<p>Before posting a story, clients should invoke <ahref="/method/stories.canSendStory">stories.canSendStory</a>, to make sure they can send stories to the specified <code>peer</code> (which can be <ahref="/constructor/inputPeerSelf">inputPeerSelf</a> to send the story as a normal user and <ahref="/constructor/inputPeerChannel">inputPeerChannel</a> to send a story as a channel). </p>
<p>Use <ahref="/method/stories.getChatsToSend">stories.getChatsToSend</a> to obtain a list of channels where the user can post stories; <ahref="/method/stories.canSendStory">stories.canSendStory</a> must still be used before uploading a story to make sure no other limit was reached, as described in the <ahref="/api/stories#posting-stories">main documentation »</a>.
Note that in order to obtain permission to post stories as a channel, it must be boosted, first, see <ahref="/api/boost">here »</a> for more info. </p>
<p><ahref="/method/stories.canSendStory">stories.canSendStory</a> returns <ahref="/constructor/boolTrue">boolTrue</a> only if:</p>
<li>If we're trying to send a story as a channel:<ul>
<li>The current user is an administrator of the channel and has <ahref="/constructor/chatAdminRights"><code>post_stories</code> admin rights</a>; otherwise, a <code>CHAT_ADMIN_REQUIRED</code> error is returned.</li>
<li>AND the channel has <ahref="/api/boost">received enough boosts to post the story »</a>; otherwise, a <code>BOOSTS_REQUIRED</code> error is returned.</li>
<li>If we're trying to send a story as the current user:<ul>
<li>The user can post stories according to the <ahref="/api/config#stories-posting"><code>stories_posting</code> client configuration parameter</a>; otherwise, a <code>PREMIUM_ACCOUNT_REQUIRED</code> error is returned.</li>
<li>AND The user hasn't hit the maximum active stories limit specified by the <ahref="/api/config#story-expiring-limit-default"><code>story_expiring_limit_*</code> client configuration parameters</a>; otherwise a <code>STORIES_TOO_MUCH</code> error is returned, indicating that the user should buy a <ahref="/api/premium">Premium</a> subscription, delete an active story, or wait for the oldest story to expire.</li>
<li>AND The user hasn't hit the weekly story limit specified by the <ahref="/api/config#stories-sent-weekly-limit-default"><code>stories_sent_weekly_limit_*</code> client configuration parameters</a>; otherwise, a <code>STORY_SEND_FLOOD_WEEKLY_%d</code> error is returned, indicating the number of seconds to wait before posting a new story.</li>
<li>AND The user hasn't hit the monthly story limit specified by the <ahref="/api/config#stories-sent-monthly-limit-default"><code>stories_sent_monthly_limit_*</code> client configuration parameters</a>; otherwise, a <code>STORY_SEND_FLOOD_MONTHLY_%d</code> error is returned, indicating the number of seconds to wait before posting a new story.</li>
<p>After checking if a story can be posted, the client may invoke <ahref="/method/stories.sendStory">stories.sendStory</a> to upload the story.<br>
Note that if any of the conditions changes in the period between the call to <ahref="/method/stories.canSendStory">stories.canSendStory</a> and <ahref="/method/stories.sendStory">stories.sendStory</a> (for example, the user uploads a story from another client, reaching the weekly limit), the same errors listed above for <ahref="/method/stories.canSendStory">stories.canSendStory</a> will be emitted by <ahref="/method/stories.sendStory">stories.sendStory</a>. </p>
<p>The parameters of <ahref="/method/stories.sendStory">stories.sendStory</a> are fully described on the <ahref="/method/stories.sendStory">method page »</a>, here are some of the most important ones:</p>
<li><code>peer</code>: The peer to send the story as.</li>
<li><code>media</code>: The story media.</li>
<li><code>media_areas</code>: <ahref="/api/stories#media-areas">Media areas</a> associated to the story, see <ahref="/api/stories#media-areas">here »</a> for more info.</li>
<li><code>privacy_rules</code>: A set of <ahref="/api/privacy#privacy-rules">privacy rules »</a> for the story as an array of <ahref="/type/InputPrivacyRule">InputPrivacyRule</a> constructors, indicating who can or can't view the story.</li>
<li><code>expire</code>: Period after which the story is moved to <ahref="#pinned-or-archived-stories">archive</a> (and <ahref="#pinned-or-archived-stories">to the profile</a> if <code>pinned</code> is set), in seconds; must be one of <code>6 * 3600</code>, <code>12 * 3600</code>, <code>86400</code>, or <code>2 * 86400</code> for Telegram Premium users, and <code>86400</code> otherwise.</li>
