Update content of files

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GitHub Action 2024-11-16 14:27:26 +00:00
parent 687b1d2199
commit 092a5561b6
7 changed files with 225 additions and 216 deletions

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@ -130,7 +130,10 @@ Use <a href="/method/messages.deleteExportedChatInvite">messages.deleteExportedC
<a href='/method/payments.fulfillStarsSubscription'>payments.fulfillStarsSubscription</a>#cc5bebb3 peer:<a href='/type/InputPeer'>InputPeer</a> subscription_id:<a href='/type/string'>string</a> = <a href='/type/Bool'>Bool</a>;
<a href='/method/payments.getStarsSubscriptions'>payments.getStarsSubscriptions</a>#032512c5 flags:<a href='/type/%23'>#</a> missing_balance:flags.0?<a href='/constructor/true'>true</a> peer:<a href='/type/InputPeer'>InputPeer</a> offset:<a href='/type/string'>string</a> = <a href='/type/payments.StarsStatus'>payments.StarsStatus</a>;
<a href='/method/payments.changeStarsSubscription'>payments.changeStarsSubscription</a>#c7770878 flags:<a href='/type/%23'>#</a> peer:<a href='/type/InputPeer'>InputPeer</a> subscription_id:<a href='/type/string'>string</a> canceled:flags.0?<a href='/type/Bool'>Bool</a> = <a href='/type/Bool'>Bool</a>;</code></pre>
<a href='/method/payments.changeStarsSubscription'>payments.changeStarsSubscription</a>#c7770878 flags:<a href='/type/%23'>#</a> peer:<a href='/type/InputPeer'>InputPeer</a> subscription_id:<a href='/type/string'>string</a> canceled:flags.0?<a href='/type/Bool'>Bool</a> = <a href='/type/Bool'>Bool</a>;
<a href='/method/payments.getStarsTransactions'>payments.getStarsTransactions</a>#69da4557 flags:<a href='/type/%23'>#</a> inbound:flags.0?<a href='/constructor/true'>true</a> outbound:flags.1?<a href='/constructor/true'>true</a> ascending:flags.2?<a href='/constructor/true'>true</a> subscription_id:flags.3?<a href='/type/string'>string</a> peer:<a href='/type/InputPeer'>InputPeer</a> offset:<a href='/type/string'>string</a> limit:<a href='/type/int'>int</a> = <a href='/type/payments.StarsStatus'>payments.StarsStatus</a>;
<a href='/method/messages.getChatInviteImporters'>messages.getChatInviteImporters</a>#df04dd4e flags:<a href='/type/%23'>#</a> requested:flags.0?<a href='/constructor/true'>true</a> subscription_expired:flags.3?<a href='/constructor/true'>true</a> peer:<a href='/type/InputPeer'>InputPeer</a> link:flags.1?<a href='/type/string'>string</a> q:flags.2?<a href='/type/string'>string</a> offset_date:<a href='/type/int'>int</a> offset_user:<a href='/type/InputUser'>InputUser</a> limit:<a href='/type/int'>int</a> = <a href='/type/messages.ChatInviteImporters'>messages.ChatInviteImporters</a>;</code></pre>
<p>Channel administrators can create special invite links that allow joining a channel in exchange for a monthly payment in Telegram Stars. </p>
<p>To create such links, invoke <a href="/method/messages.exportChatInvite">messages.exportChatInvite</a> passing a <a href="/constructor/starsSubscriptionPricing">starsSubscriptionPricing</a> constructor to <code>subscription_pricing</code>, passing in <code>peer</code> the <strong>private channel</strong> we wish to sell access to, and in <code>amount</code> the amount of Telegram Stars users should pay every <code>period</code> seconds to gain and maintain access to the channel.<br>
Currently the only allowed subscription period is <code>30*24*60*60</code>, i.e. the user will be debited <code>amount</code> stars every month. </p>
@ -142,6 +145,8 @@ Currently the only allowed subscription period is <code>30*24*60*60</code>, i.e.
<p>To obtain a list of all active and cancelled subscriptions invoke <a href="/method/payments.getStarsSubscriptions">payments.getStarsSubscriptions</a>, passing <a href="/constructor/inputPeerSelf">inputPeerSelf</a> to <code>peer</code>: this will return a vector of <a href="/constructor/starsSubscription">starsSubscription</a> constructors, containing info about each subscription. </p>
<p>To cancel an active subscription, invoke <a href="/method/payments.changeStarsSubscription">payments.changeStarsSubscription</a> passing <a href="/constructor/inputPeerSelf">inputPeerSelf</a> to <code>peer</code>, the <a href="/constructor/starsSubscription">starsSubscription</a>.<code>id</code> to <code>subscription_id</code> and <a href="/constructor/boolTrue">boolTrue</a> to <code>canceled</code>; to resubscribe, invoke the same method passing <a href="/constructor/boolFalse">boolFalse</a> to <code>canceled</code>. </p>
<p>When we get close to the end of the subscription period of one or more active subscriptions, and the current Telegram Star balance is not high enough to autorenew at least one of them, the <a href="/api/config#suggestions">"STARS_SUBSCRIPTION_LOW_BALANCE" suggestion »</a> will be activated: when the user clicks on the suggestion, the client should fetch and display the list of expiring subscriptions by invoking <a href="/method/payments.getStarsSubscriptions">payments.getStarsSubscriptions</a>, passing <a href="/constructor/inputPeerSelf">inputPeerSelf</a> to <code>peer</code> and setting the <code>missing_balance</code> flag: the returned subscriptions may be renewed by <a href="/api/stars">filling up the current Telegram Star balance</a> with at least <a href="/constructor/payments.starsStatus">payments.starsStatus</a>.<code>subscriptions_missing_balance</code> stars.</p>
<p><a href="/method/payments.getStarsTransactions">payments.getStarsTransactions</a> may be used to fetch only and all transactions for a specific subscription by populating the <code>subscription_id</code> flag. </p>
<p>Admins may also use <a href="/method/messages.getChatInviteImporters">messages.getChatInviteImporters</a> with the <code>subscription_expired</code> flag set to fetch only and all users with an expired subscription. </p>
<h3><a class="anchor" href="#join-requests" id="join-requests" name="join-requests"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Join requests</h3>
<pre><code><a href='/constructor/channel'>channel</a>#fe4478bd flags:<a href='/type/%23'>#</a> creator:flags.0?<a href='/constructor/true'>true</a> left:flags.2?<a href='/constructor/true'>true</a> broadcast:flags.5?<a href='/constructor/true'>true</a> verified:flags.7?<a href='/constructor/true'>true</a> megagroup:flags.8?<a href='/constructor/true'>true</a> restricted:flags.9?<a href='/constructor/true'>true</a> signatures:flags.11?<a href='/constructor/true'>true</a> min:flags.12?<a href='/constructor/true'>true</a> scam:flags.19?<a href='/constructor/true'>true</a> has_link:flags.20?<a href='/constructor/true'>true</a> has_geo:flags.21?<a href='/constructor/true'>true</a> slowmode_enabled:flags.22?<a href='/constructor/true'>true</a> call_active:flags.23?<a href='/constructor/true'>true</a> call_not_empty:flags.24?<a href='/constructor/true'>true</a> fake:flags.25?<a href='/constructor/true'>true</a> gigagroup:flags.26?<a href='/constructor/true'>true</a> noforwards:flags.27?<a href='/constructor/true'>true</a> join_to_send:flags.28?<a href='/constructor/true'>true</a> join_request:flags.29?<a href='/constructor/true'>true</a> forum:flags.30?<a href='/constructor/true'>true</a> flags2:<a href='/type/%23'>#</a> stories_hidden:flags2.1?<a href='/constructor/true'>true</a> stories_hidden_min:flags2.2?<a href='/constructor/true'>true</a> stories_unavailable:flags2.3?<a href='/constructor/true'>true</a> signature_profiles:flags2.12?<a href='/constructor/true'>true</a> id:<a href='/type/long'>long</a> access_hash:flags.13?<a href='/type/long'>long</a> title:<a href='/type/string'>string</a> username:flags.6?<a href='/type/string'>string</a> photo:<a href='/type/ChatPhoto'>ChatPhoto</a> date:<a href='/type/int'>int</a> restriction_reason:flags.9?<a href='/type/Vector%20t'>Vector</a>&lt;<a href='/type/RestrictionReason'>RestrictionReason</a>&gt; admin_rights:flags.14?<a href='/type/ChatAdminRights'>ChatAdminRights</a> banned_rights:flags.15?<a href='/type/ChatBannedRights'>ChatBannedRights</a> default_banned_rights:flags.18?<a href='/type/ChatBannedRights'>ChatBannedRights</a> participants_count:flags.17?<a href='/type/int'>int</a> usernames:flags2.0?<a href='/type/Vector%20t'>Vector</a>&lt;<a href='/type/Username'>Username</a>&gt; stories_max_id:flags2.4?<a href='/type/int'>int</a> color:flags2.7?<a href='/type/PeerColor'>PeerColor</a> profile_color:flags2.8?<a href='/type/PeerColor'>PeerColor</a> emoji_status:flags2.9?<a href='/type/EmojiStatus'>EmojiStatus</a> level:flags2.10?<a href='/type/int'>int</a> subscription_until_date:flags2.11?<a href='/type/int'>int</a> = <a href='/type/Chat'>Chat</a>;

View file

@ -208,6 +208,7 @@
<h5><a class="anchor" href="#changed-constructors" id="changed-constructors" name="changed-constructors"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Changed Constructors</h5>
<li>Added <strong>sub_extend</strong> parameter in <a href="/constructor/channelAdminLogEventsFilter">channelAdminLogEventsFilter</a></li>
<li>Added <strong>stars</strong> parameter, changed type of <strong>months</strong> from <strong>int</strong> to <strong>flags.4?int</strong> in <a href="/constructor/messageMediaGiveaway">messageMediaGiveaway</a></li>
<li>Added <strong>flags</strong>, <strong>stars</strong> parameters in <a href="/constructor/messageActionGiveawayLaunch">messageActionGiveawayLaunch</a></li>
<li>Added <strong>stars_prize</strong> parameter, changed type of <strong>gift_code_slug</strong> from <strong>flags.0?string</strong> to <strong>flags.3?string</strong>, <strong>activated_count</strong> from <strong>int</strong> to <strong>flags.2?int</strong> in <a href="/constructor/payments.giveawayInfoResults">payments.giveawayInfoResults</a></li>
@ -219,7 +220,8 @@
<li>Added <strong>flags</strong>, <strong>payload</strong> parameters in <a href="/constructor/inputMediaPaidMedia">inputMediaPaidMedia</a></li>
<h4><a class="anchor" href="#schema" id="schema" name="schema"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Schema</h4>
<div><pre><code><a href="/constructor/messageMediaGiveaway">messageMediaGiveaway</a>#aa073beb flags:<a href="/type/%23">#</a> only_new_subscribers:flags.0?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> winners_are_visible:flags.2?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> channels:<a href="/type/Vector%20t">Vector</a>&lt;<a href="/type/long">long</a>&gt; countries_iso2:flags.1?<a href="/type/Vector%20t">Vector</a>&lt;<a href="/type/string">string</a>&gt; prize_description:flags.3?<a href="/type/string">string</a> quantity:<a href="/type/int">int</a> months:flags.4?<a href="/type/int">int</a> stars:flags.5?<a href="/type/long">long</a> until_date:<a href="/type/int">int</a> = <a href="/type/MessageMedia">MessageMedia</a>;
