No notable actions taken by the members and admins of this group in the last 48 hours."
- }
- },
- "EventLogEmptyChannel": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",1022,673,673,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "**No recent actions**
No notable actions taken by the admins of this channel in the last 48 hours."
- }
- },
- "EventLogEmptySearch": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",894,918,918,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "**No actions found**
Participants will see that the chat is being recorded."
- "VoipGroupStartRecordingTitle": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",337,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Start recording"
- }
- },
"VoipGroupStartRecordingVideoText": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",762,1031,1031,280,280",
@@ -8955,14 +6310,6 @@
"singular": "Do you want to start recording this chat and save it as a file?
Press **Launch App** to continue. If application keeps failing, follow these steps:
• Check you have enough disk space available: **%1$s**. • Ensure there are no other storage issues, such as SD-card being ejected or unrecognized. • Restart your device.
If this does not help, you may want to look for similar issues on [TDLib's GitHub page]( for possible resolutions, or create a new one, including error message and device details."
- }
- },
- "LaunchAppGuideFatalError": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",179,600,644,262,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Telegram X has closed unexpectedly the last time you were using it.
Secret Chats will be lost. All media will need to be downloaded again."
- }
- },
- "EraseDatabaseWarn2": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",501,612,631,272,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "**No, seriously.**
Be aware that this setting is not a guarantee, and some IMEs may not respect it."
- }
- },
- "InstallBetas": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",427,289,289,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Install beta versions"
- }
- },
- "InstallGooglePlayServices": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",5,357,357,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Get Google Play Services"
- }
- },
- "Installed": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",92,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Installed"
- }
- },
- "InvalidCode": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",391,622,622,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Invalid code. Please try again."
- }
- },
- "InviteLinkAdminApproval": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",96,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Approve New Members"
- }
- },
- "InviteLinkAdminApprovalHint": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",86,600,637,264,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Turn this on if you want users to join only after they are approved by an admin."
- }
- },
- "InviteLinkAdminName": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",174,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Link Name (optional)"
- }
- },
- "InviteLinkAdminNameHint": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",238,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Only admins will see this name."
- }
- },
- "InviteLinkExpires_date": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",657,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "expires %1$s at %2$s"
- }
- },
- "InviteLinkExpires_hours": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",566,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "expires in %1$s hour",
- "plural": "expires in %1$s hours"
- }
- },
- "InviteLinkExpires_minutes": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",747,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "expires in %1$s minute",
- "plural": "expires in %1$s minutes"
- }
- },
- "InviteLinkExpires_seconds": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",385,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "expires in %1$s second",
- "plural": "expires in %1$s seconds"
- }
- },
- "InviteLinkExpires_today": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",476,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "expires at %1$s"
- }
- },
- "InviteLinkExpires_tomorrow": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",838,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "expires tomorrow at %1$s"
- }
- },
- "InviteLinkLimitedByPeriod": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",271,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Limit by time period"
- }
- },
- "InviteLinkLimitedByPeriodHint": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",361,406,406,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "You can make the link expire after a certain time."
- }
- },
- "InviteLinkLimitedByPeriodItem": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",357,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Enter custom expire date"
- }
- },
- "InviteLinkNoLimitSet": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",375,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "no limit"
- }
- },
- "InviteLinkRequestSince": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",814,281,281,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "requested %1$s"
- }
- },
- "KeepMedia": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",161,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Keep Media"
- }
- },
- "KeepMediaForever": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",1004,280,276,280,276",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Forever"
- }
- },
- "KeepMediaInfo": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",162,1080,1149,264,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Photos, videos and other files from cloud chats that you have **not accessed** during this period will be removed from this device to save disk space.
All media will stay in the Telegram cloud and can be re-downloaded if you need it again."
- }
- },
- "Language": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",889,301,301,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Language"
- }
- },
- "LanguageAlert": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",361,600,628,266,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "You are about to apply a language pack (**%1$s**) that is %2$d%% complete.
This will translate the entire interface. You can suggest corrections via the [translation platform](%3$s).
You can change your language back at any time in Settings."
- }
- },
- "LanguageChange": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",719,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Change Language"
- }
- },
- "LanguageChangeSuccess": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",653,347,347,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Language successfully changed"
- }
- },
- "LanguageCustomAlert": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",350,600,642,262,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "You are about to apply a custom language pack (**%1$s**) that is %2$d%% complete.
This will translate the entire interface. You can suggest corrections via the [translation platform](%3$s).
You can change your language back at any time in Settings."
- }
- },
- "LanguageDatabase": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",746,312,312,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Localizations"
- }
- },
- "LanguageDelete": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",575,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Remove Language"
- }
- },
- "LanguageDeleteConfirm": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",242,540,596,254,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete this language?
%1$s / %2$s will no longer be available in the languages list.
You can return it back later by following this link: %3$s"
- }
- },
- "LanguageEmpty": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",1643,428,428,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Localization file is empty"
- }
- },
- "LanguageSame": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",373,600,631,266,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "You are already using this language pack (**%1$s**). You can change your language at any time in Settings."
- }
- },
- "LastName": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",260,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Last name"
- }
- },
- "LastSeen": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",5,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Last Seen & Online"
- }
- },
- "LastSeenTitle": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",59,546,546,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Who can see your Last Seen time?"
- }
- },
- "LaunchApp": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",160,284,284,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Launch App"
- }
- },
- "LaunchAppGuideDatabaseBroken": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",320,1080,1189,256,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Telegram X has previously failed to launch because TDLib data has been corrupted. This could have happened because of device storage failure.
Press **Launch App** to continue. If application keeps failing, follow these steps:
• Check you have enough disk space available: **%1$s**. • Ensure there are no other storage issues, such as SD-card being ejected or unrecognized. • Restart your device.
If this does not help, you may want to look for similar issues on [TDLib's GitHub page]( for possible resolutions, or create a new one, including error message and device details."
- }
- },
- "LaunchAppGuideDiskFull": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",251,1074,1136,264,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Telegram X has previously failed to launch because the device storage was full.
Make sure there's enough storage space available and press **Launch App** to try again.
Currently available: %1$s"
- }
- },
- "LaunchAppGuideExternalError": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",308,1080,1166,260,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Telegram X has previously failed to launch because of device error.
Press **Launch App** to try again. If application keeps failing, follow these steps:
• Check you have enough disk space available: **%1$s**. • Ensure there are no other storage issues, such as SD-card being ejected or unrecognized. • Restart your device.
If this does not help, you may want to look for similar issues on [TDLib's GitHub page]( for possible resolutions, or create a new one, including error message and device details."
