mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 15:48:31 +01:00
482 lines
14 KiB
482 lines
14 KiB
"lng_action_secure_address": [
"lng_action_secure_email": [
"email address"
"lng_action_secure_personal_details": [
"personal details"
"lng_action_secure_phone": [
"phone number"
"lng_action_secure_proof_of_address": [
"proof of address"
"lng_action_secure_proof_of_identity": [
"proof of identity"
"lng_action_secure_values_sent": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{user}</mark> received the following documents: <mark class=\"token\">{documents}</mark>"
"lng_bad_phone": [
"Invalid phone number. Please try again."
"lng_box_delete": [
"lng_box_ok": [
"lng_cancel": [
"lng_change_phone_code_title": [
"Enter code"
"lng_cloud_password_almost": [
"A confirmation link was sent to the<br/>email address you provided. Two-step verification will be enabled for your account as soon as you open that link."
"lng_cloud_password_passport_losing": [
"Warning! All data saved in your Telegram Passport will be lost!"
"lng_code_call": [
"Telegram will call you in <mark class=\"token\">{minutes}</mark>:<mark class=\"token\">{seconds}</mark>"
"lng_continue": [
"lng_date_input_day": [
"lng_date_input_month": [
"lng_date_input_year": [
"lng_export_folder": [
"Choose export folder"
"lng_intro_submit": [
"lng_passport_about_password": [
"This password will also be required whenever<br/>you log in to a new device."
"lng_passport_accept_allow": [
"You accept the <mark class=\"token\">{policy}</mark> and allow their <mark class=\"token\">{bot}</mark> to send you messages."
"lng_passport_address": [
"lng_passport_address_about": [
"To confirm your address, please upload a scan or photo of the selected document (all pages)."
"lng_passport_address_agreement": [
"Tenancy agreement"
"lng_passport_address_agreement_upload": [
"Upload a scan of your tenancy agreement"
"lng_passport_address_bill": [
"Utility bill"
"lng_passport_address_bill_upload": [
"Upload a scan of your utility bill"
"lng_passport_address_description": [
"Upload proof of your address"
"lng_passport_address_enter": [
"Provide your address"
"lng_passport_address_registration": [
"Passport registration"
"lng_passport_address_registration_upload": [
"Upload a scan of your passport registration page"
"lng_passport_address_statement": [
"Bank statement"
"lng_passport_address_statement_upload": [
"Upload a scan of your bank statement"
"lng_passport_address_temporary": [
"Temporary registration"
"lng_passport_address_temporary_upload": [
"Upload a scan of your temporary registration"
"lng_passport_address_title": [
"Residential address"
"lng_passport_allow": [
"You allow <mark class=\"token\">{bot}</mark> to send you messages."
"lng_passport_app_out_of_date": [
"Sorry, your Telegram app is out of date and can't handle this request. Please update Telegram."
"lng_passport_authorize": [
"lng_passport_bad_name": [
"Please use latin characters only."
"lng_passport_birth_date": [
"Date of birth"
"lng_passport_choose_image": [
"Choose scan image"
"lng_passport_city": [
"lng_passport_confirm_email": [
"We've sent a confirmation code to your email <mark class=\"token\">{email}</mark>."
"lng_passport_confirm_phone": [
"We've sent an SMS with a confirmation code to your phone <mark class=\"token\">{phone}</mark>."
"lng_passport_country": [
"lng_passport_country_choose": [
"Choose country"
"lng_passport_create_password": [
"Please create a password which will be used<br/>to encrypt your personal data."
"lng_passport_delete_address": [
"Delete address information"
"lng_passport_delete_address_sure": [
"Are you sure you want to delete your address information?"
"lng_passport_delete_details": [
"Delete personal details"
"lng_passport_delete_details_sure": [
"Are you sure you want to delete your personal details?"
"lng_passport_delete_document": [
"Delete document"
"lng_passport_delete_document_sure": [
"Are you sure you want to delete this document?"
"lng_passport_delete_email": [
"Delete email"
"lng_passport_delete_email_sure": [
"Are you sure you want to delete your email address?"
"lng_passport_delete_phone": [
"Delete phone number"
"lng_passport_delete_phone_sure": [
"Are you sure you want to delete your phone number?"
"lng_passport_delete_scan_undo": [
"lng_passport_document_details": [
"Document details"
"lng_passport_document_number": [
"Document Number"
"lng_passport_document_type": [
"Please choose the type of your document:"
"lng_passport_email_description": [
"Enter your email address"
"lng_passport_email_title": [
"lng_passport_error_bad_size": [
"Sorry, this image has wrong dimensions."
"lng_passport_error_cant_read": [
"Can't read this file. Please choose an image."
"lng_passport_error_too_large": [
"Sorry, this file is too large."
"lng_passport_expiry_date": [
"Expiry date"
"lng_passport_first_name": [
"First name"
"lng_passport_fix_errors": [
"Please correct errors."
"lng_passport_form_error": [
"Could not get authorization form."
"lng_passport_front_side_description": [
"Upload a photo of the front side of the document."
"lng_passport_front_side_title": [
"Front side"
"lng_passport_gender": [
"lng_passport_gender_female": [
"lng_passport_gender_male": [
"lng_passport_header": [
"Requested information"
"lng_passport_identity_about": [
"The document must contain your photograph, first and last name, date of birth, document number, country of issue, and expiry date."
