2022-02-23 15:30:26 +00:00
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2022-04-18 19:38:34 +00:00
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2022-02-23 15:30:26 +00:00
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< h1 id = "dev_page_title" > Layers< / h1 >
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< p > Below you will find information on schema changes. For more details on the use of layers, see < a href = "/api/invoking#layers" > Invoking API methods< / a > .< / p >
2022-03-14 15:01:50 +00:00
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-139" id = "layer-139" name = "layer-139" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=139" > Layer 139< / a > < / h3 >
< p > < a href = "https://telegram.org/blog/downloads-attachments-streaming#live-streaming-with-other-apps" > RTMP streams in group calls and livestreams< / a > , < a href = "https://telegram.org/blog/downloads-attachments-streaming#phone-number-links" > link to users by their phone number< / a > , < a href = "https://telegram.org/blog/downloads-attachments-streaming#new-attachment-menu" > browse recently sent media< / a > and new report options for illegal drugs and personal details.< / p >
2022-03-14 14:53:28 +00:00
< p > The < a href = "/api/errors#error-database" > RPC error database »< / a > was also updated.< / p >
2022-03-13 18:45:56 +00:00
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema-changes" id = "schema-changes" name = "schema-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-methods" id = "new-methods" name = "new-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
2022-03-14 15:01:50 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/method/contacts.resolvePhone" > contacts.resolvePhone< / a > - Resolve a phone number to get user info, if their privacy settings allow it.< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/phone.getGroupCallStreamChannels" > phone.getGroupCallStreamChannels< / a > - Get info about RTMP streams in a group call or livestream. < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/phone.getGroupCallStreamRtmpUrl" > phone.getGroupCallStreamRtmpUrl< / a > - Get RTMP URL and stream key for RTMP livestreams. Can be used even before creating the actual RTMP livestream with < a href = "/method/phone.createGroupCall" > phone.createGroupCall< / a > (the < code > rtmp_stream< / code > flag must be set).< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.searchSentMedia" > messages.searchSentMedia< / a > - View and search recently sent media. < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-methods" id = "changed-methods" name = "changed-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > rtmp_stream< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/method/phone.createGroupCall" > phone.createGroupCall< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-constructors" id = "new-constructors" name = "new-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/groupCallStreamChannel" > groupCallStreamChannel< / a > - Info about an RTMP stream in a group call or livestream< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/phone.groupCallStreamChannels" > phone.groupCallStreamChannels< / a > - Info about RTMP streams in a group call or livestream< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/inputReportReasonIllegalDrugs" > inputReportReasonIllegalDrugs< / a > - Report for illegal drugs< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/inputReportReasonPersonalDetails" > inputReportReasonPersonalDetails< / a > - Report for divulgation of personal details< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/phone.groupCallStreamRtmpUrl" > phone.groupCallStreamRtmpUrl< / a > - RTMP URL and stream key to be used in streaming software< / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-constructors" id = "changed-constructors" name = "changed-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > rtmp_stream< / strong > , < strong > listeners_hidden< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/groupCall" > groupCall< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema" id = "schema" name = "schema" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema< / h4 >
< div > < pre > < code > < a href = "/constructor/groupCall" > groupCall< / a > #d597650c flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > join_muted:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_change_join_muted:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > join_date_asc:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > schedule_start_subscribed:flags.8?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_start_video:flags.9?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > record_video_active:flags.11?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > rtmp_stream:flags.12?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > listeners_hidden:flags.13?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > participants_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > title:flags.3?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > stream_dc_id:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > record_start_date:flags.5?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > schedule_date:flags.7?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > unmuted_video_count:flags.10?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > unmuted_video_limit:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > version:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/GroupCall" > GroupCall< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/groupCallStreamChannel" > groupCallStreamChannel< / a > #80eb48af channel:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > scale:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > last_timestamp_ms:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/GroupCallStreamChannel" > GroupCallStreamChannel< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/phone.groupCallStreamChannels" > phone.groupCallStreamChannels< / a > #d0e482b2 channels:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/GroupCallStreamChannel" > GroupCallStreamChannel< / a > > = < a href = "/type/phone.GroupCallStreamChannels" > phone.GroupCallStreamChannels< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/inputReportReasonIllegalDrugs" > inputReportReasonIllegalDrugs< / a > #0a8eb2be = < a href = "/type/ReportReason" > ReportReason< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/inputReportReasonPersonalDetails" > inputReportReasonPersonalDetails< / a > #9ec7863d = < a href = "/type/ReportReason" > ReportReason< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/phone.groupCallStreamRtmpUrl" > phone.groupCallStreamRtmpUrl< / a > #2dbf3432 url:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > key:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/phone.GroupCallStreamRtmpUrl" > phone.GroupCallStreamRtmpUrl< / a > ;< br >
---functions---< br >
< a href = "/method/phone.createGroupCall" > phone.createGroupCall< / a > #48cdc6d8 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > rtmp_stream:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > random_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > title:flags.0?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > schedule_date:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/contacts.resolvePhone" > contacts.resolvePhone< / a > #8af94344 phone:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/contacts.ResolvedPeer" > contacts.ResolvedPeer< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/phone.getGroupCallStreamChannels" > phone.getGroupCallStreamChannels< / a > #1ab21940 call:< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > = < a href = "/type/phone.GroupCallStreamChannels" > phone.GroupCallStreamChannels< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/phone.getGroupCallStreamRtmpUrl" > phone.getGroupCallStreamRtmpUrl< / a > #deb3abbf peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > revoke:< a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > = < a href = "/type/phone.GroupCallStreamRtmpUrl" > phone.GroupCallStreamRtmpUrl< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/messages.searchSentMedia" > messages.searchSentMedia< / a > #107e31a0 q:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > filter:< a href = "/type/MessagesFilter" > MessagesFilter< / a > limit:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.Messages" > messages.Messages< / a > ;< br > < / code > < / pre > < / div >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-138" id = "layer-138" name = "layer-138" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=138" > Layer 138< / a > < / h3 >
< p > < a href = "https://telegram.org/blog/video-stickers-better-reactions#video-stickers" > Video stickers< / a > , < a href = "https://telegram.org/blog/video-stickers-better-reactions#better-reactions" > better reactions< / a > .< / p >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema-changes" id = "schema-changes" name = "schema-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-methods" id = "new-methods" name = "new-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
2022-02-25 21:11:12 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.getUnreadReactions" > messages.getUnreadReactions< / a > - Get unread reactions to messages you sent< / li >
2022-03-04 20:46:05 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.readReactions" > messages.readReactions< / a > - Mark < a href = "/api/reactions" > message reactions »< / a > as read< / li >
2022-02-23 15:30:26 +00:00
< / ul >
2022-03-03 19:29:04 +00:00
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-methods" id = "changed-methods" name = "changed-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
2022-03-03 20:00:19 +00:00
< li > Added < strong > videos< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/method/stickers.createStickerSet" > stickers.createStickerSet< / a > < / li >
2022-03-03 19:29:04 +00:00
< / ul >
2022-02-23 15:30:26 +00:00
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-constructors" id = "new-constructors" name = "new-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
2022-02-25 21:11:12 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messagePeerReaction" > messagePeerReaction< / a > - How a certain peer reacted to the message< / li >
2022-02-23 15:30:26 +00:00
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-constructors" id = "changed-constructors" name = "changed-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > unread_reactions_count< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/dialog" > dialog< / a > < / li >
2022-03-03 20:00:19 +00:00
< li > Added < strong > videos< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/stickerSet" > stickerSet< / a > < / li >
2022-02-23 15:30:26 +00:00
< li > Added < strong > recent_reactions< / strong > parameter, removed < strong > recent_reactons< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/messageReactions" > messageReactions< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > chats< / strong > parameter, changed type of < strong > reactions< / strong > from < strong > Vector< MessageUserReaction> < / strong > to < strong > Vector< MessagePeerReaction> < / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/messages.messageReactionsList" > messages.messageReactionsList< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#deleted-constructors" id = "deleted-constructors" name = "deleted-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Deleted Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Removed messageUserReaction< / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema" id = "schema" name = "schema" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema< / h4 >
< div > < pre > < code > < a href = "/constructor/dialog" > dialog< / a > #a8edd0f5 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > pinned:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > unread_mark:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > top_message:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > read_inbox_max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > read_outbox_max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > unread_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > unread_mentions_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > unread_reactions_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > notify_settings:< a href = "/type/PeerNotifySettings" > PeerNotifySettings< / a > pts:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > draft:flags.1?< a href = "/type/DraftMessage" > DraftMessage< / a > folder_id:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Dialog" > Dialog< / a > ;< br >
2022-03-03 20:00:19 +00:00
< a href = "/constructor/stickerSet" > stickerSet< / a > #d7df217a flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > archived:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > official:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > masks:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > animated:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > videos:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > installed_date:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > short_name:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > thumbs:flags.4?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/PhotoSize" > PhotoSize< / a > > thumb_dc_id:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > thumb_version:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > hash:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/StickerSet" > StickerSet< / a > ;< br >
