diff --git a/data/web_tr/translation_keys.json b/data/web_tr/translation_keys.json
index 513bd0de9d..d8e15ab080 100644
--- a/data/web_tr/translation_keys.json
+++ b/data/web_tr/translation_keys.json
@@ -37763,33 +37763,20 @@
"weba": [
- "ALongTimeAgo",
- "AccActionDownload",
- "AccDescrMentionDown",
- "AccDescrMoreOptions",
- "AccDescrOpenMenu2",
- "AccDescrPageDown",
- "AccDescrReactionMentionDown",
- "AccDescrStickerSet",
- "AccDescrVoiceMessage",
- "AccExitFullscreen",
- "AccSwitchToFullscreen",
- "Add",
- "AddContactSharedContactExceptionInfo",
@@ -37804,7 +37791,6 @@
- "ArchivedChats",
@@ -37815,47 +37801,17 @@
- "AriaAddAttachment",
- "AriaCloseAttachmentModal",
- "AriaCodeWordWrap",
- "AriaComposerCancelVoice",
- "AriaComposerOpenScheduled",
- "AriaCreateGroup",
- "AriaExitMessageSelection",
- "AriaLabelSearchGifs",
- "AriaLabelSearchStickers",
- "AriaMoreButton",
- "AriaNewChannelContinue",
- "AriaOpenBotMenu",
- "AriaOpenSymbolMenu",
- "AriaSearchByDate",
- "AriaSearchInChat",
- "AttachAudio",
- "AttachContact",
- "AttachGame",
- "AttachGif",
- "AttachLiveLocation",
- "AttachMenuMediaBlocked",
- "AttachMusic",
- "AttachPhoto",
- "AttachSticker",
- "AttachVideo",
- "AudioPause",
- "AudioPlay",
- "AudioPlayerClose",
- "AudioPlayerNext",
- "AudioPlayerPrevious",
@@ -37880,14 +37836,12 @@
- "Block",
- "BotHelp",
@@ -37897,14 +37851,9 @@
- "BoxRemove",
- "CallAccept",
- "CallDecline",
- "CallEmojiKeyTooltip",
- "CallEndCall",
@@ -37917,26 +37866,10 @@
- "CallMuteAudio",
- "CallRateComment",
- "CallRateLabel",
- "CallScreencast",
- "CallStartVideo",
- "CallStatusExchanging",
- "CallStatusHanging",
- "CallStatusIncoming",
- "CallStatusRequesting",
- "CallStatusRinging",
- "CallStatusWaiting",
- "CallStopVideo",
- "CallUnmuteAudio",
- "Cancel",
- "Caption",
- "ChangeRecipient",
@@ -37955,7 +37888,6 @@
- "ChannelIntroCreateChannel",
@@ -37999,7 +37931,6 @@
- "ChannelTypeHeader",
@@ -38025,15 +37956,10 @@
- "ChatListSearchNoResults",
- "ChatListSearchNoResultsDescription",
- "ChatListSearchShowLess",
- "ChatListSearchShowMore",
- "ChatOutgoingContextMixedReactionCount",
@@ -38055,28 +37981,15 @@
- "ClearRecentEmoji",
- "Close",
- "CommonClose",
- "CommonSelect",
- "ContactListEmpty",
- "ContactPhone",
- "Contacts",
- "ContextCopyImage",
- "ContextCopyMessageLink",
- "ContextCopySelected",
- "ContextCopySelectedItems",
- "ContextCopyText",
- "ContextForwardMsg",
@@ -38095,25 +38008,18 @@
- "ConversationForwardOptionsHideCaption",
- "ConversationForwardOptionsShowCaption",
- "ConversationScheduleMessageSendOn",
- "ConversationScheduleMessageSendToday",
- "Copy",
- "Create",
- "CreateNewContact",
@@ -38122,25 +38028,17 @@
- "CurrentPasswordPlaceholder",
- "Days",
- "Delete",
- "DeleteAll",
- "DeleteContact",
- "DeleteForEveryoneDescription",
- "DeleteForMeDescription",
- "DeleteFromRecent",
@@ -38151,10 +38049,6 @@
- "DialogListSearchSectionDialogs",
- "DialogListSearchSectionGlobal",
- "DialogPin",
- "DialogUnpin",
@@ -38170,11 +38064,7 @@
- "Done",
- "Draft",
- "DragToSortAria",
- "Edit",
@@ -38193,20 +38083,12 @@
- "EditMessageAriaLabel",
- "Emoji2",
- "Emoji3",
- "Emoji4",
- "Emoji5",
- "Emoji6",
- "Emoji7",
- "Emoji8",
@@ -38239,13 +38121,6 @@
- "FileDropZoneNoCompression",
- "FileDropZoneQuick",
- "FileDropZoneTitle",
- "FileSizeB",
- "FileSizeGB",
- "FileSizeKB",
- "FileSizeMB",
@@ -38271,33 +38146,14 @@
- "FirstName",
- "FocusMessage",
- "FoldersAllChatsDesc",
- "FormatDateAtTime",
- "FormattingBoldAria",
- "FormattingEnterUrl",
- "FormattingItalicAria",
- "FormattingMonospaceAria",
- "FormattingSpoilerAria",
- "FormattingStrikethroughAria",
- "FormattingUnderlineAria",
- "Forward",
- "ForwardTo",
- "ForwardedMessage",
- "FromYou",
- "GeneralConfirm",
- "GeneralError",
- "GifPickerBlocked",
- "GifPickerEmpty",
@@ -38305,7 +38161,6 @@
- "GroupInfoParticipantCount",
@@ -38313,32 +38168,21 @@
- "GroupName",
- "GroupTypeHeader",
- "HiddenName",
- "HiddenSendersNameDescription",
- "HideCaption",