<li><code>pinned</code>: Whether to also <ahref="#pinned-or-archived-stories">add the story to the profile</a> automatically upon expiration. If not set, the story will only be added to the <ahref="#pinned-or-archived-stories">archive</a>. </li>
<li><code>caption</code> and <code>entities</code>: The story caption, and related <ahref="/api/entities">styled text entities</a>; note that the story caption length is limited by the <ahref="/api/config#story-caption-length-limit-default"><code>story_caption_length_limit_*</code> »</a> config keys, and story entities should only be sent and displayed according to the value of the <ahref="/api/config#stories-entities">stories_entities »</a> config key.</li>
<p>Once a story is successfully uploaded, an <ahref="/constructor/updateStoryID">updateStoryID</a> will be returned, indicating the story ID (<code>id</code>) that was attributed to the story (like for messages, <code>random_id</code> indicates the <code>random_id</code> that was passed to <ahref="/method/stories.sendStory">stories.sendStory</a>: this way, you can tell which story was assigned a specific <code>id</code> by checking which <ahref="/method/stories.sendStory">stories.sendStory</a> call has the returned <code>random_id</code>). </p>
<p>Also, posting a story will emit an <ahref="/constructor/updateStory">updateStory</a> both for us, and for our subscribers/contacts (even if they have <ahref="#hiding-stories-of-other-users">hidden</a> our stories). </p>
<p>Additionally, a message containing a <ahref="/constructor/messageMediaStory">messageMediaStory</a> with the <code>via_mention</code> flag coming from the story poster will also be generated automatically if the poster mentions us in the story's caption. </p>
<p>A story may also be edited using <ahref="/method/stories.editStory">stories.editStory</a>. </p>
<h4><aclass="anchor"href="#pinned-or-archived-stories"id="pinned-or-archived-stories"name="pinned-or-archived-stories"><iclass="anchor-icon"></i></a>Pinned or archived stories</h4>
<p>After an active story expires, it is automatically added to the story archive: stories in the story archive are only visible to the poster. </p>
<p>Use <ahref="/method/stories.getStoriesArchive">stories.getStoriesArchive</a> to fetch stories in the story archive. </p>
<p>Archived stories may then be pinned on the profile, where they may be fetched using <ahref="/method/stories.getPinnedStories">stories.getPinnedStories</a> by users who explicitly open your profile: use <ahref="/method/stories.togglePinned">stories.togglePinned</a> to pin or unpin one or more stories to your profile. </p>
<p>Stories may also be autopinned upon expiration if the <code>pinned</code> flag is set <ahref="#posting-stories">when posting them</a>. </p>
<p>Use the <ahref="/method/stories.deleteStories">stories.deleteStories</a> method to delete one or more active, pinned or archived stories by their IDs, passed in <code>id</code>. </p>
<h4><aclass="anchor"href="#preventing-users-from-seeing-your-stories"id="preventing-users-from-seeing-your-stories"name="preventing-users-from-seeing-your-stories"><iclass="anchor-icon"></i></a>Preventing users from seeing your stories</h4>
<p>Users may be individually blocked from seeing all of your stories by adding them to the <ahref="/api/block">story blocklist »</a>. </p>
<p>Active stories of contacts, subscribed channels and the <ahref="/api/config#stories-changelog-user-id">changelog user</a> should be shown in the action bar of the homescreen.<br>
Use <ahref="/method/stories.getAllStories">stories.getAllStories</a> to fetch the full list of active stories. </p>
<p>Optionally, the <code>hidden</code> flag can be set to fetch the <ahref="#hiding-stories-of-other-users">hidden stories to be shown in the archived tab</a>, instead of the main story list. </p>
<p>Pagination using this method is a bit different from usual: a <code>state</code> string is used to maintain the pagination state. </p>
<li>Initially, neither the <code>next</code> or <code>state</code> flags should be set: upon completion of the RPC call, a new <code>state</code> string is returned and should be stored locally, associated either to the main or hidden story list (depending on the value of <code>hidden</code> we passed); pass the locally stored <code>state</code> to all future calls of the method. </li>
