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2022-02-23 05:45:45 +00:00
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<h1 id="dev_page_title">Hyper-Speed Scrolling and Calendar View for Shared Media, Join Requests, Global Chat Themes on iOS and More</h1>
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<p>Today&#39;s update brings new ways to find memories in shared media with <strong>high-speed scrolling</strong> and a <strong>calendar view</strong>, an <strong>admin approval</strong> setting for invite links, <strong>global chat themes</strong> for your entire app, and more.</p>
<h3><a class="anchor" name="hyper-speed-scrolling-for-shared-media" href="#hyper-speed-scrolling-for-shared-media"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Hyper-Speed Scrolling for Shared Media</h3>
<p>Every Telegram user has unlimited cloud storage and each chat has a <strong>Shared Media</strong> page that shows all the <strong>photos, videos, files</strong> and <strong>music</strong> that have been sent there. We&#39;ve added a new <strong>date bar</strong> on the side of the page, which you can drag up and down to scroll through shared media faster.</p>
<div class="blog_video_player_wrap" style="max-width: 400px; margin: 20px auto 20px;">
<video class="blog_video_player tl_blog_vid_autoplay" onclick="videoTogglePlay(this)" autoplay loop controls muted poster="/file/464001615/4/Zdd6TEI2WKI.488604/00a31bb72199ebe22a" style="max-width: 400px;" title="It's like your own personal DeLorean with 1.21 gigawatts of time-travel torque." alt="High-speed scrolling and calendar view in Shared Media">
<source src="/file/464001239/1/4mfVdzomzDE.8755760.mp4/aa6ea9ad9d1baa6b17" type="video/mp4">
<p>To get a better look, pinch to <strong>zoom in and out</strong>, so you can see anywhere from 2 big thumbnails to a dozen small squares per row. </p>
<h3><a class="anchor" name="calendar-view-for-shared-media" href="#calendar-view-for-shared-media"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Calendar View for Shared Media</h3>
<p>To quickly find media from a specific time, tap on the date bar to open a <strong>calendar interface</strong> with media previews for each day then tap to see all the media from that date.</p>
<div class="blog_image_wrap blog_medium_image_wrap">
<a href="/file/464001551/2/WVaYuYOZoZU.716311/9634d785cf86c471b5" target="_blank"><img src="/file/464001551/2/WVaYuYOZoZU.716311/9634d785cf86c471b5" title="A quick way to jump to ANY Friday the 13th." alt="Calendar view in shared media" srcset="/file/464001551/2/WVaYuYOZoZU.716311/9634d785cf86c471b5 , 2x" /></a>
<p>In addition to the new tools for jumping between past and present, you can now <strong>filter shared media</strong> to show only photos, only videos, or both.</p>
<div class="blog_image_wrap blog_medium_image_wrap">
<a href="/file/464001725/3/g734ZvUEeVI.857168/546b6f28451abc92c8" target="_blank"><img src="/file/464001725/3/g734ZvUEeVI.857168/546b6f28451abc92c8" title="Where we're going, we don't need photos." alt="New menu with filtering options" srcset="/file/464001725/3/g734ZvUEeVI.857168/546b6f28451abc92c8 , 2x" /></a>
<p>To view shared media, simply tap the header at the top of your screen in any chat and scroll down. To open the new menu, tap <img class="icon" src="/file/464001466/3/TUYKwGzdaIM.984/c472ac8f01ebdd57c8" alt="Menu Android"> on Android or <img class="icon" src="/file/464001448/2/VHd-rEO8AMI.2898/1d9c403b5d0d54dbb0" alt="Menu iOS"> on iOS.</p>
<h3><a class="anchor" name="join-requests-for-groups-and-channels" href="#join-requests-for-groups-and-channels"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Join Requests for Groups and Channels</h3>
<p>Invite links let you give users the opportunity to join your group or channel on their own time whether you share the link privately or turn it into a <a href="">QR code</a> on a billboard is up to you. When you create <strong>additional invite links</strong> for your chat, there is now a <strong>Request Admin Approval</strong> setting, which gives admins more control over who is able to join and see the chat.</p>
