InputBotInlineMessageID< / a > ;< br >
---functions---< br >
< a href = "/method/auth.importAuthorization" > auth.importAuthorization< / a > #a57a7dad id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > bytes:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > = < a href = "/type/auth.Authorization" > auth.Authorization< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/account.registerDevice" > account.registerDevice< / a > #ec86017a flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > no_muted:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > token_type:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > token:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > app_sandbox:< a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > secret:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > other_uids:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/account.unregisterDevice" > account.unregisterDevice< / a > #6a0d3206 token_type:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > token:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > other_uids:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/account.getWallPapers" > account.getWallPapers< / a > #07967d36 hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/account.WallPapers" > account.WallPapers< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/contacts.getContactIDs" > contacts.getContactIDs< / a > #7adc669d hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > > ;
< a href = "/method/contacts.getContacts" > contacts.getContacts< / a > #5dd69e12 hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/contacts.Contacts" > contacts.Contacts< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/messages.getDialogs" > messages.getDialogs< / a > #a0f4cb4f flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > exclude_pinned:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > folder_id:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > offset_date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > offset_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > offset_peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > limit:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.Dialogs" > messages.Dialogs< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.getHistory" > messages.getHistory< / a > #4423e6c5 peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > offset_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > offset_date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > add_offset:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > limit:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > min_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.Messages" > messages.Messages< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.search" > messages.search< / a > #a0fda762 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > q:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > from_id:flags.0?< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > top_msg_id:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > filter:< a href = "/type/MessagesFilter" > MessagesFilter< / a > min_date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > max_date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > offset_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > add_offset:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > limit:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > min_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.Messages" > messages.Messages< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.getChats" > messages.getChats< / a > #49e9528f id:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > > = < a href = "/type/messages.Chats" > messages.Chats< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.getFullChat" > messages.getFullChat< / a > #aeb00b34 chat_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.ChatFull" > messages.ChatFull< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.editChatTitle" > messages.editChatTitle< / a > #73783ffd chat_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.editChatPhoto" > messages.editChatPhoto< / a > #35ddd674 chat_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > photo:< a href = "/type/InputChatPhoto" > InputChatPhoto< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.addChatUser" > messages.addChatUser< / a > #f24753e3 chat_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/InputUser" > InputUser< / a > fwd_limit:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.deleteChatUser" > messages.deleteChatUser< / a > #a2185cab flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > revoke_history:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > chat_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/InputUser" > InputUser< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.getStickers" > messages.getStickers< / a > #d5a5d3a1 emoticon:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.Stickers" > messages.Stickers< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.getAllStickers" > messages.getAllStickers< / a > #b8a0a1a8 hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.AllStickers" > messages.AllStickers< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/channels.getParticipants" > channels.getParticipants< / a > #77ced9d0 channel:< a href = "/type/InputChannel" > InputChannel< / a > filter:< a href = "/type/ChannelParticipantsFilter" > ChannelParticipantsFilter< / a > offset:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > limit:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/channels.ChannelParticipants" > channels.ChannelParticipants< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/messages.editChatAdmin" > messages.editChatAdmin< / a > #a85bd1c2 chat_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/InputUser" > InputUser< / a > is_admin:< a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.migrateChat" > messages.migrateChat< / a > #a2875319 chat_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.getSavedGifs" > messages.getSavedGifs< / a > #5cf09635 hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.SavedGifs" > messages.SavedGifs< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/contacts.getTopPeers" > contacts.getTopPeers< / a > #973478b6 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > correspondents:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > bots_pm:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > bots_inline:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > phone_calls:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > forward_users:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > forward_chats:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > groups:flags.10?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > channels:flags.15?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > offset:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > limit:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/contacts.TopPeers" > contacts.TopPeers< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/messages.getFeaturedStickers" > messages.getFeaturedStickers< / a > #64780b14 hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.FeaturedStickers" > messages.FeaturedStickers< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.getRecentStickers" > messages.getRecentStickers< / a > #9da9403b flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > attached:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.RecentStickers" > messages.RecentStickers< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.getMaskStickers" > messages.getMaskStickers< / a > #640f82b8 hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.AllStickers" > messages.AllStickers< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.getCommonChats" > messages.getCommonChats< / a > #e40ca104 user_id:< a href = "/type/InputUser" > InputUser< / a > max_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > limit:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.Chats" > messages.Chats< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.getAllChats" > messages.getAllChats< / a > #875f74be except_ids:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > > = < a href = "/type/messages.Chats" > messages.Chats< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.getFavedStickers" > messages.getFavedStickers< / a > #04f1aaa9 hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.FavedStickers" > messages.FavedStickers< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.getRecentLocations" > messages.getRecentLocations< / a > #702a40e0 peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > limit:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.Messages" > messages.Messages< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.searchStickerSets" > messages.searchStickerSets< / a > #35705b8a flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > exclude_featured:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > q:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.FoundStickerSets" > messages.FoundStickerSets< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/account.getAuthorizationForm" > account.getAuthorizationForm< / a > #a929597a bot_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > scope:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > public_key:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/account.AuthorizationForm" > account.AuthorizationForm< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/account.acceptAuthorization" > account.acceptAuthorization< / a > #f3ed4c73 bot_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > scope:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > public_key:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > value_hashes:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/SecureValueHash" > SecureValueHash< / a > > credentials:< a href = "/type/SecureCredentialsEncrypted" > SecureCredentialsEncrypted< / a > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/messages.getScheduledHistory" > messages.getScheduledHistory< / a > #f516760b peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.Messages" > messages.Messages< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/account.getThemes" > account.getThemes< / a > #7206e458 format:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/account.Themes" > account.Themes< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/auth.exportLoginToken" > auth.exportLoginToken< / a > #b7e085fe api_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > api_hash:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > except_ids:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > > = < a href = "/type/auth.LoginToken" > auth.LoginToken< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/messages.getOldFeaturedStickers" > messages.getOldFeaturedStickers< / a > #7ed094a1 offset:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > limit:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.FeaturedStickers" > messages.FeaturedStickers< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.getReplies" > messages.getReplies< / a > #22ddd30c peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > msg_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > offset_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > offset_date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > add_offset:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > limit:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > min_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.Messages" > messages.Messages< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.deleteChat" > messages.deleteChat< / a > #5bd0ee50 chat_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.getMessageReadParticipants" > messages.getMessageReadParticipants< / a > #2c6f97b7 peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > msg_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > > ;< br > < / code > < / pre > < / div >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-132" id = "layer-132" name = "layer-132" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=132" > Layer 132< / a > < / h3 >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme-changes" id = "scheme-changes" name = "scheme-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-methods" id = "new-methods" name = "new-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
2021-09-26 15:22:56 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/method/account.getChatThemes" > account.getChatThemes< / a > - Get all available chat themes< / li >
2021-09-26 15:51:13 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.setChatTheme" > messages.setChatTheme< / a > - Change the chat theme of a certain chat< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/channels.viewSponsoredMessage" > channels.viewSponsoredMessage< / a > - Mark a specific sponsored message as read< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/channels.getSponsoredMessages" > channels.getSponsoredMessages< / a > - Get a list of sponsored messages< / li >
2021-09-10 16:27:56 +00:00
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-methods" id = "changed-methods" name = "changed-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > video< / strong > , < strong > video_portrait< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/method/phone.toggleGroupCallRecord" > phone.toggleGroupCallRecord< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-constructors" id = "new-constructors" name = "new-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
2021-09-26 15:22:56 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/chatTheme" > chatTheme< / a > - A chat theme< / li >
2021-09-26 15:00:45 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/account.chatThemesNotModified" > account.chatThemesNotModified< / a > - The available chat themes were not modified< / li >
2021-09-17 18:45:27 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/account.chatThemes" > account.chatThemes< / a > - Available chat themes< / li >
2021-09-13 18:53:36 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messageActionSetChatTheme" > messageActionSetChatTheme< / a > - The chat theme was changed< / li >
2021-09-26 14:23:46 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/sendMessageChooseStickerAction" > sendMessageChooseStickerAction< / a > - User is choosing a sticker< / li >
2021-09-26 15:22:56 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/sponsoredMessage" > sponsoredMessage< / a > - A sponsored message< / li >
2021-09-26 14:23:46 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messages.sponsoredMessages" > messages.sponsoredMessages< / a > - A set of sponsored messages associated to a channel< / li >
2021-09-26 15:00:45 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventActionChangeTheme" > channelAdminLogEventActionChangeTheme< / a > - The chat theme was changed< / li >
2021-09-10 16:27:56 +00:00
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-constructors" id = "changed-constructors" name = "changed-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > theme_emoticon< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/chatFull" > chatFull< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > theme_emoticon< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/userFull" > userFull< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > theme_emoticon< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/channelFull" > channelFull< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > for_chat< / strong > parameter, changed type of < strong > installs_count< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > flags.4?int< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/theme" > theme< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > message_colors_animated< / strong > , < strong > message_colors< / strong > parameters, removed < strong > message_top_color< / strong > , < strong > message_bottom_color< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/inputThemeSettings" > inputThemeSettings< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > message_colors_animated< / strong > , < strong > message_colors< / strong > parameters, removed < strong > message_top_color< / strong > , < strong > message_bottom_color< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/themeSettings" > themeSettings< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > unread_count< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/messages.discussionMessage" > messages.discussionMessage< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > flags< / strong > , < strong > video_channel< / strong > , < strong > video_quality< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/inputGroupCallStream" > inputGroupCallStream< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme" id = "scheme" name = "scheme" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme< / h4 >
< div > < pre > < code > < a href = "/constructor/chatFull" > chatFull< / a > #49a0a5d9 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > can_set_username:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > has_scheduled:flags.8?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > about:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > participants:< a href = "/type/ChatParticipants" > ChatParticipants< / a > chat_photo:flags.2?< a href = "/type/Photo" > Photo< / a > notify_settings:< a href = "/type/PeerNotifySettings" > PeerNotifySettings< / a > exported_invite:flags.13?< a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > bot_info:flags.3?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/BotInfo" > BotInfo< / a > > pinned_msg_id:flags.6?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > folder_id:flags.11?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > call:flags.12?< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > ttl_period:flags.14?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > groupcall_default_join_as:flags.15?< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > theme_emoticon:flags.16?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChatFull" > ChatFull< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/userFull" > userFull< / a > #d697ff05 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > blocked:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > phone_calls_available:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > phone_calls_private:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_pin_message:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > has_scheduled:flags.12?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > video_calls_available:flags.13?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > user:< a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > about:flags.1?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > settings:< a href = "/type/PeerSettings" > PeerSettings< / a > profile_photo:flags.2?< a href = "/type/Photo" > Photo< / a > notify_settings:< a href = "/type/PeerNotifySettings" > PeerNotifySettings< / a > bot_info:flags.3?< a href = "/type/BotInfo" > BotInfo< / a > pinned_msg_id:flags.6?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > common_chats_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > folder_id:flags.11?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > ttl_period:flags.14?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > theme_emoticon:flags.15?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/UserFull" > UserFull< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/channelFull" > channelFull< / a > #2f532f3c flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > can_view_participants:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_set_username:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_set_stickers:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > hidden_prehistory:flags.10?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_set_location:flags.16?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > has_scheduled:flags.19?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_view_stats:flags.20?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > blocked:flags.22?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > about:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > participants_count:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > admins_count:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > kicked_count:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > banned_count:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > online_count:flags.13?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > read_inbox_max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > read_outbox_max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > unread_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > chat_photo:< a href = "/type/Photo" > Photo< / a > notify_settings:< a href = "/type/PeerNotifySettings" > PeerNotifySettings< / a > exported_invite:flags.23?< a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > bot_info:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/BotInfo" > BotInfo< / a > > migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pinned_msg_id:flags.5?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > stickerset:flags.8?< a href = "/type/StickerSet" > StickerSet< / a > available_min_id:flags.9?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > folder_id:flags.11?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > linked_chat_id:flags.14?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > location:flags.15?< a href = "/type/ChannelLocation" > ChannelLocation< / a > slowmode_seconds:flags.17?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > slowmode_next_send_date:flags.18?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > stats_dc:flags.12?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > call:flags.21?< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > ttl_period:flags.24?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pending_suggestions:flags.25?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > > groupcall_default_join_as:flags.26?< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > theme_emoticon:flags.27?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChatFull" > ChatFull< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/theme" > theme< / a > #e802b8dc flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > creator:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > default:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > for_chat:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > slug:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > document:flags.2?< a href = "/type/Document" > Document< / a > settings:flags.3?< a href = "/type/ThemeSettings" > ThemeSettings< / a > installs_count:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Theme" > Theme< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/inputThemeSettings" > inputThemeSettings< / a > #ff38f912 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > message_colors_animated:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > base_theme:< a href = "/type/BaseTheme" > BaseTheme< / a > accent_color:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > message_colors:flags.0?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > > wallpaper:flags.1?< a href = "/type/InputWallPaper" > InputWallPaper< / a > wallpaper_settings:flags.1?< a href = "/type/WallPaperSettings" > WallPaperSettings< / a > = < a href = "/type/InputThemeSettings" > InputThemeSettings< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/themeSettings" > themeSettings< / a > #8db4e76c flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > message_colors_animated:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > base_theme:< a href = "/type/BaseTheme" > BaseTheme< / a > accent_color:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > message_colors:flags.0?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > > wallpaper:flags.1?< a href = "/type/WallPaper" > WallPaper< / a > = < a href = "/type/ThemeSettings" > ThemeSettings< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messages.discussionMessage" > messages.discussionMessage< / a > #a6341782 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > messages:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Message" > Message< / a > > max_id:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > read_inbox_max_id:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > read_outbox_max_id:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > unread_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > chats:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Chat" > Chat< / a > > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > > = < a href = "/type/messages.DiscussionMessage" > messages.DiscussionMessage< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/inputGroupCallStream" > inputGroupCallStream< / a > #0598a92a flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > call:< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > time_ms:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > scale:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > video_channel:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > video_quality:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/InputFileLocation" > InputFileLocation< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/chatTheme" > chatTheme< / a > #ed0b5c33 emoticon:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > theme:< a href = "/type/Theme" > Theme< / a > dark_theme:< a href = "/type/Theme" > Theme< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChatTheme" > ChatTheme< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/account.chatThemesNotModified" > account.chatThemesNotModified< / a > #e011e1c4 = < a href = "/type/account.ChatThemes" > account.ChatThemes< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/account.chatThemes" > account.chatThemes< / a > #fe4cbebd hash:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > themes:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/ChatTheme" > ChatTheme< / a > > = < a href = "/type/account.ChatThemes" > account.ChatThemes< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messageActionSetChatTheme" > messageActionSetChatTheme< / a > #aa786345 emoticon:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/MessageAction" > MessageAction< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/sendMessageChooseStickerAction" > sendMessageChooseStickerAction< / a > #b05ac6b1 = < a href = "/type/SendMessageAction" > SendMessageAction< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/sponsoredMessage" > sponsoredMessage< / a > #2a3c381f flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > random_id:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > from_id:< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > start_param:flags.0?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > message:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > entities:flags.1?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/MessageEntity" > MessageEntity< / a > > = < a href = "/type/SponsoredMessage" > SponsoredMessage< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messages.sponsoredMessages" > messages.sponsoredMessages< / a > #65a4c7d5 messages:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/SponsoredMessage" > SponsoredMessage< / a > > chats:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Chat" > Chat< / a > > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > > = < a href = "/type/messages.SponsoredMessages" > messages.SponsoredMessages< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventActionChangeTheme" > channelAdminLogEventActionChangeTheme< / a > #fe69018d prev_value:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > new_value:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChannelAdminLogEventAction" > ChannelAdminLogEventAction< / a > ;< br >
---functions---< br >
< a href = "/method/phone.toggleGroupCallRecord" > phone.toggleGroupCallRecord< / a > #f128c708 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > start:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > video:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > call:< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > title:flags.1?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > video_portrait:flags.2?< a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/account.getChatThemes" > account.getChatThemes< / a > #d6d71d7b hash:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/account.ChatThemes" > account.ChatThemes< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/messages.setChatTheme" > messages.setChatTheme< / a > #e63be13f peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > emoticon:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/channels.viewSponsoredMessage" > channels.viewSponsoredMessage< / a > #beaedb94 channel:< a href = "/type/InputChannel" > InputChannel< / a > random_id:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/channels.getSponsoredMessages" > channels.getSponsoredMessages< / a > #ec210fbf channel:< a href = "/type/InputChannel" > InputChannel< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.SponsoredMessages" > messages.SponsoredMessages< / a > ;< br > < / code > < / pre > < / div >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-131" id = "layer-131" name = "layer-131" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=131" > Layer 131< / a > < / h3 >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme-changes" id = "scheme-changes" name = "scheme-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-methods" id = "new-methods" name = "new-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
2021-09-26 15:22:56 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/method/account.resetPassword" > account.resetPassword< / a > - Initiate a 2FA password reset< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/account.declinePasswordReset" > account.declinePasswordReset< / a > - Abort a pending 2FA password reset< / li >
2021-09-17 19:19:43 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/method/auth.checkRecoveryPassword" > auth.checkRecoveryPassword< / a > - < / li >
2021-09-10 16:27:56 +00:00
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-methods" id = "changed-methods" name = "changed-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > flags< / strong > , < strong > new_settings< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/method/auth.recoverPassword" > auth.recoverPassword< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > limit< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/method/phone.getGroupCall" > phone.getGroupCall< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-constructors" id = "new-constructors" name = "new-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
2021-09-26 15:00:45 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/account.resetPasswordFailedWait" > account.resetPasswordFailedWait< / a > - You requested a password reset too many times, please wait until the specified date before retrying the reset.< / li >
2021-09-26 14:23:46 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/account.resetPasswordRequestedWait" > account.resetPasswordRequestedWait< / a > - You already requested a password reset, please wait until the specified date before retrying the reset.< / li >
2021-09-26 15:00:45 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/account.resetPasswordOk" > account.resetPasswordOk< / a > - The 2FA password was reset successfully.< / li >
2021-09-13 18:53:36 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/updateBotCommands" > updateBotCommands< / a > - The < a href = "/bots/api#june-25-2021" > command set< / a > of a certain bot in a certain chat has changed.< / li >
2021-09-10 16:27:56 +00:00
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-constructors" id = "changed-constructors" name = "changed-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > pending_reset_date< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/account.password" > account.password< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > record_video_active< / strong > , < strong > unmuted_video_count< / strong > , < strong > unmuted_video_limit< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/groupCall" > groupCall< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > audio_source< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/groupCallParticipantVideo" > groupCallParticipantVideo< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme" id = "scheme" name = "scheme" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme< / h4 >
< div > < pre > < code > < a href = "/constructor/account.password" > account.password< / a > #185b184f flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > has_recovery:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > has_secure_values:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > has_password:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > current_algo:flags.2?< a href = "/type/PasswordKdfAlgo" > PasswordKdfAlgo< / a > srp_B:flags.2?< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > srp_id:flags.2?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > hint:flags.3?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > email_unconfirmed_pattern:flags.4?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > new_algo:< a href = "/type/PasswordKdfAlgo" > PasswordKdfAlgo< / a > new_secure_algo:< a href = "/type/SecurePasswordKdfAlgo" > SecurePasswordKdfAlgo< / a > secure_random:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > pending_reset_date:flags.5?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/account.Password" > account.Password< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/groupCall" > groupCall< / a > #d597650c flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > join_muted:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_change_join_muted:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > join_date_asc:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > schedule_start_subscribed:flags.8?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_start_video:flags.9?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > record_video_active:flags.11?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > participants_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > title:flags.3?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > stream_dc_id:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > record_start_date:flags.5?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > schedule_date:flags.7?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > unmuted_video_count:flags.10?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > unmuted_video_limit:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > version:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/GroupCall" > GroupCall< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/groupCallParticipantVideo" > groupCallParticipantVideo< / a > #67753ac8 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > paused:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > endpoint:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > source_groups:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/GroupCallParticipantVideoSourceGroup" > GroupCallParticipantVideoSourceGroup< / a > > audio_source:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/GroupCallParticipantVideo" > GroupCallParticipantVideo< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/account.resetPasswordFailedWait" > account.resetPasswordFailedWait< / a > #e3779861 retry_date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/account.ResetPasswordResult" > account.ResetPasswordResult< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/account.resetPasswordRequestedWait" > account.resetPasswordRequestedWait< / a > #e9effc7d until_date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/account.ResetPasswordResult" > account.ResetPasswordResult< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/account.resetPasswordOk" > account.resetPasswordOk< / a > #e926d63e = < a href = "/type/account.ResetPasswordResult" > account.ResetPasswordResult< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/updateBotCommands" > updateBotCommands< / a > #cf7e0873 peer:< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > bot_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > commands:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/BotCommand" > BotCommand< / a > > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;< br >
---functions---< br >
< a href = "/method/auth.recoverPassword" > auth.recoverPassword< / a > #37096c70 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > code:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > new_settings:flags.0?< a href = "/type/account.PasswordInputSettings" > account.PasswordInputSettings< / a > = < a href = "/type/auth.Authorization" > auth.Authorization< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/phone.getGroupCall" > phone.getGroupCall< / a > #041845db call:< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > limit:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/phone.GroupCall" > phone.GroupCall< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/account.resetPassword" > account.resetPassword< / a > #9308ce1b = < a href = "/type/account.ResetPasswordResult" > account.ResetPasswordResult< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/account.declinePasswordReset" > account.declinePasswordReset< / a > #4c9409f6 = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/auth.checkRecoveryPassword" > auth.checkRecoveryPassword< / a > #0d36bf79 code:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;< br > < / code > < / pre > < / div >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-130" id = "layer-130" name = "layer-130" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=130" > Layer 130< / a > < / h3 >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme-changes" id = "scheme-changes" name = "scheme-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-constructors" id = "changed-constructors" name = "changed-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > placeholder< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/replyKeyboardForceReply" > replyKeyboardForceReply< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > placeholder< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/replyKeyboardMarkup" > replyKeyboardMarkup< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme" id = "scheme" name = "scheme" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme< / h4 >
< div > < pre > < code > < a href = "/constructor/replyKeyboardForceReply" > replyKeyboardForceReply< / a > #86b40b08 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > single_use:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > selective:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > placeholder:flags.3?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/ReplyMarkup" > ReplyMarkup< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/replyKeyboardMarkup" > replyKeyboardMarkup< / a > #85dd99d1 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > resize:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > single_use:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > selective:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > rows:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/KeyboardButtonRow" > KeyboardButtonRow< / a > > placeholder:flags.3?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/ReplyMarkup" > ReplyMarkup< / a > ;< br > < / code > < / pre > < / div >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-129" id = "layer-129" name = "layer-129" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=129" > Layer 129< / a > < / h3 >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme-changes" id = "scheme-changes" name = "scheme-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-methods" id = "new-methods" name = "new-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
2021-09-17 19:19:43 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/method/phone.joinGroupCallPresentation" > phone.joinGroupCallPresentation< / a > - < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/phone.leaveGroupCallPresentation" > phone.leaveGroupCallPresentation< / a > - < / li >
2021-09-10 16:27:56 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/method/stickers.checkShortName" > stickers.checkShortName< / a > - < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/stickers.suggestShortName" > stickers.suggestShortName< / a > - < / li >
2021-09-26 15:51:13 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/method/bots.resetBotCommands" > bots.resetBotCommands< / a > - Clear bot commands for the specified bot scope and language code< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/bots.getBotCommands" > bots.getBotCommands< / a > - Obtain a list of bot commands for the specified bot scope and language code< / li >
2021-09-10 16:27:56 +00:00
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-methods" id = "changed-methods" name = "changed-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > software< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/method/stickers.createStickerSet" > stickers.createStickerSet< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scope< / strong > , < strong > lang_code< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/method/bots.setBotCommands" > bots.setBotCommands< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < a href = "/method/phone.checkGroupCall" > phone.checkGroupCall< / a > from < strong > Bool< / strong > to < strong > Vector< int> < / strong > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > sources< / strong > parameter, removed < strong > source< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/method/phone.checkGroupCall" > phone.checkGroupCall< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > video_stopped< / strong > , < strong > video_paused< / strong > , < strong > presentation_paused< / strong > parameters, removed < strong > video_muted< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/method/phone.editGroupCallParticipant" > phone.editGroupCallParticipant< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-constructors" id = "new-constructors" name = "new-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
2021-09-26 14:23:46 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/groupCallParticipantVideoSourceGroup" > groupCallParticipantVideoSourceGroup< / a > - Describes a group of video synchronization source identifiers< / li >
2021-09-26 15:22:56 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/groupCallParticipantVideo" > groupCallParticipantVideo< / a > - Info about a video stream< / li >
2021-09-26 14:23:46 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/updateGroupCallConnection" > updateGroupCallConnection< / a > - New WebRTC parameters< / li >
2021-09-26 14:37:17 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/stickers.suggestedShortName" > stickers.suggestedShortName< / a > - A suggested short name for a stickerpack< / li >
2021-09-26 14:23:46 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/botCommandScopeDefault" > botCommandScopeDefault< / a > - The commands will be valid in all dialogs< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/botCommandScopeUsers" > botCommandScopeUsers< / a > - The specified bot commands will only be valid in all private chats with users.< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/botCommandScopeChats" > botCommandScopeChats< / a > - The specified bot commands will be valid in all < a href = "/api/channel" > groups and supergroups< / a > .< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/botCommandScopeChatAdmins" > botCommandScopeChatAdmins< / a > - The specified bot commands will be valid only for chat administrators, in all < a href = "/api/channel" > groups and supergroups< / a > .< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/botCommandScopePeer" > botCommandScopePeer< / a > - The specified bot commands will be valid only in a specific dialog.< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/botCommandScopePeerAdmins" > botCommandScopePeerAdmins< / a > - The specified bot commands will be valid for all admins of the specified < a href = "/api/channel" > group or supergroup< / a > .< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/botCommandScopePeerUser" > botCommandScopePeerUser< / a > - The specified bot commands will be valid only for a specific user in the specified < a href = "/api/channel" > group or supergroup< / a > .< / li >
2021-09-10 16:27:56 +00:00
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-constructors" id = "changed-constructors" name = "changed-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > sticker< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/help.appUpdate" > help.appUpdate< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > third_background_color< / strong > , < strong > fourth_background_color< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/wallPaperSettings" > wallPaperSettings< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > id< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/inputWallPaperNoFile" > inputWallPaperNoFile< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > id< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/wallPaperNoFile" > wallPaperNoFile< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > qts< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/updateMessagePollVote" > updateMessagePollVote< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > can_start_video< / strong > parameter, removed < strong > params< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/groupCall" > groupCall< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > video_joined< / strong > , < strong > video< / strong > , < strong > presentation< / strong > parameters, removed < strong > params< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/groupCallParticipant" > groupCallParticipant< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme" id = "scheme" name = "scheme" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme< / h4 >
< div > < pre > < code > < a href = "/constructor/help.appUpdate" > help.appUpdate< / a > #ccbbce30 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > can_not_skip:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > version:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > text:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > entities:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/MessageEntity" > MessageEntity< / a > > document:flags.1?< a href = "/type/Document" > Document< / a > url:flags.2?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > sticker:flags.3?< a href = "/type/Document" > Document< / a > = < a href = "/type/help.AppUpdate" > help.AppUpdate< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/wallPaperSettings" > wallPaperSettings< / a > #1dc1bca4 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > blur:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > motion:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > background_color:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > second_background_color:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > third_background_color:flags.5?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > fourth_background_color:flags.6?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > intensity:flags.3?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > rotation:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/WallPaperSettings" > WallPaperSettings< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/inputWallPaperNoFile" > inputWallPaperNoFile< / a > #967a462e id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/InputWallPaper" > InputWallPaper< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/wallPaperNoFile" > wallPaperNoFile< / a > #e0804116 id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > default:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > dark:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > settings:flags.2?< a href = "/type/WallPaperSettings" > WallPaperSettings< / a > = < a href = "/type/WallPaper" > WallPaper< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/updateMessagePollVote" > updateMessagePollVote< / a > #37f69f0b poll_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > options:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > > qts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/groupCall" > groupCall< / a > #653dbaad flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > join_muted:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_change_join_muted:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > join_date_asc:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > schedule_start_subscribed:flags.8?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_start_video:flags.9?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > participants_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > title:flags.3?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > stream_dc_id:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > record_start_date:flags.5?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > schedule_date:flags.7?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > version:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/GroupCall" > GroupCall< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/groupCallParticipant" > groupCallParticipant< / a > #eba636fe flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > muted:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > left:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_self_unmute:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > just_joined:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > versioned:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > min:flags.8?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > muted_by_you:flags.9?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > volume_by_admin:flags.10?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > self:flags.12?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > video_joined:flags.15?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > active_date:flags.3?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > source:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > volume:flags.7?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > about:flags.11?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > raise_hand_rating:flags.13?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > video:flags.6?< a href = "/type/GroupCallParticipantVideo" > GroupCallParticipantVideo< / a > presentation:flags.14?< a href = "/type/GroupCallParticipantVideo" > GroupCallParticipantVideo< / a > = < a href = "/type/GroupCallParticipant" > GroupCallParticipant< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/groupCallParticipantVideoSourceGroup" > groupCallParticipantVideoSourceGroup< / a > #dcb118b7 semantics:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > sources:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > > = < a href = "/type/GroupCallParticipantVideoSourceGroup" > GroupCallParticipantVideoSourceGroup< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/groupCallParticipantVideo" > groupCallParticipantVideo< / a > #78e41663 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > paused:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > endpoint:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > source_groups:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/GroupCallParticipantVideoSourceGroup" > GroupCallParticipantVideoSourceGroup< / a > > = < a href = "/type/GroupCallParticipantVideo" > GroupCallParticipantVideo< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/updateGroupCallConnection" > updateGroupCallConnection< / a > #0b783982 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > presentation:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > params:< a href = "/type/DataJSON" > DataJSON< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/stickers.suggestedShortName" > stickers.suggestedShortName< / a > #85fea03f short_name:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/stickers.SuggestedShortName" > stickers.SuggestedShortName< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/botCommandScopeDefault" > botCommandScopeDefault< / a > #2f6cb2ab = < a href = "/type/BotCommandScope" > BotCommandScope< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/botCommandScopeUsers" > botCommandScopeUsers< / a > #3c4f04d8 = < a href = "/type/BotCommandScope" > BotCommandScope< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/botCommandScopeChats" > botCommandScopeChats< / a > #6fe1a881 = < a href = "/type/BotCommandScope" > BotCommandScope< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/botCommandScopeChatAdmins" > botCommandScopeChatAdmins< / a > #b9aa606a = < a href = "/type/BotCommandScope" > BotCommandScope< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/botCommandScopePeer" > botCommandScopePeer< / a > #db9d897d peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > = < a href = "/type/BotCommandScope" > BotCommandScope< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/botCommandScopePeerAdmins" > botCommandScopePeerAdmins< / a > #3fd863d1 peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > = < a href = "/type/BotCommandScope" > BotCommandScope< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/botCommandScopePeerUser" > botCommandScopePeerUser< / a > #0a1321f3 peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/InputUser" > InputUser< / a > = < a href = "/type/BotCommandScope" > BotCommandScope< / a > ;< br >
---functions---< br >
< a href = "/method/stickers.createStickerSet" > stickers.createStickerSet< / a > #9021ab67 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > masks:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > animated:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/InputUser" > InputUser< / a > title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > short_name:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > thumb:flags.2?< a href = "/type/InputDocument" > InputDocument< / a > stickers:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/InputStickerSetItem" > InputStickerSetItem< / a > > software:flags.3?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.StickerSet" > messages.StickerSet< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/bots.setBotCommands" > bots.setBotCommands< / a > #0517165a scope:< a href = "/type/BotCommandScope" > BotCommandScope< / a > lang_code:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > commands:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/BotCommand" > BotCommand< / a > > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/phone.checkGroupCall" > phone.checkGroupCall< / a > #b59cf977 call:< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > sources:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > > = < a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > > ;