<li>If more stories are available, the returned <ahref="/constructor/stories.allStories">stories.allStories</a>.<code>has_more</code> flag will be set: in this case, the client should re-call the method with the newly returned <code>state</code><strong>and</strong> the <code>next</code> flag set to fetch a new <code>state</code> and the remaining stories from the chosen story list; the process should be repeated until no more stories are available (<code>has_more</code> will <strong>not</strong> be set). </li>
<p>Once the full story list is fetched, <ahref="/constructor/stories.allStories">stories.allStories</a> can be called with the stored <code>state</code><strong>without</strong> setting the <code>next</code> flag to check for updates in an active story list: if no changes have occurred since our last call, <ahref="/constructor/stories.allStoriesNotModified">stories.allStoriesNotModified</a> is returned, otherwise <ahref="/constructor/stories.allStories">stories.allStories</a> is returned (possibly requiring further pagination as described above).<br>
Note that a change is currently only defined as an addition or removal (i.e. by moving it to the hidden list or vice versa) of a peer to/from a story list, not as a new story being posted; those changes are received as simple <ahref="/constructor/updateStory">updateStory</a> updates. </p>
<p>Changes to the active stories list are contained in the <ahref="/constructor/stories.allStories">stories.allStories</a>.<code>peer_stories</code> field: this field contains a vector of <ahref="/constructor/peerStories">peerStories</a> constructors, one for each peer, containing the peer ID, the ID of the maximum read story (if any), and a list of <ahref="/type/StoryItem">StoryItem</a> constructors of type:</p>
<li><ahref="/constructor/storyItem">storyItem</a> - Represents an active story</li>
<li><ahref="/constructor/storyItemSkipped">storyItemSkipped</a> - Represents an active story, whose full information was omitted for space and performance reasons; use <ahref="/method/stories.getStoriesByID">stories.getStoriesByID</a> to fetch full info about the skipped story/stories when and if needed.</li>
<li><ahref="/constructor/storyItemDeleted">storyItemDeleted</a> - Represents a previously active story, that was now deleted</li>
<p>Use <ahref="/method/stories.getPeerStories">stories.getPeerStories</a> may also be used to fetch the full active story list of a specific peer. </p>
<p>Use <ahref="/method/stories.readStories">stories.readStories</a> to mark all stories up to a certain ID as read, for a given peer: using this method will emit an <ahref="/constructor/updateReadStories">updateReadStories</a> update to all logged-in sessions if a newer ID is marked as read.<br>
Use <ahref="/method/stories.getAllReadPeerStories">stories.getAllReadPeerStories</a> to obtain the latest read story ID for all peers when first logging in, returned as a list of <ahref="/constructor/updateReadStories">updateReadStories</a> updates: further calls to this method are not needed after login, as updates to the latest read story ID will be sent using <ahref="/constructor/updateReadStories">updateReadStories</a> updates, with the usual <ahref="/api/updates">update delivering methods</a>. </p>
<p>Use <ahref="/method/stories.incrementStoryViews">stories.incrementStoryViews</a> to actually increment the view counter of stories the user has seen (pass max 200 story IDs at a time). </p>
<h4><aclass="anchor"href="#hiding-stories-of-other-users"id="hiding-stories-of-other-users"name="hiding-stories-of-other-users"><iclass="anchor-icon"></i></a>Hiding stories of other users</h4>
<p>Use <ahref="/method/stories.toggleAllStoriesHidden">stories.togglePeerStoriesHidden</a> to hide the active stories of a specific peer, preventing them from being displayed on the action bar on the homescreen.<br>
When the stories of a user are marked as hidden, the <code>stories_hidden</code> flag is set on the related <ahref="/constructor/user">user</a> constructor, and they should only be visible on the action bar when opening the <ahref="/api/folders#peer-folders">archive folder</a>, by setting the <code>hidden</code> flag when calling <ahref="/method/stories.getAllStories">stories.getAllStories</a>, see <ahref="#watching-stories">here</a> for more info. </p>
