@ -35,9 +35,11 @@
"Settings.ProxyConnected": "Connected",
"PUSH_PINNED_TEXT": "%1$@|pinned \"%2$@\" ",
"Channel.Management.LabelOwner": "Owner",
"DeleteAccount.Options.SetPasscodeText": "Lock the app with a passcode so that others can't open it.",
"ApplyLanguage.ApplySuccess": "Language changed",
"Group.Setup.HistoryHidden": "Hidden",
"ImportStickerPack.ChooseLinkDescription": "You can use a-z, 0-9 and underscores.",
"DeleteAccount.AlternativeOptionsTitle": "Alternative Options",
"Month.ShortNovember": "Nov",
"ImportStickerPack.CheckingLink": "checking availability...",
"Call.ReportIncludeLog": "Send technical information",
@ -76,6 +78,7 @@
"VoiceChat.StopRecordingTitle": "Stop Recording?",
"PUSH_REACT_VIDEO": "%1$@|%2$@ to your video",
"PeerInfo.EnableSound": "Enable Sound",
"PrivacySettings.DeleteAccountNow": "Delete Account Now",
"Passport.FieldOneOf.FinalDelimeter": " or ",
"Stickers.SuggestNone": "None",
"Channel.AdminLog.JoinedViaInviteLink": "%1$@ joined via invite link %2$@",
@ -401,6 +404,7 @@
"Passport.Language.hr": "Croatian",
"Conversation.UserSendMessage": "SEND MESSAGE",
"Conversation.DeleteTimer.SetupTitle": "Auto-Delete After...",
"DeleteAccount.DeleteMessagesURL": "https://telegram.org/faq#q-can-i-delete-my-messages",
"VoiceChat.Title": "Voice Chat",
"Stats.GroupTopAdminBans_any": "%@ bans",
"VoiceChat.Panel.Members_any": "%@ participants",
@ -527,6 +531,7 @@
"Undo.ChatDeleted": "Chat deleted",
"Appstore.Fast": "**Fast**\nSimple, reliable and synced\nacross all your devices.",
"ContactInfo.URLLabelHomepage": "homepage",
"DeleteAccount.Options.ContactSupportText": "Tell us about any issues; deleting account doesn't usually help.",
"PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE_STICKER": "%2$@|%1$@ sent a %3$@sticker",
"FastTwoStepSetup.EmailHelp": "Please add your valid e-mail. It is the only way to recover a forgotten password.",
"Contacts.SelectAll": "Select All",
@ -546,6 +551,7 @@
"GroupInfo.ChatAdmins": "Add Admins",
"WebApp.AddToAttachmentAlreadyAddedError": "This bot is already added to your attachment menu.",
"ArchivedChats.IntroTitle2": "Muted Chats",
"DeleteAccount.EnterPhoneNumber": "Enter Your Phone Number",
"Cache.LowDiskSpaceText": "Your phone has run out of available storage. Please free some space to download or upload media.",
"CreatePoll.Anonymous": "Anonymous Voting",
"PeerInfo.NotificationsCustomize": "Customize",
@ -568,6 +574,7 @@
"Stats.GroupTopPosterMessages_3_10": "%@ messages",
"NetworkUsageSettings.MediaImageDataSection": "PHOTOS",
"VoiceOver.Navigation.Compose": "Compose",
"DeleteAccount.Options.AddAccountTitle": "Add Another Account",
"Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedAutoremoveTimeoutRemove": "%1$@ disabled auto-remove timer",
"Passport.InfoText": "With **Telegram Passport** you can easily sign up for websites and services that require identity verification.\n\nYour information, personal data, and documents are protected by end-to-end encryption. Nobody, including Telegram, can access them without your permission.",
"Login.CodePhonePatternInfoText": "Please enter the last digits\nof the number that called.",
@ -684,6 +691,7 @@
"Chat.NextChannelUnarchivedSwipeAction": "Release to go to unarchived channels",
"Premium.Limits.FavedStickers": "Favorite Stickers",
"AuthSessions.AddDevice.UrlLoginHint": "This code can be used to allow someone to log in to your Telegram account.\n\nTo confirm Telegram login, please go to Settings > Devices > Scan QR and scan the code.",
