<metaproperty="description"content="A story was successfully uploaded. Once a story is successfully uploaded, an updateStoryID will be returned, indicating the story ID (id) that was attributed to the story (like for messages, random_id indicates the random_id that was passed to stories.sendStory: this way, you can tell which story was assigned a specific id by checking which stories.sendStory call has the returned random_id).">
<metaproperty="og:description"content="A story was successfully uploaded. Once a story is successfully uploaded, an updateStoryID will be returned, indicating the story ID (id) that was attributed to the story (like for messages, random_id indicates the random_id that was passed to stories.sendStory: this way, you can tell which story was assigned a specific id by checking which stories.sendStory call has the returned random_id).">
<divid="dev_page_content"><p>A story was successfully uploaded.</p>
<p>Once a story is successfully uploaded, an <ahref="/constructor/updateStoryID">updateStoryID</a> will be returned, indicating the story ID (<code>id</code>) that was attributed to the story (like for messages, <code>random_id</code> indicates the <code>random_id</code> that was passed to <ahref="/method/stories.sendStory">stories.sendStory</a>: this way, you can tell which story was assigned a specific <code>id</code> by checking which <ahref="/method/stories.sendStory">stories.sendStory</a> call has the returned <code>random_id</code>).</p>
<p>Once a story is successfully uploaded, an <ahref="/constructor/updateStoryID">updateStoryID</a> will be returned, indicating the story ID (<code>id</code>) that was attributed to the story (like for messages, <code>random_id</code> indicates the <code>random_id</code> that was passed to <ahref="/method/stories.sendStory">stories.sendStory</a>: this way, you can tell which story was assigned a specific <code>id</code> by checking which <ahref="/method/stories.sendStory">stories.sendStory</a> call has the returned <code>random_id</code>).</p></div>
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