- }
- },
- "LaunchAppGuideTdlibIssue": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",185,1080,1787,168,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Telegram X has previously failed to launch because of TDLib fatal error.
Press **Launch App** to try again. If application continues to fail, follow these steps:
• [Verify](%2$s) you have the latest Telegram X version installed. • Restart your device.
**If the steps above do not help**
1. Share error details with TDLib developers using one of the following ways: — Privately via [@tdlib_bot]( by using another device or [Telegram Web]( — Publicly via [GitHub page]( **Do not** share **tdlib_log.txt** publicly. 2. Kindly wait for the response. 3. Change log settings below as requested by TDLib developers. 4. Press **Launch App** to make app force stop again. 5. Share **tdlib_log.txt** with TDLib developers and wait for the problem to be resolved. 6. Once updated, you'll be able to launch app normally.
Turn on system auto sync to get notifications while app is closed."
- }
- },
- "Notifications": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",168,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Notifications"
- }
- },
- "NotificationsBlocked": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",177,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Blocked"
- }
- },
- "NotificationsChannelInfo": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",431,600,623,270,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "You can set custom notifications for specific channels on their profile page."
- }
- },
- "NotificationsDefaultDisabled": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",309,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Disabled"
- }
- },
- "NotificationsDisabled": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",202,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Disabled"
- }
- },
- "NotificationsEnabled": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",312,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Enabled"
- }
- },
- "NotificationsErrorBlocked": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",338,456,456,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Blocked in system settings"
- }
- },
- "NotificationsErrorBlockedCategory": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",30,481,481,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Notifications from this account are blocked"
- }
- },
- "NotificationsErrorBlockedChannel": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",196,416,416,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Notifications from channels are blocked"
- }
- },
- "NotificationsErrorBlockedGroup": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",202,395,395,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Notifications from groups are blocked"
- }
- },
- "NotificationsErrorBlockedMixed": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",219,327,327,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Some notifications are blocked"
- }
- },
- "NotificationsErrorBlockedPrivate": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",187,456,456,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Notifications from private chats are blocked"
- }
- },
- "NotificationsErrorUnselected": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",186,457,457,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Notifications from this account are disabled"
- }
- },
- "NotificationsGroupInfo": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",453,595,600,278,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "You can set custom notifications for specific groups on their profile page."
- }
- },
- "NotificationsGuideBlockedApp": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",61,540,599,254,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Notifications from Telegram are blocked in system settings. Tap System Notification Settings to unblock them."
- }
- },
- "NotificationsGuideError": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",97,600,657,254,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "**Telegram X** was unable to display some notifications for this account due to an unknown system error.
Please make sure: • All system updates are installed • Telegram X is up-to-date • There are no notification restrictions in system settings.
If the steps above do not help, you might want to share the detailed error report to @tgandroidtests, or look up for troubleshooting tips for your device."
- }
- },
- "NotificationsGuideErrorChat": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",91,600,658,254,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "**Telegram X** was unable to display some notifications from %1$s due to an unknown system error.
Please make sure: • All system updates are installed • Telegram X is up-to-date • There are no notification restrictions in system settings.
If the steps above do not help, you might want to share the detailed error report to @tgandroidtests, or look up for troubleshooting tips for your device."
- }
- },
- "NotificationsGuideFirebaseError": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",112,600,672,250,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "**Firebase Services** have failed to function properly due to error: %1$s
Notifications may arrive with big delays or not arrive at all without them.
Please make sure: • Google Play Services are installed and up-to-date: • Telegram X is up-to-date • Firebase services are enabled • They are not blocked by your Internet service or DNS provider • If you have firewall or ad blocking software, Firebase domains are whitelisted • You can see 404 message in a browser on this page: • System date and time is correct • Problem doesn't go away after restarting your device • All system updates are installed • You are using the **official** version of Telegram X: @tgx_log
If the steps above do not help, try again with VPN that you trust, as it might be caused by Internet censorship applied by authorities in your region."
- }
- },
- "NotificationsGuideFirebaseUnavailable": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",0,600,376,278,174",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Google Play Services are unavailable. Please check you have them installed and up-to-date.
Notifications may arrive with big delays or not arrive at all without them."
- }
- },
- "NotificationsGuidePermission": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",137,600,634,266,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Notifications from Telegram are blocked in your system settings.
To enable notifications: • Go to system settings – Applications – Telegram X. • Tap Notifications – Allow notifications."
- }
- },
- "NotificationsGuideSyncGlobalOff": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",105,614,666,258,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "You have data sync turned off in system settings. Notifications may not arrive when app is closed.
You can use Telegram on all your devices at once and use several accounts in the same app."
- }
- },
- "SignOutHint2": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",462,611,663,258,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Are you sure you want to log out as %1$s?
Note that you can seamlessly use Telegram on all your devices at once.
Telegram X does not guarantee proper rendering of system fonts."
- }
- },
- "UserBio": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",113,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Bio"
- }
- },
- "Username": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",12,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Username"
- }
- },
- "UsernameAvailable": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",192,403,403,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "%1$s is available."
- }
- },
- "UsernameChecking": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",205,343,343,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Checking username…"
- }
- },
- "UsernameCurrent": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",259,813,813,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "%1$s is your current username."
- }
- },
- "UsernameHelp": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",125,814,893,256,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "You can choose a username on **Telegram**. If you do, people will be able to find you by this username and contact you without knowing your phone number.
You can use **a–z**, **0–9** and underscores. Minimum length is **5** characters."
- }
- },
- "UsernameInUse": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",149,585,585,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Sorry, this username is already taken."
- }
- },
- "UsernameInvalid": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",171,479,479,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Sorry, this username is invalid."
- }
- },
- "UsernameInvalidShort": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",126,695,695,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "A username must have at least 5 characters."
- }
- },
- "UsernameInvalidStartNumber": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",124,704,704,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Usernames can't start with a number."
- }
- },
- "ValueReset": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",238,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Default"
- }
- },
- "Vibrate": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",477,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Vibrate"
- }
- },
- "VibrateDisabled": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",715,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Disabled"
- }
- },
- "VideoMessages": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",654,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Video messages"
- }
- },
- "Videos": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",636,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Videos"
- }
- },
- "ViewSourceCode": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",739,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "View Source Code"
- }
- },
- "Voice": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",653,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Voice"
- }
- },
- "VoiceCallPrivacyDesc": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",58,800,857,260,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Choose exactly who can and can't call you."
- }
- },
- "VoiceCalls": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",12,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Voice Calls"
- }
- },
- "VoiceMessages": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",445,298,298,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Voice messages"
- }
- },
- "VoiceVideoPrivacyDesc": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",186,596,603,276,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "You can restrict who can send you voice or video messages with granular precision."
