From 024cbb6d6fb3a8a323c9d391345a6124c22334b3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: GitHub Action Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2023 11:36:20 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Update content of files --- data/web_tr/translation_keys.json | 297 -- .../en/ios/chat_list.json | 2399 +---------------- 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 2695 deletions(-) diff --git a/data/web_tr/translation_keys.json b/data/web_tr/translation_keys.json index 41e6d992ea..bc9773aaf3 100644 --- a/data/web_tr/translation_keys.json +++ b/data/web_tr/translation_keys.json @@ -10979,10 +10979,8 @@ "AccessDenied.Wallpapers", "Activity.ChoosingSticker", "Activity.EnjoyingAnimations", - "Activity.PlayingGame", "Activity.RecordingAudio", "Activity.RecordingVideoMessage", - "Activity.TappingInteractiveEmoji", "Activity.UploadingDocument", "Activity.UploadingPhoto", "Activity.UploadingVideo", @@ -11154,12 +11152,6 @@ "ArchiveSettings.UnknownChatsHeader", "ArchiveSettings.UnmutedChatsFooter", "ArchiveSettings.UnmutedChatsHeader", - "ArchivedChats.IntroText1", - "ArchivedChats.IntroText2", - "ArchivedChats.IntroText3", - "ArchivedChats.IntroTitle1", - "ArchivedChats.IntroTitle2", - "ArchivedChats.IntroTitle3", "ArchivedPacksAlert.Title", "Attachment.AllMedia", "Attachment.Camera", @@ -11377,7 +11369,6 @@ "BlockedUsers.BlockTitle", "BlockedUsers.BlockUser", "BlockedUsers.Info", - "BlockedUsers.LeavePrefix", "BlockedUsers.SelectUserTitle", "BlockedUsers.Title", "BlockedUsers.Unblock", @@ -11977,7 +11968,6 @@ "Channel.Info.Subscribers", "Channel.JoinChannel", "Channel.LeaveChannel", - "Channel.LeaveChannel", "Channel.LinkItem", "Channel.Management.AddModerator", "Channel.Management.AddModeratorHelp", @@ -12029,7 +12019,6 @@ "Channel.Setup.LinksOrderInfo", "Channel.Setup.PublicLink", "Channel.Setup.PublicNoLink", - "Channel.Setup.Title", "Channel.Setup.TypeHeader", "Channel.Setup.TypePrivate", "Channel.Setup.TypePrivateHelp", @@ -12074,7 +12063,6 @@ "ChannelInfo.DeleteChannel", "ChannelInfo.DeleteChannelConfirmation", "ChannelInfo.DeleteGroup", - "ChannelInfo.DeleteGroupConfirmation", "ChannelInfo.FakeChannelWarning", "ChannelInfo.InviteLink.RevokeAlert.Text", "ChannelInfo.ScamChannelWarning", @@ -12142,9 +12130,6 @@ "Chat.PanelRestartTopic", "Chat.PanelTopicClosedText", "Chat.PanelUnpinAllMessages", - "Chat.PinnedListPreview.HidePinnedMessages", - "Chat.PinnedListPreview.ShowAllMessages", - "Chat.PinnedListPreview.UnpinAllMessages", "Chat.PinnedMessagesHiddenText", "Chat.PinnedMessagesHiddenTitle", "Chat.PlaceholderTextNotAllowed", @@ -12218,85 +12203,38 @@ "ChatImportActivity.Success", "ChatImportActivity.Title", "ChatList.AddChatsToFolder", - "ChatList.AddFolder", "ChatList.AddedToFolderTooltip", - "ChatList.AlertDeleteFolderText", - "ChatList.AlertDeleteFolderTitle", "ChatList.Archive", "ChatList.Archive.ContextInfo", "ChatList.Archive.ContextSettings", - "ChatList.ArchiveAction", "ChatList.ArchiveStoryCount", - "ChatList.ArchivedChatsTitle", "ChatList.AutoarchiveSuggestion.OpenSettings", "ChatList.AutoarchiveSuggestion.Text", "ChatList.AutoarchiveSuggestion.Title", - "ChatList.ChatTypesSection", "ChatList.ClearChatConfirmation", "ChatList.ClearSavedMessagesConfirmation", - "ChatList.ClearSearchHistory", "ChatList.CloseAction", "ChatList.Context.AddToContacts", - "ChatList.Context.AddToFolder", "ChatList.Context.Archive", "ChatList.Context.Back", "ChatList.Context.CloseTopic", "ChatList.Context.Delete", - "ChatList.Context.Delete", - "ChatList.Context.HideArchive", - "ChatList.Context.JoinChannel", "ChatList.Context.JoinChat", - "ChatList.Context.MarkAllAsRead", - "ChatList.Context.MarkAsRead", - "ChatList.Context.MarkAsUnread", - "ChatList.Context.Mute", - "ChatList.Context.Pin", - "ChatList.Context.RemoveFromFolder", - "ChatList.Context.RemoveFromRecents", "ChatList.Context.ReopenTopic", "ChatList.Context.Select", "ChatList.Context.Unarchive", - "ChatList.Context.UnhideArchive", - "ChatList.Context.Unmute", - "ChatList.Context.Unpin", - "ChatList.ContextMenuBadgeNew", - "ChatList.ContextMenuShare", - "ChatList.ContextMuteAll", "ChatList.ContextSelectChats", - "ChatList.ContextUnmuteAll", - "ChatList.DeleteAndLeaveGroupConfirmation", - "ChatList.DeleteChat", - "ChatList.DeleteChatConfirmation", - "ChatList.DeleteConfirmation", - "ChatList.DeleteForAllMembers", "ChatList.DeleteForAllMembersConfirmationText", "ChatList.DeleteForAllSubscribers", "ChatList.DeleteForAllSubscribersConfirmationText", "ChatList.DeleteForCurrentUser", - "ChatList.DeleteForCurrentUser", - "ChatList.DeleteForEveryone", - "ChatList.DeleteForEveryoneConfirmationAction", - "ChatList.DeleteForEveryoneConfirmationText", - "ChatList.DeleteForEveryoneConfirmationTitle", - "ChatList.DeleteSavedMessagesConfirmation", - "ChatList.DeleteSavedMessagesConfirmationAction", - "ChatList.DeleteSavedMessagesConfirmationText", - "ChatList.DeleteSavedMessagesConfirmationTitle", - "ChatList.DeleteSecretChatConfirmation", "ChatList.DeleteThreadsConfirmation", "ChatList.DeleteTopicConfirmationAction", "ChatList.DeleteTopicConfirmationText", "ChatList.DeletedChats", "ChatList.DeletedThreads", - "ChatList.EditFolder", "ChatList.EditFolders", "ChatList.EmptyChatFilterList", - "ChatList.EmptyChatList", - "ChatList.EmptyChatListEditFilter", - "ChatList.EmptyChatListFilterText", - "ChatList.EmptyChatListFilterTitle", - "ChatList.EmptyChatListNewMessage", - "ChatList.EmptyChatListWithArchive", "ChatList.EmptyListContactsHeader", "ChatList.EmptyListContactsHeaderHide", "ChatList.EmptyListTooltip", @@ -12312,21 +12250,10 @@ "ChatList.GenericPsaAlert", "ChatList.GenericPsaLabel", "ChatList.HeaderImportIntoAnExistingGroup", - "ChatList.HideAction", "ChatList.LabelAutodeleteAfter", "ChatList.LabelAutodeleteDisabled", - "ChatList.LeaveGroupConfirmation", "ChatList.MaxThreadPinsFinalText", - "ChatList.MessageFiles", - "ChatList.MessageMusic", - "ChatList.MessagePhotos", - "ChatList.MessageVideos", - "ChatList.Mute", - "ChatList.PanelNewChatsAvailable", - "ChatList.PeerTypeBot", "ChatList.PeerTypeChannel", - "ChatList.PeerTypeContact", - "ChatList.PeerTypeGroup", "ChatList.PeerTypeNonContact", "ChatList.PremiumAnnualDiscountText", "ChatList.PremiumAnnualDiscountTitle", @@ -12338,33 +12265,15 @@ "ChatList.PsaAlert.psa", "ChatList.PsaLabel.covid", "ChatList.PsaLabel.psa", - "ChatList.Read", - "ChatList.ReadAll", "ChatList.RemoveFolder", - "ChatList.RemoveFolderAction", - "ChatList.RemoveFolderConfirmation", - "ChatList.RemovedFromFolderTooltip", - "ChatList.ReorderTabs", - "ChatList.Search.FilterChats", "ChatList.Search.FilterDownloads", - "ChatList.Search.FilterFiles", - "ChatList.Search.FilterLinks", - "ChatList.Search.FilterMedia", - "ChatList.Search.FilterMusic", "ChatList.Search.FilterTopics", - "ChatList.Search.FilterVoice", - "ChatList.Search.NoResults", - "ChatList.Search.NoResultsDescription", "ChatList.Search.NoResultsFilter", "ChatList.Search.NoResultsFitlerFiles", "ChatList.Search.NoResultsFitlerLinks", "ChatList.Search.NoResultsFitlerMedia", "ChatList.Search.NoResultsFitlerMusic", "ChatList.Search.NoResultsFitlerVoice", - "ChatList.Search.NoResultsQueryDescription", - "ChatList.Search.ShowLess", - "ChatList.Search.ShowMore", - "ChatList.SelectedChats", "ChatList.SelectedTopics", "ChatList.StartAction", "ChatList.StartMessaging", @@ -12373,26 +12282,11 @@ "ChatList.StoryFeedTooltip", "ChatList.StoryFeedTooltipUsers", "ChatList.TabIconFoldersTooltipEmptyFolders", - "ChatList.TabIconFoldersTooltipNonEmptyFolders", "ChatList.Tabs.All", - "ChatList.Tabs.AllChats", "ChatList.ThreadHideAction", "ChatList.ThreadUnhideAction", - "ChatList.ToastFolderMuted", - "ChatList.ToastFolderUnmuted", - "ChatList.UnarchiveAction", - "ChatList.UndoArchiveHiddenText", - "ChatList.UndoArchiveHiddenTitle", - "ChatList.UndoArchiveMultipleTitle", - "ChatList.UndoArchiveRevealedText", - "ChatList.UndoArchiveRevealedTitle", - "ChatList.UndoArchiveText1", - "ChatList.UndoArchiveTitle", - "ChatList.UnhideAction", - "ChatList.Unmute", "ChatList.UserReacted", "ChatListFilter.AddChatsSearchPlaceholder", - "ChatListFilter.AddChatsTitle", "ChatListFilter.AlertCreateFolderBeforeSharingText", "ChatListFilter.CreateLink", "ChatListFilter.CreateLinkErrorSomeoneHasChannelLimit", @@ -12413,32 +12307,14 @@ "ChatListFilter.ToastChatsRemovedTitle", "ChatListFilterList.CreateFolder", "ChatListFolder.AddChats", - "ChatListFolder.AddChats", - "ChatListFolder.CategoryArchived", - "ChatListFolder.CategoryBots", "ChatListFolder.CategoryBots", "ChatListFolder.CategoryChannels", - "ChatListFolder.CategoryChannels", - "ChatListFolder.CategoryContacts", "ChatListFolder.CategoryContacts", "ChatListFolder.CategoryGroups", - "ChatListFolder.CategoryGroups", - "ChatListFolder.CategoryMuted", "ChatListFolder.CategoryNonContacts", - "ChatListFolder.CategoryNonContacts", - "ChatListFolder.CategoryRead", - "ChatListFolder.DiscardCancel", - "ChatListFolder.DiscardConfirmation", - "ChatListFolder.DiscardDiscard", - "ChatListFolder.ExcludeChatsTitle", - "ChatListFolder.ExcludeSectionInfo", "ChatListFolder.ExcludeSectionInfo", "ChatListFolder.ExcludedSectionHeader", - "ChatListFolder.ExcludedSectionHeader", - "ChatListFolder.IncludeChatsTitle", "ChatListFolder.IncludeSectionInfo", - "ChatListFolder.IncludeSectionInfo", - "ChatListFolder.IncludedSectionHeader", "ChatListFolder.IncludedSectionHeader", "ChatListFolder.NameBots", "ChatListFolder.NameChannels", @@ -12446,26 +12322,15 @@ "ChatListFolder.NameGroups", "ChatListFolder.NameNonContacts", "ChatListFolder.NameNonMuted", - "ChatListFolder.NamePlaceholder", - "ChatListFolder.NameSectionHeader", "ChatListFolder.NameSectionHeader", "ChatListFolder.NameUnread", "ChatListFolder.TitleCreate", - "ChatListFolder.TitleCreate", - "ChatListFolder.TitleEdit", "ChatListFolderSettings.AddRecommended", - "ChatListFolderSettings.AddRecommended", - "ChatListFolderSettings.EditFoldersInfo", - "ChatListFolderSettings.FoldersSection", "ChatListFolderSettings.Info", - "ChatListFolderSettings.Info", - "ChatListFolderSettings.NewFolder", - "ChatListFolderSettings.RecommendedFoldersSection", "ChatListFolderSettings.RecommendedNewFolder", "ChatListFolderSettings.SubscribeToMoveAll", "ChatListFolderSettings.SubscribeToMoveAllAction", "ChatListFolderSettings.Title", - "ChatListFolderSettings.Title", "ChatSearch.ResultsTooltip", "ChatSearch.SearchPlaceholder", "ChatSettings.Appearance", @@ -12628,7 +12493,6 @@ "Common.Cancel", "Common.Cancel", "Common.Cancel", - "Common.Cancel", "Common.ChoosePhoto", "Common.ChoosePhoto", "Common.Close", @@ -12639,15 +12503,12 @@ "Common.Delete", "Common.Delete", "Common.Delete", - "Common.Delete", "Common.Done", "Common.Done", "Common.Done", "Common.Done", "Common.Done", "Common.Done", - "Common.Done", - "Common.Edit", "Common.Edit", "Common.Edit", "Common.More", @@ -12679,15 +12540,8 @@ "Compose.Create", "Compose.GroupTokenListPlaceholder", "Compose.NewChannel", - "Compose.NewChannel", - "Compose.NewEncryptedChat", - "Compose.NewEncryptedChatTitle", - "Compose.NewGroup", "Compose.NewGroup", "Compose.NewGroupTitle", - "Compose.NewGroupTitle", - "Compose.NewMessage", - "Compose.TokenListPlaceholder", "Compose.TokenListPlaceholder", "ContactInfo.BirthdayLabel", "ContactInfo.Job", @@ -12713,7 +12567,6 @@ "Contacts.AccessDeniedHelpPortrait", "Contacts.AddContact", "Contacts.AddPeopleNearby", - "Contacts.AddPhoneNumber", "Contacts.DeselectAll", "Contacts.FailedToSendInvitesMessage", "Contacts.GlobalSearch", @@ -12736,11 +12589,9 @@ "Contacts.PermissionsTitle", "Contacts.PermissionsTitle", "Contacts.PermissionsTitle", - "Contacts.PhoneNumber", "Contacts.Search.NoResults", "Contacts.Search.NoResultsQueryDescription", "Contacts.SearchLabel", - "Contacts.SearchLabel", "Contacts.SearchUsersAndGroupsLabel", "Contacts.SelectAll", "Contacts.ShareTelegram", @@ -12848,8 +12699,6 @@ "Conversation.ContextMenuReportFalsePositive", "Conversation.ContextMenuSeen", "Conversation.ContextMenuSelect", - "Conversation.ContextMenuSelect", - "Conversation.ContextMenuSelectAll", "Conversation.ContextMenuSendMessage", "Conversation.ContextMenuShare", "Conversation.ContextMenuSpeak", @@ -12917,8 +12766,6 @@ "Conversation.EncryptedDescriptionTitle", "Conversation.EncryptedPlaceholderTitleIncoming", "Conversation.EncryptedPlaceholderTitleOutgoing", - "Conversation.EncryptionCanceled", - "Conversation.EncryptionProcessing", "Conversation.EncryptionWaiting", "Conversation.ErrorInaccessibleMessage", "Conversation.FileDropbox", @@ -12927,8 +12774,6 @@ "Conversation.FileOpenIn", "Conversation.FilePhotoOrVideo", "Conversation.ForwardAuthorHiddenTooltip", - "Conversation.ForwardChats", - "Conversation.ForwardContacts", "Conversation.ForwardFrom", "Conversation.ForwardOptions.CancelForwarding", "Conversation.ForwardOptions.ChangeRecipient", @@ -12967,7 +12812,6 @@ "Conversation.ForwardOptions.UserMessagesForwardHidden", "Conversation.ForwardOptions.UserMessagesForwardVisible", "Conversation.ForwardTitle", - "Conversation.ForwardTitle", "Conversation.ForwardTooltip.Chat.Many", "Conversation.ForwardTooltip.Chat.One", "Conversation.ForwardTooltip.ManyChats.Many", @@ -13030,7 +12874,6 @@ "Conversation.LiveLocationYouAndOther", "Conversation.LiveStream", "Conversation.LiveStreamMediaRecordingRestricted", - "Conversation.Location", "Conversation.Megabytes", "Conversation.MessageCopied", "Conversation.MessageDeliveryFailed", @@ -13038,7 +12881,6 @@ "Conversation.MessageDialogDelete", "Conversation.MessageDialogEdit", "Conversation.MessageDialogEdit", - "Conversation.MessageDialogEdit", "Conversation.MessageDialogRetry", "Conversation.MessageDialogRetryAll", "Conversation.MessageDoesntExist", @@ -13055,7 +12897,6 @@ "Conversation.Moderate.Report", "Conversation.Mute", "Conversation.Mute", - "Conversation.Mute", "Conversation.Mute.ApplyMuteUntil", "Conversation.Mute.SetupTitle", "Conversation.NoticeInvitedByInChannel", @@ -13109,7 +12950,6 @@ "Conversation.ReportMessages", "Conversation.ReportSpam", "Conversation.ReportSpamAndLeave", - "Conversation.ReportSpamAndLeave", "Conversation.ReportSpamChannelConfirmation", "Conversation.ReportSpamConfirmation", "Conversation.ReportSpamGroupConfirmation", @@ -13276,12 +13116,10 @@ "Conversation.Translation.TranslationBarHiddenChannelText", "Conversation.Translation.TranslationBarHiddenChatText", "Conversation.Translation.TranslationBarHiddenGroupText", - "Conversation.Unarchive", "Conversation.UnarchiveDone", "Conversation.Unblock", "Conversation.UnblockUser", "Conversation.Unmute", - "Conversation.Unpin", "Conversation.UnpinMessageAlert", "Conversation.UnreadMessages", "Conversation.UnsupportedMedia", @@ -13439,82 +13277,41 @@ "DeleteAccount.Options.SetTwoStepAuthTitle", "DeleteAccount.SavedMessages", "DeleteAccount.Success", - "DialogList.AdLabel", "DialogList.AdNoticeAlert", "DialogList.AwaitingEncryption", "DialogList.ClearHistoryConfirmation", "DialogList.ClearHistoryConfirmation", - "DialogList.ClearHistoryConfirmation", - "DialogList.DeleteBotClearHistory", - "DialogList.DeleteBotConfirmation", - "DialogList.DeleteBotConversationConfirmation", - "DialogList.DeleteConversationConfirmation", - "DialogList.Draft", - "DialogList.EncryptedChatStartedIncoming", - "DialogList.EncryptedChatStartedOutgoing", - "DialogList.EncryptionProcessing", - "DialogList.EncryptionRejected", "DialogList.LanguageTooltip", "DialogList.LiveLocationChatsCount", "DialogList.LiveLocationSharingTo", "DialogList.MultipleTyping", - "DialogList.MultipleTypingPair", "DialogList.MultipleTypingSuffix", - "DialogList.NoMessagesText", - "DialogList.NoMessagesTitle", - "DialogList.PasscodeLockHelp", - "DialogList.Pin", - "DialogList.PinLimitError", "DialogList.ProxyConnectionIssuesTooltip", - "DialogList.Read", - "DialogList.RecentTitlePeople", "DialogList.Replies", - "DialogList.SavedMessages", - "DialogList.SavedMessagesHelp", - "DialogList.SavedMessagesTooltip", - "DialogList.SearchLabel", "DialogList.SearchLabelCompact", "DialogList.SearchSectionChats", "DialogList.SearchSectionDialogs", "DialogList.SearchSectionGlobal", "DialogList.SearchSectionMessages", "DialogList.SearchSectionMessagesIn", - "DialogList.SearchSectionRecent", "DialogList.SearchSectionTopics", - "DialogList.SearchSubtitleFormat", "DialogList.SingleChoosingStickerSuffix", - "DialogList.SinglePlayingGameSuffix", - "DialogList.SingleRecordingAudioSuffix", - "DialogList.SingleRecordingVideoMessageSuffix", - "DialogList.SingleTypingSuffix", - "DialogList.SingleUploadingFileSuffix", - "DialogList.SingleUploadingPhotoSuffix", - "DialogList.SingleUploadingVideoSuffix", "DialogList.TabTitle", "DialogList.Title", - "DialogList.Title", - "DialogList.Typing", "DialogList.UnknownPinLimitError", - "DialogList.Unpin", - "DialogList.Unread", "DialogList.You", "DoNotTranslate.Title", "Document.TargetConfirmationFormat", "DownloadList.CancelDownloading", - "DownloadList.Clear", "DownloadList.ClearAlertText", "DownloadList.ClearAlertTitle", "DownloadList.ClearDownloadList", "DownloadList.DeleteFromCache", - "DownloadList.DownloadedHeader", "DownloadList.DownloadingHeader", "DownloadList.IncreaseSpeed", "DownloadList.OptionManageDeviceStorage", "DownloadList.PauseAll", "DownloadList.RaisePriority", - "DownloadList.RemoveFileAlertRemove", - "DownloadList.RemoveFileAlertText", - "DownloadList.RemoveFileAlertTitle", "DownloadList.ResumeAll", "DownloadingStatus", "ENCRYPTED_MESSAGE", @@ -13649,13 +13446,8 @@ "FileSize.MB", "FileSize.MB", "FolderLinkPreview.ButtonAddFolder", - "FolderLinkPreview.ButtonDoNotJoinChats", - "FolderLinkPreview.ButtonJoinChats", - "FolderLinkPreview.ButtonRemoveFolder", - "FolderLinkPreview.ButtonRemoveFolderAndChats", "FolderLinkPreview.ChatSectionHeader", "FolderLinkPreview.ChatSectionJoinHeader", - "FolderLinkPreview.ChatSectionJoinHeader", "FolderLinkPreview.IconTabLeft", "FolderLinkPreview.IconTabRight", "FolderLinkPreview.LabelPeerMember", @@ -13663,30 +13455,11 @@ "FolderLinkPreview.LabelPeerSubscriber", "FolderLinkPreview.LabelPeerSubscribers", "FolderLinkPreview.LinkSectionHeader", - "FolderLinkPreview.ListSelectionSelectAllDynamicPartDeselect", - "FolderLinkPreview.ListSelectionSelectAllDynamicPartSelect", - "FolderLinkPreview.ListSelectionSelectAllFormat", - "FolderLinkPreview.ListSelectionSelectAllStaticPartDeselect", - "FolderLinkPreview.ListSelectionSelectAllStaticPartSelect", - "FolderLinkPreview.RemoveSectionSelectedHeader", - "FolderLinkPreview.TextAddChats", - "FolderLinkPreview.TextAddChatsCount", "FolderLinkPreview.TextAddFolder", "FolderLinkPreview.TextAllAdded", - "FolderLinkPreview.TextLinkList", - "FolderLinkPreview.TextRemoveFolder", - "FolderLinkPreview.TitleAddChats", "FolderLinkPreview.TitleAddFolder", - "FolderLinkPreview.TitleRemove", - "FolderLinkPreview.TitleShare", "FolderLinkPreview.ToastAlreadyMemberChannel", "FolderLinkPreview.ToastAlreadyMemberGroup", - "FolderLinkPreview.ToastChatsAddedText", - "FolderLinkPreview.ToastChatsAddedTitle", - "FolderLinkPreview.ToastFolderAddedText", - "FolderLinkPreview.ToastFolderAddedTitle", - "FolderLinkPreview.ToastLeftChatsText", - "FolderLinkPreview.ToastLeftTitle", "FolderLinkScreen.AlertTextUnavailableBot", "FolderLinkScreen.AlertTextUnavailablePrivateChannel", "FolderLinkScreen.AlertTextUnavailablePrivateGroup", @@ -13720,7 +13493,6 @@ "FolderLinkScreen.TitleDescriptionSelected", "FolderLinkScreen.TitleDescriptionSelectedCount", "FolderLinkScreen.TitleDescriptionUnavailable", - "FolderLinkScreen.ToastLinkUpdated", "FolderLinkScreen.ToastNewChatAdded", "ForcedPasswordSetup.Intro.Action", "ForcedPasswordSetup.Intro.DismissActionCancel", @@ -13828,7 +13600,6 @@ "Group.Info.Members", "Group.JoinGroup", "Group.LeaveGroup", - "Group.LeaveGroup", "Group.LinkedChannel", "Group.Location.ChangeLocation", "Group.Location.CreateInThisPlace", @@ -14217,7 +13988,6 @@ "LastSeen.JustNow", "LastSeen.Lately", "LastSeen.Lately", - "LastSeen.Lately", "LastSeen.MinutesAgo", "LastSeen.Offline", "LastSeen.TodayAt", @@ -14626,14 +14396,10 @@ "MemberRequests.UserAddedToChannel", "MemberRequests.UserAddedToGroup", "MemberSearch.BotSection", - "Message.Animation", - "Message.Audio", "Message.AudioTranscription.ErrorEmpty", "Message.AudioTranscription.ErrorTooLong", "Message.AudioTranscription.SubscribeToPremium", "Message.AudioTranscription.SubscribeToPremiumAction", - "Message.AuthorPinnedGame", - "Message.Contact", "Message.FakeAccount", "Message.File", "Message.ForwardedExpiredStoryShort", @@ -14649,35 +14415,18 @@ "Message.ImportedDateFormat", "Message.InvoiceLabel", "Message.LiveLocation", - "Message.Location", - "Message.PaymentSent", "Message.Photo", - "Message.Photo", - "Message.PinnedAnimationMessage", - "Message.PinnedAudioMessage", - "Message.PinnedContactMessage", - "Message.PinnedDocumentMessage", - "Message.PinnedGame", "Message.PinnedGenericMessage", - "Message.PinnedInvoice", "Message.PinnedLiveLocationMessage", - "Message.PinnedLocationMessage", - "Message.PinnedPhotoMessage", "Message.PinnedPollMessage", - "Message.PinnedStickerMessage", - "Message.PinnedTextMessage", - "Message.PinnedVideoMessage", "Message.RecommendedLabel", "Message.ReplyActionButtonShowReceipt", "Message.ScamAccount", "Message.SponsoredLabel", - "Message.Sticker", "Message.StickerText", "Message.Story", "Message.Theme", - "Message.Video", "Message.VideoExpired", - "Message.VideoMessage", "Message.Wallpaper", "MessageCalendar.ClearHistoryForTheseDays", "MessageCalendar.ClearHistoryForThisDay", @@ -14802,7 +14551,6 @@ "Notification.CallIncoming", "Notification.CallIncomingShort", "Notification.CallMissed", - "Notification.CallMissed", "Notification.CallMissedShort", "Notification.CallOutgoing", "Notification.CallOutgoing", @@ -14810,15 +14558,12 @@ "Notification.CallTimeFormat", "Notification.ChangedGroupName", "Notification.ChangedGroupPhoto", - "Notification.ChangedGroupPhoto", "Notification.ChangedGroupVideo", "Notification.ChangedTheme", "Notification.ChangedToSameWallpaper", "Notification.ChangedWallpaper", "Notification.ChannelChangedTheme", "Notification.ChannelDisabledTheme", - "Notification.ChannelInviter", - "Notification.ChannelInviterSelf", "Notification.ChannelInviterSelf", "Notification.ChannelMigratedFrom", "Notification.CreatedChannel", @@ -14867,21 +14612,13 @@ "Notification.ForumTopicReopenedAuthor", "Notification.ForumTopicUnhidden", "Notification.ForumTopicUnhiddenAuthor", - "Notification.GameScoreExtended", "Notification.GameScoreSelfExtended", - "Notification.GameScoreSelfSimple", - "Notification.GameScoreSimple", - "Notification.GroupInviter", "Notification.GroupInviterSelf", - "Notification.GroupInviterSelf", - "Notification.Invited", "Notification.Invited", "Notification.InvitedMultiple", - "Notification.Joined", "Notification.JoinedChannel", "Notification.JoinedChannelByRequestYou", "Notification.JoinedChat", - "Notification.JoinedGroupByLink", "Notification.JoinedGroupByLinkYou", "Notification.JoinedGroupByRequest", "Notification.JoinedGroupByRequestYou", @@ -14953,17 +14690,11 @@ "Notification.ProximityReachedYou", "Notification.ProximityYouReached", "Notification.RemovedGroupPhoto", - "Notification.RenamedChannel", - "Notification.RenamedChat", - "Notification.RenamedGroup", "Notification.Reply", "Notification.RequestedPeer", "Notification.SecretChatMessageScreenshot", "Notification.SecretChatMessageScreenshotSelf", - "Notification.SecretChatScreenshot", "Notification.Story", - "Notification.SuggestedProfilePhoto", - "Notification.SuggestedProfileVideo", "Notification.TopicClosed", "Notification.TopicClosedAuthor", "Notification.TopicCreated", @@ -15012,7 +14743,6 @@ "NotificationSettings.Stories.ShowAll", "NotificationSettings.Stories.ShowImportant", "NotificationSettings.Stories.ShowImportantFooter", - 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"Premium.MaxSharedFolderLinksText", "Premium.MaxSharedFolderMembershipFinalText", "Premium.MaxSharedFolderMembershipNoPremiumText", "Premium.MaxSharedFolderMembershipText", @@ -16803,12 +16527,9 @@ "SponsoredMessageInfoScreen.Title", "SponsoredMessageMenu.Hide", "SponsoredMessageMenu.Info", - "State.Connecting", "State.ConnectingToProxy", "State.ConnectingToProxyInfo", "State.Updating", - "State.WaitingForNetwork", - "State.connecting", "Stats.EnabledNotifications", "Stats.Followers", "Stats.FollowersBySourceTitle", @@ -17242,8 +16963,6 @@ "Target.InviteToGroupConfirmation", "Target.InviteToGroupErrorAlreadyInvited", "Target.SelectGroup", - "Target.ShareGameConfirmationGroup", - "Target.ShareGameConfirmationPrivate", "TextFormat.AddLinkPlaceholder", "TextFormat.AddLinkText", "TextFormat.AddLinkTitle", @@ -17513,20 +17232,10 @@ "TwoStepAuth.SetupResendEmailCode", "TwoStepAuth.SetupResendEmailCodeAlert", "TwoStepAuth.Title", - "Undo.ChatCleared", "Undo.ChatClearedForBothSides", "Undo.ChatClearedForEveryone", - "Undo.ChatDeleted", - "Undo.ChatDeletedForBothSides", - "Undo.DeletedChannel", - "Undo.DeletedGroup", "Undo.DeletedTopic", - "Undo.LeftChannel", - "Undo.LeftGroup", - "Undo.MessagesDeleted", "Undo.ScheduledMessagesCleared", - "Undo.SecretChatDeleted", - "Undo.Undo", "Undo.Undo", "Undo.Undo", "Update.AppVersion", @@ -17539,7 +17248,6 @@ "Updated.MinutesAgo", "Updated.TodayAt", "Updated.YesterdayAt", - "User.DeletedAccount", "UserCount", "UserInfo.About.Placeholder", "UserInfo.AddContact", @@ -18044,7 +17752,6 @@ "Watch.AuthRequired", "Watch.Bot.Restart", "Watch.ChannelInfo.Title", - "Watch.ChatList.Compose", "Watch.ChatList.NoConversationsText", "Watch.ChatList.NoConversationsTitle", "Watch.Compose.AddContact", @@ -18146,12 +17853,10 @@ "WebSearch.RecentClearConfirmation", "WebSearch.RecentSectionClear", "WebSearch.RecentSectionClear", - "WebSearch.RecentSectionClear", "WebSearch.RecentSectionTitle", "WebSearch.SearchNoResults", "WebSearch.SearchNoResultsDescription", "Weekday.Friday", - 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unarchived when new messages arrive." - } - }, - "ArchivedChats.IntroText2": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",226,490,490,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Chats with disabled notifications stay