< a href = "/method/phone.editGroupCallParticipant" > phone.editGroupCallParticipant< / a > #a5273abf flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > call:< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > participant:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > muted:flags.0?< a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > volume:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > raise_hand:flags.2?< a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > video_stopped:flags.3?< a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > video_paused:flags.4?< a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > presentation_paused:flags.5?< a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/phone.joinGroupCallPresentation" > phone.joinGroupCallPresentation< / a > #cbea6bc4 call:< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > params:< a href = "/type/DataJSON" > DataJSON< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/phone.leaveGroupCallPresentation" > phone.leaveGroupCallPresentation< / a > #1c50d144 call:< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/stickers.checkShortName" > stickers.checkShortName< / a > #284b3639 short_name:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/stickers.suggestShortName" > stickers.suggestShortName< / a > #4dafc503 title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/stickers.SuggestedShortName" > stickers.SuggestedShortName< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/bots.resetBotCommands" > bots.resetBotCommands< / a > #3d8de0f9 scope:< a href = "/type/BotCommandScope" > BotCommandScope< / a > lang_code:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/bots.getBotCommands" > bots.getBotCommands< / a > #e34c0dd6 scope:< a href = "/type/BotCommandScope" > BotCommandScope< / a > lang_code:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/BotCommand" > BotCommand< / a > > ;< br > < / code > < / pre > < / div >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-128" id = "layer-128" name = "layer-128" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=128" > Layer 128< / a > < / h3 >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme-changes" id = "scheme-changes" name = "scheme-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-methods" id = "changed-methods" name = "changed-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > video_muted< / strong > parameter, changed type of < strong > muted< / strong > from < strong > flags.0?true< / strong > to < strong > flags.0?Bool< / strong > in < a href = "/method/phone.editGroupCallParticipant" > phone.editGroupCallParticipant< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-constructors" id = "changed-constructors" name = "changed-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Removed < strong > photo_small< / strong > , < strong > photo_big< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/userProfilePhoto" > userProfilePhoto< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > photo_id< / strong > parameter, removed < strong > photo_small< / strong > , < strong > photo_big< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/chatPhoto" > chatPhoto< / a > < / li >
< li > Removed < strong > location< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/photoSize" > photoSize< / a > < / li >
< li > Removed < strong > location< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/photoCachedSize" > photoCachedSize< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > photo_id< / strong > parameter, removed < strong > volume_id< / strong > , < strong > local_id< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/inputPeerPhotoFileLocation" > inputPeerPhotoFileLocation< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > thumb_version< / strong > parameter, removed < strong > volume_id< / strong > , < strong > local_id< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/inputStickerSetThumb" > inputStickerSetThumb< / a > < / li >
< li > Removed < strong > location< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/videoSize" > videoSize< / a > < / li >
< li > Removed < strong > location< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/photoSizeProgressive" > photoSizeProgressive< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#deleted-constructors" id = "deleted-constructors" name = "deleted-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Deleted Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Removed fileLocationToBeDeprecated< / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme" id = "scheme" name = "scheme" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme< / h4 >
< div > < pre > < code > < a href = "/constructor/userProfilePhoto" > userProfilePhoto< / a > #82d1f706 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > has_video:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > photo_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > stripped_thumb:flags.1?< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > dc_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/UserProfilePhoto" > UserProfilePhoto< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/chatPhoto" > chatPhoto< / a > #1c6e1c11 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > has_video:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > photo_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > stripped_thumb:flags.1?< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > dc_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChatPhoto" > ChatPhoto< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/photoSize" > photoSize< / a > #75c78e60 type:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > w:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > h:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > size:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/PhotoSize" > PhotoSize< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/photoCachedSize" > photoCachedSize< / a > #021e1ad6 type:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > w:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > h:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > bytes:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > = < a href = "/type/PhotoSize" > PhotoSize< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/inputPeerPhotoFileLocation" > inputPeerPhotoFileLocation< / a > #37257e99 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > big:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > photo_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/InputFileLocation" > InputFileLocation< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/inputStickerSetThumb" > inputStickerSetThumb< / a > #9d84f3db stickerset:< a href = "/type/InputStickerSet" > InputStickerSet< / a > thumb_version:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/InputFileLocation" > InputFileLocation< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/videoSize" > videoSize< / a > #de33b094 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > type:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > w:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > h:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > size:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > video_start_ts:flags.0?< a href = "/type/double" > double< / a > = < a href = "/type/VideoSize" > VideoSize< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/photoSizeProgressive" > photoSizeProgressive< / a > #fa3efb95 type:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > w:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > h:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > sizes:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > > = < a href = "/type/PhotoSize" > PhotoSize< / a > ;< br >
---functions---< br >
< a href = "/method/phone.editGroupCallParticipant" > phone.editGroupCallParticipant< / a > #aec610e4 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > call:< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > participant:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > muted:flags.0?< a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > volume:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > raise_hand:flags.2?< a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > video_muted:flags.3?< a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;< br > < / code > < / pre > < / div >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-127" id = "layer-127" name = "layer-127" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=127" > Layer 127< / a > < / h3 >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme-changes" id = "scheme-changes" name = "scheme-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-methods" id = "new-methods" name = "new-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
2021-09-17 19:19:43 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/method/phone.toggleGroupCallStartSubscription" > phone.toggleGroupCallStartSubscription< / a > - < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/phone.startScheduledGroupCall" > phone.startScheduledGroupCall< / a > - < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/phone.saveDefaultGroupCallJoinAs" > phone.saveDefaultGroupCallJoinAs< / a > - < / li >
2021-09-10 16:27:56 +00:00
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-methods" id = "changed-methods" name = "changed-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > flags< / strong > , < strong > peer< / strong > , < strong > theme_params< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/method/payments.getPaymentForm" > payments.getPaymentForm< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > peer< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/method/payments.getPaymentReceipt" > payments.getPaymentReceipt< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > peer< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/method/payments.validateRequestedInfo" > payments.validateRequestedInfo< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > form_id< / strong > , < strong > peer< / strong > , < strong > tip_amount< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/method/payments.sendPaymentForm" > payments.sendPaymentForm< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > flags< / strong > , < strong > title< / strong > , < strong > schedule_date< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/method/phone.createGroupCall" > phone.createGroupCall< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-constructors" id = "new-constructors" name = "new-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
2021-09-26 14:23:46 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/inputBotInlineMessageMediaInvoice" > inputBotInlineMessageMediaInvoice< / a > - An invoice< / li >
2021-09-26 15:00:45 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/botInlineMessageMediaInvoice" > botInlineMessageMediaInvoice< / a > - Send an invoice< / li >
2021-09-17 18:45:27 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messageActionGroupCallScheduled" > messageActionGroupCallScheduled< / a > - A group call was scheduled< / li >
2021-09-10 16:27:56 +00:00
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-constructors" id = "changed-constructors" name = "changed-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > stripped_thumb< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/userProfilePhoto" > userProfilePhoto< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > stripped_thumb< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/chatPhoto" > chatPhoto< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > thumb_version< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/stickerSet" > stickerSet< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > max_tip_amount< / strong > , < strong > suggested_tip_amounts< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/invoice" > invoice< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > start_param< / strong > from < strong > string< / strong > to < strong > flags.1?string< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/inputMediaInvoice" > inputMediaInvoice< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > form_id< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/payments.paymentForm" > payments.paymentForm< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > title< / strong > , < strong > description< / strong > , < strong > photo< / strong > , < strong > tip_amount< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/payments.paymentReceipt" > payments.paymentReceipt< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > schedule_start_subscribed< / strong > , < strong > schedule_date< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/groupCall" > groupCall< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > params< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/groupCallParticipant" > groupCallParticipant< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme" id = "scheme" name = "scheme" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme< / h4 >
< div > < pre > < code > < a href = "/constructor/userProfilePhoto" > userProfilePhoto< / a > #cc656077 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > has_video:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > photo_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > photo_small:< a href = "/type/FileLocation" > FileLocation< / a > photo_big:< a href = "/type/FileLocation" > FileLocation< / a > stripped_thumb:flags.1?< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > dc_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/UserProfilePhoto" > UserProfilePhoto< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/chatPhoto" > chatPhoto< / a > #4790ee05 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > has_video:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > photo_small:< a href = "/type/FileLocation" > FileLocation< / a > photo_big:< a href = "/type/FileLocation" > FileLocation< / a > stripped_thumb:flags.1?< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > dc_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChatPhoto" > ChatPhoto< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/stickerSet" > stickerSet< / a > #d7df217a flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > archived:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > official:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > masks:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > animated:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > installed_date:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > short_name:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > thumbs:flags.4?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/PhotoSize" > PhotoSize< / a > > thumb_dc_id:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > thumb_version:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > hash:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/StickerSet" > StickerSet< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/invoice" > invoice< / a > #0cd886e0 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > test:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > name_requested:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > phone_requested:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > email_requested:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > shipping_address_requested:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > flexible:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > phone_to_provider:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > email_to_provider:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > currency:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > prices:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/LabeledPrice" > LabeledPrice< / a > > max_tip_amount:flags.8?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > suggested_tip_amounts:flags.8?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > > = < a href = "/type/Invoice" > Invoice< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/inputMediaInvoice" > inputMediaInvoice< / a > #d9799874 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > description:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > photo:flags.0?< a href = "/type/InputWebDocument" > InputWebDocument< / a > invoice:< a href = "/type/Invoice" > Invoice< / a > payload:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > provider:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > provider_data:< a href = "/type/DataJSON" > DataJSON< / a > start_param:flags.1?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/InputMedia" > InputMedia< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/payments.paymentForm" > payments.paymentForm< / a > #8d0b2415 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > can_save_credentials:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > password_missing:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > form_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > bot_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > invoice:< a href = "/type/Invoice" > Invoice< / a > provider_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > url:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > native_provider:flags.4?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > native_params:flags.4?< a href = "/type/DataJSON" > DataJSON< / a > saved_info:flags.0?< a href = "/type/PaymentRequestedInfo" > PaymentRequestedInfo< / a > saved_credentials:flags.1?< a href = "/type/PaymentSavedCredentials" > PaymentSavedCredentials< / a > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > > = < a href = "/type/payments.PaymentForm" > payments.PaymentForm< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/payments.paymentReceipt" > payments.paymentReceipt< / a > #10b555d0 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > bot_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > provider_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > description:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > photo:flags.2?< a href = "/type/WebDocument" > WebDocument< / a > invoice:< a href = "/type/Invoice" > Invoice< / a > info:flags.0?< a href = "/type/PaymentRequestedInfo" > PaymentRequestedInfo< / a > shipping:flags.1?< a href = "/type/ShippingOption" > ShippingOption< / a > tip_amount:flags.3?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > currency:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > total_amount:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > credentials_title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > > = < a href = "/type/payments.PaymentReceipt" > payments.PaymentReceipt< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/groupCall" > groupCall< / a > #c95c6654 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > join_muted:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_change_join_muted:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > join_date_asc:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > schedule_start_subscribed:flags.8?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > participants_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > params:flags.0?< a href = "/type/DataJSON" > DataJSON< / a > title:flags.3?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > stream_dc_id:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > record_start_date:flags.5?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > schedule_date:flags.7?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > version:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/GroupCall" > GroupCall< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/groupCallParticipant" > groupCallParticipant< / a > #b96b25ee flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > muted:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > left:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_self_unmute:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > just_joined:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > versioned:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > min:flags.8?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > muted_by_you:flags.9?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > volume_by_admin:flags.10?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > self:flags.12?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > active_date:flags.3?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > source:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > volume:flags.7?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > about:flags.11?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > raise_hand_rating:flags.13?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > params:flags.6?< a href = "/type/DataJSON" > DataJSON< / a > = < a href = "/type/GroupCallParticipant" > GroupCallParticipant< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/inputBotInlineMessageMediaInvoice" > inputBotInlineMessageMediaInvoice< / a > #d7e78225 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > description:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > photo:flags.0?< a href = "/type/InputWebDocument" > InputWebDocument< / a > invoice:< a href = "/type/Invoice" > Invoice< / a > payload:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > provider:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > provider_data:< a href = "/type/DataJSON" > DataJSON< / a > reply_markup:flags.2?< a href = "/type/ReplyMarkup" > ReplyMarkup< / a > = < a href = "/type/InputBotInlineMessage" > InputBotInlineMessage< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/botInlineMessageMediaInvoice" > botInlineMessageMediaInvoice< / a > #354a9b09 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > shipping_address_requested:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > test:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > description:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > photo:flags.0?< a href = "/type/WebDocument" > WebDocument< / a > currency:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > total_amount:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > reply_markup:flags.2?< a href = "/type/ReplyMarkup" > ReplyMarkup< / a > = < a href = "/type/BotInlineMessage" > BotInlineMessage< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messageActionGroupCallScheduled" > messageActionGroupCallScheduled< / a > #b3a07661 call:< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > schedule_date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/MessageAction" > MessageAction< / a > ;< br >
---functions---< br >
< a href = "/method/payments.getPaymentForm" > payments.getPaymentForm< / a > #8a333c8d flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > msg_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > theme_params:flags.0?< a href = "/type/DataJSON" > DataJSON< / a > = < a href = "/type/payments.PaymentForm" > payments.PaymentForm< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/payments.getPaymentReceipt" > payments.getPaymentReceipt< / a > #2478d1cc peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > msg_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/payments.PaymentReceipt" > payments.PaymentReceipt< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/payments.validateRequestedInfo" > payments.validateRequestedInfo< / a > #db103170 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > save:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > msg_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > info:< a href = "/type/PaymentRequestedInfo" > PaymentRequestedInfo< / a > = < a href = "/type/payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo" > payments.ValidatedRequestedInfo< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/payments.sendPaymentForm" > payments.sendPaymentForm< / a > #30c3bc9d flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > form_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > msg_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > requested_info_id:flags.0?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > shipping_option_id:flags.1?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > credentials:< a href = "/type/InputPaymentCredentials" > InputPaymentCredentials< / a > tip_amount:flags.2?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/payments.PaymentResult" > payments.PaymentResult< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/phone.createGroupCall" > phone.createGroupCall< / a > #48cdc6d8 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > random_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > title:flags.0?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > schedule_date:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/phone.toggleGroupCallStartSubscription" > phone.toggleGroupCallStartSubscription< / a > #219c34e6 call:< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > subscribed:< a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/phone.startScheduledGroupCall" > phone.startScheduledGroupCall< / a > #5680e342 call:< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/phone.saveDefaultGroupCallJoinAs" > phone.saveDefaultGroupCallJoinAs< / a > #575e1f8c peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > join_as:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;< br > < / code > < / pre > < / div >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-126" id = "layer-126" name = "layer-126" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=126" > Layer 126< / a > < / h3 >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme-changes" id = "scheme-changes" name = "scheme-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-methods" id = "changed-methods" name = "changed-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > participant< / strong > parameter, removed < strong > user_id< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/method/channels.getParticipant" > channels.getParticipant< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > participant< / strong > parameter, removed < strong > user_id< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/method/channels.editBanned" > channels.editBanned< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-constructors" id = "changed-constructors" name = "changed-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > chats< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/channels.channelParticipants" > channels.channelParticipants< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > chats< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/channels.channelParticipant" > channels.channelParticipant< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > peer< / strong > parameter, removed < strong > user_id< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/channelParticipantBanned" > channelParticipantBanned< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > peer< / strong > parameter, removed < strong > user_id< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/channelParticipantLeft" > channelParticipantLeft< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme" id = "scheme" name = "scheme" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme< / h4 >
< div > < pre > < code > < a href = "/constructor/channels.channelParticipants" > channels.channelParticipants< / a > #9ab0feaf count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > participants:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/ChannelParticipant" > ChannelParticipant< / a > > chats:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Chat" > Chat< / a > > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > > = < a href = "/type/channels.ChannelParticipants" > channels.ChannelParticipants< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/channels.channelParticipant" > channels.channelParticipant< / a > #dfb80317 participant:< a href = "/type/ChannelParticipant" > ChannelParticipant< / a > chats:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Chat" > Chat< / a > > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > > = < a href = "/type/channels.ChannelParticipant" > channels.ChannelParticipant< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/channelParticipantBanned" > channelParticipantBanned< / a > #50a1dfd6 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > left:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > kicked_by:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > banned_rights:< a href = "/type/ChatBannedRights" > ChatBannedRights< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChannelParticipant" > ChannelParticipant< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/channelParticipantLeft" > channelParticipantLeft< / a > #1b03f006 peer:< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChannelParticipant" > ChannelParticipant< / a > ;< br >
---functions---< br >
< a href = "/method/channels.getParticipant" > channels.getParticipant< / a > #a0ab6cc6 channel:< a href = "/type/InputChannel" > InputChannel< / a > participant:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > = < a href = "/type/channels.ChannelParticipant" > channels.ChannelParticipant< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/channels.editBanned" > channels.editBanned< / a > #96e6cd81 channel:< a href = "/type/InputChannel" > InputChannel< / a > participant:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > banned_rights:< a href = "/type/ChatBannedRights" > ChatBannedRights< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;< br > < / code > < / pre > < / div >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-125" id = "layer-125" name = "layer-125" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=125" > Layer 125< / a > < / h3 >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme-changes" id = "scheme-changes" name = "scheme-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-methods" id = "new-methods" name = "new-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/phone.toggleGroupCallRecord" > phone.toggleGroupCallRecord< / a > - < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/phone.editGroupCallParticipant" > phone.editGroupCallParticipant< / a > - < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/phone.editGroupCallTitle" > phone.editGroupCallTitle< / a > - < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/phone.getGroupCallJoinAs" > phone.getGroupCallJoinAs< / a > - < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/phone.exportGroupCallInvite" > phone.exportGroupCallInvite< / a > - < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-methods" id = "changed-methods" name = "changed-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > flags< / strong > , < strong > url< / strong > parameters, changed type of < strong > peer< / strong > from < strong > InputPeer< / strong > to < strong > flags.1?InputPeer< / strong > , < strong > msg_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > flags.1?int< / strong > , < strong > button_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > flags.1?int< / strong > in < a href = "/method/messages.requestUrlAuth" > messages.requestUrlAuth< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > url< / strong > parameter, changed type of < strong > peer< / strong > from < strong > InputPeer< / strong > to < strong > flags.1?InputPeer< / strong > , < strong > msg_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > flags.1?int< / strong > , < strong > button_id< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > flags.1?int< / strong > in < a href = "/method/messages.acceptUrlAuth" > messages.acceptUrlAuth< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > video_stopped< / strong > , < strong > join_as< / strong > , < strong > invite_hash< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/method/phone.joinGroupCall" > phone.joinGroupCall< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > reset_invite_hash< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/method/phone.toggleGroupCallSettings" > phone.toggleGroupCallSettings< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > ids< / strong > from < strong > Vector< int> < / strong > to < strong > Vector< InputPeer> < / strong > in < a href = "/method/phone.getGroupParticipants" > phone.getGroupParticipants< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#deleted-methods" id = "deleted-methods" name = "deleted-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Deleted Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Removed phone.editGroupCallMember< / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-constructors" id = "new-constructors" name = "new-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
2021-09-26 14:23:46 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/inputGroupCallStream" > inputGroupCallStream< / a > - Chunk of a livestream< / li >
2021-09-13 18:53:36 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/phone.joinAsPeers" > phone.joinAsPeers< / a > - A list of peers that can be used to join a group call, presenting yourself as a specific user/channel.< / li >
2021-09-26 14:37:17 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/phone.exportedGroupCallInvite" > phone.exportedGroupCallInvite< / a > - An invite to a group call or livestream< / li >
2021-09-10 16:27:56 +00:00
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-constructors" id = "changed-constructors" name = "changed-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > groupcall_default_join_as< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/chatFull" > chatFull< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > from_id< / strong > parameter, removed < strong > user_id< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/updateChatUserTyping" > updateChatUserTyping< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > groupcall_default_join_as< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/channelFull" > channelFull< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > from_id< / strong > parameter, removed < strong > user_id< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/updateChannelUserTyping" > updateChannelUserTyping< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > join_date_asc< / strong > , < strong > title< / strong > , < strong > stream_dc_id< / strong > , < strong > record_start_date< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/groupCall" > groupCall< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > self< / strong > , < strong > peer< / strong > , < strong > about< / strong > , < strong > raise_hand_rating< / strong > parameters, removed < strong > user_id< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/groupCallParticipant" > groupCallParticipant< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > chats< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/phone.groupCall" > phone.groupCall< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > chats< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/phone.groupParticipants" > phone.groupParticipants< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme" id = "scheme" name = "scheme" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme< / h4 >
< div > < pre > < code > < a href = "/constructor/chatFull" > chatFull< / a > #8a1e2983 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > can_set_username:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > has_scheduled:flags.8?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > about:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > participants:< a href = "/type/ChatParticipants" > ChatParticipants< / a > chat_photo:flags.2?< a href = "/type/Photo" > Photo< / a > notify_settings:< a href = "/type/PeerNotifySettings" > PeerNotifySettings< / a > exported_invite:flags.13?< a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > bot_info:flags.3?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/BotInfo" > BotInfo< / a > > pinned_msg_id:flags.6?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > folder_id:flags.11?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > call:flags.12?< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > ttl_period:flags.14?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > groupcall_default_join_as:flags.15?< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChatFull" > ChatFull< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/updateChatUserTyping" > updateChatUserTyping< / a > #86cadb6c chat_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > from_id:< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > action:< a href = "/type/SendMessageAction" > SendMessageAction< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/channelFull" > channelFull< / a > #548c3f93 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > can_view_participants:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_set_username:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_set_stickers:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > hidden_prehistory:flags.10?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_set_location:flags.16?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > has_scheduled:flags.19?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_view_stats:flags.20?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > blocked:flags.22?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > about:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > participants_count:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > admins_count:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > kicked_count:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > banned_count:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > online_count:flags.13?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > read_inbox_max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > read_outbox_max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > unread_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > chat_photo:< a href = "/type/Photo" > Photo< / a > notify_settings:< a href = "/type/PeerNotifySettings" > PeerNotifySettings< / a > exported_invite:flags.23?< a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > bot_info:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/BotInfo" > BotInfo< / a > > migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pinned_msg_id:flags.5?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > stickerset:flags.8?< a href = "/type/StickerSet" > StickerSet< / a > available_min_id:flags.9?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > folder_id:flags.11?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > linked_chat_id:flags.14?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > location:flags.15?< a href = "/type/ChannelLocation" > ChannelLocation< / a > slowmode_seconds:flags.17?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > slowmode_next_send_date:flags.18?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > stats_dc:flags.12?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > call:flags.21?< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > ttl_period:flags.24?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pending_suggestions:flags.25?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > > groupcall_default_join_as:flags.26?< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChatFull" > ChatFull< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/updateChannelUserTyping" > updateChannelUserTyping< / a > #6b171718 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > channel_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > top_msg_id:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > from_id:< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > action:< a href = "/type/SendMessageAction" > SendMessageAction< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/groupCall" > groupCall< / a > #c0c2052e flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > join_muted:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_change_join_muted:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > join_date_asc:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > participants_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > params:flags.0?< a href = "/type/DataJSON" > DataJSON< / a > title:flags.3?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > stream_dc_id:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > record_start_date:flags.5?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > version:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/GroupCall" > GroupCall< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/groupCallParticipant" > groupCallParticipant< / a > #19adba89 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > muted:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > left:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_self_unmute:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > just_joined:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > versioned:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > min:flags.8?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > muted_by_you:flags.9?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > volume_by_admin:flags.10?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > self:flags.12?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > active_date:flags.3?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > source:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > volume:flags.7?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > about:flags.11?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > raise_hand_rating:flags.13?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/GroupCallParticipant" > GroupCallParticipant< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/phone.groupCall" > phone.groupCall< / a > #9e727aad call:< a href = "/type/GroupCall" > GroupCall< / a > participants:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/GroupCallParticipant" > GroupCallParticipant< / a > > participants_next_offset:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > chats:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Chat" > Chat< / a > > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > > = < a href = "/type/phone.GroupCall" > phone.GroupCall< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/phone.groupParticipants" > phone.groupParticipants< / a > #f47751b6 count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > participants:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/GroupCallParticipant" > GroupCallParticipant< / a > > next_offset:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > chats:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Chat" > Chat< / a > > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > > version:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/phone.GroupParticipants" > phone.GroupParticipants< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/inputGroupCallStream" > inputGroupCallStream< / a > #bba51639 call:< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > time_ms:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > scale:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/InputFileLocation" > InputFileLocation< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/phone.joinAsPeers" > phone.joinAsPeers< / a > #afe5623f peers:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > > chats:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Chat" > Chat< / a > > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > > = < a href = "/type/phone.JoinAsPeers" > phone.JoinAsPeers< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/phone.exportedGroupCallInvite" > phone.exportedGroupCallInvite< / a > #204bd158 link:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/phone.ExportedGroupCallInvite" > phone.ExportedGroupCallInvite< / a > ;< br >
---functions---< br >
< a href = "/method/messages.requestUrlAuth" > messages.requestUrlAuth< / a > #198fb446 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > peer:flags.1?< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > msg_id:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > button_id:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > url:flags.2?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/UrlAuthResult" > UrlAuthResult< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.acceptUrlAuth" > messages.acceptUrlAuth< / a > #b12c7125 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > write_allowed:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > peer:flags.1?< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > msg_id:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > button_id:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > url:flags.2?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/UrlAuthResult" > UrlAuthResult< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/phone.joinGroupCall" > phone.joinGroupCall< / a > #b132ff7b flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > muted:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > video_stopped:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > call:< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > join_as:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > invite_hash:flags.1?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > params:< a href = "/type/DataJSON" > DataJSON< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/phone.toggleGroupCallSettings" > phone.toggleGroupCallSettings< / a > #74bbb43d flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > reset_invite_hash:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > call:< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > join_muted:flags.0?< a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/phone.getGroupParticipants" > phone.getGroupParticipants< / a > #c558d8ab call:< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > ids:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > > sources:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > > offset:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > limit:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/phone.GroupParticipants" > phone.GroupParticipants< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/phone.toggleGroupCallRecord" > phone.toggleGroupCallRecord< / a > #c02a66d7 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > start:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > call:< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > title:flags.1?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/phone.editGroupCallParticipant" > phone.editGroupCallParticipant< / a > #d975eb80 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > muted:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > call:< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > participant:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > volume:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > raise_hand:flags.2?< a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/phone.editGroupCallTitle" > phone.editGroupCallTitle< / a > #1ca6ac0a call:< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/phone.getGroupCallJoinAs" > phone.getGroupCallJoinAs< / a > #ef7c213a peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > = < a href = "/type/phone.JoinAsPeers" > phone.JoinAsPeers< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/phone.exportGroupCallInvite" > phone.exportGroupCallInvite< / a > #e6aa647f flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > can_self_unmute:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > call:< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > = < a href = "/type/phone.ExportedGroupCallInvite" > phone.ExportedGroupCallInvite< / a > ;< br > < / code > < / pre > < / div >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-124" id = "layer-124" name = "layer-124" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=124" > Layer 124< / a > < / h3 >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme-changes" id = "scheme-changes" name = "scheme-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-methods" id = "new-methods" name = "new-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
2021-09-26 15:51:13 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.getExportedChatInvites" > messages.getExportedChatInvites< / a > - Get info about the chat invites of a specific chat< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.getExportedChatInvite" > messages.getExportedChatInvite< / a > - Get info about a chat invite< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.editExportedChatInvite" > messages.editExportedChatInvite< / a > - Edit an exported chat invite< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.deleteRevokedExportedChatInvites" > messages.deleteRevokedExportedChatInvites< / a > - Delete all revoked chat invites< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.deleteExportedChatInvite" > messages.deleteExportedChatInvite< / a > - Delete a chat invite< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.getAdminsWithInvites" > messages.getAdminsWithInvites< / a > - Get info about chat invites generated by admins.< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.getChatInviteImporters" > messages.getChatInviteImporters< / a > - Get info about the users that joined the chat using a specific chat invite< / li >
2021-09-17 19:19:43 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.setHistoryTTL" > messages.setHistoryTTL< / a > - < / li >
2021-09-26 15:22:56 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/method/account.reportProfilePhoto" > account.reportProfilePhoto< / a > - Report a profile photo of a dialog< / li >
2021-09-26 15:51:13 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/method/channels.convertToGigagroup" > channels.convertToGigagroup< / a > - Convert a < a href = "/api/channel" > supergroup< / a > to a < a href = "/api/channel" > gigagroup< / a > < / li >
2021-09-10 16:27:56 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.checkHistoryImportPeer" > messages.checkHistoryImportPeer< / a > - < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-methods" id = "changed-methods" name = "changed-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > message< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/method/account.reportPeer" > account.reportPeer< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > message< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/method/messages.report" > messages.report< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > flags< / strong > , < strong > legacy_revoke_permanent< / strong > , < strong > expire_date< / strong > , < strong > usage_limit< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/method/messages.exportChatInvite" > messages.exportChatInvite< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > peer< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/method/help.dismissSuggestion" > help.dismissSuggestion< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-constructors" id = "new-constructors" name = "new-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
2021-09-26 14:37:17 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messageActionSetMessagesTTL" > messageActionSetMessagesTTL< / a > - The Time-To-Live of messages in this chat was changed.< / li >
2021-09-26 14:23:46 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/updatePeerHistoryTTL" > updatePeerHistoryTTL< / a > - The Time-To-Live for messages sent by the current user in a specific chat has changed< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/updateChatParticipant" > updateChatParticipant< / a > - A user has joined or left a specific chat< / li >
2021-09-10 16:27:56 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/updateChannelParticipant" > updateChannelParticipant< / a > - A participant has left, joined, was banned or admined in a < a href = "/api/channel" > channel or supergroup< / a > .< / li >
2021-09-26 15:22:56 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/updateBotStopped" > updateBotStopped< / a > - A bot was stopped or re-started.< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/chatInviteImporter" > chatInviteImporter< / a > - When and which user joined the chat using a chat invite< / li >
2021-09-26 14:23:46 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messages.exportedChatInvites" > messages.exportedChatInvites< / a > - Info about chat invites exported by a certain admin.< / li >
2021-09-26 14:37:17 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messages.exportedChatInvite" > messages.exportedChatInvite< / a > - Info about a chat invite< / li >
2021-09-26 14:23:46 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messages.exportedChatInviteReplaced" > messages.exportedChatInviteReplaced< / a > - The specified chat invite was replaced with another one< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messages.chatInviteImporters" > messages.chatInviteImporters< / a > - Info about the users that joined the chat using a specific chat invite< / li >
2021-09-26 15:22:56 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/chatAdminWithInvites" > chatAdminWithInvites< / a > - Info about chat invites generated by admins.< / li >
2021-09-26 14:37:17 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messages.chatAdminsWithInvites" > messages.chatAdminsWithInvites< / a > - Info about chat invites generated by admins.< / li >
2021-09-26 14:23:46 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoinByInvite" > channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoinByInvite< / a > - A user joined the < a href = "/api/channel" > supergroup/channel< / a > using a specific invite link< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventActionExportedInviteDelete" > channelAdminLogEventActionExportedInviteDelete< / a > - A chat invite was deleted< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventActionExportedInviteRevoke" > channelAdminLogEventActionExportedInviteRevoke< / a > - A specific invite link was revoked< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventActionExportedInviteEdit" > channelAdminLogEventActionExportedInviteEdit< / a > - A chat invite was edited< / li >
2021-09-17 18:45:27 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantVolume" > channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantVolume< / a > - channelAdminLogEvent.user_id has set the volume of participant.peer to participant.volume< / li >
2021-09-26 14:37:17 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventActionChangeHistoryTTL" > channelAdminLogEventActionChangeHistoryTTL< / a > - The Time-To-Live of messages in this chat was changed< / li >
2021-09-17 19:19:43 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messages.checkedHistoryImportPeer" > messages.checkedHistoryImportPeer< / a > - < / li >
2021-09-10 16:27:56 +00:00
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-constructors" id = "changed-constructors" name = "changed-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > ttl_period< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/chatFull" > chatFull< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > ttl_period< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/message" > message< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > ttl_period< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/messageService" > messageService< / a > < / li >
