<divid="dev_page_content"><p>Bots may <ahref="/bots/api#loginurl">ask users to login to a certain website via Telegram</a> when clicking on certain URL buttons in inline keyboards.</p>
<p>When the user clicks on <ahref="/constructor/keyboardButtonUrlAuth">keyboardButtonUrlAuth</a>, <ahref="/method/messages.requestUrlAuth">messages.requestUrlAuth</a> should be called, providing the <code>button_id</code> of the button and the ID and peer of the container message.
The returned <ahref="/constructor/urlAuthResultRequest">urlAuthResultRequest</a> object will contain more details about the authorization request:</p>
<li>The <code>domain</code> parameter will contain the domain name of the website on which the user will log in (example: <em>comments.app</em>).</li>
<li>The <code>bot</code> parameter will contain info about the bot which will be used for user authorization (example: <em>DiscussBot</em>).</li>
<li>The <code>request_write_access</code> will be set if the bot would like to send messages to the user.</li>
<p>If the user agrees to login to the URL, <ahref="/method/messages.acceptUrlAuth">messages.acceptUrlAuth</a> should be called (eventually setting the <code>write_allowed</code> if the permission was requested and the user consented).
The result will be a <ahref="/constructor/urlAuthResultAccepted">urlAuthResultAccepted</a> with the final URL to open, which will include a query string with the requested info and a hash that <ahref="/widgets/login#receiving-authorization-data">must be verified upon receival by the service</a>.</p>
<p><ahref="/constructor/urlAuthResultDefault">urlAuthResultDefault</a> could also be returned, instead, in which case the <code>url</code> of the <ahref="/constructor/keyboardButtonUrlAuth">keyboardButtonUrlAuth</a> must be opened, instead.
The same must be done if the user opens the link while refusing the authorization request.</p></div>
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