- "HideSenderNames",
- "HideSendersName",
- "Hours",
- "ImageCropTitle",
- "InDlgAlbum",
- "InviteLink",
@@ -38352,18 +38196,11 @@
- "LastSeenAtDate",
- "LastSeenHoursAgo",
- "LastSeenJustNow",
- "LastSeenMinutesAgo",
- "LastSeenOffline",
- "LastSeenTodayAt",
- "LastSeenYesterdayAt",
@@ -38375,8 +38212,6 @@
- "LimitReachedChatInFoldersLocked",
- "LimitReachedChatInFoldersPremium",
@@ -38389,12 +38224,10 @@
- "LimitReachedFileSizePremium",
- "LimitReachedPinDialogsLocked",
@@ -38405,27 +38238,19 @@
- "Listening",
- "LiveLocationUpdatedJustNow",
- "LiveLocationUpdatedMinutesAgo",
- "LiveLocationUpdatedTodayAt",
- "Loading",
- "LoginPhonePlaceholder",
- "LoginQRLogin",
- "LoginSelectCountryTitle",
@@ -38436,7 +38261,6 @@
- "MediaLocaltionImageAlt",
@@ -38455,101 +38279,56 @@
- "MenuNightMode",
- "MessageLiveLocation",
- "MessageLocation",
- "MessageScheduleEditTime",
- "MessageScheduleSend",
- "MessageScheduledUntilOnline",
- "MessageTimerShortDays",
- "MessageTimerShortHours",
- "Messages",
- "Minutes",
- "Month1",
- "Month10",
- "Month11",
- "Month12",
- "Month2",
- "Month3",
- "Month4",
- "Month5",
- "Month6",
- "Month7",
- "Month8",
- "Month9",
- "Months",
- "NMembers",
- "New",
- "NewChannel",
- "NewChatReturnBackAria",
- "NewChatTooManyUsers",
- "NewContact",
- "NewContactPhoneHiddenText",
- "NewContactShare",
- "NewGroup",
- "NewMessageTitle",
- "NoContactsFound",
- "NoGroupsInCommon",
- "NoLinksFound",
- "NoMembersFound",
- "NoSubscribersFound",
- "Nothing",
- "NothingFound",
- "Notifications",
- "OK",
- "OpenUrlAlert2",
- "OpenUrlTitle",
- "Participants",
@@ -38612,19 +38391,14 @@
- "PinnedConfirmUnpin",
- "PlayerPlaybackRate",
- "PlayerVolume",
- "PlayingGame",
- "PleaseWait",
@@ -38664,13 +38438,10 @@
- "PreviewEditMessage",
- "PreviewForwardedMessage",
- "PreviewWebPageClose",
@@ -38687,8 +38458,6 @@
- "Profile",
- "ProfileCopyPhone",
@@ -38698,15 +38467,10 @@
- "Reactions",
- "Recent",
- "RecentChatsClear",
- "RemoveSymbol",
- "Reply",
@@ -38731,52 +38495,19 @@
- "Save",
- "SavedMessages",
- "SavedMessagesInfo",
- "ScheduleMessage",
- "ScheduleSendWhenOnline",
- "Search",
- "SearchAllMessagesTab",
- "SearchFilesTab",
- "SearchFriends",
- "SearchGifsTab",
- "SearchGroupsTab",
- "SearchLinksTab",
- "SearchMediaTab",
- "SearchMessagesFound",
- "SearchMusicTab",
- "SearchNoResults",
- "SearchVoiceTab",
- "Seconds",
- "SecretChat",
- "SelectChat",
- "Send",
- "SendActionChooseSticker",
- "SendActionRecordAudio",
- "SendActionRecordRound",
- "SendActionRecordVideo",
- "SendActionUploadAudio",
- "SendActionUploadFile",
- "SendActionUploadPhoto",
- "SendActionUploadRound",
- "SendActionUploadVideo",
- "SendMessage",
- "SendMessageTo",
- "SendWithoutSound",
@@ -38791,7 +38522,6 @@
- "SetReminder",
@@ -38801,7 +38531,6 @@
- "Settings",
@@ -38839,25 +38568,14 @@
- "ShowCaption",
- "ShowMoreChats",
- "ShowMoreVoters",
- "ShowSenderNames",
- "ShowSendersName",
- "SlowModeHint",
- "SlowmodeEnabled",
- "SomethingWentWrong",
- "Speaking",
- "SpeakingWithVolume",
- "StartText",
@@ -38878,22 +38596,14 @@
- "StickerPackAddStickerCount",
- "StickerPackErrorNotFound",
- "StickerPackRemoveStickerCount",
- "StickersAddToFavorites",
- "StickersInstalled",
- "StickersRemoveFromFavorites",
- "Telegram",
- "TelegramFeatures",
@@ -38903,20 +38613,12 @@
- "TextCopied",
- "TextFormatAddLinkTitle",
- "ThisIsYou",
- "ToggleChatNotifications",
- "ToggleUserNotifications",
- "TooManyTabsDescription",
- "TooManyTabsReload",
- "TooManyTabsTitle",
@@ -38931,17 +38633,10 @@
- "UpdateTelegram",
- "Updating",
- "User",
- "UserActionWatchingAnimations",
- "UserInfoFirstNamePlaceholder",
- "UserInfoLastNamePlaceholder",
- "UserInfoNotificationsEnabled",
@@ -38958,7 +38653,6 @@
- "UserTyping",
@@ -38972,71 +38666,26 @@
- "VideoPlayerBuffering",
- "VideoPlayerFullscreen",
- "ViewAction",
- "ViewPackPreview",
- "VoiceOverChatMessagesSelected",
- "VoipChatJoin",
- "VoipChatStartScreenCapture",
- "VoipChatStopScreenCapture",