< li > Removed < strong > text< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/inputReportReasonOther" > inputReportReasonOther< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > ttl_period< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/userFull" > userFull< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > ttl_period< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/updateShortMessage" > updateShortMessage< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > ttl_period< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/updateShortChatMessage" > updateShortChatMessage< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > ttl_period< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/updateShortSentMessage" > updateShortSentMessage< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > ttl_period< / strong > , < strong > pending_suggestions< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/channelFull" > channelFull< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme" id = "scheme" name = "scheme" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme< / h4 >
< div > < pre > < code > < a href = "/constructor/chatFull" > chatFull< / a > #f06c4018 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > can_set_username:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > has_scheduled:flags.8?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > about:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > participants:< a href = "/type/ChatParticipants" > ChatParticipants< / a > chat_photo:flags.2?< a href = "/type/Photo" > Photo< / a > notify_settings:< a href = "/type/PeerNotifySettings" > PeerNotifySettings< / a > exported_invite:flags.13?< a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > bot_info:flags.3?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/BotInfo" > BotInfo< / a > > pinned_msg_id:flags.6?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > folder_id:flags.11?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > call:flags.12?< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > ttl_period:flags.14?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChatFull" > ChatFull< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/message" > message< / a > #bce383d2 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > out:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > mentioned:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > media_unread:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > silent:flags.13?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > post:flags.14?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > from_scheduled:flags.18?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > legacy:flags.19?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > edit_hide:flags.21?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > pinned:flags.24?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > from_id:flags.8?< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > peer_id:< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > fwd_from:flags.2?< a href = "/type/MessageFwdHeader" > MessageFwdHeader< / a > via_bot_id:flags.11?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > reply_to:flags.3?< a href = "/type/MessageReplyHeader" > MessageReplyHeader< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > message:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > media:flags.9?< a href = "/type/MessageMedia" > MessageMedia< / a > reply_markup:flags.6?< a href = "/type/ReplyMarkup" > ReplyMarkup< / a > entities:flags.7?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/MessageEntity" > MessageEntity< / a > > views:flags.10?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > forwards:flags.10?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > replies:flags.23?< a href = "/type/MessageReplies" > MessageReplies< / a > edit_date:flags.15?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > post_author:flags.16?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > grouped_id:flags.17?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > restriction_reason:flags.22?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/RestrictionReason" > RestrictionReason< / a > > ttl_period:flags.25?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Message" > Message< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/messageService" > messageService< / a > #2b085862 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > out:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > mentioned:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > media_unread:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > silent:flags.13?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > post:flags.14?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > legacy:flags.19?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > from_id:flags.8?< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > peer_id:< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > reply_to:flags.3?< a href = "/type/MessageReplyHeader" > MessageReplyHeader< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > action:< a href = "/type/MessageAction" > MessageAction< / a > ttl_period:flags.25?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Message" > Message< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/inputReportReasonOther" > inputReportReasonOther< / a > #c1e4a2b1 = < a href = "/type/ReportReason" > ReportReason< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/userFull" > userFull< / a > #139a9a77 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > blocked:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > phone_calls_available:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > phone_calls_private:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_pin_message:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > has_scheduled:flags.12?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > video_calls_available:flags.13?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > user:< a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > about:flags.1?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > settings:< a href = "/type/PeerSettings" > PeerSettings< / a > profile_photo:flags.2?< a href = "/type/Photo" > Photo< / a > notify_settings:< a href = "/type/PeerNotifySettings" > PeerNotifySettings< / a > bot_info:flags.3?< a href = "/type/BotInfo" > BotInfo< / a > pinned_msg_id:flags.6?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > common_chats_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > folder_id:flags.11?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > ttl_period:flags.14?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/UserFull" > UserFull< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updateShortMessage" > updateShortMessage< / a > #faeff833 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > out:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > mentioned:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > media_unread:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > silent:flags.13?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > message:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > pts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pts_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > fwd_from:flags.2?< a href = "/type/MessageFwdHeader" > MessageFwdHeader< / a > via_bot_id:flags.11?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > reply_to:flags.3?< a href = "/type/MessageReplyHeader" > MessageReplyHeader< / a > entities:flags.7?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/MessageEntity" > MessageEntity< / a > > ttl_period:flags.25?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updateShortChatMessage" > updateShortChatMessage< / a > #1157b858 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > out:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > mentioned:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > media_unread:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > silent:flags.13?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > from_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > chat_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > message:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > pts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pts_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > fwd_from:flags.2?< a href = "/type/MessageFwdHeader" > MessageFwdHeader< / a > via_bot_id:flags.11?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > reply_to:flags.3?< a href = "/type/MessageReplyHeader" > MessageReplyHeader< / a > entities:flags.7?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/MessageEntity" > MessageEntity< / a > > ttl_period:flags.25?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updateShortSentMessage" > updateShortSentMessage< / a > #9015e101 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > out:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pts_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > media:flags.9?< a href = "/type/MessageMedia" > MessageMedia< / a > entities:flags.7?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/MessageEntity" > MessageEntity< / a > > ttl_period:flags.25?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/channelFull" > channelFull< / a > #2548c037 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > can_view_participants:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_set_username:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_set_stickers:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > hidden_prehistory:flags.10?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_set_location:flags.16?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > has_scheduled:flags.19?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_view_stats:flags.20?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > blocked:flags.22?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > about:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > participants_count:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > admins_count:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > kicked_count:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > banned_count:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > online_count:flags.13?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > read_inbox_max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > read_outbox_max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > unread_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > chat_photo:< a href = "/type/Photo" > Photo< / a > notify_settings:< a href = "/type/PeerNotifySettings" > PeerNotifySettings< / a > exported_invite:flags.23?< a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > bot_info:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/BotInfo" > BotInfo< / a > > migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pinned_msg_id:flags.5?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > stickerset:flags.8?< a href = "/type/StickerSet" > StickerSet< / a > available_min_id:flags.9?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > folder_id:flags.11?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > linked_chat_id:flags.14?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > location:flags.15?< a href = "/type/ChannelLocation" > ChannelLocation< / a > slowmode_seconds:flags.17?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > slowmode_next_send_date:flags.18?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > stats_dc:flags.12?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > call:flags.21?< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > ttl_period:flags.24?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pending_suggestions:flags.25?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > > = < a href = "/type/ChatFull" > ChatFull< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messageActionSetMessagesTTL" > messageActionSetMessagesTTL< / a > #aa1afbfd period:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/MessageAction" > MessageAction< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/updatePeerHistoryTTL" > updatePeerHistoryTTL< / a > #bb9bb9a5 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > ttl_period:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updateChatParticipant" > updateChatParticipant< / a > #f3b3781f flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > chat_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > actor_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > prev_participant:flags.0?< a href = "/type/ChatParticipant" > ChatParticipant< / a > new_participant:flags.1?< a href = "/type/ChatParticipant" > ChatParticipant< / a > invite:flags.2?< a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > qts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updateChannelParticipant" > updateChannelParticipant< / a > #7fecb1ec flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > channel_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > actor_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > prev_participant:flags.0?< a href = "/type/ChannelParticipant" > ChannelParticipant< / a > new_participant:flags.1?< a href = "/type/ChannelParticipant" > ChannelParticipant< / a > invite:flags.2?< a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > qts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updateBotStopped" > updateBotStopped< / a > #07f9488a user_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > stopped:< a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > qts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/chatInviteImporter" > chatInviteImporter< / a > #1e3e6680 user_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChatInviteImporter" > ChatInviteImporter< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messages.exportedChatInvites" > messages.exportedChatInvites< / a > #bdc62dcc count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > invites:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > > = < a href = "/type/messages.ExportedChatInvites" > messages.ExportedChatInvites< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/messages.exportedChatInvite" > messages.exportedChatInvite< / a > #1871be50 invite:< a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > > = < a href = "/type/messages.ExportedChatInvite" > messages.ExportedChatInvite< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/messages.exportedChatInviteReplaced" > messages.exportedChatInviteReplaced< / a > #222600ef invite:< a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > new_invite:< a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > > = < a href = "/type/messages.ExportedChatInvite" > messages.ExportedChatInvite< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/messages.chatInviteImporters" > messages.chatInviteImporters< / a > #81b6b00a count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > importers:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/ChatInviteImporter" > ChatInviteImporter< / a > > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > > = < a href = "/type/messages.ChatInviteImporters" > messages.ChatInviteImporters< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/chatAdminWithInvites" > chatAdminWithInvites< / a > #dfd2330f admin_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > invites_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > revoked_invites_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChatAdminWithInvites" > ChatAdminWithInvites< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messages.chatAdminsWithInvites" > messages.chatAdminsWithInvites< / a > #b69b72d7 admins:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/ChatAdminWithInvites" > ChatAdminWithInvites< / a > > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > > = < a href = "/type/messages.ChatAdminsWithInvites" > messages.ChatAdminsWithInvites< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoinByInvite" > channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoinByInvite< / a > #5cdada77 invite:< a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChannelAdminLogEventAction" > ChannelAdminLogEventAction< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventActionExportedInviteDelete" > channelAdminLogEventActionExportedInviteDelete< / a > #5a50fca4 invite:< a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChannelAdminLogEventAction" > ChannelAdminLogEventAction< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventActionExportedInviteRevoke" > channelAdminLogEventActionExportedInviteRevoke< / a > #410a134e invite:< a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChannelAdminLogEventAction" > ChannelAdminLogEventAction< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventActionExportedInviteEdit" > channelAdminLogEventActionExportedInviteEdit< / a > #e90ebb59 prev_invite:< a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > new_invite:< a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChannelAdminLogEventAction" > ChannelAdminLogEventAction< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantVolume" > channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantVolume< / a > #3e7f6847 participant:< a href = "/type/GroupCallParticipant" > GroupCallParticipant< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChannelAdminLogEventAction" > ChannelAdminLogEventAction< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventActionChangeHistoryTTL" > channelAdminLogEventActionChangeHistoryTTL< / a > #6e941a38 prev_value:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > new_value:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChannelAdminLogEventAction" > ChannelAdminLogEventAction< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messages.checkedHistoryImportPeer" > messages.checkedHistoryImportPeer< / a > #a24de717 confirm_text:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.CheckedHistoryImportPeer" > messages.CheckedHistoryImportPeer< / a > ;< br >
---functions---< br >
< a href = "/method/account.reportPeer" > account.reportPeer< / a > #c5ba3d86 peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > reason:< a href = "/type/ReportReason" > ReportReason< / a > message:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/messages.report" > messages.report< / a > #8953ab4e peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > id:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > > reason:< a href = "/type/ReportReason" > ReportReason< / a > message:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.exportChatInvite" > messages.exportChatInvite< / a > #14b9bcd7 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > legacy_revoke_permanent:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > expire_date:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > usage_limit:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/help.dismissSuggestion" > help.dismissSuggestion< / a > #f50dbaa1 peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > suggestion:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/messages.getExportedChatInvites" > messages.getExportedChatInvites< / a > #a2b5a3f6 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > revoked:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > admin_id:< a href = "/type/InputUser" > InputUser< / a > offset_date:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > offset_link:flags.2?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > limit:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.ExportedChatInvites" > messages.ExportedChatInvites< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.getExportedChatInvite" > messages.getExportedChatInvite< / a > #73746f5c peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > link:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.ExportedChatInvite" > messages.ExportedChatInvite< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.editExportedChatInvite" > messages.editExportedChatInvite< / a > #02e4ffbe flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > revoked:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > link:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > expire_date:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > usage_limit:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.ExportedChatInvite" > messages.ExportedChatInvite< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.deleteRevokedExportedChatInvites" > messages.deleteRevokedExportedChatInvites< / a > #56987bd5 peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > admin_id:< a href = "/type/InputUser" > InputUser< / a > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.deleteExportedChatInvite" > messages.deleteExportedChatInvite< / a > #d464a42b peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > link:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.getAdminsWithInvites" > messages.getAdminsWithInvites< / a > #3920e6ef peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.ChatAdminsWithInvites" > messages.ChatAdminsWithInvites< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.getChatInviteImporters" > messages.getChatInviteImporters< / a > #26fb7289 peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > link:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > offset_date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > offset_user:< a href = "/type/InputUser" > InputUser< / a > limit:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.ChatInviteImporters" > messages.ChatInviteImporters< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.setHistoryTTL" > messages.setHistoryTTL< / a > #b80e5fe4 peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > period:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/account.reportProfilePhoto" > account.reportProfilePhoto< / a > #fa8cc6f5 peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > photo_id:< a href = "/type/InputPhoto" > InputPhoto< / a > reason:< a href = "/type/ReportReason" > ReportReason< / a > message:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/channels.convertToGigagroup" > channels.convertToGigagroup< / a > #0b290c69 channel:< a href = "/type/InputChannel" > InputChannel< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/messages.checkHistoryImportPeer" > messages.checkHistoryImportPeer< / a > #5dc60f03 peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.CheckedHistoryImportPeer" > messages.CheckedHistoryImportPeer< / a > ;< br > < / code > < / pre > < / div >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-123" id = "layer-123" name = "layer-123" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=123" > Layer 123< / a > < / h3 >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme-changes" id = "scheme-changes" name = "scheme-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-methods" id = "new-methods" name = "new-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
2021-09-26 15:51:13 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.deleteChat" > messages.deleteChat< / a > - Delete a < a href = "/api/channel" > chat< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.deletePhoneCallHistory" > messages.deletePhoneCallHistory< / a > - Delete the entire phone call history.< / li >
2021-09-10 16:27:56 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.checkHistoryImport" > messages.checkHistoryImport< / a > - < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.initHistoryImport" > messages.initHistoryImport< / a > - < / li >
2021-09-17 19:19:43 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.uploadImportedMedia" > messages.uploadImportedMedia< / a > - < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.startHistoryImport" > messages.startHistoryImport< / a > - < / li >
2021-09-10 16:27:56 +00:00
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-methods" id = "changed-methods" name = "changed-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > flags< / strong > , < strong > revoke_history< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/method/messages.deleteChatUser" > messages.deleteChatUser< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > flags< / strong > , < strong > delete_history< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/method/messages.discardEncryption" > messages.discardEncryption< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > volume< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/method/phone.editGroupCallMember" > phone.editGroupCallMember< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-constructors" id = "new-constructors" name = "new-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
2021-09-26 14:23:46 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/inputPaymentCredentialsGooglePay" > inputPaymentCredentialsGooglePay< / a > - Google Pay payment credentials< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messages.historyImport" > messages.historyImport< / a > - ID of a specific chat import session< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/sendMessageHistoryImportAction" > sendMessageHistoryImportAction< / a > - Chat history is being imported< / li >
2021-09-10 16:27:56 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messages.historyImportParsed" > messages.historyImportParsed< / a > - < / li >
2021-09-13 18:53:36 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/inputReportReasonFake" > inputReportReasonFake< / a > - Report for impersonation< / li >
2021-09-26 14:23:46 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messages.affectedFoundMessages" > messages.affectedFoundMessages< / a > - Messages found and affected by changes< / li >
2021-09-10 16:27:56 +00:00
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-constructors" id = "changed-constructors" name = "changed-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Changed type of < strong > exported_invite< / strong > from < strong > ExportedChatInvite< / strong > to < strong > flags.13?ExportedChatInvite< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/chatFull" > chatFull< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > flags< / strong > , < strong > peer_id< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/messageEmpty" > messageEmpty< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > flags< / strong > , < strong > history_deleted< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/encryptedChatDiscarded" > encryptedChatDiscarded< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > flags< / strong > , < strong > revoked< / strong > , < strong > permanent< / strong > , < strong > admin_id< / strong > , < strong > date< / strong > , < strong > start_date< / strong > , < strong > expire_date< / strong > , < strong > usage_limit< / strong > , < strong > usage< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/chatInviteExported" > chatInviteExported< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > fake< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/user" > user< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > fake< / strong > , < strong > gigagroup< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/channel" > channel< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > exported_invite< / strong > from < strong > ExportedChatInvite< / strong > to < strong > flags.23?ExportedChatInvite< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/channelFull" > channelFull< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > min< / strong > , < strong > muted_by_you< / strong > , < strong > volume_by_admin< / strong > , < strong > volume< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/groupCallParticipant" > groupCallParticipant< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#deleted-constructors" id = "deleted-constructors" name = "deleted-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Deleted Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Removed chatInviteEmpty< / li >
< li > Removed inputPaymentCredentialsAndroidPay< / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme" id = "scheme" name = "scheme" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme< / h4 >
< div > < pre > < code > < a href = "/constructor/chatFull" > chatFull< / a > #f3474af6 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > can_set_username:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > has_scheduled:flags.8?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > about:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > participants:< a href = "/type/ChatParticipants" > ChatParticipants< / a > chat_photo:flags.2?< a href = "/type/Photo" > Photo< / a > notify_settings:< a href = "/type/PeerNotifySettings" > PeerNotifySettings< / a > exported_invite:flags.13?< a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > bot_info:flags.3?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/BotInfo" > BotInfo< / a > > pinned_msg_id:flags.6?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > folder_id:flags.11?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > call:flags.12?< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChatFull" > ChatFull< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messageEmpty" > messageEmpty< / a > #90a6ca84 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > peer_id:flags.0?< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > = < a href = "/type/Message" > Message< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/encryptedChatDiscarded" > encryptedChatDiscarded< / a > #1e1c7c45 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > history_deleted:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/EncryptedChat" > EncryptedChat< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/chatInviteExported" > chatInviteExported< / a > #6e24fc9d flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > revoked:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > permanent:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > link:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > admin_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > start_date:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > expire_date:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > usage_limit:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > usage:flags.3?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/user" > user< / a > #938458c1 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > self:flags.10?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > contact:flags.11?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > mutual_contact:flags.12?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > deleted:flags.13?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > bot:flags.14?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > bot_chat_history:flags.15?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > bot_nochats:flags.16?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > verified:flags.17?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > restricted:flags.18?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > min:flags.20?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > bot_inline_geo:flags.21?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > support:flags.23?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > scam:flags.24?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > apply_min_photo:flags.25?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > fake:flags.26?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > access_hash:flags.0?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > first_name:flags.1?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > last_name:flags.2?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > username:flags.3?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > phone:flags.4?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > photo:flags.5?< a href = "/type/UserProfilePhoto" > UserProfilePhoto< / a > status:flags.6?< a href = "/type/UserStatus" > UserStatus< / a > bot_info_version:flags.14?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > restriction_reason:flags.18?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/RestrictionReason" > RestrictionReason< / a > > bot_inline_placeholder:flags.19?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > lang_code:flags.22?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/channel" > channel< / a > #d31a961e flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > creator:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > left:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > broadcast:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > verified:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > megagroup:flags.8?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > restricted:flags.9?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > signatures:flags.11?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > min:flags.12?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > scam:flags.19?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > has_link:flags.20?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > has_geo:flags.21?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > slowmode_enabled:flags.22?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > call_active:flags.23?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > call_not_empty:flags.24?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > fake:flags.25?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > gigagroup:flags.26?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > access_hash:flags.13?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > username:flags.6?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > photo:< a href = "/type/ChatPhoto" > ChatPhoto< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > version:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > restriction_reason:flags.9?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/RestrictionReason" > RestrictionReason< / a > > admin_rights:flags.14?< a href = "/type/ChatAdminRights" > ChatAdminRights< / a > banned_rights:flags.15?< a href = "/type/ChatBannedRights" > ChatBannedRights< / a > default_banned_rights:flags.18?< a href = "/type/ChatBannedRights" > ChatBannedRights< / a > participants_count:flags.17?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Chat" > Chat< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/channelFull" > channelFull< / a > #7a7de4f7 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > can_view_participants:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_set_username:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_set_stickers:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > hidden_prehistory:flags.10?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_set_location:flags.16?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > has_scheduled:flags.19?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_view_stats:flags.20?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > blocked:flags.22?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > about:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > participants_count:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > admins_count:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > kicked_count:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > banned_count:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > online_count:flags.13?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > read_inbox_max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > read_outbox_max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > unread_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > chat_photo:< a href = "/type/Photo" > Photo< / a > notify_settings:< a href = "/type/PeerNotifySettings" > PeerNotifySettings< / a > exported_invite:flags.23?< a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > bot_info:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/BotInfo" > BotInfo< / a > > migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pinned_msg_id:flags.5?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > stickerset:flags.8?< a href = "/type/StickerSet" > StickerSet< / a > available_min_id:flags.9?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > folder_id:flags.11?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > linked_chat_id:flags.14?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > location:flags.15?< a href = "/type/ChannelLocation" > ChannelLocation< / a > slowmode_seconds:flags.17?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > slowmode_next_send_date:flags.18?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > stats_dc:flags.12?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > call:flags.21?< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChatFull" > ChatFull< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/groupCallParticipant" > groupCallParticipant< / a > #64c62a15 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > muted:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > left:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_self_unmute:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > just_joined:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > versioned:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > min:flags.8?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > muted_by_you:flags.9?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > volume_by_admin:flags.10?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > active_date:flags.3?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > source:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > volume:flags.7?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/GroupCallParticipant" > GroupCallParticipant< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/inputPaymentCredentialsGooglePay" > inputPaymentCredentialsGooglePay< / a > #8ac32801 payment_token:< a href = "/type/DataJSON" > DataJSON< / a > = < a href = "/type/InputPaymentCredentials" > InputPaymentCredentials< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messages.historyImport" > messages.historyImport< / a > #1662af0b id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.HistoryImport" > messages.HistoryImport< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/sendMessageHistoryImportAction" > sendMessageHistoryImportAction< / a > #dbda9246 progress:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/SendMessageAction" > SendMessageAction< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messages.historyImportParsed" > messages.historyImportParsed< / a > #5e0fb7b9 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > pm:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > group:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > title:flags.2?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.HistoryImportParsed" > messages.HistoryImportParsed< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/inputReportReasonFake" > inputReportReasonFake< / a > #f5ddd6e7 = < a href = "/type/ReportReason" > ReportReason< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messages.affectedFoundMessages" > messages.affectedFoundMessages< / a > #ef8d3e6c pts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pts_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > offset:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > messages:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > > = < a href = "/type/messages.AffectedFoundMessages" > messages.AffectedFoundMessages< / a > ;< br >
---functions---< br >
< a href = "/method/messages.deleteChatUser" > messages.deleteChatUser< / a > #c534459a flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > revoke_history:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > chat_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/InputUser" > InputUser< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.discardEncryption" > messages.discardEncryption< / a > #f393aea0 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > delete_history:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > chat_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/phone.editGroupCallMember" > phone.editGroupCallMember< / a > #a5e76cd8 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > muted:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > call:< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/InputUser" > InputUser< / a > volume:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/messages.deleteChat" > messages.deleteChat< / a > #83247d11 chat_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.deletePhoneCallHistory" > messages.deletePhoneCallHistory< / a > #f9cbe409 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > revoke:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.AffectedFoundMessages" > messages.AffectedFoundMessages< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.checkHistoryImport" > messages.checkHistoryImport< / a > #43fe19f3 import_head:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.HistoryImportParsed" > messages.HistoryImportParsed< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.initHistoryImport" > messages.initHistoryImport< / a > #34090c3b peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > file:< a href = "/type/InputFile" > InputFile< / a > media_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.HistoryImport" > messages.HistoryImport< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.uploadImportedMedia" > messages.uploadImportedMedia< / a > #2a862092 peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > import_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > file_name:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > media:< a href = "/type/InputMedia" > InputMedia< / a > = < a href = "/type/MessageMedia" > MessageMedia< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.startHistoryImport" > messages.startHistoryImport< / a > #b43df344 peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > import_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;< br > < / code > < / pre > < / div >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-122" id = "layer-122" name = "layer-122" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=122" > Layer 122< / a > < / h3 >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme-changes" id = "scheme-changes" name = "scheme-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-methods" id = "new-methods" name = "new-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
2021-09-26 15:51:13 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/method/phone.createGroupCall" > phone.createGroupCall< / a > - Create a group call or livestream< / li >
2021-09-17 19:19:43 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/method/phone.joinGroupCall" > phone.joinGroupCall< / a > - < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/phone.leaveGroupCall" > phone.leaveGroupCall< / a > - < / li >
2021-09-10 16:27:56 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/method/phone.editGroupCallMember" > phone.editGroupCallMember< / a > < / li >
2021-09-17 19:19:43 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/method/phone.inviteToGroupCall" > phone.inviteToGroupCall< / a > - < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/phone.discardGroupCall" > phone.discardGroupCall< / a > - < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/phone.toggleGroupCallSettings" > phone.toggleGroupCallSettings< / a > - < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/phone.getGroupCall" > phone.getGroupCall< / a > - < / li >
2021-09-10 16:27:56 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/method/phone.getGroupParticipants" > phone.getGroupParticipants< / a > - < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/phone.checkGroupCall" > phone.checkGroupCall< / a > - < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-methods" id = "changed-methods" name = "changed-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > drop_author< / strong > , < strong > drop_media_captions< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/method/messages.forwardMessages" > messages.forwardMessages< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > for_import< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/method/channels.createChannel" > channels.createChannel< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-constructors" id = "new-constructors" name = "new-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
2021-09-26 15:22:56 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/speakingInGroupCallAction" > speakingInGroupCallAction< / a > - User is currently speaking in the group call< / li >
2021-09-26 14:23:46 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/groupCallDiscarded" > groupCallDiscarded< / a > - An ended group call< / li >
2021-09-17 18:45:27 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/groupCall" > groupCall< / a > - Info about a group call or livestream< / li >
2021-09-13 18:53:36 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/inputGroupCall" > inputGroupCall< / a > - Points to a specific group call< / li >
2021-09-17 18:45:27 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messageActionGroupCall" > messageActionGroupCall< / a > - The group call has ended< / li >
2021-09-26 15:22:56 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messageActionInviteToGroupCall" > messageActionInviteToGroupCall< / a > - A set of users was invited to the group call< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/groupCallParticipant" > groupCallParticipant< / a > - Info about a group call participant< / li >
2021-09-17 18:45:27 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/updateChat" > updateChat< / a > - A new chat is available< / li >
2021-09-13 18:53:36 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/updateGroupCallParticipants" > updateGroupCallParticipants< / a > - The participant list of a certain group call has changed< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/updateGroupCall" > updateGroupCall< / a > - A new groupcall was started< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/phone.groupCall" > phone.groupCall< / a > - Contains info about a group call, and partial info about its participants.< / li >
2021-09-26 15:00:45 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/phone.groupParticipants" > phone.groupParticipants< / a > - Info about the participants of a group call or livestream< / li >
2021-09-26 14:23:46 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/inlineQueryPeerTypeSameBotPM" > inlineQueryPeerTypeSameBotPM< / a > - The inline query was sent in a private chat with the bot itself< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/inlineQueryPeerTypePM" > inlineQueryPeerTypePM< / a > - The inline query was sent in a private chat< / li >
2021-09-26 15:00:45 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/inlineQueryPeerTypeChat" > inlineQueryPeerTypeChat< / a > - The inline query was sent in a < a href = "/api/channel" > chat< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/inlineQueryPeerTypeMegagroup" > inlineQueryPeerTypeMegagroup< / a > - The inline query was sent in a < a href = "/api/channel" > supergroup< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/inlineQueryPeerTypeBroadcast" > inlineQueryPeerTypeBroadcast< / a > - The inline query was sent in a < a href = "/api/channel" > channel< / a > < / li >
2021-09-13 18:53:36 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventActionStartGroupCall" > channelAdminLogEventActionStartGroupCall< / a > - A group call was started< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventActionDiscardGroupCall" > channelAdminLogEventActionDiscardGroupCall< / a > - A group call was terminated< / li >
2021-09-26 15:00:45 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantMute" > channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantMute< / a > - A group call participant was muted< / li >
2021-09-13 18:53:36 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantUnmute" > channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantUnmute< / a > - A group call participant was unmuted< / li >
2021-09-26 15:22:56 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventActionToggleGroupCallSetting" > channelAdminLogEventActionToggleGroupCallSetting< / a > - Group call settings were changed< / li >
2021-09-10 16:27:56 +00:00
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-constructors" id = "changed-constructors" name = "changed-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > call_active< / strong > , < strong > call_not_empty< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/chat" > chat< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > call< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/chatFull" > chatFull< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > invite_members< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/peerSettings" > peerSettings< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > query< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/inputMediaDocument" > inputMediaDocument< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > thumbs< / strong > parameter, removed < strong > thumb< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/stickerSet" > stickerSet< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > call_active< / strong > , < strong > call_not_empty< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/channel" > channel< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > call< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/channelFull" > channelFull< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > peer_type< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/updateBotInlineQuery" > updateBotInlineQuery< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > imported< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/messageFwdHeader" > messageFwdHeader< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > group_call< / strong > , < strong > invites< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventsFilter" > channelAdminLogEventsFilter< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > manage_call< / strong > , < strong > other< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/chatAdminRights" > chatAdminRights< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#deleted-constructors" id = "deleted-constructors" name = "deleted-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Deleted Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Removed updateChannelParticipant< / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme" id = "scheme" name = "scheme" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme< / h4 >
