diff --git a/data/web/core.telegram.org/bots/api.html b/data/web/core.telegram.org/bots/api.html
index 305287665b..d8e3d6be89 100644
--- a/data/web/core.telegram.org/bots/api.html
+++ b/data/web/core.telegram.org/bots/api.html
@@ -14012,8 +14012,8 @@ pre-formatted fixed-width code block written in the Python programming language
Once you've created a game via BotFather, you can send games to chats as regular messages using the sendGame method, or use inline mode with InlineQueryResultGame.
If you send the game message without any buttons, it will automatically have a 'Play GameName' button. When this button is pressed, your bot gets a CallbackQuery with the game_short_name of the requested game. You provide the correct URL for this particular user and the app opens the game in the in-app browser.
You can manually add multiple buttons to your game message. Please note that the first button in the first row must always launch the game, using the field callback_game in InlineKeyboardButton. You can add extra buttons according to taste: e.g., for a description of the rules, or to open the game's official community.
-To make your game more attractive, you can upload a GIF animation that demostrates the game to the users via BotFather (see Lumberjack for example).
-A game message will also display high scores for the current chat. Use setGameScore to post high scores to the chat with the game, add the edit_message parameter to automatically update the message with the current scoreboard.
+To make your game more attractive, you can upload a GIF animation that demonstrates the game to the users via BotFather (see Lumberjack for example).
+A game message will also display high scores for the current chat. Use setGameScore to post high scores to the chat with the game, add the disable_edit_message parameter to disable automatic update of the message with the current scoreboard.
Use getGameHighScores to get data for in-game high score tables.
You can also add an extra sharing button for users to share their best score to different chats.
For examples of what can be done using this new stuff, check the @gamebot and @gamee bots.