2022-02-23 15:30:26 +00:00
< a href = "/constructor/messageReactions" > messageReactions< / a > #4f2b9479 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > min:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_see_list:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > results:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/ReactionCount" > ReactionCount< / a > > recent_reactions:flags.1?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/MessagePeerReaction" > MessagePeerReaction< / a > > = < a href = "/type/MessageReactions" > MessageReactions< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/messages.messageReactionsList" > messages.messageReactionsList< / a > #31bd492d flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > reactions:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/MessagePeerReaction" > MessagePeerReaction< / a > > chats:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Chat" > Chat< / a > > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > > next_offset:flags.0?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.MessageReactionsList" > messages.MessageReactionsList< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/messagePeerReaction" > messagePeerReaction< / a > #51b67eff flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > big:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > unread:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > peer_id:< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > reaction:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/MessagePeerReaction" > MessagePeerReaction< / a > ;< br >
---functions---< br >
2022-03-03 20:00:19 +00:00
< a href = "/method/stickers.createStickerSet" > stickers.createStickerSet< / a > #9021ab67 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > masks:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > animated:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > videos:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/InputUser" > InputUser< / a > title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > short_name:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > thumb:flags.2?< a href = "/type/InputDocument" > InputDocument< / a > stickers:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/InputStickerSetItem" > InputStickerSetItem< / a > > software:flags.3?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.StickerSet" > messages.StickerSet< / a > ;< br >
2022-02-23 15:30:26 +00:00
< a href = "/method/messages.getUnreadReactions" > messages.getUnreadReactions< / a > #e85bae1a peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > offset_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > add_offset:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > limit:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > min_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.Messages" > messages.Messages< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.readReactions" > messages.readReactions< / a > #82e251d7 peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.AffectedHistory" > messages.AffectedHistory< / a > ;< br > < / code > < / pre > < / div >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-137" id = "layer-137" name = "layer-137" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=137" > Layer 137< / a > < / h3 >
2022-03-03 20:00:19 +00:00
< p > < a href = "https://telegram.org/blog/reactions-spoilers-translations#spoilers" > Message translation< / a > .< / p >
2022-02-23 15:30:26 +00:00
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema-changes" id = "schema-changes" name = "schema-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-methods" id = "new-methods" name = "new-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
2022-02-25 21:11:12 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.translateText" > messages.translateText< / a > - Translate a given text< / li >
2022-02-23 15:30:26 +00:00
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-constructors" id = "new-constructors" name = "new-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
2022-02-25 21:11:12 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messages.translateNoResult" > messages.translateNoResult< / a > - No translation is available< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messages.translateResultText" > messages.translateResultText< / a > - Translated text< / li >
2022-02-23 15:30:26 +00:00
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-constructors" id = "changed-constructors" name = "changed-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > around_animation< / strong > , < strong > center_icon< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/availableReaction" > availableReaction< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema" id = "schema" name = "schema" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema< / h4 >
< div > < pre > < code > < a href = "/constructor/availableReaction" > availableReaction< / a > #c077ec01 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > inactive:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > reaction:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > static_icon:< a href = "/type/Document" > Document< / a > appear_animation:< a href = "/type/Document" > Document< / a > select_animation:< a href = "/type/Document" > Document< / a > activate_animation:< a href = "/type/Document" > Document< / a > effect_animation:< a href = "/type/Document" > Document< / a > around_animation:flags.1?< a href = "/type/Document" > Document< / a > center_icon:flags.1?< a href = "/type/Document" > Document< / a > = < a href = "/type/AvailableReaction" > AvailableReaction< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messages.translateNoResult" > messages.translateNoResult< / a > #67ca4737 = < a href = "/type/messages.TranslatedText" > messages.TranslatedText< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/messages.translateResultText" > messages.translateResultText< / a > #a214f7d0 text:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.TranslatedText" > messages.TranslatedText< / a > ;< br >
---functions---< br >
< a href = "/method/messages.translateText" > messages.translateText< / a > #24ce6dee flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > peer:flags.0?< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > msg_id:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > text:flags.1?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > from_lang:flags.2?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > to_lang:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.TranslatedText" > messages.TranslatedText< / a > ;< br > < / code > < / pre > < / div >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-136" id = "layer-136" name = "layer-136" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=136" > Layer 136< / a > < / h3 >
2022-03-03 20:00:19 +00:00
< p > < a href = "https://telegram.org/blog/reactions-spoilers-translations#reactions" > Reactions< / a > , < a href = "https://telegram.org/blog/reactions-spoilers-translations#spoilers" > spoilers< / a > and sponsored message improvements.< / p >
2022-02-23 15:30:26 +00:00
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema-changes" id = "schema-changes" name = "schema-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-methods" id = "new-methods" name = "new-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
2022-03-01 20:59:15 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.sendReaction" > messages.sendReaction< / a > - React to message< / li >
2022-03-04 20:46:05 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.getMessagesReactions" > messages.getMessagesReactions< / a > - Get < a href = "/api/reactions" > message reactions »< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.getMessageReactionsList" > messages.getMessageReactionsList< / a > - Get < a href = "/api/reactions" > message reaction< / a > list, along with the sender of each reaction.< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.setChatAvailableReactions" > messages.setChatAvailableReactions< / a > - Change the set of < a href = "/api/reactions" > message reactions »< / a > that can be used in a certain group, supergroup or channel< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.getAvailableReactions" > messages.getAvailableReactions< / a > - Obtain available < a href = "/api/reactions" > message reactions »< / a > < / li >
2022-03-01 20:59:15 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.setDefaultReaction" > messages.setDefaultReaction< / a > - Change default emoji reaction to use in the quick reaction menu: the value is synced across devices and can be fetched using < a href = "/api/config#client-configuration" > help.getAppConfig, < code > reactions_default< / code > field< / a > .< / li >
2022-02-23 15:30:26 +00:00
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-constructors" id = "new-constructors" name = "new-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
2022-03-04 20:46:05 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/updateMessageReactions" > updateMessageReactions< / a > - New < a href = "/api/reactions" > message reactions »< / a > are available< / li >
2022-02-23 15:30:26 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/reactionCount" > reactionCount< / a > - Reactions< / li >
2022-03-04 20:46:05 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messageReactions" > messageReactions< / a > - < a href = "/api/reactions" > Message reactions »< / a > < / li >
2022-02-23 15:30:26 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messageUserReaction" > messageUserReaction< / a > - Message reaction< / li >
2022-02-25 21:11:12 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messages.messageReactionsList" > messages.messageReactionsList< / a > - List of peers that reacted to a specific message< / li >
2022-02-24 21:12:16 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/availableReaction" > availableReaction< / a > - Animations associated with a message reaction< / li >
2022-02-25 21:11:12 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messages.availableReactionsNotModified" > messages.availableReactionsNotModified< / a > - No new reactions are available< / li >
2022-03-04 20:46:05 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messages.availableReactions" > messages.availableReactions< / a > - Animations and metadata associated with < a href = "/api/reactions" > message reactions »< / a > < / li >
2022-02-24 21:12:16 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messageEntitySpoiler" > messageEntitySpoiler< / a > - Message entity representing a spoiler< / li >
2022-03-04 20:46:05 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventActionChangeAvailableReactions" > channelAdminLogEventActionChangeAvailableReactions< / a > - The set of allowed < a href = "/api/reactions" > message reactions »< / a > for this channel has changed< / li >
2022-02-23 15:30:26 +00:00
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-constructors" id = "changed-constructors" name = "changed-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > available_reactions< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/chatFull" > chatFull< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > reactions< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/message" > message< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > available_reactions< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/channelFull" > channelFull< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > chat_invite< / strong > , < strong > chat_invite_hash< / strong > parameters, changed type of < strong > from_id< / strong > from < strong > Peer< / strong > to < strong > flags.3?Peer< / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/sponsoredMessage" > sponsoredMessage< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
2022-03-03 20:00:19 +00:00
