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< p > Telegram allows pinning multiple messages on top of a specific chat. < / p >
< pre > < code > < a href = '/constructor/message' > message< / a > #38116ee0 flags:< a href = '/type/%23' > #< / a > out:flags.1?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > mentioned:flags.4?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > media_unread:flags.5?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > silent:flags.13?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > post:flags.14?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > from_scheduled:flags.18?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > legacy:flags.19?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > edit_hide:flags.21?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > pinned:flags.24?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > noforwards:flags.26?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > from_id:flags.8?< a href = '/type/Peer' > Peer< / a > peer_id:< a href = '/type/Peer' > Peer< / a > fwd_from:flags.2?< a href = '/type/MessageFwdHeader' > MessageFwdHeader< / a > via_bot_id:flags.11?< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > reply_to:flags.3?< a href = '/type/MessageReplyHeader' > MessageReplyHeader< / a > date:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > message:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > media:flags.9?< a href = '/type/MessageMedia' > MessageMedia< / a > reply_markup:flags.6?< a href = '/type/ReplyMarkup' > ReplyMarkup< / a > entities:flags.7?< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/MessageEntity' > MessageEntity< / a > > views:flags.10?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > forwards:flags.10?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > replies:flags.23?< a href = '/type/MessageReplies' > MessageReplies< / a > edit_date:flags.15?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > post_author:flags.16?< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > grouped_id:flags.17?< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > reactions:flags.20?< a href = '/type/MessageReactions' > MessageReactions< / a > restriction_reason:flags.22?< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/RestrictionReason' > RestrictionReason< / a > > ttl_period:flags.25?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/Message' > Message< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/updatePinnedMessages' > updatePinnedMessages< / a > #ed85eab5 flags:< a href = '/type/%23' > #< / a > pinned:flags.0?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > peer:< a href = '/type/Peer' > Peer< / a > messages:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > > pts:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > pts_count:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/Update' > Update< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/updatePinnedChannelMessages' > updatePinnedChannelMessages< / a > #5bb98608 flags:< a href = '/type/%23' > #< / a > pinned:flags.0?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > channel_id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > messages:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > > pts:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > pts_count:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/Update' > Update< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/messages.updatePinnedMessage' > messages.updatePinnedMessage< / a > #d2aaf7ec flags:< a href = '/type/%23' > #< / a > silent:flags.0?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > unpin:flags.1?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > pm_oneside:flags.2?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > peer:< a href = '/type/InputPeer' > InputPeer< / a > id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > = < a href = '/type/Updates' > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/messages.unpinAllMessages' > messages.unpinAllMessages< / a > #f025bc8b peer:< a href = '/type/InputPeer' > InputPeer< / a > = < a href = '/type/messages.AffectedHistory' > messages.AffectedHistory< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/messages.getMessages' > messages.getMessages< / a > #63c66506 id:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/InputMessage' > InputMessage< / a > > = < a href = '/type/messages.Messages' > messages.Messages< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/channels.getMessages' > channels.getMessages< / a > #ad8c9a23 channel:< a href = '/type/InputChannel' > InputChannel< / a > id:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/InputMessage' > InputMessage< / a > > = < a href = '/type/messages.Messages' > messages.Messages< / a > ;< / code > < / pre >
< p > The < a href = "/method/messages.updatePinnedMessage" > messages.updatePinnedMessage< / a > method can be used to pin or unpin a specific message in an arbitrary chat.< br >
The < code > unpin< / code > flags specifies whether to unpin or pin the message, and < code > pm_oneside< / code > specifies whether the message should only be pinned on the local side of a one-to-one chat. < / p >
< p > < a href = "/method/messages.unpinAllMessages" > messages.unpinAllMessages< / a > can be used to unpin all messages in a chat. < / p >
< p > When (un)pinning messages, a < a href = "/constructor/updatePinnedMessages" > updatePinnedMessages< / a > or < a href = "/constructor/updatePinnedChannelMessages" > updatePinnedChannelMessages< / a > update will be emitted, containing IDs of pinned or unpinned messages. < / p >
< p > Pinned messages will also have the will also have the < code > pinned< / code > flag of < a href = "/constructor/message" > message< / a > set.< / p >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#getting-pinned-messages" id = "getting-pinned-messages" name = "getting-pinned-messages" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Getting pinned messages< / h3 >