- }
- },
- "VoipOfflineAirplane": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",573,1063,1063,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "You have airplane mode enabled. Please turn it off or connect to Wi-Fi to make calls."
- }
- },
- "VoipOfflineAirplaneTitle": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",823,369,369,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Airplane Mode"
- }
- },
- "VoipUseLessData": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",724,379,379,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Less Data for Calls"
- }
- },
- "Wallpaper": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",363,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Wallpaper"
- }
- },
- "Warning": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",385,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Warning"
- }
- },
- "WebSessionsTitle": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",756,416,416,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Logged In with Telegram"
- }
- },
- "Websites": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",35,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Websites"
- }
- },
- "WhenUsingMobileData": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",621,525,525,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "When switching to mobile data"
- }
- },
- "WhenUsingMobileDataOrRoaming": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",232,771,771,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "When switching to mobile data or roaming"
- }
- },
- "WhenUsingRoaming": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",207,383,383,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "When switching to roaming"
- }
- },
- "WhoCanAddMeInfo": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",140,795,870,254,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "You can restrict who can add you to groups and channels with granular precision."
- }
- },
- "WhoCanAddYouToGroupsAndChannels": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",52,652,652,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Who can add you to groups and channels?"
- }
- },
- "WhoCanCallMe": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",93,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Who can call me"
- }
- },
- "WhoCanFindByPhone": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",111,775,775,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Who can find me by my number?"
- }
- },
- "WhoCanFindByPhoneInfoContacts": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",249,1200,1267,264,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Users who add your number to their contacts will see it on Telegram only if they are your contacts."
- }
- },
- "WhoCanFindByPhoneInfoEveryone": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",245,1200,1272,264,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Users who have your number saved in the contacts list will also see it on Telegram."
- }
- },
- "WhoCanFindByPhoneInfoEveryoneLink": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",218,600,656,256,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Users who have your number saved in the contacts list will also see it on Telegram.
This public link opens a chat with you: %1$s"
- }
- },
- "WhoCanForwardLink": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",78,1200,1244,270,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Who can add a link to my account when forwarding my messages?"
- }
- },
- "WhoCanForwardLinkInfo": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",408,1200,1240,272,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "You can restrict who can include a link to your account when forwarding your messages to other chats."
- }
- },
- "WhoCanSeePhone": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",111,806,806,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Who can see your Phone Number?"
- }
- },
- "WhoCanSeePhoneInfo": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",306,1200,1288,260,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Users who have your number saved in their contacts will also see it on Telegram."
- }
- },
- "WhoCanSeePhoto": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",127,739,739,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Who can see your profile photo?"
- }
- },
- "WhoCanSeePhotoInfo": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",406,1173,1177,278,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "You can restrict who can see your profile photo with granular precision."
- }
- },
- "WhoCanSendVoiceVideo": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",80,376,376,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Who can send me voice or video messages?"
- }
- },
- "WiFiUsage": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",314,397,397,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Wi-Fi Data Usage"
- }
- },
- "XButOnlyIfSilent": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",663,464,464,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "%1$s (but only if silent)"
- }
- },
- "XOnlyIfSilent": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",714,359,359,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "%1$s (only if silent)"
- }
- },
- "XSetTimer": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",705,1033,1033,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "%1$s set the self-destruct timer to %2$s"
- }
- },
- "XSignInAttempts": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",177,384,384,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "You have %1$s incomplete login attempt",
- "plural": "You have %1$s incomplete login attempts"
- }
- },
- "YourEmail": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",232,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Your Email"
- }
- },
- "YourEmailInfo": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",132,824,888,260,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Please add your valid email. It is the only way to recover a forgotten password."
- }
- },
- "YourEmailSkipWarningText": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",290,701,701,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "No, seriously.
If you forget your password, you will lose access to your Telegram account. There will be no way to restore it."
- }
- },
- "YourPassword": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",11,309,309,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Your Password"
- }
- },
- "c_bubble_chatBackground": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",106,525,529,278,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Solid chat background used when wallpaper is not set.
Enable this property if you change **bubbleCorner** values."
- }
- },
- "p_bubbleOutlineSize": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",99,538,544,276,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Width of the bubble outline. Used when **bubbleOutline** is enabled."
- }
- },
- "p_bubbleUnreadShadow": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",195,540,603,252,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Adds shadow to the unread messages separator in the bubble mode."
- }
- },
- "p_dark": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",312,540,584,258,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Determines if the theme is dark and should be used at night.
It is preferable to change **parentTheme** instead of overriding this property."
- }
- },
- "p_dateCorner": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",399,514,515,278,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Background corner radius for dates in the plain mode."
- }
- },
- "p_imageCorner": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",330,516,519,278,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Image corner radius. Usually ignored in bubble mode."
- }
- },
- "p_parentTheme": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",133,1019,1021,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Default values are inherited from this theme when a color or property is not explicitly set."
- }
- },
- "p_replaceShadowsWithSeparators": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",373,536,539,278,278",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Replaces horizontal shadows with thin solid separators."
- }
- },
- "p_shadowDepth": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",66,538,552,272,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Depth of all shadows. Higher value means darker shadow. Default: light themes – 0.5, dark – 1.0"
- }
- },
- "p_subtitleAlpha": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",136,538,563,268,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Transparency of **headerText** or **headerLightText** in the tab navigation, header subtitles, etc."
- }
- },
- "p_wallpaperId": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",341,538,567,266,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Default wallpaper identifier. 0 means wallpaper is disabled by default. Hold wallpaper thumbnail in settings to know its identifier. For solid wallpapers set to 0 and edit **bubble_chatBackground** color."
- }
- },
- "p_wallpaperUsageId": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",230,538,577,260,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "A magic property that allows sharing wallpaper settings between similar themes. **0** – light, **1** – dark, **2** – exclusive to theme.
To enable notifications: • Tap System Notification Settings. • Turn on Show Notifications."
- }
- },
- "NotificationsGuideBlockedCategory": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Notifications for the current account are disabled in system settings.
To enable notifications: • Tap System Notification Settings • Find the \"%1$s\" notification category • Turn the toggle on to unblock notifications."
- }
- },
- "NotificationsGuideSyncAppOff": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "You have data sync turned off for Telegram X. Notifications may not arrive when app is closed.
Data sync may be implicitly turned off by the battery optimization mode on your device."
- }
- },
- "NotificationsModeSelectedHintExcluded": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "You will receive notifications only from %1$s selected account. Current account is not selected.",
- "plural": "You will receive notifications only from %1$s selected accounts. Current account is not selected."