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#push-notification-changes" id = "push-notification-changes" name = "push-notification-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > PUSH notification changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-push-notifications" id = "new-push-notifications" name = "new-push-notifications" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New PUSH notifications< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHAT_REACT_AUDIO< / a > - < code > {1}: {3} to your voice message in {2}< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHAT_REACT_CONTACT< / a > - < code > {1}: {3} to your contact {4} in {2}< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHAT_REACT_DOC< / a > - < code > {1}: {3} to your file in {2}< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHAT_REACT_GAME< / a > - < code > {1}: {3} to your game in {2}< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHAT_REACT_GEO< / a > - < code > {1}: {3} to your map in {2}< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHAT_REACT_GEOLIVE< / a > - < code > {1}: {3} to your live location in {2}< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHAT_REACT_GIF< / a > - < code > {1}: {3} to your GIF in {2}< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHAT_REACT_INVOICE< / a > - < code > {1}: {3} to your invoice in {2}< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHAT_REACT_NOTEXT< / a > - < code > {1}: {3} to your message in {2}< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHAT_REACT_PHOTO< / a > - < code > {1}: {3} to your photo in {2}< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHAT_REACT_POLL< / a > - < code > {1}: {3} to your poll {4} in {2}< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHAT_REACT_QUIZ< / a > - < code > {1}: {3} to your quiz {4} in {2}< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHAT_REACT_ROUND< / a > - < code > {1}: {3} to your video message in {2}< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHAT_REACT_STICKER< / a > - < code > {1}: {3} to your {4} sticker in {2}< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHAT_REACT_TEXT< / a > - < code > {1}: {3} in {2} to your "{4}"< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHAT_REACT_VIDEO< / a > - < code > {1}: {3} to your video in {2}< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > REACT_AUDIO< / a > - < code > {1}: {2} to your voice message< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > REACT_CONTACT< / a > - < code > {1}: {2} to your contact {3}< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > REACT_DOC< / a > - < code > {1}: {2} to your file< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > REACT_GAME< / a > - < code > {1}: {2} to your game< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > REACT_GEO< / a > - < code > {1}: {2} to your map< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > REACT_GEOLIVE< / a > - < code > {1}: {2} to your live location< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > REACT_GIF< / a > - < code > {1}: {2} to your GIF< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > REACT_INVOICE< / a > - < code > {1}: {2} to your invoice< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > REACT_NOTEXT< / a > - < code > {1}: {2} to your message< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > REACT_PHOTO< / a > - < code > {1}: {2} to your photo< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > REACT_POLL< / a > - < code > {1}: {2} to your poll {3}< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > REACT_QUIZ< / a > - < code > {1}: {2} to your quiz {3}< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > REACT_ROUND< / a > - < code > {1}: {2} to your video message< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > REACT_STICKER< / a > - < code > {1}: {2} to your {3} sticker< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > REACT_TEXT< / a > - < code > {1}: {2} to your "{3}"< / code > < / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > REACT_VIDEO< / a > - < code > {1}: {2} to your video< / code > < / li >
< / ul >
2022-02-23 15:30:26 +00:00
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema" id = "schema" name = "schema" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema< / h4 >
< div > < pre > < code > < a href = "/constructor/chatFull" > chatFull< / a > #d18ee226 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > can_set_username:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > has_scheduled:flags.8?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > about:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > participants:< a href = "/type/ChatParticipants" > ChatParticipants< / a > chat_photo:flags.2?< a href = "/type/Photo" > Photo< / a > notify_settings:< a href = "/type/PeerNotifySettings" > PeerNotifySettings< / a > exported_invite:flags.13?< a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > bot_info:flags.3?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/BotInfo" > BotInfo< / a > > pinned_msg_id:flags.6?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > folder_id:flags.11?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > call:flags.12?< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > ttl_period:flags.14?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > groupcall_default_join_as:flags.15?< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > theme_emoticon:flags.16?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > requests_pending:flags.17?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > recent_requesters:flags.17?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > > available_reactions:flags.18?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > > = < a href = "/type/ChatFull" > ChatFull< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/message" > message< / a > #38116ee0 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > out:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > mentioned:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > media_unread:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > silent:flags.13?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > post:flags.14?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > from_scheduled:flags.18?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > legacy:flags.19?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > edit_hide:flags.21?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > pinned:flags.24?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > noforwards:flags.26?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > from_id:flags.8?< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > peer_id:< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > fwd_from:flags.2?< a href = "/type/MessageFwdHeader" > MessageFwdHeader< / a > via_bot_id:flags.11?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > reply_to:flags.3?< a href = "/type/MessageReplyHeader" > MessageReplyHeader< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > message:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > media:flags.9?< a href = "/type/MessageMedia" > MessageMedia< / a > reply_markup:flags.6?< a href = "/type/ReplyMarkup" > ReplyMarkup< / a > entities:flags.7?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/MessageEntity" > MessageEntity< / a > > views:flags.10?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > forwards:flags.10?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > replies:flags.23?< a href = "/type/MessageReplies" > MessageReplies< / a > edit_date:flags.15?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > post_author:flags.16?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > grouped_id:flags.17?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > reactions:flags.20?< a href = "/type/MessageReactions" > MessageReactions< / a > restriction_reason:flags.22?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/RestrictionReason" > RestrictionReason< / a > > ttl_period:flags.25?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Message" > Message< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/channelFull" > channelFull< / a > #e13c3d20 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > can_view_participants:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_set_username:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_set_stickers:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > hidden_prehistory:flags.10?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_set_location:flags.16?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > has_scheduled:flags.19?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_view_stats:flags.20?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > blocked:flags.22?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > about:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > participants_count:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > admins_count:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > kicked_count:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > banned_count:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > online_count:flags.13?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > read_inbox_max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > read_outbox_max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > unread_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > chat_photo:< a href = "/type/Photo" > Photo< / a > notify_settings:< a href = "/type/PeerNotifySettings" > PeerNotifySettings< / a > exported_invite:flags.23?< a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > bot_info:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/BotInfo" > BotInfo< / a > > migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pinned_msg_id:flags.5?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > stickerset:flags.8?< a href = "/type/StickerSet" > StickerSet< / a > available_min_id:flags.9?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > folder_id:flags.11?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > linked_chat_id:flags.14?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > location:flags.15?< a href = "/type/ChannelLocation" > ChannelLocation< / a > slowmode_seconds:flags.17?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > slowmode_next_send_date:flags.18?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > stats_dc:flags.12?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > call:flags.21?< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > ttl_period:flags.24?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pending_suggestions:flags.25?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > > groupcall_default_join_as:flags.26?< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > theme_emoticon:flags.27?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > requests_pending:flags.28?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > recent_requesters:flags.28?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > > default_send_as:flags.29?< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > available_reactions:flags.30?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > > = < a href = "/type/ChatFull" > ChatFull< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/sponsoredMessage" > sponsoredMessage< / a > #3a836df8 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > random_id:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > from_id:flags.3?< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > chat_invite:flags.4?< a href = "/type/ChatInvite" > ChatInvite< / a > chat_invite_hash:flags.4?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > channel_post:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > start_param:flags.0?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > message:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > entities:flags.1?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/MessageEntity" > MessageEntity< / a > > = < a href = "/type/SponsoredMessage" > SponsoredMessage< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/updateMessageReactions" > updateMessageReactions< / a > #154798c3 peer:< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > msg_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > reactions:< a href = "/type/MessageReactions" > MessageReactions< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/reactionCount" > reactionCount< / a > #6fb250d1 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > chosen:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > reaction:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/ReactionCount" > ReactionCount< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messageReactions" > messageReactions< / a > #087b6e36 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > min:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_see_list:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > results:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/ReactionCount" > ReactionCount< / a > > recent_reactons:flags.1?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/MessageUserReaction" > MessageUserReaction< / a > > = < a href = "/type/MessageReactions" > MessageReactions< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/messageUserReaction" > messageUserReaction< / a > #932844fa user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > reaction:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/MessageUserReaction" > MessageUserReaction< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/messages.messageReactionsList" > messages.messageReactionsList< / a > #a366923c flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > reactions:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/MessageUserReaction" > MessageUserReaction< / a > > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > > next_offset:flags.0?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.MessageReactionsList" > messages.MessageReactionsList< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/availableReaction" > availableReaction< / a > #021d7c4b flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > inactive:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > reaction:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > static_icon:< a href = "/type/Document" > Document< / a > appear_animation:< a href = "/type/Document" > Document< / a > select_animation:< a href = "/type/Document" > Document< / a > activate_animation:< a href = "/type/Document" > Document< / a > effect_animation:< a href = "/type/Document" > Document< / a > = < a href = "/type/AvailableReaction" > AvailableReaction< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messages.availableReactionsNotModified" > messages.availableReactionsNotModified< / a > #9f071957 = < a href = "/type/messages.AvailableReactions" > messages.AvailableReactions< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/messages.availableReactions" > messages.availableReactions< / a > #768e3aad hash:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > reactions:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/AvailableReaction" > AvailableReaction< / a > > = < a href = "/type/messages.AvailableReactions" > messages.AvailableReactions< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/messageEntitySpoiler" > messageEntitySpoiler< / a > #32ca960f offset:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > length:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/MessageEntity" > MessageEntity< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventActionChangeAvailableReactions" > channelAdminLogEventActionChangeAvailableReactions< / a > #9cf7f76a prev_value:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > > new_value:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > > = < a href = "/type/ChannelAdminLogEventAction" > ChannelAdminLogEventAction< / a > ;< br >