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<video class="blog_video_player tl_blog_vid_autoplay" onclick="videoTogglePlay(this)" autoplay loop controls muted poster="/file/464001940/5/GLiYqv39fkM.218064/85a6c8b2a5bbdc9eee" style="max-width: 400px;" title="No costume — no party!" alt="Join requests for groups and channels">
<source src="/file/464001570/2/XCFBwC6srA0.9911661.mp4/c7267341f1d6e73e6c" type="video/mp4">
<p>When a user opens a link with Admin Approval turned on, they will see a button to send a <strong>join request</strong> that admins can manage from a new bar at the top of the chat. From there, admins can view an applicant&#39;s public <strong>profile pictures</strong> and <strong>bio</strong>, then approve or dismiss their request.</p>
<p>For example, you could post an invite link to your poetry channel on social media then approve only your close friends and people in purple to see your writing.</p>
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<a href="LARGE" target="_blank"><img src="SMALL" title="This is how vampires feel in front of every damn door." alt="Invite link with approval enabled, as seen by the joining user" srcset="LARGE , 2x" /></a>
<h3><a class="anchor" name="unique-names-for-invite-links" href="#unique-names-for-invite-links"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Unique Names for Invite Links</h3>
<p>Admin Approval can be applied to <strong>any link</strong> in the &#39;Additional Invite Links&#39; section we&#39;ve also added the ability to give all of those links <strong>unique names</strong>, so you can label them for better organization.</p>
<div class="blog_image_wrap blog_medium_image_wrap">
<a href="/file/464001394/1/HW4Bu5RBXrM.44816/930328e9e61b2fda4a" target="_blank"><img src="/file/464001472/3/tyiKRNKUmBs.19037/ad56d2a7f878f9ff2a" title="Now that we're safely in November, you no longer have to name your links Beelzebub, Semihazah, Azazel, Belial, etc." alt="List of invite links with custom names visible only to admins" srcset="/file/464001394/1/HW4Bu5RBXrM.44816/930328e9e61b2fda4a , 2x" /></a>
<p>Link names will be especially helpful if you&#39;re using all the different options that exist for invite links, such as <a href="">limits on duration, number of uses</a>, etc.</p>
<h3><a class="anchor" name="global-chat-themes-on-ios" href="#global-chat-themes-on-ios"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Global Chat Themes on iOS</h3>
<p>Our last update introduced <a href="">8 new themes</a> that you could set for individual chats and now they&#39;re available for your <strong>entire app</strong> on iOS (with Android soon to follow). Appearance Settings have been <strong>fully redesigned</strong>, giving these themes center stage. Built by the Telegram Team, every theme has a <strong>Day</strong> and <strong>Night mode</strong>, colorful animated background and gradient message bubbles.</p>
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<video class="blog_video_player tl_blog_vid_autoplay" onclick="videoTogglePlay(this)" autoplay loop controls muted poster="/file/464001866/4/N8eVGAnGveY.70659/cc02f9ad2601d73b56" style="max-width: 400px;" title="We keep mistaking the teacher emoji for count Dracula because the blackboard behind his back looks so much like a raised collar." alt="New chat themes and redesigned appearance settings">
<source src="/file/464001438/1/YXiXwpHAL6M.3885852.mp4/7378e62ae8a1600102" type="video/mp4">
<p>Like all themes, you can <strong>personalize</strong> these designs and tweak the colors or change the pattern. For more options and custom settings, tap Chat Themes to <strong>edit</strong> and <strong>share</strong> your creations.</p>
### Global Chat Themes
Our last update introduced [8 new themes]( that you could set for individual chats and now they're available for your **entire app**. The Chat Settings *(Android)* and Appearance *(iOS)* pages have been **fully redesigned**, giving these themes center stage. Built by the Telegram Team, every theme has a **Day** and **Night mode**, colorful animated background and gradient message bubbles.