<div><pre><code><a href="/constructor/channelAdminLogEventsFilter">channelAdminLogEventsFilter</a>#ea107ae4 flags:<a href="/type/%23">#</a> join:flags.0?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> leave:flags.1?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> invite:flags.2?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> ban:flags.3?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> unban:flags.4?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> kick:flags.5?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> unkick:flags.6?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> promote:flags.7?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> demote:flags.8?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> info:flags.9?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> settings:flags.10?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> pinned:flags.11?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> edit:flags.12?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> delete:flags.13?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> group_call:flags.14?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> invites:flags.15?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> send:flags.16?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> forums:flags.17?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> sub_extend:flags.18?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> = <a href="/type/ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter">ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter</a>;<br>
<a href="/constructor/messageMediaGiveaway">messageMediaGiveaway</a>#aa073beb flags:<a href="/type/%23">#</a> only_new_subscribers:flags.0?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> winners_are_visible:flags.2?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> channels:<a href="/type/Vector%20t">Vector</a>&lt;<a href="/type/long">long</a>&gt; countries_iso2:flags.1?<a href="/type/Vector%20t">Vector</a>&lt;<a href="/type/string">string</a>&gt; prize_description:flags.3?<a href="/type/string">string</a> quantity:<a href="/type/int">int</a> months:flags.4?<a href="/type/int">int</a> stars:flags.5?<a href="/type/long">long</a> until_date:<a href="/type/int">int</a> = <a href="/type/MessageMedia">MessageMedia</a>;
<a href="/constructor/messageActionGiveawayLaunch">messageActionGiveawayLaunch</a>#a80f51e4 flags:<a href="/type/%23">#</a> stars:flags.0?<a href="/type/long">long</a> = <a href="/type/MessageAction">MessageAction</a>;<br>
<a href="/constructor/payments.giveawayInfoResults">payments.giveawayInfoResults</a>#e175e66f flags:<a href="/type/%23">#</a> winner:flags.0?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> refunded:flags.1?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> start_date:<a href="/type/int">int</a> gift_code_slug:flags.3?<a href="/type/string">string</a> stars_prize:flags.4?<a href="/type/long">long</a> finish_date:<a href="/type/int">int</a> winners_count:<a href="/type/int">int</a> activated_count:flags.2?<a href="/type/int">int</a> = <a href="/type/payments.GiveawayInfo">payments.GiveawayInfo</a>;<br>
<a href="/constructor/boost">boost</a>#4b3e14d6 flags:<a href="/type/%23">#</a> gift:flags.1?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> giveaway:flags.2?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> unclaimed:flags.3?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> id:<a href="/type/string">string</a> user_id:flags.0?<a href="/type/long">long</a> giveaway_msg_id:flags.2?<a href="/type/int">int</a> date:<a href="/type/int">int</a> expires:<a href="/type/int">int</a> used_gift_slug:flags.4?<a href="/type/string">string</a> multiplier:flags.5?<a href="/type/int">int</a> stars:flags.6?<a href="/type/long">long</a> = <a href="/type/Boost">Boost</a>;<br>
@ -279,7 +281,6 @@
<li>Added <strong>paid_reactions_available</strong> parameter in <a href="/constructor/channelFull">channelFull</a></li>
<li>Added <strong>flags</strong>, <strong>subscription_until_date</strong> parameters in <a href="/constructor/channelParticipant">channelParticipant</a></li>
<li>Added <strong>subscription_until_date</strong> parameter in <a href="/constructor/channelParticipantSelf">channelParticipantSelf</a></li>
<li>Added <strong>sub_extend</strong> parameter in <a href="/constructor/channelAdminLogEventsFilter">channelAdminLogEventsFilter</a></li>
<li>Added <strong>media</strong> parameter in <a href="/constructor/sponsoredMessage">sponsoredMessage</a></li>
<li>Added <strong>top_reactors</strong> parameter in <a href="/constructor/messageReactions">messageReactions</a></li>
<li>Added <strong>reaction</strong>, <strong>subscription_period</strong> parameters in <a href="/constructor/starsTransaction">starsTransaction</a></li>
@ -292,8 +293,7 @@
<a href="/constructor/channel">channel</a>#fe4478bd flags:<a href="/type/%23">#</a> creator:flags.0?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> left:flags.2?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> broadcast:flags.5?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> verified:flags.7?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> megagroup:flags.8?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> restricted:flags.9?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> signatures:flags.11?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> min:flags.12?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> scam:flags.19?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> has_link:flags.20?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> has_geo:flags.21?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> slowmode_enabled:flags.22?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> call_active:flags.23?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> call_not_empty:flags.24?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> fake:flags.25?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> gigagroup:flags.26?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> noforwards:flags.27?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> join_to_send:flags.28?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> join_request:flags.29?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> forum:flags.30?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> flags2:<a href="/type/%23">#</a> stories_hidden:flags2.1?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> stories_hidden_min:flags2.2?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> stories_unavailable:flags2.3?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> signature_profiles:flags2.12?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> id:<a href="/type/long">long</a> access_hash:flags.13?<a href="/type/long">long</a> title:<a href="/type/string">string</a> username:flags.6?<a href="/type/string">string</a> photo:<a href="/type/ChatPhoto">ChatPhoto</a> date:<a href="/type/int">int</a> restriction_reason:flags.9?<a href="/type/Vector%20t">Vector</a>&lt;<a href="/type/RestrictionReason">RestrictionReason</a>&gt; admin_rights:flags.14?<a href="/type/ChatAdminRights">ChatAdminRights</a> banned_rights:flags.15?<a href="/type/ChatBannedRights">ChatBannedRights</a> default_banned_rights:flags.18?<a href="/type/ChatBannedRights">ChatBannedRights</a> participants_count:flags.17?<a href="/type/int">int</a> usernames:flags2.0?<a href="/type/Vector%20t">Vector</a>&lt;<a href="/type/Username">Username</a>&gt; stories_max_id:flags2.4?<a href="/type/int">int</a> color:flags2.7?<a href="/type/PeerColor">PeerColor</a> profile_color:flags2.8?<a href="/type/PeerColor">PeerColor</a> emoji_status:flags2.9?<a href="/type/EmojiStatus">EmojiStatus</a> level:flags2.10?<a href="/type/int">int</a> subscription_until_date:flags2.11?<a href="/type/int">int</a> = <a href="/type/Chat">Chat</a>;
<a href="/constructor/channelFull">channelFull</a>#bbab348d flags:<a href="/type/%23">#</a> can_view_participants:flags.3?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> can_set_username:flags.6?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> can_set_stickers:flags.7?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> hidden_prehistory:flags.10?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> can_set_location:flags.16?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> has_scheduled:flags.19?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> can_view_stats:flags.20?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> blocked:flags.22?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> flags2:<a href="/type/%23">#</a> can_delete_channel:flags2.0?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> antispam:flags2.1?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> participants_hidden:flags2.2?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> translations_disabled:flags2.3?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> stories_pinned_available:flags2.5?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> view_forum_as_messages:flags2.6?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> restricted_sponsored:flags2.11?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> can_view_revenue:flags2.12?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> paid_media_allowed:flags2.14?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> can_view_stars_revenue:flags2.15?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> paid_reactions_available:flags2.16?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> id:<a href="/type/long">long</a> about:<a href="/type/string">string</a> participants_count:flags.0?<a href="/type/int">int</a> admins_count:flags.1?<a href="/type/int">int</a> kicked_count:flags.2?<a href="/type/int">int</a> banned_count:flags.2?<a href="/type/int">int</a> online_count:flags.13?