From 0ee11afa02c80fa273b0f5feae6205eb0fb434bd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: GitHub Action Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2024 18:03:22 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Update content of files --- data/web_tr/translation_keys.json | 181 ++ .../en/android_x/private_chats.json | 1474 ++++++++++++++++- 2 files changed, 1654 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/data/web_tr/translation_keys.json b/data/web_tr/translation_keys.json index 7bed0de5ee..513bd0de9d 100644 --- a/data/web_tr/translation_keys.json +++ b/data/web_tr/translation_keys.json @@ -8646,8 +8646,10 @@ "AttachLiveLocation", "AttachLiveLocationIsSharing", "AttachMediasSuffix", + "AttachPhotoExpired", "AttachPhotosSuffix", "AttachRound", + "AttachVideoExpired", "AttachVideoNoteExpired", "AttachVideosSuffix", "AttachVoiceNoteExpired", @@ -8736,6 +8738,7 @@ "BlockContact", "BlockContact", "BlockContact", + "BlockContact", "BlockFor", "BlockListEmpty", "BlockSender", @@ -8745,11 +8748,13 @@ "BlockUntilTomorrow", "BlockUser", "BlockUserBtn", + 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Would you like to hang up on that call and start a new one with %2$s?" + } + }, + "CallLogsWarning": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",590,600,652,258,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "**Warning:** call diagnostics may contain **private data** such as IP addresses of the parties.

Do not share them with anyone, unless you know what you are doing." + } + }, + "Cancel": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1890,299,299,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Cancel" + } + }, + "ChatThemeDisabled": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",963,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%1$s disabled the chat theme" + } + }, + "ChatThemeDisabled_outgoing": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",895,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You disabled the chat theme" + } + }, + "ChatThemeSet": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",932,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "%1$s set the chat theme to %2$s" + } + }, + "ChatThemeSet_outgoing": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",863,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "You set the chat theme to %1$s" + } + }, + "ContactAdded": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",939,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Contact added" + } + }, + "CopiedCoordinates": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",513,1226,1226,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Coordinates have been copied to the clipboard" + } + }, + "CopyCoordinates": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1454,596,596,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Copy coordinates" + } + }, + "Delete": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",985,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete" + } + }, + "DeleteChat": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",989,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete chat" + } + }, + "DeleteForMe": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1361,431,431,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete for myself" + } + }, + "DeleteForMeAndX": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1270,806,806,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete for me and %1$s" + } + }, + "DeleteForUser": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",900,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete for %1$s" + } + }, + "DeleteReminder": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1697,397,397,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete reminder" + } + }, + "DeleteXForMe": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1072,736,736,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete %1$s message for myself", + "plural": "Delete %1$s messages for myself" + } + }, + "DeleteXForMeWarning": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",744,1029,1029,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "%1$s message can be deleted only for yourself.", + "plural": "%1$s messages can be deleted only for yourself." + } + }, + "DeleteXForUser": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1164,637,637,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete %1$s message for %2$s", + "plural": "Delete %1$s messages for %2$s" + } + }, + "DeleteXReminders": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1330,474,474,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete %1$s reminder", + "plural": "Delete %1$s reminders" + } + }, + "DiscardEditCaption": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",846,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Discard caption" + } + }, + "DiscardEditCaptionHint": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",498,600,643,262,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Are you sure you want to discard edited caption? These changes will be lost." + } + }, + "DiscardEditMsg": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",838,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Discard message" + } + }, + "DiscardEditMsgHint": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",584,523,523,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Are you sure you want to discard edited message? These changes will be lost." + } + }, + "Downloads": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1594,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Downloads" + } + }, + "EditMessageCaptionTooLong": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",337,493,493,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Caption exceeds the limit by %1$s character.", + "plural": "Caption exceeds the limit by %1$s characters." + } + }, + "EncryptedDescription1": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",734,817,817,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Use end-to-end encryption" + } + }, + "EncryptedDescription2": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",734,915,915,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Leave no trace on our servers" + } + }, + "EncryptedDescription3": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",852,804,804,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Have a self-destruct timer" + } + }, + "EncryptedDescription4": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",953,742,742,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Do not allow forwarding" + } + }, + "EncryptionKey": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",216,502,502,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Encryption Key" + } + }, + "EncryptionKeyDescription": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",683,1396,1546,252,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "This image and text were derived from the encryption key for this secret chat with %1$s.

If they look the same on %1$s's device, end-to-end encryption is guaranteed." + } + }, + "File": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1750,280,276,280,276", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "File" + } + }, + "FreeXofY": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",707,487,487,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Free %1$s of %2$s" + } + }, + "FromYou": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",571,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "You" + } + }, + "Gallery": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1262,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Gallery" + } + }, + "HangUp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",911,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Hang up" + } + }, + "HiddenName": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",0,324,319,280,276", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Deleted Account" + } + }, + "HoldMediaTutorial": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1197,876,876,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Hold finger to view this media" + } + }, + "HoldToAudio": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",600,640,640,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Hold to record audio. Tap to switch to video." + } + }, + "HoldToRemind": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",965,519,519,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Hold to create a reminder." + } + }, + "HoldToSchedule2": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1246,930,930,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Hold to send when %1$s goes online and other options." + } + }, + "HoldToVideo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",603,637,637,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Hold to record video. Tap to switch to audio." + } + }, + "IncomingCall": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",442,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Incoming Call" + } + }, + "InternalStorage": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",721,351,351,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Internal Storage" + } + }, + "InternalUrlUnsupported": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",927,284,284,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, this link type is not yet supported." + } + }, + "MapPreviewProviderGoogle": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1194,452,452,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Google Maps" + } + }, + "MapPreviewProviderHint": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",405,1398,1407,278,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Choose a provider to display map previews in Secret Chats.