archived when new messages arrive." - } - }, - "ArchivedChats.IntroText3": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",179,463,463,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can pin an unlimited number of archived chats to the top." - } - }, - "ArchivedChats.IntroTitle1": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",235,326,326,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This is your archive" - } - }, - "ArchivedChats.IntroTitle2": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",244,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Muted Chats" - } - }, - "ArchivedChats.IntroTitle3": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",195,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Pinned Chats" - } - }, - "BlockedUsers.LeavePrefix": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",393,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Leave " - } - }, - "Channel.LeaveChannel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1942,459,459,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Leave Channel" - } - }, - "Channel.Setup.Title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1493,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Channel" - } - }, - "ChannelInfo.DeleteGroupConfirmation": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",427,443,443,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Deleting this group will remove all members and all messages will be lost. Do you want to delete the group?" - } - }, - "Chat.PinnedListPreview.HidePinnedMessages": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",716,335,335,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Hide Pinned Messages" - } - }, - "Chat.PinnedListPreview.ShowAllMessages": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",708,287,287,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Show All Messages" - } - }, - "Chat.PinnedListPreview.UnpinAllMessages": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",759,291,291,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Unpin All Messages" - } - }, - "ChatList.AddFolder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",885,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add Folder" - } - }, - "ChatList.AlertDeleteFolderText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",432,427,427,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete this folder? This will also deactivate all the invite links created to share this folder." - } - }, - "ChatList.AlertDeleteFolderTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",456,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete Folder" - } - }, - "ChatList.ArchiveAction": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",719,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Archive" - } - }, - "ChatList.ArchivedChatsTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",127,453,453,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Archived Chats" - } - }, - "ChatList.ChatTypesSection": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",410,286,286,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "CHAT TYPES" - } - }, - "ChatList.ClearSearchHistory": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",647,481,481,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to clear your search history?" - } - }, - "ChatList.Context.AddToFolder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1724,308,308,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add to Folder" - } - }, - "ChatList.Context.Delete": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",857,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete" - } - }, - "ChatList.Context.HideArchive": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",943,287,287,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Hide from Chat List" - } - }, - "ChatList.Context.JoinChannel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",942,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Join Channel" - } - }, - "ChatList.Context.MarkAllAsRead": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",894,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Mark All as Read" - } - }, - "ChatList.Context.MarkAsRead": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",688,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Mark as Read" - } - }, - "ChatList.Context.MarkAsUnread": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",690,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Mark as Unread" - } - }, - "ChatList.Context.Mute": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",801,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Mute" - } - }, - "ChatList.Context.Pin": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",746,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Pin" - } - }, - "ChatList.Context.RemoveFromFolder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",711,308,308,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove from Folder" - } - }, - "ChatList.Context.RemoveFromRecents": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",746,309,309,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove from Recent" - } - }, - "ChatList.Context.UnhideArchive": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",952,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Pin in Chat List" - } - }, - "ChatList.Context.Unmute": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",803,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Unmute" - 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"url": "", - "photo_url": ",2020,368,368,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete Chat" - } - }, - "ChatList.DeleteChatConfirmation": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1311,925,925,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Permanently delete the chat with %@?" - } - }, - "ChatList.DeleteConfirmation": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",840,313,313,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete", - "plural": "Delete %@ Chats" - } - }, - "ChatList.DeleteForAllMembers": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",596,379,379,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete for all members" - } - }, - "ChatList.DeleteForCurrentUser": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1627,553,553,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete just for me" - } - }, - "ChatList.DeleteForEveryone": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1347,735,735,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete for me and %@" - } - }, - "ChatList.DeleteForEveryoneConfirmationAction": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",506,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete All" - } - }, - "ChatList.DeleteForEveryoneConfirmationText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",371,418,418,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This will **delete all messages** in this chat for **both participants**." - } - }, - "ChatList.DeleteForEveryoneConfirmationTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",398,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Warning!" - } - }, - "ChatList.DeleteSavedMessagesConfirmation": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1457,726,726,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete
Saved Messages?" - } - }, - "ChatList.DeleteSavedMessagesConfirmationAction": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",506,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Delete All" - } - }, - "ChatList.DeleteSavedMessagesConfirmationText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",369,418,418,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "This will **delete all messages** in this chat." - } - }, - "ChatList.DeleteSavedMessagesConfirmationTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",397,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Warning!" - } - }, - "ChatList.DeleteSecretChatConfirmation": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1198,1080,1080,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete the secret chat
with %@?" - } - }, - "ChatList.EditFolder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",253,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Edit Folder" - } - }, - "ChatList.EmptyChatList": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1117,493,493,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You have no
conversations yet." - } - }, - "ChatList.EmptyChatListEditFilter": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",663,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Edit Folder" - } - }, - "ChatList.EmptyChatListFilterText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",485,489,489,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "No chats currently belong to this folder." - } - }, - "ChatList.EmptyChatListFilterTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",573,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Folder is empty" - } - }, - "ChatList.EmptyChatListNewMessage": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1327,372,372,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "New Message" - } - }, - "ChatList.EmptyChatListWithArchive": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",480,427,427,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "All of your chats are archived." - } - }, - "ChatList.HideAction": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",510,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Hide" - } - }, - "ChatList.LeaveGroupConfirmation": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1515,827,827,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Are you sure you want to leave %@?" - } - }, - "ChatList.MessageFiles": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",161,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%@ File", - "plural": "%@ Files" - } - }, - "ChatList.MessageMusic": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",280,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%@ Music File", - "plural": "%@ Music Files" - } - }, - "ChatList.MessagePhotos": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",292,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "1 Photo", - "plural": "%@ Photos" - } - }, - "ChatList.MessageVideos": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",283,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "1 Video", - "plural": "%@ Videos" - } - }, - "ChatList.Mute": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",2270,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Mute" - } - }, - "ChatList.PanelNewChatsAvailable": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",165,296,296,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "1 New Chat Available", - "plural": "%d New Chats Available" - } - }, - "ChatList.PeerTypeBot": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1704,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "bot" - } - }, - "ChatList.PeerTypeContact": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1169,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "contact" - } - }, - "ChatList.PeerTypeGroup": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1279,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "group" - } - }, - "ChatList.Read": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",994,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Read" - } - }, - "ChatList.ReadAll": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",997,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Read All" - 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Try a new search." - } - }, - "ChatList.Search.NoResultsQueryDescription": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1141,770,770,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "There were no results for \"%@\".