<a href="/type/int">int</a> read_inbox_max_id:<a href="/type/int">int</a> read_outbox_max_id:<a href="/type/int">int</a> unread_count:<a href="/type/int">int</a> chat_photo:<a href="/type/Photo">Photo</a> notify_settings:<a href="/type/PeerNotifySettings">PeerNotifySettings</a> exported_invite:flags.23?<a href="/type/ExportedChatInvite">ExportedChatInvite</a> bot_info:<a href="/type/Vector%20t">Vector</a>&lt;<a href="/type/BotInfo">BotInfo</a>&gt; migrated_from_chat_id:flags.4?<a href="/type/long">long</a> migrated_from_max_id:flags.4?<a href="/type/int">int</a> pinned_msg_id:flags.5?<a href="/type/int">int</a> stickerset:flags.8?<a href="/type/StickerSet">StickerSet</a> available_min_id:flags.9?<a href="/type/int">int</a> folder_id:flags.11?<a href="/type/int">int</a> linked_chat_id:flags.14?<a href="/type/long">long</a> location:flags.15?<a href="/type/ChannelLocation">ChannelLocation</a> slowmode_seconds:flags.17?<a href="/type/int">int</a> slowmode_next_send_date:flags.18?<a href="/type/int">int</a> stats_dc:flags.12?<a href="/type/int">int</a> pts:<a href="/type/int">int</a> call:flags.21?<a href="/type/InputGroupCall">InputGroupCall</a> ttl_period:flags.24?<a href="/type/int">int</a> pending_suggestions:flags.25?<a href="/type/Vector%20t">Vector</a>&lt;<a href="/type/string">string</a>&gt; groupcall_default_join_as:flags.26?<a href="/type/Peer">Peer</a> theme_emoticon:flags.27?<a href="/type/string">string</a> requests_pending:flags.28?<a href="/type/int">int</a> recent_requesters:flags.28?<a href="/type/Vector%20t">Vector</a>&lt;<a href="/type/long">long</a>&gt; default_send_as:flags.29?<a href="/type/Peer">Peer</a> available_reactions:flags.30?<a href="/type/ChatReactions">ChatReactions</a> reactions_limit:flags2.13?<a href="/type/int">int</a> stories:flags2.4?<a href="/type/PeerStories">PeerStories</a> wallpaper:flags2.7?<a href="/type/WallPaper">WallPaper</a> boosts_applied:flags2.8?<a href="/type/int">int</a> boosts_unrestrict:flags2.9?<a href="/type/int">int</a> emojiset:flags2.10?<a href="/type/StickerSet">StickerSet</a> = <a href="/type/ChatFull">ChatFull</a>;
<a href="/constructor/channelParticipant">channelParticipant</a>#cb397619 flags:<a href="/type/%23">#</a> user_id:<a href="/type/long">long</a> date:<a href="/type/int">int</a> subscription_until_date:flags.0?<a href="/type/int">int</a> = <a href="/type/ChannelParticipant">ChannelParticipant</a>;
<a href="/constructor/channelParticipantSelf">channelParticipantSelf</a>#4f607bef flags:<a href="/type/%23">#</a> via_request:flags.0?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> user_id:<a href="/type/long">long</a> inviter_id:<a href="/type/long">long</a> date:<a href="/type/int">int</a> subscription_until_date:flags.1?<a href="/type/int">int</a> = <a href="/type/ChannelParticipant">ChannelParticipant</a>;
<a href="/constructor/channelAdminLogEventsFilter">channelAdminLogEventsFilter</a>#ea107ae4 flags:<a href="/type/%23">#</a> join:flags.0?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> leave:flags.1?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> invite:flags.2?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> ban:flags.3?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> unban:flags.4?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> kick:flags.5?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> unkick:flags.6?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> promote:flags.7?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> demote:flags.8?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> info:flags.9?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> settings:flags.10?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> pinned:flags.11?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> edit:flags.12?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> delete:flags.13?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> group_call:flags.14?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> invites:flags.15?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> send:flags.16?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> forums:flags.17?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> sub_extend:flags.18?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> = <a href="/type/ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter">ChannelAdminLogEventsFilter</a>;<br>
<a href="/constructor/channelParticipantSelf">channelParticipantSelf</a>#4f607bef flags:<a href="/type/%23">#</a> via_request:flags.0?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> user_id:<a href="/type/long">long</a> inviter_id:<a href="/type/long">long</a> date:<a href="/type/int">int</a> subscription_until_date:flags.1?<a href="/type/int">int</a> = <a href="/type/ChannelParticipant">ChannelParticipant</a>;<br>
<a href="/constructor/sponsoredMessage">sponsoredMessage</a>#4d93a990 flags:<a href="/type/%23">#</a> recommended:flags.5?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> can_report:flags.12?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> random_id:<a href="/type/bytes">bytes</a> url:<a href="/type/string">string</a> title:<a href="/type/string">string</a> message:<a href="/type/string">string</a> entities:flags.1?<a href="/type/Vector%20t">Vector</a>&lt;<a href="/type/MessageEntity">MessageEntity</a>&gt; photo:flags.6?<a href="/type/Photo">Photo</a> media:flags.14?<a href="/type/MessageMedia">MessageMedia</a> color:flags.13?<a href="/type/PeerColor">PeerColor</a> button_text:<a href="/type/string">string</a> sponsor_info:flags.7?<a href="/type/string">string</a> additional_info:flags.8?<a href="/type/string">string</a> = <a href="/type/SponsoredMessage">SponsoredMessage</a>;<br>
<a href="/constructor/messageReactions">messageReactions</a>#0a339f0b flags:<a href="/type/%23">#</a> min:flags.0?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> can_see_list:flags.2?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> reactions_as_tags:flags.3?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> results:<a href="/type/Vector%20t">Vector</a>&lt;<a href="/type/ReactionCount">ReactionCount</a>&gt; recent_reactions:flags.1?<a href="/type/Vector%20t">Vector</a>&lt;<a href="/type/MessagePeerReaction">MessagePeerReaction</a>&gt; top_reactors:flags.4?<a href="/type/Vector%20t">Vector</a>&lt;<a href="/type/MessageReactor">MessageReactor</a>&gt; = <a href="/type/MessageReactions">MessageReactions</a>;<br>
<a href="/constructor/starsTransaction">starsTransaction</a>#433aeb2b flags:<a href="/type/%23">#</a> refund:flags.3?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> pending:flags.4?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> failed:flags.6?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> gift:flags.10?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> reaction:flags.11?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a> id:<a href="/type/string">string</a> stars:<a href="/type/long">long</a> date:<a href="/type/int">int</a> peer:<a href="/type/StarsTransactionPeer">StarsTransactionPeer</a> title:flags.0?<a href="/type/string">string</a> description:flags.1?<a href="/type/string">string</a> photo:flags.2?<a href="/type/WebDocument">WebDocument</a> transaction_date:flags.5?<a href="/type/int">int</a> transaction_url:flags.5?<a href="/type/string">string</a> bot_payload:flags.7?<a href="/type/bytes">bytes</a> msg_id:flags.8?<a href="/type/int">int</a> extended_media:flags.9?<a href="/type/Vector%20t">Vector</a>&lt;<a href="/type/MessageMedia">MessageMedia</a>&gt; subscription_period:flags.12?<a href="/type/int">int</a> = <a href="/type/StarsTransaction">StarsTransaction</a>;<br>

View file

@ -105,13 +105,15 @@ Use <a href="/method/messages.readReactions">messages.readReactions</a> to mark
<a href='/method/messages.getMessagesReactions'>messages.getMessagesReactions</a>#8bba90e6 peer:<a href='/type/InputPeer'>InputPeer</a> id:<a href='/type/Vector%20t'>Vector</a>&lt;<a href='/type/int'>int</a>&gt; = <a href='/type/Updates'>Updates</a>;</code></pre>
<p>Paid reactions (aka Star reactions) may be sent to channel posts by invoking <a href="/method/messages.sendPaidReaction">messages.sendPaidReaction</a>: this will transfer <code>count</code> Telegram Stars to the channel's balance and increment by <code>count</code> the reaction counter of the Star reaction with type <a href="/constructor/reactionPaid">reactionPaid</a>. </p>
<p>To enable paid reactions, channel admins must invoke <a href="/method/messages.setChatAvailableReactions">messages.setChatAvailableReactions</a>, passing <a href="/constructor/boolTrue">boolTrue</a> to <code>paid_enabled</code> and the previously configured reaction set in <code>available_reactions</code> (<code>reactions_limit</code> can be omitted, as omitting the flag will keep the previously configured value). </p>
<p>To enable paid reactions, channel admins must invoke <a href="/method/messages.setChatAvailableReactions">messages.setChatAvailableReactions</a>, passing <a href="/constructor/boolTrue">boolTrue</a> to <code>paid_enabled</code> and the previously configured reaction set in <code>available_reactions</code> (<code>reactions_limit</code> can be omitted, as omitting the flag will keep the previously configured value). </p>
<p>Users can determine whether a channel supports paid reactions by checking the value of the <a href="/constructor/channelFull">channelFull</a>.<code>paid_reactions_available</code> flag. </p>
<p>Each post with star reactions has a leaderboard with the top senders, but users can opt out of appearing there if they prefer more privacy.<br>
If the user explicitly chose to make their paid reaction(s) private, pass <a href="/constructor/boolTrue">boolTrue</a> to <a href="/method/messages.sendPaidReaction">messages.sendPaidReaction</a>.<code>private</code>.<br>
If the user explicitly chose to make their paid reaction(s) private, pass <a href="/constructor/boolTrue">boolFalse</a> to <a href="/method/messages.sendPaidReaction">messages.sendPaidReaction</a>.<code>private</code>.<br>
If the user did not make any explicit choice about the privacy of their paid reaction(s) (i.e. when reacting by clicking on an existing star reaction on a message), do not populate the <a href="/method/messages.sendPaidReaction">messages.sendPaidReaction</a>.<code>private</code> flag. </p>
<p>To change the privacy of already sent paid reactions, invoke <a href="/method/messages.togglePaidReactionPrivacy">messages.togglePaidReactionPrivacy</a>, passing the ID of the message, the channel and the desired privacy setting. </p>