- "VoipFlip",
- "VoipGroupAllowToSpeak",
- "VoipGroupCancelRaiseHand",
- "VoipGroupEnd",
- "VoipGroupEndAlertText",
- "VoipGroupEndAlertTitle",
- "VoipGroupEndChat",
- "VoipGroupLeaveAlertEndChat",
- "VoipGroupLeaveAlertText",
- "VoipGroupLeaveAlertTitle",
- "VoipGroupMuteForMe",
- "VoipGroupMutedForMe",
- "VoipGroupOpenProfile",
- "VoipGroupUnmuteForMe",
- "VoipGroupUserRemove",
- "VoipGroupVoiceChat",
- "VoipMute",
- "VoipMutedByAdmin",
- "VoipMutedTapedForSpeak",
- "VoipSpeaker",
- "WantsToSpeak",
- "Weekday1",
- "Weekday2",
- "Weekday3",
- "Weekday4",
- "Weekday5",
- "Weekday6",
- "Weekday7",
- "WeekdayFriday",
- "WeekdayMonday",
- "WeekdaySaturday",
- "WeekdaySunday",
- "WeekdayThursday",
- "WeekdayTuesday",
- "WeekdayWednesday",
- "WeekdayYesterday",
- "Weeks",
@@ -39044,7 +38693,6 @@
- "Years",
diff --git a/data/web_tr/translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general.json b/data/web_tr/translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general.json
index bb9464c546..9e26dfeeb6 100644
--- a/data/web_tr/translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general.json
+++ b/data/web_tr/translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general.json
@@ -1,2839 +1 @@
- "ALongTimeAgo": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/ALongTimeAgo",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "last seen a long time ago"
- }
- },
- "AccActionDownload": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AccActionDownload",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Download"
- }
- },
- "AccDescrMentionDown": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AccDescrMentionDown",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Go to next mention"
- }
- },
- "AccDescrMoreOptions": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AccDescrMoreOptions",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "More options"
- }
- },
- "AccDescrOpenMenu2": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AccDescrOpenMenu2",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Open menu"
- }
- },
- "AccDescrPageDown": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AccDescrPageDown",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Go to bottom"
- }
- },
- "AccDescrReactionMentionDown": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AccDescrReactionMentionDown",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Go to next unread reactions"
- }
- },
- "AccDescrStickerSet": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AccDescrStickerSet",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Sticker set"
- }
- },
- "AccDescrVoiceMessage": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AccDescrVoiceMessage",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Record voice message"
- }
- },
- "AccExitFullscreen": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AccExitFullscreen",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Exit fullscreen"
- }
- },
- "AccSwitchToFullscreen": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AccSwitchToFullscreen",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Switch to fullscreen"
- }
- },
- "Add": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/Add",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Add"
- }
- },
- "AddContactSharedContactExceptionInfo": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AddContactSharedContactExceptionInfo",
- "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/863a52a4f34/2ea41af50067d8d16d59517.jpg?c=37,509,471,471,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "You can make your phone visible to {user}."
- }
- },
- "ArchivedChats": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/ArchivedChats",
- "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/d03e4ebcf69/9166ea46a7888fa89430917.jpg?c=98,155,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Archived Chats"
- }
- },