< div > < pre > < code > < a href = "/constructor/chat" > chat< / a > #3bda1bde flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > creator:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > kicked:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > left:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > deactivated:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > call_active:flags.23?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > call_not_empty:flags.24?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > photo:< a href = "/type/ChatPhoto" > ChatPhoto< / a > participants_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > version:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > migrated_to:flags.6?< a href = "/type/InputChannel" > InputChannel< / a > admin_rights:flags.14?< a href = "/type/ChatAdminRights" > ChatAdminRights< / a > default_banned_rights:flags.18?< a href = "/type/ChatBannedRights" > ChatBannedRights< / a > = < a href = "/type/Chat" > Chat< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/chatFull" > chatFull< / a > #0dc8c181 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > can_set_username:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > has_scheduled:flags.8?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > about:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > participants:< a href = "/type/ChatParticipants" > ChatParticipants< / a > chat_photo:flags.2?< a href = "/type/Photo" > Photo< / a > notify_settings:< a href = "/type/PeerNotifySettings" > PeerNotifySettings< / a > exported_invite:< a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > bot_info:flags.3?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/BotInfo" > BotInfo< / a > > pinned_msg_id:flags.6?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > folder_id:flags.11?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > call:flags.12?< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChatFull" > ChatFull< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/peerSettings" > peerSettings< / a > #733f2961 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > report_spam:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > add_contact:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > block_contact:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > share_contact:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > need_contacts_exception:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > report_geo:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > autoarchived:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > invite_members:flags.8?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > geo_distance:flags.6?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/PeerSettings" > PeerSettings< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/inputMediaDocument" > inputMediaDocument< / a > #33473058 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > id:< a href = "/type/InputDocument" > InputDocument< / a > ttl_seconds:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > query:flags.1?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/InputMedia" > InputMedia< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/stickerSet" > stickerSet< / a > #40e237a8 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > archived:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > official:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > masks:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > animated:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > installed_date:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > short_name:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > thumbs:flags.4?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/PhotoSize" > PhotoSize< / a > > thumb_dc_id:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > hash:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/StickerSet" > StickerSet< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/channel" > channel< / a > #d31a961e flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > creator:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > left:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > broadcast:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > verified:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > megagroup:flags.8?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > restricted:flags.9?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > signatures:flags.11?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > min:flags.12?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > scam:flags.19?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > has_link:flags.20?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > has_geo:flags.21?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > slowmode_enabled:flags.22?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > call_active:flags.23?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > call_not_empty:flags.24?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > access_hash:flags.13?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > username:flags.6?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > photo:< a href = "/type/ChatPhoto" > ChatPhoto< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > version:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > restriction_reason:flags.9?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/RestrictionReason" > RestrictionReason< / a > > admin_rights:flags.14?< a href = "/type/ChatAdminRights" > ChatAdminRights< / a > banned_rights:flags.15?< a href = "/type/ChatBannedRights" > ChatBannedRights< / a > default_banned_rights:flags.18?< a href = "/type/ChatBannedRights" > ChatBannedRights< / a > participants_count:flags.17?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Chat" > Chat< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/channelFull" > channelFull< / a > #ef3a6acd flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > can_view_participants:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_set_username:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_set_stickers:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > hidden_prehistory:flags.10?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_set_location:flags.16?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > has_scheduled:flags.19?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_view_stats:flags.20?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > blocked:flags.22?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > about:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > participants_count:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > admins_count:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > kicked_count:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > banned_count:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > online_count:flags.13?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > read_inbox_max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > read_outbox_max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > unread_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > chat_photo:< a href = "/type/Photo" > Photo< / a > notify_settings:< a href = "/type/PeerNotifySettings" > PeerNotifySettings< / a > exported_invite:< a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > bot_info:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/BotInfo" > BotInfo< / a > > migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pinned_msg_id:flags.5?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > stickerset:flags.8?< a href = "/type/StickerSet" > StickerSet< / a > available_min_id:flags.9?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > folder_id:flags.11?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > linked_chat_id:flags.14?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > location:flags.15?< a href = "/type/ChannelLocation" > ChannelLocation< / a > slowmode_seconds:flags.17?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > slowmode_next_send_date:flags.18?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > stats_dc:flags.12?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > call:flags.21?< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChatFull" > ChatFull< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/updateBotInlineQuery" > updateBotInlineQuery< / a > #3f2038db flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > query_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > query:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > geo:flags.0?< a href = "/type/GeoPoint" > GeoPoint< / a > peer_type:flags.1?< a href = "/type/InlineQueryPeerType" > InlineQueryPeerType< / a > offset:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messageFwdHeader" > messageFwdHeader< / a > #5f777dce flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > imported:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > from_id:flags.0?< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > from_name:flags.5?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > channel_post:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > post_author:flags.3?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > saved_from_peer:flags.4?< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > saved_from_msg_id:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > psa_type:flags.6?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/MessageFwdHeader" > MessageFwdHeader< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventsFilter" > channelAdminLogEventsFilter< / a > #ea107ae4 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > join:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > leave:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > invite:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > ban:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > unban:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > kick:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > unkick:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > promote:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > demote:flags.8?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > info:flags.9?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > settings:flags.10?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > pinned:flags.11?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > edit:flags.12?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > delete:flags.13?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > group_call:flags.14?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > invites:flags.15?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter" > ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/chatAdminRights" > chatAdminRights< / a > #5fb224d5 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > change_info:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > post_messages:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > edit_messages:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > delete_messages:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > ban_users:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > invite_users:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > pin_messages:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > add_admins:flags.9?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > anonymous:flags.10?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > manage_call:flags.11?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > other:flags.12?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChatAdminRights" > ChatAdminRights< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/speakingInGroupCallAction" > speakingInGroupCallAction< / a > #d92c2285 = < a href = "/type/SendMessageAction" > SendMessageAction< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/groupCallDiscarded" > groupCallDiscarded< / a > #7780bcb4 id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > duration:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/GroupCall" > GroupCall< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/groupCall" > groupCall< / a > #55903081 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > join_muted:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_change_join_muted:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > participants_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > params:flags.0?< a href = "/type/DataJSON" > DataJSON< / a > version:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/GroupCall" > GroupCall< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/inputGroupCall" > inputGroupCall< / a > #d8aa840f id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messageActionGroupCall" > messageActionGroupCall< / a > #7a0d7f42 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > call:< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > duration:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/MessageAction" > MessageAction< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/messageActionInviteToGroupCall" > messageActionInviteToGroupCall< / a > #76b9f11a call:< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > > = < a href = "/type/MessageAction" > MessageAction< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/groupCallParticipant" > groupCallParticipant< / a > #56b087c9 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > muted:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > left:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_self_unmute:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > just_joined:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > versioned:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > active_date:flags.3?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > source:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/GroupCallParticipant" > GroupCallParticipant< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/updateChat" > updateChat< / a > #1330a196 chat_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updateGroupCallParticipants" > updateGroupCallParticipants< / a > #f2ebdb4e call:< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > participants:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/GroupCallParticipant" > GroupCallParticipant< / a > > version:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updateGroupCall" > updateGroupCall< / a > #a45eb99b chat_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > call:< a href = "/type/GroupCall" > GroupCall< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/phone.groupCall" > phone.groupCall< / a > #66ab0bfc call:< a href = "/type/GroupCall" > GroupCall< / a > participants:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/GroupCallParticipant" > GroupCallParticipant< / a > > participants_next_offset:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > > = < a href = "/type/phone.GroupCall" > phone.GroupCall< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/phone.groupParticipants" > phone.groupParticipants< / a > #9cfeb92d count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > participants:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/GroupCallParticipant" > GroupCallParticipant< / a > > next_offset:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > > version:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/phone.GroupParticipants" > phone.GroupParticipants< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/inlineQueryPeerTypeSameBotPM" > inlineQueryPeerTypeSameBotPM< / a > #3081ed9d = < a href = "/type/InlineQueryPeerType" > InlineQueryPeerType< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/inlineQueryPeerTypePM" > inlineQueryPeerTypePM< / a > #833c0fac = < a href = "/type/InlineQueryPeerType" > InlineQueryPeerType< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/inlineQueryPeerTypeChat" > inlineQueryPeerTypeChat< / a > #d766c50a = < a href = "/type/InlineQueryPeerType" > InlineQueryPeerType< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/inlineQueryPeerTypeMegagroup" > inlineQueryPeerTypeMegagroup< / a > #5ec4be43 = < a href = "/type/InlineQueryPeerType" > InlineQueryPeerType< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/inlineQueryPeerTypeBroadcast" > inlineQueryPeerTypeBroadcast< / a > #6334ee9a = < a href = "/type/InlineQueryPeerType" > InlineQueryPeerType< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventActionStartGroupCall" > channelAdminLogEventActionStartGroupCall< / a > #23209745 call:< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChannelAdminLogEventAction" > ChannelAdminLogEventAction< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventActionDiscardGroupCall" > channelAdminLogEventActionDiscardGroupCall< / a > #db9f9140 call:< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChannelAdminLogEventAction" > ChannelAdminLogEventAction< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantMute" > channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantMute< / a > #f92424d2 participant:< a href = "/type/GroupCallParticipant" > GroupCallParticipant< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChannelAdminLogEventAction" > ChannelAdminLogEventAction< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantUnmute" > channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantUnmute< / a > #e64429c0 participant:< a href = "/type/GroupCallParticipant" > GroupCallParticipant< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChannelAdminLogEventAction" > ChannelAdminLogEventAction< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventActionToggleGroupCallSetting" > channelAdminLogEventActionToggleGroupCallSetting< / a > #56d6a247 join_muted:< a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChannelAdminLogEventAction" > ChannelAdminLogEventAction< / a > ;< br >
---functions---< br >
< a href = "/method/messages.forwardMessages" > messages.forwardMessages< / a > #d9fee60e flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > silent:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > background:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > with_my_score:flags.8?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > drop_author:flags.11?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > drop_media_captions:flags.12?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > from_peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > id:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > > random_id:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > > to_peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > schedule_date:flags.10?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/channels.createChannel" > channels.createChannel< / a > #3d5fb10f flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > broadcast:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > megagroup:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > for_import:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > about:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > geo_point:flags.2?< a href = "/type/InputGeoPoint" > InputGeoPoint< / a > address:flags.2?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/phone.createGroupCall" > phone.createGroupCall< / a > #bd3dabe0 peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > random_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/phone.joinGroupCall" > phone.joinGroupCall< / a > #5f9c8e62 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > muted:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > call:< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > params:< a href = "/type/DataJSON" > DataJSON< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/phone.leaveGroupCall" > phone.leaveGroupCall< / a > #500377f9 call:< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > source:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/phone.editGroupCallMember" > phone.editGroupCallMember< / a > #63146ae4 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > muted:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > call:< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/InputUser" > InputUser< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/phone.inviteToGroupCall" > phone.inviteToGroupCall< / a > #7b393160 call:< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/InputUser" > InputUser< / a > > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/phone.discardGroupCall" > phone.discardGroupCall< / a > #7a777135 call:< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/phone.toggleGroupCallSettings" > phone.toggleGroupCallSettings< / a > #74bbb43d flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > call:< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > join_muted:flags.0?< a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/phone.getGroupCall" > phone.getGroupCall< / a > #0c7cb017 call:< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > = < a href = "/type/phone.GroupCall" > phone.GroupCall< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/phone.getGroupParticipants" > phone.getGroupParticipants< / a > #c9f1d285 call:< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > ids:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > > sources:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > > offset:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > limit:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/phone.GroupParticipants" > phone.GroupParticipants< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/phone.checkGroupCall" > phone.checkGroupCall< / a > #b74a7bea call:< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > source:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;< br > < / code > < / pre > < / div >
2021-09-09 18:46:07 +00:00
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-121" id = "layer-121" name = "layer-121" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=121" > Layer 121< / a > < / h3 >
< p > Added < a href = "/api/files#vector-thumbnails" > SVG path previews< / a > for animated stickers.< / p >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme-changes" id = "scheme-changes" name = "scheme-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-constructors" id = "new-constructors" name = "new-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/photoPathSize" > photoPathSize< / a > - Messages with animated stickers can have a compressed svg (< 300 bytes) to show the outline of the sticker before fetching the actual lottie animation.< / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme" id = "scheme" name = "scheme" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme< / h4 >
< div > < pre > < code > < a href = "/constructor/photoPathSize" > photoPathSize< / a > #d8214d41 type:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > bytes:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > = < a href = "/type/PhotoSize" > PhotoSize< / a > ;< br > < / code > < / pre > < / div >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-120" id = "layer-120" name = "layer-120" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=120" > Layer 120< / a > < / h3 >
< p > Added < a href = "/api/stats" > message statistics< / a > , and a method to unpin all pinned messages in a chat.< / p >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme-changes" id = "scheme-changes" name = "scheme-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-methods" id = "new-methods" name = "new-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/stats.getMessagePublicForwards" > stats.getMessagePublicForwards< / a > - Obtains a list of messages, indicating to which other public channels was a channel message forwarded. < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/stats.getMessageStats" > stats.getMessageStats< / a > - Get < a href = "/api/stats" > message statistics< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.unpinAllMessages" > messages.unpinAllMessages< / a > - < a href = "/api/pin" > Unpin< / a > all pinned messages< / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-methods" id = "changed-methods" name = "changed-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Changed type of < strong > from_id< / strong > from < strong > flags.0?InputUser< / strong > to < strong > flags.0?InputPeer< / strong > in < a href = "/method/messages.search" > messages.search< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-constructors" id = "new-constructors" name = "new-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/inputMessageCallbackQuery" > inputMessageCallbackQuery< / a > - Used by bots for fetching information about the message that originated a callback query< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/channelParticipantLeft" > channelParticipantLeft< / a > - A participant that left the channel/supergroup< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/channelParticipantsMentions" > channelParticipantsMentions< / a > - This filter is used when looking for supergroup members to mention. < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/updatePinnedMessages" > updatePinnedMessages< / a > - Some messages were pinned in a chat< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/updatePinnedChannelMessages" > updatePinnedChannelMessages< / a > - Messages were pinned/unpinned in a < a href = "/api/channel" > channel/supergroup< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/inputMessagesFilterPinned" > inputMessagesFilterPinned< / a > - Fetch only pinned messages< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/stats.messageStats" > stats.messageStats< / a > - Message statistics< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messageActionGeoProximityReached" > messageActionGeoProximityReached< / a > - A user of the chat is now in proximity of another user< / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-constructors" id = "changed-constructors" name = "changed-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > flags< / strong > , < strong > accuracy_radius< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/inputGeoPoint" > inputGeoPoint< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > flags< / strong > , < strong > accuracy_radius< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/geoPoint" > geoPoint< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > offset_id_offset< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/messages.messagesSlice" > messages.messagesSlice< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > offset_id_offset< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/messages.channelMessages" > messages.channelMessages< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > heading< / strong > , < strong > proximity_notification_radius< / strong > parameters, changed type of < strong > period< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > flags.1?int< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/inputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo" > inputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > heading< / strong > , < strong > proximity_notification_radius< / strong > parameters, changed type of < strong > period< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > flags.1?int< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/botInlineMessageMediaGeo" > botInlineMessageMediaGeo< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > heading< / strong > , < strong > proximity_notification_radius< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/inputMediaGeoLive" > inputMediaGeoLive< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > flags< / strong > , < strong > heading< / strong > , < strong > proximity_notification_radius< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/messageMediaGeoLive" > messageMediaGeoLive< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#deleted-constructors" id = "deleted-constructors" name = "deleted-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Deleted Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Removed updateChannelPinnedMessage< / li >
< li > Removed updateUserPinnedMessage< / li >
< li > Removed updateChatPinnedMessage< / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#push-notification-changes" id = "push-notification-changes" name = "push-notification-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > PUSH notification changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-push-notifications" id = "new-push-notifications" name = "new-push-notifications" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New PUSH notifications< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > MESSAGE_PLAYLIST< / a > - < code > {1} sent you {2} music files< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > MESSAGE_DOCS< / a > - < code > {1} sent you {2} files< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHAT_MESSAGE_PLAYLIST< / a > - < code > {1} sent {3} music files to the group {2}< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHAT_MESSAGE_DOCS< / a > - < code > {1} sent {3} files to the group {2}< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHANNEL_MESSAGE_PLAYLIST< / a > - < code > {1} posted {2} music files< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHANNEL_MESSAGE_DOCS< / a > - < code > {1} posted {2} files< / code > < / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme" id = "scheme" name = "scheme" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme< / h4 >
< div > < pre > < code > < a href = "/constructor/inputGeoPoint" > inputGeoPoint< / a > #48222faf flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > lat:< a href = "/type/double" > double< / a > long:< a href = "/type/double" > double< / a > accuracy_radius:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/InputGeoPoint" > InputGeoPoint< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/geoPoint" > geoPoint< / a > #b2a2f663 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > long:< a href = "/type/double" > double< / a > lat:< a href = "/type/double" > double< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > accuracy_radius:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/GeoPoint" > GeoPoint< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messages.messagesSlice" > messages.messagesSlice< / a > #3a54685e flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > inexact:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > next_rate:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > offset_id_offset:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > messages:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Message" > Message< / a > > chats:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Chat" > Chat< / a > > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > > = < a href = "/type/messages.Messages" > messages.Messages< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/messages.channelMessages" > messages.channelMessages< / a > #64479808 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > inexact:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > pts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > offset_id_offset:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > messages:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Message" > Message< / a > > chats:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Chat" > Chat< / a > > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > > = < a href = "/type/messages.Messages" > messages.Messages< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/inputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo" > inputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo< / a > #96929a85 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > geo_point:< a href = "/type/InputGeoPoint" > InputGeoPoint< / a > heading:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > period:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > proximity_notification_radius:flags.3?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > reply_markup:flags.2?< a href = "/type/ReplyMarkup" > ReplyMarkup< / a > = < a href = "/type/InputBotInlineMessage" > InputBotInlineMessage< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/botInlineMessageMediaGeo" > botInlineMessageMediaGeo< / a > #051846fd flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > geo:< a href = "/type/GeoPoint" > GeoPoint< / a > heading:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > period:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > proximity_notification_radius:flags.3?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > reply_markup:flags.2?< a href = "/type/ReplyMarkup" > ReplyMarkup< / a > = < a href = "/type/BotInlineMessage" > BotInlineMessage< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/inputMediaGeoLive" > inputMediaGeoLive< / a > #971fa843 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > stopped:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > geo_point:< a href = "/type/InputGeoPoint" > InputGeoPoint< / a > heading:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > period:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > proximity_notification_radius:flags.3?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/InputMedia" > InputMedia< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messageMediaGeoLive" > messageMediaGeoLive< / a > #b940c666 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > geo:< a href = "/type/GeoPoint" > GeoPoint< / a > heading:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > period:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > proximity_notification_radius:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/MessageMedia" > MessageMedia< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/inputMessageCallbackQuery" > inputMessageCallbackQuery< / a > #acfa1a7e id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > query_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/InputMessage" > InputMessage< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/channelParticipantLeft" > channelParticipantLeft< / a > #c3c6796b user_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChannelParticipant" > ChannelParticipant< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/channelParticipantsMentions" > channelParticipantsMentions< / a > #e04b5ceb flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > q:flags.0?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > top_msg_id:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChannelParticipantsFilter" > ChannelParticipantsFilter< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/updatePinnedMessages" > updatePinnedMessages< / a > #ed85eab5 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > pinned:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > messages:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > > pts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pts_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updatePinnedChannelMessages" > updatePinnedChannelMessages< / a > #8588878b flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > pinned:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > channel_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > messages:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > > pts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pts_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/inputMessagesFilterPinned" > inputMessagesFilterPinned< / a > #1bb00451 = < a href = "/type/MessagesFilter" > MessagesFilter< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/stats.messageStats" > stats.messageStats< / a > #8999f295 views_graph:< a href = "/type/StatsGraph" > StatsGraph< / a > = < a href = "/type/stats.MessageStats" > stats.MessageStats< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messageActionGeoProximityReached" > messageActionGeoProximityReached< / a > #98e0d697 from_id:< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > to_id:< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > distance:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/MessageAction" > MessageAction< / a > ;< br >
---functions---< br >
< a href = "/method/messages.search" > messages.search< / a > #0c352eec flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > q:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > from_id:flags.0?< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > top_msg_id:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > filter:< a href = "/type/MessagesFilter" > MessagesFilter< / a > min_date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > max_date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > offset_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > add_offset:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > limit:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > min_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > hash:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.Messages" > messages.Messages< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/stats.getMessagePublicForwards" > stats.getMessagePublicForwards< / a > #5630281b channel:< a href = "/type/InputChannel" > InputChannel< / a > msg_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > offset_rate:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > offset_peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > offset_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > limit:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.Messages" > messages.Messages< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/stats.getMessageStats" > stats.getMessageStats< / a > #b6e0a3f5 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > dark:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > channel:< a href = "/type/InputChannel" > InputChannel< / a > msg_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/stats.MessageStats" > stats.MessageStats< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/messages.unpinAllMessages" > messages.unpinAllMessages< / a > #f025bc8b peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.AffectedHistory" > messages.AffectedHistory< / a > ;< br > < / code > < / pre > < / div >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-119" id = "layer-119" name = "layer-119" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=119" > Layer 119< / a > < / h3 >
< p > Added < a href = "/api/threads" > message threads< / a > and < a href = "/api/discussion" > comment sections in channel posts< / a > .< / p >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme-changes" id = "scheme-changes" name = "scheme-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-methods" id = "new-methods" name = "new-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.getReplies" > messages.getReplies< / a > - Get messages in a reply thread< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.getDiscussionMessage" > messages.getDiscussionMessage< / a > - Get < a href = "/api/threads" > discussion message< / a > from the < a href = "/api/discussion" > associated discussion group< / a > of a channel to show it on top of the comment section, without actually joining the group< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.readDiscussion" > messages.readDiscussion< / a > - Mark a < a href = "/api/threads" > thread< / a > as read< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/contacts.blockFromReplies" > contacts.blockFromReplies< / a > - Stop getting notifications about < a href = "/api/threads" > thread replies< / a > of a certain user in < code > @replies< / code > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-methods" id = "changed-methods" name = "changed-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Changed type of < strong > id< / strong > from < strong > InputUser< / strong > to < strong > InputPeer< / strong > in < a href = "/method/contacts.block" > contacts.block< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > id< / strong > from < strong > InputUser< / strong > to < strong > InputPeer< / strong > in < a href = "/method/contacts.unblock" > contacts.unblock< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > top_msg_id< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/method/messages.search" > messages.search< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > flags< / strong > , < strong > top_msg_id< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/method/messages.setTyping" > messages.setTyping< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < a href = "/method/messages.getMessagesViews" > messages.getMessagesViews< / a > from < strong > Vector< int> < / strong > to < strong > messages.MessageViews< / strong > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > filter< / strong > , < strong > min_date< / strong > , < strong > max_date< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/method/messages.searchGlobal" > messages.searchGlobal< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > flags< / strong > , < strong > thread< / strong > parameters, changed type of < strong > grouped< / strong > from < strong > Bool< / strong > to < strong > flags.0?true< / strong > in < a href = "/method/channels.exportMessageLink" > channels.exportMessageLink< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-constructors" id = "new-constructors" name = "new-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messageViews" > messageViews< / a > - View, forward counter + info about replies of a specific message< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/updateChannelMessageForwards" > updateChannelMessageForwards< / a > - The forward counter of a message in a channel has changed< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/photoSizeProgressive" > photoSizeProgressive< / a > - Progressively encoded photosize< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messages.messageViews" > messages.messageViews< / a > - View, forward counter + info about replies< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/updateReadChannelDiscussionInbox" > updateReadChannelDiscussionInbox< / a > - Incoming comments in a < a href = "/api/threads" > discussion thread< / a > were marked as read< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/updateReadChannelDiscussionOutbox" > updateReadChannelDiscussionOutbox< / a > - Outgoing comments in a < a href = "/api/threads" > discussion thread< / a > were marked as read< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messages.discussionMessage" > messages.discussionMessage< / a > - Information about a < a href = "/api/threads" > message thread< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messageReplyHeader" > messageReplyHeader< / a > - Message replies and < a href = "/api/threads" > thread< / a > information< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messageReplies" > messageReplies< / a > - Info about < a href = "/api/threads" > the comment section of a channel post, or a simple message thread< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/updatePeerBlocked" > updatePeerBlocked< / a > - A peer was blocked< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/peerBlocked" > peerBlocked< / a > - Information about a blocked peer< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/updateChannelUserTyping" > updateChannelUserTyping< / a > - A user is typing in a < a href = "/api/channel" > supergroup, channel< / a > or < a href = "/api/threads" > message thread< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-constructors" id = "changed-constructors" name = "changed-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > pinned< / strong > , < strong > peer_id< / strong > , < strong > reply_to< / strong > , < strong > forwards< / strong > , < strong > replies< / strong > parameters, removed < strong > to_id< / strong > , < strong > reply_to_msg_id< / strong > parameters, changed type of < strong > from_id< / strong > from < strong > flags.8?int< / strong > to < strong > flags.8?Peer< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/message" > message< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > peer_id< / strong > , < strong > reply_to< / strong > parameters, removed < strong > to_id< / strong > , < strong > reply_to_msg_id< / strong > parameters, changed type of < strong > from_id< / strong > from < strong > flags.8?int< / strong > to < strong > flags.8?Peer< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/messageService" > messageService< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > chats< / strong > parameter, changed type of < strong > blocked< / strong > from < strong > Vector< ContactBlocked> < / strong > to < strong > Vector< PeerBlocked> < / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/contacts.blocked" > contacts.blocked< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > chats< / strong > parameter, changed type of < strong > blocked< / strong > from < strong > Vector< ContactBlocked> < / strong > to < strong > Vector< PeerBlocked> < / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/contacts.blockedSlice" > contacts.blockedSlice< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > reply_to< / strong > parameter, removed < strong > reply_to_msg_id< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/updateShortMessage" > updateShortMessage< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > reply_to< / strong > parameter, removed < strong > reply_to_msg_id< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/updateShortChatMessage" > updateShortChatMessage< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > admin_rights< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/channelParticipantCreator" > channelParticipantCreator< / a > < / li >
< li > Removed < strong > channel_id< / strong > parameter, changed type of < strong > from_id< / strong > from < strong > flags.0?int< / strong > to < strong > flags.0?Peer< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/messageFwdHeader" > messageFwdHeader< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#deleted-constructors" id = "deleted-constructors" name = "deleted-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Deleted Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Removed contactBlocked< / li >
< li > Removed updateUserBlocked< / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme" id = "scheme" name = "scheme" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme< / h4 >
< div > < pre > < code > < a href = "/constructor/message" > message< / a > #58ae39c9 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > out:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > mentioned:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > media_unread:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > silent:flags.13?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > post:flags.14?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > from_scheduled:flags.18?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > legacy:flags.19?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > edit_hide:flags.21?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > pinned:flags.24?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > from_id:flags.8?< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > peer_id:< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > fwd_from:flags.2?< a href = "/type/MessageFwdHeader" > MessageFwdHeader< / a > via_bot_id:flags.11?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > reply_to:flags.3?< a href = "/type/MessageReplyHeader" > MessageReplyHeader< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > message:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > media:flags.9?< a href = "/type/MessageMedia" > MessageMedia< / a > reply_markup:flags.6?< a href = "/type/ReplyMarkup" > ReplyMarkup< / a > entities:flags.7?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/MessageEntity" > MessageEntity< / a > > views:flags.10?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > forwards:flags.10?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > replies:flags.23?< a href = "/type/MessageReplies" > MessageReplies< / a > edit_date:flags.15?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > post_author:flags.16?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > grouped_id:flags.17?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > restriction_reason:flags.22?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/RestrictionReason" > RestrictionReason< / a > > = < a href = "/type/Message" > Message< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/messageService" > messageService< / a > #286fa604 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > out:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > mentioned:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > media_unread:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > silent:flags.13?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > post:flags.14?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > legacy:flags.19?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > from_id:flags.8?< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > peer_id:< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > reply_to:flags.3?< a href = "/type/MessageReplyHeader" > MessageReplyHeader< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > action:< a href = "/type/MessageAction" > MessageAction< / a > = < a href = "/type/Message" > Message< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/contacts.blocked" > contacts.blocked< / a > #0ade1591 blocked:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/PeerBlocked" > PeerBlocked< / a > > chats:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Chat" > Chat< / a > > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > > = < a href = "/type/contacts.Blocked" > contacts.Blocked< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/contacts.blockedSlice" > contacts.blockedSlice< / a > #e1664194 count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > blocked:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/PeerBlocked" > PeerBlocked< / a > > chats:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Chat" > Chat< / a > > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > > = < a href = "/type/contacts.Blocked" > contacts.Blocked< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/updateShortMessage" > updateShortMessage< / a > #2296d2c8 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > out:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > mentioned:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > media_unread:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > silent:flags.13?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > message:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > pts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pts_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > fwd_from:flags.2?< a href = "/type/MessageFwdHeader" > MessageFwdHeader< / a > via_bot_id:flags.11?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > reply_to:flags.3?< a href = "/type/MessageReplyHeader" > MessageReplyHeader< / a > entities:flags.7?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/MessageEntity" > MessageEntity< / a > > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updateShortChatMessage" > updateShortChatMessage< / a > #402d5dbb flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > out:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > mentioned:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > media_unread:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > silent:flags.13?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > from_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > chat_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > message:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > pts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pts_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > fwd_from:flags.2?< a href = "/type/MessageFwdHeader" > MessageFwdHeader< / a > via_bot_id:flags.11?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > reply_to:flags.3?< a href = "/type/MessageReplyHeader" > MessageReplyHeader< / a > entities:flags.7?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/MessageEntity" > MessageEntity< / a > > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/channelParticipantCreator" > channelParticipantCreator< / a > #447dca4b flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > admin_rights:< a href = "/type/ChatAdminRights" > ChatAdminRights< / a > rank:flags.0?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChannelParticipant" > ChannelParticipant< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messageFwdHeader" > messageFwdHeader< / a > #5f777dce flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > from_id:flags.0?< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > from_name:flags.5?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > channel_post:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > post_author:flags.3?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > saved_from_peer:flags.4?< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > saved_from_msg_id:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > psa_type:flags.6?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/MessageFwdHeader" > MessageFwdHeader< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/messageViews" > messageViews< / a > #455b853d flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > views:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > forwards:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > replies:flags.2?< a href = "/type/MessageReplies" > MessageReplies< / a > = < a href = "/type/MessageViews" > MessageViews< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/updateChannelMessageForwards" > updateChannelMessageForwards< / a > #6e8a84df channel_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > forwards:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/photoSizeProgressive" > photoSizeProgressive< / a > #5aa86a51 type:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > location:< a href = "/type/FileLocation" > FileLocation< / a > w:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > h:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > sizes:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > > = < a href = "/type/PhotoSize" > PhotoSize< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messages.messageViews" > messages.messageViews< / a > #b6c4f543 views:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/MessageViews" > MessageViews< / a > > chats:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Chat" > Chat< / a > > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > > = < a href = "/type/messages.MessageViews" > messages.MessageViews< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/updateReadChannelDiscussionInbox" > updateReadChannelDiscussionInbox< / a > #1cc7de54 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > channel_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > top_msg_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > read_max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > broadcast_id:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > broadcast_post:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updateReadChannelDiscussionOutbox" > updateReadChannelDiscussionOutbox< / a > #4638a26c channel_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > top_msg_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > read_max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messages.discussionMessage" > messages.discussionMessage< / a > #f5dd8f9d flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > messages:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Message" > Message< / a > > max_id:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > read_inbox_max_id:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > read_outbox_max_id:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > chats:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Chat" > Chat< / a > > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > > = < a href = "/type/messages.DiscussionMessage" > messages.DiscussionMessage< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/messageReplyHeader" > messageReplyHeader< / a > #a6d57763 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > reply_to_msg_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > reply_to_peer_id:flags.0?< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > reply_to_top_id:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/MessageReplyHeader" > MessageReplyHeader< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/messageReplies" > messageReplies< / a > #4128faac flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > comments:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > replies:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > replies_pts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > recent_repliers:flags.1?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > > channel_id:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > max_id:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > read_max_id:flags.3?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/MessageReplies" > MessageReplies< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/updatePeerBlocked" > updatePeerBlocked< / a > #246a4b22 peer_id:< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > blocked:< a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/peerBlocked" > peerBlocked< / a > #e8fd8014 peer_id:< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/PeerBlocked" > PeerBlocked< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/updateChannelUserTyping" > updateChannelUserTyping< / a > #ff2abe9f flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > channel_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > top_msg_id:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > action:< a href = "/type/SendMessageAction" > SendMessageAction< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;< br >
---functions---< br >