- }
- },
- "OnRoaming": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "While Roaming"
- }
- },
- "OnlyAdminsSpecific": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Only admins with privilege"
- }
- },
- "OnlyOwnerChannel": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Only the channel owner can toggle this setting."
- }
- },
- "OpenCloudChat": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Open Cloud Chat"
- }
- },
- "OpenPreviewInSecretChatActionBrowser": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Open in browser"
- }
- },
- "OpenPreviewInSecretChatActionOpen": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Open as preview"
- }
- },
- "OpenPreviewInSecretChatWarning": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Are you sure you want to open preview of %1$s with the following URL:
This operation is **irreversible**, so check again if the user you want to transfer the bot is the right person."
- }
- },
- "TransferOwnershipAlertUnknown": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Are you really sure you want to proceed?
This operation is **irreversible**, so check again if all details are correct."
- }
- },
- "TransferOwnershipTooMuch": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Sorry, the target user is a member of too many groups and channels. Please ask them to leave some first."
- }
- },
- "TransferOwnershipTooMuchLocated": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Sorry, the target user owns too many location-based groups. Please ask them to delete or transfer an existing one first."
- }
- },
- "TransferOwnershipTooMuchPublic": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Sorry, the target user has too many public groups or channels already. Please ask them to make one of their existing groups or channels private first."
- }
- },
- "TranslateTryAgain": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Try again later"
- }
- },
- "TranslationFailed": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Translation failed"
- }
- },
- "TranslationPaste": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Paste translation"
- }
- },
- "TurnPasswordOffQuestion2": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Are you sure you want to disable your password?
Please go to your device‘s settings > Privacy > Microphone and set Telegram to ON."
- }
- },
- "AccessDenied.Camera": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",727,969,969,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Telegram needs camera access so that you can take photos and videos.
Please go to your device settings > Privacy > Camera and set Telegram to ON."
- }
- },
- "AccessDenied.Contacts": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",283,547,547,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Telegram messaging is based on your existing contact list.
Please go to your device‘s settings > Privacy > Contacts and set Telegram to ON."
- }
- },
- "AccessDenied.LocationAlwaysDenied": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",700,969,969,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "If you'd like to share your Live Location with friends, Telegram needs location access when the app is in the background.
Please go to your device‘s settings > Privacy > Location Services and set Telegram to Always."
- }
- },
- "AccessDenied.LocationDenied": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",810,801,801,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Telegram needs access to your location so that you can share it with your contacts.
Please go to your device‘s settings > Privacy > Location Services and set Telegram to ON."
- }
- },
- "AccessDenied.LocationTracking": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",727,971,971,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Telegram needs access to your location so that you can share it with your friends.
Please go to your device‘s settings > Privacy > Location Services and set it to ON."
- }
- },
- "AccessDenied.PhotosAndVideos": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",726,971,971,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Telegram needs access to your photo library so that you can send photos and videos.
Please go to your device‘s settings > Privacy > Photos and set Telegram to ON."
- }
- },
- "AccessDenied.QrCamera": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",460,371,371,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Telegram needs access to your camera to scan QR codes.
Please go to your device's settings > Privacy > Camera and set Telegram to ON."
- }
- },
- "AccessDenied.SaveMedia": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",726,971,971,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Telegram needs access to your photo library so that you can save photos and videos.
Please go to your device‘s settings > Privacy > Photos and set Telegram to ON."
- }
- },
- "AccessDenied.Settings": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",1304,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Settings"
- }
- },
- "AccessDenied.Title": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",779,606,606,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Please Allow Access"
- }
- },
- "AccessDenied.VideoMessageCamera": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",273,566,566,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Telegram needs access to your camera so that you can send video messages.
Please go to your device‘s settings > Privacy > Camera and set Telegram to ON."
- }
- },
- "AccessDenied.VideoMicrophone": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",725,971,971,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Telegram needs access to your microphone so that you can record sound in videos recording.
**You** Do you have any idea what time it is? **Roxanne** Is it still morning? Sure! Not sure **Emma** Voice"
- }
- },
- "Appstore.Private": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",69,971,971,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "**Private** Your data is never disclosed. Only you are in control."
- }
- },
- "Appstore.Private.Chat": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",1032,890,890,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "**You** No limits on the size of your cats."
- }
- },
- "Appstore.Private.Chat.Name": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",636,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "**Beatrice**"
- }
- },
- "Appstore.Public": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",65,1038,1038,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "**Public** Public channels, open groups, bots for integrations."
- }
- },
- "Appstore.Public.Chat1": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",666,863,863,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "**Financial Times** Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain’t goin’ away."
- }
- },
- "Appstore.Public.Chat2": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",804,865,865,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "**Bloomberg** We'll be sending you a few big stories daily, which you can expect to start..."
- }
- },
- "Appstore.Public.Chat3": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",848,978,978,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "**Health and Safety** If you're looking for official news about the Novel Coronavirus and COVID-19"
- }
- },
- "Appstore.Public.IV": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",1209,1110,1110,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "We now have enough data to measure the relative effectiveness of major climate solutions. This simulator lets you see which ones would work best.
Messages will be imported into the current day but will also include their original timestamps. All members will see the messages."
- }
- },
- "ChatImport.SelectionConfirmationUserWithTitle": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",320,450,450,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Do you want to import messages from **%1$@** into the chat with **%2$@**?
Your gift is a **Telegram Premium** subscription for %2$@."
- }
- },
- "Notification.PremiumPrize.GiveawayText": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",744,384,384,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "You won a prize in a giveaway organized by **%1$@**.
Unlike other apps, Telegram doesn't track whether you tapped on a sponsored message and doesn't profile you based on your activity. We also prevent external links in sponsored messages to ensure that third parties can’t spy on our users. We believe that everyone has the right to privacy, and technological platforms should respect that.
Telegram offers a free and unlimited service to hundreds of millions of users, which involves significant server and traffic costs. In order to remain independent and stay true to its values, Telegram developed a paid tool to promote messages with user privacy in mind. We welcome responsible advertisers at: [url] Sponsored Messages are currently in test mode. Once they are fully launched and allow Telegram to cover its basic costs, we will start sharing ad revenue with the owners of public channels in which sponsored messages are displayed.
Any member of this group will be able to see messages in the channel."
- }
- },
"Channel.DiscussionGroup.PrivateGroup": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",423,280,280,280,280",
@@ -1633,12 +1394,28 @@
"singular": "Unlink Group"
- "Channel.Edit.PrivatePublicLinkAlert": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",271,526,526,280,280",
+ "Channel.DiscussionGroupAdd": {
+ "url": "",
+ "photo_url": ",541,280,280,280,280",
"has_binding": false,
"values": {
- "singular": "Please note that if you choose a public link for your channel, anyone will be able to find it in search and join.