< pre > < code > < a href = '/constructor/userFull' > userFull< / a > #cf366521 flags:< a href = '/type/%23' > #< / a > blocked:flags.0?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > phone_calls_available:flags.4?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > phone_calls_private:flags.5?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > can_pin_message:flags.7?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > has_scheduled:flags.12?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > video_calls_available:flags.13?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > about:flags.1?< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > settings:< a href = '/type/PeerSettings' > PeerSettings< / a > profile_photo:flags.2?< a href = '/type/Photo' > Photo< / a > notify_settings:< a href = '/type/PeerNotifySettings' > PeerNotifySettings< / a > bot_info:flags.3?< a href = '/type/BotInfo' > BotInfo< / a > pinned_msg_id:flags.6?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > common_chats_count:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > folder_id:flags.11?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > ttl_period:flags.14?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > theme_emoticon:flags.15?< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > private_forward_name:flags.16?< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > = < a href = '/type/UserFull' > UserFull< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/chatFull' > chatFull< / a > #d18ee226 flags:< a href = '/type/%23' > #< / a > can_set_username:flags.7?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > has_scheduled:flags.8?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > about:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > participants:< a href = '/type/ChatParticipants' > ChatParticipants< / a > chat_photo:flags.2?< a href = '/type/Photo' > Photo< / a > notify_settings:< a href = '/type/PeerNotifySettings' > PeerNotifySettings< / a > exported_invite:flags.13?< a href = '/type/ExportedChatInvite' > ExportedChatInvite< / a > bot_info:flags.3?< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/BotInfo' > BotInfo< / a > > pinned_msg_id:flags.6?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > folder_id:flags.11?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > call:flags.12?< a href = '/type/InputGroupCall' > InputGroupCall< / a > ttl_period:flags.14?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > groupcall_default_join_as:flags.15?< a href = '/type/Peer' > Peer< / a > theme_emoticon:flags.16?< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > requests_pending:flags.17?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > recent_requesters:flags.17?< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > > available_reactions:flags.18?< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > > = < a href = '/type/ChatFull' > ChatFull< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/channelFull' > channelFull< / a > #e13c3d20 flags:< a href = '/type/%23' > #< / a > can_view_participants:flags.3?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > can_set_username:flags.6?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > can_set_stickers:flags.7?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > hidden_prehistory:flags.10?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > can_set_location:flags.16?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > has_scheduled:flags.19?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > can_view_stats:flags.20?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > blocked:flags.22?< a href = '/constructor/true' > true< / a > id:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > about:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > participants_count:flags.0?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > admins_count:flags.1?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > kicked_count:flags.2?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > banned_count:flags.2?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > online_count:flags.13?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > read_inbox_max_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > read_outbox_max_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > unread_count:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > chat_photo:< a href = '/type/Photo' > Photo< / a > notify_settings:< a href = '/type/PeerNotifySettings' > PeerNotifySettings< / a > exported_invite:flags.23?< a href = '/type/ExportedChatInvite' > ExportedChatInvite< / a > bot_info:< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/BotInfo' > BotInfo< / a > > migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > pinned_msg_id:flags.5?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > stickerset:flags.8?< a href = '/type/StickerSet' > StickerSet< / a > available_min_id:flags.9?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > folder_id:flags.11?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > linked_chat_id:flags.14?< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > location:flags.15?< a href = '/type/ChannelLocation' > ChannelLocation< / a > slowmode_seconds:flags.17?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > slowmode_next_send_date:flags.18?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > stats_dc:flags.12?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > pts:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > call:flags.21?< a href = '/type/InputGroupCall' > InputGroupCall< / a > ttl_period:flags.24?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > pending_suggestions:flags.25?< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > > groupcall_default_join_as:flags.26?< a href = '/type/Peer' > Peer< / a > theme_emoticon:flags.27?< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > requests_pending:flags.28?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > recent_requesters:flags.28?< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > > default_send_as:flags.29?< a href = '/type/Peer' > Peer< / a > available_reactions:flags.30?< a href = '/type/Vector%20t' > Vector< / a > < < a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > > = < a href = '/type/ChatFull' > ChatFull< / a > ;
< a href = '/constructor/inputMessagesFilterPinned' > inputMessagesFilterPinned< / a > #1bb00451 = < a href = '/type/MessagesFilter' > MessagesFilter< / a > ;
< a href = '/method/messages.search' > messages.search< / a > #a0fda762 flags:< a href = '/type/%23' > #< / a > peer:< a href = '/type/InputPeer' > InputPeer< / a > q:< a href = '/type/string' > string< / a > from_id:flags.0?< a href = '/type/InputPeer' > InputPeer< / a > top_msg_id:flags.1?< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > filter:< a href = '/type/MessagesFilter' > MessagesFilter< / a > min_date:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > max_date:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > offset_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > add_offset:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > limit:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > max_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > min_id:< a href = '/type/int' > int< / a > hash:< a href = '/type/long' > long< / a > = < a href = '/type/messages.Messages' > messages.Messages< / a > ;< / code > < / pre >
< p > The < code > pinned_msg_id< / code > of < a href = "/constructor/userFull" > userFull< / a > , < a href = "/constructor/chatFull" > chatFull< / a > , < a href = "/constructor/channelFull" > channelFull< / a > contains the ID of only the latest pinned message.< br >
To obtain a full list, use < a href = "/method/messages.search" > messages.search< / a > with < a href = "/constructor/inputMessagesFilterPinned" > inputMessagesFilterPinned< / a > filter. < / p > < / div >
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