<metaproperty="og:description"content="Large communities on Telegram frequently use polls to coordinate their activities and stay in touch with their constituents. Today, we're rolling out a dedicated tool for polls.">
<p>Large communities on Telegram frequently use <strong>polls</strong> to coordinate their activities and stay in touch with their members. Today, we're rolling out a <strong>dedicated tool</strong> for polls in addition to existing bots like <ahref="https://t.me/vote">@vote</a>. We hope the new built-in polls will be a welcome addition to groups with <strong>100,000</strong> members and channels with <strong>millions</strong> of subscribers.</p>
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<p>Polls can be <strong>forwarded</strong> to increase reach and <strong>pinned</strong> for better visibility (and also to notify all members of the community).</p>
<p>At the moment, polls are <strong>anonymous</strong>, meaning that no one can see who voted for what. Going forward, we may introduce non-anonymous polls where the voters lists will be public, but such polls will be explicitly marked as non-anonymous. </p>
<p><ahref="https://telegram.org/blog/200-million">Telegram has your back</a> when it comes to privacy: we never disclose the private data you entrusted us with to third parties and never monetize it.</p>
<h4><aclass="anchor"name="image-search-and-other-improvements-on-ios"href="#image-search-and-other-improvements-on-ios"><iclass="anchor-icon"></i></a>Image Search and Other Improvements on iOS</h4>
<p>Back to more mundane matters, you can use <strong>Web Search</strong> again to find images when sending <em>Photo & Video</em> attachments or choosing profile pictures in our iOS app. Setting a Grinch avatar for Christmas has never been easier:</p>
<p><ahref="https://telegram.org/blog/translations-iv2#the-great-ios-bug-hunt">The Great iOS Bug Hunt</a> goes on and the app received numerous fixes in version <strong>5.1.1</strong>.</p>
<p>To name a few improvements: Clearing the cache in <em>Settings > Data and Storage > Storage Usage</em> now correctly <strong>reduces</strong> the <strong>space</strong> taken by the app. Files and media will <strong>keep downloading</strong> for a while after you close the app. You will see <strong>detailed progress</strong> when downloading and uploading files. We've also added <strong>online indicators</strong> for the ‘People’ section in search results.</p>
<ahref="https://t.me/share/url?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftelegram.org%2Fblog%2Fpolls&text=Telegram%205.1%20introduces%20a%20dedicated%20tool%20for%20polls.%20"class="tl_telegram_share_btn"id="tl_telegram_share_btn"data-text="Telegram 5.1 introduces a dedicated tool for polls. "data-url="https://telegram.org/blog/polls"><iclass="tl_telegram_share_icon"></i><spanclass="tl_telegram_share_label"target="_blank">Forward</span></a>
<ahref="https://twitter.com/share"class="tl_twitter_share_btn"id="tl_twitter_share_btn"data-text="Telegram 5.1 introduces a dedicated tool for polls. "data-url="https://telegram.org/blog/polls"data-via="Telegram">Tweet <spanclass="tl_twitter_share_cnt"></span></a>
<h4class="dev_blog_card_title">Group Video Calls</h4>
<divclass="dev_blog_card_lead">Today's update lets you turn on your camera or share your screen during Voice Chats in groups – on all devices, including tablets and desktops. This brings voice chats to a whole new…</div>
<divclass="dev_blog_card_lead">In addition to Group Video Calls, this update adds animated backgrounds and message sending animations, as well as a new menu button for bots, new ways to import stickers, reminders…</div>
<h4class="dev_blog_card_title">Payments 2.0, Scheduled Voice Chats, New Web Versions</h4>
<divclass="dev_blog_card_lead">This update brings Payments 2.0 for all Telegram chats, Scheduling and Mini Profiles for Voice Chats, new versions of Telegram Web for…</div>
<h4class="dev_blog_card_title">Voice Chats 2.0: Channels, Millions of Listeners, Recorded Chats, Admin Tools</h4>
<divclass="dev_blog_card_lead">Voice Chats first appeared in December, adding a new dimension of live talk to Telegram groups. Starting today, they become available in…</div>
<divclass="dev_blog_card_date">Mar 19, 2021</div>
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