You will no longer be considered the creator of the channel. The new owner will be free to remove any of your admin privileges or even ban you."
+ "Channel.OwnershipTransfer.EnterPassword": {
+ "url": "",
+ "photo_url": ",439,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Enter Password"
+ }
+ },
+ "Channel.OwnershipTransfer.EnterPasswordText": {
+ "url": "",
+ "photo_url": ",408,428,428,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Please enter your Two-Step Verification password to complete this action."
+ }
+ },
"Channel.OwnershipTransfer.ErrorPrivacyRestricted": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",760,844,844,280,280",
@@ -2025,6 +1730,14 @@
"singular": "Sorry, this user is not a member of this channel and their privacy settings prevent you from adding them manually."
+ "Channel.OwnershipTransfer.PasswordPlaceholder": {
+ "url": "",
+ "photo_url": ",534,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Password"
+ }
+ },
"Channel.OwnershipTransfer.Title": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",603,840,840,280,280",
@@ -2057,6 +1770,14 @@
"singular": "Public"
+ "Channel.Setup.PublicNoLink": {
+ "url": "",
+ "photo_url": ",261,545,545,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Please choose a link for your public channel, so that people can find it in search and share with others.
If you're not interested, we suggest creating a private channel instead."
+ }
+ },
"Channel.Setup.TypePrivate": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",138,280,280,280,280",
@@ -2081,14 +1802,6 @@
"singular": "Public"
- "Channel.Setup.TypePublicHelp": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",213,599,599,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Public channels can be found in search, anyone can join them."
- }
- },
"Channel.SignMessages.Help": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",275,640,655,274,280",
@@ -2113,14 +1826,6 @@
"singular": "Subscribe to [Telegram Premium]() to unlock up to **100** similar channels."
- "Channel.Status": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",61,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "channel"
- }
- },
"Channel.Stickers.CreateYourOwn": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",208,573,573,280,280",
@@ -2129,38 +1834,6 @@
"singular": "You can create your own custom sticker set using the @stickers bot."
- "Channel.Stickers.NotFound": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",215,291,291,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Sticker set not found"
- }
- },
- "Channel.Stickers.NotFoundHelp": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",195,481,481,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Try again or choose from the list below"
- }
- },
- "Channel.Stickers.Placeholder": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",170,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "stickerset"
- }
- },
- "Channel.Stickers.Searching": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",255,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Searching..."
- }
- },
"Channel.Stickers.YourStickers": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",344,387,387,280,280",
@@ -2185,12 +1858,12 @@
"singular": "Channel Type"
- "Channel.UpdatePhotoItem": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",239,344,344,280,280",
+ "Channel.Username.CheckingUsername": {
+ "url": "",
+ "photo_url": ",240,280,280,280,280",
"has_binding": true,
"values": {
- "singular": "Set Channel Photo"
+ "singular": "Checking name..."
"Channel.Username.CreatePrivateLinkHelp": {
@@ -2201,46 +1874,6 @@
"singular": "People can join your channel by following this link. You can revoke the link at any time."
- "Channel.Username.CreatePublicLinkHelp": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",343,580,580,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "If you set a public link, other people will be able to find and join your channel.
You can use a–z, 0–9 and underscores. Minimum length is 5 characters."
- }
- },
- "Channel.Username.InvalidCharacters": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",376,401,401,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Sorry, this name is invalid."
- }
- },
- "Channel.Username.InvalidStartsWithNumber": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",378,433,433,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Public links can't start with a number."
- }
- },
- "Channel.Username.InvalidTaken": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",410,363,363,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Sorry, this link is already taken."
- }
- },
- "Channel.Username.InvalidTooShort": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",346,506,506,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Public links must have at least 5 characters."
- }
- },
"Channel.Username.LinkHint": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",775,683,683,280,280",
@@ -2257,12 +1890,12 @@
"singular": "Link"
- "Channel.Username.UsernameIsAvailable": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",331,392,392,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
+ "ChannelBoost.BoostedChannelReachedLevel": {
+ "url": "",
+ "photo_url": ",747,440,440,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
"values": {
- "singular": "%@ is available."
+ "singular": "This channel reached **Level %1$@** and can now post %2$@."
"ChannelBoost.CopyLink": {
@@ -2289,6 +1922,54 @@
"singular": "Your channel needs to reach **Level %1$@** to add **%2$@** custom emoji as reactions.
Participants will see that the chat is being recorded."
+ "VoiceChat.StartRecordingTextVideo": {
+ "url": "",
+ "photo_url": ",223,440,440,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Do you want to start recording this chat and save it as a file?
It is impossible to reverse this action!"
- }
- },
- "DeleteAccount.ConfirmationAlertTitle": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",236,341,341,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Proceed to Delete Your Account?"
- }
- },
- "DeleteAccount.Continue": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",954,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Continue"
- }
- },
"DeleteAccount.DeleteMessagesURL": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",799,280,280,280,280",
@@ -1979,166 +1922,6 @@
"singular": "Delete My Account"
- "DeleteAccount.DeleteMyAccountTitle": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",86,282,282,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Delete My Account"
- }
- },
- "DeleteAccount.EnterPassword": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",165,306,306,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Enter Your Password"
- }
- },
- "DeleteAccount.EnterPhoneNumber": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",151,382,382,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Enter Your Phone Number"
- }
- },
- "DeleteAccount.GroupsAndChannelsInfo": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",436,547,547,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "You can transfer group and channel ownership to other users via Chat Info > Edit > Admins."
- }
- },
- "DeleteAccount.GroupsAndChannelsText": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",260,569,569,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "The groups and channels you created will either get new admins or become orphaned."
- }
- },
- "DeleteAccount.GroupsAndChannelsTitle": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",289,391,391,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Your Groups and Channels"
- }
- },
- "DeleteAccount.InvalidPasswordError": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",283,410,410,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Invalid password. Please try again."
- }
- },
- "DeleteAccount.InvalidPhoneNumberError": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",276,429,429,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Invalid phone number. Please try again."
- }
- },
- "DeleteAccount.MessageHistoryText": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",293,566,566,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Your chat partners will keep their message history with you, including the messages you shared in Secret Chats.
You can remove any messages for both sides at any time, but this will not be possible if you delete your account."
- }
- },
- "DeleteAccount.MessageHistoryTitle": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",310,327,327,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Your Message History"
- }
- },
- "DeleteAccount.Options.AddAccountText": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",262,457,457,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "You can use up to 3 accounts in one app at the same time."
- }
- },
- "DeleteAccount.Options.AddAccountTitle": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",275,307,307,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Add Another Account"
- }
- },
- "DeleteAccount.Options.ChangePhoneNumberText": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",169,474,474,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Move your contacts, chats and media to a new number."