"DeleteAccount.Options.DeleteChatsTitle": "Quickly Delete Your Chats",
"ReportGroupLocation.Title": "Report Unrelated Group",
"Conversation.AutoremoveTimerSetUserYou": "You set messages to automatically delete after %1$@",
"Activity.RemindAboutUser": "Send message to %@",
@ -706,7 +714,7 @@
"Stats.GroupShowMoreTopPosters_0": "Show %@ More",
"GroupInfo.ShowMoreMembers_0": "%@ more",
"Passport.Title": "Passport",
"MessageTimer.Months_many": "%@ years",
"MessageTimer.Months_many": "%@ months",
"Time.PreciseDate_m3": "Mar %1$@, %2$@ at %3$@",
"CheckoutInfo.ShippingInfoCountryPlaceholder": "Country",
"ForwardedPolls_0": "%@ forwarded polls",
@ -879,6 +887,7 @@
"SettingsSearch.Synonyms.ChatSettings.OpenLinksIn": "Browser",
"Conversation.ContextMenuSelectAll_any": "Select All %@ Items",
"Channel.About.Placeholder": "Description (Optional)",
"DeleteAccount.Options.DeleteChatsText": "Learn how to remove any info you don\u2019t need in a few taps.",
"Passport.Language.sl": "Slovenian",
"AttachmentMenu.SendPhoto_many": "Send %@ Photos",
"AppleWatch.Title": "Apple Watch",
@ -1511,6 +1520,7 @@
"ProfilePhoto.SetMainPhoto": "Set as Main Photo",
"ChangePhoneNumberNumber.NewNumber": "NEW NUMBER",
"Time.MonthOfYear_m3": "March %@",
"DeleteAccount.Options.ClearCacheTitle": "Clear Cache",
"Watch.ChannelInfo.Title": "Channel Info",
"State.Updating": "Updating...",
"Conversation.UnblockUser": "Unblock User",
@ -1519,6 +1529,7 @@
"SharedMedia.Photo_2": "2 photos",
"Watch.Compose.AddContact": "Choose Contact",
"PeerInfo.DeleteToneTitle": "Delete Tone",
"DeleteAccount.Options.ClearSyncedContactsText": "Remove any unnecessary contacts you may have synced.",
"Conversation.Dice.u26BD": "Send a football emoji to try your luck.",
"AccessDenied.PhotosRestricted": "Photo access is restricted for Telegram.\n\nPlease go to Settings > General > Restrictions > Photos and set Telegram to ON.",
"Channel.AdminLog.MessageRank": "changed custom title:\n%1$@",
@ -1614,6 +1625,7 @@
"AuthSessions.TerminateOtherSessionsText": "Are you sure you want to terminate all other sessions?",
"Notification.RenamedChat": "%@ renamed group",
"Passport.PasswordCompleteSetup": "Complete Password Setup",
"DeleteAccount.Options.AddAccountPremiumText": "You can use up to 4 accounts in one app at the same time.",
"Premium.Limits.CaptionsInfo": "Use longer descriptions for your photos and videos",
"Notification.ChangedGroupVideo": "%@ changed group video",
"Forward.ConfirmMultipleFiles_many": "Send %@ files to {target}?",
@ -1695,6 +1707,7 @@
"Appstore.Fast.Chat6": "**Little Sister**\nDon't tell mom yet, but I got the job! I'm going to ROME!",
"Message.File": "File",
"Calls.NoCallsPlaceholder": "Your recent calls will appear here",
"DeleteAccount.DeleteMyAccount": "Delete My Account",
"Calendar.ShortWed": "W",
"Media.SharePhoto_many": "All %@ Photos",
"ChatList.GenericPsaLabel": "PSA",
@ -1755,6 +1768,7 @@
"AuthSessions.AddDevice.ScanInfo": "Scan a QR code to log into\nthis account on another device.",
"Notifications.ExceptionsMuted": "Muted",
"VoiceChat.TapToViewScreenVideo": "Tap to view screen sharing",
"DeleteAccount.Options.SetTwoStepAuthTitle": "Enable Two-Step Verification",
"Conversation.ScheduleMessage.SendWhenOnline": "Send When Online",
"Channel.BlackList.Title": "Blacklist",
"PasscodeSettings.4DigitCode": "4-Digit Numeric Code",
@ -2140,6 +2154,7 @@
"ChatList.EmptyChatList": "You have no\nconversations yet.",
"WebApp.AddToAttachmentAdd": "Add",
"Channel.BanUser.Unban": "Unban",
