<metaproperty="og:description"content="Channels can unlock posting stories with a new boost system, while stories get upgraded with reaction stickers, music and more.">
<ahref="/file/400780400348/1/4a6fBt8nahE.477526/319aff2883e2b565f9"target="_blank"><imgsrc="/file/400780400873/1/yQiyKrn7_NE.258715/33a6d6c835c123263a"srcset="/file/400780400348/1/4a6fBt8nahE.477526/319aff2883e2b565f9, 1200w"title="A view of channel boosters separating in the storysphere."alt="Introducing Stories for Channels, Your Music in Stories and More"/></a>
<p>Last month we celebrated Telegram's <strong>10th birthday</strong>, with <ahref="https://telegram.org/blog/stories">Stories</a> for cake. With this update, <strong>channels</strong> can start posting stories too, thanks to a new <strong>boost system</strong>. Stories now have <strong>reaction stickers</strong> and the option to <strong>add your own music</strong>. We've also added a <strong>View Once</strong> setting to self-destructing media, <strong>better login alerts</strong>, and several stories with cats wearing watermelons.</p>
<h4><aclass="anchor"name="stories-for-channels"href="#stories-for-channels"><iclass="anchor-icon"></i></a>Stories for Channels</h4>
<p>Telegram users can grant their favorite <strong>channels</strong> the ability to <strong>post stories</strong> by giving them <strong>boosts</strong>. Telegram Premium now includes <strong>one boost</strong> that can be assigned to <strong>any channel</strong>.</p>
<p>Channels <strong>level up</strong> as they gain more boosts – and for each level, they can post <strong>1 additional story</strong> per day to their subscribers' story feeds. Once more, Telegram users are in control: choosing which channel admins may spam them with food photos — and even the number of meals per day!</p>
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<videoclass="blog_video_player tl_blog_vid_autoplay"onclick="videoTogglePlay(this)"autoplayloopcontrolsmutedposter="/file/400780400369/1/tKTlLSZysy4.119433/11818e23ae0e46bfa4"style="max-width: 600px;"title="5 more boosts and we will post the pineapple house story, 50 more boosts and we will build a real pineapple house."alt="Stories for Channels">
<p>Channels can ask subscribers for boosts using a <strong>special link</strong> like <em>t.me/durov?boost</em> (a teaser-trailer won't hurt either). To get the <strong>boost link</strong> for your channel and see how many you need to level up, go to <em>Channel Info > More > Statistics > Boosts.</em> Getting to <strong>level 10</strong> gives your channel <strong>+15</strong> resistance to trolls and unlocks unique admin skins.</p>
<divclass="blog_image_wrap blog_wide_image_wrap">
<ahref="/file/400780400265/1/CbTAWgppjhU.65106/4418680adaabd3b1f5"target="_blank"><imgsrc="/file/400780400265/1/CbTAWgppjhU.65106/4418680adaabd3b1f5"title="I boost this channel because I like it, not because it belongs to my boss."alt="Channel admins can post stories "srcset="/file/400780400265/1/CbTAWgppjhU.65106/4418680adaabd3b1f5 , 2x"/></a>
<p>Once your channel unlocks stories, admins with the relevant rights who have a <em>Telegram Premium</em> subscription can post by tapping the <imgclass="icon"src="/file/400780400744/1/mEWPFsgxVok.2846/286053a6659ff0c569"alt="Post Story Icon"> on the Channel Info page.</p>
<p>Admins will also see a <em>'Post Story As'</em> option when posting stories from their chat list. (So remind them to check where they're sending those noodles, maybe.)</p>
<h4><aclass="anchor"name="reaction-stickers-in-stories"href="#reaction-stickers-in-stories"><iclass="anchor-icon"></i></a>Reaction Stickers in Stories</h4>
<p>Both users and channels can add <strong>reaction stickers</strong> to their stories – letting viewers respond with even more emoji in <strong>just one tap</strong>. Stories posted by channels display <strong>reaction counters</strong>, showing how many people chose each emotion. (Yes, jellyfish and moose are emotions <imgclass="emoji"src="//telegram.org/img/emoji/40/F09F9984.png"width="20"height="20"alt="🙄"/>)</p>
<divclass="blog_video_player_wrap"style="max-width: 600px; margin: 20px auto 20px;">
<videoclass="blog_video_player tl_blog_vid_autoplay"onclick="videoTogglePlay(this)"autoplayloopcontrolsmutedposter="/file/400780400951/1/AEnuhyIyTcQ.71044/b7cd48ed03c16fdf5f"style="max-width: 600px;"title="It's extra satisfying if you hit the reaction button with the beat."alt="Reaction Stickers and Music in Stories">