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<video class="blog_video_player tl_blog_vid_autoplay" onclick="videoTogglePlay(this)" autoplay loop controls muted poster="PHOTO" style="max-width: 400px;" title="TITLE" alt="New chat themes and redesigned appearance settings">
<source src="VIDEO" type="video/mp4">
Like all themes, you can **personalize** these designs and tweak the colors or change the pattern. For more options and custom settings, tap Chat Themes to **edit** and **share** your creations.
<h3><a class="anchor" name="transit-times-for-shared-locations-on-ios" href="#transit-times-for-shared-locations-on-ios"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Transit Times for Shared Locations on iOS</h3>
<p>You can show where you are or where you&#39;re headed by sending a location from the attachment menu <img class="icon" src="/file/464001085/2/E4hNXSNQimQ.2503/bf6ffcab3cb3afd43d" alt="Attach"> in the message bar. Tapping a shared location pulls up a map of the area which now shows you the travel time to get there by <strong><img class="icon" src="/file/464001684/2/xeGzuWUSoW8.1964/faf9f049416ced18a3" alt="Foot"> foot</strong>, <strong><img class="icon" src="/file/464001637/4/7LAuyfl1gvI.1942/48bf3a3155d115beef" alt="Car"> car</strong>, or <strong><img class="icon" src="/file/464001302/3/b-m7hNQbhJk.2269/1e7b9effdc1be88b7d" alt="Public Transport"> public transport</strong>. To see <strong>detailed directions</strong> or get a taxi to the location, tap on the travel time to open it in your preferred app.</p>
<div class="blog_image_wrap blog_medium_image_wrap">
<a href="/file/464001450/6/C3DsulNUqf8.87013/d265046c75475a071f" target="_blank"><img src="/file/464001286/4/gaS0zlqsh7w.36642/e11bfdc4485d464b02" title="Bat and broomstick flight times not included." alt="New transit time buttons on iOS" srcset="/file/464001450/6/C3DsulNUqf8.87013/d265046c75475a071f , 2x" /></a>
<p>Transit times are shown for both <strong>static</strong> and <strong>live locations</strong> so you can see how long it will take to meet your friends while they&#39;re on the move.</p>
<h3><a class="anchor" name="instant-media-captions-for-ios" href="#instant-media-captions-for-ios"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Instant Media Captions for iOS</h3>
<p>The text you type in the message bar now automatically <strong>converts to a caption</strong> when you attach media, so you&#39;ll never have to retype or cut and paste what you just wrote. This also works with <strong>Cloud Drafts</strong> so you can type out the message on your computer, then simply attach the photo from your phone and send it all together.</p>
<div class="blog_video_player_wrap" style="max-width: 400px; margin: 20px auto 20px;">
<video class="blog_video_player tl_blog_vid_autoplay" onclick="videoTogglePlay(this)" autoplay loop controls muted poster="/file/464001589/1/HAlJFdAKNjU.101071/bee58652ae5996b1e4" style="max-width: 400px;" title="Witty caption ideas not included." alt="Draft text becomes a caption after attaching a photo on iOS">
<source src="/file/464001326/3/z_ggDEsbHRw.1855049.mp4/78c422dc827345a2eb" type="video/mp4">
<p>Naturally, both transit times and instant media captions will be added to our <strong>Android</strong> app in the coming updates.</p>
<h3><a class="anchor" name="settings-updated-for-ios-15" href="#settings-updated-for-ios-15"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Settings updated for iOS 15</h3>
<p>Settings on iOS have been redesigned to match the style of iOS 15, including streamlined <strong><img class="icon" src="/file/464001655/4/X4tmK3f1jBk.2065/8934cc21fce91e9f99" alt="Notifications"> Notification</strong> and <strong><img class="icon" src="/file/464001925/3/oRf4KWqBPsc.2104/65004ab18dd2eedd81" alt="Stickers"> Sticker</strong> settings. The <strong><img class="icon" src="/file/464001414/5/-3MUFAeZvTk.1409/79f3d914d139880e2a" alt="Devices"> Devices</strong> section now gives you a clearer overview of your active sessions with <strong>new icons</strong> tap any device to see more details or log out from it remotely.</p>