This requires sending the selected provider an anonymous request with the received coordinates." + } + }, + "MapPreviewProviderNone": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1706,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "No Previews" + } + }, + "MapPreviewProviderTelegram": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1482,321,321,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Telegram" + } + }, + "MessageLifetime": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",206,422,422,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Self-Destruct Timer" + } + }, + "MessageLifetimePhoto": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",212,543,543,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "If you set a timer, the photo will self-destruct after it was viewed." + } + }, + "MessageLifetimeVideo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",150,777,777,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "If you set a timer, the video will self-destruct after it is viewed." + } + }, + "MessageReplyPrivate": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",197,508,508,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "This message is from a private chat" + } + }, + "MessageUnsupportedHint": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",544,600,604,278,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "This message is unsupported in the installed version of Telegram X." + } + }, + "MissedCall": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",550,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Missed Call" + } + }, + "Music": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1426,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Music" + } + }, + "NewSecretChatWith": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",0,377,377,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "New Secret Chat…" + } + }, + "NoPhotosToShow": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",808,435,435,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "No photos to show" + } + }, + "NoPhotosToShowInChat": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",677,811,811,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Share photos in this chat and
access them on any of your devices." + } + }, + "NoPrivateChats": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",552,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "No private chats" + } + }, + "NoRightToCall": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",353,546,546,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Sorry, you cannot call %1$s because of their privacy settings. You can ask them to modify their setting or to call you instead." + } + }, + "NoVideoToShow": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",462,488,488,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "No video messages to show" + } + }, + "NoVideoToShowInChat": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",422,653,653,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Share video messages in this chat and
access them on any device you have." + } + }, + "NoVideosToShowInChat": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",681,811,811,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Share videos in this chat and
access them on any of your devices." + } + }, + "Off": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",536,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Off" + } + }, + "OpenChat": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",585,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Open Chat" + } + }, + "OpenInExternalApp": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1888,317,317,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Open in…" + } + }, + "OpenMap": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1382,471,471,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Open in Maps" + } + }, + "OutgoingCall": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",213,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Outgoing Call" + } + }, + "PictureAndText": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",295,434,434,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Picture and text" + } + }, + "PinMessageInChat": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",759,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Pin this message?" + } + }, + "PinMessageOther": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",813,291,291,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Also pin for %1$s" + } + }, + "QDeleteXMessages": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1146,471,471,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Delete %1$s message?", + "plural": "Delete %1$s messages?" + } + }, + "ReadDate_today": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",712,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Read at %1$s" + } + }, + "RecordingAudio": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",27,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "recording voice" + } + }, + "RemindAtCustomTime": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1295,620,620,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Remind at specific date…" + } + }, + "RemindDateAt": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1545,684,684,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Remind %1$s at %2$s" + } + }, + "RemindInXHours": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1197,449,449,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Remind in %1$s hour", + "plural": "Remind in %1$s hours" + } + }, + "RemindInXMinutes": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1006,539,539,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Remind in %1$s minute", + "plural": "Remind in %1$s minutes" + } + }, + "RemindTodayAt": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1598,629,629,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Remind today at %1$s" + } + }, + "RemindTomorrowAt": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1465,768,768,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Remind tomorrow at %1$s" + } + }, + "Reminders": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",69,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Reminders" + } + }, + "Reply": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",738,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Reply" + } + }, + "ReplyMessageDeletedHint": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",675,523,523,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "This message is a reply to the message that was deleted." + } + }, + "Reschedule": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1496,292,292,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Reschedule" + } + }, + "RootDirectory": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1070,315,315,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Root Directory" + } + }, + "Save": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1907,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Save" + } + }, + "SavedMessages": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",8,473,473,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Saved Messages" + } + }, + "ScheduledMessages": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",56,471,471,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Scheduled Messages" + } + }, + "ScheduledToday": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1259,435,435,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Scheduled for today" + } + }, + "ScheduledTomorrow": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1040,492,492,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Scheduled for tomorrow" + } + }, + "ScheduledUntilOnline": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1253,450,450,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Scheduled until online" + } + }, + "SecretChats": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",832,415,415,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Secret Chats" + } + }, + "SecretLinkPreviewAlert": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",236,603,603,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Would you like to enable extended link previews in Secret Chats? Note that link previews are generated on Telegram servers." + } + }, + "SecretLinkPreviewDisable": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",820,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Disable" + } + }, + "SecretLinkPreviewEnable": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",820,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Enable" + } + }, + "SecretPasscodeInfo": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",208,1080,1182,256,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "When you set up an additional passcode, you'll need to enter it each time you access this chat. Message preview will be hidden on the chats page.

Note: if you forget it, contents of this chat will be lost.

If you need a global passcode, use Settings > Privacy and Security > Passcode Lock." + } + }, + "Select": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",909,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Select" + } + }, + "SelectMessagesInBetween": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",78,345,345,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Select messages in between" + } + }, + "SendMediaHint": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1064,615,615,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Send media without compression" + } + }, + "SendMusicHint": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1295,500,500,280,280", + "has_binding": false, + "values": { + "singular": "Send audio and music files" + } + }, + "SendNoSound": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",643,498,498,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + "singular": "Send without sound" + } + }, + "SendNow": { + "url": "", + "photo_url": ",1364,280,280,280,280", + "has_binding": true, + "values": { + 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