<p>Note that the <ahref="/api/folders#peer-folders">archive folder is the peer folder used for archived chats</a>: hidden stories are displayed there purely due to a UI implementation detail, not because they're actually added to the <ahref="/api/folders#peer-folders">archive peer folder »</a> or the <ahref="#pinned-or-archived-stories">story archive »</a>, which are different things. </p>
<p>Stories can be shared as messages to any chat by simply using <ahref="/method/messages.sendMedia">messages.sendMedia</a>, passing an <ahref="/constructor/inputMediaStory">inputMediaStory</a> referencing the shared story. </p>
<p>The story will be shared as a <ahref="/constructor/messageMediaStory">messageMediaStory</a>, and should be displayed as a message forwarded from the poster of the story (even though <ahref="/method/messages.forwardMessages">messages.forwardMessages</a> was not used an the <code>fwd_from</code> field of the <ahref="/constructor/message">message</a><strong>won't</strong> be set). </p>
<p>A message containing a <ahref="/constructor/messageMediaStory">messageMediaStory</a> with the <code>via_mention</code> flag coming from the story poster will also be generated automatically if the poster mentions us in the story's caption. </p>
<h3><aclass="anchor"href="#fetching-the-interaction-list"id="fetching-the-interaction-list"name="fetching-the-interaction-list"><iclass="anchor-icon"></i></a>Fetching the interaction list</h3>
<p>Use <ahref="/method/stories.getStoryViewsList">stories.getStoryViewsList</a> to obtain the full list of users that have interacted with a specific story we posted as a user, returned as a list of <ahref="/type/StoryView">StoryView</a> constructors; pass the returned <code>next_offset</code> (if present) to <code>offset</code> to paginate through the results; the full list is available at all times only to <ahref="/api/premium">Premium</a> users, and will be deleted on stories posted by non-<ahref="/api/premium">Premium</a> users <ahref="/api/config#story-viewers-expire-period">story_viewers_expire_period »</a> seconds after the story expires; if it's still viewable, the <code>has_viewers</code> flag will be set. </p>
<p>The above method can only be used for stories posted by users, to fetch almost the exact same information for stories posted by channels, use <ahref="/method/stories.getStoryReactionsList">stories.getStoryReactionsList</a>: the data returned by both methods is actually almost exactly the same, the only difference is that:</p>
<li><ahref="/method/stories.getStoryViewsList">stories.getStoryViewsList</a> can only be used for stories posted by the current user and also contains view and <ahref="/api/block">blocklist</a> information. </li>
<li><ahref="/method/stories.getStoryReactionsList">stories.getStoryReactionsList</a> can only be used for stories posted by channels we're an admin of and does not contain view information</li>
<p>For the rest, both methods return information about:</p>
<li>Story forwards as a message to a public chat/channel: <ahref="/constructor/storyViewPublicForward">storyViewPublicForward</a>/<ahref="/constructor/storyReactionPublicForward">storyReactionPublicForward</a></li>
<li>Story reposts (as a story to a public channel/user): <ahref="/constructor/storyViewPublicRepost">storyViewPublicRepost</a>/<ahref="/constructor/storyReactionPublicRepost">storyReactionPublicRepost</a></li>
<p>Additionally, <ahref="/method/stories.getStoriesViews">stories.getStoriesViews</a> can be used to obtain info about the view count, forward count, reactions and recent viewers list of one or more stories, using a single, unpaginated method call, obviously potentially returning less info than <ahref="/method/stories.getStoryViewsList">stories.getStoryViewsList</a>. </p>
<h3><aclass="anchor"href="#replying-to-stories"id="replying-to-stories"name="replying-to-stories"><iclass="anchor-icon"></i></a>Replying to stories</h3>
<p>You may reply to stories posted by users by using <ahref="/method/messages.sendMessage">messages.sendMessage</a>, <ahref="/method/messages.sendMedia">messages.sendMedia</a> or any other method used to send messages, passing an <ahref="/constructor/inputReplyToStory">inputReplyToStory</a> to <code>reply_to</code>, with the ID of the user that posted the story (which must also be the destination <code>peer</code> of the message) and the story ID. </p>