---functions---< br >
< a href = "/method/messages.sendReaction" > messages.sendReaction< / a > #25690ce4 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > big:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > msg_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > reaction:flags.0?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.getMessagesReactions" > messages.getMessagesReactions< / a > #8bba90e6 peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > id:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.getMessageReactionsList" > messages.getMessageReactionsList< / a > #e0ee6b77 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > reaction:flags.0?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > offset:flags.1?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > limit:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.MessageReactionsList" > messages.MessageReactionsList< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.setChatAvailableReactions" > messages.setChatAvailableReactions< / a > #14050ea6 peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > available_reactions:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.getAvailableReactions" > messages.getAvailableReactions< / a > #18dea0ac hash:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.AvailableReactions" > messages.AvailableReactions< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.setDefaultReaction" > messages.setDefaultReaction< / a > #d960c4d4 reaction:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;< br > < / code > < / pre > < / div >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-135" id = "layer-135" name = "layer-135" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=135" > Layer 135< / a > < / h3 >
2022-03-09 15:09:42 +00:00
< p > < a href = "https://telegram.org/blog/protected-content-delete-by-date-and-more#anonymous-posting-in-public-groups" > Anonymous posting in public groups< / a > , < a href = "https://telegram.org/blog/protected-content-delete-by-date-and-more#protected-content-in-groups-and-channels" > protected content< / a > , < a href = "https://telegram.org/blog/protected-content-delete-by-date-and-more#manage-connected-devices" > device management< / a > , < a href = "https://telegram.org/blog/protected-content-delete-by-date-and-more#new-ways-to-log-in-via-call" > login via missed call< / a > , < a href = "/constructor/inputKeyboardButtonUserProfile" > mention users in inline buttons even if they don't have a username< / a > , < a href = "/api/auth#logout-tokens" > logout tokens< / a > , improvements to join requests and stickers.< / p >
2022-02-23 15:30:26 +00:00
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema-changes" id = "schema-changes" name = "schema-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-methods" id = "new-methods" name = "new-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
2022-03-04 20:46:05 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.hideAllChatJoinRequests" > messages.hideAllChatJoinRequests< / a > - Dismiss or approve all < a href = "/api/invites#join-requests" > join requests< / a > related to a specific chat or channel.< / li >
2022-03-01 19:48:08 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.toggleNoForwards" > messages.toggleNoForwards< / a > - Enable or disable < a href = "https://telegram.org/blog/protected-content-delete-by-date-and-more" > content protection< / a > on a channel or chat< / li >
2022-02-25 21:11:12 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.saveDefaultSendAs" > messages.saveDefaultSendAs< / a > - Change the default peer that should be used when sending messages to a specific group< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/channels.getSendAs" > channels.getSendAs< / a > - Obtains a list of peers that can be used to send messages in a specific group< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/account.setAuthorizationTTL" > account.setAuthorizationTTL< / a > - Set time-to-live of current session< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/account.changeAuthorizationSettings" > account.changeAuthorizationSettings< / a > - Change authorization settings< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/channels.deleteParticipantHistory" > channels.deleteParticipantHistory< / a > - Delete all messages sent by a specific participant of a given supergroup< / li >
2022-02-23 15:30:26 +00:00
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-methods" id = "changed-methods" name = "changed-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Changed type of < a href = "/method/auth.logOut" > auth.logOut< / a > from < strong > Bool< / strong > to < strong > auth.LoggedOut< / strong > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < a href = "/method/users.getFullUser" > users.getFullUser< / a > from < strong > UserFull< / strong > to < strong > users.UserFull< / strong > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > noforwards< / strong > , < strong > send_as< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/method/messages.sendMessage" > messages.sendMessage< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > noforwards< / strong > , < strong > send_as< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/method/messages.sendMedia" > messages.sendMedia< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > noforwards< / strong > , < strong > send_as< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/method/messages.forwardMessages" > messages.forwardMessages< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < a href = "/method/messages.getPeerSettings" > messages.getPeerSettings< / a > from < strong > PeerSettings< / strong > to < strong > messages.PeerSettings< / strong > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > hash< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/method/messages.getStickerSet" > messages.getStickerSet< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > participant< / strong > parameter, removed < strong > user_id< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/method/channels.reportSpam" > channels.reportSpam< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > send_as< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/method/messages.sendInlineBotResult" > messages.sendInlineBotResult< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > noforwards< / strong > , < strong > send_as< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/method/messages.sendMultiMedia" > messages.sendMultiMedia< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#deleted-methods" id = "deleted-methods" name = "deleted-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Deleted Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Removed channels.deleteUserHistory< / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-constructors" id = "new-constructors" name = "new-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
2022-02-24 21:12:16 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/inputKeyboardButtonUserProfile" > inputKeyboardButtonUserProfile< / a > - Button that links directly to a user profile< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/keyboardButtonUserProfile" > keyboardButtonUserProfile< / a > - Button that links directly to a user profile< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/channels.sendAsPeers" > channels.sendAsPeers< / a > - A list of peers that can be used to send messages in a specific group< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventActionToggleNoForwards" > channelAdminLogEventActionToggleNoForwards< / a > - Forwards were enabled or disabled< / li >
2022-02-25 21:11:12 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messages.stickerSetNotModified" > messages.stickerSetNotModified< / a > - The stickerset hasn't changed< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/users.userFull" > users.userFull< / a > - Full user information< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messages.peerSettings" > messages.peerSettings< / a > - Peer settings< / li >
2022-03-09 14:36:47 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventActionSendMessage" > channelAdminLogEventActionSendMessage< / a > - A message was posted in a channel< / li >
2022-02-24 21:12:16 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/auth.codeTypeMissedCall" > auth.codeTypeMissedCall< / a > - The next time, the authentication code will be delivered via an immediately canceled incoming call, handled manually by the user.< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/auth.sentCodeTypeMissedCall" > auth.sentCodeTypeMissedCall< / a > - The code will be sent via a flash phone call, that will be closed immediately. The last digits of the phone number that calls are the code that must be entered manually by the user.< / li >
2022-03-09 15:09:42 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/auth.loggedOut" > auth.loggedOut< / a > - < a href = "/api/auth#logout-tokens" > Logout token »< / a > to be used on subsequent authorizations< / li >
2022-02-23 15:30:26 +00:00
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-constructors" id = "changed-constructors" name = "changed-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
2022-03-03 19:29:04 +00:00
< li > Added < strong > noforwards< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/chat" > chat< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > noforwards< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/message" > message< / a > < / li >
2022-02-23 15:30:26 +00:00
< li > Added < strong > setup_password_required< / strong > , < strong > otherwise_relogin_days< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/auth.authorization" > auth.authorization< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > request_chat_broadcast< / strong > , < strong > request_chat_title< / strong > , < strong > request_chat_date< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/peerSettings" > peerSettings< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > id< / strong > , < strong > private_forward_name< / strong > parameters, removed < strong > user< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/userFull" > userFull< / a > < / li >
2022-03-03 20:00:19 +00:00
< li > Added < strong > encrypted_requests_disabled< / strong > , < strong > call_requests_disabled< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/authorization" > authorization< / a > < / li >
2022-02-23 15:30:26 +00:00
< li > Added < strong > authorization_ttl_days< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/account.authorizations" > account.authorizations< / a > < / li >
2022-03-03 19:29:04 +00:00
< li > Added < strong > noforwards< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/channel" > channel< / a > < / li >
2022-02-23 15:30:26 +00:00
< li > Added < strong > default_send_as< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/channelFull" > channelFull< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > allow_missed_call< / strong > , < strong > logout_tokens< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/codeSettings" > codeSettings< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema" id = "schema" name = "schema" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema< / h4 >
2022-03-03 19:29:04 +00:00