"lng_passport_identity_card": [
"Identity card"
"lng_passport_identity_card_upload": [
"Upload a scan of your identity card"
"lng_passport_identity_description": [
"Upload proof of your identity"
"lng_passport_identity_internal": [
"Internal passport"
"lng_passport_identity_internal_upload": [
"Upload a scan of your internal passport"
"lng_passport_identity_license": [
"Driver's licence"
"lng_passport_identity_license_upload": [
"Upload a scan of your driver's license"
"lng_passport_identity_passport": [
"lng_passport_identity_passport_upload": [
"Upload a scan of your passport"
"lng_passport_identity_selfie": [
"Take a selfie with your document"
"lng_passport_identity_title": [
"Identity document"
"lng_passport_last_name": [
"Last name"
"lng_passport_link_sent": [
"A confirmation link was sent to<br/><mark class=\"token\">{email}</mark>"
"lng_passport_main_page_description": [
"Upload a scan of the main page of your document."
"lng_passport_main_page_name": [
"lng_passport_main_page_title": [
"Main page"
"lng_passport_middle_name": [
"Middle name"
"lng_passport_native_name_about": [
"Your name in the language of your country of residence (<mark class=\"token\">{country}</mark>)."
"lng_passport_native_name_language": [
"Your name in <mark class=\"token\">{language}</mark>"
"lng_passport_native_name_language_about": [
"Your name in the language of your country of residence."
"lng_passport_native_name_title": [
"Name in country of residence"
"lng_passport_new_email": [
"Or enter a new email"
"lng_passport_new_email_code": [
"Note: You will receive a confirmation code to the email address you provide."
"lng_passport_new_phone": [
"Or enter a new phone number"
"lng_passport_new_phone_code": [
"Note: You will receive a confirmation code on the phone number you provide."
"lng_passport_next": [
"lng_passport_or_title": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{document}</mark> or <mark class=\"token\">{second_document}</mark>"
"lng_passport_password_create": [
"Create a password"
"lng_passport_password_placeholder": [
"Your password"
"lng_passport_password_wrong": [
"The password you entered is not valid."
"lng_passport_personal_details": [
"Personal details"
"lng_passport_personal_details_enter": [
"Fill in your personal details"
"lng_passport_phone_description": [
"Enter your phone number"
"lng_passport_phone_title": [
"Phone number"
"lng_passport_policy": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{bot}</mark> privacy policy"
"lng_passport_postcode": [
"lng_passport_request1": [
"<mark class=\"token\">{bot}</mark> requests access to your personal data"
"lng_passport_request2": [
"to sign you up for their services"
"lng_passport_residence_country": [
"lng_passport_restart": [
"lng_passport_restart_sure": [
"An unexpected error has occurred. Perhaps some changes were made from a different Telegram application. Would you like to restart this authorization?"
"lng_passport_reupload_front_side": [
"Reupload a scan of the front side"
"lng_passport_reupload_main_page": [
"Reupload a scan of the main page"
"lng_passport_reupload_reverse_side": [
"Reupload a scan of the reverse side"
"lng_passport_reupload_selfie": [
"Reupload selfie"
"lng_passport_reverse_side_description": [
"Upload a photo of the reverse side of the document."
"lng_passport_reverse_side_title": [
"Reverse side"
"lng_passport_save_value": [
"lng_passport_saving": [
"lng_passport_scan_index": [
"Scan <mark class=\"token\">{index}</mark>"
"lng_passport_scan_uploaded": [
"Uploaded on <mark class=\"token\">{date}</mark>"
"lng_passport_scans_limit_reached": [
"Sorry, that's too many scans for one document."
"lng_passport_selfie_description": [
"Upload a photo of yourself holding your document. Make sure the ID and your face are clearly visible."
"lng_passport_selfie_title": [
"lng_passport_state": [
"lng_passport_stop": [
"lng_passport_stop_password_sure": [
"Are you sure you want to cancel setting up your password?"
"lng_passport_stop_sure": [
"Are you sure you want to stop this authorization?"
"lng_passport_street": [
"lng_passport_success": [
"Authorization successful!"
"lng_passport_sure_cancel": [
"If you continue, your changes will be lost."
"lng_passport_title": [
"Telegram Passport"
"lng_passport_translation": [
"lng_passport_translation_needed": [
"Add an English translation of your document"
"lng_passport_upload_document": [
"Upload document"
"lng_passport_upload_front_side": [
"Upload a scan of the front side"
"lng_passport_upload_main_page": [
"Upload a scan of the main page"
"lng_passport_upload_more": [
"Upload additional scans"
"lng_passport_upload_reverse_side": [
"Upload a scan of the reverse side"
"lng_passport_upload_scans": [
"Upload scans"
"lng_passport_upload_selfie": [
"Upload selfie"
"lng_passport_uploading": [
"lng_passport_use_existing": [
"USE <mark class=\"token\">{existing}</mark>"
"lng_passport_use_existing_email": [
"Use the same email address as on Telegram."
"lng_passport_use_existing_phone": [
"Use the same phone number as on Telegram."
"lng_passport_wait_upload": [
"Please wait until the file has finished uploading."
"lng_signin_code": [
"Code from the email"
"lng_signin_recover": [
"Forgot password?"
"lng_signin_recover_hint": [
"We sent a code to <mark class=\"token\">{recover_email}</mark>"
"lng_signin_recover_title": [
"Password reset"