<p>Stories may be reposted by using <ahref="/method/stories.sendStory">stories.sendStory</a>, populating the <code>fwd_from_story</code> field with the original story ID and the <code>fwd_from_id</code> with the peer that posted the original story. </p>
<p>The user may modify the story (for example by overlaying a round video reaction on top of the media); either way, the modified or the original media must be passed to the <code>media</code> field as usual, and the <code>fwd_modified</code> flag must be set if the media was modified. </p>
<p>Reposted stories will have the <ahref="/constructor/storyItem">storyItem</a> set and populated with a <ahref="/constructor/storyFwdHeader">storyFwdHeader</a> constructor, containing info about the original story.</p>
<p>Use <ahref="/method/stories.exportStoryLink">stories.exportStoryLink</a> to generate a <ahref="/api/links#story-links">story deep link</a> for a specific story. </p>
<p>Upon encountering a story deep link, clients should open the specified story as <ahref="#watching-stories">specified here »</a>. </p>
<p>See <ahref="/api/links#story-links">here »</a> for more info on story deep links.</p>
<p>Stories can have so-called "media areas": clickable rectangular areas with animated overlays on top of the story offering functionality like location tags or reactions. </p>
<p>The coordinates and size of each media area is specified in a <ahref="/constructor/mediaAreaCoordinates">mediaAreaCoordinates</a> constructor attached to each <ahref="/type/MediaArea">MediaArea</a>, see <ahref="/constructor/mediaAreaCoordinates">the constructor page »</a> for more info. </p>
<p>After construction, the vector of <ahref="/type/MediaArea">MediaArea</a> constructors can be passed to <ahref="/method/stories.sendStory">stories.sendStory</a> or <ahref="/method/stories.editStory">stories.editStory</a>.</p>
<p>Messages from channels can be reposted to stories using <ahref="/constructor/inputMediaAreaChannelPost">inputMediaAreaChannelPost</a>/<ahref="/constructor/mediaAreaChannelPost">mediaAreaChannelPost</a>.</p>
<p>Clients should fetch and display a copy of the channel post on top of the story according to the <ahref="#media-areas">media area</a><code>coordinates</code>: clicking on the media area should open the linked post.</p>
<p>Location tags are represented by a <ahref="/constructor/mediaAreaVenue">mediaAreaVenue</a> or <ahref="/constructor/mediaAreaGeoPoint">mediaAreaGeoPoint</a>, associated to a location sticker on top of the story media with an associated <ahref="#media-areas">clickable media area</a>. </p>
<p>Both constructors have an associated geolocation represented as a <ahref="/constructor/geoPoint">geoPoint</a>, and information about the clickable media area on top of the story media as a <ahref="/constructor/mediaAreaCoordinates">mediaAreaCoordinates</a> constructor. </p>
<p><ahref="/constructor/mediaAreaGeoPoint">mediaAreaGeoPoint</a> is used to represent a simple geolocation without any extra information.<br>
<ahref="/constructor/mediaAreaVenue">mediaAreaVenue</a> is used to represent the location of a specific venue (i.e. a mall, a shop, a dance school et cetera), and apart from the venue's coordinates, it also contains a textual representation of the address, the venue name (<code>title</code>) and a venue type/ID (<code>venue_id</code>/<code>venue_type</code>) in a format supported by the venue provider specified in <code>provider</code>. </p>
<p>Currently, the only provider that needs to be supported is <code>foursquare</code>. </p>
<p>To send a <ahref="/constructor/mediaAreaVenue">mediaAreaVenue</a>, clients should use <ahref="/constructor/inputMediaAreaVenue">inputMediaAreaVenue</a>, constructed as follows:</p>
<li>If the user gives permission to share their location with the location provider, query the inline bot specified in the <ahref="/api/config#stories-venue-search-username"><code>stories_venue_search_username</code> client configuration parameter »</a>, as described as the <ahref="/api/bots/inline">inline queries documentation »</a>, populating the <code>geo_point</code>.<br>
Note that this should be done transparently in a map UI, not in the usual inline query UI in the chat text bar. </li>
<li>The results returned by the bot, containing a list of venues close to the specified <code>geo_point</code>, should be listed in the lower section of the map UI: upon selection, construct the <ahref="/constructor/inputMediaAreaVenue">inputMediaAreaVenue</a> with:<ul>