< div > < pre > < code > < a href = "/constructor/chat" > chat< / a > #41cbf256 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > creator:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > kicked:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > left:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > deactivated:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > call_active:flags.23?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > call_not_empty:flags.24?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > noforwards:flags.25?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > photo:< a href = "/type/ChatPhoto" > ChatPhoto< / a > participants_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > version:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > migrated_to:flags.6?< a href = "/type/InputChannel" > InputChannel< / a > admin_rights:flags.14?< a href = "/type/ChatAdminRights" > ChatAdminRights< / a > default_banned_rights:flags.18?< a href = "/type/ChatBannedRights" > ChatBannedRights< / a > = < a href = "/type/Chat" > Chat< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/message" > message< / a > #85d6cbe2 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > out:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > mentioned:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > media_unread:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > silent:flags.13?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > post:flags.14?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > from_scheduled:flags.18?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > legacy:flags.19?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > edit_hide:flags.21?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > pinned:flags.24?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > noforwards:flags.26?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > from_id:flags.8?< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > peer_id:< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > fwd_from:flags.2?< a href = "/type/MessageFwdHeader" > MessageFwdHeader< / a > via_bot_id:flags.11?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > reply_to:flags.3?< a href = "/type/MessageReplyHeader" > MessageReplyHeader< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > message:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > media:flags.9?< a href = "/type/MessageMedia" > MessageMedia< / a > reply_markup:flags.6?< a href = "/type/ReplyMarkup" > ReplyMarkup< / a > entities:flags.7?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/MessageEntity" > MessageEntity< / a > > views:flags.10?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > forwards:flags.10?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > replies:flags.23?< a href = "/type/MessageReplies" > MessageReplies< / a > edit_date:flags.15?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > post_author:flags.16?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > grouped_id:flags.17?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > restriction_reason:flags.22?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/RestrictionReason" > RestrictionReason< / a > > ttl_period:flags.25?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Message" > Message< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/auth.authorization" > auth.authorization< / a > #33fb7bb8 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > setup_password_required:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > otherwise_relogin_days:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > tmp_sessions:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > user:< a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > = < a href = "/type/auth.Authorization" > auth.Authorization< / a > ;< br >
2022-02-23 15:30:26 +00:00
< a href = "/constructor/peerSettings" > peerSettings< / a > #a518110d flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > report_spam:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > add_contact:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > block_contact:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > share_contact:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > need_contacts_exception:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > report_geo:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > autoarchived:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > invite_members:flags.8?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > request_chat_broadcast:flags.10?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > geo_distance:flags.6?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > request_chat_title:flags.9?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > request_chat_date:flags.9?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/PeerSettings" > PeerSettings< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/userFull" > userFull< / a > #cf366521 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > blocked:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > phone_calls_available:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > phone_calls_private:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_pin_message:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > has_scheduled:flags.12?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > video_calls_available:flags.13?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > about:flags.1?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > settings:< a href = "/type/PeerSettings" > PeerSettings< / a > profile_photo:flags.2?< a href = "/type/Photo" > Photo< / a > notify_settings:< a href = "/type/PeerNotifySettings" > PeerNotifySettings< / a > bot_info:flags.3?< a href = "/type/BotInfo" > BotInfo< / a > pinned_msg_id:flags.6?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > common_chats_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > folder_id:flags.11?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > ttl_period:flags.14?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > theme_emoticon:flags.15?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > private_forward_name:flags.16?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/UserFull" > UserFull< / a > ;< br >
2022-03-03 20:00:19 +00:00
< a href = "/constructor/authorization" > authorization< / a > #ad01d61d flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > current:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > official_app:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > password_pending:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > encrypted_requests_disabled:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > call_requests_disabled:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > device_model:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > platform:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > system_version:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > api_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > app_name:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > app_version:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > date_created:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > date_active:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > ip:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > country:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > region:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/Authorization" > Authorization< / a > ;
2022-02-23 15:30:26 +00:00
< a href = "/constructor/account.authorizations" > account.authorizations< / a > #4bff8ea0 authorization_ttl_days:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > authorizations:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Authorization" > Authorization< / a > > = < a href = "/type/account.Authorizations" > account.Authorizations< / a > ;< br >
2022-03-03 19:29:04 +00:00
< a href = "/constructor/channel" > channel< / a > #8261ac61 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > creator:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > left:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > broadcast:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > verified:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > megagroup:flags.8?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > restricted:flags.9?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > signatures:flags.11?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > min:flags.12?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > scam:flags.19?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > has_link:flags.20?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > has_geo:flags.21?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > slowmode_enabled:flags.22?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > call_active:flags.23?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > call_not_empty:flags.24?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > fake:flags.25?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > gigagroup:flags.26?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > noforwards:flags.27?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > access_hash:flags.13?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > username:flags.6?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > photo:< a href = "/type/ChatPhoto" > ChatPhoto< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > restriction_reason:flags.9?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/RestrictionReason" > RestrictionReason< / a > > admin_rights:flags.14?< a href = "/type/ChatAdminRights" > ChatAdminRights< / a > banned_rights:flags.15?< a href = "/type/ChatBannedRights" > ChatBannedRights< / a > default_banned_rights:flags.18?< a href = "/type/ChatBannedRights" > ChatBannedRights< / a > participants_count:flags.17?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Chat" > Chat< / a > ;
2022-02-23 15:30:26 +00:00
< a href = "/constructor/channelFull" > channelFull< / a > #56662e2e flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > can_view_participants:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_set_username:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_set_stickers:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > hidden_prehistory:flags.10?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_set_location:flags.16?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > has_scheduled:flags.19?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_view_stats:flags.20?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > blocked:flags.22?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > about:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > participants_count:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > admins_count:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > kicked_count:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > banned_count:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > online_count:flags.13?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > read_inbox_max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > read_outbox_max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > unread_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > chat_photo:< a href = "/type/Photo" > Photo< / a > notify_settings:< a href = "/type/PeerNotifySettings" > PeerNotifySettings< / a > exported_invite:flags.23?< a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > bot_info:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/BotInfo" > BotInfo< / a > > migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pinned_msg_id:flags.5?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > stickerset:flags.8?< a href = "/type/StickerSet" > StickerSet< / a > available_min_id:flags.9?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > folder_id:flags.11?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > linked_chat_id:flags.14?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > location:flags.15?< a href = "/type/ChannelLocation" > ChannelLocation< / a > slowmode_seconds:flags.17?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > slowmode_next_send_date:flags.18?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > stats_dc:flags.12?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > call:flags.21?< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > ttl_period:flags.24?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pending_suggestions:flags.25?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > > groupcall_default_join_as:flags.26?< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > theme_emoticon:flags.27?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > requests_pending:flags.28?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > recent_requesters:flags.28?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > > default_send_as:flags.29?< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChatFull" > ChatFull< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/codeSettings" > codeSettings< / a > #8a6469c2 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > allow_flashcall:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > current_number:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > allow_app_hash:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > allow_missed_call:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > logout_tokens:flags.6?