< a href = "/method/contacts.block" > contacts.block< / a > #68cc1411 id:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/contacts.unblock" > contacts.unblock< / a > #bea65d50 id:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/messages.search" > messages.search< / a > #4e17810b flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > q:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > from_id:flags.0?< a href = "/type/InputUser" > InputUser< / a > top_msg_id:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > filter:< a href = "/type/MessagesFilter" > MessagesFilter< / a > min_date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > max_date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > offset_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > add_offset:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > limit:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > min_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > hash:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.Messages" > messages.Messages< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.setTyping" > messages.setTyping< / a > #58943ee2 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > top_msg_id:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > action:< a href = "/type/SendMessageAction" > SendMessageAction< / a > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.getMessagesViews" > messages.getMessagesViews< / a > #5784d3e1 peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > id:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > > increment:< a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.MessageViews" > messages.MessageViews< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.searchGlobal" > messages.searchGlobal< / a > #4bc6589a flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > folder_id:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > q:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > filter:< a href = "/type/MessagesFilter" > MessagesFilter< / a > min_date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > max_date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > offset_rate:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > offset_peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > offset_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > limit:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.Messages" > messages.Messages< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/channels.exportMessageLink" > channels.exportMessageLink< / a > #e63fadeb flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > grouped:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > thread:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > channel:< a href = "/type/InputChannel" > InputChannel< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/ExportedMessageLink" > ExportedMessageLink< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/messages.getReplies" > messages.getReplies< / a > #24b581ba peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > msg_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > offset_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > offset_date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > add_offset:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > limit:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > min_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > hash:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.Messages" > messages.Messages< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.getDiscussionMessage" > messages.getDiscussionMessage< / a > #446972fd peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > msg_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.DiscussionMessage" > messages.DiscussionMessage< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.readDiscussion" > messages.readDiscussion< / a > #f731a9f4 peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > msg_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > read_max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/contacts.blockFromReplies" > contacts.blockFromReplies< / a > #29a8962c flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > delete_message:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > delete_history:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > report_spam:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > msg_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;< br > < / code > < / pre > < / div >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-118" id = "layer-118" name = "layer-118" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=118" > Layer 118< / a > < / h3 >
< p > Added method for fetching country names and phone patterns.< / p >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme-changes" id = "scheme-changes" name = "scheme-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-methods" id = "new-methods" name = "new-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/help.getCountriesList" > help.getCountriesList< / a > - Get name, ISO code, localized name and phone codes/patterns of all available countries< / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-methods" id = "changed-methods" name = "changed-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > flags< / strong > , < strong > silent< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/method/messages.sendEncrypted" > messages.sendEncrypted< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > flags< / strong > , < strong > silent< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/method/messages.sendEncryptedFile" > messages.sendEncryptedFile< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > password< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/method/messages.getBotCallbackAnswer" > messages.getBotCallbackAnswer< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-constructors" id = "new-constructors" name = "new-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/help.countryCode" > help.countryCode< / a > - Country code and phone number pattern of a specific country< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/help.country" > help.country< / a > - Name, ISO code, localized name and phone codes/patterns of a specific country< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/help.countriesListNotModified" > help.countriesListNotModified< / a > - The country list has not changed< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/help.countriesList" > help.countriesList< / a > - Name, ISO code, localized name and phone codes/patterns of all available countries< / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-constructors" id = "changed-constructors" name = "changed-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > flags< / strong > , < strong > requires_password< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/keyboardButtonCallback" > keyboardButtonCallback< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme" id = "scheme" name = "scheme" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme< / h4 >
< div > < pre > < code > < a href = "/constructor/keyboardButtonCallback" > keyboardButtonCallback< / a > #35bbdb6b flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > requires_password:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > text:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > data:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > = < a href = "/type/KeyboardButton" > KeyboardButton< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/help.countryCode" > help.countryCode< / a > #4203c5ef flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > country_code:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > prefixes:flags.0?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > > patterns:flags.1?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > > = < a href = "/type/help.CountryCode" > help.CountryCode< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/help.country" > help.country< / a > #c3878e23 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > hidden:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > iso2:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > default_name:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > name:flags.1?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > country_codes:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/help.CountryCode" > help.CountryCode< / a > > = < a href = "/type/help.Country" > help.Country< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/help.countriesListNotModified" > help.countriesListNotModified< / a > #93cc1f32 = < a href = "/type/help.CountriesList" > help.CountriesList< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/help.countriesList" > help.countriesList< / a > #87d0759e countries:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/help.Country" > help.Country< / a > > hash:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/help.CountriesList" > help.CountriesList< / a > ;< br >
---functions---< br >
< a href = "/method/messages.sendEncrypted" > messages.sendEncrypted< / a > #44fa7a15 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > silent:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/InputEncryptedChat" > InputEncryptedChat< / a > random_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > data:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.SentEncryptedMessage" > messages.SentEncryptedMessage< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.sendEncryptedFile" > messages.sendEncryptedFile< / a > #5559481d flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > silent:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/InputEncryptedChat" > InputEncryptedChat< / a > random_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > data:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > file:< a href = "/type/InputEncryptedFile" > InputEncryptedFile< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.SentEncryptedMessage" > messages.SentEncryptedMessage< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.getBotCallbackAnswer" > messages.getBotCallbackAnswer< / a > #9342ca07 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > game:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > msg_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > data:flags.0?< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > password:flags.2?< a href = "/type/InputCheckPasswordSRP" > InputCheckPasswordSRP< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.BotCallbackAnswer" > messages.BotCallbackAnswer< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/help.getCountriesList" > help.getCountriesList< / a > #735787a8 lang_code:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > hash:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/help.CountriesList" > help.CountriesList< / a > ;< br > < / code > < / pre > < / div >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-117" id = "layer-117" name = "layer-117" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=117" > Layer 117< / a > < / h3 >
< p > Added WebRTC endpoint constructors.< / p >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme-changes" id = "scheme-changes" name = "scheme-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-constructors" id = "new-constructors" name = "new-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/phoneConnectionWebrtc" > phoneConnectionWebrtc< / a > - WebRTC connection parameters< / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme" id = "scheme" name = "scheme" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme< / h4 >
< div > < pre > < code > < a href = "/constructor/phoneConnectionWebrtc" > phoneConnectionWebrtc< / a > #635fe375 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > turn:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > stun:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > ip:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > ipv6:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > port:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > username:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > password:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/PhoneConnection" > PhoneConnection< / a > ;< br > < / code > < / pre > < / div >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-116" id = "layer-116" name = "layer-116" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=116" > Layer 116< / a > < / h3 >
< p > Added < a href = "/api/stats" > supergroup statistics< / a > and global privacy settings.< / p >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme-changes" id = "scheme-changes" name = "scheme-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-methods" id = "new-methods" name = "new-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/stats.getMegagroupStats" > stats.getMegagroupStats< / a > - Get < a href = "/api/stats" > supergroup statistics< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/account.getGlobalPrivacySettings" > account.getGlobalPrivacySettings< / a > - Get global privacy settings< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/account.setGlobalPrivacySettings" > account.setGlobalPrivacySettings< / a > - Set global privacy settings< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/help.dismissSuggestion" > help.dismissSuggestion< / a > - Dismiss a suggestion< / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-methods" id = "changed-methods" name = "changed-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Changed type of < a href = "/method/photos.updateProfilePhoto" > photos.updateProfilePhoto< / a > from < strong > UserProfilePhoto< / strong > to < strong > photos.Photo< / strong > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > flags< / strong > , < strong > video< / strong > , < strong > video_start_ts< / strong > parameters, changed type of < strong > file< / strong > from < strong > InputFile< / strong > to < strong > flags.0?InputFile< / strong > in < a href = "/method/photos.uploadProfilePhoto" > photos.uploadProfilePhoto< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-constructors" id = "new-constructors" name = "new-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/statsGroupTopPoster" > statsGroupTopPoster< / a > - Information about an active user in a supergroup< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/statsGroupTopAdmin" > statsGroupTopAdmin< / a > - Information about an active admin in a supergroup< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/statsGroupTopInviter" > statsGroupTopInviter< / a > - Information about an active supergroup inviter< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/stats.megagroupStats" > stats.megagroupStats< / a > - Supergroup < a href = "/api/stats" > statistics< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/globalPrivacySettings" > globalPrivacySettings< / a > - Global privacy settings< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/updateChannelParticipant" > updateChannelParticipant< / a > - A participant has left, joined, was banned or admined in a < a href = "/api/channel" > channel or supergroup< / a > .< / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-constructors" id = "changed-constructors" name = "changed-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > flags< / strong > , < strong > video< / strong > , < strong > video_start_ts< / strong > parameters, changed type of < strong > file< / strong > from < strong > InputFile< / strong > to < strong > flags.0?InputFile< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/inputChatUploadedPhoto" > inputChatUploadedPhoto< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > flags< / strong > , < strong > has_video< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/userProfilePhoto" > userProfilePhoto< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > flags< / strong > , < strong > has_video< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/chatPhoto" > chatPhoto< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > video_sizes< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/photo" > photo< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > autoarchived< / strong > , < strong > geo_distance< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/peerSettings" > peerSettings< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > flags< / strong > , < strong > folder_id< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/encryptedChatRequested" > encryptedChatRequested< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > flags< / strong > , < strong > video_start_ts< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/videoSize" > videoSize< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme" id = "scheme" name = "scheme" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme< / h4 >
< div > < pre > < code > < a href = "/constructor/inputChatUploadedPhoto" > inputChatUploadedPhoto< / a > #c642724e flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > file:flags.0?< a href = "/type/InputFile" > InputFile< / a > video:flags.1?< a href = "/type/InputFile" > InputFile< / a > video_start_ts:flags.2?< a href = "/type/double" > double< / a > = < a href = "/type/InputChatPhoto" > InputChatPhoto< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/userProfilePhoto" > userProfilePhoto< / a > #69d3ab26 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > has_video:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > photo_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > photo_small:< a href = "/type/FileLocation" > FileLocation< / a > photo_big:< a href = "/type/FileLocation" > FileLocation< / a > dc_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/UserProfilePhoto" > UserProfilePhoto< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/chatPhoto" > chatPhoto< / a > #d20b9f3c flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > has_video:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > photo_small:< a href = "/type/FileLocation" > FileLocation< / a > photo_big:< a href = "/type/FileLocation" > FileLocation< / a > dc_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChatPhoto" > ChatPhoto< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/photo" > photo< / a > #fb197a65 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > has_stickers:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > file_reference:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > sizes:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/PhotoSize" > PhotoSize< / a > > video_sizes:flags.1?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/VideoSize" > VideoSize< / a > > dc_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Photo" > Photo< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/peerSettings" > peerSettings< / a > #733f2961 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > report_spam:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > add_contact:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > block_contact:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > share_contact:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > need_contacts_exception:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > report_geo:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > autoarchived:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > geo_distance:flags.6?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/PeerSettings" > PeerSettings< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/encryptedChatRequested" > encryptedChatRequested< / a > #62718a82 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > folder_id:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > admin_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > participant_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > g_a:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > = < a href = "/type/EncryptedChat" > EncryptedChat< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/videoSize" > videoSize< / a > #e831c556 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > type:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > location:< a href = "/type/FileLocation" > FileLocation< / a > w:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > h:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > size:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > video_start_ts:flags.0?< a href = "/type/double" > double< / a > = < a href = "/type/VideoSize" > VideoSize< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/statsGroupTopPoster" > statsGroupTopPoster< / a > #18f3d0f7 user_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > messages:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > avg_chars:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/StatsGroupTopPoster" > StatsGroupTopPoster< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/statsGroupTopAdmin" > statsGroupTopAdmin< / a > #6014f412 user_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > deleted:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > kicked:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > banned:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/StatsGroupTopAdmin" > StatsGroupTopAdmin< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/statsGroupTopInviter" > statsGroupTopInviter< / a > #31962a4c user_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > invitations:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/StatsGroupTopInviter" > StatsGroupTopInviter< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/stats.megagroupStats" > stats.megagroupStats< / a > #ef7ff916 period:< a href = "/type/StatsDateRangeDays" > StatsDateRangeDays< / a > members:< a href = "/type/StatsAbsValueAndPrev" > StatsAbsValueAndPrev< / a > messages:< a href = "/type/StatsAbsValueAndPrev" > StatsAbsValueAndPrev< / a > viewers:< a href = "/type/StatsAbsValueAndPrev" > StatsAbsValueAndPrev< / a > posters:< a href = "/type/StatsAbsValueAndPrev" > StatsAbsValueAndPrev< / a > growth_graph:< a href = "/type/StatsGraph" > StatsGraph< / a > members_graph:< a href = "/type/StatsGraph" > StatsGraph< / a > new_members_by_source_graph:< a href = "/type/StatsGraph" > StatsGraph< / a > languages_graph:< a href = "/type/StatsGraph" > StatsGraph< / a > messages_graph:< a href = "/type/StatsGraph" > StatsGraph< / a > actions_graph:< a href = "/type/StatsGraph" > StatsGraph< / a > top_hours_graph:< a href = "/type/StatsGraph" > StatsGraph< / a > weekdays_graph:< a href = "/type/StatsGraph" > StatsGraph< / a > top_posters:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/StatsGroupTopPoster" > StatsGroupTopPoster< / a > > top_admins:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/StatsGroupTopAdmin" > StatsGroupTopAdmin< / a > > top_inviters:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/StatsGroupTopInviter" > StatsGroupTopInviter< / a > > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > > = < a href = "/type/stats.MegagroupStats" > stats.MegagroupStats< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/globalPrivacySettings" > globalPrivacySettings< / a > #bea2f424 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > archive_and_mute_new_noncontact_peers:flags.0?< a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > = < a href = "/type/GlobalPrivacySettings" > GlobalPrivacySettings< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/updateChannelParticipant" > updateChannelParticipant< / a > #65d2b464 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > channel_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > prev_participant:flags.0?< a href = "/type/ChannelParticipant" > ChannelParticipant< / a > new_participant:flags.1?< a href = "/type/ChannelParticipant" > ChannelParticipant< / a > qts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;< br >
---functions---< br >
< a href = "/method/photos.updateProfilePhoto" > photos.updateProfilePhoto< / a > #72d4742c id:< a href = "/type/InputPhoto" > InputPhoto< / a > = < a href = "/type/photos.Photo" > photos.Photo< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/photos.uploadProfilePhoto" > photos.uploadProfilePhoto< / a > #89f30f69 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > file:flags.0?< a href = "/type/InputFile" > InputFile< / a > video:flags.1?< a href = "/type/InputFile" > InputFile< / a > video_start_ts:flags.2?< a href = "/type/double" > double< / a > = < a href = "/type/photos.Photo" > photos.Photo< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/stats.getMegagroupStats" > stats.getMegagroupStats< / a > #dcdf8607 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > dark:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > channel:< a href = "/type/InputChannel" > InputChannel< / a > = < a href = "/type/stats.MegagroupStats" > stats.MegagroupStats< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/account.getGlobalPrivacySettings" > account.getGlobalPrivacySettings< / a > #eb2b4cf6 = < a href = "/type/GlobalPrivacySettings" > GlobalPrivacySettings< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/account.setGlobalPrivacySettings" > account.setGlobalPrivacySettings< / a > #1edaaac2 settings:< a href = "/type/GlobalPrivacySettings" > GlobalPrivacySettings< / a > = < a href = "/type/GlobalPrivacySettings" > GlobalPrivacySettings< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/help.dismissSuggestion" > help.dismissSuggestion< / a > #077fa99f suggestion:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;< br > < / code > < / pre > < / div >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-115" id = "layer-115" name = "layer-115" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=115" > Layer 115< / a > < / h3 >
< p > Added a chat invitation that also allows peeking into the group to read messages without joining it.< / p >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme-changes" id = "scheme-changes" name = "scheme-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-constructors" id = "new-constructors" name = "new-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/chatInvitePeek" > chatInvitePeek< / a > - A chat invitation that also allows peeking into the group to read messages without joining it.< / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme" id = "scheme" name = "scheme" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme< / h4 >
< div > < pre > < code > < a href = "/constructor/chatInvitePeek" > chatInvitePeek< / a > #61695cb0 chat:< a href = "/type/Chat" > Chat< / a > expires:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChatInvite" > ChatInvite< / a > ;< br > < / code > < / pre > < / div >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-114" id = "layer-114" name = "layer-114" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=114" > Layer 114< / a > < / h3 >
< p > Added WebRTC signaling methods.< / p >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme-changes" id = "scheme-changes" name = "scheme-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-methods" id = "new-methods" name = "new-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/phone.sendSignalingData" > phone.sendSignalingData< / a > - Send VoIP signaling data< / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-methods" id = "changed-methods" name = "changed-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Removed < strong > grouped< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/method/messages.forwardMessages" > messages.forwardMessages< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > unpin< / strong > , < strong > pm_oneside< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/method/messages.updatePinnedMessage" > messages.updatePinnedMessage< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#deleted-methods" id = "deleted-methods" name = "deleted-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Deleted Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Removed messages.searchGifs< / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-constructors" id = "new-constructors" name = "new-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/videoSize" > videoSize< / a > - < a href = "/api/files#animated-profile-pictures" > Animated profile picture< / a > in MPEG4 format< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/updatePhoneCallSignalingData" > updatePhoneCallSignalingData< / a > - Incoming phone call signaling payload< / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-constructors" id = "changed-constructors" name = "changed-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > video_calls_available< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/userFull" > userFull< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > force_file< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/inputMediaUploadedDocument" > inputMediaUploadedDocument< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > video_thumbs< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/document" > document< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > apply_min_photo< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/user" > user< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > blocked< / strong > parameter, changed type of < strong > can_view_stats< / strong > from < strong > flags.12?true< / strong > to < strong > flags.20?true< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/channelFull" > channelFull< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > video< / strong > from < strong > flags.5?true< / strong > to < strong > flags.6?true< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/phoneCallWaiting" > phoneCallWaiting< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > video< / strong > from < strong > flags.5?true< / strong > to < strong > flags.6?true< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/phoneCallRequested" > phoneCallRequested< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > video< / strong > from < strong > flags.5?true< / strong > to < strong > flags.6?true< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/phoneCallAccepted" > phoneCallAccepted< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > video< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/phoneCall" > phoneCall< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > video< / strong > from < strong > flags.5?true< / strong > to < strong > flags.6?true< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/phoneCallDiscarded" > phoneCallDiscarded< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > anonymous< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/chatAdminRights" > chatAdminRights< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#deleted-constructors" id = "deleted-constructors" name = "deleted-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Deleted Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Removed foundGif< / li >
< li > Removed foundGifCached< / li >
< li > Removed inputMediaGifExternal< / li >
< li > Removed messages.foundGifs< / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme" id = "scheme" name = "scheme" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme< / h4 >
< div > < pre > < code > < a href = "/constructor/userFull" > userFull< / a > #edf17c12 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > blocked:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > phone_calls_available:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > phone_calls_private:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_pin_message:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > has_scheduled:flags.12?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > video_calls_available:flags.13?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > user:< a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > about:flags.1?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > settings:< a href = "/type/PeerSettings" > PeerSettings< / a > profile_photo:flags.2?< a href = "/type/Photo" > Photo< / a > notify_settings:< a href = "/type/PeerNotifySettings" > PeerNotifySettings< / a > bot_info:flags.3?< a href = "/type/BotInfo" > BotInfo< / a > pinned_msg_id:flags.6?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > common_chats_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > folder_id:flags.11?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/UserFull" > UserFull< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/inputMediaUploadedDocument" > inputMediaUploadedDocument< / a > #5b38c6c1 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > nosound_video:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > force_file:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > file:< a href = "/type/InputFile" > InputFile< / a > thumb:flags.2?< a href = "/type/InputFile" > InputFile< / a > mime_type:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > attributes:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/DocumentAttribute" > DocumentAttribute< / a > > stickers:flags.0?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/InputDocument" > InputDocument< / a > > ttl_seconds:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/InputMedia" > InputMedia< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/document" > document< / a > #1e87342b flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > file_reference:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > mime_type:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > size:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > thumbs:flags.0?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/PhotoSize" > PhotoSize< / a > > video_thumbs:flags.1?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/VideoSize" > VideoSize< / a > > dc_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > attributes:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/DocumentAttribute" > DocumentAttribute< / a > > = < a href = "/type/Document" > Document< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/user" > user< / a > #938458c1 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > self:flags.10?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > contact:flags.11?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > mutual_contact:flags.12?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > deleted:flags.13?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > bot:flags.14?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > bot_chat_history:flags.15?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > bot_nochats:flags.16?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > verified:flags.17?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > restricted:flags.18?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > min:flags.20?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > bot_inline_geo:flags.21?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > support:flags.23?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > scam:flags.24?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > apply_min_photo:flags.25?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > access_hash:flags.0?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > first_name:flags.1?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > last_name:flags.2?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > username:flags.3?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > phone:flags.4?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > photo:flags.5?< a href = "/type/UserProfilePhoto" > UserProfilePhoto< / a > status:flags.6?< a href = "/type/UserStatus" > UserStatus< / a > bot_info_version:flags.14?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > restriction_reason:flags.18?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/RestrictionReason" > RestrictionReason< / a > > bot_inline_placeholder:flags.19?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > lang_code:flags.22?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/channelFull" > channelFull< / a > #f0e6672a flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > can_view_participants:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_set_username:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_set_stickers:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > hidden_prehistory:flags.10?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_set_location:flags.16?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > has_scheduled:flags.19?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_view_stats:flags.20?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > blocked:flags.22?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > about:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > participants_count:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > admins_count:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > kicked_count:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > banned_count:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > online_count:flags.13?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > read_inbox_max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > read_outbox_max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > unread_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > chat_photo:< a href = "/type/Photo" > Photo< / a > notify_settings:< a href = "/type/PeerNotifySettings" > PeerNotifySettings< / a > exported_invite:< a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > bot_info:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/BotInfo" > BotInfo< / a > > migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pinned_msg_id:flags.5?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > stickerset:flags.8?< a href = "/type/StickerSet" > StickerSet< / a > available_min_id:flags.9?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > folder_id:flags.11?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > linked_chat_id:flags.14?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > location:flags.15?< a href = "/type/ChannelLocation" > ChannelLocation< / a > slowmode_seconds:flags.17?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > slowmode_next_send_date:flags.18?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > stats_dc:flags.12?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChatFull" > ChatFull< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/phoneCallWaiting" > phoneCallWaiting< / a > #1b8f4ad1 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > video:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > admin_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > participant_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > protocol:< a href = "/type/PhoneCallProtocol" > PhoneCallProtocol< / a > receive_date:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/PhoneCall" > PhoneCall< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/phoneCallRequested" > phoneCallRequested< / a > #87eabb53 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > video:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > admin_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > participant_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > g_a_hash:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > protocol:< a href = "/type/PhoneCallProtocol" > PhoneCallProtocol< / a > = < a href = "/type/PhoneCall" > PhoneCall< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/phoneCallAccepted" > phoneCallAccepted< / a > #997c454a flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > video:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > admin_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > participant_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > g_b:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > protocol:< a href = "/type/PhoneCallProtocol" > PhoneCallProtocol< / a > = < a href = "/type/PhoneCall" > PhoneCall< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/phoneCall" > phoneCall< / a > #8742ae7f flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > p2p_allowed:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > video:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > admin_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > participant_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > g_a_or_b:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > key_fingerprint:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > protocol:< a href = "/type/PhoneCallProtocol" > PhoneCallProtocol< / a > connections:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/PhoneConnection" > PhoneConnection< / a > > start_date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/PhoneCall" > PhoneCall< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/phoneCallDiscarded" > phoneCallDiscarded< / a > #50ca4de1 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > need_rating:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > need_debug:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > video:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > reason:flags.0?< a href = "/type/PhoneCallDiscardReason" > PhoneCallDiscardReason< / a > duration:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/PhoneCall" > PhoneCall< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/chatAdminRights" > chatAdminRights< / a > #5fb224d5 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > change_info:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > post_messages:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > edit_messages:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > delete_messages:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > ban_users:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > invite_users:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > pin_messages:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > add_admins:flags.9?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > anonymous:flags.10?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChatAdminRights" > ChatAdminRights< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/videoSize" > videoSize< / a > #435bb987 type:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > location:< a href = "/type/FileLocation" > FileLocation< / a > w:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > h:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > size:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/VideoSize" > VideoSize< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/updatePhoneCallSignalingData" > updatePhoneCallSignalingData< / a > #2661bf09 phone_call_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > data:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;< br >
---functions---< br >
< a href = "/method/messages.forwardMessages" > messages.forwardMessages< / a > #d9fee60e flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > silent:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > background:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > with_my_score:flags.8?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > from_peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > id:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > > random_id:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > > to_peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > schedule_date:flags.10?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.updatePinnedMessage" > messages.updatePinnedMessage< / a > #d2aaf7ec flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > silent:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > unpin:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > pm_oneside:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/phone.sendSignalingData" > phone.sendSignalingData< / a > #ff7a9383 peer:< a href = "/type/InputPhoneCall" > InputPhoneCall< / a > data:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;< br > < / code > < / pre > < / div >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-113" id = "layer-113" name = "layer-113" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=113" > Layer 113< / a > < / h3 >
< p > Public Service Announcement constructors and better PUSH notifications.< br >
Notice that all < code > PINNED_*< / code > < a href = "https://core.telegram.org/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > PUSH notifications< / a > have two variants: one for groups, and one for channels.< / p >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme-changes" id = "scheme-changes" name = "scheme-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-methods" id = "new-methods" name = "new-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/help.getPromoData" > help.getPromoData< / a > - Get MTProxy/Public Service Announcement information< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/help.hidePromoData" > help.hidePromoData< / a > - Hide MTProxy/Public Service Announcement information< / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#deleted-methods" id = "deleted-methods" name = "deleted-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Deleted Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Removed help.getProxyData< / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-constructors" id = "new-constructors" name = "new-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/help.promoDataEmpty" > help.promoDataEmpty< / a > - No PSA/MTProxy info is available< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/help.promoData" > help.promoData< / a > - MTProxy/Public Service Announcement information< / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-constructors" id = "changed-constructors" name = "changed-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > psa_type< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/messageFwdHeader" > messageFwdHeader< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#deleted-constructors" id = "deleted-constructors" name = "deleted-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Deleted Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Removed help.proxyDataEmpty< / li >
< li > Removed help.proxyDataPromo< / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#push-notification-changes" id = "push-notification-changes" name = "push-notification-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > PUSH notification changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-push-notifications" id = "new-push-notifications" name = "new-push-notifications" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New PUSH notifications< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > MESSAGE_QUIZ< / a > - < code > {1} sent you a quiz {2}< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHANNEL_MESSAGE_QUIZ< / a > - < code > {1} posted a quiz {2}< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHAT_MESSAGE_QUIZ< / a > - < code > {1} sent a quiz {3} to the group {2}< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > PINNED_QUIZ< / a > - < code > {1} pinned a quiz {2}< / code > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-push-notifications" id = "changed-push-notifications" name = "changed-push-notifications" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed PUSH notifications< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > MESSAGE_TEXT< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > MESSAGE_NOTEXT< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > MESSAGE_PHOTO< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > MESSAGE_PHOTO_SECRET< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > MESSAGE_VIDEO< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > MESSAGE_VIDEO_SECRET< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > MESSAGE_SCREENSHOT< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > MESSAGE_ROUND< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > MESSAGE_DOC< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > MESSAGE_STICKER< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > MESSAGE_AUDIO< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > MESSAGE_CONTACT< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > MESSAGE_GEO< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > MESSAGE_GEOLIVE< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > MESSAGE_POLL< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > MESSAGE_GIF< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > MESSAGE_GAME< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > MESSAGE_GAME_SCORE< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > MESSAGE_INVOICE< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHANNEL_MESSAGE_TEXT< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHANNEL_MESSAGE_NOTEXT< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHANNEL_MESSAGE_PHOTO< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHANNEL_MESSAGE_VIDEO< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHANNEL_MESSAGE_ROUND< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHANNEL_MESSAGE_DOC< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHANNEL_MESSAGE_STICKER< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHANNEL_MESSAGE_AUDIO< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHANNEL_MESSAGE_CONTACT< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHANNEL_MESSAGE_GEO< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHANNEL_MESSAGE_GEOLIVE< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHANNEL_MESSAGE_POLL< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHANNEL_MESSAGE_GIF< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHANNEL_MESSAGE_GAME< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHANNEL_MESSAGE_GAME_SCORE< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHAT_MESSAGE_TEXT< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHAT_MESSAGE_NOTEXT< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHAT_MESSAGE_PHOTO< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHAT_MESSAGE_VIDEO< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHAT_MESSAGE_ROUND< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHAT_MESSAGE_DOC< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHAT_MESSAGE_STICKER< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHAT_MESSAGE_AUDIO< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHAT_MESSAGE_CONTACT< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHAT_MESSAGE_GEO< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHAT_MESSAGE_GEOLIVE< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHAT_MESSAGE_POLL< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHAT_MESSAGE_GIF< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHAT_MESSAGE_GAME< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHAT_MESSAGE_GAME_SCORE< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > scheduled< / strong > additional parameter in < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHAT_MESSAGE_INVOICE< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme" id = "scheme" name = "scheme" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme< / h4 >
< div > < pre > < code > < a href = "/constructor/messageFwdHeader" > messageFwdHeader< / a > #353a686b flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > from_id:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > from_name:flags.5?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > channel_id:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > channel_post:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > post_author:flags.3?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > saved_from_peer:flags.4?< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > saved_from_msg_id:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > psa_type:flags.6?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/MessageFwdHeader" > MessageFwdHeader< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/help.promoDataEmpty" > help.promoDataEmpty< / a > #98f6ac75 expires:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/help.PromoData" > help.PromoData< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/help.promoData" > help.promoData< / a > #8c39793f flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > proxy:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > expires:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > chats:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Chat" > Chat< / a > > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > > psa_type:flags.1?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > psa_message:flags.2?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/help.PromoData" > help.PromoData< / a > ;< br >
---functions---< br >
< a href = "/method/help.getPromoData" > help.getPromoData< / a > #c0977421 = < a href = "/type/help.PromoData" > help.PromoData< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/help.hidePromoData" > help.hidePromoData< / a > #1e251c95 peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;< br > < / code > < / pre > < / div >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-112" id = "layer-112" name = "layer-112" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=112" > Layer 112< / a > < / h3 >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme-changes" id = "scheme-changes" name = "scheme-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-methods" id = "new-methods" name = "new-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.getOldFeaturedStickers" > messages.getOldFeaturedStickers< / a > - Method for fetching previously featured stickers< / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-constructors" id = "changed-constructors" name = "changed-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > count< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/messages.featuredStickersNotModified" > messages.featuredStickersNotModified< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > count< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/messages.featuredStickers" > messages.featuredStickers< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > close_period< / strong > , < strong > close_date< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/poll" > poll< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > solution< / strong > , < strong > solution_entities< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/pollResults" > pollResults< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > solution< / strong > , < strong > solution_entities< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/inputMediaPoll" > inputMediaPoll< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > emoticon< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/inputMediaDice" > inputMediaDice< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > emoticon< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/messageMediaDice" > messageMediaDice< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > emoticon< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/inputStickerSetDice" > inputStickerSetDice< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme" id = "scheme" name = "scheme" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme< / h4 >
< div > < pre > < code > < a href = "/constructor/messages.featuredStickersNotModified" > messages.featuredStickersNotModified< / a > #c6dc0c66 count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.FeaturedStickers" > messages.FeaturedStickers< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/messages.featuredStickers" > messages.featuredStickers< / a > #b6abc341 hash:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > sets:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/StickerSetCovered" > StickerSetCovered< / a > > unread:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > > = < a href = "/type/messages.FeaturedStickers" > messages.FeaturedStickers< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/poll" > poll< / a > #86e18161 id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > closed:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > public_voters:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > multiple_choice:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > quiz:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > question:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > answers:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/PollAnswer" > PollAnswer< / a > > close_period:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > close_date:flags.5?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Poll" > Poll< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/pollResults" > pollResults< / a > #badcc1a3 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > min:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > results:flags.1?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/PollAnswerVoters" > PollAnswerVoters< / a > > total_voters:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > recent_voters:flags.3?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > > solution:flags.4?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > solution_entities:flags.4?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/MessageEntity" > MessageEntity< / a > > = < a href = "/type/PollResults" > PollResults< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/inputMediaPoll" > inputMediaPoll< / a > #0f94e5f1 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > poll:< a href = "/type/Poll" > Poll< / a > correct_answers:flags.0?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > > solution:flags.1?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > solution_entities:flags.1?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/MessageEntity" > MessageEntity< / a > > = < a href = "/type/InputMedia" > InputMedia< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/inputMediaDice" > inputMediaDice< / a > #e66fbf7b emoticon:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/InputMedia" > InputMedia< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messageMediaDice" > messageMediaDice< / a > #3f7ee58b value:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > emoticon:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/MessageMedia" > MessageMedia< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/inputStickerSetDice" > inputStickerSetDice< / a > #e67f520e emoticon:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/InputStickerSet" > InputStickerSet< / a > ;< br >