"DeleteAccount.CloudStorageTitle": "Your Free Cloud Storage",
"Message.GenericForwardedPsa": "Public Service Announcement\nFrom: %@",
"Appearance.TextSize.Apply": "Set",
"Conversation.MessageViewCommentsFormat": "%1$@ %2$@",
@ -2200,6 +2215,7 @@
"GroupInfo.InviteLink.Help": "Anyone who has Telegram installed will be able to join your group by following this link.",
"VoiceOver.BotKeyboard": "Bot Keyboard",
"Channel.BanUser.BlockFor": "Block For",
"DeleteAccount.CloudStorageText": "You will lose access to all your Saved Messages as well as all messages, media and files from your chats.",
"Bot.Start": "Start",
"Your_card_has_expired": "Your card has expired.",
"Channel.About.Title": "Description",
@ -2216,6 +2232,7 @@
"StickerPack.Add": "Add",
"Theme.ErrorNotFound": "Sorry, this color theme doesn't seem to exist.",
"Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedThemeSet": "%1$@ changed chat theme to %2$@",
"DeleteAccount.Options.ContactSupportTitle": "Contact Support",
"ChatSettings.StickersAndReactions": "Stickers and Emoji",
"SharedMedia.Link_2": "2 links",
"Wallpaper.SearchShort": "Search",
@ -2247,6 +2264,7 @@
"Invite.LargeRecipientsCountWarning": "Please note that it may take some time for your device to send all of these invitations",
"Passport.Address.Street1Placeholder": "Street and number, P.O. box",
"Appearance.ColorThemeNight": "COLOR THEME \u2014 AUTO-NIGHT MODE",
"DeleteAccount.EnterPassword": "Enter Your Password",
"ChannelInfo.Stats": "View Statistics",
"Widget.ShortcutsGalleryTitle": "Shortcuts",
"TwoStepAuth.RecoveryTitle": "E-Mail Code",
@ -2943,6 +2961,7 @@
"Permissions.PrivacyPolicy": "Privacy Policy",
"VoiceOver.Chat.YourMusic": "Your music message",
"SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Notifications.ResetAllNotifications": " ",
"DeleteAccount.GroupsAndChannelsText": "The groups and channels you created will either get new admins or become orphaned.",
"Conversation.EmptyGifPanelPlaceholder": "You have no saved GIFs yet.\nEnter @gif to search.",
"Conversation.ContextMenuOpenChannel": "Open Channel",
"Conversation.RequestsToJoin_3_10": "%@ Requests to Join",
@ -3296,6 +3315,7 @@
"Conversation.ReadAllReactions": "Read All Reactions",
"OwnershipTransfer.Transfer": "Transfer",
"Notification.Exceptions.Sound": "Sound: %@",
"DeleteAccount.DeleteMyAccountTitle": "Delete My Account",
"Passport.Language.pt": "Portuguese",
"PrivacySettings.WebSessions": "Active Websites",
"ServiceMessage.GameScoreSelfExtended_3_10": "You scored %@ in {game}",
@ -3366,6 +3386,7 @@
"ReportPeer.ReasonOther.Title": "Report",
"Conversation.ScheduleMessage.Title": "Schedule Message",
"PeerInfo.ButtonDiscuss": "Discuss",
"DeleteAccount.Options.SetTwoStepAuthText": "Set a password that will be required each time you log in.",
"SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Notifications.BadgeIncludeMutedPublicGroups": " ",
"Call.StatusNoAnswer": "No Answer",
"MessageTimer.ShortWeeks_3_10": "%@w",
@ -3436,6 +3457,7 @@
"Watch.Conversation.Reply": "Reply",
"VoiceChat.Share": "Share Invite Link",
"VoiceChat.AddPhoto": "Add Photo",
"DeleteAccount.Options.ClearCacheText": "Free up disk space on your device; your media will stay in the cloud.",
"Chat.PanelUnpinAllMessages": "Unpin All Messages",
"WallpaperPreview.Pattern": "Pattern",
"CheckoutInfo.ReceiverInfoEmail": "Email",
@ -3469,6 +3491,7 @@
"AccessDenied.Wallpapers": "Telegram needs access to your photo library to set a custom chat background.\n\nPlease go to Settings > Privacy > Photos and set Telegram to ON.",