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > > = < a href = "/type/CodeSettings" > CodeSettings< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/inputKeyboardButtonUserProfile" > inputKeyboardButtonUserProfile< / a > #e988037b text:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/InputUser" > InputUser< / a > = < a href = "/type/KeyboardButton" > KeyboardButton< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/keyboardButtonUserProfile" > keyboardButtonUserProfile< / a > #308660c1 text:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/KeyboardButton" > KeyboardButton< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/channels.sendAsPeers" > channels.sendAsPeers< / a > #8356cda9 peers:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > > chats:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Chat" > Chat< / a > > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > > = < a href = "/type/channels.SendAsPeers" > channels.SendAsPeers< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventActionToggleNoForwards" > channelAdminLogEventActionToggleNoForwards< / a > #cb2ac766 new_value:< a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChannelAdminLogEventAction" > ChannelAdminLogEventAction< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messages.stickerSetNotModified" > messages.stickerSetNotModified< / a > #d3f924eb = < a href = "/type/messages.StickerSet" > messages.StickerSet< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/users.userFull" > users.userFull< / a > #3b6d152e full_user:< a href = "/type/UserFull" > UserFull< / a > chats:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Chat" > Chat< / a > > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > > = < a href = "/type/users.UserFull" > users.UserFull< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messages.peerSettings" > messages.peerSettings< / a > #6880b94d settings:< a href = "/type/PeerSettings" > PeerSettings< / a > chats:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Chat" > Chat< / a > > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > > = < a href = "/type/messages.PeerSettings" > messages.PeerSettings< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventActionSendMessage" > channelAdminLogEventActionSendMessage< / a > #278f2868 message:< a href = "/type/Message" > Message< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChannelAdminLogEventAction" > ChannelAdminLogEventAction< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/auth.codeTypeMissedCall" > auth.codeTypeMissedCall< / a > #d61ad6ee = < a href = "/type/auth.CodeType" > auth.CodeType< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/auth.sentCodeTypeMissedCall" > auth.sentCodeTypeMissedCall< / a > #82006484 prefix:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > length:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/auth.SentCodeType" > auth.SentCodeType< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/auth.loggedOut" > auth.loggedOut< / a > #c3a2835f flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > future_auth_token:flags.0?< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > = < a href = "/type/auth.LoggedOut" > auth.LoggedOut< / a > ;< br >
---functions---< br >
< a href = "/method/auth.logOut" > auth.logOut< / a > #3e72ba19 = < a href = "/type/auth.LoggedOut" > auth.LoggedOut< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/users.getFullUser" > users.getFullUser< / a > #b60f5918 id:< a href = "/type/InputUser" > InputUser< / a > = < a href = "/type/users.UserFull" > users.UserFull< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/messages.sendMessage" > messages.sendMessage< / a > #0d9d75a4 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > no_webpage:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > silent:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > background:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > clear_draft:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > noforwards:flags.14?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > message:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > random_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > reply_markup:flags.2?< a href = "/type/ReplyMarkup" > ReplyMarkup< / a > entities:flags.3?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/MessageEntity" > MessageEntity< / a > > schedule_date:flags.10?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > send_as:flags.13?< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.sendMedia" > messages.sendMedia< / a > #e25ff8e0 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > silent:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > background:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > clear_draft:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > noforwards:flags.14?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > media:< a href = "/type/InputMedia" > InputMedia< / a > message:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > random_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > reply_markup:flags.2?< a href = "/type/ReplyMarkup" > ReplyMarkup< / a > entities:flags.3?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/MessageEntity" > MessageEntity< / a > > schedule_date:flags.10?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > send_as:flags.13?< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.forwardMessages" > messages.forwardMessages< / a > #cc30290b flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > silent:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > background:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > with_my_score:flags.8?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > drop_author:flags.11?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > drop_media_captions:flags.12?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > noforwards:flags.14?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > from_peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > id:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > > random_id:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > > to_peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > schedule_date:flags.10?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > send_as:flags.13?< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.getPeerSettings" > messages.getPeerSettings< / a > #efd9a6a2 peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.PeerSettings" > messages.PeerSettings< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.getStickerSet" > messages.getStickerSet< / a > #c8a0ec74 stickerset:< a href = "/type/InputStickerSet" > InputStickerSet< / a > hash:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.StickerSet" > messages.StickerSet< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/channels.reportSpam" > channels.reportSpam< / a > #f44a8315 channel:< a href = "/type/InputChannel" > InputChannel< / a > participant:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > id:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/messages.sendInlineBotResult" > messages.sendInlineBotResult< / a > #7aa11297 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > silent:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > background:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > clear_draft:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > hide_via:flags.11?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > random_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > query_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > id:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > schedule_date:flags.10?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > send_as:flags.13?< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.sendMultiMedia" > messages.sendMultiMedia< / a > #f803138f flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > silent:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > background:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > clear_draft:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > noforwards:flags.14?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > reply_to_msg_id:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > multi_media:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/InputSingleMedia" > InputSingleMedia< / a > > schedule_date:flags.10?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > send_as:flags.13?< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.hideAllChatJoinRequests" > messages.hideAllChatJoinRequests< / a > #e085f4ea flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > approved:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > link:flags.1?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.toggleNoForwards" > messages.toggleNoForwards< / a > #b11eafa2 peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > enabled:< a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.saveDefaultSendAs" > messages.saveDefaultSendAs< / a > #ccfddf96 peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > send_as:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/channels.getSendAs" > channels.getSendAs< / a > #0dc770ee peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > = < a href = "/type/channels.SendAsPeers" > channels.SendAsPeers< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/account.setAuthorizationTTL" > account.setAuthorizationTTL< / a > #bf899aa0 authorization_ttl_days:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/account.changeAuthorizationSettings" > account.changeAuthorizationSettings< / a > #40f48462 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > encrypted_requests_disabled:flags.0?< a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > call_requests_disabled:flags.1?< a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/channels.deleteParticipantHistory" > channels.deleteParticipantHistory< / a > #367544db channel:< a href = "/type/InputChannel" > InputChannel< / a > participant:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.AffectedHistory" > messages.AffectedHistory< / a > ;< br > < / code > < / pre > < / div >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-134" id = "layer-134" name = "layer-134" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=134" > Layer 134< / a > < / h3 >
2022-03-04 20:46:05 +00:00
< p > < a href = "/api/invites#join-requests" > Join requests< / a > , < a href = "https://telegram.org/blog/protected-content-delete-by-date-and-more#delete-messages-by-date" > delete by date< / a > , < a href = "https://telegram.org/blog/shared-media-scrolling-calendar-join-requests-and-more#global-chat-themes-on-ios" > global chat themes< / a > , < a href = "https://telegram.org/blog/shared-media-scrolling-calendar-join-requests-and-more" > hyper-speed scrolling and calendar view for shared media< / a > , sponsored channel posts.< / p >
2022-02-23 15:30:26 +00:00
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema-changes" id = "schema-changes" name = "schema-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-methods" id = "new-methods" name = "new-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
2022-03-01 18:05:23 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.getSearchResultsCalendar" > messages.getSearchResultsCalendar< / a > - Returns information about the next messages of the specified type in the chat split by days.< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.getSearchResultsPositions" > messages.getSearchResultsPositions< / a > - Returns sparse positions of messages of the specified type in the chat to be used for shared media scroll implementation.< / li >
2022-03-04 20:46:05 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.hideChatJoinRequest" > messages.hideChatJoinRequest< / a > - Dismiss or approve a chat < a href = "/api/invites#join-requests" > join request< / a > related to a specific chat or channel.< / li >
2022-02-23 15:30:26 +00:00
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-methods" id = "changed-methods" name = "changed-methods" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Methods< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > min_date< / strong > , < strong > max_date< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/method/messages.deleteHistory" > messages.deleteHistory< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > request_needed< / strong > , < strong > title< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/method/messages.exportChatInvite" > messages.exportChatInvite< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > settings< / strong > from < strong > flags.3?InputThemeSettings< / strong > to < strong > flags.3?Vector< InputThemeSettings> < / strong > in < a href = "/method/account.createTheme" > account.createTheme< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > settings< / strong > from < strong > flags.3?InputThemeSettings< / strong > to < strong > flags.3?Vector< InputThemeSettings> < / strong > in < a href = "/method/account.updateTheme" > account.updateTheme< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > base_theme< / strong > parameter, changed type of < strong > format< / strong > from < strong > flags.1?string< / strong > to < strong > flags.2?string< / strong > in < a href = "/method/account.installTheme" > account.installTheme< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > request_needed< / strong > , < strong > title< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/method/messages.editExportedChatInvite" > messages.editExportedChatInvite< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > flags< / strong > , < strong > requested< / strong > , < strong > q< / strong > parameters, changed type of < strong > link< / strong > from < strong > string< / strong > to < strong > flags.1?string< / strong > in < a href = "/method/messages.getChatInviteImporters" > messages.getChatInviteImporters< / a > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < a href = "/method/account.getChatThemes" > account.getChatThemes< / a > from < strong > account.ChatThemes< / strong > to < strong > account.Themes< / strong > < / li >