---functions---< br >
< a href = "/method/initConnection" > initConnection< / a > #c1cd5ea9 {X:Type} flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > api_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > device_model:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > system_version:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > app_version:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > system_lang_code:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > lang_pack:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > lang_code:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > proxy:flags.0?< a href = "/type/InputClientProxy" > InputClientProxy< / a > params:flags.1?< a href = "/type/JSONValue" > JSONValue< / a > query:!X = X;< br >
< a href = "/method/messages.getOldFeaturedStickers" > messages.getOldFeaturedStickers< / a > #5fe7025b offset:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > limit:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > hash:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.FeaturedStickers" > messages.FeaturedStickers< / a > ;< br > < / code > < / pre > < / div >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-111" id = "layer-111" name = "layer-111" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=111" > Layer 111< / a > < / h3 >
< p > < a href = "/api/folders" > Folders< / a > , < a href = "/api/stats" > channel stats< / a > , bot and sticker improvements< / p >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme-changes" id = "scheme-changes" name = "scheme-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-methods" id = "new-methods" name = "new-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.getDialogFilters" > messages.getDialogFilters< / a > - Get < a href = "/api/folders" > folders< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.getSuggestedDialogFilters" > messages.getSuggestedDialogFilters< / a > - Get < a href = "/api/folders" > suggested folders< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.updateDialogFilter" > messages.updateDialogFilter< / a > - Update < a href = "/api/folders" > folder< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.updateDialogFiltersOrder" > messages.updateDialogFiltersOrder< / a > - Reorder < a href = "/api/folders" > folders< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/stats.getBroadcastStats" > stats.getBroadcastStats< / a > - Get < a href = "/api/stats" > channel statistics< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/stats.loadAsyncGraph" > stats.loadAsyncGraph< / a > - Load < a href = "/api/stats" > channel statistics graph< / a > asynchronously< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/stickers.setStickerSetThumb" > stickers.setStickerSetThumb< / a > - Set stickerset thumbnail< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/bots.setBotCommands" > bots.setBotCommands< / a > - Set bot command list< / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-methods" id = "changed-methods" name = "changed-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > params< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/method/initConnection" > initConnection< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > animated< / strong > , < strong > thumb< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/method/stickers.createStickerSet" > stickers.createStickerSet< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-constructors" id = "new-constructors" name = "new-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/dialogFilter" > dialogFilter< / a > - Dialog filter AKA < a href = "/api/folders" > folder< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/dialogFilterSuggested" > dialogFilterSuggested< / a > - Suggested < a href = "/api/folders" > folders< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/updateDialogFilter" > updateDialogFilter< / a > - A new < a href = "/api/folders" > folder< / a > was added< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/updateDialogFilterOrder" > updateDialogFilterOrder< / a > - New < a href = "/api/folders" > folder< / a > order< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/updateDialogFilters" > updateDialogFilters< / a > - Clients should update < a href = "/api/folders" > folder< / a > info< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/statsDateRangeDays" > statsDateRangeDays< / a > - < a href = "/api/stats" > Channel statistics< / a > date range< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/statsAbsValueAndPrev" > statsAbsValueAndPrev< / a > - Statistics value couple; intial and final value for period of time currently in consideration< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/statsPercentValue" > statsPercentValue< / a > - < a href = "/api/stats" > Channel statistics percentage< / a > . < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/statsGraphAsync" > statsGraphAsync< / a > - This < a href = "/api/stats" > channel statistics graph< / a > must be generated asynchronously using < a href = "/method/stats.loadAsyncGraph" > stats.loadAsyncGraph< / a > to reduce server load< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/statsGraphError" > statsGraphError< / a > - An error occurred while generating the < a href = "/api/stats" > statistics graph< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/statsGraph" > statsGraph< / a > - < a href = "/api/stats" > Channel statistics graph< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messageInteractionCounters" > messageInteractionCounters< / a > - Message interaction counters< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/stats.broadcastStats" > stats.broadcastStats< / a > - < a href = "/api/stats" > Channel statistics< / a > .< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/inputMediaDice" > inputMediaDice< / a > - Send a < a href = "/api/dice" > dice-based animated sticker< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messageMediaDice" > messageMediaDice< / a > - < a href = "/api/dice" > Dice-based animated sticker< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/inputStickerSetDice" > inputStickerSetDice< / a > - Used for fetching < a href = "/api/dice" > animated dice stickers< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-constructors" id = "changed-constructors" name = "changed-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > stats_dc< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/channelFull" > channelFull< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > flags< / strong > , < strong > cached_page_views< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/webPageNotModified" > webPageNotModified< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > library_versions< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/phoneCallProtocol" > phoneCallProtocol< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > views< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/page" > page< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme" id = "scheme" name = "scheme" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme< / h4 >
< div > < pre > < code > < a href = "/constructor/channelFull" > channelFull< / a > #f0e6672a flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > can_view_participants:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_set_username:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_set_stickers:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > hidden_prehistory:flags.10?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_view_stats:flags.12?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_set_location:flags.16?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > has_scheduled:flags.19?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > about:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > participants_count:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > admins_count:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > kicked_count:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > banned_count:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > online_count:flags.13?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > read_inbox_max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > read_outbox_max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > unread_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > chat_photo:< a href = "/type/Photo" > Photo< / a > notify_settings:< a href = "/type/PeerNotifySettings" > PeerNotifySettings< / a > exported_invite:< a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > bot_info:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/BotInfo" > BotInfo< / a > > migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pinned_msg_id:flags.5?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > stickerset:flags.8?< a href = "/type/StickerSet" > StickerSet< / a > available_min_id:flags.9?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > folder_id:flags.11?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > linked_chat_id:flags.14?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > location:flags.15?< a href = "/type/ChannelLocation" > ChannelLocation< / a > slowmode_seconds:flags.17?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > slowmode_next_send_date:flags.18?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > stats_dc:flags.12?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChatFull" > ChatFull< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/webPageNotModified" > webPageNotModified< / a > #7311ca11 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > cached_page_views:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/WebPage" > WebPage< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/phoneCallProtocol" > phoneCallProtocol< / a > #fc878fc8 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > udp_p2p:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > udp_reflector:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > min_layer:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > max_layer:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > library_versions:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > > = < a href = "/type/PhoneCallProtocol" > PhoneCallProtocol< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/page" > page< / a > #98657f0d flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > part:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > rtl:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > v2:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > url:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > blocks:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/PageBlock" > PageBlock< / a > > photos:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Photo" > Photo< / a > > documents:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Document" > Document< / a > > views:flags.3?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Page" > Page< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/dialogFilter" > dialogFilter< / a > #7438f7e8 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > contacts:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > non_contacts:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > groups:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > broadcasts:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > bots:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > exclude_muted:flags.11?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > exclude_read:flags.12?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > exclude_archived:flags.13?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > emoticon:flags.25?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > pinned_peers:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > > include_peers:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > > exclude_peers:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > > = < a href = "/type/DialogFilter" > DialogFilter< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/dialogFilterSuggested" > dialogFilterSuggested< / a > #77744d4a filter:< a href = "/type/DialogFilter" > DialogFilter< / a > description:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/DialogFilterSuggested" > DialogFilterSuggested< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/updateDialogFilter" > updateDialogFilter< / a > #26ffde7d flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > filter:flags.0?< a href = "/type/DialogFilter" > DialogFilter< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updateDialogFilterOrder" > updateDialogFilterOrder< / a > #a5d72105 order:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updateDialogFilters" > updateDialogFilters< / a > #3504914f = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/statsDateRangeDays" > statsDateRangeDays< / a > #b637edaf min_date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > max_date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/StatsDateRangeDays" > StatsDateRangeDays< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/statsAbsValueAndPrev" > statsAbsValueAndPrev< / a > #cb43acde current:< a href = "/type/double" > double< / a > previous:< a href = "/type/double" > double< / a > = < a href = "/type/StatsAbsValueAndPrev" > StatsAbsValueAndPrev< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/statsPercentValue" > statsPercentValue< / a > #cbce2fe0 part:< a href = "/type/double" > double< / a > total:< a href = "/type/double" > double< / a > = < a href = "/type/StatsPercentValue" > StatsPercentValue< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/statsGraphAsync" > statsGraphAsync< / a > #4a27eb2d token:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/StatsGraph" > StatsGraph< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/statsGraphError" > statsGraphError< / a > #bedc9822 error:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/StatsGraph" > StatsGraph< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/statsGraph" > statsGraph< / a > #8ea464b6 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > json:< a href = "/type/DataJSON" > DataJSON< / a > zoom_token:flags.0?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/StatsGraph" > StatsGraph< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messageInteractionCounters" > messageInteractionCounters< / a > #ad4fc9bd msg_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > views:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > forwards:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/MessageInteractionCounters" > MessageInteractionCounters< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/stats.broadcastStats" > stats.broadcastStats< / a > #bdf78394 period:< a href = "/type/StatsDateRangeDays" > StatsDateRangeDays< / a > followers:< a href = "/type/StatsAbsValueAndPrev" > StatsAbsValueAndPrev< / a > views_per_post:< a href = "/type/StatsAbsValueAndPrev" > StatsAbsValueAndPrev< / a > shares_per_post:< a href = "/type/StatsAbsValueAndPrev" > StatsAbsValueAndPrev< / a > enabled_notifications:< a href = "/type/StatsPercentValue" > StatsPercentValue< / a > growth_graph:< a href = "/type/StatsGraph" > StatsGraph< / a > followers_graph:< a href = "/type/StatsGraph" > StatsGraph< / a > mute_graph:< a href = "/type/StatsGraph" > StatsGraph< / a > top_hours_graph:< a href = "/type/StatsGraph" > StatsGraph< / a > interactions_graph:< a href = "/type/StatsGraph" > StatsGraph< / a > iv_interactions_graph:< a href = "/type/StatsGraph" > StatsGraph< / a > views_by_source_graph:< a href = "/type/StatsGraph" > StatsGraph< / a > new_followers_by_source_graph:< a href = "/type/StatsGraph" > StatsGraph< / a > languages_graph:< a href = "/type/StatsGraph" > StatsGraph< / a > recent_message_interactions:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/MessageInteractionCounters" > MessageInteractionCounters< / a > > = < a href = "/type/stats.BroadcastStats" > stats.BroadcastStats< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/inputMediaDice" > inputMediaDice< / a > #aeffa807 = < a href = "/type/InputMedia" > InputMedia< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messageMediaDice" > messageMediaDice< / a > #638fe46b value:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/MessageMedia" > MessageMedia< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/inputStickerSetDice" > inputStickerSetDice< / a > #79e21a53 = < a href = "/type/InputStickerSet" > InputStickerSet< / a > ;< br >
---functions---< br >
< a href = "/method/initConnection" > initConnection< / a > #785188b8 {X:Type} flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > api_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > device_model:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > system_version:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > app_version:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > system_lang_code:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > lang_pack:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > lang_code:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > proxy:flags.0?< a href = "/type/InputClientProxy" > InputClientProxy< / a > params:flags.1?< a href = "/type/JSONValue" > JSONValue< / a > query:!X = X;< br >
< a href = "/method/stickers.createStickerSet" > stickers.createStickerSet< / a > #f1036780 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > masks:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > animated:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/InputUser" > InputUser< / a > title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > short_name:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > thumb:flags.2?< a href = "/type/InputDocument" > InputDocument< / a > stickers:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/InputStickerSetItem" > InputStickerSetItem< / a > > = < a href = "/type/messages.StickerSet" > messages.StickerSet< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/messages.getDialogFilters" > messages.getDialogFilters< / a > #f19ed96d = < a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/DialogFilter" > DialogFilter< / a > > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.getSuggestedDialogFilters" > messages.getSuggestedDialogFilters< / a > #a29cd42c = < a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/DialogFilterSuggested" > DialogFilterSuggested< / a > > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.updateDialogFilter" > messages.updateDialogFilter< / a > #1ad4a04a flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > filter:flags.0?< a href = "/type/DialogFilter" > DialogFilter< / a > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.updateDialogFiltersOrder" > messages.updateDialogFiltersOrder< / a > #c563c1e4 order:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/stats.getBroadcastStats" > stats.getBroadcastStats< / a > #ab42441a flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > dark:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > channel:< a href = "/type/InputChannel" > InputChannel< / a > = < a href = "/type/stats.BroadcastStats" > stats.BroadcastStats< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/stats.loadAsyncGraph" > stats.loadAsyncGraph< / a > #621d5fa0 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > token:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > x:flags.0?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/StatsGraph" > StatsGraph< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/stickers.setStickerSetThumb" > stickers.setStickerSetThumb< / a > #9a364e30 stickerset:< a href = "/type/InputStickerSet" > InputStickerSet< / a > thumb:< a href = "/type/InputDocument" > InputDocument< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.StickerSet" > messages.StickerSet< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/bots.setBotCommands" > bots.setBotCommands< / a > #805d46f6 commands:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/BotCommand" > BotCommand< / a > > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;< br > < / code > < / pre > < / div >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-110" id = "layer-110" name = "layer-110" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=110" > Layer 110< / a > < / h3 >
< p > Credit card information< / p >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme-changes" id = "scheme-changes" name = "scheme-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-methods" id = "new-methods" name = "new-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/payments.getBankCardData" > payments.getBankCardData< / a > - Get info about a credit card< / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-methods" id = "changed-methods" name = "changed-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Removed < strong > params< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/method/initConnection" > initConnection< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > flags< / strong > , < strong > background< / strong > , < strong > self_expires< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/method/contacts.getLocated" > contacts.getLocated< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-constructors" id = "new-constructors" name = "new-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messageEntityBankCard" > messageEntityBankCard< / a > - Indicates a credit card number< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/bankCardOpenUrl" > bankCardOpenUrl< / a > - Credit card info URL provided by the bank< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/payments.bankCardData" > payments.bankCardData< / a > - Credit card info, provided by the card's bank(s)< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/peerSelfLocated" > peerSelfLocated< / a > - Current peer< / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme" id = "scheme" name = "scheme" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme< / h4 >
< div > < pre > < code > < a href = "/constructor/messageEntityBankCard" > messageEntityBankCard< / a > #761e6af4 offset:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > length:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/MessageEntity" > MessageEntity< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/bankCardOpenUrl" > bankCardOpenUrl< / a > #f568028a url:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > name:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/BankCardOpenUrl" > BankCardOpenUrl< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/payments.bankCardData" > payments.bankCardData< / a > #3e24e573 title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > open_urls:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/BankCardOpenUrl" > BankCardOpenUrl< / a > > = < a href = "/type/payments.BankCardData" > payments.BankCardData< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/peerSelfLocated" > peerSelfLocated< / a > #f8ec284b expires:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/PeerLocated" > PeerLocated< / a > ;< br >
---functions---< br >
< a href = "/method/initConnection" > initConnection< / a > #785188b8 {X:Type} flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > api_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > device_model:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > system_version:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > app_version:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > system_lang_code:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > lang_pack:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > lang_code:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > proxy:flags.0?< a href = "/type/InputClientProxy" > InputClientProxy< / a > query:!X = X;< br >
< a href = "/method/contacts.getLocated" > contacts.getLocated< / a > #d348bc44 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > background:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > geo_point:< a href = "/type/InputGeoPoint" > InputGeoPoint< / a > self_expires:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/payments.getBankCardData" > payments.getBankCardData< / a > #2e79d779 number:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/payments.BankCardData" > payments.BankCardData< / a > ;< br > < / code > < / pre > < / div >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-109" id = "layer-109" name = "layer-109" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=109" > Layer 109< / a > < / h3 >
< p > Non-anonymous polls, improved sticker management< / p >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme-changes" id = "scheme-changes" name = "scheme-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-methods" id = "new-methods" name = "new-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.getPollVotes" > messages.getPollVotes< / a > - Get poll results for non-anonymous polls< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.toggleStickerSets" > messages.toggleStickerSets< / a > - Apply changes to multiple stickersets< / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-methods" id = "changed-methods" name = "changed-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > params< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/method/initConnection" > initConnection< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-constructors" id = "new-constructors" name = "new-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/updateMessagePollVote" > updateMessagePollVote< / a > - A specific user has voted in a poll< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messageUserVote" > messageUserVote< / a > - How a user voted in a poll< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messageUserVoteInputOption" > messageUserVoteInputOption< / a > - How a user voted in a poll (reduced constructor, returned if an < code > option< / code > was provided to < a href = "/method/messages.getPollVotes" > messages.getPollVotes< / a > )< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messageUserVoteMultiple" > messageUserVoteMultiple< / a > - How a user voted in a multiple-choice poll< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messages.votesList" > messages.votesList< / a > - How users voted in a poll< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/keyboardButtonRequestPoll" > keyboardButtonRequestPoll< / a > - A button that allows the user to create and send a poll when pressed; available only in private< / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-constructors" id = "changed-constructors" name = "changed-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > recent_voters< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/pollResults" > pollResults< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > flags< / strong > , < strong > correct_answers< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/inputMediaPoll" > inputMediaPoll< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme" id = "scheme" name = "scheme" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme< / h4 >
< div > < pre > < code > < a href = "/constructor/pollResults" > pollResults< / a > #c87024a2 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > min:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > results:flags.1?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/PollAnswerVoters" > PollAnswerVoters< / a > > total_voters:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > recent_voters:flags.3?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > > = < a href = "/type/PollResults" > PollResults< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/inputMediaPoll" > inputMediaPoll< / a > #abe9ca25 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > poll:< a href = "/type/Poll" > Poll< / a > correct_answers:flags.0?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > > = < a href = "/type/InputMedia" > InputMedia< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/updateMessagePollVote" > updateMessagePollVote< / a > #42f88f2c poll_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > options:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messageUserVote" > messageUserVote< / a > #a28e5559 user_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > option:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/MessageUserVote" > MessageUserVote< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/messageUserVoteInputOption" > messageUserVoteInputOption< / a > #36377430 user_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/MessageUserVote" > MessageUserVote< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/messageUserVoteMultiple" > messageUserVoteMultiple< / a > #0e8fe0de user_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > options:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/MessageUserVote" > MessageUserVote< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/messages.votesList" > messages.votesList< / a > #0823f649 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > votes:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/MessageUserVote" > MessageUserVote< / a > > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > > next_offset:flags.0?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.VotesList" > messages.VotesList< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/keyboardButtonRequestPoll" > keyboardButtonRequestPoll< / a > #bbc7515d flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > quiz:flags.0?< a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > text:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/KeyboardButton" > KeyboardButton< / a > ;< br >
---functions---< br >
< a href = "/method/initConnection" > initConnection< / a > #785188b8 {X:Type} flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > api_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > device_model:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > system_version:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > app_version:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > system_lang_code:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > lang_pack:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > lang_code:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > proxy:flags.0?< a href = "/type/InputClientProxy" > InputClientProxy< / a > params:flags.1?< a href = "/type/JSONValue" > JSONValue< / a > query:!X = X;< br >
< a href = "/method/messages.getPollVotes" > messages.getPollVotes< / a > #b86e380e flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > option:flags.0?< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > offset:flags.1?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > limit:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.VotesList" > messages.VotesList< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.toggleStickerSets" > messages.toggleStickerSets< / a > #b5052fea flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > uninstall:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > archive:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > unarchive:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > stickersets:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/InputStickerSet" > InputStickerSet< / a > > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;< br > < / code > < / pre > < / div >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-108" id = "layer-108" name = "layer-108" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=108" > Layer 108< / a > < / h3 >
< p > Login with QR-code, sensitive content settings, quizes, multiple-choice and public polls, get inactive chats, improved wallpapers and themes.< / p >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme-changes" id = "scheme-changes" name = "scheme-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-methods" id = "new-methods" name = "new-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/auth.exportLoginToken" > auth.exportLoginToken< / a > - Generate a login token, for < a href = "/api/qr-login" > login via QR code< / a > . < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/auth.importLoginToken" > auth.importLoginToken< / a > - Login using a redirected login token, generated in case of DC mismatch during < a href = "/api/qr-login" > QR code login< / a > .< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/auth.acceptLoginToken" > auth.acceptLoginToken< / a > - Accept QR code login token, logging in the app that generated it.< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/account.setContentSettings" > account.setContentSettings< / a > - Set sensitive content settings (for viewing or hiding NSFW content)< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/account.getContentSettings" > account.getContentSettings< / a > - Get sensitive content settings< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/channels.getInactiveChannels" > channels.getInactiveChannels< / a > - Get inactive channels and supergroups< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/account.getMultiWallPapers" > account.getMultiWallPapers< / a > - Get info about multiple wallpapers< / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-methods" id = "changed-methods" name = "changed-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > cdn_supported< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/method/upload.getFile" > upload.getFile< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > flags< / strong > , < strong > settings< / strong > parameters, changed type of < strong > document< / strong > from < strong > InputDocument< / strong > to < strong > flags.2?InputDocument< / strong > in < a href = "/method/account.createTheme" > account.createTheme< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > settings< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/method/account.updateTheme" > account.updateTheme< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-constructors" id = "new-constructors" name = "new-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/inputPhotoLegacyFileLocation" > inputPhotoLegacyFileLocation< / a > - Legacy photo file location< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/updateGeoLiveViewed" > updateGeoLiveViewed< / a > - Live geoposition message was viewed< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/updateLoginToken" > updateLoginToken< / a > - A login token (for login via QR code) was accepted.< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/auth.loginToken" > auth.loginToken< / a > - Login token (for < a href = "/api/qr-login" > QR code login< / a > )< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/auth.loginTokenMigrateTo" > auth.loginTokenMigrateTo< / a > - Repeat the query to the specified DC< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/auth.loginTokenSuccess" > auth.loginTokenSuccess< / a > - Login via token (QR code) succeded!< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/account.contentSettings" > account.contentSettings< / a > - Sensitive content settings< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messages.inactiveChats" > messages.inactiveChats< / a > - Inactive chat list< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/baseThemeClassic" > baseThemeClassic< / a > - Classic theme< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/baseThemeDay" > baseThemeDay< / a > - Day theme< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/baseThemeNight" > baseThemeNight< / a > - Night theme< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/baseThemeTinted" > baseThemeTinted< / a > - Tinted theme< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/baseThemeArctic" > baseThemeArctic< / a > - Arctic theme< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/inputWallPaperNoFile" > inputWallPaperNoFile< / a > - Wallpaper with no file< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/wallPaperNoFile" > wallPaperNoFile< / a > - No file wallpaper< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/inputThemeSettings" > inputThemeSettings< / a > - Theme settings< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/themeSettings" > themeSettings< / a > - Theme settings< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/webPageAttributeTheme" > webPageAttributeTheme< / a > - Page theme< / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-constructors" id = "changed-constructors" name = "changed-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > attributes< / strong > parameter, removed < strong > documents< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/webPage" > webPage< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > public_voters< / strong > , < strong > multiple_choice< / strong > , < strong > quiz< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/poll" > poll< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > correct< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/pollAnswerVoters" > pollAnswerVoters< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > second_background_color< / strong > , < strong > rotation< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/wallPaperSettings" > wallPaperSettings< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > video_upload_maxbitrate< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/autoDownloadSettings" > autoDownloadSettings< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > settings< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/theme" > theme< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#deleted-constructors" id = "deleted-constructors" name = "deleted-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Deleted Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Removed themeDocumentNotModified< / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme" id = "scheme" name = "scheme" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme< / h4 >
< div > < pre > < code > < a href = "/constructor/webPage" > webPage< / a > #e89c45b2 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > url:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > display_url:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > hash:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > type:flags.0?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > site_name:flags.1?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > title:flags.2?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > description:flags.3?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > photo:flags.4?< a href = "/type/Photo" > Photo< / a > embed_url:flags.5?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > embed_type:flags.5?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > embed_width:flags.6?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > embed_height:flags.6?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > duration:flags.7?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > author:flags.8?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > document:flags.9?< a href = "/type/Document" > Document< / a > cached_page:flags.10?< a href = "/type/Page" > Page< / a > attributes:flags.12?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/WebPageAttribute" > WebPageAttribute< / a > > = < a href = "/type/WebPage" > WebPage< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/poll" > poll< / a > #d5529d06 id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > closed:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > public_voters:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > multiple_choice:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > quiz:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > question:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > answers:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/PollAnswer" > PollAnswer< / a > > = < a href = "/type/Poll" > Poll< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/pollAnswerVoters" > pollAnswerVoters< / a > #3b6ddad2 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > chosen:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > correct:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > option:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > voters:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/PollAnswerVoters" > PollAnswerVoters< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/wallPaperSettings" > wallPaperSettings< / a > #05086cf8 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > blur:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > motion:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > background_color:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > second_background_color:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > intensity:flags.3?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > rotation:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/WallPaperSettings" > WallPaperSettings< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/autoDownloadSettings" > autoDownloadSettings< / a > #e04232f3 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > disabled:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > video_preload_large:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > audio_preload_next:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > phonecalls_less_data:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > photo_size_max:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > video_size_max:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > file_size_max:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > video_upload_maxbitrate:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/AutoDownloadSettings" > AutoDownloadSettings< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/inputPhotoLegacyFileLocation" > inputPhotoLegacyFileLocation< / a > #d83466f3 id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > file_reference:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > volume_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > local_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > secret:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/InputFileLocation" > InputFileLocation< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/theme" > theme< / a > #028f1114 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > creator:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > default:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > slug:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > document:flags.2?< a href = "/type/Document" > Document< / a > settings:flags.3?< a href = "/type/ThemeSettings" > ThemeSettings< / a > installs_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Theme" > Theme< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/updateGeoLiveViewed" > updateGeoLiveViewed< / a > #871fb939 peer:< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > msg_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updateLoginToken" > updateLoginToken< / a > #564fe691 = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/auth.loginToken" > auth.loginToken< / a > #629f1980 expires:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > token:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > = < a href = "/type/auth.LoginToken" > auth.LoginToken< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/auth.loginTokenMigrateTo" > auth.loginTokenMigrateTo< / a > #068e9916 dc_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > token:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > = < a href = "/type/auth.LoginToken" > auth.LoginToken< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/auth.loginTokenSuccess" > auth.loginTokenSuccess< / a > #390d5c5e authorization:< a href = "/type/auth.Authorization" > auth.Authorization< / a > = < a href = "/type/auth.LoginToken" > auth.LoginToken< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/account.contentSettings" > account.contentSettings< / a > #57e28221 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > sensitive_enabled:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > sensitive_can_change:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > = < a href = "/type/account.ContentSettings" > account.ContentSettings< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messages.inactiveChats" > messages.inactiveChats< / a > #a927fec5 dates:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > > chats:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Chat" > Chat< / a > > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > > = < a href = "/type/messages.InactiveChats" > messages.InactiveChats< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/baseThemeClassic" > baseThemeClassic< / a > #c3a12462 = < a href = "/type/BaseTheme" > BaseTheme< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/baseThemeDay" > baseThemeDay< / a > #fbd81688 = < a href = "/type/BaseTheme" > BaseTheme< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/baseThemeNight" > baseThemeNight< / a > #b7b31ea8 = < a href = "/type/BaseTheme" > BaseTheme< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/baseThemeTinted" > baseThemeTinted< / a > #6d5f77ee = < a href = "/type/BaseTheme" > BaseTheme< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/baseThemeArctic" > baseThemeArctic< / a > #5b11125a = < a href = "/type/BaseTheme" > BaseTheme< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/inputWallPaperNoFile" > inputWallPaperNoFile< / a > #8427bbac = < a href = "/type/InputWallPaper" > InputWallPaper< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/wallPaperNoFile" > wallPaperNoFile< / a > #8af40b25 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > default:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > dark:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > settings:flags.2?< a href = "/type/WallPaperSettings" > WallPaperSettings< / a > = < a href = "/type/WallPaper" > WallPaper< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/inputThemeSettings" > inputThemeSettings< / a > #bd507cd1 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > base_theme:< a href = "/type/BaseTheme" > BaseTheme< / a > accent_color:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > message_top_color:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > message_bottom_color:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > wallpaper:flags.1?< a href = "/type/InputWallPaper" > InputWallPaper< / a > wallpaper_settings:flags.1?< a href = "/type/WallPaperSettings" > WallPaperSettings< / a > = < a href = "/type/InputThemeSettings" > InputThemeSettings< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/themeSettings" > themeSettings< / a > #9c14984a flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > base_theme:< a href = "/type/BaseTheme" > BaseTheme< / a > accent_color:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > message_top_color:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > message_bottom_color:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > wallpaper:flags.1?< a href = "/type/WallPaper" > WallPaper< / a > = < a href = "/type/ThemeSettings" > ThemeSettings< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/webPageAttributeTheme" > webPageAttributeTheme< / a > #54b56617 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > documents:flags.0?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Document" > Document< / a > > settings:flags.1?< a href = "/type/ThemeSettings" > ThemeSettings< / a > = < a href = "/type/WebPageAttribute" > WebPageAttribute< / a > ;< br >
---functions---< br >
< a href = "/method/upload.getFile" > upload.getFile< / a > #b15a9afc flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > precise:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > cdn_supported:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > location:< a href = "/type/InputFileLocation" > InputFileLocation< / a > offset:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > limit:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/upload.File" > upload.File< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/account.createTheme" > account.createTheme< / a > #8432c21f flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > slug:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > document:flags.2?< a href = "/type/InputDocument" > InputDocument< / a > settings:flags.3?< a href = "/type/InputThemeSettings" > InputThemeSettings< / a > = < a href = "/type/Theme" > Theme< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/account.updateTheme" > account.updateTheme< / a > #5cb367d5 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > format:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > theme:< a href = "/type/InputTheme" > InputTheme< / a > slug:flags.0?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > title:flags.1?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > document:flags.2?< a href = "/type/InputDocument" > InputDocument< / a > settings:flags.3?< a href = "/type/InputThemeSettings" > InputThemeSettings< / a > = < a href = "/type/Theme" > Theme< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/auth.exportLoginToken" > auth.exportLoginToken< / a > #b1b41517 api_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > api_hash:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > except_ids:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > > = < a href = "/type/auth.LoginToken" > auth.LoginToken< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/auth.importLoginToken" > auth.importLoginToken< / a > #95ac5ce4 token:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > = < a href = "/type/auth.LoginToken" > auth.LoginToken< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/auth.acceptLoginToken" > auth.acceptLoginToken< / a > #e894ad4d token:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > = < a href = "/type/Authorization" > Authorization< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/account.setContentSettings" > account.setContentSettings< / a > #b574b16b flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > sensitive_enabled:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/account.getContentSettings" > account.getContentSettings< / a > #8b9b4dae = < a href = "/type/account.ContentSettings" > account.ContentSettings< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/channels.getInactiveChannels" > channels.getInactiveChannels< / a > #11e831ee = < a href = "/type/messages.InactiveChats" > messages.InactiveChats< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/account.getMultiWallPapers" > account.getMultiWallPapers< / a > #65ad71dc wallpapers:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/InputWallPaper" > InputWallPaper< / a > > = < a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/WallPaper" > WallPaper< / a > > ;< br > < / code > < / pre > < / div >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-105" id = "layer-105" name = "layer-105" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=105" > Layer 105< / a > < / h3 >