"Channel.AdminLog.MessageChangedGroupAbout": "%@ edited group description",
"Weekday.Sunday": "Sunday",
"DeleteAccount.Options.SetPasscodeTitle": "Set a Passcode",
"InviteText.ContactsCountText_many": "Hey, I'm using Telegram to chat \u2013 and so are %@ of our other contacts. Join us! Download it here: {url}",
"SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Privacy.GroupsAndChannels": " ",
"PeopleNearby.MakeVisibleDescription": "Users nearby will be able to view your profile and send you messages. This may help you find new friends, but could also attract excessive attention. You can stop sharing your profile at any time.\n\nYour phone number will remain hidden.",
@ -3520,6 +3543,7 @@
"VoiceOver.Chat.UnreadMessages_3_10": "%@ unread messages",
"PUSH_CHAT_MESSAGE": "%2$@|%1$@ sent a message",
"Notifications.GroupChatsTitle": "Group Chats",
"DeleteAccount.Continue": "Continue",
"Notification.PinnedAudioMessage": "%@ pinned a voice message",
"TwoStepAuth.RecoveryUnavailableResetTitle": "Reset Password",
"Chat.NextChannelSameLocationSwipeAction": "Release to go to the next unread channel",
@ -3719,6 +3743,7 @@
"Month.ShortDecember": "Dec",
"Username.Help": "You can choose a username on **Telegram**. If you do, other people will be able to find you by this username and contact you without knowing your phone number.\n\nYou can use **a-z**, **0-9** and underscores. Minimum length is **5** characters.",
"Login.InfoAvatarAdd": "add",
"DeleteAccount.ConfirmationAlertTitle": "Proceed to Delete Your Account?",
"Month.ShortMay": "May",
"DialogList.UnknownPinLimitError": "Sorry, you can't pin any more chats to the top.",
"PasscodeSettings.AutoLock.IfAwayFor_5hours": "If away for 5 hours",
@ -3799,6 +3824,7 @@
"AutoDownloadSettings.OffForAll": "Off for all chats",
"Channel.AdminLog.CreatedInviteLink": "%1$@ created invite link %2$@",
"Privacy.GroupsAndChannels.InviteToChannelMultipleError": "Sorry, you can't create a group with these users due to their privacy settings.",
"DeleteAccount.InvalidPhoneNumberError": "Invalid phone number. Please try again.",
"AutoDownloadSettings.PreloadVideo": "Preload Larger Videos",
"Conversation.CopyProtectionSavingDisabledBot": "Saving from this bot is restricted",
"CreatePoll.Quiz": "Quiz Mode",
@ -4080,6 +4106,7 @@
"Localization.InterfaceLanguage": "Interface Language",
"AttachmentMenu.SendItem_2": "Send 2 Items",
"Notifications.ExceptionsMessagePlaceholder": "This section will list all private chats with non-default notification settings.",
"DeleteAccount.Options.ChangePrivacyTitle": "Change Your Privacy Settings",
"TwoStepAuth.EnterPasswordForgot": "Forgot password?",
"InviteLink.InviteLinks_1": "%@ invite link",
"StickerPacks.DeleteStickerPacksConfirmation_2": "Delete %@ Sticker Sets",
@ -4174,6 +4201,7 @@
"VoiceChat.VideoPreviewBackCamera": "Back Camera",
"Watch.LastSeen.WithinAWeek": "within a week",
"Calendar.ShortThu": "T",
"DeleteAccount.SavedMessages": "Saved",
"Stats.GroupTopPosterChars_any": "%@ symbols per message",
"MessagePoll.SubmitVote": "Vote",
"ChatSettings.AutoDownloadEnabled": "Auto-Download Media",
@ -4207,6 +4235,7 @@
"Chat.MultipleTextMessagesDisabled": "Slowmode is enabled. You can't send multiple messages at once.",
"InviteLink.ContextDelete": "Delete",
"Notification.LeftChat": "%@ left the group",
"DeleteAccount.Success": "The account has been successfully deleted.",
"ForwardedMessages_2": "2 forwarded messages",
"WebSearch.SearchNoResults": "No Results",