<p>To fetch the paid reactions leaderboard, invoke <a href="/method/messages.getMessagesReactions">messages.getMessagesReactions</a>: the returned <a href="/constructor/updateMessageReactions">updateMessageReactions</a> constructor will contain a <code>top_reactors</code> vector of <a href="/constructor/messageReactor">messageReactor</a>s, containing the paid reactions leaderboard for that message. </p>
<p>Channel admins can also see the end date of the current subscription period for any user in <a href="/constructor/channelParticipant">channelParticipant</a>.<code>subscription_until_date</code>.</p>
<h3><a class="anchor" href="#react-to-a-story" id="react-to-a-story" name="react-to-a-story"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>React to a story</h3>
<p>See <a href="/api/stories#reactions">here »</a> for more info on how to react to a story.</p>
<h3><a class="anchor" href="#notifications-about-reactions" id="notifications-about-reactions" name="notifications-about-reactions"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Notifications about reactions</h3>

View file

@ -82,12 +82,12 @@
<td style="text-align: center;"><a href="/mtproto/TL-combinators#conditional-fields">flags</a>.0?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a></td>
<td> </td>
<td>If set, enables message signatures.</td>
<td style="text-align: center;"><a href="/mtproto/TL-combinators#conditional-fields">flags</a>.1?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a></td>
<td> </td>
<td>If set, messages from channel admins will link to their profiles, just like for group messages: can only be set if the <code>signatures_enabled</code> flag is set.</td>

View file

@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
<td style="text-align: center;"><a href="/mtproto/TL-combinators#conditional-fields">flags</a>.3?<a href="/constructor/true">true</a></td>
<td> </td>
<td>Set this flag if the link is a <a href="/api/stars#star-subscriptions">Telegram Star subscription link »</a> and only members with already expired subscription must be returned.</td>
@ -167,6 +167,8 @@
<h3><a class="anchor" href="#related-pages" id="related-pages" name="related-pages"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Related pages</h3>
<h4><a class="anchor" href="#invites" id="invites" name="invites"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a><a href="/api/invites">Invites</a></h4>
<p>Chats and channels may have a public username or a private invite link: private invite links may be further enhanced with per-user join requests.</p>
<h4><a class="anchor" href="#telegram-stars" id="telegram-stars" name="telegram-stars"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a><a href="/api/stars">Telegram Stars</a></h4>
<p>Telegram Stars are virtual items that allow users to purchase digital goods and services from bots and mini apps inside the Telegram ecosystem, send gifts to content creators on the Telegram platform, and more.</p>
<h4><a class="anchor" href="#pagination-in-the-api" id="pagination-in-the-api" name="pagination-in-the-api"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a><a href="/api/offsets">Pagination in the API</a></h4>
<p>How to fetch results from large lists of objects.</p></div>

View file

@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
<td style="text-align: center;"><a href="/mtproto/TL-combinators#conditional-fields">flags</a>.3?<a href="/type/string">string</a></td>
<td> </td>
<td>If set, fetches only transactions for the specified <a href="/api/stars#star-subscriptions">Telegram Star subscription »</a>.</td>
@ -137,12 +137,12 @@
<h3><a class="anchor" href="#bots-can-use-this-method" id="bots-can-use-this-method" name="bots-can-use-this-method"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Bots can use this method</h3>
<h3><a class="anchor" href="#related-pages" id="related-pages" name="related-pages"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Related pages</h3>
<h4><a class="anchor" href="#telegram-stars" id="telegram-stars" name="telegram-stars"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a><a href="/api/stars">Telegram Stars</a></h4>
<p>Telegram Stars are virtual items that allow users to purchase digital goods and services from bots and mini apps inside the Telegram ecosystem, send gifts to content creators on the Telegram platform, and more.</p>
<h4><a class="anchor" href="#inputpeerself" id="inputpeerself" name="inputpeerself"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a><a href="/constructor/inputPeerSelf">inputPeerSelf</a></h4>
<p>Defines the current user.</p>
<h4><a class="anchor" href="#pagination-in-the-api" id="pagination-in-the-api" name="pagination-in-the-api"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a><a href="/api/offsets">Pagination in the API</a></h4>
<p>How to fetch results from large lists of objects.</p>
<h4><a class="anchor" href="#telegram-stars" id="telegram-stars" name="telegram-stars"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a><a href="/api/stars">Telegram Stars</a></h4>
<p>Telegram Stars are virtual items that allow users to purchase digital goods and services from bots and mini apps inside the Telegram ecosystem, send gifts to content creators on the Telegram platform, and more.</p></div>
<p>How to fetch results from large lists of objects.</p></div>

View file

@ -53,9 +53,9 @@
<h5><a class="anchor" href="#1-client-sends-query-to-server" id="1-client-sends-query-to-server" name="1-client-sends-query-to-server"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>1) Client sends query to server</h5>
<!-- start req_pq_multi -->
<p>Sent payload (excluding transport headers/trailers):</p>
<pre><code>0000 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D8 7F 03 00 DD A6 38 67
0010 | 14 00 00 00 F1 8E 7E BE F2 FF EB DA 55 A0 62 61
0020 | 90 B6 57 AC CD F3 9C 05</code></pre>
<pre><code>0000 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CC C4 07 00 09 A9 38 67
0010 | 14 00 00 00 F1 8E 7E BE 88 A0 0C B2 64 2E 0D CC
0020 | D6 BD 55 3F 42 43 30 B4</code></pre>
<p>Payload (de)serialization:</p>
<pre><code>req_pq_multi#be7e8ef1 nonce:int128 = ResPQ;</code></pre>
<table class="table">
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
<td>8, 8</td>
<td>Message ID generated as specified <a href="/mtproto/description#message-identifier-msg-id">here »</a> (unixtime() &lt;&lt; 32) + (N*4)</td>
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
<td>24, 16</td>
<td>Random number</td>
@ -104,11 +104,11 @@
<h5><a class="anchor" href="#2-server-sends-response-of-the-form" id="2-server-sends-response-of-the-form" name="2-server-sends-response-of-the-form"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>2) Server sends response of the form</h5>
<!-- start resPQ -->
<p>Received payload (excluding transport headers/trailers):</p>
<pre><code>0000 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 30 5D EC DD A6 38 67
0010 | 50 00 00 00 63 24 16 05 F2 FF EB DA 55 A0 62 61
0020 | 90 B6 57 AC CD F3 9C 05 C8 97 E4 83 8C 1A 47 33
0030 | D9 43 AB 98 93 64 1F B4 08 15 4F 99 C1 AD 76 59
0040 | B7 00 00 00 15 C4 B5 1C 03 00 00 00 85 FD 64 DE
<pre><code>0000 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 78 D6 E3 09 A9 38 67
0010 | 50 00 00 00 63 24 16 05 88 A0 0C B2 64 2E 0D CC
0020 | D6 BD 55 3F 42 43 30 B4 8A 33 80 8D 1D 5B AE E2
0030 | 7E 2D 08 4D AB 67 CE D0 08 19 EE AA 4A 04 90 58
0040 | BD 00 00 00 15 C4 B5 1C 03 00 00 00 85 FD 64 DE
0050 | 85 1D 9D D0 A5 B7 F7 09 35 5F C3 0B 21 6B E8 6C
0060 | 02 2B B4 C3</code></pre>
<p>Payload (de)serialization:</p>
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
<td>8, 8</td>
<td>Message ID generated as specified <a href="/mtproto/description#message-identifier-msg-id">here »</a> (unixtime() &lt;&lt; 32) + (N*4)</td>
@ -150,19 +150,19 @@
<td>24, 16</td>
<td>Value generated by client in Step 1</td>
<td>40, 16</td>
<td>Server-generated random number</td>
<td>56, 12</td>
<td><code>08154F99C1AD7659B7000000</code><br>TL byte deserialization <br>=&gt; bigendian conversion to decimal<br>=&gt; 1535615055074580919</td>
<td><code>0819EEAA4A049058BD000000</code><br>TL byte deserialization <br>=&gt; bigendian conversion to decimal<br>=&gt; 1868618130286205117</td>
<td>Single-byte prefix denoting length, an 8-byte string, and three bytes of padding</td>
@ -208,22 +208,22 @@
<h4><a class="anchor" href="#proof-of-work" id="proof-of-work" name="proof-of-work"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Proof of work</h4>
<h5><a class="anchor" href="#3-client-decomposes-pq-into-prime-factors-such-that-p-lt-q" id="3-client-decomposes-pq-into-prime-factors-such-that-p-lt-q" name="3-client-decomposes-pq-into-prime-factors-such-that-p-lt-q"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>3) Client decomposes pq into prime factors such that p &lt; q.</h5>
<!-- start pq -->
<pre><code>pq = 1535615055074580919</code></pre>
<p>Decompose into 2 prime cofactors <code>p &lt; q</code>: <code>1535615055074580919 = 1164798461 * 1318352579</code></p>
<pre><code>p = 1164798461
q = 1318352579</code></pre>
<pre><code>pq = 1868618130286205117</code></pre>
<p>Decompose into 2 prime cofactors <code>p &lt; q</code>: <code>1868618130286205117 = 1093105483 * 1709458199</code></p>
<pre><code>p = 1093105483
q = 1709458199</code></pre>
<!-- end pq -->
<h4><a class="anchor" href="#presenting-proof-of-work-server-authentication" id="presenting-proof-of-work-server-authentication" name="presenting-proof-of-work-server-authentication"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Presenting proof of work; Server authentication</h4>
<h5><a class="anchor" href="#4-encrypted-data-payload-generation" id="4-encrypted-data-payload-generation" name="4-encrypted-data-payload-generation"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>4) <code>encrypted_data</code> payload generation</h5>
<p>First of all, generate an <code>encrypted_data</code> payload as follows:</p>
<!-- start p_q_inner_data_dc -->
<p>Generated payload (excluding transport headers/trailers):</p>
<pre><code>0000 | 95 5F F5 A9 08 15 4F 99 C1 AD 76 59 B7 00 00 00
0010 | 04 45 6D 69 FD 00 00 00 04 4E 94 76 C3 00 00 00
0020 | F2 FF EB DA 55 A0 62 61 90 B6 57 AC CD F3 9C 05
0030 | C8 97 E4 83 8C 1A 47 33 D9 43 AB 98 93 64 1F B4
0040 | 11 83 DF 59 14 4A 45 26 F1 B0 E6 C9 A4 B2 7C 6C