< p > The API underwent huge changes, a full reread of the < a href = "https://core.telegram.org" > documentation< / a > is required.< / p >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-23" id = "layer-23" name = "layer-23" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=23" > Layer 23< / a > < / h3 >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme-changes" id = "scheme-changes" name = "scheme-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-methods" id = "new-methods" name = "new-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/account.getPrivacy" > account.getPrivacy< / a > - Get privacy settings of current account< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/account.setPrivacy" > account.setPrivacy< / a > - Change privacy settings of current account< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/account.deleteAccount" > account.deleteAccount< / a > - Delete the user's account from the telegram servers. Can be used, for example, to delete the account of a user that provided the login code, but forgot the < a href = "/api/srp" > 2FA password and no recovery method is configured< / a > .< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/account.getAccountTTL" > account.getAccountTTL< / a > - Get days to live of account< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/account.setAccountTTL" > account.setAccountTTL< / a > - Set account self-destruction period< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/invokeWithLayer" > invokeWithLayer< / a > - Invoke the specified query using the specified API < a href = "/api/invoking#layers" > layer< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/contacts.resolveUsername" > contacts.resolveUsername< / a > - Resolve a @username to get peer info< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/account.sendChangePhoneCode" > account.sendChangePhoneCode< / a > - Verify a new phone number to associate to the current account< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/account.changePhone" > account.changePhone< / a > - Change the phone number of the current account< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.getStickers" > messages.getStickers< / a > - Get stickers by emoji< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.getAllStickers" > messages.getAllStickers< / a > - Get all installed stickers< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/account.updateDeviceLocked" > account.updateDeviceLocked< / a > - When client-side passcode lock feature is enabled, will not show message texts in incoming < a href = "/api/push-updates" > PUSH notifications< / a > .< / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#deleted-methods" id = "deleted-methods" name = "deleted-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Deleted Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Removed invokeWithLayer18< / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-constructors" id = "new-constructors" name = "new-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/userStatusRecently" > userStatusRecently< / a > - Online status: last seen recently< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/userStatusLastWeek" > userStatusLastWeek< / a > - Online status: last seen last week< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/userStatusLastMonth" > userStatusLastMonth< / a > - Online status: last seen last month< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/updatePrivacy" > updatePrivacy< / a > - Privacy rules were changed< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/inputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp" > inputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp< / a > - Whether we can see the exact last online timestamp of the user< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/privacyKeyStatusTimestamp" > privacyKeyStatusTimestamp< / a > - Whether we can see the last online timestamp< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/inputPrivacyValueAllowContacts" > inputPrivacyValueAllowContacts< / a > - Allow only contacts< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/inputPrivacyValueAllowAll" > inputPrivacyValueAllowAll< / a > - Allow all users< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/inputPrivacyValueAllowUsers" > inputPrivacyValueAllowUsers< / a > - Allow only certain users< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/inputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts" > inputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts< / a > - Disallow only contacts< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/inputPrivacyValueDisallowAll" > inputPrivacyValueDisallowAll< / a > - Disallow all< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/inputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers" > inputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers< / a > - Disallow only certain users< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/privacyValueAllowContacts" > privacyValueAllowContacts< / a > - Allow all contacts< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/privacyValueAllowAll" > privacyValueAllowAll< / a > - Allow all users< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/privacyValueAllowUsers" > privacyValueAllowUsers< / a > - Allow only certain users< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/privacyValueDisallowContacts" > privacyValueDisallowContacts< / a > - Disallow only contacts< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/privacyValueDisallowAll" > privacyValueDisallowAll< / a > - Disallow all users< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/privacyValueDisallowUsers" > privacyValueDisallowUsers< / a > - Disallow only certain users< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/account.privacyRules" > account.privacyRules< / a > - Privacy rules< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/accountDaysTTL" > accountDaysTTL< / a > - Time to live in days of the current account< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/account.sentChangePhoneCode" > account.sentChangePhoneCode< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/updateUserPhone" > updateUserPhone< / a > - A user's phone number was changed< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/documentAttributeImageSize" > documentAttributeImageSize< / a > - Defines the width and height of an image uploaded as document< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/documentAttributeAnimated" > documentAttributeAnimated< / a > - Defines an animated GIF< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/documentAttributeSticker" > documentAttributeSticker< / a > - Defines a sticker< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/documentAttributeVideo" > documentAttributeVideo< / a > - Defines a video< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/documentAttributeAudio" > documentAttributeAudio< / a > - Represents an audio file< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/documentAttributeFilename" > documentAttributeFilename< / a > - A simple document with a file name< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messages.stickersNotModified" > messages.stickersNotModified< / a > - No new stickers were found for the given query< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messages.stickers" > messages.stickers< / a > - Found stickers< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/stickerPack" > stickerPack< / a > - A stickerpack is a group of stickers associated to the same emoji. < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messages.allStickersNotModified" > messages.allStickersNotModified< / a > - Info about all installed stickers hasn't changed< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messages.allStickers" > messages.allStickers< / a > - Info about all installed stickers< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/disabledFeature" > disabledFeature< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-constructors" id = "changed-constructors" name = "changed-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > status< / strong > parameter, removed < strong > expires< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/contactStatus" > contactStatus< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > expires< / strong > , < strong > chat_big_size< / strong > , < strong > disabled_features< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/config" > config< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > attributes< / strong > parameter, removed < strong > file_name< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/inputMediaUploadedDocument" > inputMediaUploadedDocument< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > attributes< / strong > parameter, removed < strong > file_name< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/inputMediaUploadedThumbDocument" > inputMediaUploadedThumbDocument< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > attributes< / strong > parameter, removed < strong > user_id< / strong > , < strong > file_name< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/document" > document< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#scheme" id = "scheme" name = "scheme" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Scheme< / h4 >
< div > < pre > < code > < a href = "/constructor/contactStatus" > contactStatus< / a > #d3680c61 user_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > status:< a href = "/type/UserStatus" > UserStatus< / a > = < a href = "/type/ContactStatus" > ContactStatus< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/config" > config< / a > #7dae33e0 date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > expires:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > test_mode:< a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > this_dc:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > dc_options:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/DcOption" > DcOption< / a > > chat_big_size:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > chat_size_max:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > broadcast_size_max:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > disabled_features:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/DisabledFeature" > DisabledFeature< / a > > = < a href = "/type/Config" > Config< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/inputMediaUploadedDocument" > inputMediaUploadedDocument< / a > #ffe76b78 file:< a href = "/type/InputFile" > InputFile< / a > mime_type:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > attributes:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/DocumentAttribute" > DocumentAttribute< / a > > = < a href = "/type/InputMedia" > InputMedia< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/inputMediaUploadedThumbDocument" > inputMediaUploadedThumbDocument< / a > #41481486 file:< a href = "/type/InputFile" > InputFile< / a > thumb:< a href = "/type/InputFile" > InputFile< / a > mime_type:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > attributes:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/DocumentAttribute" > DocumentAttribute< / a > > = < a href = "/type/InputMedia" > InputMedia< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/document" > document< / a > #f9a39f4f id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > mime_type:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > size:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > thumb:< a href = "/type/PhotoSize" > PhotoSize< / a > dc_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > attributes:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/DocumentAttribute" > DocumentAttribute< / a > > = < a href = "/type/Document" > Document< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/userStatusRecently" > userStatusRecently< / a > #e26f42f1 = < a href = "/type/UserStatus" > UserStatus< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/userStatusLastWeek" > userStatusLastWeek< / a > #07bf09fc = < a href = "/type/UserStatus" > UserStatus< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/userStatusLastMonth" > userStatusLastMonth< / a > #77ebc742 = < a href = "/type/UserStatus" > UserStatus< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updatePrivacy" > updatePrivacy< / a > #ee3b272a key:< a href = "/type/PrivacyKey" > PrivacyKey< / a > rules:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/PrivacyRule" > PrivacyRule< / a > > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/inputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp" > inputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp< / a > #4f96cb18 = < a href = "/type/InputPrivacyKey" > InputPrivacyKey< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/privacyKeyStatusTimestamp" > privacyKeyStatusTimestamp< / a > #bc2eab30 = < a href = "/type/PrivacyKey" > PrivacyKey< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/inputPrivacyValueAllowContacts" > inputPrivacyValueAllowContacts< / a > #0d09e07b = < a href = "/type/InputPrivacyRule" > InputPrivacyRule< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/inputPrivacyValueAllowAll" > inputPrivacyValueAllowAll< / a > #184b35ce = < a href = "/type/InputPrivacyRule" > InputPrivacyRule< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/inputPrivacyValueAllowUsers" > inputPrivacyValueAllowUsers< / a > #131cc67f users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/InputUser" > InputUser< / a > > = < a href = "/type/InputPrivacyRule" > InputPrivacyRule< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/inputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts" > inputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts< / a > #0ba52007 = < a href = "/type/InputPrivacyRule" > InputPrivacyRule< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/inputPrivacyValueDisallowAll" > inputPrivacyValueDisallowAll< / a > #d66b66c9 = < a href = "/type/InputPrivacyRule" > InputPrivacyRule< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/inputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers" > inputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers< / a > #90110467 users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/InputUser" > InputUser< / a > > = < a href = "/type/InputPrivacyRule" > InputPrivacyRule< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/privacyValueAllowContacts" > privacyValueAllowContacts< / a > #fffe1bac = < a href = "/type/PrivacyRule" > PrivacyRule< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/privacyValueAllowAll" > privacyValueAllowAll< / a > #65427b82 = < a href = "/type/PrivacyRule" > PrivacyRule< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/privacyValueAllowUsers" > privacyValueAllowUsers< / a > #4d5bbe0c users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > > = < a href = "/type/PrivacyRule" > PrivacyRule< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/privacyValueDisallowContacts" > privacyValueDisallowContacts< / a > #f888fa1a = < a href = "/type/PrivacyRule" > PrivacyRule< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/privacyValueDisallowAll" > privacyValueDisallowAll< / a > #8b73e763 = < a href = "/type/PrivacyRule" > PrivacyRule< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/privacyValueDisallowUsers" > privacyValueDisallowUsers< / a > #0c7f49b7 users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > > = < a href = "/type/PrivacyRule" > PrivacyRule< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/account.privacyRules" > account.privacyRules< / a > #554abb6f rules:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/PrivacyRule" > PrivacyRule< / a > > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > > = < a href = "/type/account.PrivacyRules" > account.PrivacyRules< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/accountDaysTTL" > accountDaysTTL< / a > #b8d0afdf days:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/AccountDaysTTL" > AccountDaysTTL< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/account.sentChangePhoneCode" > account.sentChangePhoneCode< / a > #a4f58c4c phone_code_hash:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > send_call_timeout:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/account.SentChangePhoneCode" > account.SentChangePhoneCode< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/updateUserPhone" > updateUserPhone< / a > #12b9417b user_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > phone:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/documentAttributeImageSize" > documentAttributeImageSize< / a > #6c37c15c w:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > h:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/DocumentAttribute" > DocumentAttribute< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/documentAttributeAnimated" > documentAttributeAnimated< / a > #11b58939 = < a href = "/type/DocumentAttribute" > DocumentAttribute< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/documentAttributeSticker" > documentAttributeSticker< / a > #fb0a5727 = < a href = "/type/DocumentAttribute" > DocumentAttribute< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/documentAttributeVideo" > documentAttributeVideo< / a > #5910cccb duration:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > w:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > h:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/DocumentAttribute" > DocumentAttribute< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/documentAttributeAudio" > documentAttributeAudio< / a > #051448e5 duration:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/DocumentAttribute" > DocumentAttribute< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/documentAttributeFilename" > documentAttributeFilename< / a > #15590068 file_name:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/DocumentAttribute" > DocumentAttribute< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messages.stickersNotModified" > messages.stickersNotModified< / a > #f1749a22 = < a href = "/type/messages.Stickers" > messages.Stickers< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/messages.stickers" > messages.stickers< / a > #8a8ecd32 hash:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > stickers:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Document" > Document< / a > > = < a href = "/type/messages.Stickers" > messages.Stickers< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/stickerPack" > stickerPack< / a > #12b299d4 emoticon:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > documents:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > > = < a href = "/type/StickerPack" > StickerPack< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messages.allStickersNotModified" > messages.allStickersNotModified< / a > #e86602c3 = < a href = "/type/messages.AllStickers" > messages.AllStickers< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/messages.allStickers" > messages.allStickers< / a > #dcef3102 hash:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > packs:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/StickerPack" > StickerPack< / a > > documents:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Document" > Document< / a > > = < a href = "/type/messages.AllStickers" > messages.AllStickers< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/disabledFeature" > disabledFeature< / a > #ae636f24 feature:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > description:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/DisabledFeature" > DisabledFeature< / a > ;< br >
---functions---< br >
< a href = "/method/account.getPrivacy" > account.getPrivacy< / a > #dadbc950 key:< a href = "/type/InputPrivacyKey" > InputPrivacyKey< / a > = < a href = "/type/account.PrivacyRules" > account.PrivacyRules< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/account.setPrivacy" > account.setPrivacy< / a > #c9f81ce8 key:< a href = "/type/InputPrivacyKey" > InputPrivacyKey< / a > rules:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/InputPrivacyRule" > InputPrivacyRule< / a > > = < a href = "/type/account.PrivacyRules" > account.PrivacyRules< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/account.deleteAccount" > account.deleteAccount< / a > #418d4e0b reason:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/account.getAccountTTL" > account.getAccountTTL< / a > #08fc711d = < a href = "/type/AccountDaysTTL" > AccountDaysTTL< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/account.setAccountTTL" > account.setAccountTTL< / a > #2442485e ttl:< a href = "/type/AccountDaysTTL" > AccountDaysTTL< / a > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/invokeWithLayer" > invokeWithLayer< / a > #da9b0d0d {X:Type} layer:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > query:!X = X;< br >
< a href = "/method/contacts.resolveUsername" > contacts.resolveUsername< / a > #0bf0131c username:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/account.sendChangePhoneCode" > account.sendChangePhoneCode< / a > #a407a8f4 phone_number:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/account.SentChangePhoneCode" > account.SentChangePhoneCode< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/account.changePhone" > account.changePhone< / a > #70c32edb phone_number:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > phone_code_hash:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > phone_code:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/messages.getStickers" > messages.getStickers< / a > #ae22e045 emoticon:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > hash:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.Stickers" > messages.Stickers< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.getAllStickers" > messages.getAllStickers< / a > #aa3bc868 hash:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.AllStickers" > messages.AllStickers< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/account.updateDeviceLocked" > account.updateDeviceLocked< / a > #38df3532 period:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;< br > < / code > < / pre > < / div >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#end-to-end-scheme-changes" id = "end-to-end-scheme-changes" name = "end-to-end-scheme-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > End-to-end scheme changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-constructors" id = "new-constructors" name = "new-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
2021-09-10 18:34:07 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/decryptedMessageActionRequestKey" > decryptedMessageActionRequestKey< / a > - Request rekeying, see < a href = "/api/end-to-end/pfs" > rekeying process< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/decryptedMessageActionAcceptKey" > decryptedMessageActionAcceptKey< / a > - Accept new key< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/decryptedMessageActionAbortKey" > decryptedMessageActionAbortKey< / a > - Abort rekeying< / li >
2021-09-09 18:46:07 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/decryptedMessageActionCommitKey" > decryptedMessageActionCommitKey< / a > - Commit new key, see < a href = "/api/end-to-end/pfs" > rekeying process< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/decryptedMessageActionNoop" > decryptedMessageActionNoop< / a > - NOOP action< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/documentAttributeImageSize" > documentAttributeImageSize< / a > - Defines the width and height of an image uploaded as document< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/documentAttributeAnimated" > documentAttributeAnimated< / a > - Defines an animated GIF< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/documentAttributeSticker" > documentAttributeSticker< / a > - Defines a sticker< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/documentAttributeVideo" > documentAttributeVideo< / a > - Defines a video< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/documentAttributeAudio" > documentAttributeAudio< / a > - Represents an audio file< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/documentAttributeFilename" > documentAttributeFilename< / a > - A simple document with a file name< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/photoSizeEmpty" > photoSizeEmpty< / a > - Empty constructor. Image with this thumbnail is unavailable.< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/photoSize" > photoSize< / a > - Image description.< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/photoCachedSize" > photoCachedSize< / a > - Description of an image and its content.< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/fileLocationUnavailable" > fileLocationUnavailable< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/fileLocation" > fileLocation< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/decryptedMessageMediaExternalDocument" > decryptedMessageMediaExternalDocument< / a > - Non-e2e documented forwarded from non-secret chat< / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#end-to-end-scheme" id = "end-to-end-scheme" name = "end-to-end-scheme" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > End-to-end scheme< / h4 >
< div > < pre > < code > ===20===< br >
2021-09-10 18:34:07 +00:00
< a href = "/constructor/decryptedMessageActionRequestKey" > decryptedMessageActionRequestKey< / a > #f3c9611b exchange_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > g_a:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > = < a href = "/type/DecryptedMessageAction" > DecryptedMessageAction< / a > ;
2021-09-09 18:46:07 +00:00
< a href = "/constructor/decryptedMessageActionAcceptKey" > decryptedMessageActionAcceptKey< / a > #6fe1735b exchange_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > g_b:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > key_fingerprint:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/DecryptedMessageAction" > DecryptedMessageAction< / a > ;
2021-09-10 18:34:07 +00:00
< a href = "/constructor/decryptedMessageActionAbortKey" > decryptedMessageActionAbortKey< / a > #dd05ec6b exchange_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/DecryptedMessageAction" > DecryptedMessageAction< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/decryptedMessageActionCommitKey" > decryptedMessageActionCommitKey< / a > #ec2e0b9b exchange_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > key_fingerprint:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/DecryptedMessageAction" > DecryptedMessageAction< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/decryptedMessageActionNoop" > decryptedMessageActionNoop< / a > #a82fdd63 = < a href = "/type/DecryptedMessageAction" > DecryptedMessageAction< / a > ;< br >
2021-09-09 18:46:07 +00:00
< a href = "/constructor/documentAttributeImageSize" > documentAttributeImageSize< / a > #6c37c15c w:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > h:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/DocumentAttribute" > DocumentAttribute< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/documentAttributeAnimated" > documentAttributeAnimated< / a > #11b58939 = < a href = "/type/DocumentAttribute" > DocumentAttribute< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/documentAttributeSticker" > documentAttributeSticker< / a > #fb0a5727 = < a href = "/type/DocumentAttribute" > DocumentAttribute< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/documentAttributeVideo" > documentAttributeVideo< / a > #5910cccb duration:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > w:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > h:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/DocumentAttribute" > DocumentAttribute< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/documentAttributeAudio" > documentAttributeAudio< / a > #051448e5 duration:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/DocumentAttribute" > DocumentAttribute< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/documentAttributeFilename" > documentAttributeFilename< / a > #15590068 file_name:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/DocumentAttribute" > DocumentAttribute< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/photoSizeEmpty" > photoSizeEmpty< / a > #0e17e23c type:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/PhotoSize" > PhotoSize< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/photoSize" > photoSize< / a > #77bfb61b type:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > location:< a href = "/type/FileLocation" > FileLocation< / a > w:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > h:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > size:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/PhotoSize" > PhotoSize< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/photoCachedSize" > photoCachedSize< / a > #e9a734fa type:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > location:< a href = "/type/FileLocation" > FileLocation< / a > w:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > h:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > bytes:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > = < a href = "/type/PhotoSize" > PhotoSize< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/fileLocationUnavailable" > fileLocationUnavailable< / a > #7c596b46 volume_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > local_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > secret:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/FileLocation" > FileLocation< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/fileLocation" > fileLocation< / a > #53d69076 dc_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > volume_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > local_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > secret:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/FileLocation" > FileLocation< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/decryptedMessageMediaExternalDocument" > decryptedMessageMediaExternalDocument< / a > #fa95b0dd id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > mime_type:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > size:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > thumb:< a href = "/type/PhotoSize" > PhotoSize< / a > dc_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > attributes:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/DocumentAttribute" > DocumentAttribute< / a > > = < a href = "/type/DecryptedMessageMedia" > DecryptedMessageMedia< / a > ;< br > < / code > < / pre > < / div >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-18" id = "layer-18" name = "layer-18" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=18" > Layer 18< / a > < / h3 >
< p > Added username support and a new type of updates for service messages.< / p >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema-changes" id = "schema-changes" name = "schema-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema changes< / h4 >
< ul >
< li > Added methods < a href = "/method/account.checkUsername" > account.checkUsername< / a > and < a href = "/method/account.updateUsername" > account.updateUsername< / a > for setting up a username, as well as the method < a href = "/method/contacts.search" > contacts.search< / a > that allows searching for publicly available users by username.< / li >
< li > < strong > username< / strong > field added to constructors of the type < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > and to the < a href = "/constructor/updateUserName" > updateUserName< / a > constructor.< / li >
< li > Added new update constructor < a href = "/constructor/updateServiceNotification" > updateServiceNotification< / a > for receiving service messages.< / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema" id = "schema" name = "schema" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema< / h4 >
< pre > < code > < a href = '/constructor/contactFound' > contactFound< / a > user_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/ContactFound' > ContactFound< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/contacts.found' > contacts.found< / a > results:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/ContactFound' > ContactFound< / a > > users:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/User' > User< / a > > = < a href = '/type/contacts.Found' > contacts.Found< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/updateUserName' > updateUserName< / a > user_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > first_name:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > last_name:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > username:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > = < a href = '/type/Update' > Update< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/userSelf' > userSelf< / a > id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > first_name:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > last_name:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > username:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > phone:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > photo:< a href = '/type/UserProfilePhoto' > UserProfilePhoto< / a > status:< a href = '/type/UserStatus' > UserStatus< / a > inactive:< a href = '/type/Bool' > Bool< / a > = < a href = '/type/User' > User< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/userContact' > userContact< / a > id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > first_name:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > last_name:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > username:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > access_hash:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > phone:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > photo:< a href = '/type/UserProfilePhoto' > UserProfilePhoto< / a > status:< a href = '/type/UserStatus' > UserStatus< / a > = < a href = '/type/User' > User< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/userRequest' > userRequest< / a > id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > first_name:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > last_name:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > username:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > access_hash:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > phone:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > photo:< a href = '/type/UserProfilePhoto' > UserProfilePhoto< / a > status:< a href = '/type/UserStatus' > UserStatus< / a > = < a href = '/type/User' > User< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/userForeign' > userForeign< / a > id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > first_name:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > last_name:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > username:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > access_hash:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > photo:< a href = '/type/UserProfilePhoto' > UserProfilePhoto< / a > status:< a href = '/type/UserStatus' > UserStatus< / a > = < a href = '/type/User' > User< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/userDeleted' > userDeleted< / a > id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > first_name:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > last_name:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > username:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > = < a href = '/type/User' > User< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/updateServiceNotification' > updateServiceNotification< / a > type:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > message:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > media:< a href = '/type/MessageMedia' > MessageMedia< / a > popup:< a href = '/type/Bool' > Bool< / a > = < a href = '/type/Update' > Update< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/account.checkUsername' > account.checkUsername< / a > username:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > = < a href = '/type/Bool' > Bool< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/account.updateUsername' > account.updateUsername< / a > username:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > = < a href = '/type/User' > User< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/contacts.search' > contacts.search< / a > q:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > limit:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/contacts.Found' > contacts.Found< / a > ;
invokeWithLayer18#1c900537 {X:Type} query:!X = X;< / code > < / pre >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-17" id = "layer-17" name = "layer-17" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=17" > Layer 17< / a > < / h3 >
< p > Added new events for recording and uploading media, selecting contacts and locations to share.< / p >
< p > Read status for multimedia (messages containing < a href = "/constructor/messageMediaVideo" > messageMediaVideo< / a > or < a href = "/constructor/messageMediaAudio" > messageMediaAudio< / a > ) was moved to the new method < a href = "/method/messages.readMessageContents" > messages.readMessageContents< / a > . In case < strong > read_contents< / strong > is not passed or < a href = "/method/messages.readHistory" > messages.readHistory< / a > is used with an older layer, messages will be marked as read in the traditional way.< / p >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema-changes" id = "schema-changes" name = "schema-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema changes< / h4 >
< ul >
< li > Added new type < a href = "/type/SendMessageAction" > SendMessageAction< / a > for user actions aside from typing (recording, uploading media, etc.). It is used in updates < a href = "/constructor/updateUserTyping" > updateUserTyping< / a > , < a href = "/constructor/updateChatUserTyping" > updateChatUserTyping< / a > , in the method < a href = "/method/messages.setTyping" > messages.setTyping< / a > , and in the new encrypted service message < a href = "/constructor/decryptedMessageActionTyping" > decryptedMessageActionTyping< / a > .< / li >
< li > < strong > unread< / strong > and < strong > out< / strong > parameters in the constructors of the < a href = "/type/Message" > Message< / a > type were joined to form the new < strong > flags< / strong > parameter, containing a flag mask.< / li >
< li > Added new method < a href = "/method/messages.readMessageContents" > messages.readMessageContents< / a > , to be called once the user listened to a voice message or watched a video.< / li >
< li > Added parameters for end-to-end encrypted messages < strong > in_seq_no< / strong > , < strong > out_seq_no< / strong > and < strong > ttl< / strong > .< / li >
< li > Added < strong > mime_type< / strong > field to secret chat audio and video constructors.< / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema" id = "schema" name = "schema" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema< / h4 >
< pre > < code > < a href = '/constructor/sendMessageTypingAction' > sendMessageTypingAction< / a > = < a href = '/type/SendMessageAction' > SendMessageAction< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/sendMessageCancelAction' > sendMessageCancelAction< / a > = < a href = '/type/SendMessageAction' > SendMessageAction< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/sendMessageRecordVideoAction' > sendMessageRecordVideoAction< / a > = < a href = '/type/SendMessageAction' > SendMessageAction< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/sendMessageUploadVideoAction' > sendMessageUploadVideoAction< / a > = < a href = '/type/SendMessageAction' > SendMessageAction< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/sendMessageRecordAudioAction' > sendMessageRecordAudioAction< / a > = < a href = '/type/SendMessageAction' > SendMessageAction< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/sendMessageUploadAudioAction' > sendMessageUploadAudioAction< / a > = < a href = '/type/SendMessageAction' > SendMessageAction< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/sendMessageUploadPhotoAction' > sendMessageUploadPhotoAction< / a > = < a href = '/type/SendMessageAction' > SendMessageAction< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/sendMessageUploadDocumentAction' > sendMessageUploadDocumentAction< / a > = < a href = '/type/SendMessageAction' > SendMessageAction< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/sendMessageGeoLocationAction' > sendMessageGeoLocationAction< / a > = < a href = '/type/SendMessageAction' > SendMessageAction< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/sendMessageChooseContactAction' > sendMessageChooseContactAction< / a > = < a href = '/type/SendMessageAction' > SendMessageAction< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/updateUserTyping' > updateUserTyping< / a > user_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > action:< a href = '/type/SendMessageAction' > SendMessageAction< / a > = < a href = '/type/Update' > Update< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/updateChatUserTyping' > updateChatUserTyping< / a > chat_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > user_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > action:< a href = '/type/SendMessageAction' > SendMessageAction< / a > = < a href = '/type/Update' > Update< / a > ;
// Message object
< a href = '/constructor/message' > message< / a > flags:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > from_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > to_id:< a href = '/type/Peer' > Peer< / a > date:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > message:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > media:< a href = '/type/MessageMedia' > MessageMedia< / a > = < a href = '/type/Message' > Message< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/messageForwarded' > messageForwarded< / a > flags:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > fwd_from_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > fwd_date:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > from_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > to_id:< a href = '/type/Peer' > Peer< / a > date:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > message:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > media:< a href = '/type/MessageMedia' > MessageMedia< / a > = < a href = '/type/Message' > Message< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/messageService' > messageService< / a > flags:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > from_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > to_id:< a href = '/type/Peer' > Peer< / a > date:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > action:< a href = '/type/MessageAction' > MessageAction< / a > = < a href = '/type/Message' > Message< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/messages.setTyping' > messages.setTyping< / a > peer:< a href = '/type/InputPeer' > InputPeer< / a > action:< a href = '/type/SendMessageAction' > SendMessageAction< / a > = < a href = '/type/Bool' > Bool< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/messages.readHistory' > messages.readHistory< / a > peer:< a href = '/type/InputPeer' > InputPeer< / a > max_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > offset:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > read_contents:< a href = '/type/Bool' > Bool< / a > = < a href = '/type/messages.AffectedHistory' > messages.AffectedHistory< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/messages.readMessageContents' > messages.readMessageContents< / a > id:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > > = < a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > > ;
invokeWithLayer17#50858a19 {X:Type} query:!X = X;< / code > < / pre >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#end-to-end-schema" id = "end-to-end-schema" name = "end-to-end-schema" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > End-to-end schema< / h4 >
< pre > < code > ===17===
// Layer
< a href = '/constructor/decryptedMessageLayer' > decryptedMessageLayer< / a > random_bytes:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > layer:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > in_seq_no:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > out_seq_no:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > message:< a href = '/type/DecryptedMessage' > DecryptedMessage< / a > = < a href = '/type/DecryptedMessageLayer' > DecryptedMessageLayer< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/decryptedMessageMediaAudio' > decryptedMessageMediaAudio< / a > duration:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > mime_type:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > size:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > key:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > iv:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > = < a href = '/type/DecryptedMessageMedia' > DecryptedMessageMedia< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/decryptedMessageMediaVideo' > decryptedMessageMediaVideo< / a > thumb:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > thumb_w:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > thumb_h:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > duration:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > mime_type:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > w:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > h:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > size:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > key:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > iv:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > = < a href = '/type/DecryptedMessageMedia' > DecryptedMessageMedia< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/sendMessageTypingAction' > sendMessageTypingAction< / a > = < a href = '/type/SendMessageAction' > SendMessageAction< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/sendMessageCancelAction' > sendMessageCancelAction< / a > = < a href = '/type/SendMessageAction' > SendMessageAction< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/sendMessageRecordVideoAction' > sendMessageRecordVideoAction< / a > = < a href = '/type/SendMessageAction' > SendMessageAction< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/sendMessageUploadVideoAction' > sendMessageUploadVideoAction< / a > = < a href = '/type/SendMessageAction' > SendMessageAction< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/sendMessageRecordAudioAction' > sendMessageRecordAudioAction< / a > = < a href = '/type/SendMessageAction' > SendMessageAction< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/sendMessageUploadAudioAction' > sendMessageUploadAudioAction< / a > = < a href = '/type/SendMessageAction' > SendMessageAction< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/sendMessageUploadPhotoAction' > sendMessageUploadPhotoAction< / a > = < a href = '/type/SendMessageAction' > SendMessageAction< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/sendMessageUploadDocumentAction' > sendMessageUploadDocumentAction< / a > = < a href = '/type/SendMessageAction' > SendMessageAction< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/sendMessageGeoLocationAction' > sendMessageGeoLocationAction< / a > = < a href = '/type/SendMessageAction' > SendMessageAction< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/sendMessageChooseContactAction' > sendMessageChooseContactAction< / a > = < a href = '/type/SendMessageAction' > SendMessageAction< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/decryptedMessageActionNotifyLayer' > decryptedMessageActionNotifyLayer< / a > layer:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/DecryptedMessageAction' > DecryptedMessageAction< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/decryptedMessageActionTyping' > decryptedMessageActionTyping< / a > action:< a href = '/type/SendMessageAction' > SendMessageAction< / a > = < a href = '/type/DecryptedMessageAction' > DecryptedMessageAction< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/decryptedMessage' > decryptedMessage< / a > random_id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > ttl:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > message:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > media:< a href = '/type/DecryptedMessageMedia' > DecryptedMessageMedia< / a > = < a href = '/type/DecryptedMessage' > DecryptedMessage< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/decryptedMessageService' > decryptedMessageService< / a > random_id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > action:< a href = '/type/DecryptedMessageAction' > DecryptedMessageAction< / a > = < a href = '/type/DecryptedMessage' > DecryptedMessage< / a > ;< / code > < / pre >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-16" id = "layer-16" name = "layer-16" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=16" > Layer 16< / a > < / h3 >
< p > Added new < strong > sms_type< / strong > = < code > 5< / code > in the method < a href = "/method/auth.sendCode" > auth.sendCode< / a > .< / p >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema-changes" id = "schema-changes" name = "schema-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema changes< / h4 >
< ul >
< li > Added new constructor: < a href = "/constructor/auth.sentAppCode" > auth.sentAppCode< / a > to determine whether a code was sent via Telegram.< / li >
< li > Added new method < a href = "/method/auth.sendSms" > auth.sendSms< / a > to force re-sending a code via SMS.< / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema" id = "schema" name = "schema" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema< / h4 >
< pre > < code > < a href = '/constructor/auth.sentAppCode' > auth.sentAppCode< / a > phone_registered:< a href = '/type/Bool' > Bool< / a > phone_code_hash:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > send_call_timeout:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > is_password:< a href = '/type/Bool' > Bool< / a > = < a href = '/type/auth.SentCode' > auth.SentCode< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/auth.sendSms' > auth.sendSms< / a > phone_number:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > phone_code_hash:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > = < a href = '/type/Bool' > Bool< / a > ;
invokeWithLayer16#cf5f0987 {X:Type} query:!X = X;< / code > < / pre >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-15" id = "layer-15" name = "layer-15" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=15" > Layer 15< / a > < / h3 >
< p > Modified behavior of the < strong > offset< / strong > parameter in the method < a href = "/method/messages.getHistory" > messages.getHistory< / a > . From now on it's possible to combine message_id offset and a numeric offset.< / p >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema" id = "schema" name = "schema" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema< / h4 >
< pre > < code > invokeWithLayer15#b4418b64 {X:Type} query:!X = X;< / code > < / pre >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-14" id = "layer-14" name = "layer-14" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=14" > Layer 14< / a > < / h3 >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema-changes" id = "schema-changes" name = "schema-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema changes< / h4 >
< ul >
< li > Added new update constructors: < a href = "/constructor/updateUserBlocked" > updateUserBlocked< / a > and < a href = "/constructor/updateNotifySettings" > updateNotifySettings< / a > to sync notification settings and blacklists between devices.< / li >
< li > Added < strong > notify_settings< / strong > field to the < a href = "/constructor/dialog" > dialog< / a > constructor.< / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema" id = "schema" name = "schema" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema< / h4 >
< pre > < code > < a href = '/constructor/notifyPeer' > notifyPeer< / a > peer:< a href = '/type/Peer' > Peer< / a > = < a href = '/type/NotifyPeer' > NotifyPeer< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/notifyUsers' > notifyUsers< / a > = < a href = '/type/NotifyPeer' > NotifyPeer< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/notifyChats' > notifyChats< / a > = < a href = '/type/NotifyPeer' > NotifyPeer< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/notifyAll' > notifyAll< / a > = < a href = '/type/NotifyPeer' > NotifyPeer< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/dialog' > dialog< / a > peer:< a href = '/type/Peer' > Peer< / a > top_message:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > unread_count:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > notify_settings:< a href = '/type/PeerNotifySettings' > PeerNotifySettings< / a > = < a href = '/type/Dialog' > Dialog< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/updateUserBlocked' > updateUserBlocked< / a > user_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > blocked:< a href = '/type/Bool' > Bool< / a > = < a href = '/type/Update' > Update< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/updateNotifySettings' > updateNotifySettings< / a > peer:< a href = '/type/NotifyPeer' > NotifyPeer< / a > notify_settings:< a href = '/type/PeerNotifySettings' > PeerNotifySettings< / a > = < a href = '/type/Update' > Update< / a > ;
invokeWithLayer14#2b9b08fa {X:Type} query:!X = X;< / code > < / pre >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-13" id = "layer-13" name = "layer-13" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=13" > Layer 13< / a > < / h3 >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema-changes" id = "schema-changes" name = "schema-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema changes< / h4 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > mime_type< / strong > field to all audio and video constructors.< / li >
< li > Added new < a href = "/type/DecryptedMessageAction" > service message types< / a > in secret chats: messages read, messages deleted, screenshot taken, chat history cleared and API layer used by client notifications.< / li >
< li > Added < strong > retry_contacts< / strong > field to the < a href = "/constructor/contacts.importedContacts" > contacts.importedContacts< / a > constructor: ids of contacts, that will have to be imported at a later date.< / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema" id = "schema" name = "schema" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema< / h4 >
< pre > < code > contacts.importedContacts imported:Vector< ImportedContact> retry_contacts:Vector< long> users:Vector< User> = contacts.Im portedContacts;
< a href = '/constructor/inputMediaUploadedAudio' > inputMediaUploadedAudio< / a > file:< a href = '/type/InputFile' > InputFile< / a > duration:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > mime_type:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > = < a href = '/type/InputMedia' > InputMedia< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/inputMediaUploadedVideo' > inputMediaUploadedVideo< / a > file:< a href = '/type/InputFile' > InputFile< / a > duration:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > w:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > h:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > mime_type:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > = < a href = '/type/InputMedia' > InputMedia< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/inputMediaUploadedThumbVideo' > inputMediaUploadedThumbVideo< / a > file:< a href = '/type/InputFile' > InputFile< / a > thumb:< a href = '/type/InputFile' > InputFile< / a > duration:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > w:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > h:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > mime_type:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > = < a href = '/type/InputMedia' > InputMedia< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/audio' > audio< / a > id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > user_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > date:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > duration:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > mime_type:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > size:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > dc_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/Audio' > Audio< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/video' > video< / a > id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > user_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > date:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > caption:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > duration:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > mime_type:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > size:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > thumb:< a href = '/type/PhotoSize' > PhotoSize< / a > dc_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > w:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > h:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/Video' > Video< / a > ;
invokeWithLayer13#427c8ea2 {X:Type} query:!X = X;< / code > < / pre >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-12" id = "layer-12" name = "layer-12" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=12" > Layer 12< / a > < / h3 >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema-changes" id = "schema-changes" name = "schema-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema changes< / h4 >
< ul >
< li > Added method < a href = "/method/help.getSupport" > help.getSupport< / a > for obtaining support user id.< / li >
< li > Added < strong > broadcast_size_max< / strong > field to the constructor < a href = "/constructor/config" > config< / a > , contaning maximum number of broadcast recipients.< / li >
< li > Added < strong > send_call_timeout< / strong > field to the constructor < a href = "/constructor/auth.sentCode" > auth.sentCode< / a > , containing required delay before calling < a href = "/method/auth.sendCall" > auth.sendCall< / a > . New field < strong > is_password< / strong > in the same constructor.< / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema" id = "schema" name = "schema" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema< / h4 >
