<ahref="/file/811140613/1e87/qfPu-Wj9Ao4.179802/59c66a0298a1f50341"target="_blank"><imgsrc="/file/811140613/1e87/qfPu-Wj9Ao4.179802/59c66a0298a1f50341"title="Introducing Multiple Accounts on Android and Themes on iOS in Version 4.7!"/></a>
<p>Happy winter holidays, everyone! To reinforce the festive mood, we‘re updating Telegram for the second time this December, adding features you’ve been asking for.</p>
<p>With version <strong>4.7</strong> for <ahref="https://telegram.org/dl/ios">iOS</a>, you can change what your Telegram looks like in the new Appearance settings. Choose between four different themes, including a minimalistic one (“Day”) and two dark themes (“Night” and “Night Blue”). The “Day” theme also allows you to pick an accent color for the entire app, like pink or purple.</p>
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<p>The <ahref="https://telegram.org/dl/android">Android app</a> already supported <ahref="https://telegram.org/blog/android-themes">multiple themes</a>, so it had to go further with <strong>4.7</strong> by supporting <strong>multiple accounts</strong>. You can add up to three accounts with different phone numbers to your Telegram app, and then quickly switch between them from the side menu. Notifications will keep coming from all accounts, unless you change this in the Notification settings.</p>
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<p>Telegram now supports <strong>quick replies</strong> on both mobile platforms. To use them, just <strong>swipe left</strong> on any message in a chat. </p>
<h3><aclass="anchor"name="in-case-you-missed-it"href="#in-case-you-missed-it"><iclass="anchor-icon"></i></a>In case you missed it…</h3>
<p>Telegram <strong>4.6</strong>, released earlier this month, introduced new granular settings for auto-downloading media, better link previews, <ahref="https://telegram.org/blog/albums-saved-messages">albums</a> in Secret Chats, improved security, and embeds for messages from public groups and channels. Here’s what an embed of a Telegram message looks like when included on a web page:</p>
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<divclass="dev_blog_card_lead">Starting today, anyone can turn their Telegram account into a business account – and get access to business features, such as opening hours, location, quick replies, automated messages…</div>
<h4class="dev_blog_card_title">Sharing Revenue with Channel Owners</h4>
<divclass="dev_blog_card_lead">Today, we're introducing one of the most generous reward systems in the history of social media. Telegram channel owners can now receive 50% of the revenue from ads displayed in their…</div>
<h4class="dev_blog_card_title">Stories for Groups and 8 More Features</h4>
<divclass="dev_blog_card_lead">Telegram brings conversation in groups to an entire new level with 9 new features that redefine many-to-many communication. Now, groups can publish stories and save them as posts on…</div>
<h4class="dev_blog_card_title">Saved Messages 2.0, One-Time Voice Messages and 8 More Features</h4>
<divclass="dev_blog_card_lead">Throughout January, we added 10 new features to Telegram – including upgraded Saved Messages, one-time voice and video messages that delete…</div>