- }
- },
- "DeleteAccount.Options.ChangePhoneNumberTitle": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",169,333,333,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Change Phone Number"
- }
- },
- "DeleteAccount.Options.ChangePrivacyText": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",380,476,476,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Choose who exactly can see which of your info."
- }
- },
- "DeleteAccount.Options.ChangePrivacyTitle": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",374,416,416,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Change Your Privacy Settings"
- }
- },
- "DeleteAccount.Options.ClearCacheText": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",706,440,440,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Free up disk space on your device, your media will stay in the cloud."
- }
- },
- "DeleteAccount.Options.ClearCacheTitle": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",787,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Clear Cache"
- }
- },
- "DeleteAccount.Options.ClearSyncedContactsText": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",797,440,440,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Remove any unnecessary contacts you may have synced."
- }
- },
- "DeleteAccount.Options.ClearSyncedContactsTitle": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",854,327,327,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Clear Synced Contacts"
- }
- },
"DeleteAccount.Options.ContactSupportText": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",713,418,418,280,280",
@@ -2171,54 +1954,6 @@
"singular": "Quickly Delete Your Chats"
- "DeleteAccount.Options.SetPasscodeText": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",556,471,471,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Lock the app with a passcode so that others can't open it."
- }
- },
- "DeleteAccount.Options.SetPasscodeTitle": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",639,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Set a Passcode"
- }
- },
- "DeleteAccount.Options.SetTwoStepAuthText": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",482,450,450,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Set a password that will be required each time you log in."
- }
- },
- "DeleteAccount.Options.SetTwoStepAuthTitle": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",470,406,406,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Enable Two-Step Verification"
- }
- },
- "DeleteAccount.SavedMessages": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",556,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Saved"
- }
- },
- "DeleteAccount.Success": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",681,522,522,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "The account has been successfully deleted."
- }
- },
"DoNotTranslate.Title": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",66,280,280,280,280",
@@ -2259,20 +1994,76 @@
"singular": "Change Colors"
- "EmojiPacksSettings.Title": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",86,280,280,280,280",
+ "EditTheme.Edit.BottomInfo": {
+ "url": "",
+ "photo_url": ",874,1200,1213,278,280",
"has_binding": false,
"values": {
- "singular": "Emoji"
+ "singular": "You can select a new file to update the theme. It will be updated for all users."
- "EmojiStickerSettings.Info": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",464,592,592,280,280",
+ "EditTheme.Edit.Preview.IncomingReplyName": {
+ "url": "",
+ "photo_url": ",1006,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Bob"
+ }
+ },
+ "EditTheme.Edit.Preview.IncomingReplyText": {
+ "url": "",
+ "photo_url": ",998,410,410,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "How does it work?"
+ }
+ },
+ "EditTheme.Edit.Preview.IncomingText": {
+ "url": "",
+ "photo_url": ",998,522,522,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Use your current colors"
+ }
+ },
+ "EditTheme.Edit.Preview.OutgoingText": {
+ "url": "",
+ "photo_url": ",1100,493,493,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Or upload a theme file"
+ }
+ },
+ "EditTheme.Edit.TopInfo": {
+ "url": "",
+ "photo_url": ",338,1200,1309,256,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Your theme will be updated for all users each time you change it. Anyone can install it using this link.
Theme links must be at least **5** characters long and can use **a–z**, **0–9** and underscores."
+ }
+ },
+ "EditTheme.EditTitle": {
+ "url": "",
+ "photo_url": ",140,316,316,280,280",
"has_binding": true,
"values": {
- "singular": "Artists are welcome to add their own emoji packs with our @stickers bot.
Press and hold a message to view and add the whole pack."
+ "singular": "Edit Theme"
+ }
+ },
+ "EditTheme.ShortLink": {
+ "url": "",
+ "photo_url": ",468,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "link"
+ }
+ },
+ "EditTheme.UploadEditedTheme": {
+ "url": "",
+ "photo_url": ",1215,483,483,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Update from File..."
"EnterPasscode.EnterCurrentPasscode": {
@@ -2799,12 +2590,12 @@
"singular": "Interface Language"
- "Localization.LanguageOther": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",802,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
+ "Localization.LanguageName": {
+ "url": "",
+ "photo_url": ",1382,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
"values": {
- "singular": "Other"
+ "singular": "English"
"Localization.ShowTranslate": {
@@ -2847,14 +2638,6 @@
"singular": "Translate Messages"
- "Login.InvalidCountryCode": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",147,389,389,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Invalid Country Code"
- }
- },
"Login.InvalidPhoneError": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",267,554,554,280,280",
@@ -3295,22 +3078,6 @@
"singular": "Always On"
- "Notification.Exceptions.MessagePreviewAlwaysOff": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",476,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Always Off"
- }
- },
- "Notification.Exceptions.MessagePreviewAlwaysOn": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",418,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Always On"
- }
- },
"Notification.Exceptions.MutedUntil": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",239,280,280,280,280",
@@ -3716,14 +3483,6 @@
"singular": "Sound"
- "Notifications.MessageSoundInfo": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",476,593,593,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Press and hold a short voice note or MP3 file in any chat and select \"Save for Notifications\". It will appear here."
- }
- },
"Notifications.Off": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",383,280,280,280,280",
@@ -3860,14 +3619,6 @@
"singular": "Are you sure you want to reset all notification settings to default?"
- "Notifications.TelegramTones": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",560,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "TELEGRAM TONES"
- }
- },
"Notifications.TextTone": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",45,280,280,280,280",
@@ -3884,14 +3635,6 @@
"singular": "Notifications"
- "Notifications.UploadSound": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",608,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Upload Sound"
- }
- },
"Notifications.UploadSuccess.Text": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",705,554,554,280,280",
@@ -4076,6 +3819,14 @@
"singular": "Tri-tone"
+ "Paint.Stickers": {
+ "url": "",
+ "photo_url": ",1481,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Stickers"
+ }
+ },
"PasscodeSettings.AutoLock": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",308,280,280,280,280",
@@ -4220,22 +3971,6 @@
"singular": "Unlock with Touch ID"
- "PeerInfo.AllowedReactions.GroupOptionAllInfo": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",239,595,595,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Members of the group can use any emoji as reactions to messages."
- }
- },
- "PeerInfo.AllowedReactions.GroupOptionSomeInfo": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",242,588,588,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Members of the group can use only certain approved emoji as reactions to messages."
- }
- },
"PeerInfo.DeleteToneText": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",461,368,368,280,280",
@@ -4252,31 +3987,6 @@
"singular": "Delete Tone"
- "PeerInfo.HideMembersLimitedRights": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",724,533,533,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "You don't have the permissions to change this setting."