0050 | 80 36 BD EE 0C 5C 7A D7 07 F6 94 1A AE C9 28 8E
<pre><code>0000 | 95 5F F5 A9 08 19 EE AA 4A 04 90 58 BD 00 00 00
0010 | 04 41 27 77 4B 00 00 00 04 65 E4 43 17 00 00 00
0020 | 88 A0 0C B2 64 2E 0D CC D6 BD 55 3F 42 43 30 B4
0030 | 8A 33 80 8D 1D 5B AE E2 7E 2D 08 4D AB 67 CE D0
0040 | C6 1C 4C B1 76 7F D6 E5 66 1D 48 E8 30 35 96 85
0050 | BB E4 FD 66 9F 97 F4 20 34 05 82 EE CF 6A 39 84
0060 | 02 00 00 00</code></pre>
<p>Payload (de)serialization:</p>
<pre><code>p_q_inner_data_dc#a9f55f95 pq:string p:string q:string nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce:int256 dc:int = P_Q_inner_data;</code></pre>
@ -246,37 +246,37 @@ q = 1318352579</code></pre>
<td>4, 12</td>
<td><code>08154F99C1AD7659B7000000</code><br>TL byte deserialization <br>=&gt; bigendian conversion to decimal<br>=&gt; 1535615055074580919</td>
<td><code>0819EEAA4A049058BD000000</code><br>TL byte deserialization <br>=&gt; bigendian conversion to decimal<br>=&gt; 1868618130286205117</td>
<td>Single-byte prefix denoting length, 8-byte string, and three bytes of padding</td>
<td>16, 8</td>
<td><code>04456D69FD000000</code><br>TL byte deserialization <br>=&gt; bigendian conversion to decimal<br>=&gt; 1164798461</td>
<td><code>044127774B000000</code><br>TL byte deserialization <br>=&gt; bigendian conversion to decimal<br>=&gt; 1093105483</td>
<td>First prime cofactor: single-byte prefix denoting length, 4-byte string, and three bytes of padding</td>
<td>24, 8</td>
<td><code>044E9476C3000000</code><br>TL byte deserialization <br>=&gt; bigendian conversion to decimal<br>=&gt; 1318352579</td>
<td><code>0465E44317000000</code><br>TL byte deserialization <br>=&gt; bigendian conversion to decimal<br>=&gt; 1709458199</td>
<td>Second prime cofactor: single-byte prefix denoting length, 4-byte string, and three bytes of padding</td>
<td>32, 16</td>
<td>Value generated by client in Step 1</td>
<td>48, 16</td>
<td>Value received from server in Step 2</td>
<td>64, 32</td>
<td><code>1183DF59144A4526F1B0E6C9A4B27C6C</code> <code>8036BDEE0C5C7AD707F6941AAEC9288E</code></td>
<td><code>C61C4CB1767FD6E5661D48E830359685</code> <code>BBE4FD669F97F420340582EECF6A3984</code></td>
<td>Client-generated random number</td>
@ -291,39 +291,39 @@ q = 1318352579</code></pre>
<p>The serialization of <em>P_Q_inner_data</em> produces <strong>data</strong>, which is used to generate <strong>encrypted_data</strong> as specified in <a href="/mtproto/auth_key">step 4.1</a>.<br>
These are the inputs to the algorithm specified in <a href="/mtproto/auth_key">step 4.1</a>:</p>
<!-- start p_q_inner_data_input -->
<pre><code>data = 955FF5A908154F99C1AD7659B700000004456D69FD000000044E9476C3000000F2FFEBDA55A0626190B657ACCDF39C05C897E4838C1A4733D943AB9893641FB41183DF59144A4526F1B0E6C9A4B27C6C8036BDEE0C5C7AD707F6941AAEC9288E02000000
random_padding_bytes = BE3707A89AE9B01B20AFBF2DFE2469A511655C0B8BC61714EB603611AF1FA618B2943619E8AA74B88439ED0870657660BC1167DFF5A7BBA65DC878A3F677C3E8D9DBCE966EBEADB069E11FCA0DA8EEA1F411182BAE338F54BCE44AE6</code></pre>
<pre><code>data = 955FF5A90819EEAA4A049058BD000000044127774B0000000465E4431700000088A00CB2642E0DCCD6BD553F424330B48A33808D1D5BAEE27E2D084DAB67CED0C61C4CB1767FD6E5661D48E830359685BBE4FD669F97F420340582EECF6A398402000000
random_padding_bytes = 4FD6DF70DAC10A80FB882E175ED130769E47ACA62330CFA8098708C10A765264176E3391DBC1E80CDEADD8C4A4EC3CBA7CA7C08FBBD4881A4435EC7B6A4A5CF5897E970AAA0330FA4C188BA83A02620EBC82AF9426FD88829A5683AD</code></pre>
<!-- end p_q_inner_data_input -->
<p>And this is the output:</p>
<!-- start p_q_inner_data_output -->
<pre><code>encrypted_data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code></pre>
<pre><code>encrypted_data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code></pre>
<!-- end p_q_inner_data_output -->
<p>The length of the final string is 256 bytes.</p>
<h5><a class="anchor" href="#5-send-req-dh-params-query-with-generated-encrypted-data" id="5-send-req-dh-params-query-with-generated-encrypted-data" name="5-send-req-dh-params-query-with-generated-encrypted-data"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>5) Send req_DH_params query with generated <code>encrypted_data</code></h5>
<!-- start req_DH_params -->
<p>Sent payload (excluding transport headers/trailers):</p>
<pre><code>0000 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 B4 9A 03 00 DD A6 38 67
0010 | 40 01 00 00 BE E4 12 D7 F2 FF EB DA 55 A0 62 61
0020 | 90 B6 57 AC CD F3 9C 05 C8 97 E4 83 8C 1A 47 33
0030 | D9 43 AB 98 93 64 1F B4 04 45 6D 69 FD 00 00 00
0040 | 04 4E 94 76 C3 00 00 00 85 FD 64 DE 85 1D 9D D0
0050 | FE 00 01 00 35 0F 55 A0 31 39 C6 65 B4 C0 3D 92
0060 | B4 E0 2D 81 AB 71 F6 B7 BE 05 CA DB FA E6 78 22
0070 | 3B 0D BB 53 19 2D 60 A9 AD 6A 9E 1A 36 EC 9E E3
0080 | 3A 69 B7 AC D9 65 E4 88 C3 EC B8 59 DC 7D CA F9
0090 | 30 3F 24 BA 38 55 6E C7 58 4A E5 44 8A 97 9B F7
00A0 | 0F 03 1E BD 21 9F 37 95 20 9A 2D 07 A4 E0 9D EF
00B0 | 29 63 84 58 CF 1A 37 98 D5 94 83 C8 F7 C8 FA 0D
00C0 | 24 FE 31 67 6E 8A E9 D8 AB 10 AA 7C 07 02 A1 6C
00D0 | C2 E0 96 C8 61 70 0D 07 3E 51 31 E7 16 A9 8F E1
00E0 | 05 1A D5 85 26 F1 F1 51 AD AD D2 E1 9F 53 7E 71
00F0 | 6C D5 55 83 30 DE DD E1 D4 9B E5 0A C2 0C E6 A0
0100 | 40 82 3E B4 97 03 7B 49 FC A1 65 49 47 9A 4E 7A
0110 | F3 D3 49 B9 07 E7 1F D3 2E 67 5B 48 7C B7 99 58
0120 | 33 61 9B 81 85 F1 DC DA FD 73 09 30 2B 08 29 C1
0130 | 8B 04 9C C7 96 F4 DC 7A 79 CE 49 D6 14 A9 23 04
0140 | D6 7E A4 4A 1B 57 E7 0F A8 94 41 BD E0 DA 58 48
0150 | 4A AC B6 66</code></pre>
<pre><code>0000 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D0 C4 07 00 09 A9 38 67
0010 | 40 01 00 00 BE E4 12 D7 88 A0 0C B2 64 2E 0D CC
0020 | D6 BD 55 3F 42 43 30 B4 8A 33 80 8D 1D 5B AE E2
0030 | 7E 2D 08 4D AB 67 CE D0 04 41 27 77 4B 00 00 00
0040 | 04 65 E4 43 17 00 00 00 85 FD 64 DE 85 1D 9D D0
0050 | FE 00 01 00 61 9B 47 27 00 90 01 B4 40 82 01 3B
0060 | 87 31 01 1A 98 4F 70 8C D5 D0 C2 53 FF 48 BD B3
0070 | DF AF A2 63 7F FA 25 B4 0B 4C 4B FB 28 50 4D E7
0080 | B3 F0 06 6D 68 95 B7 9B 7C 29 B3 F7 4A 53 58 49
0090 | 3E 28 D7 3D 3B 0D 14 D5 31 EF 6A 1A 42 70 C5 93
00A0 | E8 D1 0E B3 B2 46 AE 66 8D A9 4B 2F 65 F3 CC 4E
00B0 | 63 BD 6A A5 43 B5 43 E5 13 27 D4 26 B9 83 BD 2E
00C0 | 1A 64 CD B6 E6 97 C9 BA 46 71 DD CC CA FE C5 41
00D0 | 71 68 62 CB DA 37 A8 A1 F3 67 8C C7 5C E9 E5 64
00E0 | F0 A6 A1 9E AB DF B9 4E FB 41 CB DB 58 66 11 75
00F0 | 7F 7E EF FA D4 7B 62 C9 A6 59 31 07 9D FD 9E CA
0100 | F4 A4 51 D8 47 04 91 FE C1 E5 EA C6 BB 92 D2 F6
0110 | E7 D4 B7 41 85 27 C4 86 47 81 59 F8 67 59 14 22
0120 | ED 71 30 CA 98 D5 B2 74 EB EB B1 39 EA 35 79 A6
0130 | A8 11 13 A3 A7 09 21 38 88 98 D1 8A 4F 5B 56 E8
0140 | 93 1D 42 21 08 29 2B 1B E3 E8 DD 4F EB 59 E6 C8
0150 | B5 30 AE 54</code></pre>
<p>Payload (de)serialization:</p>
<pre><code>req_DH_params#d712e4be nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 p:string q:string public_key_fingerprint:long encrypted_data:string = Server_DH_Params;</code></pre>
<table class="table">
@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ random_padding_bytes = BE3707A89AE9B01B20AFBF2DFE2469A511655C0B8BC61714EB603611A
<td>8, 8</td>
<td>Message ID generated as specified <a href="/mtproto/description#message-identifier-msg-id">here »</a> (unixtime() &lt;&lt; 32) + (N*4)</td>
@ -363,25 +363,25 @@ random_padding_bytes = BE3707A89AE9B01B20AFBF2DFE2469A511655C0B8BC61714EB603611A
<td>24, 16</td>
<td>Value generated by client in Step 1</td>
<td>40, 16</td>
<td>Value received from server in Step 2</td>
<td>56, 8</td>
<td><code>04456D69FD000000</code><br>TL byte deserialization <br>=&gt; bigendian conversion to decimal<br>=&gt; 1164798461</td>
<td><code>044127774B000000</code><br>TL byte deserialization <br>=&gt; bigendian conversion to decimal<br>=&gt; 1093105483</td>
<td>First prime cofactor: single-byte prefix denoting length, 4-byte string, and three bytes of padding</td>
<td>64, 8</td>
<td><code>044E9476C3000000</code><br>TL byte deserialization <br>=&gt; bigendian conversion to decimal<br>=&gt; 1318352579</td>
<td><code>0465E44317000000</code><br>TL byte deserialization <br>=&gt; bigendian conversion to decimal<br>=&gt; 1709458199</td>
<td>Second prime cofactor: single-byte prefix denoting length, 4-byte string, and three bytes of padding</td>
@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ random_padding_bytes = BE3707A89AE9B01B20AFBF2DFE2469A511655C0B8BC61714EB603611A
<td>80, 260</td>
<td><code>FE000100350F55A03139C665B4C03D92</code> <code>B4E02D81AB71F6B7BE05CADBFAE67822</code> <code>3B0DBB53192D60A9AD6A9E1A36EC9EE3</code> <code>3A69B7ACD965E488C3ECB859DC7DCAF9</code> <code>303F24BA38556EC7584AE5448A979BF7</code> <code>0F031EBD219F3795209A2D07A4E09DEF</code> <code>29638458CF1A3798D59483C8F7C8FA0D</code> <code>24FE31676E8AE9D8AB10AA7C0702A16C</code> <code>C2E096C861700D073E5131E716A98FE1</code> <code>051AD58526F1F151ADADD2E19F537E71</code> <code>6CD5558330DEDDE1D49BE50AC20CE6A0</code> <code>40823EB497037B49FCA16549479A4E7A</code> <code>F3D349B907E71FD32E675B487CB79958</code> <code>33619B8185F1DCDAFD7309302B0829C1</code> <code>8B049CC796F4DC7A79CE49D614A92304</code> <code>D67EA44A1B57E70FA89441BDE0DA5848</code><br> <code>4AACB666</code></td>
<td><code>FE000100619B4727009001B44082013B</code> <code>8731011A984F708CD5D0C253FF48BDB3</code> <code>DFAFA2637FFA25B40B4C4BFB28504DE7</code> <code>B3F0066D6895B79B7C29B3F74A535849</code> <code>3E28D73D3B0D14D531EF6A1A4270C593</code> <code>E8D10EB3B246AE668DA94B2F65F3CC4E</code> <code>63BD6AA543B543E51327D426B983BD2E</code> <code>1A64CDB6E697C9BA4671DDCCCAFEC541</code> <code>716862CBDA37A8A1F3678CC75CE9E564</code> <code>F0A6A19EABDFB94EFB41CBDB58661175</code> <code>7F7EEFFAD47B62C9A65931079DFD9ECA</code> <code>F4A451D8470491FEC1E5EAC6BB92D2F6</code> <code>E7D4B7418527C486478159F867591422</code> <code>ED7130CA98D5B274EBEBB139EA3579A6</code> <code>A81113A3A70921388898D18A4F5B56E8</code> <code>931D422108292B1BE3E8DD4FEB59E6C8</code><br> <code>B530AE54</code></td>
<td>Value generated above</td>
@ -402,47 +402,47 @@ random_padding_bytes = BE3707A89AE9B01B20AFBF2DFE2469A511655C0B8BC61714EB603611A
<h5><a class="anchor" href="#6-server-responds-with" id="6-server-responds-with" name="6-server-responds-with"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>6) Server responds with:</h5>
<!-- start server_DH_params_ok -->
<p>Received payload (excluding transport headers/trailers):</p>