- "AriaAddAttachment": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AriaAddAttachment",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Add attachment"
- }
- },
- "AriaCloseAttachmentModal": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AriaCloseAttachmentModal",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Discard attachments"
- }
- },
- "AriaCodeWordWrap": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AriaCodeWordWrap",
- "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/ec5f6723ae5/06457670d5b20ffee611117.jpg?c=319,1,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Word wrap"
- }
- },
- "AriaComposerCancelVoice": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AriaComposerCancelVoice",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Cancel voice recording"
- }
- },
- "AriaComposerOpenScheduled": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AriaComposerOpenScheduled",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Open scheduled messages"
- }
- },
- "AriaCreateGroup": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AriaCreateGroup",
- "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/bdd2c2c25a4/43396507047cc9aec8b7017.jpg?c=320,495,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Create Group"
- }
- },
- "AriaExitMessageSelection": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AriaExitMessageSelection",
- "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/9e13902911b/551ac2d7efd9fa3e22fc019.jpg?c=205,168,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Exit select mode"
- }
- },
- "AriaLabelSearchGifs": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AriaLabelSearchGifs",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Search GIFs"
- }
- },
- "AriaLabelSearchStickers": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AriaLabelSearchStickers",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Search stickers"
- }
- },
- "AriaMoreButton": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AriaMoreButton",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "More Actions"
- }
- },
- "AriaNewChannelContinue": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AriaNewChannelContinue",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Continue to Channel Info"
- }
- },
- "AriaOpenBotMenu": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AriaOpenBotMenu",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Open bot menu"
- }
- },
- "AriaOpenSymbolMenu": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AriaOpenSymbolMenu",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Choose emoji, sticker or GIF"
- }
- },
- "AriaSearchByDate": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AriaSearchByDate",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Search by date"
- }
- },
- "AriaSearchInChat": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AriaSearchInChat",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Search in chat"
- }
- },
- "AttachAudio": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AttachAudio",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Voice Message"
- }
- },
- "AttachContact": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AttachContact",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Contact"
- }
- },
- "AttachGame": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AttachGame",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Game"
- }
- },
- "AttachGif": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AttachGif",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "GIF"
- }
- },
- "AttachLiveLocation": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AttachLiveLocation",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Live Location"
- }
- },
- "AttachMenuMediaBlocked": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AttachMenuMediaBlocked",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Sending media is not allowed in this group."