- }
- },
- "PeerInfo.OptionTopics": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",660,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Topics"
- }
- },
- "PeerInfo.TopicsLimitedParticipantCountText": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",702,557,557,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Only groups with more than **%d member** can have topics enabled.",
- "plural": "Only groups with more than **%d members** can have topics enabled."
- }
- },
"Permissions.ContactsAllowInSettings.v0": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",401,468,468,280,280",
@@ -4557,38 +4267,6 @@
- "Premium.AnimatedEmoji": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",821,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Animated Emoji"
- }
- },
- "Premium.AnimatedEmoji.Proceed": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",904,342,342,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Unlock Animated Emoji"
- }
- },
- "Premium.AnimatedEmojiInfo": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",393,485,485,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Include animated emoji from different packs in any message you send."
- }
- },
- "Premium.AnimatedEmojiStandaloneInfo": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",606,600,603,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Include animated emoji from different emoji packs in any message you send."
- }
- },
"Premium.AppIcon": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",408,280,280,280,280",
@@ -4605,30 +4283,6 @@
"singular": "Choose from a selection of Telegram app icons for your homescreen."
- "Premium.AppIconStandalone": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",797,301,301,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Premium App Icons"
- }
- },
- "Premium.AppIconStandaloneInfo": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",658,537,537,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Unlock a wider range of app icons by subscribing to **Telegram Premium**."
- }
- },
- "Premium.AppIcons.Proceed": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",897,344,344,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Unlock Premium Icons"
- }
- },
"Premium.Avatar": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",271,356,356,280,280",
@@ -4717,30 +4371,6 @@
"singular": "Choose from thousands of emoji to display current activity next to your name."
- "Premium.EmojiStatusShortTitle": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",162,600,617,272,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "This is %1$@'s current status."
- }
- },
- "Premium.EmojiStatusText": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",217,587,587,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Emoji statuses are a premium feature. Other features included in **Telegram Premium**:"
- }
- },
- "Premium.EmojiStatusTitle": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",169,587,587,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "This is %1$@'s current status from #[%2$@]()."
- }
- },
"Premium.FasterSpeed": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",448,336,336,280,280",
@@ -4757,22 +4387,6 @@
"singular": "No more limits on the speed with which media and documents are downloaded."
- "Premium.Free": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",227,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Free"
- }
- },
- "Premium.GiftedDescription": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",222,550,550,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "You now have access to additional features."
- }
- },
"Premium.InfiniteReactions": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",317,280,280,280,280",
@@ -4789,14 +4403,6 @@
"singular": "React with thousands of emoji — using multiple reactions per message."
- "Premium.LimitReached": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",590,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Limit Reached"
- }
- },
"Premium.Limits.Accounts": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",779,310,310,280,280",
@@ -4813,22 +4419,6 @@
"singular": "Connect 4 accounts with different phone numbers"
- "Premium.Limits.Bio": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",808,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Bio"
- }
- },
- "Premium.Limits.BioInfo": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",636,529,529,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Add more characters and use links in your bio"
- }
- },
"Premium.Limits.Captions": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",411,280,280,280,280",
@@ -4861,22 +4451,6 @@
"singular": "Add up to 200 chats into each of your folders"
- "Premium.Limits.FavedStickers": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",678,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Favorite Stickers"
- }
- },
- "Premium.Limits.FavedStickersInfo": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",530,538,538,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Save up to 10 stickers in your Favorite Stickers"
- }
- },
"Premium.Limits.Folders": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",541,280,280,280,280",
@@ -4893,54 +4467,6 @@
"singular": "Organize your chats into 30 folders"
- "Premium.Limits.GroupsAndChannels": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",150,319,319,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Groups and Channels"
- }
- },
- "Premium.Limits.GroupsAndChannelsInfo": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",144,495,495,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Join up to 1000 channels and large groups"
- }
- },
- "Premium.Limits.PinnedChats": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",286,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Pinned Chats"
- }
- },
- "Premium.Limits.PinnedChatsInfo": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",261,454,454,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Pin up to 10 chats in your main chat list"
- }
- },
- "Premium.Limits.PublicLinks": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",417,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Public Links"
- }
- },
- "Premium.Limits.PublicLinksInfo": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",399,389,389,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Reserve up to 20 []() links"
- }
- },
"Premium.Limits.RecommendedChannels": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",775,280,280,280,280",
@@ -4957,54 +4483,6 @@
"singular": "View up to 100 similar channels."
- "Premium.Limits.SavedGifs": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",547,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Saved GIFs"
- }
- },
- "Premium.Limits.SavedGifsInfo": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",465,480,480,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Save up to 400 GIFs in your Favorite GIFs"
- }
- },
- "Premium.Limits.Title": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",93,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Doubled Limits"
- }
- },
- "Premium.MaxAccountsNoPremiumText": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",535,587,587,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "You have reached the limit of **%@** connected accounts."
- }
- },
- "Premium.NoAds": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",660,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "No Ads"
- }
- },
- "Premium.NoAds.Proceed": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",874,375,375,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "About Telegram Premium"
- }
- },
"Premium.NoAdsInfo": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",602,426,426,280,280",
@@ -5013,22 +4491,6 @@
"singular": "No more ads in public channels where Telegram sometimes shows ads."
- "Premium.NoAdsStandaloneInfo": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",595,600,615,272,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Remove ads such as this one by subscribing to **Telegram Premium**."
- }
- },
- "Premium.Premium": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",226,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Premium"
- }
- },
"Premium.Reactions": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",753,280,280,280,280",
@@ -5053,22 +4515,6 @@
"singular": "Premium Stickers"
- "Premium.Stickers.Description": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",595,545,545,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Unlock this sticker and many more by subscribing to Telegram Premium."
- }
- },
- "Premium.Stickers.Proceed": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",797,385,385,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Unlock Premium Stickers"
- }
- },
"Premium.StickersInfo": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",780,408,408,280,280",
@@ -5197,30 +4643,6 @@
"singular": "Permanent View History"
- "Premium.SubscribeFor": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",892,355,355,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Subscribe for %@ / month"
- }
- },
- "Premium.SubscribedDescription": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",94,300,317,264,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Thank you for subscribing to **Telegram Premium**. Here's what is now unlocked."
- }
- },
- "Premium.SubscribedTitle": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",80,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "You are all set!"