Try a new search." - } - }, - "ChatList.Search.ShowLess": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",347,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Show Less" - } - }, - "ChatList.Search.ShowMore": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",347,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Show More" - } - }, - "ChatList.SelectedChats": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",125,499,499,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%@ Chat Selected", - "plural": "%@ Chats Selected" - } - }, - "ChatList.TabIconFoldersTooltipNonEmptyFolders": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",499,510,510,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Hold on 'Chats' to edit folders and switch between views." - } - }, - "ChatList.Tabs.AllChats": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",193,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "All Chats" - } - }, - "ChatList.ToastFolderMuted": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",790,392,392,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "All chats in **%@** are now muted" - } - }, - "ChatList.ToastFolderUnmuted": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",765,421,421,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "All chats in **%@** are now unmuted" - } - }, - "ChatList.UnarchiveAction": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",510,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Unarchive" - } - }, - "ChatList.UndoArchiveHiddenText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",826,357,357,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Pull down to see the archive." - } - }, - "ChatList.UndoArchiveHiddenTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",870,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Archive hidden" - } - }, - "ChatList.UndoArchiveMultipleTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",883,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Chats archived." - } - }, - "ChatList.UndoArchiveRevealedText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1426,805,805,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Swipe left on the archive to hide it." - } - }, - "ChatList.UndoArchiveRevealedTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1749,376,376,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Archive pinned" - } - }, - "ChatList.UndoArchiveText1": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",767,428,428,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Swipe left on the archive to hide it." - } - }, - "ChatList.UndoArchiveTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",883,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Chat archived." - } - }, - "ChatList.UnhideAction": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",511,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Pin" - } - }, - "ChatList.Unmute": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",2271,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Unmute" - } - }, - "ChatListFilter.AddChatsTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",313,295,295,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Add Chats..." - } - }, - "ChatListFolder.AddChats": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",311,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add Chats" - } - }, - "ChatListFolder.CategoryArchived": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",732,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Archived" - } - }, - "ChatListFolder.CategoryBots": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",960,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Bots" - } - }, - "ChatListFolder.CategoryChannels": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",846,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Channels" - } - }, - "ChatListFolder.CategoryContacts": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",506,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Contacts" - } - }, - "ChatListFolder.CategoryGroups": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",735,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Groups" - } - }, - "ChatListFolder.CategoryMuted": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",505,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Muted" - } - }, - "ChatListFolder.CategoryNonContacts": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",609,317,317,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Non-Contacts" - } - }, - "ChatListFolder.CategoryRead": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",618,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Read" - } - }, - "ChatListFolder.DiscardCancel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",567,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "No" - } - }, - "ChatListFolder.DiscardConfirmation": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",428,412,412,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You have edited this folder. Discard changes?" - } - }, - "ChatListFolder.DiscardDiscard": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",566,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Discard" - } - }, - "ChatListFolder.ExcludeChatsTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",176,393,393,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Exclude Chats" - } - }, - "ChatListFolder.ExcludeSectionInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",552,589,589,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Choose chats or types of chats that will not appear in this folder." - } - }, - "ChatListFolder.ExcludedSectionHeader": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",670,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "EXCLUDED CHATS" - } - }, - "ChatListFolder.IncludeChatsTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",177,380,380,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Include Chats" - } - }, - "ChatListFolder.IncludeSectionInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",419,572,572,280,280", - 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"photo_url": ",668,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "ADD" - } - }, - "ChatListFolderSettings.EditFoldersInfo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",395,547,547,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Tap 'Edit' to change the order or delete folders." - } - }, - "ChatListFolderSettings.FoldersSection": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",382,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "FOLDERS" - } - }, - "ChatListFolderSettings.Info": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",243,498,498,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Create folders for different groups of chats and quickly switch between them." - } - }, - "ChatListFolderSettings.NewFolder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",484,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Create New Folder" - } - }, - "ChatListFolderSettings.RecommendedFoldersSection": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",586,319,319,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - 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"values": { - "singular": "Exchanging encryption keys..." - } - }, - "Conversation.ForwardChats": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",841,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Chats" - } - }, - "Conversation.ForwardContacts": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",841,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Contacts" - } - }, - "Conversation.ForwardTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",44,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Forward" - } - }, - "Conversation.Location": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",451,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Location" - } - }, - "Conversation.MessageDialogEdit": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",44,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Edit" - } - }, - "Conversation.Mute": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",359,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Mute" - } - }, - "Conversation.ReportSpamAndLeave": { - 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"photo_url": ",561,488,488,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Exchanging encryption keys..." - } - }, - "DialogList.EncryptionRejected": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",566,289,289,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Secret Chat canceled" - } - }, - "DialogList.MultipleTypingPair": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",131,475,475,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%@ and %@ are typing" - } - }, - "DialogList.NoMessagesText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",251,640,671,268,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Start messaging by tapping the pencil button in the top right corner or go to the Contacts section." - } - }, - "DialogList.NoMessagesTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",223,626,626,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You have no conversations yet" - } - }, - "DialogList.PasscodeLockHelp": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",101,327,327,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Tap to lock Telegram" - } - }, - "DialogList.Pin": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",768,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Pin" - } - }, - "DialogList.PinLimitError": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",288,508,508,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, you can pin no more than %@ chats to the top." - } - }, - "DialogList.Read": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",1732,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Read" - } - }, - "DialogList.RecentTitlePeople": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",101,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "People" - } - }, - "DialogList.SavedMessages": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",179,306,306,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Saved Messages" - } - }, - "DialogList.SavedMessagesHelp": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",174,452,452,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Forward messages here for quick access" - } - }, - "DialogList.SavedMessagesTooltip": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",579,707,709,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You can find your Saved Messages in Settings" - } - }, - "DialogList.SearchLabel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",88,460,460,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Search chats" - } - }, - "DialogList.SearchSectionRecent": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",291,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Recent" - } - }, - "DialogList.SearchSubtitleFormat": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",166,824,824,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%1$@, %2$@" - } - }, - "DialogList.SinglePlayingGameSuffix": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",182,393,393,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%@ is playing a game" - } - }, - "DialogList.SingleRecordingAudioSuffix": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",391,477,477,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%@ is recording" - } - }, - "DialogList.SingleRecordingVideoMessageSuffix": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",178,411,411,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%@ is recording video" - } - }, - "DialogList.SingleTypingSuffix": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",383,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%@ is typing" - } - }, - "DialogList.SingleUploadingFileSuffix": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",383,446,446,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%@ is sending a file" - } - }, - "DialogList.SingleUploadingPhotoSuffix": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",186,381,381,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%@ is sending a photo" - } - }, - "DialogList.SingleUploadingVideoSuffix": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",183,393,393,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%@ is sending video" - } - }, - "DialogList.Title": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",44,280,280,280,280", - 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"url": "", - "photo_url": ",438,419,419,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to remove this
item from Downloads?