<pre><code>0000 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 CC BA 07 DE A6 38 67
0010 | 78 02 00 00 5C 07 E8 D0 F2 FF EB DA 55 A0 62 61
0020 | 90 B6 57 AC CD F3 9C 05 C8 97 E4 83 8C 1A 47 33
0030 | D9 43 AB 98 93 64 1F B4 FE 50 02 00 CC E5 AA 8B
0040 | 5B 16 C7 C7 A2 8D A6 86 A2 FD 61 D3 51 32 D4 B9
0050 | 46 46 84 68 68 C8 E4 6F C7 C7 D5 E6 A2 3F 30 6D
0060 | B5 15 8C 7D D2 F7 FC C0 12 84 12 04 8B D2 90 47
0070 | FD 7C 46 57 09 B5 3E 99 E4 5E 6F 31 46 1B 93 59
0080 | 64 7B AD 71 CA 63 8B 20 56 F5 E7 7F 60 2D 87 74
0090 | 50 CC 8F FD 1D 00 D4 1A CB 77 52 23 CB BB 82 FF
00A0 | B5 2D 1F BB B4 91 81 D7 7A 16 E2 11 18 CB A5 99
00B0 | BD 7B F0 0B 4A 29 6E 70 FF 08 75 A3 BA 02 93 8A
00C0 | 8B 8A ED A7 22 44 2E 97 8F FA C5 E9 1F 0C BA ED
00D0 | 01 4E B0 DF A1 5C 10 A3 90 FE 07 D8 88 F7 3D C0
00E0 | 25 B6 1F 89 D0 B0 23 2E A4 9F CA 25 78 EB 77 99
00F0 | 2F 35 B2 FC 45 8F 50 5D 43 DC 83 5B C3 8A 2C 4B
0100 | 5A FE 0C 72 5B 3B 7C 0E 0D 07 DB 18 D3 F9 C9 A8
0110 | 39 34 9F A9 5F 11 48 1C AD 66 1C 6E 58 85 E5 80
0120 | D2 C7 A1 B7 BF A7 79 C1 4E 09 9C 44 B2 5F 01 63
0130 | F4 87 78 02 6D AF CA 02 1A F8 42 18 3F 02 AB 9E
0140 | 42 3A 76 D4 92 67 83 BA 24 0D 23 42 52 1B CC 48
0150 | D7 BC 7F 95 B3 3E E7 32 FF 2E 90 40 74 86 C4 DA
0160 | 4F 98 B0 A0 65 CF A6 DA BA F7 45 77 D4 2A 4F 12
0170 | 86 13 78 F4 79 9B 5C A7 6C 48 AF 2B DA 6F 4D A4
0180 | 1E 6F 71 03 73 FA 5B 82 99 A9 AC 43 BC 6B 38 DA
0190 | 72 D3 ED CB 09 32 D6 A5 D6 49 E4 D6 14 FA 1D 3F
01A0 | 86 F9 7D 5F 3B D5 5C 10 6C 49 1C C6 8C 37 A8 24
01B0 | 28 78 C5 85 EA E6 1F 66 1D FC 09 5C 9F 15 8B 7A
01C0 | B0 F9 0D 6B A9 70 65 1D 0F E6 86 42 71 18 48 2D
01D0 | 96 30 5A 4D F8 33 F6 6C 3E 2B F9 52 23 4E 31 88
01E0 | D1 A3 B6 30 37 48 19 58 BB 97 DE 43 CA 62 1C 78
01F0 | E1 E2 A0 3D 68 4F AC 4E D9 A5 B2 14 56 F0 B7 BF
0200 | 6C 5A 47 21 9A F9 FA AC D1 00 DD 5B 0B E3 C3 88
0210 | 3E C9 93 72 51 92 B8 97 FF D3 DA 0C 5A B7 75 BE
0220 | FB 83 22 83 A9 02 E6 F6 FF 0D FF 5B 45 1F AB 3C
0230 | 7A 7C F3 A0 47 C1 1F 86 87 39 7B DB 24 BE C9 04
0240 | 53 26 62 74 BC 52 CE A4 59 29 3A 54 99 80 D0 E2
0250 | 55 F4 59 16 BA 91 FB 33 38 C5 0C B1 7F AE E9 C1
0260 | F6 F0 DE 9C 67 68 F9 D3 73 60 DE 5D E4 88 62 BD
0270 | F9 E6 72 54 A2 7C 2D F5 6C D8 86 7A 00 A7 03 E8
0280 | BE 5D 32 8C C7 EE 2B 45 90 54 FA AC</code></pre>
<pre><code>0000 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 80 DD F7 09 A9 38 67
0010 | 78 02 00 00 5C 07 E8 D0 88 A0 0C B2 64 2E 0D CC
0020 | D6 BD 55 3F 42 43 30 B4 8A 33 80 8D 1D 5B AE E2
0030 | 7E 2D 08 4D AB 67 CE D0 FE 50 02 00 DB 11 E8 39
0040 | 12 F4 51 CC E9 CC B5 A4 E2 71 95 CE 8D 9C 5E 74
0050 | E8 79 AF 4B 91 80 40 0A 83 69 D0 27 7E 0A B8 DF
0060 | 51 B5 3A EC 1C 2C 6E D2 D4 DA D5 40 FA 7E E1 B4
0070 | B7 55 A1 E8 BA 3D BF 75 4D 81 6D 46 90 6B B5 4E
0080 | 26 CD 79 8D 2A 33 CB 3B 3C FD 32 23 19 5F CD AB
0090 | D5 74 3A B4 2E D4 26 62 35 50 38 FE 07 A9 2B 4A
00A0 | 60 21 ED F2 A7 0A 86 5A DF DD 55 6A 93 23 EE 52
00B0 | 6B 77 52 9D CA 6E CC 60 21 AB 76 B6 B2 9B 8D 42
00C0 | 32 35 49 CF 73 81 96 55 87 FF EC C1 B4 23 43 A6
00D0 | 90 B0 4A 4B FA 53 C3 B3 BF 61 80 AD 85 CB B4 72
00E0 | BA 83 60 70 70 4F 54 07 A3 50 CC E6 E9 43 76 FE
00F0 | BE 9D 92 F9 04 D5 1E 04 9A 12 F6 63 4E 0E A7 75
0100 | 2C B2 AD 56 06 70 1F CD 2A CF 43 3A 7A 78 20 F6
0110 | B9 4D 44 C0 FB 3D 9D EF 73 F6 AD 93 E4 A3 6C 2F
0120 | AA 3E 22 40 C8 2C E2 A4 2D 72 21 28 E6 89 01 5D
0130 | C9 5B 41 42 CD 09 BA 46 4D 9E A6 79 AA 70 86 0E
0140 | A7 BC 95 93 15 3C 6F E4 20 83 2F A7 8C 2C C4 31
0150 | 2F A6 A8 1E BD BD 61 22 43 B5 27 1B B2 ED CB 2F
0160 | 64 29 28 90 25 2E AE C0 F6 E7 3C 5D A0 CF D8 A2
0170 | 20 BB E2 F6 5A C3 CA E6 59 82 95 B5 42 30 CD 85
0180 | F3 26 9A 95 FD FE E3 AE 04 C7 FE AC 11 34 BE 51
0190 | 8E C7 BC AB 99 72 B4 9A 58 DB F3 8F D2 FF 60 92
01A0 | 9E 6C BB 3A 95 CE 10 15 FD 92 77 59 A8 0D 69 D2
01B0 | 8B 90 43 05 98 62 F7 3B 17 14 11 6A 4D 48 08 29
01C0 | C8 C4 20 3F 6F 9D DD 34 AE 9F 5F A9 5A 0B 1F 64
01D0 | D6 34 AB 3B BF 18 EC 74 66 D5 24 DA D7 35 4D 2E
01E0 | 95 7E 3B 30 92 06 A8 EA 67 41 92 F5 6B 5E A3 C6
01F0 | 3B B5 F4 56 62 80 1D 42 26 1E D8 0F 40 12 59 25
0200 | 11 8D 6A 4D 56 0D 24 30 C8 BA 3E 89 FF E5 3B 29
0210 | 20 52 B9 49 26 4C C9 87 23 BF F1 50 DC 65 E5 FF
0220 | 2A F6 06 3A 7B E5 20 50 D7 10 9C F3 31 01 6F 6B
0230 | E2 E9 E8 FE 32 19 1C 4D B9 A5 B3 FB C1 6A B5 A2
0240 | 87 F9 D2 5C 69 22 5B 4B 89 40 A0 D4 A3 E6 2D DB
0250 | 67 8B B1 A4 42 FB 71 55 1D 6B 43 F7 49 AD 46 EB
0260 | F5 3D 32 27 41 83 4B 5C 2E D3 EA 3A 14 A5 5C AC
0270 | E0 21 4D 1C E5 25 CD C9 39 9B 1C A2 40 8C BF BC
0280 | 70 83 63 2F BD 93 45 E5 DD 25 B7 A3</code></pre>
<p>Payload (de)serialization:</p>
<pre><code>server_DH_params_ok#d0e8075c nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 encrypted_answer:string = Server_DH_Params;</code></pre>
<table class="table">
@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ random_padding_bytes = BE3707A89AE9B01B20AFBF2DFE2469A511655C0B8BC61714EB603611A
<td>8, 8</td>
<td>Message ID generated as specified <a href="/mtproto/description#message-identifier-msg-id">here »</a> (unixtime() &lt;&lt; 32) + (N*4)</td>
@ -482,19 +482,19 @@ random_padding_bytes = BE3707A89AE9B01B20AFBF2DFE2469A511655C0B8BC61714EB603611A
<td>24, 16</td>
<td>Value generated by client in Step 1</td>
<td>40, 16</td>
<td>Value received from server in Step 2</td>
<td>56, 596</td>
<td><code>FE500200CCE5AA8B5B16C7C7A28DA686</code> <code>A2FD61D35132D4B94646846868C8E46F</code> <code>C7C7D5E6A23F306DB5158C7DD2F7FCC0</code> <code>128412048BD29047FD7C465709B53E99</code> <code>E45E6F31461B9359647BAD71CA638B20</code> <code>56F5E77F602D877450CC8FFD1D00D41A</code> <code>CB775223CBBB82FFB52D1FBBB49181D7</code> <code>7A16E21118CBA599BD7BF00B4A296E70</code> <code>FF0875A3BA02938A8B8AEDA722442E97</code> <code>8FFAC5E91F0CBAED014EB0DFA15C10A3</code> <code>90FE07D888F73DC025B61F89D0B0232E</code> <code>A49FCA2578EB77992F35B2FC458F505D</code> <code>43DC835BC38A2C4B5AFE0C725B3B7C0E</code> <code>0D07DB18D3F9C9A839349FA95F11481C</code> <code>AD661C6E5885E580D2C7A1B7BFA779C1</code> <code>4E099C44B25F0163F48778026DAFCA02</code> <code>1AF842183F02AB9E423A76D4926783BA</code> <code>240D2342521BCC48D7BC7F95B33EE732</code> <code>FF2E90407486C4DA4F98B0A065CFA6DA</code> <code>BAF74577D42A4F12861378F4799B5CA7</code> <code>6C48AF2BDA6F4DA41E6F710373FA5B82</code> <code>99A9AC43BC6B38DA72D3EDCB0932D6A5</code> <code>D649E4D614FA1D3F86F97D5F3BD55C10</code> <code>6C491CC68C37A8242878C585EAE61F66</code> <code>1DFC095C9F158B7AB0F90D6BA970651D</code> <code>0FE686427118482D96305A4DF833F66C</code> <code>3E2BF952234E3188D1A3B63037481958</code> <code>BB97DE43CA621C78E1E2A03D684FAC4E</code> <code>D9A5B21456F0B7BF6C5A47219AF9FAAC</code> <code>D100DD5B0BE3C3883EC993725192B897</code> <code>FFD3DA0C5AB775BEFB832283A902E6F6</code> <code>FF0DFF5B451FAB3C7A7CF3A047C11F86</code> <code>87397BDB24BEC90453266274BC52CEA4</code> <code>59293A549980D0E255F45916BA91FB33</code> <code>38C50CB17FAEE9C1F6F0DE9C6768F9D3</code> <code>7360DE5DE48862BDF9E67254A27C2DF5</code> <code>6CD8867A00A703E8BE5D328CC7EE2B45</code><br> <code>9054FAAC</code></td>
<td><code>FE500200DB11E83912F451CCE9CCB5A4</code> <code>E27195CE8D9C5E74E879AF4B9180400A</code> <code>8369D0277E0AB8DF51B53AEC1C2C6ED2</code> <code>D4DAD540FA7EE1B4B755A1E8BA3DBF75</code> <code>4D816D46906BB54E26CD798D2A33CB3B</code> <code>3CFD3223195FCDABD5743AB42ED42662</code> <code>355038FE07A92B4A6021EDF2A70A865A</code> <code>DFDD556A9323EE526B77529DCA6ECC60</code> <code>21AB76B6B29B8D42323549CF73819655</code> <code>87FFECC1B42343A690B04A4BFA53C3B3</code> <code>BF6180AD85CBB472BA836070704F5407</code> <code>A350CCE6E94376FEBE9D92F904D51E04</code> <code>9A12F6634E0EA7752CB2AD5606701FCD</code> <code>2ACF433A7A7820F6B94D44C0FB3D9DEF</code> <code>73F6AD93E4A36C2FAA3E2240C82CE2A4</code> <code>2D722128E689015DC95B4142CD09BA46</code> <code>4D9EA679AA70860EA7BC9593153C6FE4</code> <code>20832FA78C2CC4312FA6A81EBDBD6122</code> <code>43B5271BB2EDCB2F64292890252EAEC0</code> <code>F6E73C5DA0CFD8A220BBE2F65AC3CAE6</code> <code>598295B54230CD85F3269A95FDFEE3AE</code> <code>04C7FEAC1134BE518EC7BCAB9972B49A</code> <code>58DBF38FD2FF60929E6CBB3A95CE1015</code> <code>FD927759A80D69D28B9043059862F73B</code> <code>1714116A4D480829C8C4203F6F9DDD34</code> <code>AE9F5FA95A0B1F64D634AB3BBF18EC74</code> <code>66D524DAD7354D2E957E3B309206A8EA</code> <code>674192F56B5EA3C63BB5F45662801D42</code> <code>261ED80F40125925118D6A4D560D2430</code> <code>C8BA3E89FFE53B292052B949264CC987</code> <code>23BFF150DC65E5FF2AF6063A7BE52050</code> <code>D7109CF331016F6BE2E9E8FE32191C4D</code> <code>B9A5B3FBC16AB5A287F9D25C69225B4B</code> <code>8940A0D4A3E62DDB678BB1A442FB7155</code> <code>1D6B43F749AD46EBF53D322741834B5C</code> <code>2ED3EA3A14A55CACE0214D1CE525CDC9</code> <code>399B1CA2408CBFBC7083632FBD9345E5</code><br> <code>DD25B7A3</code></td>
<td>See below</td>
@ -502,20 +502,20 @@ random_padding_bytes = BE3707A89AE9B01B20AFBF2DFE2469A511655C0B8BC61714EB603611A
<!-- end server_DH_params_ok -->
<p>Decrypt <code>encrypted_answer</code> using the reverse of the process specified in <a href="/mtproto/auth_key#6-server-responds-with">step 6</a>:</p>
<!-- start server_DH_inner_data_input -->
<pre><code>encrypted_answer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
tmp_aes_key = 594061AE8790464CD895F4EC6E87183395A1D3030D30F301DC4BEA649F715D0E
tmp_aes_iv = 4D77BC1E9C065F093B95359EA200FB0DBB6499A2A2356E2764FA3EC11183DF59</code></pre>
<pre><code>encrypted_answer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
tmp_aes_key = 010C0C9B7A484D3A0D5BE8A9D860F7037247338A949243ABFD2598EA8BAFE4D1
tmp_aes_iv = E9737E2AA80D0D0FC0161512F6069DF0654F7B84D8A2C4679359DF78C61C4CB1</code></pre>
<!-- end server_DH_inner_data_input -->
<!-- start server_DH_inner_data_output -->
<pre><code>answer_with_hash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
answer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code></pre>
<pre><code>answer_with_hash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
answer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code></pre>
<!-- end server_DH_inner_data_output -->
<!-- start server_DH_inner_data -->
<p>Generated payload (excluding transport headers/trailers):</p>
<pre><code>0000 | BA 0D 89 B5 F2 FF EB DA 55 A0 62 61 90 B6 57 AC
0010 | CD F3 9C 05 C8 97 E4 83 8C 1A 47 33 D9 43 AB 98
0020 | 93 64 1F B4 03 00 00 00 FE 00 01 00 C7 1C AE B9
<pre><code>0000 | BA 0D 89 B5 88 A0 0C B2 64 2E 0D CC D6 BD 55 3F