<div class="blog_video_player_wrap" style="max-width: 400px; margin: 20px auto 20px;">
<video class="blog_video_player tl_blog_vid_autoplay" onclick="videoTogglePlay(this)" autoplay loop controls muted poster="/file/464001213/1/j_kc-3AHosg.230043/f3b7c97aff76ab7f6c" style="max-width: 400px;" title="This video shows the evolution of Settings on iOS, they don't jump around like that when you open the section." alt="Redesigned settings on iOS">
<source src="/file/464001738/3/yXWZL2medLs.9386729.mp4/33bae1683d379d94e2" type="video/mp4">
<p>Remember that locations shown for your devices are based exclusively on their IP addresses. This data is not always accurate, so don&#39;t be surprised if your laptop suddenly travels to Iceland while you&#39;re sleeping.</p>
<h3><a class="anchor" name="more-interactive-emoji" href="#more-interactive-emoji"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>More Interactive Emoji</h3>
<p>This update brings new <strong>interactive emoji</strong>. Send a single <img class="emoji" src="//" width="20" height="20" alt="👻" /> <img class="emoji" src="//" width="20" height="20" alt="👎" /> <img class="emoji" src="//" width="20" height="20" alt="🤮" /> <img class="emoji" src="//" width="20" height="20" alt="😂" /> <img class="emoji" src="//" width="20" height="20" alt="💸" /> or <img class="emoji" src="//" width="20" height="20" alt="🎃" /> in any private chat, then tap the emoji to unleash its <strong>full-screen effect</strong>.</p>
<div class="blog_video_player_wrap" style="max-width: 400px; margin: 20px auto 20px;">
<video class="blog_video_player tl_blog_vid_autoplay" onclick="videoTogglePlay(this)" autoplay loop controls muted poster="/file/464001178/4/wjRHdoIl7zg.246338/d2d6237f926b6b5646" style="max-width: 400px;" title="What hath god wrought, right?" alt="The second batch of interactive emoji">
<source src="/file/464001017/2/RgerP9SPmeM.7738263.mp4/5719b4e35b2d584b9a" type="video/mp4">
<p>If your chat partner also has the chat open, you will <strong>both</strong> see the effects and feel the vibrations <strong>simultaneously</strong>.</p>
<p>As you know from our <a href="">previous update</a>, this magic also works with <img class="emoji" src="//" width="20" height="20" alt="🎆" /> <img class="emoji" src="//" width="20" height="20" alt="🎉" /> <img class="emoji" src="//" width="20" height="20" alt="🎈" /> <img class="emoji" src="//" width="20" height="20" alt="👍" /> <img class="emoji" src="//" width="20" height="20" alt="💩" /> and <img class="emoji" src="//" width="20" height="20" alt="❤️" />.</p>
<p>Winter is coming, but our next update is racing to beat it. Stay tuned!</p>
<p><em>November 3, 2021<br>The Telegram Team</em></p>
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<h4 class="dev_blog_card_title">Reactions, Spoilers, Translation and QR Codes</h4>
<div class="dev_blog_card_lead">Telegram&#39;s 12th update of the year introduces reactions, message translation, themed QR codes, hidden text (spoilers), and more.</div>
<div class="dev_blog_card_date">Dec 30, 2021</div>
</div></a><a class="dev_blog_card_link_wrap" href="/blog/protected-content-delete-by-date-and-more"><div class="dev_blog_card_wrap">
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<div class="dev_blog_card_alltext_wrap">
<h4 class="dev_blog_card_title">Protected Content, Delete by Date, Device Management and More</h4>
<div class="dev_blog_card_lead">Today&#39;s update brings tools to prevent others from saving content from groups and channels, the ability to delete messages for specific…</div>
<div class="dev_blog_card_date">Dec 7, 2021</div>
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