- }
- },
- "AttachMusic": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AttachMusic",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Music"
- }
- },
- "AttachPhoto": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AttachPhoto",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Photo"
- }
- },
- "AttachSticker": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AttachSticker",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Sticker"
- }
- },
- "AttachVideo": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AttachVideo",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Video"
- }
- },
- "AudioPause": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AudioPause",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Pause audio"
- }
- },
- "AudioPlay": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AudioPlay",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Play audio"
- }
- },
- "AudioPlayerClose": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AudioPlayerClose",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Close"
- }
- },
- "AudioPlayerNext": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AudioPlayerNext",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Next track"
- }
- },
- "AudioPlayerPrevious": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/AudioPlayerPrevious",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Previous track"
- }
- },
- "Block": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/Block",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "BLOCK"
- }
- },
- "BotHelp": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/BotHelp",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Help"
- }
- },
- "BoxRemove": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/BoxRemove",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Remove"
- }
- },
- "CallAccept": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/CallAccept",
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- "has_binding": true,
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- "singular": "If the emoji on {user}’s screen are the same, this call is 100% secure."
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- "singular": "exchanging encryption keys..."
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- "CallStatusIncoming": {
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- "CallStatusRequesting": {
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- "singular": "requesting..."
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- "singular": "There were no results.
Try a new search."
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- "singular": "Clear recent emoji?"
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- "FormattingEnterUrl": {
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- "singular": "Forward to..."
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- "ForwardedMessage": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/ForwardedMessage",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
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- "singular": "Forwarded message"
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- "photo_url": null,
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- "singular": "You"
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- "singular": "Confirm"
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- "GeneralError": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/GeneralError",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": false,
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- "singular": "An error occurred"
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- "has_binding": false,
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- "singular": "Sending GIFs is not allowed in this chat"
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- "GifPickerEmpty": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/GifPickerEmpty",
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- "singular": "No saved GIFs"
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- "GroupInfoParticipantCount": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/GroupInfoParticipantCount",
- "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/ab8188fef11/7e1f111c614dd2cd117cc17.jpg?c=17,271,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
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- "singular": "1 member",
- "plural": "{count} members"
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- },
- "GroupName": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/GroupName",
- "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/ab8188fef11/7e1f111c614dd2cd117cc17.jpg?c=19,186,280,280,280,280",
- "has_binding": true,
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- "singular": "Group name"
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- "GroupTypeHeader": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/GroupTypeHeader",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
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- "singular": "Group type"
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- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/HiddenName",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Deleted Account"
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- "HiddenSendersNameDescription": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/HiddenSendersNameDescription",
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- "has_binding": true,
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- "singular": "Sender names removed"
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- "HideCaption": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/HideCaption",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
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- "singular": "Hide Caption"
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- "HideSenderNames": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/HideSenderNames",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Hide Sender Names"
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- },
- "HideSendersName": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/HideSendersName",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Hide Sender Name"
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- },
- "Hours": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/Hours",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "{count} hour",
- "plural": "{count} hours"
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- "ImageCropTitle": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/ImageCropTitle",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Drag to reposition"
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- },
- "InDlgAlbum": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/InDlgAlbum",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Album"
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- },
- "InviteLink": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/InviteLink",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Invite Link"
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- },
- "LastSeenAtDate": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/LastSeenAtDate",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "last seen {date}"
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- },
- "LastSeenHoursAgo": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/LastSeenHoursAgo",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "last seen {count} hour ago",
- "plural": "last seen {count} hours ago"
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- "LastSeenJustNow": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/LastSeenJustNow",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "last seen just now"
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- "LastSeenMinutesAgo": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/LastSeenMinutesAgo",
- "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/ab8188fef11/7e1f111c614dd2cd117cc17.jpg?c=71,333,280,280,280,280",
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- "values": {
- "singular": "last seen 1 minute ago",
- "plural": "last seen {count} minutes ago"
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- },
- "LastSeenOffline": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/LastSeenOffline",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "last seen a long time ago"
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- },
- "LastSeenTodayAt": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/LastSeenTodayAt",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "last seen today at {time}"
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- "LastSeenYesterdayAt": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/LastSeenYesterdayAt",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "last seen yesterday at {time}"
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- },
- "LimitReachedChatInFoldersLocked": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/LimitReachedChatInFoldersLocked",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Sorry, you can't add more than **{limit}** chats to a folder. Please create a new one. We are working to let you increase this limit in the future."
- }
- },
- "LimitReachedChatInFoldersPremium": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/LimitReachedChatInFoldersPremium",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Sorry, you can't add more than **{limit}** chats to a folder. Please create a new one."
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- },
- "LimitReachedFileSizePremium": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/LimitReachedFileSizePremium",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "The document can't be sent, because it is larger than **{limit}**."