< li > Changed type of < strong > hash< / strong > from < strong > int< / strong > to < strong > long< / strong > in < a href = "/method/account.getChatThemes" > account.getChatThemes< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-constructors" id = "new-constructors" name = "new-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
2022-03-01 18:12:21 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/searchResultsCalendarPeriod" > searchResultsCalendarPeriod< / a > - Information about found messages sent on a specific day, used to split the < code > messages< / code > in < a href = "/constructor/messages.searchResultsCalendar" > messages.searchResultsCalendar< / a > constructors by days.< / li >
2022-02-25 21:11:12 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messages.searchResultsCalendar" > messages.searchResultsCalendar< / a > - Information about found messages sent on a specific day< / li >
2022-03-01 18:05:23 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/searchResultPosition" > searchResultPosition< / a > - Information about a message in a specific position< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messages.searchResultsPositions" > messages.searchResultsPositions< / a > - Information about sparse positions of messages< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/messageActionChatJoinedByRequest" > messageActionChatJoinedByRequest< / a > - A user was accepted into the group by an admin< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/updatePendingJoinRequests" > updatePendingJoinRequests< / a > - Someone has requested to join a chat or channel< / li >
2022-03-01 18:12:21 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/updateBotChatInviteRequester" > updateBotChatInviteRequester< / a > - Someone has requested to join a chat or channel (bots only, users will receive an < a href = "/constructor/updatePendingJoinRequests" > updatePendingJoinRequests< / a > , instead)< / li >
2022-02-24 21:12:16 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoinByRequest" > channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoinByRequest< / a > - A new member was accepted to the chat by an admin< / li >
2022-02-23 15:30:26 +00:00
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changed-constructors" id = "changed-constructors" name = "changed-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changed Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Added < strong > requests_pending< / strong > , < strong > recent_requesters< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/chatFull" > chatFull< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > request_needed< / strong > , < strong > requested< / strong > , < strong > title< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/chatInviteExported" > chatInviteExported< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > request_needed< / strong > , < strong > about< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/chatInvite" > chatInvite< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > requests_pending< / strong > , < strong > recent_requesters< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/channelFull" > channelFull< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > flags< / strong > , < strong > via_request< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/channelParticipantSelf" > channelParticipantSelf< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > send< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventsFilter" > channelAdminLogEventsFilter< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > emoticon< / strong > parameter, changed type of < strong > settings< / strong > from < strong > flags.3?ThemeSettings< / strong > to < strong > flags.3?Vector< ThemeSettings> < / strong > in < a href = "/constructor/theme" > theme< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > flags< / strong > , < strong > requested< / strong > , < strong > about< / strong > , < strong > approved_by< / strong > parameters in < a href = "/constructor/chatInviteImporter" > chatInviteImporter< / a > < / li >
< li > Added < strong > channel_post< / strong > parameter in < a href = "/constructor/sponsoredMessage" > sponsoredMessage< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#deleted-constructors" id = "deleted-constructors" name = "deleted-constructors" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Deleted Constructors< / h5 >
< ul >
< li > Removed chatTheme< / li >
< li > Removed account.chatThemesNotModified< / li >
< li > Removed account.chatThemes< / li >
< / ul >
2022-03-03 20:00:19 +00:00
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#push-notification-changes" id = "push-notification-changes" name = "push-notification-changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > PUSH notification changes< / h4 >
< h5 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#new-push-notifications" id = "new-push-notifications" name = "new-push-notifications" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > New PUSH notifications< / h5 >
< ul >
2022-03-09 19:00:14 +00:00
< li > Added < a href = "/api/push-updates#possible-notifications" > CHAT_REQ_JOINED< / a > - < code > {2}|{1} was accepted into the group< / code > < / li >
2022-03-03 20:00:19 +00:00
< / ul >
2022-02-23 15:30:26 +00:00
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#schema" id = "schema" name = "schema" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Schema< / h4 >
2022-03-03 20:00:19 +00:00
< div > < pre > < code > < a href = "/constructor/chatFull" > chatFull< / a > #46a6ffb4 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > can_set_username:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > has_scheduled:flags.8?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > about:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > participants:< a href = "/type/ChatParticipants" > ChatParticipants< / a > chat_photo:flags.2?< a href = "/type/Photo" > Photo< / a > notify_settings:< a href = "/type/PeerNotifySettings" > PeerNotifySettings< / a > exported_invite:flags.13?< a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > bot_info:flags.3?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/BotInfo" > BotInfo< / a > > pinned_msg_id:flags.6?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > folder_id:flags.11?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > call:flags.12?< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > ttl_period:flags.14?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > groupcall_default_join_as:flags.15?< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > theme_emoticon:flags.16?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > requests_pending:flags.17?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > recent_requesters:flags.17?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > > = < a href = "/type/ChatFull" > ChatFull< / a > ;
2022-02-23 15:30:26 +00:00
< a href = "/constructor/chatInviteExported" > chatInviteExported< / a > #0ab4a819 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > revoked:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > permanent:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > request_needed:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > link:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > admin_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > start_date:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > expire_date:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > usage_limit:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > usage:flags.3?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > requested:flags.7?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > title:flags.8?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > ;
2022-03-03 20:00:19 +00:00
< a href = "/constructor/chatInvite" > chatInvite< / a > #300c44c1 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > channel:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > broadcast:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > public:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > megagroup:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > request_needed:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > about:flags.5?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > photo:< a href = "/type/Photo" > Photo< / a > participants_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > participants:flags.4?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > > = < a href = "/type/ChatInvite" > ChatInvite< / a > ;
2022-02-23 15:30:26 +00:00
< a href = "/constructor/channelFull" > channelFull< / a > #59cff963 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > can_view_participants:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_set_username:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_set_stickers:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > hidden_prehistory:flags.10?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_set_location:flags.16?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > has_scheduled:flags.19?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > can_view_stats:flags.20?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > blocked:flags.22?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > about:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > participants_count:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > admins_count:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > kicked_count:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > banned_count:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > online_count:flags.13?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > read_inbox_max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > read_outbox_max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > unread_count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > chat_photo:< a href = "/type/Photo" > Photo< / a > notify_settings:< a href = "/type/PeerNotifySettings" > PeerNotifySettings< / a > exported_invite:flags.23?< a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > bot_info:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/BotInfo" > BotInfo< / a > > migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pinned_msg_id:flags.5?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > stickerset:flags.8?< a href = "/type/StickerSet" > StickerSet< / a > available_min_id:flags.9?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > folder_id:flags.11?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > linked_chat_id:flags.14?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > location:flags.15?< a href = "/type/ChannelLocation" > ChannelLocation< / a > slowmode_seconds:flags.17?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > slowmode_next_send_date:flags.18?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > stats_dc:flags.12?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > call:flags.21?< a href = "/type/InputGroupCall" > InputGroupCall< / a > ttl_period:flags.24?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > pending_suggestions:flags.25?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > > groupcall_default_join_as:flags.26?< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > theme_emoticon:flags.27?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > requests_pending:flags.28?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > recent_requesters:flags.28?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > > = < a href = "/type/ChatFull" > ChatFull< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/channelParticipantSelf" > channelParticipantSelf< / a > #35a8bfa7 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > via_request:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > inviter_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChannelParticipant" > ChannelParticipant< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventsFilter" > channelAdminLogEventsFilter< / a > #ea107ae4 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > join:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > leave:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > invite:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > ban:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > unban:flags.4?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > kick:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > unkick:flags.6?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > promote:flags.7?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > demote:flags.8?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > info:flags.9?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > settings:flags.10?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > pinned:flags.11?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > edit:flags.12?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > delete:flags.13?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > group_call:flags.14?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > invites:flags.15?