"Channel.DiscussionGroup.Create": "Create New Group",
@ -4368,6 +4397,7 @@
"ReportPeer.ReasonChildAbuse": "Child Abuse",
"Channel.AdminLog.MessageUnkickedNameUsername": "unbanned %1$@ (%2$@)",
"InfoPlist.NSContactsUsageDescription": "Telegram will continuously upload your contacts to its heavily encrypted cloud servers to let you connect with your friends across all your devices.",
"DeleteAccount.GroupsAndChannelsTitle": "Your Groups and Channels",
"Conversation.EmailCopied": "Email copied to clipboard",
"AutoNightTheme.UseSunsetSunrise": "Use Location Sunset & Sunrise",
"Channel.OwnershipTransfer.ChangeOwner": "Change Owner",
@ -4473,6 +4503,7 @@
"Invitation.Members_many": "%@ members:",
"Media.SendWithTimer": "Send With Timer",
"SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Notifications.Title": " ",
"DeleteAccount.Options.ChangePrivacyText": "Choose who exactly can see which of your info.",
"Channel.EditAdmin.PermissionEnabledByDefault": "This option is permitted for all members in Group Permissions.",
"GroupInfo.GroupHistoryShort": "Chat History",
"PasscodeSettings.AutoLock.Disabled": "Disabled",
@ -4480,6 +4511,7 @@
"Conversation.Theme.DismissAlert": "Do you want to apply the selected theme to the chat?",
"DialogList.LiveLocationSharingTo": "sharing with %@",
"ForwardedContacts_0": "%@ forwarded contacts",
"DeleteAccount.ComeBackLater": "Come Back Later",
"PUSH_CHAT_REACT_DOC": "%2$@|%1$@ %3$@ to your file",
"TwoStepAuth.EmailPlaceholder": "Your E-Mail",
"BlockedUsers.Title": "Blocked",
@ -4562,6 +4594,7 @@
"PrivacySettings.AutoArchiveTitle": "NEW CHATS FROM UNKNOWN USERS",
"GroupInfo.InviteLink.LinkSection": "LINK",
"FastTwoStepSetup.EmailPlaceholder": "Your E-Mail",
"DeleteAccount.Options.ChangePhoneNumberTitle": "Change Phone Number",
"SharedMedia.Generic_many": "%@ media files",
"Conversation.ForwardOptions.ChannelMessagesForwardHidden": "Subscribers won't see they were forwarded",
"StickerPacksSettings.ArchivedMasks": "Archived Masks",
@ -4757,6 +4790,7 @@
"KeyCommand.JumpToPreviousChat": "Jump to Previous Chat",
"VoiceChat.InviteLink.CopySpeakerLink": "Copy Speaker Link",
"Invitation.JoinVoiceChatAsListener": "Join as Listener",
"DeleteAccount.MessageHistoryText": "Your chat partners will keep their message history with you, including the messages you shared in secret chats.\n\nYou can remove any messages for both sides at any time, but this will not be possible if you delete your account.",
"DialogList.SearchSubtitleFormat": "%1$@, %2$@",
"Stats.GroupMembers": "Members",
"Camera.Retake": "Retake",
@ -4976,6 +5010,7 @@
"ChatList.SelectedChats_0": "%@ Chats Selected",
"Checkout.SavePasswordTimeout": "Would you like to save your password for %@?",
"StickerPack.AddMaskCount_many": "Add %@ Masks",
"SettingsSearch.DeleteAccount.DeleteMyAccount": " ",
"Passport.Identity.TypeInternalPassport": "Internal Passport",
"Appearance.ThemePreview.Chat.4.Text": "For relaxing times, make it Suntory time. \ud83d\ude0e",
"Bot.AddToChat.Add.Title": "Add Bot",
@ -5116,6 +5151,7 @@
"AuthSessions.DevicesTitle": "Devices",
"DialogList.MultipleTyping": "%@ and %@",
"Message.LiveLocation": "Live Location",
"DeleteAccount.GroupsAndChannelsInfo": "You can transfer group and channel ownership to other users via Chat Info > Edit > Admins.",
"Watch.Suggestion.BRB": "BRB",
"Channel.BanUser.Title": "Ban User",
"SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Privacy.Data.Title": " ",
@ -5308,6 +5344,7 @@
"AutoNightTheme.ScheduledFrom": "From",