<p>To add a reaction sticker, tap the <imgclass="emoji"src="//telegram.org/img/emoji/40/F09F92AD.png"width="20"height="20"alt="💭"/> icon in the sticker panel, then <strong>choose an emoji</strong> from the dozens of options in the window. Premium subscribers can use any of their <ahref="https://telegram.org/blog/custom-emoji#custom-animated-emoji">custom emoji</a> as well. Except the sloth. Nobody may use that one, you have been warned!</p>
<p>Everyone can add <strong>1 reaction sticker</strong> to each story, while Premium users are able to add <strong>up to 5</strong>.</p>
<h4><aclass="anchor"name="your-music-in-stories"href="#your-music-in-stories"><iclass="anchor-icon"></i></a>Your Music in Stories</h4>
<p>Audio files <strong>on your device</strong> can be used in photo and video stories – allowing you to create content with <strong>custom soundtracks</strong>, <strong>narration</strong> and proper rickrolls.</p>
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<videoclass="blog_video_player tl_blog_vid_autoplay"onclick="videoTogglePlay(this)"autoplayloopcontrolsmutedposter="/file/400780400674/1/HlGWyIespX4.67514/a68db29c77332a5ac7"style="max-width: 600px;"title="And the winner for Best Original Score is... "alt="Your Music for Stories">
<p>From the sticker panel, tap <em>'Audio'</em> and select a file, then adjust the track to select any section. In video stories you can <strong>keep the original sound</strong> as well as move your added audio track to <strong>any point</strong>– like a <em>BADUMMM-TSSSS!</em> in the middle, or a bit of outro music.</p>
<p>Speaking of noodles, Telegram added self-destructing media way back <ahref="https://telegram.org/evolution#october-2013">in 2013</a>. Now it is even easier to use, has a new look, and a new <strong>View Once</strong> setting.</p>
<p>In any 1-on-1 chat, tapping <imgclass="icon"src="/file/400780400101/1/zu4w5S-1Nso.2720/0c1e72ec8a995c6e1b"alt="the View Once Icon"> in the media editor lets you choose <strong>how long</strong> your photo or video will be visible after opening – from <strong>View Once</strong> to <strong>30 seconds</strong>. View-Once media is <strong>permanently deleted</strong> from the chat when the recipient opens it.</p>
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<videoclass="blog_video_player tl_blog_vid_autoplay"onclick="videoTogglePlay(this)"autoplayloopcontrolsmutedposter="/file/400780400298/1/YHrqFPyVQE8.43464/870613d22e5ecc771d"style="max-width: 600px;"title="Object permanence isn't for everyone."alt="View-Once Media">
<p>Like for all self-destructing media, <strong>saving</strong> and <strong>taking screenshots</strong> will not work for view-once media. We'll also try to Neuralyze anyone with a photographic memory — unless they're wearing sunglasses.</p>
<p>Whenever someone logs in to your account, Telegram sends a notification to <strong>all your devices</strong>. To make this even more noticeable, new logins now display this alert <strong>at the top of your chat list</strong>. No. Pressure. At. All.</p>
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<p>If you didn't log in on a new device, tap <em>'No, it's not me!'</em> to <strong>instantly secure your account</strong>. Just make sure you don't jump to conclusions if it's Sunday morning.</p>
<p>You can review all devices that currently have access to your messages in <em>Settings > Devices</em>.</p>
<p>For an extra layer of protection, you can add a <ahref="https://t.me/TelegramTips/67">Two-Step Verification</a> password in <em>Settings > Privacy and Security > Two-Step Verification</em>.</p>
<p><strong>Never</strong> enter login codes or your password <strong>anywhere</strong> except when you are logging in to Telegram to access your chats!</p>
<p>The developers also added <strong>dozens of bug fixes</strong> and optimizations. <em>iOS</em> users will notice that <strong>sending videos</strong> has improved – it is now <strong>faster</strong> and the progress bar is <strong>more accurate</strong>. <em>Android</em> users will notice <strong>increased performance</strong> when viewing <strong>spoiler animations</strong>, including <ahref="#view-once-media">view-once</a> and <ahref="https://telegram.org/blog/hidden-media-zero-storage-profile-pics#hidden-media">hidden media</a>. Blackberry and Windows Phone users will notice they have been extinct for the past decade.</p>
<p>And that's all for today, we'll be working on the next update while you're watching channel stories. Bon Appetit!</p>
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