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > send:flags.16?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter" > ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/theme" > theme< / a > #a00e67d6 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > creator:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > default:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > for_chat:flags.5?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > access_hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > slug:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > document:flags.2?< a href = "/type/Document" > Document< / a > settings:flags.3?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/ThemeSettings" > ThemeSettings< / a > > emoticon:flags.6?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > installs_count:flags.4?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Theme" > Theme< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/chatInviteImporter" > chatInviteImporter< / a > #8c5adfd9 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > requested:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > about:flags.2?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > approved_by:flags.1?< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChatInviteImporter" > ChatInviteImporter< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/sponsoredMessage" > sponsoredMessage< / a > #d151e19a flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > random_id:< a href = "/type/bytes" > bytes< / a > from_id:< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > channel_post:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > start_param:flags.0?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > message:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > entities:flags.1?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/MessageEntity" > MessageEntity< / a > > = < a href = "/type/SponsoredMessage" > SponsoredMessage< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/searchResultsCalendarPeriod" > searchResultsCalendarPeriod< / a > #c9b0539f date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > min_msg_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > max_msg_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/SearchResultsCalendarPeriod" > SearchResultsCalendarPeriod< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messages.searchResultsCalendar" > messages.searchResultsCalendar< / a > #147ee23c flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > inexact:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > min_date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > min_msg_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > offset_id_offset:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > periods:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/SearchResultsCalendarPeriod" > SearchResultsCalendarPeriod< / a > > messages:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Message" > Message< / a > > chats:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/Chat" > Chat< / a > > users:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/User" > User< / a > > = < a href = "/type/messages.SearchResultsCalendar" > messages.SearchResultsCalendar< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/searchResultPosition" > searchResultPosition< / a > #7f648b67 msg_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > offset:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/SearchResultsPosition" > SearchResultsPosition< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/messages.searchResultsPositions" > messages.searchResultsPositions< / a > #53b22baf count:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > positions:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/SearchResultsPosition" > SearchResultsPosition< / a > > = < a href = "/type/messages.SearchResultsPositions" > messages.SearchResultsPositions< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/messageActionChatJoinedByRequest" > messageActionChatJoinedByRequest< / a > #ebbca3cb = < a href = "/type/MessageAction" > MessageAction< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/updatePendingJoinRequests" > updatePendingJoinRequests< / a > #7063c3db peer:< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > requests_pending:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > recent_requesters:< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;
< a href = "/constructor/updateBotChatInviteRequester" > updateBotChatInviteRequester< / a > #11dfa986 peer:< a href = "/type/Peer" > Peer< / a > date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > about:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > invite:< a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > qts:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/Update" > Update< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/constructor/channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoinByRequest" > channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoinByRequest< / a > #afb6144a invite:< a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > approved_by:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/ChannelAdminLogEventAction" > ChannelAdminLogEventAction< / a > ;< br >
---functions---< br >
< a href = "/method/messages.deleteHistory" > messages.deleteHistory< / a > #b08f922a flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > just_clear:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > revoke:flags.1?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > max_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > min_date:flags.2?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > max_date:flags.3?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.AffectedHistory" > messages.AffectedHistory< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.exportChatInvite" > messages.exportChatInvite< / a > #a02ce5d5 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > legacy_revoke_permanent:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > request_needed:flags.3?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > expire_date:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > usage_limit:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > title:flags.4?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/ExportedChatInvite" > ExportedChatInvite< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/account.createTheme" > account.createTheme< / a > #652e4400 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > slug:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > title:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > document:flags.2?< a href = "/type/InputDocument" > InputDocument< / a > settings:flags.3?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/InputThemeSettings" > InputThemeSettings< / a > > = < a href = "/type/Theme" > Theme< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/account.updateTheme" > account.updateTheme< / a > #2bf40ccc flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > format:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > theme:< a href = "/type/InputTheme" > InputTheme< / a > slug:flags.0?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > title:flags.1?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > document:flags.2?< a href = "/type/InputDocument" > InputDocument< / a > settings:flags.3?< a href = "/type/Vector%20t" > Vector< / a > < < a href = "/type/InputThemeSettings" > InputThemeSettings< / a > > = < a href = "/type/Theme" > Theme< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/account.installTheme" > account.installTheme< / a > #c727bb3b flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > dark:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > theme:flags.1?< a href = "/type/InputTheme" > InputTheme< / a > format:flags.2?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > base_theme:flags.3?< a href = "/type/BaseTheme" > BaseTheme< / a > = < a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/messages.editExportedChatInvite" > messages.editExportedChatInvite< / a > #bdca2f75 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > revoked:flags.2?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > link:< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > expire_date:flags.0?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > usage_limit:flags.1?< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > request_needed:flags.3?< a href = "/type/Bool" > Bool< / a > title:flags.4?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.ExportedChatInvite" > messages.ExportedChatInvite< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.getChatInviteImporters" > messages.getChatInviteImporters< / a > #df04dd4e flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > requested:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > link:flags.1?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > q:flags.2?< a href = "/type/string" > string< / a > offset_date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > offset_user:< a href = "/type/InputUser" > InputUser< / a > limit:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.ChatInviteImporters" > messages.ChatInviteImporters< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/account.getChatThemes" > account.getChatThemes< / a > #d638de89 hash:< a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > = < a href = "/type/account.Themes" > account.Themes< / a > ;< br >
< a href = "/method/messages.getSearchResultsCalendar" > messages.getSearchResultsCalendar< / a > #49f0bde9 peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > filter:< a href = "/type/MessagesFilter" > MessagesFilter< / a > offset_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > offset_date:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.SearchResultsCalendar" > messages.SearchResultsCalendar< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.getSearchResultsPositions" > messages.getSearchResultsPositions< / a > #6e9583a3 peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > filter:< a href = "/type/MessagesFilter" > MessagesFilter< / a > offset_id:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > limit:< a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > = < a href = "/type/messages.SearchResultsPositions" > messages.SearchResultsPositions< / a > ;
< a href = "/method/messages.hideChatJoinRequest" > messages.hideChatJoinRequest< / a > #7fe7e815 flags:< a href = "/type/%23" > #< / a > approved:flags.0?< a href = "/constructor/true" > true< / a > peer:< a href = "/type/InputPeer" > InputPeer< / a > user_id:< a href = "/type/InputUser" > InputUser< / a > = < a href = "/type/Updates" > Updates< / a > ;< br > < / code > < / pre > < / div >
< h3 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#layer-133" id = "layer-133" name = "layer-133" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > < a href = "/schema?layer=133" > Layer 133< / a > < / h3 >
< p > Group message receipts, < a href = "/api/animated-emojis#emoji-reactions" > animated emoji reactions »< / a > and switch to 64-bit identifiers for users, groups, supergroups and channels.< / p >
< p > Over 160 constructors and methods were changed, changing parameter types from < a href = "/type/int" > int< / a > to < a href = "/type/long" > long< / a > , including < a href = "/constructor/user" > user< / a > , < a href = "/constructor/chat" > chat< / a > and < a href = "/constructor/channel" > channel< / a > : the full changelog is elided for space reasons.< br >
You can visit < a href = "/schema" > the schema< / a > for an updated list of constructors.< / p >
< p > Also note that the < a href = "/api/offsets#hash-generation" > hashing algorithm for pagination< / a > was also changed to account for 64-bit IDs.< / p >
2022-03-10 19:25:03 +00:00
< p > All layers 1-132 are deprecated due to impossible backwards compatibility between 32-bit and 64-bit IDs.< / p >
2022-02-23 15:30:26 +00:00
< h4 > < a class = "anchor" href = "#changes" id = "changes" name = "changes" > < i class = "anchor-icon" > < / i > < / a > Changes< / h4 >
< ul >
< li > Added < a href = "/method/messages.getMessageReadParticipants" > messages.getMessageReadParticipants< / a > - Get which users read a specific message< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/inputStickerSetAnimatedEmojiAnimations" > inputStickerSetAnimatedEmojiAnimations< / a > - Animated emoji reaction stickerset (contains animations to play when a user clicks on a given animated emoji)< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/sendMessageEmojiInteraction" > sendMessageEmojiInteraction< / a > - User has clicked on an animated emoji triggering a < a href = "/api/animated-emojis#emoji-reactions" > reaction, click here for more info »< / a > .< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/sendMessageEmojiInteractionSeen" > sendMessageEmojiInteractionSeen< / a > - User is watching an animated emoji reaction triggered by another user, < a href = "/api/animated-emojis#emoji-reactions" > click here for more info »< / a > .< / li >
< li > Added < a href = "/constructor/inputBotInlineMessageID64" > inputBotInlineMessageID64< / a > - Represents a sent inline message from the perspective of a bot< / li >
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