<li><code>query_id</code>: the <code>query_id</code> from <ahref="/constructor/messages.botResults">messages.botResults</a>.</li>
<li><code>result_id</code>: the <code>id</code> of the chosen result.</li>
<p>Clients may only re-use existing <ahref="/constructor/mediaAreaVenue">mediaAreaVenue</a>s when repositioning a pre-existing location tag when editing a story; use <ahref="/constructor/inputMediaAreaVenue">inputMediaAreaVenue</a> when posting a new story or adding a new location tag to an existing story.</p>
<p>Story <ahref="/api/reactions">reactions</a> are implemented using a simple in-UI button that allows the user to send any reaction using <ahref="/method/stories.sendReaction">stories.sendReaction</a>. </p>
<p>Sending this method will return an <ahref="/constructor/updateSentStoryReaction">updateSentStoryReaction</a> update to all logged-in sessions. </p>
<p>However, the poster of a story may also use <ahref="/constructor/mediaAreaSuggestedReaction">mediaAreaSuggestedReaction</a><ahref="#media-areas">media areas »</a> to suggest some specific reactions as simple clickable buttons: they're rendered as a round comic-style thought bubble with its "tail" on the right, white background and the <ahref="/api/reactions">reaction »</a> from the <code>reaction</code> field located in its center.<br>
If the <code>dark</code> flag is set, the background should be black.<br>
If the <code>flipped</code> flag is set, the "tail" should be located on the left.
The maximum number of story reaction media areas that can be added to a story is specified by the <ahref="/api/config#stories-suggested-reactions-limit-default"><code>stories_suggested_reactions_limit_*</code> »</a> config keys.<br>
Clicking it should invoke <ahref="/method/stories.sendReaction">stories.sendReaction</a> as usual.</p>
<p>See <ahref="#fetching-the-interaction-list">here »</a> to get more info on how to fetch the reaction list of a <ahref="/api/stories">story</a>.</p>
<p><ahref="/api/premium">Premium users</a> may enable <ahref="https://telegram.org/tour/stories#stealth-mode">stealth mode</a>, erasing their views from any stories they opened in the past <ahref="/api/config#stories-stealth-past-period"><code>stories_stealth_past_period</code> seconds »</a>, and hiding their views on stories for the next <ahref="/api/config#stories-stealth-future-period"><code>stories_stealth_future_period</code> seconds »</a>, as specified by the <ahref="/api/config#client-configuration">client configuration »</a>.</p>
<p>Invoke <ahref="/method/stories.activateStealthMode">stories.activateStealthMode</a> to activate stealth mode, passing the <code>past</code> flag to erase views from any stories opened in the past <ahref="/api/config#stories-stealth-past-period"><code>stories_stealth_past_period</code> seconds »</a> and/or the <code>future</code> flag to hide future story views for the next <ahref="/api/config#stories-stealth-future-period"><code>stories_stealth_future_period</code> seconds »</a>. </p>
<p>Clients can only invoke this method every <ahref="/api/config#stories-stealth-cooldown-period"><code>stories_stealth_cooldown_period</code> seconds</a> as specified by the <ahref="/api/config#client-configuration">client configuration</a>: invoking the method before the cooldown period has expired will trigger a <code>FLOOD_WAIT_X</code> error, with <code>X</code> being the number of seconds left before the cooldown period expires. </p>
<p>An <ahref="/constructor/updateStoriesStealthMode">updateStoriesStealthMode</a> constructor will be returned, containing the following fields:</p>
<li><code>active_until_date</code> - the date up to which stealth mode will be active</li>
<li><code>cooldown_until_date</code> - the date starting from which the user will be allowed to call <ahref="/method/stories.activateStealthMode">stories.activateStealthMode</a> again; calling the method earlier will return a <code>FLOOD_WAIT_X</code> error as specified above.</li>
<p>Use <ahref="/method/stats.getStoryStats">stats.getStoryStats</a> to obtain statistics about a story; the returned <ahref="/type/StatsGraph">StatsGraph</a> graphs can be rendered <ahref="/api/stats#graph-visualization">as described here »</a>. </p>
<p>Use <ahref="/method/stats.getStoryPublicForwards">stats.getStoryPublicForwards</a> to obtain forwards of a story as a message to public chats and reposts by public channels.</p></div>
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