It will be deleted from your disk, but
will remain accessible in the cloud.", - "plural": "Do you want to remove these
%@ items from Downloads?
They will be deleted from your disk, but
will remain accessible in the cloud." - } - }, - "DownloadList.RemoveFileAlertTitle": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",436,303,303,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove Download?", - "plural": "Remove %@ Downloads?" - } - }, - "FolderLinkPreview.ButtonDoNotJoinChats": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",901,333,333,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Do Not Join Any Chats" - } - }, - "FolderLinkPreview.ButtonJoinChats": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",946,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Join Chats" - } - }, - "FolderLinkPreview.ButtonRemoveFolder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",945,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove Folder" - } - }, - "FolderLinkPreview.ButtonRemoveFolderAndChats": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",857,377,377,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove Folder and Chats" - } - }, - "FolderLinkPreview.ChatSectionJoinHeader": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",763,319,319,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "1 CHAT TO JOIN", - "plural": "%d CHATS TO JOIN" - } - }, - "FolderLinkPreview.ListSelectionSelectAllDynamicPartDeselect": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",643,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "DESELECT" - } - }, - "FolderLinkPreview.ListSelectionSelectAllDynamicPartSelect": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",643,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "SELECT" - } - }, - "FolderLinkPreview.ListSelectionSelectAllFormat": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",622,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "{dynamic}{static}" - } - }, - "FolderLinkPreview.ListSelectionSelectAllStaticPartDeselect": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",643,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "ALL" - } - }, - "FolderLinkPreview.ListSelectionSelectAllStaticPartSelect": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",643,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "ALL" - } - }, - "FolderLinkPreview.RemoveSectionSelectedHeader": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",643,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "%d CHAT TO ‌LEAVE", - "plural": "%d CHATS TO LEAVE" - } - }, - "FolderLinkPreview.TextAddChats": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",626,412,412,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you want to add **%1$@** to the
folder **%2$@**?" - } - }, - "FolderLinkPreview.TextAddChatsCount": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",703,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "%d chat", - "plural": "%d chats" - } - }, - "FolderLinkPreview.TextLinkList": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",454,547,547,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Create more links to set up different access
levels for different people." - } - }, - "FolderLinkPreview.TextRemoveFolder": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",404,570,570,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Do you also want to leave the chats included in this folder?" - } - }, - "FolderLinkPreview.TitleAddChats": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",554,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Add %d Chat", - "plural": "Add %d Chats" - } - }, - "FolderLinkPreview.TitleRemove": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",403,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Remove Folder" - } - }, - "FolderLinkPreview.TitleShare": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",451,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Share Folder" - } - }, - "FolderLinkPreview.ToastChatsAddedText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",859,326,326,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You have joined %d new chat", - "plural": "You have joined %d new chats" - 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You can double the limit to **%2$@** folders by subscribing to **Telegram Premium**." - } - }, - "Premium.MaxPinsFinalText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",581,600,620,272,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, you can't pin more than **%@** chats to the top. Unpin some that are currently pinned." - } - }, - "Premium.MaxPinsNoPremiumText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",516,600,618,272,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Sorry, you can't pin more than **%@** chats to the top. Unpin some that are currently pinned." - } - }, - "Premium.MaxSharedFolderLinksText": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",568,600,629,268,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "You can only create **%1$@** invite links. Upgrade to **Telegram Premium** to create up to **%2$@**." - } - }, - "State.Connecting": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",46,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Connecting..." - } - }, - "State.WaitingForNetwork": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",70,309,309,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Waiting for Network" - } - }, - "State.connecting": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": null, - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "connecting" - } - }, - "Target.ShareGameConfirmationGroup": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",433,398,398,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Share the game with \"%@\"?" - } - }, - "Target.ShareGameConfirmationPrivate": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",282,525,525,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Share the game with %@?" - } - }, - "Undo.ChatCleared": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",883,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Chat cleared." - } - }, - "Undo.ChatDeleted": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",883,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Chat deleted." - } - }, - "Undo.ChatDeletedForBothSides": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",884,348,348,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Chat deleted for both sides." - } - }, - "Undo.DeletedChannel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",883,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Channel deleted." - } - }, - "Undo.DeletedGroup": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",885,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Group deleted." - } - }, - "Undo.LeftChannel": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",882,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You left the channel." - } - }, - "Undo.LeftGroup": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",885,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "You left the group." - } - }, - "Undo.MessagesDeleted": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",2127,444,444,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Messages deleted." - } - }, - "Undo.SecretChatDeleted": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",882,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "Secret Chat deleted." - } - }, - "Undo.Undo": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",2276,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Undo" - } - }, - "User.DeletedAccount": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",686,300,300,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Deleted Account" - } - }, - "Watch.ChatList.Compose": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",79,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": false, - "values": { - "singular": "New Message" - } - }, - "WebSearch.RecentSectionClear": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",289,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Clear" - } - }, - "Weekday.Monday": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",39,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Monday" - } - }, - "Weekday.Tuesday": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",30,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Tuesday" - } - }, - "Weekday.Wednesday": { - "url": "", - "photo_url": ",39,280,280,280,280", - "has_binding": true, - "values": { - "singular": "Wednesday" - } - } -} \ No newline at end of file +{} \ No newline at end of file