"ChatSettings.AutoDownloadDocuments": "Documents",
"SharedMedia.File_3_10": "%@ files",
"DeleteAccount.Options.AddAccountText": "You can use up to 3 accounts in one app at the same time.",
"ConvertToSupergroup.Note": "**Note**: this action can't be undone.",
"Settings.SetNewProfilePhotoOrVideo": "Set New Photo or Video",
"PrivacySettings.PasscodeAndTouchId": "Passcode & Touch ID",
@ -5381,6 +5418,7 @@
"PUSH_MESSAGE_FWDS_TEXT_any": "forwarded you %d messages",
"ChatList.MessagePhotos_1": "1 Photo",
"WebApp.RemoveBot": "Remove Bot",
"DeleteAccount.InvalidPasswordError": "Invalid password. Please try again.",
"Passport.PasswordReset": "All documents uploaded to your Telegram Passport will be lost. You will be able to upload new documents.",
"LiveStream.DisplayAsSuccess": "Members of this live stream will now see your as **%@**.",
"Stats.MessageForwards_1": "%@ forward",
@ -5448,6 +5486,7 @@
"GroupInfo.BroadcastListNamePlaceholder": "List Name",
"Chat.PinnedListPreview.UnpinAllMessages": "Unpin All Messages",
"Wallpaper.ResetWallpapersInfo": "Remove all uploaded chat backgrounds and restore pre-installed backgrounds for all themes.",
"DeleteAccount.ConfirmationAlertDelete": "Delete My Account",
"Conversation.TitleUnmute": "Unmute",
"Group.Setup.TypeHeader": "GROUP TYPE",
"Conversation.ForwardTooltip.ManyChats.One": "Message forwarded to **%@** and %@ others",
@ -5633,6 +5672,7 @@
"Channel.DiscussionMessageUnavailable": "Sorry, this post has been removed from the discussion group.",
"UserInfo.ContactForwardTooltip.TwoChats.One": "Contact forwarded to **%@** and **%@**",
"VoiceChat.RecordTitle": "Record Video Chat",
"DeleteAccount.Options.ClearSyncedContactsTitle": "Clear Synced Contacts",
"GroupInfo.ActionPromote": "Promote",
"Group.OwnershipTransfer.ErrorLocatedGroupsTooMuch": "Sorry, the target user has too many location-based groups already. Please ask them to delete or transfer one of their existing ones first.",
"Media.LimitedAccessSelectMore": "Select More Photos...",
@ -5701,6 +5741,7 @@
"Group.Location.ChangeLocation": "Change Location",
"VoiceOver.Chat.MessagesSelected_3_10": "%@ messages selected",
"Passport.Address.TypeBankStatementUploadScan": "Upload a scan of your bank statement",
"DeleteAccount.Options.ChangePhoneNumberText": "Move your contacts, chats and media to a new number.",
"VoiceOver.Media.PlaybackStop": "Stop playback",
"SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Data.SaveIncomingPhotos": " ",
"Notifications.ExceptionMuteExpires.Hours_many": "In %@ hours",
@ -5745,6 +5786,7 @@
"SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Data.AutoDownloadUsingCellular": " ",
"LiveStream.RecordingSaved": "Live stream recording saved to **Saved Messages**.",
"ChangePhoneNumberCode.Help": "We have sent you an SMS with the code",
"DeleteAccount.MessageHistoryTitle": "Your Message History",
"Passport.Identity.OneOfTypeIdentityCard": "identity card",
"Channel.AdminLogFilter.EventsLeaving": "Members Removed",
"MESSAGE_NOTHEME": "%1$@ changed theme to default one",
@ -5990,6 +6032,7 @@
"Login.InfoLastNamePlaceholder": "Last Name",
"InviteLink.CreatedBy": "Link Created By",
"MemberRequests.RequestToJoinSentDescriptionGroup": "You will be added to the group once it admins approve your request.",
"DeleteAccount.ConfirmationAlertText": "Deleting your account will permanently delete your data!\n\nIt is imposible to reverse this action!",
"Passport.FieldAddress": "Residential Address",
"SettingsSearch.Synonyms.Calls.Title": " ",
"Call.Hours_1": "%@ hour",