0010 | 42 43 30 B4 8A 33 80 8D 1D 5B AE E2 7E 2D 08 4D
0020 | AB 67 CE D0 03 00 00 00 FE 00 01 00 C7 1C AE B9
0030 | C6 B1 C9 04 8E 6C 52 2F 70 F1 3F 73 98 0D 40 23
0040 | 8E 3E 21 C1 49 34 D0 37 56 3D 93 0F 48 19 8A 0A
0050 | A7 C1 40 58 22 94 93 D2 25 30 F4 DB FA 33 6F 6E
@ -532,23 +532,23 @@ answer = BA0D89B5F2FFEBDA55A0626190B657ACCDF39C05C897E4838C1A4733D943AB9893641FB
0100 | F4 7B F9 59 D9 56 85 0C E9 29 85 1F 0D 81 15 F6
0110 | 35 B1 05 EE 2E 4E 15 D0 4B 24 54 BF 6F 4F AD F0
0120 | 34 B1 04 03 11 9C D8 E3 B9 2F CC 5B FE 00 01 00
0130 | 47 BF BF 1B 47 9D 5A 20 E7 48 89 EF 9C EE CE 80
0140 | F9 13 50 67 90 4A 56 B6 EF 0C 4A 30 37 40 85 60
0150 | 7A 67 4D 2C 84 C4 42 95 68 16 AC 2A 72 F8 35 BA
0160 | E1 DD E4 CB 17 35 74 1A 93 06 52 9E A3 C1 43 B8
0170 | 59 77 FA 6E 2B 21 87 F1 F2 6E CF 6D 20 28 1F C0
0180 | AD 41 70 84 F3 DD 54 DE 11 AD E3 DB 7D 3D 92 60
0190 | 18 45 37 FF 35 3F 4B 0D 02 42 1D 41 B9 F1 0A 6D
01A0 | D2 02 5F 56 37 D5 AB 7A 31 15 B9 23 8F 83 E1 BE
01B0 | 90 29 A0 FC 44 4E 5F 51 6E C3 E4 E7 50 8F 12 20
01C0 | 9E D9 ED 54 3E 8B DF 86 B1 2F 87 8C 7D D3 5F AF
01D0 | 91 75 23 4A A7 8D 92 A8 AA 4A D4 AB 38 95 1F 26
01E0 | A7 AB 03 B0 0B 56 97 C4 05 87 D3 1A 32 0F 1A 87
01F0 | A8 C6 F6 D5 AC C4 0B 04 C0 D4 C9 27 65 8C 40 CC
0200 | 01 4F C2 FF 67 8B 78 F8 18 AA 96 1B 4A B6 1D 7A
0210 | DF D6 E6 8B B3 B1 80 02 7F CF 76 D1 64 85 28 91
0220 | E1 6C DA D4 52 09 B9 EC 8F A7 D2 6E 40 9E 75 E7
0230 | DE A6 38 67</code></pre>
0130 | 79 3E 8C 3B C9 C4 5F 09 4D 11 A4 27 7C 74 7A 11
0140 | D6 5D 3B 6F 5C 97 D8 32 0D 4B E7 6A BF 41 C4 D8
0150 | EF B5 7A FE 6B 0C 1C 7E 7A 5F 07 3B A5 09 FA DE
0160 | 1E 20 DE FE 69 CB EC 08 64 C9 4A 97 78 B4 0F D5
0170 | 7E EB BC ED A4 E0 88 AA 20 C7 1F 5F 28 9E 8C C4
0180 | D2 02 DF 73 C6 21 BB DF A7 50 25 5F 05 51 8C AE
0190 | 0E 58 EE 6E A7 A0 31 9A 5B 23 CB DE 0B 14 6E AB
01A0 | E4 2B 70 22 AA 71 07 4D 6E 91 64 06 3A BA 34 29
01B0 | 20 77 9D 5D 25 3F B4 8E B9 B9 BD A2 A9 EF 56 83
01C0 | 38 29 FE 1F B1 99 AC DC 85 C8 53 D9 7F E9 D0 B6
01D0 | 91 59 A4 82 67 77 C2 8A B3 02 4D 1C 41 F9 FF 53
01E0 | 81 5A CB 7E 31 05 D3 E2 1A AB 98 4C C1 10 49 82
01F0 | 98 E5 5B ED E7 51 A3 E7 EC D3 57 D8 84 AC A3 2F
0200 | 6E 2E 0C A1 21 FD D7 79 2B 9C 3E 9D 19 B6 85 AE
0210 | E6 6E A1 66 BC ED 64 7F 2B F6 F0 36 C9 B6 51 3B
0220 | 2D 95 BD 6E 41 1B 46 EC 9F 21 91 6C D1 25 9B 58
0230 | 09 A9 38 67</code></pre>
<p>Payload (de)serialization:</p>
<pre><code>server_DH_inner_data#b5890dba nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 g:int dh_prime:string g_a:string server_time:int = Server_DH_inner_data;</code></pre>
<table class="table">
@ -570,13 +570,13 @@ answer = BA0D89B5F2FFEBDA55A0626190B657ACCDF39C05C897E4838C1A4733D943AB9893641FB
<td>4, 16</td>
<td>Value generated by client in Step 1</td>
<td>20, 16</td>
<td>Value received from server in Step 2</td>
@ -594,13 +594,13 @@ answer = BA0D89B5F2FFEBDA55A0626190B657ACCDF39C05C897E4838C1A4733D943AB9893641FB
<td>300, 260</td>
<td><code>FE00010047BFBF1B479D5A20E74889EF</code> <code>9CEECE80F9135067904A56B6EF0C4A30</code> <code>374085607A674D2C84C442956816AC2A</code> <code>72F835BAE1DDE4CB1735741A9306529E</code> <code>A3C143B85977FA6E2B2187F1F26ECF6D</code> <code>20281FC0AD417084F3DD54DE11ADE3DB</code> <code>7D3D9260184537FF353F4B0D02421D41</code> <code>B9F10A6DD2025F5637D5AB7A3115B923</code> <code>8F83E1BE9029A0FC444E5F516EC3E4E7</code> <code>508F12209ED9ED543E8BDF86B12F878C</code> <code>7DD35FAF9175234AA78D92A8AA4AD4AB</code> <code>38951F26A7AB03B00B5697C40587D31A</code> <code>320F1A87A8C6F6D5ACC40B04C0D4C927</code> <code>658C40CC014FC2FF678B78F818AA961B</code> <code>4AB61D7ADFD6E68BB3B180027FCF76D1</code> <code>64852891E16CDAD45209B9EC8FA7D26E</code><br> <code>409E75E7</code></td>
<td><code>FE000100793E8C3BC9C45F094D11A427</code> <code>7C747A11D65D3B6F5C97D8320D4BE76A</code> <code>BF41C4D8EFB57AFE6B0C1C7E7A5F073B</code> <code>A509FADE1E20DEFE69CBEC0864C94A97</code> <code>78B40FD57EEBBCEDA4E088AA20C71F5F</code> <code>289E8CC4D202DF73C621BBDFA750255F</code> <code>05518CAE0E58EE6EA7A0319A5B23CBDE</code> <code>0B146EABE42B7022AA71074D6E916406</code> <code>3ABA342920779D5D253FB48EB9B9BDA2</code> <code>A9EF56833829FE1FB199ACDC85C853D9</code> <code>7FE9D0B69159A4826777C28AB3024D1C</code> <code>41F9FF53815ACB7E3105D3E21AAB984C</code> <code>C110498298E55BEDE751A3E7ECD357D8</code> <code>84ACA32F6E2E0CA121FDD7792B9C3E9D</code> <code>19B685AEE66EA166BCED647F2BF6F036</code> <code>C9B6513B2D95BD6E411B46EC9F21916C</code><br> <code>D1259B58</code></td>
<td><code>g_a</code> diffie-hellman parameter</td>
<td>560, 4</td>
<td><code>DEA63867</code> (1731765982 in decimal)</td>
<td><code>09A93867</code> (1731766537 in decimal)</td>
<td>Server time</td>
@ -609,34 +609,34 @@ answer = BA0D89B5F2FFEBDA55A0626190B657ACCDF39C05C897E4838C1A4733D943AB9893641FB
<h5><a class="anchor" href="#7-client-computes-random-2048-bit-number-b-using-a-sufficient-amount-of-entropy-and-sends-the-server-a-message" id="7-client-computes-random-2048-bit-number-b-using-a-sufficient-amount-of-entropy-and-sends-the-server-a-message" name="7-client-computes-random-2048-bit-number-b-using-a-sufficient-amount-of-entropy-and-sends-the-server-a-message"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>7) Client computes random 2048-bit number <em>b</em> (using a sufficient amount of entropy) and sends the server a message</h5>
<p>First, generate a secure random 2048-bit number b:</p>
<!-- start b -->
<pre><code>b = 192B33AF8896B004B5697EC9E8EDAB4C1F3D89312A51FD8FE4768D5B19AB55938FB45F9CDECAC165721285AB40E02100FC8768D54ED0C0AE5C3CEA32985EB22F112FAF76CFFE9CFF737ADEEBA9BC3498B342D6100FDD277D96F677960EDC2215527707ECAC55A1058581DF461948548D9D60714A5ED62F4CB4A1BA8DCAC0209DFA75E17D7AE8F09054442BB3EC20360665EDF5B1D67432F2AF9A761B3338CD6C31B47F78D81BD23E8548E23D5CE8AF796ECCC26D1C24E8CC7D08774C60BB1FCE5ACB3B9B6CC2B99FA72B1B2719E0107AA084FAF9BDC79A18D9B8DDBC101D6FA3C13D7D9E2F5DD127661626DD7A65148ED4135E6A19F1ADC0CA709A8A04603368</code></pre>
<pre><code>b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code></pre>
<!-- end b -->
<p>Then compute <code>g_b = pow(g, b) mod dh_prime</code></p>
<!-- start g_b -->
<pre><code>g_b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code></pre>
<pre><code>g_b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code></pre>
<!-- end g_b -->
<h6>7.1) generation of encrypted_data</h6>
<!-- start client_DH_inner_data -->
<p>Generated payload (excluding transport headers/trailers):</p>
<pre><code>0000 | 54 B6 43 66 F2 FF EB DA 55 A0 62 61 90 B6 57 AC
0010 | CD F3 9C 05 C8 97 E4 83 8C 1A 47 33 D9 43 AB 98
0020 | 93 64 1F B4 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FE 00 01 00
0030 | 35 A3 00 F6 32 B5 57 BC F1 8A 92 7A 4D E8 AF FC
0040 | AF F8 52 DB 2A B3 F4 3F F3 D2 CC 1B 90 2B 11 26
0050 | BD 4F A4 9B 87 DE 3F 92 18 4E EC 68 EB D1 63 45
0060 | E4 D4 B3 3C 28 16 63 7F A8 BE CA BC 99 C6 02 83
0070 | 00 E6 B9 30 4C B0 A1 82 91 6F 6D 9C 86 56 19 D3
0080 | 99 33 67 E8 FF 6F C4 E7 97 C5 7E 65 4A 67 3C 87
0090 | 12 D4 E0 7A 9E 64 C1 B4 15 7C 2C 96 24 DF 29 5B
00A0 | 28 5B B0 44 A4 5E C4 5C BC 2A 10 64 9E 02 B2 23
00B0 | 90 72 39 3E 6A C7 20 68 13 6B 88 4B BC 41 8E 02
00C0 | 4B F8 A8 DD 12 DB B5 34 EF FF 23 5B 5E 78 AA BB
00D0 | 52 4C ED 3E 2C 18 C6 07 F9 83 20 66 AF 94 0B A1
00E0 | 0E 30 A2 99 B0 AC 55 E1 B4 58 64 FA 54 A5 87 D7
00F0 | AC E1 94 86 80 27 A9 8F 69 59 57 25 E1 AC 03 09
0100 | 5E 37 C0 48 61 AE 41 BE 64 2B B9 24 46 19 50 9F
0110 | B3 45 3C F8 32 5B DB 00 77 AF 51 AD 27 6D 93 7F
0120 | 86 18 EE A6 93 C6 A1 16 BF 05 B0 2A E9 56 AC 65</code></pre>
<pre><code>0000 | 54 B6 43 66 88 A0 0C B2 64 2E 0D CC D6 BD 55 3F
0010 | 42 43 30 B4 8A 33 80 8D 1D 5B AE E2 7E 2D 08 4D
0020 | AB 67 CE D0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FE 00 01 00
0030 | 6E 97 07 45 6F 57 D1 A5 BA 11 0E 87 9B 97 A1 46
0040 | 95 2B 76 01 95 EE E9 B0 9A 44 16 D1 3A 60 C4 F3
0050 | DC 4F 26 7E FB 3E F6 00 9D 2E 08 B3 1E 80 97 39
0060 | 15 83 C3 D6 3C 99 38 D3 76 D1 0A 19 34 F2 51 4F
0070 | 4C 29 38 B7 B7 6E 3F 59 DA 8C 5B 20 FF 08 F1 92
0080 | 2A 37 80 81 04 CA E3 DA 3A 39 5A F2 EF 5D 4C 1C
0090 | 96 90 BC E3 20 66 A1 A0 82 B8 8C FC 50 86 F9 99
00A0 | AB 7E 84 7B 45 18 EE FA 8E 6C 2A B4 E5 98 8C 93
00B0 | EC 2E ED 9D 26 4F 3D 29 7E 72 25 92 1F 87 A7 0A
00C0 | 72 92 F5 64 E5 5F 22 C2 11 16 C3 12 0E CA 70 8B
00D0 | 81 71 A6 90 CE 5E 85 67 66 95 66 9F 58 1F 70 2B
00E0 | 8D 99 A4 2B BD 92 76 77 AB 6A EC 82 F7 14 DB 0C
00F0 | 80 96 65 41 71 A9 13 D9 16 02 D4 58 F2 E5 3B B2
0100 | 68 9F 1D 75 BA EC FA D5 70 24 47 F6 79 C2 D3 26
0110 | A6 7F D5 A3 56 E2 36 01 8A 4D C1 A8 31 5F 5B D3
0120 | 5A DD CA 42 1A 0D E3 BD B4 B5 5E 2B 8D A5 78 E4</code></pre>
<p>Payload (de)serialization:</p>
<pre><code>client_DH_inner_data#6643b654 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 retry_id:long g_b:string = Client_DH_Inner_Data;</code></pre>
<table class="table">
@ -658,19 +658,19 @@ answer = BA0D89B5F2FFEBDA55A0626190B657ACCDF39C05C897E4838C1A4733D943AB9893641FB
<td>4, 16</td>
<td>Value generated by client in Step 1</td>
<td>20, 16</td>
<td>Value received from server in Step 2</td>
<td>36, 260</td>
<td><code>FE00010035A300F632B557BCF18A927A</code> <code>4DE8AFFCAFF852DB2AB3F43FF3D2CC1B</code> <code>902B1126BD4FA49B87DE3F92184EEC68</code> <code>EBD16345E4D4B33C2816637FA8BECABC</code> <code>99C6028300E6B9304CB0A182916F6D9C</code> <code>865619D3993367E8FF6FC4E797C57E65</code> <code>4A673C8712D4E07A9E64C1B4157C2C96</code> <code>24DF295B285BB044A45EC45CBC2A1064</code> <code>9E02B2239072393E6AC72068136B884B</code> <code>BC418E024BF8A8DD12DBB534EFFF235B</code> <code>5E78AABB524CED3E2C18C607F9832066</code> <code>AF940BA10E30A299B0AC55E1B45864FA</code> <code>54A587D7ACE194868027A98F69595725</code> <code>E1AC03095E37C04861AE41BE642BB924</code> <code>4619509FB3453CF8325BDB0077AF51AD</code> <code>276D937F8618EEA693C6A116BF05B02A</code><br> <code>E956AC65</code></td>
<td><code>FE0001006E9707456F57D1A5BA110E87</code> <code>9B97A146952B760195EEE9B09A4416D1</code> <code>3A60C4F3DC4F267EFB3EF6009D2E08B3</code> <code>1E8097391583C3D63C9938D376D10A19</code> <code>34F2514F4C2938B7B76E3F59DA8C5B20</code> <code>FF08F1922A37808104CAE3DA3A395AF2</code> <code>EF5D4C1C9690BCE32066A1A082B88CFC</code> <code>5086F999AB7E847B4518EEFA8E6C2AB4</code> <code>E5988C93EC2EED9D264F3D297E722592</code> <code>1F87A70A7292F564E55F22C21116C312</code> <code>0ECA708B8171A690CE5E85676695669F</code> <code>581F702B8D99A42BBD927677AB6AEC82</code> <code>F714DB0C8096654171A913D91602D458</code> <code>F2E53BB2689F1D75BAECFAD5702447F6</code> <code>79C2D326A67FD5A356E236018A4DC1A8</code> <code>315F5BD35ADDCA421A0DE3BDB4B55E2B</code><br> <code>8DA578E4</code></td>