- }
- },
"Premium.Terms": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",639,580,580,280,280",
@@ -5237,22 +4659,6 @@
"singular": "Telegram Premium"
- "Premium.Translation": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",785,322,322,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Real-Time Translation"
- }
- },
- "Premium.Translation.Proceed": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",872,376,376,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "About Telegram Premium"
- }
- },
"Premium.TranslationInfo": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",715,484,484,280,280",
@@ -5261,14 +4667,6 @@
"singular": "Real-time translation of chats and channels into other languages."
- "Premium.TranslationStandaloneInfo": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",605,600,604,278,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Subscribe to **Telegram Premium** to be able to translate all messages in a chat at once."
- }
- },
"Premium.UploadSize": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",381,280,280,280,280",
@@ -5333,6 +4731,14 @@
"singular": "WHO CAN SEE MY BIO"
+ "Privacy.Calls": {
+ "url": "",
+ "photo_url": ",580,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Calls"
+ }
+ },
"Privacy.Calls.AlwaysAllow.Placeholder": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",116,280,280,280,280",
@@ -5477,45 +4883,12 @@
"singular": "All cloud drafts deleted."
- "Privacy.Exceptions.DeleteAll": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",882,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Delete All"
- }
- },
- "Privacy.Exceptions.DeleteAllConfirmation": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",619,524,524,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Are you sure you want to delete all exceptions?"
- }
- },
- "Privacy.Exceptions.DeleteAllExceptions": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",348,300,300,280,280",
+ "Privacy.Forwards": {
+ "url": "",
+ "photo_url": ",69,330,330,280,280",
"has_binding": true,
"values": {
- "singular": "Delete All Exceptions"
- }
- },
- "Privacy.ExceptionsCount": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",140,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "%@ EXCEPTION",
- "plural": "%@ EXCEPTIONS"
- }
- },
- "Privacy.Forwards.CustomHelp": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",472,517,517,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Messages you send will not link back to your account when forwarded by other users."
+ "singular": "Forwarded Messages"
"Privacy.Forwards.NeverLink": {
@@ -5534,6 +4907,14 @@
"singular": "SAMPLE MESSAGE"
+ "Privacy.GroupsAndChannels": {
+ "url": "",
+ "photo_url": ",72,299,299,280,280",
+ "has_binding": false,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Groups & Channels"
+ }
+ },
"Privacy.GroupsAndChannels.AlwaysAllow": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",545,280,280,280,280",
@@ -5662,6 +5043,14 @@
"singular": "Phone Number"
+ "Privacy.ProfilePhoto": {
+ "url": "",
+ "photo_url": ",523,280,280,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Profile Photos"
+ }
+ },
"Privacy.ProfilePhoto.AlwaysShareWith.Title": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",949,521,521,280,280",
@@ -5678,30 +5067,6 @@
"singular": "You can restrict who can see your profile photo with granular precision."
- "Privacy.ProfilePhoto.CustomOverrideAddInfo": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",401,538,538,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Add users or entire groups that will still see your profile photo."
- }
- },
- "Privacy.ProfilePhoto.CustomOverrideBothInfo": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",409,597,597,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "You can add users or entire groups as exceptions that will override the settings above."
- }
- },
- "Privacy.ProfilePhoto.CustomOverrideInfo": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",384,569,569,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "You can add users or entire groups that will not see your profile photo."
- }
- },
"Privacy.ProfilePhoto.NeverShareWith.Title": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",850,490,490,280,280",
@@ -5710,62 +5075,6 @@
"singular": "Never Share With"
- "Privacy.ProfilePhoto.PublicPhotoInfo": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",589,538,538,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "You can upload a public photo for users who are restricted from seeing your real profile photos."
- }
- },
- "Privacy.ProfilePhoto.PublicPhotoSuccess": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",755,499,499,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "This photo will be shown to users who are restricted from seeing your real photos."
- }
- },
- "Privacy.ProfilePhoto.PublicVideoSuccess": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",758,496,496,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "This photo will be shown to users who are restricted from seeing your real photos."
- }
- },
- "Privacy.ProfilePhoto.RemovePublicPhoto": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",706,302,302,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Remove Public Photo"
- }
- },
- "Privacy.ProfilePhoto.RemovePublicVideo": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",707,300,300,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Remove Public Photo"
- }
- },
- "Privacy.ProfilePhoto.SetPublicPhoto": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",611,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Set Public Photo"
- }
- },
- "Privacy.ProfilePhoto.UpdatePublicPhoto": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",660,293,293,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Update Public Photo"
- }
- },
"Privacy.ProfilePhoto.WhoCanSeeMyPhoto": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",225,840,840,280,280",
@@ -5814,54 +5123,6 @@
"singular": "This will delete all data about the people you message frequently as well as the inline bots you are likely to use."
- "Privacy.VoiceMessages": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",610,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Voice Messages"
- }
- },
- "Privacy.VoiceMessages.AlwaysAllow.Title": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",66,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Always Allow"
- }
- },
- "Privacy.VoiceMessages.CustomHelp": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",252,566,566,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "You can restrict who can send you voice or video messages with granular precision."
- }
- },
- "Privacy.VoiceMessages.NeverAllow.Title": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",66,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Never Allow"
- }
- },
- "Privacy.VoiceMessages.Tooltip": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",744,511,511,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Only subscribers of [Telegram Premium]() can restrict receiving voice messages."
- }
- },
- "Privacy.VoiceMessages.WhoCanSend": {
- "url": "",
- "photo_url": ",119,442,442,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- }
- },
"PrivacyLastSeenSettings.AddUsers": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",315,448,448,280,280",
@@ -5911,6 +5172,14 @@
"singular": "You can add users or entire groups as exceptions that will override the settings above."
+ "PrivacyLastSeenSettings.GroupsAndChannelsHelp": {
+ "url": "",
+ "photo_url": ",531,576,576,280,280",
+ "has_binding": true,
+ "values": {
+ "singular": "Change who can add you to groups and channels."
+ }
+ },
"PrivacyLastSeenSettings.NeverShareWith.Placeholder": {
"url": "",
"photo_url": ",96,405,405,280,280",
@@ -5951,12 +5220,60 @@
"singular": "Users who have your number saved in their contacts will also see it on Telegram.
Unlike other apps, Telegram doesn't track whether you tapped on a sponsored message and doesn't profile you based on your activity. We also prevent external links in sponsored messages to ensure that third parties can’t spy on our users. We believe that everyone has the right to privacy, and technological platforms should respect that.
Telegram offers a free and unlimited service to hundreds of millions of users, which involves significant server and traffic costs. In order to remain independent and stay true to its values, Telegram developed a paid tool to promote messages with user privacy in mind. We welcome responsible advertisers at:
Sponsored Messages are currently in test mode. Once they are fully launched and allow Telegram to cover its basic costs, we will start sharing ad revenue with the owners of public channels in which sponsored messages are displayed.