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- "LimitReachedPinDialogsLocked": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/LimitReachedPinDialogsLocked",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Sorry, you can't pin more than {limit} chats to the top. Unpin some that are currently pinned. We are working to let you increase this limit in the future."
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- },
- "Listening": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/Listening",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
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- "singular": "listening"
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- "has_binding": true,
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- "singular": "updated just now"
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- "singular": "updated 1 minute ago",
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- "LiveLocationUpdatedTodayAt": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/LiveLocationUpdatedTodayAt",
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- "has_binding": true,
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- "singular": "updated at {time}"
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- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/Loading",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
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- "singular": "Loading..."
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- "LoginPhonePlaceholder": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/LoginPhonePlaceholder",
- "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/3e31f26dfad/2b1d875644dd4afebf49717.jpg?c=38,566,286,286,280,280",
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- "singular": "Your phone number"
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- "LoginQRLogin": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/LoginQRLogin",
- "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/3e31f26dfad/2b1d875644dd4afebf49717.jpg?c=151,748,291,291,280,280",
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- "values": {
- "singular": "Log in by QR Code"
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- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/LoginSelectCountryTitle",
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- "singular": "Country"
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- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/MediaLocaltionImageAlt",
- "photo_url": null,
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- "singular": "Location on a map"
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- "MenuNightMode": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/MenuNightMode",
- "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/d03e4ebcf69/9166ea46a7888fa89430917.jpg?c=90,342,280,280,280,280",
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- "singular": "Night Mode"
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- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/MessageLiveLocation",
- "photo_url": null,
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- "singular": "Live Location"
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- "MessageLocation": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/MessageLocation",
- "photo_url": null,
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- "MessageScheduleEditTime": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/MessageScheduleEditTime",
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- "singular": "Reschedule"
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- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/MessageScheduleSend",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
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- "singular": "Send Now"
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- "MessageScheduledUntilOnline": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/MessageScheduledUntilOnline",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
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- "singular": "Scheduled until online"
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- "Month11": {
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- "singular": "Return to member selection"
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- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/NewChatTooManyUsers",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": false,
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- "singular": "Sorry, creating supergroups is not yet supported"
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- "singular": "Phone number will be **visible** once {user} adds you as a contact."
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- "photo_url": "https://telegra.ph/file/p/863a52a4f34/2ea41af50067d8d16d59517.jpg?c=151,531,351,351,280,280",
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- "singular": "Share my phone number"
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- "has_binding": false,
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- "has_binding": true,
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- "singular": "Send message to…"
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- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/SendWithoutSound",
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- "has_binding": true,
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- "singular": "Send Without Sound"
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- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/SetReminder",
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- "has_binding": true,
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- "singular": "Set a Reminder"
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- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/SlowModeHint",
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- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Slow Mode is active. You can send
your next message in {time}."
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- "SlowmodeEnabled": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/SlowmodeEnabled",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
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- "singular": "Slowmode enabled"
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- "SomethingWentWrong": {
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- "has_binding": false,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Something went wrong"
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- },
- "Speaking": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/Speaking",
- "photo_url": null,
- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "speaking"
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- "SpeakingWithVolume": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/SpeakingWithVolume",
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- "singular": "{volume}% speaking"
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- "StartText": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/StartText",
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- "values": {
- "singular": "Please confirm your country code
and enter your phone number."
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- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/StickerPackAddStickerCount",
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- "singular": "Add {count} sticker",
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- "StickerPackErrorNotFound": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/StickerPackErrorNotFound",
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- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Sorry, this sticker set doesn't seem to exist."
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- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/StickerPackRemoveStickerCount",
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- "has_binding": true,
- "values": {
- "singular": "Remove {count} sticker",
- "plural": "Remove {count} stickers"
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- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/StickersAddToFavorites",
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- "singular": "Add to Favorites"
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- "StickersInstalled": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/StickersInstalled",
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- "singular": "ADDED"
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- "StickersRemoveFromFavorites": {
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- },
- "TelegramFeatures": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/TelegramFeatures",
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- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/TextCopied",
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- "singular": "Text copied to clipboard."
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- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/TooManyTabsDescription",
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- "values": {
- "singular": "Telegram supports only one active tab with the app.
Please reload this page to continue using this tab or close it."
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- "TooManyTabsReload": {
- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/TooManyTabsReload",
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- "url": "https://translations.telegram.org/en/weba/general/VoipGroupCancelRaiseHand",
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\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file