< pre > < code > < a href = '/constructor/auth.sentCode' > auth.sentCode< / a > phone_registered:< a href = '/type/Bool' > Bool< / a > phone_code_hash:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > send_call_timeout:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > is_password:< a href = '/type/Bool' > Bool< / a > = < a href = '/type/auth.SentCode' > auth.SentCode< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/config' > config< / a > date:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > test_mode:< a href = '/type/Bool' > Bool< / a > this_dc:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > dc_options:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/DcOption' > DcOption< / a > > chat_size_max:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > broadcast_size_max:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/Config' > Config< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/help.support' > help.support< / a > phone_number:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > user:< a href = '/type/User' > User< / a > = < a href = '/type/help.Support' > help.Support< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/help.getSupport' > help.getSupport< / a > = < a href = '/type/help.Support' > help.Support< / a > ;
invokeWithLayer12#dda60d3c {X:Type} query:!X = X;< / code > < / pre >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-11" id = "layer-11" name = "layer-11" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=11" > Layer 11< / a > < / h3 >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema-changes" id = "schema-changes" name = "schema-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema changes< / h4 >
< ul >
< li > The < strong > nonce< / strong > parameter was removed from secret chat constructors. For purposes of backward compatibility, in all previous layers this field will contain empty bytes.< / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema" id = "schema" name = "schema" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema< / h4 >
< pre > < code > < a href = '/constructor/encryptedChatRequested' > encryptedChatRequested< / a > id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > access_hash:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > date:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > admin_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > participant_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > g_a:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > = < a href = '/type/EncryptedChat' > EncryptedChat< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/encryptedChat' > encryptedChat< / a > id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > access_hash:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > date:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > admin_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > participant_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > g_a_or_b:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > key_fingerprint:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > = < a href = '/type/EncryptedChat' > EncryptedChat< / a > ;
invokeWithLayer11#a6b88fdf {X:Type} query:!X = X;< / code > < / pre >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-10" id = "layer-10" name = "layer-10" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=10" > Layer 10< / a > < / h3 >
< p > Added brief constructors for editing group members. Added new attachment types for ordinary and secret chats.< / p >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema-changes" id = "schema-changes" name = "schema-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema changes< / h4 >
< ul >
< li > Added new update contructors: < a href = "/constructor/updateChatParticipantAdd" > updateChatParticipantAdd< / a > and < a href = "/constructor/updateChatParticipantDelete" > updateChatParticipantDelete< / a > .< / li >
< li > Added new media types: < a href = "/type/Document" > Document< / a > , < a href = "/type/Audio" > Audio< / a > , along with rescpective attachment constructors.< / li >
< li > If the client doesn't support Layer 10, it will receive < a href = "/constructor/messageMediaUnsupported" > messageMediaUnsupported< / a > constructors instead of the < a href = "/constructor/messageMediaDocument" > messageMediaDocument< / a > and < a href = "/constructor/messageMediaAudio" > messageMediaAudio< / a > constructors.< / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema" id = "schema" name = "schema" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema< / h4 >
< pre > < code > < a href = '/constructor/updateChatParticipantAdd' > updateChatParticipantAdd< / a > chat_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > user_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > inviter_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > version:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/Update' > Update< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/updateChatParticipantDelete' > updateChatParticipantDelete< / a > chat_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > user_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > version:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/Update' > Update< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/inputMediaUploadedAudio' > inputMediaUploadedAudio< / a > file:< a href = '/type/InputFile' > InputFile< / a > duration:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/InputMedia' > InputMedia< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/inputMediaAudio' > inputMediaAudio< / a > id:< a href = '/type/InputAudio' > InputAudio< / a > = < a href = '/type/InputMedia' > InputMedia< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/inputMediaUploadedDocument' > inputMediaUploadedDocument< / a > file:< a href = '/type/InputFile' > InputFile< / a > file_name:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > mime_type:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > = < a href = '/type/InputMedia' > InputMedia< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/inputMediaUploadedThumbDocument' > inputMediaUploadedThumbDocument< / a > file:< a href = '/type/InputFile' > InputFile< / a > thumb:< a href = '/type/InputFile' > InputFile< / a > file_name:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > mime_type:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > = < a href = '/type/InputMedia' > InputMedia< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/inputMediaDocument' > inputMediaDocument< / a > id:< a href = '/type/InputDocument' > InputDocument< / a > = < a href = '/type/InputMedia' > InputMedia< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/messageMediaDocument' > messageMediaDocument< / a > document:< a href = '/type/Document' > Document< / a > = < a href = '/type/MessageMedia' > MessageMedia< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/messageMediaAudio' > messageMediaAudio< / a > audio:< a href = '/type/Audio' > Audio< / a > = < a href = '/type/MessageMedia' > MessageMedia< / a > ;
// Input Audio
< a href = '/constructor/inputAudioEmpty' > inputAudioEmpty< / a > = < a href = '/type/InputAudio' > InputAudio< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/inputAudio' > inputAudio< / a > id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > = < a href = '/type/InputAudio' > InputAudio< / a > ;
// Input Document
< a href = '/constructor/inputDocumentEmpty' > inputDocumentEmpty< / a > = < a href = '/type/InputDocument' > InputDocument< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/inputDocument' > inputDocument< / a > id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > = < a href = '/type/InputDocument' > InputDocument< / a > ;
// Input location
< a href = '/constructor/inputAudioFileLocation' > inputAudioFileLocation< / a > id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > = < a href = '/type/InputFileLocation' > InputFileLocation< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/inputDocumentFileLocation' > inputDocumentFileLocation< / a > id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > = < a href = '/type/InputFileLocation' > InputFileLocation< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/decryptedMessageMediaDocument' > decryptedMessageMediaDocument< / a > thumb:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > thumb_w:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > thumb_h:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > file_name:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > mime_type:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > size:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > key:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > iv:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > = < a href = '/type/DecryptedMessageMedia' > DecryptedMessageMedia< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/decryptedMessageMediaAudio' > decryptedMessageMediaAudio< / a > duration:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > size:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > key:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > iv:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > = < a href = '/type/DecryptedMessageMedia' > DecryptedMessageMedia< / a > ;
// Audio object
< a href = '/constructor/audioEmpty' > audioEmpty< / a > id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > = < a href = '/type/Audio' > Audio< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/audio' > audio< / a > id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > user_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > date:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > duration:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > size:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > dc_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/Audio' > Audio< / a > ;
// Video object
< a href = '/constructor/documentEmpty' > documentEmpty< / a > id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > = < a href = '/type/Document' > Document< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/document' > document< / a > id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > user_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > date:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > file_name:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > mime_type:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > size:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > thumb:< a href = '/type/PhotoSize' > PhotoSize< / a > dc_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/Document' > Document< / a > ;
invokeWithLayer10#39620c41 {X:Type} query:!X = X;
Added MESSAGE_DOC, MESSAGE_AUDIO notifications — a message with document or audio received
Added CHAT_MESSAGE_DOC, CHAT_MESSAGE_AUDIO notifications — a message with document or audio received in a group< / code > < / pre >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-9" id = "layer-9" name = "layer-9" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=9" > Layer 9< / a > < / h3 >
< p > Increased efficiency when loading big files. Added important checks for certain methods.< / p >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema-changes" id = "schema-changes" name = "schema-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema changes< / h4 >
< ul >
< li > Added new < a href = "/method/upload.saveBigFilePart" > upload.saveBigFilePart< / a > method, constructors < a href = "/constructor/inputFileBig" > inputFileBig< / a > , < a href = "/constructor/inputEncryptedFileBigUploaded" > inputEncryptedFileBigUploaded< / a > to optimize saving parts of big files. See the updated article on < a href = "/api/files#uploading-files" > Uploading files< / a > for details.< / li >
< li > Added a check whether the < a href = "/method/initConnection" > initConnection< / a > method was called with all required parameters before making other API calls. See the updated article on < a href = "/api/invoking#saving-client-info" > Calling methods< / a > for details.< / li >
< li > Added availability check for < strong > lang_code< / strong > parameters when calling methods < a href = "/method/auth.sendCode" > auth.sendCode< / a > , < a href = "/method/account.registerDevice" > account.registerDevice< / a > < / li >
< li > Added availability check for < strong > random_id< / strong > parameters in all message sending methods: < a href = "/method/messages.sendMessage" > messages.sendMessage< / a > , < a href = "/method/messages.sendMedia" > messages.sendMedia< / a > , < a href = "/method/messages.forwardMessage" > messages.forwardMessage< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema" id = "schema" name = "schema" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema< / h4 >
< pre > < code > < a href = '/constructor/inputFileBig' > inputFileBig< / a > id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > parts:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > name:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > = < a href = '/type/InputFile' > InputFile< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/inputEncryptedFileBigUploaded' > inputEncryptedFileBigUploaded< / a > id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > parts:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > key_fingerprint:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/InputEncryptedFile' > InputEncryptedFile< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/upload.saveBigFilePart' > upload.saveBigFilePart< / a > file_id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > file_part:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > file_total_parts:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > bytes:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > = < a href = '/type/Bool' > Bool< / a > ;
initConnection#69796de9 {X:Type} api_id:int device_model:string system_version:string app_version:string lang_code:string query:!X = X;
invokeWithLayer9#76715a63 {X:Type} query:!X = X;< / code > < / pre >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-8" id = "layer-8" name = "layer-8" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=8" > Layer 8< / a > < / h3 >
< p > Added support for end-to-end encryption in secret chats. < a href = "/api/end-to-end" > More...< / a > < / p >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema-changes" id = "schema-changes" name = "schema-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema changes< / h4 >
< ul >
< li > Added many constructors and methods for secret chats.< / li >
< li > Added < strong > qts< / strong > field in constructor < a href = "/constructor/updates.state" > updates.state< / a > .< / li >
< li > Added 4 new constructors of < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > type< / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema" id = "schema" name = "schema" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema< / h4 >
< pre > < code > < a href = '/constructor/updateNewEncryptedMessage' > updateNewEncryptedMessage< / a > message:< a href = '/type/EncryptedMessage' > EncryptedMessage< / a > qts:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/Update' > Update< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/updateEncryptedChatTyping' > updateEncryptedChatTyping< / a > chat_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/Update' > Update< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/updateEncryption' > updateEncryption< / a > chat:< a href = '/type/EncryptedChat' > EncryptedChat< / a > date:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/Update' > Update< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/updateEncryptedMessagesRead' > updateEncryptedMessagesRead< / a > chat_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > max_date:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/Update' > Update< / a > ;
// EncryptedChat object
< a href = '/constructor/encryptedChatEmpty' > encryptedChatEmpty< / a > id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/EncryptedChat' > EncryptedChat< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/encryptedChatWaiting' > encryptedChatWaiting< / a > id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > access_hash:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > date:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > admin_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > participant_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/EncryptedChat' > EncryptedChat< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/encryptedChatRequested' > encryptedChatRequested< / a > id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > access_hash:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > date:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > admin_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > participant_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > g_a:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > = < a href = '/type/EncryptedChat' > EncryptedChat< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/encryptedChat' > encryptedChat< / a > id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > access_hash:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > date:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > admin_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > participant_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > g_a_or_b:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > key_fingerprint:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > = < a href = '/type/EncryptedChat' > EncryptedChat< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/encryptedChatDiscarded' > encryptedChatDiscarded< / a > id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/EncryptedChat' > EncryptedChat< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/inputEncryptedChat' > inputEncryptedChat< / a > chat_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > access_hash:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > = < a href = '/type/InputEncryptedChat' > InputEncryptedChat< / a > ;
// EncryptedFile object
< a href = '/constructor/encryptedFileEmpty' > encryptedFileEmpty< / a > = < a href = '/type/EncryptedFile' > EncryptedFile< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/encryptedFile' > encryptedFile< / a > id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > size:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > dc_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > key_fingerprint:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/EncryptedFile' > EncryptedFile< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/inputEncryptedFileEmpty' > inputEncryptedFileEmpty< / a > = < a href = '/type/InputEncryptedFile' > InputEncryptedFile< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/inputEncryptedFileUploaded' > inputEncryptedFileUploaded< / a > id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > parts:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > md5_checksum:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > key_fingerprint:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/InputEncryptedFile' > InputEncryptedFile< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/inputEncryptedFile' > inputEncryptedFile< / a > id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > = < a href = '/type/InputEncryptedFile' > InputEncryptedFile< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/inputEncryptedFileLocation' > inputEncryptedFileLocation< / a > id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > = < a href = '/type/InputFileLocation' > InputFileLocation< / a > ;
// Encrypted message
< a href = '/constructor/encryptedMessage' > encryptedMessage< / a > random_id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > chat_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > date:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > bytes:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > file:< a href = '/type/EncryptedFile' > EncryptedFile< / a > = < a href = '/type/EncryptedMessage' > EncryptedMessage< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/encryptedMessageService' > encryptedMessageService< / a > random_id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > chat_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > date:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > bytes:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > = < a href = '/type/EncryptedMessage' > EncryptedMessage< / a > ;
// Diffie-Hellman config
< a href = '/constructor/messages.dhConfigNotModified' > messages.dhConfigNotModified< / a > random:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > = < a href = '/type/messages.DhConfig' > messages.DhConfig< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/messages.dhConfig' > messages.dhConfig< / a > g:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > p:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > version:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > random:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > = < a href = '/type/messages.DhConfig' > messages.DhConfig< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/messages.sentEncryptedMessage' > messages.sentEncryptedMessage< / a > date:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/messages.SentEncryptedMessage' > messages.SentEncryptedMessage< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/messages.sentEncryptedFile' > messages.sentEncryptedFile< / a > date:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > file:< a href = '/type/EncryptedFile' > EncryptedFile< / a > = < a href = '/type/messages.SentEncryptedMessage' > messages.SentEncryptedMessage< / a > ;
// Updated state with qts
< a href = '/constructor/updates.state' > updates.state< / a > pts:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > qts:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > date:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > seq:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > unread_count:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/updates.State' > updates.State< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/updates.difference' > updates.difference< / a > new_messages:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/Message' > Message< / a > > new_encrypted_messages:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/EncryptedMessage' > EncryptedMessage< / a > > other_updates:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/Update' > Update< / a > > chats:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/Chat' > Chat< / a > > users:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/User' > User< / a > > state:< a href = '/type/updates.State' > updates.State< / a > = < a href = '/type/updates.Difference' > updates.Difference< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/updates.differenceSlice' > updates.differenceSlice< / a > new_messages:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/Message' > Message< / a > > new_encrypted_messages:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/EncryptedMessage' > EncryptedMessage< / a > > other_updates:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/Update' > Update< / a > > chats:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/Chat' > Chat< / a > > users:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/User' > User< / a > > intermediate_state:< a href = '/type/updates.State' > updates.State< / a > = < a href = '/type/updates.Difference' > updates.Difference< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/messages.getDhConfig' > messages.getDhConfig< / a > version:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > random_length:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/messages.DhConfig' > messages.DhConfig< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/messages.requestEncryption' > messages.requestEncryption< / a > user_id:< a href = '/type/InputUser' > InputUser< / a > random_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > g_a:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > = < a href = '/type/EncryptedChat' > EncryptedChat< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/messages.acceptEncryption' > messages.acceptEncryption< / a > peer:< a href = '/type/InputEncryptedChat' > InputEncryptedChat< / a > g_b:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > key_fingerprint:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > = < a href = '/type/EncryptedChat' > EncryptedChat< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/messages.discardEncryption' > messages.discardEncryption< / a > chat_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/Bool' > Bool< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/messages.setEncryptedTyping' > messages.setEncryptedTyping< / a > peer:< a href = '/type/InputEncryptedChat' > InputEncryptedChat< / a > typing:< a href = '/type/Bool' > Bool< / a > = < a href = '/type/Bool' > Bool< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/messages.readEncryptedHistory' > messages.readEncryptedHistory< / a > peer:< a href = '/type/InputEncryptedChat' > InputEncryptedChat< / a > max_date:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/Bool' > Bool< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/messages.sendEncrypted' > messages.sendEncrypted< / a > peer:< a href = '/type/InputEncryptedChat' > InputEncryptedChat< / a > random_id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > data:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > = < a href = '/type/messages.SentEncryptedMessage' > messages.SentEncryptedMessage< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/messages.sendEncryptedFile' > messages.sendEncryptedFile< / a > peer:< a href = '/type/InputEncryptedChat' > InputEncryptedChat< / a > random_id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > data:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > file:< a href = '/type/InputEncryptedFile' > InputEncryptedFile< / a > = < a href = '/type/messages.SentEncryptedMessage' > messages.SentEncryptedMessage< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/messages.sendEncryptedService' > messages.sendEncryptedService< / a > peer:< a href = '/type/InputEncryptedChat' > InputEncryptedChat< / a > random_id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > data:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > = < a href = '/type/messages.SentEncryptedMessage' > messages.SentEncryptedMessage< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/messages.receivedQueue' > messages.receivedQueue< / a > max_qts:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > > ;
< a href = '/method/updates.getDifference' > updates.getDifference< / a > pts:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > date:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > qts:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/updates.Difference' > updates.Difference< / a > ;
invokeWithLayer8#e9abd9fd {X:Type} query:!X = X;< / code > < / pre >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#push-notifications" id = "push-notifications" name = "push-notifications" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Push-notifications< / h4 >
< ul >
< li > Added notification of < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > ENCRYPTION_REQUEST< / a > type -- a contact requested secret chat creation< / li >
< li > Added notification of < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > ENCRYPTION_ACCEPT< / a > type -- a contact confirmed secret chat creation< / li >
< li > Added notification of < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > ENCRYPTED_MESSAGE< / a > type -- a contact sent message in a secret chat< / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#end-to-end-schema" id = "end-to-end-schema" name = "end-to-end-schema" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > End-to-end schema< / h4 >
< pre > < code > ===8===
< a href = '/constructor/decryptedMessage' > decryptedMessage< / a > random_id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > random_bytes:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > message:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > media:< a href = '/type/DecryptedMessageMedia' > DecryptedMessageMedia< / a > = < a href = '/type/DecryptedMessage' > DecryptedMessage< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/decryptedMessageService' > decryptedMessageService< / a > random_id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > random_bytes:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > action:< a href = '/type/DecryptedMessageAction' > DecryptedMessageAction< / a > = < a href = '/type/DecryptedMessage' > DecryptedMessage< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/decryptedMessageMediaEmpty' > decryptedMessageMediaEmpty< / a > = < a href = '/type/DecryptedMessageMedia' > DecryptedMessageMedia< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/decryptedMessageMediaPhoto' > decryptedMessageMediaPhoto< / a > thumb:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > thumb_w:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > thumb_h:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > w:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > h:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > size:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > key:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > iv:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > = < a href = '/type/DecryptedMessageMedia' > DecryptedMessageMedia< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/decryptedMessageMediaVideo' > decryptedMessageMediaVideo< / a > thumb:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > thumb_w:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > thumb_h:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > duration:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > w:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > h:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > size:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > key:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > iv:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > = < a href = '/type/DecryptedMessageMedia' > DecryptedMessageMedia< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/decryptedMessageMediaGeoPoint' > decryptedMessageMediaGeoPoint< / a > lat:< a href = '/type/double' > double< / a > long:< a href = '/type/double' > double< / a > = < a href = '/type/DecryptedMessageMedia' > DecryptedMessageMedia< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/decryptedMessageMediaContact' > decryptedMessageMediaContact< / a > phone_number:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > first_name:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > last_name:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > user_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/DecryptedMessageMedia' > DecryptedMessageMedia< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/decryptedMessageActionSetMessageTTL' > decryptedMessageActionSetMessageTTL< / a > ttl_seconds:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/DecryptedMessageAction' > DecryptedMessageAction< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/decryptedMessageMediaDocument' > decryptedMessageMediaDocument< / a > thumb:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > thumb_w:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > thumb_h:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > file_name:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > mime_type:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > size:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > key:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > iv:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > = < a href = '/type/DecryptedMessageMedia' > DecryptedMessageMedia< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/decryptedMessageMediaAudio' > decryptedMessageMediaAudio< / a > duration:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > size:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > key:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > iv:< a href = '/type/bytes' > bytes< / a > = < a href = '/type/DecryptedMessageMedia' > DecryptedMessageMedia< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/decryptedMessageActionReadMessages' > decryptedMessageActionReadMessages< / a > random_ids:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > > = < a href = '/type/DecryptedMessageAction' > DecryptedMessageAction< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/decryptedMessageActionDeleteMessages' > decryptedMessageActionDeleteMessages< / a > random_ids:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > > = < a href = '/type/DecryptedMessageAction' > DecryptedMessageAction< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/decryptedMessageActionScreenshotMessages' > decryptedMessageActionScreenshotMessages< / a > random_ids:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > > = < a href = '/type/DecryptedMessageAction' > DecryptedMessageAction< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/decryptedMessageActionFlushHistory' > decryptedMessageActionFlushHistory< / a > = < a href = '/type/DecryptedMessageAction' > DecryptedMessageAction< / a > ;< / code > < / pre >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-7" id = "layer-7" name = "layer-7" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=7" > Layer 7< / a > < / h3 >
< p > Added wallpaper constructor < a href = "/constructor/wallPaperSolid" > wallPaperSolid< / a > .< / p >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema" id = "schema" name = "schema" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema< / h4 >
< pre > < code > < a href = '/constructor/wallPaperSolid' > wallPaperSolid< / a > id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > title:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > bg_color:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > color:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/WallPaper' > WallPaper< / a > ;
invokeWithLayer7#a5be56d3 {X:Type} query:!X = X;< / code > < / pre >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-6" id = "layer-6" name = "layer-6" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=6" > Layer 6< / a > < / h3 >
< p > Added location identifiers from foursquare.< / p >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema" id = "schema" name = "schema" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema< / h4 >
< pre > < code > < a href = '/constructor/geoChat' > geoChat< / a > id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > access_hash:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > title:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > address:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > venue:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > geo:< a href = '/type/GeoPoint' > GeoPoint< / a > photo:< a href = '/type/ChatPhoto' > ChatPhoto< / a > participants_count:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > date:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > checked_in:< a href = '/type/Bool' > Bool< / a > version:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/Chat' > Chat< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/geochats.createGeoChat' > geochats.createGeoChat< / a > title:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > geo_point:< a href = '/type/InputGeoPoint' > InputGeoPoint< / a > address:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > venue:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > = < a href = '/type/geochats.StatedMessage' > geochats.StatedMessage< / a > ;
invokeWithLayer6#3a64d54d {X:Type} query:!X = X;< / code > < / pre >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-5" id = "layer-5" name = "layer-5" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=5" > Layer 5< / a > < / h3 >
< p > Added parameters for internationalization.< / p >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema-changes" id = "schema-changes" name = "schema-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema changes< / h4 >
< ul >
< li > Added parameter lang_code to methods < a href = "/method/auth.sendCode" > auth.sendCode< / a > , < a href = "/method/account.registerDevice" > account.registerDevice< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema" id = "schema" name = "schema" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema< / h4 >
< pre > < code > ---functions---
< a href = '/method/auth.sendCode' > auth.sendCode< / a > phone_number:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > sms_type:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > api_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > api_hash:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > lang_code:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > = < a href = '/type/auth.SentCode' > auth.SentCode< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/account.registerDevice' > account.registerDevice< / a > token_type:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > token:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > device_model:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > system_version:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > app_version:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > app_sandbox:< a href = '/type/Bool' > Bool< / a > lang_code:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > = < a href = '/type/Bool' > Bool< / a > ;
invokeWithLayer5#417a57ae {X:Type} query:!X = X;< / code > < / pre >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-4" id = "layer-4" name = "layer-4" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=4" > Layer 4< / a > < / h3 >
< p > Added geochats. < a href = "/api/geochats" > More...< / a > < / p >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema-changes" id = "schema-changes" name = "schema-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema changes< / h4 >
< ul >
< li > Added many constructors and methods for geochats.< / li >
< li > Added friends_unread_count field to constructor < a href = "/constructor/updates.state" > updates.state< / a > .< / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema" id = "schema" name = "schema" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema< / h4 >
< pre > < code > < a href = '/constructor/inputGeoChat' > inputGeoChat< / a > chat_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > access_hash:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > = < a href = '/type/InputGeoChat' > InputGeoChat< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/geoChat' > geoChat< / a > id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > access_hash:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > title:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > address:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > geo:< a href = '/type/GeoPoint' > GeoPoint< / a > photo:< a href = '/type/ChatPhoto' > ChatPhoto< / a > participants_count:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > date:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > left:< a href = '/type/Bool' > Bool< / a > version:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/Chat' > Chat< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/geoChatMessageEmpty' > geoChatMessageEmpty< / a > chat_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/GeoChatMessage' > GeoChatMessage< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/geoChatMessage' > geoChatMessage< / a > chat_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > from_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > date:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > message:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > media:< a href = '/type/MessageMedia' > MessageMedia< / a > = < a href = '/type/GeoChatMessage' > GeoChatMessage< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/geoChatMessageService' > geoChatMessageService< / a > chat_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > from_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > date:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > action:< a href = '/type/MessageAction' > MessageAction< / a > = < a href = '/type/GeoChatMessage' > GeoChatMessage< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/geochats.statedMessage' > geochats.statedMessage< / a > message:< a href = '/type/GeoChatMessage' > GeoChatMessage< / a > chats:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/Chat' > Chat< / a > > users:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/User' > User< / a > > seq:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/geochats.StatedMessage' > geochats.StatedMessage< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/geochats.located' > geochats.located< / a > results:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/ChatLocated' > ChatLocated< / a > > messages:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/GeoChatMessage' > GeoChatMessage< / a > > chats:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/Chat' > Chat< / a > > users:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/User' > User< / a > > = < a href = '/type/geochats.Located' > geochats.Located< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/geochats.messages' > geochats.messages< / a > messages:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/GeoChatMessage' > GeoChatMessage< / a > > chats:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/Chat' > Chat< / a > > users:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/User' > User< / a > > = < a href = '/type/geochats.Messages' > geochats.Messages< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/geochats.messagesSlice' > geochats.messagesSlice< / a > count:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > messages:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/GeoChatMessage' > GeoChatMessage< / a > > chats:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/Chat' > Chat< / a > > users:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/User' > User< / a > > = < a href = '/type/geochats.Messages' > geochats.Messages< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/messageActionGeoChatCreate' > messageActionGeoChatCreate< / a > title:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > address:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > = < a href = '/type/MessageAction' > MessageAction< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/messageActionGeoChatCheckin' > messageActionGeoChatCheckin< / a > = < a href = '/type/MessageAction' > MessageAction< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/updateNewGeoChatMessage' > updateNewGeoChatMessage< / a > message:< a href = '/type/GeoChatMessage' > GeoChatMessage< / a > = < a href = '/type/Update' > Update< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/updates.state' > updates.state< / a > pts:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > date:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > seq:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > unread_count:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > friends_unread_count:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/updates.State' > updates.State< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/geochats.getLocated' > geochats.getLocated< / a > geo_point:< a href = '/type/InputGeoPoint' > InputGeoPoint< / a > radius:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > limit:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/geochats.Located' > geochats.Located< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/geochats.checkin' > geochats.checkin< / a > peer:< a href = '/type/InputGeoChat' > InputGeoChat< / a > = < a href = '/type/geochats.StatedMessage' > geochats.StatedMessage< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/geochats.getFullChat' > geochats.getFullChat< / a > peer:< a href = '/type/InputGeoChat' > InputGeoChat< / a > = < a href = '/type/messages.ChatFull' > messages.ChatFull< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/geochats.editChatTitle' > geochats.editChatTitle< / a > peer:< a href = '/type/InputGeoChat' > InputGeoChat< / a > title:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > address:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > = < a href = '/type/geochats.StatedMessage' > geochats.StatedMessage< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/geochats.editChatPhoto' > geochats.editChatPhoto< / a > peer:< a href = '/type/InputGeoChat' > InputGeoChat< / a > photo:< a href = '/type/InputChatPhoto' > InputChatPhoto< / a > = < a href = '/type/geochats.StatedMessage' > geochats.StatedMessage< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/geochats.search' > geochats.search< / a > peer:< a href = '/type/InputGeoChat' > InputGeoChat< / a > q:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > filter:< a href = '/type/MessagesFilter' > MessagesFilter< / a > min_date:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > max_date:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > offset:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > max_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > limit:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/geochats.Messages' > geochats.Messages< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/geochats.getHistory' > geochats.getHistory< / a > peer:< a href = '/type/InputGeoChat' > InputGeoChat< / a > offset:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > max_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > limit:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/geochats.Messages' > geochats.Messages< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/geochats.setTyping' > geochats.setTyping< / a > peer:< a href = '/type/InputGeoChat' > InputGeoChat< / a > typing:< a href = '/type/Bool' > Bool< / a > = < a href = '/type/Bool' > Bool< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/geochats.sendMessage' > geochats.sendMessage< / a > peer:< a href = '/type/InputGeoChat' > InputGeoChat< / a > message:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > random_id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > = < a href = '/type/geochats.StatedMessage' > geochats.StatedMessage< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/geochats.sendMedia' > geochats.sendMedia< / a > peer:< a href = '/type/InputGeoChat' > InputGeoChat< / a > media:< a href = '/type/InputMedia' > InputMedia< / a > random_id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > = < a href = '/type/geochats.StatedMessage' > geochats.StatedMessage< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/geochats.createGeoChat' > geochats.createGeoChat< / a > title:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > geo_point:< a href = '/type/InputGeoPoint' > InputGeoPoint< / a > address:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > = < a href = '/type/geochats.StatedMessage' > geochats.StatedMessage< / a > ;
invokeWithLayer4#dea0d430 {X:Type} query:!X = X;< / code > < / pre >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#push-notifications" id = "push-notifications" name = "push-notifications" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Push-notifications< / h4 >
< ul >
< li > Added notification of < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > GEOCHAT_CHECKIN< / a > type -- a user has checked-in in a geochat.< / li >
< / ul >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-3" id = "layer-3" name = "layer-3" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=3" > Layer 3< / a > < / h3 >
< p > Support for link changes for a contact when a message is sent. Now, if user X has user Y in the contact list and if user Y writes a message to user X, number X will become available for him. < a href = "/api/requests" > More...< / a > < / p >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema-changes" id = "schema-changes" name = "schema-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema changes< / h4 >
< ul >
< li > Added constructors < a href = "/constructor/messages.statedMessagesLinks" > messages.statedMessagesLinks< / a > , < a href = "/constructor/messages.statedMessageLink" > messages.statedMessageLink< / a > , < a href = "/constructor/messages.sentMessageLink" > messages.sentMessageLink< / a > . They are completely similar to previous ones except for the links field containing changed links.< / li >
< li > Added events_mask field to constructors < a href = "/constructor/inputPeerNotifySettings" > inputPeerNotifySettings< / a > , < a href = "/constructor/peerNotifySettings" > peerNotifySettings< / a > making possible turning-off PUSH-notifications on image changes.< / li >
< li > Added method < a href = "/method/messages.forwardMessage" > messages.forwardMessage< / a > for sending single messages.< / li >
< li > Added method < a href = "/method/messages.sendBroadcast" > messages.sendBroadcast< / a > for bulky messaging.< / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema" id = "schema" name = "schema" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema< / h4 >
< pre > < code > < a href = '/constructor/messages.statedMessagesLinks' > messages.statedMessagesLinks< / a > messages:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/Message' > Message< / a > > chats:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/Chat' > Chat< / a > > users:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/User' > User< / a > > links:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/contacts.Link' > contacts.Link< / a > > pts:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > seq:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/messages.StatedMessages' > messages.StatedMessages< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/messages.statedMessageLink' > messages.statedMessageLink< / a > message:< a href = '/type/Message' > Message< / a > chats:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/Chat' > Chat< / a > > users:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/User' > User< / a > > links:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/contacts.Link' > contacts.Link< / a > > pts:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > seq:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/messages.StatedMessage' > messages.StatedMessage< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/messages.sentMessageLink' > messages.sentMessageLink< / a > id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > date:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > pts:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > seq:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > links:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/contacts.Link' > contacts.Link< / a > > = < a href = '/type/messages.SentMessage' > messages.SentMessage< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/messages.forwardMessage' > messages.forwardMessage< / a > peer:< a href = '/type/InputPeer' > InputPeer< / a > id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > random_id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > = < a href = '/type/messages.StatedMessage' > messages.StatedMessage< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/messages.sendBroadcast' > messages.sendBroadcast< / a > contacts:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/InputUser' > InputUser< / a > > message:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > media:< a href = '/type/InputMedia' > InputMedia< / a > = < a href = '/type/messages.StatedMessages' > messages.StatedMessages< / a > ;
invokeWithLayer3#b7475268 {X:Type} query:!X = X;< / code > < / pre >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-2" id = "layer-2" name = "layer-2" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=2" > Layer 2< / a > < / h3 >
< p > Support for notifications on changes of contact profile images. It is assumed that receiving such image changed notification a client will add a record on this event in the message history with this contact.< / p >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema-changes" id = "schema-changes" name = "schema-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema changes< / h4 >
< ul >
< li > Added date and previous fields to constructor < a href = "/constructor/updateUserPhoto" > updateUserPhoto< / a > .< / li >
< li > Added events_mask field to constructors < a href = "/constructor/inputPeerNotifySettings" > inputPeerNotifySettings< / a > , < a href = "/constructor/peerNotifySettings" > peerNotifySettings< / a > making possible turning-off PUSH-notifications on image change.< / li >
< li > Added identifier for relevant image to constructor < a href = "/constructor/userProfilePhoto" > userProfilePhoto< / a > .< / li >
< li > Added method < a href = "/method/photos.getUserPhotos" > photos.getUserPhotos< / a > to get a history of previous profile images.< / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema" id = "schema" name = "schema" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema< / h4 >
< pre > < code > < a href = '/constructor/inputPeerNotifySettings' > inputPeerNotifySettings< / a > mute_until:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > sound:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > show_previews:< a href = '/type/Bool' > Bool< / a > events_mask:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/InputPeerNotifySettings' > InputPeerNotifySettings< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/peerNotifySettings' > peerNotifySettings< / a > mute_until:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > sound:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > show_previews:< a href = '/type/Bool' > Bool< / a > events_mask:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/PeerNotifySettings' > PeerNotifySettings< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/updateUserPhoto' > updateUserPhoto< / a > user_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > date:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > photo:< a href = '/type/UserProfilePhoto' > UserProfilePhoto< / a > previous:< a href = '/type/Bool' > Bool< / a > = < a href = '/type/Update' > Update< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/userProfilePhoto' > userProfilePhoto< / a > photo_id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > photo_small:< a href = '/type/FileLocation' > FileLocation< / a > photo_big:< a href = '/type/FileLocation' > FileLocation< / a > = < a href = '/type/UserProfilePhoto' > UserProfilePhoto< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/photos.getUserPhotos' > photos.getUserPhotos< / a > user_id:< a href = '/type/InputUser' > InputUser< / a > offset:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > max_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > limit:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/photos.Photos' > photos.Photos< / a > ;
invokeWithLayer2#289dd1f6 {X:Type} query:!X = X;< / code > < / pre >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#push-notifications" id = "push-notifications" name = "push-notifications" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Push-notifications< / h4 >
< ul >
< li > Added notification of < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CONTACT_PHOTO< / a > type -- a contact has changed profile image.< / li >
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