<td>Single-byte prefix denoting length, a 256-byte (2048-bit) string, and zero bytes of padding</td>
@ -684,47 +684,47 @@ answer = BA0D89B5F2FFEBDA55A0626190B657ACCDF39C05C897E4838C1A4733D943AB9893641FB
<!-- end client_DH_inner_data -->
<p>The serialization of <em>Client_DH_Inner_Data</em> produces a string <strong>data</strong>. This is used to generate <strong>encrypted_data</strong> as specified in <a href="#7-client-computes-random-2048-bit-number-b-using-a-sufficient-amount-of-entropy-and-sends-the-server-a-message">step 6</a>, using the following inputs:</p>
<!-- start client_DH_inner_data_input -->
<pre><code>data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
padding = BA5BA18ABF32B3EFA400DCBA
tmp_aes_key = 594061AE8790464CD895F4EC6E87183395A1D3030D30F301DC4BEA649F715D0E
tmp_aes_iv = 4D77BC1E9C065F093B95359EA200FB0DBB6499A2A2356E2764FA3EC11183DF59</code></pre>
<pre><code>data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
padding = F06EBED4D1D4AB175BE9CC8E
tmp_aes_key = 010C0C9B7A484D3A0D5BE8A9D860F7037247338A949243ABFD2598EA8BAFE4D1
tmp_aes_iv = E9737E2AA80D0D0FC0161512F6069DF0654F7B84D8A2C4679359DF78C61C4CB1</code></pre>
<!-- end client_DH_inner_data_input -->
<pre><code>data_with_hash := SHA1(data) + data + padding (0-15 random bytes such that total length is divisible by 16)
encrypted_data := AES256_ige_encrypt (data_with_hash, tmp_aes_key, tmp_aes_iv);</code></pre>
<!-- start client_DH_inner_data_output -->
<pre><code>encrypted_data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code></pre>
<pre><code>encrypted_data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code></pre>
<!-- end client_DH_inner_data_output -->
<p>The length of the final string is 336 bytes.</p>
<h6>7.2) set_client_DH_params query</h6>
<!-- start set_client_DH_params -->
<p>Sent payload (excluding transport headers/trailers):</p>
<pre><code>0000 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1C 48 07 00 DE A6 38 67
0010 | 78 01 00 00 1F 5F 04 F5 F2 FF EB DA 55 A0 62 61
0020 | 90 B6 57 AC CD F3 9C 05 C8 97 E4 83 8C 1A 47 33
0030 | D9 43 AB 98 93 64 1F B4 FE 50 01 00 8D C5 ED F4
0040 | 57 0B 33 37 97 D9 B0 A3 9B 28 03 B5 EF DD 4D EC
0050 | E3 D7 30 5D 1A 05 34 8C 7E F1 1B AC 05 FD 42 85
0060 | 35 27 D5 69 14 DD F9 D4 AA 5C 2A 42 CE F5 49 3B
0070 | 67 ED 45 60 5B B2 97 DB 2B 2F 0A ED 96 B0 28 BA
0080 | 30 29 F7 A3 D3 9C 68 9B 27 1C 6B 42 A1 24 EA 9E
0090 | 82 B6 B4 73 B8 44 F2 DC 8B 40 E1 58 9E 88 FA 1A
00A0 | D7 CB 59 89 04 E5 40 C6 6B 1A E1 11 D2 6C 74 C0
00B0 | BA 42 61 FB D3 13 14 4F 51 06 94 0A 41 7E 04 2B
00C0 | 25 53 A5 5A D4 56 15 4A D9 F6 C4 9D 26 D7 CC 7A
00D0 | 85 35 61 53 9A D0 8A 59 B1 B3 9D 0D 89 67 1E AB
00E0 | BE 29 42 46 F1 E2 D0 38 67 9D 08 4D B0 DF CF D2
00F0 | 6C 45 02 B2 17 C6 EF CA 8C 66 F8 AF DE 83 A6 52
0100 | 41 89 2C D2 B1 3B 4D 81 32 8E 1A 51 82 50 2E 9E
0110 | 73 0C 48 47 FF B7 97 D0 27 99 FD D2 68 B3 D6 22
0120 | 61 98 BF 87 D9 55 81 72 D4 BC FF B4 BC 54 46 43
0130 | 69 A9 30 94 88 A0 C6 7B B8 E9 91 90 C6 6B 8E 78
0140 | 48 E7 42 C8 FD 5D 34 91 AB DC 4B 23 8B CB 51 2E
0150 | 1D 56 B5 2B 4E B1 A8 E7 4C 66 4A BA 56 0C 80 DF
0160 | 41 52 24 3B CC EF E7 8E 51 BC CB E2 9E 7B F9 86
0170 | 77 39 B9 78 91 31 8C 6C E9 BA EC 00 7B 5B 67 08
0180 | DD 0C 3D FD 91 1A EA 5C A5 52 EB 03</code></pre>
<pre><code>0000 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 F4 D4 09 00 09 A9 38 67
0010 | 78 01 00 00 1F 5F 04 F5 88 A0 0C B2 64 2E 0D CC
0020 | D6 BD 55 3F 42 43 30 B4 8A 33 80 8D 1D 5B AE E2
0030 | 7E 2D 08 4D AB 67 CE D0 FE 50 01 00 6C A5 FA 69
0040 | 74 FB 55 D5 95 86 3B 58 6A 28 4F E5 A1 5A D9 86
0050 | F6 7F 1C 5A 07 49 1E BA BB E6 4A 24 4E 45 F4 6C
0060 | AF 47 78 6F CC D1 7C 3A C5 CF D5 71 BA F8 0F 5E
0070 | 49 86 BB 7B AF 0A D6 6E 82 B1 E6 E9 FA 03 E6 D2
0080 | 96 F5 F7 7B EB 8B EB 1A 97 9B 15 17 B5 AF 46 E4
0090 | 23 F3 9E 38 62 8F 06 20 8E 6C AD 6D 38 B2 C0 27
00A0 | 9A 84 B7 18 23 00 DB D2 F9 34 B2 43 A7 8B B5 50
00B0 | 8D DA C4 82 86 8B 2F 8B 06 D8 F0 98 BA 1B B1 56
00C0 | C5 CB 8B EE 86 EB E4 40 3E AB 6D DA 38 7A 55 D1
00D0 | 01 F1 B2 92 16 C2 19 AD EE 29 A6 37 F6 91 78 C9
00E0 | 60 B7 4C BC 7D 77 93 19 D0 A6 60 FA 2C 18 55 F5
00F0 | 5B D7 D0 3E 03 C3 E5 91 CD D8 17 4E 2B 14 7E 15
0100 | 59 20 09 F1 22 90 98 C5 8D 63 97 14 D8 F6 3A 64
0110 | F8 E3 CA 69 91 18 D5 C4 47 25 23 F2 2A CE 75 01
0120 | 7D C3 25 A0 1B 93 BF 98 3D 78 72 85 AF D5 6D 80
0130 | D6 71 67 7F 8B AF 3B 4A 62 63 3F EC 3E B4 AB 9F
0140 | FC 6B 80 35 8D 7D F6 42 03 64 BF 04 62 8C 7C C4
0150 | 48 5D 9A 47 27 41 E6 B8 8C E1 00 C8 0B 5D B1 73
0160 | EB A4 B4 4C D4 57 4E 7B 05 20 83 02 1D 64 E8 F1
0170 | D1 42 EC B6 EB 62 55 CA 97 39 C6 D3 47 55 50 FF
0180 | 6E 30 A7 D1 E0 B1 9A 23 FA 23 42 DB</code></pre>
<p>Payload (de)serialization:</p>
<pre><code>set_client_DH_params#f5045f1f nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 encrypted_data:string = Set_client_DH_params_answer;</code></pre>
<table class="table">
@ -746,7 +746,7 @@ encrypted_data := AES256_ige_encrypt (data_with_hash, tmp_aes_key, tmp_aes_iv);<
<td>8, 8</td>
<td>Message ID generated as specified <a href="/mtproto/description#message-identifier-msg-id">here »</a> (unixtime() &lt;&lt; 32) + (N*4)</td>
@ -764,19 +764,19 @@ encrypted_data := AES256_ige_encrypt (data_with_hash, tmp_aes_key, tmp_aes_iv);<
<td>24, 16</td>
<td>Value generated by client in Step 1</td>
<td>40, 16</td>
<td>Value received from server in Step 2</td>
<td>56, 340</td>
<td><code>FE5001008DC5EDF4570B333797D9B0A3</code> <code>9B2803B5EFDD4DECE3D7305D1A05348C</code> <code>7EF11BAC05FD42853527D56914DDF9D4</code> <code>AA5C2A42CEF5493B67ED45605BB297DB</code> <code>2B2F0AED96B028BA3029F7A3D39C689B</code> <code>271C6B42A124EA9E82B6B473B844F2DC</code> <code>8B40E1589E88FA1AD7CB598904E540C6</code> <code>6B1AE111D26C74C0BA4261FBD313144F</code> <code>5106940A417E042B2553A55AD456154A</code> <code>D9F6C49D26D7CC7A853561539AD08A59</code> <code>B1B39D0D89671EABBE294246F1E2D038</code> <code>679D084DB0DFCFD26C4502B217C6EFCA</code> <code>8C66F8AFDE83A65241892CD2B13B4D81</code> <code>328E1A5182502E9E730C4847FFB797D0</code> <code>2799FDD268B3D6226198BF87D9558172</code> <code>D4BCFFB4BC54464369A9309488A0C67B</code> <code>B8E99190C66B8E7848E742C8FD5D3491</code> <code>ABDC4B238BCB512E1D56B52B4EB1A8E7</code> <code>4C664ABA560C80DF4152243BCCEFE78E</code> <code>51BCCBE29E7BF9867739B97891318C6C</code> <code>E9BAEC007B5B6708DD0C3DFD911AEA5C</code><br> <code>A552EB03</code></td>
<td><code>FE5001006CA5FA6974FB55D595863B58</code> <code>6A284FE5A15AD986F67F1C5A07491EBA</code> <code>BBE64A244E45F46CAF47786FCCD17C3A</code> <code>C5CFD571BAF80F5E4986BB7BAF0AD66E</code> <code>82B1E6E9FA03E6D296F5F77BEB8BEB1A</code> <code>979B1517B5AF46E423F39E38628F0620</code> <code>8E6CAD6D38B2C0279A84B7182300DBD2</code> <code>F934B243A78BB5508DDAC482868B2F8B</code> <code>06D8F098BA1BB156C5CB8BEE86EBE440</code> <code>3EAB6DDA387A55D101F1B29216C219AD</code> <code>EE29A637F69178C960B74CBC7D779319</code> <code>D0A660FA2C1855F55BD7D03E03C3E591</code> <code>CDD8174E2B147E15592009F1229098C5</code> <code>8D639714D8F63A64F8E3CA699118D5C4</code> <code>472523F22ACE75017DC325A01B93BF98</code> <code>3D787285AFD56D80D671677F8BAF3B4A</code> <code>62633FEC3EB4AB9FFC6B80358D7DF642</code> <code>0364BF04628C7CC4485D9A472741E6B8</code> <code>8CE100C80B5DB173EBA4B44CD4574E7B</code> <code>052083021D64E8F1D142ECB6EB6255CA</code> <code>9739C6D3475550FF6E30A7D1E0B19A23</code><br> <code>FA2342DB</code></td>
<td>Encrypted client_DH_inner_data generated previously, serialized as a TL byte string</td>
@ -785,17 +785,17 @@ encrypted_data := AES256_ige_encrypt (data_with_hash, tmp_aes_key, tmp_aes_iv);<
<h5><a class="anchor" href="#8-auth-key-generation" id="8-auth-key-generation" name="8-auth-key-generation"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>8) Auth key generation</h5>
<p>The client computes the auth_key using formula <code>g_a^b mod dh_prime</code>:</p>
<!-- start auth_key -->
<pre><code>auth_key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code></pre>
<pre><code>auth_key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code></pre>
<!-- end auth_key -->
<h5><a class="anchor" href="#9-final-server-reply" id="9-final-server-reply" name="9-final-server-reply"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>9) Final server reply</h5>
<p>The server verifies and confirms that auth_key_hash is unique: since it's unique, it replies with the following:</p>
<!-- start dh_gen_ok -->
<p>Received payload (excluding transport headers/trailers):</p>
<pre><code>0000 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 E0 1A CE DE A6 38 67
0010 | 34 00 00 00 34 F7 CB 3B F2 FF EB DA 55 A0 62 61
0020 | 90 B6 57 AC CD F3 9C 05 C8 97 E4 83 8C 1A 47 33
0030 | D9 43 AB 98 93 64 1F B4 14 D2 0C 61 FB F8 BC D0
0040 | DF E5 90 21 13 41 D6 1D</code></pre>
<pre><code>0000 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 6C 44 58 0B A9 38 67
0010 | 34 00 00 00 34 F7 CB 3B 88 A0 0C B2 64 2E 0D CC
0020 | D6 BD 55 3F 42 43 30 B4 8A 33 80 8D 1D 5B AE E2
0030 | 7E 2D 08 4D AB 67 CE D0 EC 44 2B 71 0B 93 7F 95
0040 | 1F 3F 2D 57 D0 B3 38 2E</code></pre>
<p>Payload (de)serialization:</p>
<pre><code>dh_gen_ok#3bcbf734 nonce:int128 server_nonce:int128 new_nonce_hash1:int128 = Set_client_DH_params_answer;</code></pre>
<table class="table">
@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ encrypted_data := AES256_ige_encrypt (data_with_hash, tmp_aes_key, tmp_aes_iv);<
<td>8, 8</td>
<td>Message ID generated as specified <a href="/mtproto/description#message-identifier-msg-id">here »</a> (unixtime() &lt;&lt; 32) + (N*4)</td>
@ -835,19 +835,19 @@ encrypted_data := AES256_ige_encrypt (data_with_hash, tmp_aes_key, tmp_aes_iv);<
<td>24, 16</td>
<td>Value generated by client in Step 1</td>
<td>40, 16</td>
<td>Value received from server in Step 2</td>
<td>56, 16</td>
<td>The 128 lower-order bits of SHA1 of the byte string derived from the <code>new_nonce</code> string by adding a single byte with the value of 1, 2, or 3, and followed by another 8 bytes with <code>auth_key_aux_hash</code>. Different values are required to prevent an intruder from changing server response dh_gen_ok into dh_gen_retry.</td>